A DISCOURSE OF THE Decay of Trade, The Necessity of Recovering: The Danger of Neglecting: The Advantage of Effecting: With the proper Means to Accomplish the same. Whereby the War itself will become as certainly Advantageous, as a Peace will be Destructive. Humbly Presented by James Whiston. WHilst England had few or no Rivals in Trade, and the Riches of the World flowed into her Lap, she Lived at Ease (slumbering in the Downy Bed of Peace) wallowed in Pleasures, and had no other Unhappyness, but in being too happy; Her Abundance begot Idleness, and that a Stupid Security; so that she was not at Leisure, either to Improve her own Advantages, or Countercheck the Designs of her Neighbours, who Aggrandise themselves at our Expense and Impoverishment. But now 'tis high time to awaken all the Vital Powers of State, and rouse the very Soul of Government from this slothful Lethargy, to see the Danger of our Condition, and provide for a Remedy; For if the Kingdom consults either her Safety or Greatness, the only means of acquiring those Signal Blessings, is, by making herself Mistress of the Seas: That, once obtained (which with Submission) by these Methods humbly offered, and effectually pursued, (by Divine Assistance may undoubtedly be accomplished) she has a fair Assurance, (without the horror of much War, hazard of Mighty Armies, and Charge of Numerous Garrisons) of gaining the Chief Trade of the World, which we above all Nations upon Earth, have at this time, not only the fairest opportunity, but the greatest Necessity of Endeavouring to obtain. Forasmuch as the Strength or Weakness, Wealth or Poverty of this Kingdom wholly depends upon the Good or Ill Management of Foreign Trade, into which (as into a wide Wilderness) Thousands are Entered, yet few or none (though of the largest Experience) are able to comprehend the vast Advantages thereby accrueing to the Public. For oftentimes the Merchant may get when the Public loses, and as frequently the Public may get when the Merchant loses; both which ought to be Jointly provided for, since it is not Just that either should be prejudiced; in regard the Public must be taken care of, and the Merchant is as it were the Steward of the Kingdom's Stock, which by his Good or Ill Management, proportionably either Languishes or Increases. Therefore how highly is it the Indispensable Concernment of the Government, to make it their utmost Care and Labour to Understand, Preserve, and Improve this one thing necessary, which since Trade hath been known, hath never been rightly managed, and without which amendment we can never be happy: But if we gain the Ascendant over her (who is now the World's most Celebrated and Courted Mistress) we shall without undertaking much of the Toils of Alexander and the Caesars, make ourselves in Effect Masters of the Four Quarters of the Earth, and all England become as one City of Trade, and the General Emporie of the World. Hereby the Nation will be abundantly Enriched, and Money being the very Life of War, and Sinews of all Public Action, we shall be enabled to bring the World into a Dependant Awe, send out our Superfluities at what Profit we please, and also return the Richest Commodities of the Remotest Climates at our own Prices: The People will be Contented, and the Exchequer maintained in a Full Spring Tide, ready to encounter all Emergencyes; so that it can't be within the reach of the World's United Power to do us prejudice. Neither will the Subject only, but His Majesty also reap an Equal Advantage: It will render him a King of Free and Able Men, which is far more Glorious than to be a King of Slaves, Beggars, and Bankrupts: And it is an undeniable Maxim in all States, That 'tis less dangerous and dishonour for the Prince to be poor, than his People; Rich Subjects can make their King Rich when they please: If He gain their Hearts, He will quickly be Master of their Purses. This would exceedingly raise our Reputation abroad, and enable His Majesty to keep his Enemies in Fear, his Subjects in Peace, and his Confederates in Security. For, Since the Introduction of the New Artillery of Powder Guns, etc. and the Discovery of the Wealth of the Indies, etc. War is become rather an Expense of Money than Men, and Success attends those that can most and longest spend Money: Whence it is that Prince's Armies in Europe are become more proportionable to their Purses than to the Number of their People; So that it uncontrollably follows that a Foreign Trade Managed to the best Advantage, will make our Nation so Strong and Rich, that we may Command the Trade of the World, the Riches of it, and consequently the World itself; especially now a days, since no Obligation either of Religion or Allegiance, so much prevails upon Military Men as the certain prospect of Reward, being chief Influenced by their Pay, as the Price of their Blood. Neither will the pursuing these Proposals, augment the Nations Wealth and Power only, but that Wealth and Power will also preserve our Trade and Religion, they mutually working for the preservation of each other, and vastly Increase Industrious People: And since those who live by the Arts, are