universal Love to the Lost: WITH The Voice of the CHIEF-SHEEPHERD, to gather the scattered NUMBER together. There are other Sheep which are not of this Fold, those will I gather together, and they shall be one Fold, and have no other shepherd over them. I will feed my Sheep myself like a shepherd, and led them by the Fountains of Water, and call them by my own Name. GOD who commanded Light to shine out of Darkness, hath most gloriously shined into our Hearts, which hath given us the Light and Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Fathers Love, the First Begotten from the Dead, and First Born of many Brethren; and he being the Express Image of the Glo●y of the F●ther, he hath revealed him, and he that revealeth the Father is the ●on, and no Man knoweth the Father but him, and they whom the Son is ●eased to reveal him unto: and this was the desire of the true disciples, ●ew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. So that was their Satisfaction, who ●ere come to the State of Lively begotten Children of the Father of Life, that ●ey may come to behold and s●e his Out-going and Revealings, and clear di●overies of him in their own Souls and inward Parts; and so blessed are they ●ose Eyes do see, and whose Ears do hear, and whose Hearts do understand ●ose things that belong to their Eternal Peace. Such come to say, Lord I and heard of thee by the hearing of the Ear, but now mine Eyes see thee, ●n that Eye which was shut, which Christ came to open the blind Eyes, and 〈◇〉 stop the Ears that are deaf, the spiritual Eye, the Eye of the Understand● by which the Children of God come to see him revealed in them through 〈◇〉 Son Jesus Christ; so the Ear which is unstopt comes to hear his Voice, and ●reby comes to live. Behold the day is come, that they that are dead shall 〈◇〉 the Voice of the Son of God, ●nd they shall live; and this voice is near unto ●ty one, it is even in them, he stands at the Door, and knocks at the Door of 〈◇〉 Hearts, there stands the Reprover and Shewe● of 〈…〉 Life, and to bring them into it: this is the Lord in his Love, manifesting his great Kindness unto his Creation in visiting them with his day spring from on high; so that the People that sate in Darkness, and under the Region and Shadow of Death, they have seen the miraculous Light to shine, the Light of the Son of God, which for a long time hath shined in Darkness, and hath striven with Mankind, as he did with the Old World, that perished in their Gainsaying: how often did the Lord visit Jerusalem by his Prophets, and also by his Spirit; Yea all the day long have I stretched out my hand unto a Rebellious Nation, a steff necked and a gainsaying hard-hearted Generation; who would have none of him, we desire not the Knowledge of Thee and thy Ways: he took up his Lamentation over the City, over Jerusalem, and thus he wept over them when they could not weep for themselves, such was their Blindness that then was happened to them, and the hardness of their Hearts which they were given up to when the Lord left them; with thi● Saying, lamenting over them with this Lamentation, O Jerusalem! Jerusalem! how often would I have gathered thy Children as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings, but ye would not. So it was in their will & gainsaying that they perished from the knowledge of God; For they will not come unto me( saith Christ) that they may have Life: So let all that are a Thirst come and take of the Water of Life fre●ly; yea, the Spirit saith, Come; and the Bride saith Come, and whosoever will, let him come buy Wine and Milk without Money, and without Price; for this day the Fountain is open for Judah and Jerusalem, and all, the Sons and Daughters of Men are invited to come in, yea all Prodigals, as well as the Prodigal Son, who was afar off, and when he looked back, and saw how far off he was from his Father's House, and what he was eating of, and could not be satisfied therewith, but took up this Resolution, I will again return unto my Fathers House: and indeed with speed it is good to take this Resolution and serious Consideration and Examination: Am I out of my Father's House, and do I see myself at so far a Distance from him? then with the poor Prodigal I will take up this Resolution, and return thither again. And once I experienced this, having no satisfaction until I returned again from all wandring, and seeking the Living amongst the Dead, and feeding of the Husks, where no Living Bread was to be found; and after my turning my back upon Aegypts Land, and all that was there, and returning into the Fathers House, I came to see there was Bread enough for all his hired Servants; And this Prodigal