far more in Number than they who are Masters of the Fruits, we ought the rather to Maintain the Endeavours of the Multitude, in whom doth consist the greatest Strength and Riches both of King, and Kingdom. Where Trade is, there will be Employment: Where Employment is, thither People will resort: And where People resort, there will be a Consumption of Commodities, and thereby the Public Revenue will be raised, so that would we once make Trade flourish, we need not doubt, but People from all parts of the Globe, would resort hither to enjoy themselves, and Improve their Stocks: For Trade is the Life-Blood that runs through the Veins of the Nation, that moves, maintains, and enlivens the whole Body of the People from the meanest Cottage, to the Royal Throne; So Bountiful is it, that it would extend itself to all Sorts, and Conditions of Men. And though most Nations are sensible of this great Benefit (particularly the Dutch and French) who own their Strength and Greatness to the Favour of Trade, yet neither of them are able to compare with us, either in Quantities of Native Commodities, Manufactures, and Artists, or of Neighbourhood to the Sea, Convenient Ports, Goodness of Shipping, great Numbers of Rich Merchants, and Tradesmen (who have beyond others a Natural Genius of Understanding the Mystery of Trade,) Able Mariners, Provision of Victuals, etc. All which happily concur in our Dominions (divided from all the World besides by a Wall of Water) as if God and Nature had designed this Island for the Grand Market of the Universe. Not only the Increase of Seamen, and Shipping (those Bulwarks of the British Empire,) the Encouragement of Manufactories, but the Increase of Industrious Inhabitants, (which if duly Employed can never be too many, their Multitudes being always the Original Riches, as well as Strength of this Nation) and the raising the Value of Land, and Improving of Rents, the Products of good Husbandry, and in fine, all the Happiness and Glory of England depends upon the Encouragement and good Management of Trade; which for want thereof (being outdone by our Neighbours) is so far declined, that it now cries aloud for all the Art and Industry of the Government to Regain and Preserve her from utter Ruin: For except the Breaches made in her, are timely Repaired, the Nation must unavoidably sink into Chaos, and Confusion. Wherefore since Schools, Universities, Inns of Court and Colleges have been Erected for the Advancement of Arts and Learning with Regulations and Inspectors for the better Government of their several Faculties, which are out of all Comparison with the Fruits of a duly regulated Trade, by which they are all maintained: And withal considering that this Great Lady (affecting Freedom and Security hath no Inclination to continue under the Arbitrary Power of some Princes, nor the uncertain Fate of others; with whom she hath resided only as a Sojournour) (notwithstanding she hath been very highly caressed and embraced by them) is ready to espouse both our Interest and Nation, and with herself bring in Dowry the Treasures of the World, if we would but vouchsafe to give her a speedy and kind Entertainment; being very sensible of the great Advantage we give her▪ not only by our Free Enjoyment of Civil Rights, and Properties, but by knocking off the Shackles upon Conscience, the Continuance of which so long Depopulated this Nation, both by discouraging Ingenious Persons from Repairing hither, and by forcing those of our own Country to seek Freedom elsewhere, and Cramping the Industry of others that remain by rendering them a prey to each other: Which deadly Wound did not end here, but Debauchery and Profaneness were increased to such Degree, that the Nation was dissolved in Luxury, and Intemperance, whilst the French had the Wit to take the Advantage of our Negligence, by Encouraging Industry and Commerce (which all the while we were Labouring to overthrow and undervalue,) By which means chief he is become so troublesome to us, and so dreadful to some of our Neighbours. How absolutely necessary is it then that all possible endeavours be made (as the Examples of our Neighbours Successful Industry, and our own Sloth and neglect sufficiently warn us) to study the ablest Means and Methods for Improvement of Trade, to be considered and discussed by proper Judges of the Case, (Viz. a Select Society or Committee of Traders accordingly Skilled and Experienced:) By which means we should soon feel the warm Beams thereof extending their Bountiful Influence over the whole Kingdom. Upon the Fitness of Persons chosen depends the Good or Ill Success of this Great Design, For, the Artsman is ever the best Counsellor in his own Profession, and every Honest Able Man is safest to be Credited in the better Improvement of the Mystery he professes. If the business of Salvation be in Debate, we apply ourselves to some professing the Ministry: If the Dispute be concerning the Title to an Estate, we disire the Judgement of a Lawyer: If Sick, we Consult a Physician: So when the Trade of a Nation is to be Secured or Advanced, the Merchants and Tradesman's Advice is questionless best able to accomplish the same: For let any Versed in Trade but reflect, how many Interfering Accidents belong to that Mystery, and how many various Shapes every Branch of it hath taken before it arrived to Perfection; and they will conclude it impossible for Noblemen and Gentlemen not Educated in Trade, ever to Arrive at a perfect Understanding of the Matters in Question; for want of which their Judgements are Abused by Clamour, Importunity, Prejudice, Partiality, or some other prevailing Bias; and seldom or never if the Matter be of Importance enough to require Debating, come to a right Decision; to the manifest Abuse of the People, Damage of the Nation, and Disparagement of that Council or Committee. Therefore that the Predominancy of that many headed-Monster Private Interest, that hath spun so fine a Thread, and twisted itself into so many Disguises, may not insinuate any Prejudice against this Proposal: This Establishment will be no ways an Infringement of Royal Prerogative, nor any Entrenchment upon the Privileges, or Invasion of the Province of our High Court of Parliament. On the contrary, it will be an useful Assistance and Ease to both, more especially to that great Council, necessarily Subministring to them, in the due Inspection and Inquiry into Matters, and Things, which cannot so fully fall under their Cognizance and Examination, and accordingly be more Reputably and Commodiously handed up to them for their Approbation: Their Doors and Ears being always open to the Poorest Person, that shall offer any thing of Public Advantage. This Committee must be Capable of opening a yet much fairer Light, and Insight into Trade, (with Submission) even to the Wisdom of Parliaments themselves; who may thereby be the better enabled to Redress all those maladministrations, and non-Improvements of Trade, which through the difficulty of Access, and the Multiplicity of their other Affairs and Fatigues, cannot so easily fall under a sufficient Parliamentary Inquiry. It is an Infallible Truth that we cannot long continue as we are; And that we can never Meliorate but by this, or such like Method as here proposed: Without some such Helps and Succours as may be drawn from hence, we must go from one Distraction to another, till we come to be utterly destroyed. So that if the Earnest Expectations of the People be disappointed, by making use of Unsuitable Expedients, the Ship of this Commonwealth (which by Embracing the Proposed Methods may be in a fair way of entering into a Safe Harbour) on the contrary will be driven to Sea again in a Storm, and must expect another favourable Wind to save it, and God knows whether ever that may come. For the Poise and Balance of Affairs is not now as in former Ages. The Bulk of France is grown too unwieldy for the rest of the World; And we have (morally speaking) not hopes of Redemption, from being Crushed by her, if any yet greater Weight be added to her Scale. It is humbly proposed that an Order be Issued forth to the Sheriffs of each County, Commanding them to give Notice to the several Merchants and Traders (as hereafter mentioned) to meet at a certain time to choose Annually Representatives, By a Ballading Box, according as the afore said Order shall Direct, To sit at the Guild-Hall, or some Convenient Place in London, as a Committee fully Authorised and Impower'd to Inquire and Examine into all Matters Relating to Trade. In London, 2 East India-Company 2 African Company 2 Turkey-Company 2 Italy 2 Spain 2 Portugal 2 Barbadoes 2 Silk Manufacturers 12 Masters of Ships chosen by Trinity-House. 2 Nevis and Antego 2 Montserat and St. Christopher's 2 Jamaica 2 Virginia and Mary-land 2 New York and New-England 2 East-country 2 Hamborough and Holland 2 Canaries and Maderas. 2 Sipwrights. 2 Northumberland for Coals 2 Derbyshire for Led 2 Cornwall for Tinn 2 Devonshire for Clothing 2 Somersetshire for Clothing 2 Wiltshire for Clothing 2 Yorkshire for Clothing 2 Norfolk for Fishing 1 Gloucester and Worcester for Clothing. 2 Norfolk for Stuffs 2 Birmigham and Sheffeild for Iron-Ware 2 Devonshire for Fishery 2 For Colchester, with some other Places as shall be thought fit may be added, etc. Suppose the Number be a Hundred (or more) Persons in all, there will never meet one time with another above Forty, who may divide into Sub-Committees for the quicker dispatch of Business, as they do in the East-India and African Companies; which at Ten Shillings A piece for each Time, and Meeting twice per Week, is Forty 3000 Pound per Week, which for Fifty Weeks is— 3000 The Chief Clerk and his Servants per Annum— 0500 And for Coach-Hire, Letters, Fire, Candle, and other necessary 0500 Expenses— 0500 l. 4000 That they have power to Receive all Overtures relating to Trade, and to Grant Rewards suitable to those Discoveries or Services that shall be rendered by any Person, out of the profit of their sundry Discoveries, or otherwise, according as the Nature of such Discovery shall be. To which Effect there are Thousands who would offer considerable Matters of vast Improvements did they know once whom to apply to. That there be a Register of their Votes for, and against every Matter. That whatever Proposals are offered to the Committee, shall be read three times before they be Rejected, and their Reasons for such Rejection shall be Annexed. That the Committee shall have power to Choose their Officers, and to allow Salaries (as beforementioned) which they shall signify by Certificate to the Lords of the Treasury, who shall be Authorised and Obliged to pay the same, together with the Ten Shillings apiece for the Commissioners, and such Rewards as can't be taken out of some Proposals. That the said Commissioners shall be obliged to give Their Majesties (and Parliament when sitting), and Account from time to time, of the growing Emoluments of Trade, and of the Obstructions of the General Improvement; That so from such Reports Their Majesties and the Parliament may the better be Advised how to make Laws suitable for the Encouragement of the Public Benefit. Innumerable and almost Infinite are the Benefits which both King and People will reap from such a Committee: And this Proposer is ready to Impart to the said Committee several Proposals of Considerable Importance, whereby he doubts not but they will be Enabled to Accomplish all the great Designs here mentioned too Voluminous for him particularly to insert, or indeed to make Intelligible without mature Debates before Persons experienced in these Matters. Here we have at one View the Diseases of our Languishing State represented to us. Their Progress Traced through the Variety of their Fits and Paroxisms, and the most suitable Medicines for our Recovery plainly pointed out, and set before us: The Embracing whereof will as undoubtedly Ascertain our Happiness, as the Neglect Ensure our Ruin, and Enhance our Misery. 'Tis true indeed, that Peace is the greatest of National Felicities, and aught to be our most desirable Blessing, especially if we look back to that Effusion of Blood and Expense of Treasure has already been made. And therefore to sound the Trumpet for the Encouragement of War must be somewhat ungrateful in our Ears. However, when those Two most Potent Motives, Honour and Interest lay that unavoidable necessity upon us, That 'tis impossible we can Sheath our Swords with any thing less than giving up our Necks to a most certain Slavery, War and only War is our Common Security. Peace made up with an Enemy, whose Power is too strong, and his Fidelity to weak▪ is only a Cobweb-Lawn to break through at pleasure, and a Reconciliation of Friendship with such a Prince, is the only means to Empower him to be a more dangerous, because then a more Surprising Enemy. Should France in her present height of Greatness give a Cessation to her Hostility (as undoubtedly her Circumstances as formidable as now they are, would gladly Embrace, and possibly herself make the first Court for a Peace, how Inglorious a one to us I will not determine) 'tis certain She can never give a Cessation to her Ambition: And 'tis as certain that War is only Raked up, not Quenched, when the Coals of Ambition are still Glowing, that at any Convenient Rupture may set it fresh a Blazing. To that Aspirer that so visibly aims at Universal Monarchy, Universal Peace can be no more than Disguise and Stratagem. The Snake in the Grass is but too notoriously to be suspected under so false, how seemingly fair Bed of Flowers. In short, in any present Accommodation with France, her holding her hand will be no other than to take Breath to enable her to make a stronger Blow. These Unanswerable Truths considered, all Thoughts of present Peace with France carry that pernicious Face, that the Consequences must be fatal For any such Peace will be more grievous than a State of War. For our Necessary and Continual Watchfulness and Caution under such a Peace would put us to such a Charge, such a Lingering and Continued Expense, that must be Infinitely more Frightful than the whole Load of a Vigorous and Pushing War. 'Tis true, we may Flatter ourselves with a short hope of Rest, but then we must sleep in Armour, if we think to wake safe Thus far appears the Visible Necessity of Continuing the War with France, as to our Safety. Now let us consider the Motives for Continuing that War, as to our Profit and Advantages we shall receive from it. If it were possible a present Peace could be made with France, even without the forementioned Frights and Hazards, That Safety and Secuity should so hemm us round, that that Turbulent Monarch should give us no Terrors nor Alarms; and consequently give us some small Retrenchment of our Cautionary Charge and Expense, yet what will be the Issue of this Peace? First, We restore him the Free Trade with England; In which France receives Immense Sums per Annum of our Money more and above our Commerce in Goods Exchanged with them. Next it will restore him all that free Commerce again with the rest of the World, which during the War, has been so considerably Curtailed, to the Entire Ease of all his now groaning Subjects, to the heartening his Tired and Fatigued Armies, and to the full Replenishing of his own (at present Exhausted) Treasures: and if at this Ebb of his Exchequer, with all those Encumbrances, he is able to stand against the United Forces of Christendom; What will several Recruiting Years of Peace add to his Power? but the rendering him so much yet stronger, as to start out again into some new War, and pour that Torrent upon us, (when least suspected, and when we are least provided) which all Europe may not be able to stem, And what then follows, Let our most dreadful Apprehensions imagine. Now under our present indispensible Necessity of War, the Public Benefits and Great End of this Committee of Trade will be this, That besides the Impoverishing, and consequently weakening of France, by Their care of Securing our Navigation from the French Rapine, etc. They will likewise be able so far to Improve our present Trade, That our Additional Advantages thereby Gained to the Nation, shall more than pay for the War to the Easing of the greatest part of our Burden, and thereby the Cheering our Cause, and Edging our Swords, whilst England has moreover this further Privilege above the rest of the Confederacy, that whilst the War is within their Bowels, we have the Happiness of seeing it removed from our Doors. Our Purses only feel the Pain of it, and this Remedy is the only Means to Cure that Pain; together with many Unvaluable Helps this Committee will be able to supply the Government withal. Here it not too Ungrateful a Theme (for what is more distasteful than the Remembrance of past Glories, and the Upbraid of present shame?) The bare Recollection of our former Honour, and the Reflection on our present Remissness, would be sufficient to awake our Drowsy Lethargy, and Exalt the English Genius into the Noble Sphere of Ancient Grandeur. Can we pretend to have English Blood in our Veins, and suffer the Insulting Monsieur to Ravish our Darling Mistress under our very Noses! To Commit a Rape upon our Trade in our own Channel, and on our own Coast? Have our Forefathers with Expense of their blood and almost insupportable Toil passed through an Ocean of hazards to Esbalish our Title, and Assert the English right to the Seas, to extend our Trade and Commerce beyond our Plantations, and joined the most distant parts of the World in a Correspondence with us? Have they done thus much for us and shall we disparage their Labours and Reproach ourselves by a Stupid and Supine negligence? Have we not formerly been the Envy, as well as Terror of our Neighbours? else why have they of late so industriously Laboured to bereave us of our peculiar Advantage, Trade, except they believed their Interest to Consist in our Loss, and that the Acquisition of so Rich a Prize alone, would in reality place them as much above us, as we heretofore Esteemed them beneath ourselves? Is a Jewel of such Estimation not worth the looking after, whose Beauty has Engaged the Hearts and Eyes of all that ever saw it? Whose single Value is of that Importance, That whosoever possesses it, has laid the Foundation of a Lasting and Continued Greatness? Let us Reflect now among ourselves, how much it would redound to our Dishonour, to be blind in those Matters wherein our Ancestors have ever had the Glory of Prudence and Foresight. Infinite is the Reputation this Little Island hath formerly achieved abroad, upon as many several Accounts as she has had occasion to Employ her Subjects in Foreign Actions. But the Great Knowledge and Success of her Inhabitants in the Mystery of Trade hath set her so much upon the rising Ground, and from that Eminence presented her with so charming a Face, that they who neglected Courting her, were at the same time in Revenge upon themselves compelled to envy her. And can we now suffer such a Beauty to be Ravished; Such a Glory to be Sullied, by the Vainglorious attempts of that very Nation, that hath so often trembled at the sound of English Arms, and must of necessity (had they not forfeited all pretence to Justice) own their past and future Success alone to our Carelessness and Imprudence! Let us therefore acquit ourselves like Men, and Convince the Doubtful World that the English Lion is awake, and that our Councils at home, and our Armies abroad are able still to make good the Reputation of our Records. The sole Settlement of Trade would in Effect do our business: The Establishment of That is an inexhausted Spring of Happiness. It would make War itself more Eligible and Easy than a Dishonourable and Constrained Peace. The General Inconveniencies of it would hardly be felt, and that which to others is an Improverishment and Calamity, would to us be an Augmentation of Riches and Security. Nor would our Soldiers then be less terrible in the Field, than our Merchants thrivingly Glorious in the City: The one Depends on the other, and if the latter be substantially maintained, the former can never fail of Success. Especially at this time, when they have the best Cause upon Earth to fight for, and the Most Gallant and Skilful General Living to Head and Command them. For as the Case stands now, there are but two ways, Victory or Slavery. We must either make the French stoop to us, or be forced to submit to them. Whatever the Confederates may obtain from them, when they see their Opportunity, I don't know, but this I am sure of, There remains no Terms of Peace for us, but what would fix an Everlasting Infamy upon the English Name. In short, the Greatness of England and France is incompatible. If they rise, we must fall; and the Richer they Grow, the Poorer we shall be. Their Glory will be Erected on our Ruin, and their Honour founded on our Shame. Let us Assume then a Noble Resolution, like that of the Old Romans against Carthage, who resolved never to lay down their Swords till they had Humbled that City, till they had left her never a Fort at Land, nor Ship at Sea. Why stand we still then, are the French more Courageous than the Carthaginians, or their Generals more Invincible than Hannibal? Have we not a Royal Scipio at Land, and an Admiral at Sea who have given unanswerable Proof that the French may be beaten. I would not be thought a Boutefeu and Incendiary, by persuading to continue the War, Did I not from my Soul believe, that the Embracing the Method here proposed would abundantly Enable the Government to support the Charge of it, and that a Peace at this time, would Introduce far greater and more certain Calamities. For if the French King, either by Force or Fraud (for he's for any Game rather than be Idle) Extends his Conquests through the Confederacy, we can expect no other favour but to be the last Devoured, or Basely Imposed upon. Let us therefore pursue our Resolutions, and take the Advantages that are now put into our hands. We may if we please make the War itself Subminister to Trade, and be a Means of Enlarging Ours, whilst at the same time we beat the French out of Theirs. Besides, Can we boast of any thing we ever got by a Peace with France? 'Tis to be Attributed to our Improvidence alone, they have got so much by the War: Had we prevented their taking our Merchantmen, France had been Beggared before now, and War had ended. They have supported themselves at our Expense: Had we been more Careful, they had been less Powerful. The very Ships he hath taken from us hath served to Equip his Royal Navy, and so much Encouraged his Privateers, that they are become the Nursery of all his Seamen, without which he had never been able to send his Fleet to Sea. Nay, so haughty is he grown by these Successes, that he hath often threatened to Land an Army upon us, and Invade us with our own Ships. In short, our Losses maintain a very great Charge of his War: For if those Merchandizes he hath taken from us, as Sugars, Tobacco, etc. had been sent to Holland and Hamburgh, The Product thereof would more than have paid our Army in Flanders. So that if these Miscarriages are provided against for the future, It is impossible but that War must be more Beneficial to us than Peace: Seeing it is beyond Contradiction evident that our Commerce There, is as Mischievous to us, as Advantageous to them: Whether we respect the Open or Clandestine Traffic. First in the Quantity, by the vast overbalance of their Commodities, and next in the Quality, Those which they receive from us, being altogether Necessary and Useful for them whilst we Import nothing thence; but what we had better be without, and such, which if our Vanity did not consume for them, must in Effect perish on their hands to the Infinite prejudice of that King and People. But if there be a Necessity that our Luxury must be indulged, there is nothing to that purpose that France could afford, which the Industry of our Friends and Confederates cannot supply us withal: Having of late in their several Countries set up the same Manufactories; which if the War continues, will be so Established, that neither we nor they shall ever stand in need of being beholden to France for them again, to the Utter and Irreparable Damage of that Kingdom. And thereby we shall vent greater Quantities of our own Commodities in return for what we receive from them: Whilst our Trade with France did nothing but furnish us with Trifles in Lieu of those vast Sums of Sterling they have drawn from us. And though we shall in a great Measure every several of our Confederate Neighbours, as well as Advantage ourselves, yet it will never put them into such a condition of doing us hurt, as our Trade with France hath done. Let us then embrace the offered occasion, which by Improving our Trade, and Enriching the Nation, will afford us fresh, and almost certain hopes of Victory, under the Conduct of a Daring and Courageous King, who seems to be a Blessing from Heaven bestowed upon us to re-advance the English Spirit, which the Luxury and Effeminacy of the Late Reigns had Stifled and Debauched, and not suffer ourselves to Slumber in a Dangerous Indifference, till Invincible Mischiefs awake us, to see our Neighbours Subdued, our Trade Expired, and a Triumphant Enemy at our Doors. And then I doubt not but that since the Safeties both of Us and our Allies are floating in one Common Bottom, and Fortified by Mutual Interests, our Joint Designs being vigorously pushed on, the Balance of Christendom, will soon be reduced to its proper Standard and England once more be able to hold the Scales of Europe. LONDON, Printed for Samuel Crouch, at the Corner of Popes-Head-Alley, next Cornhill; 1693.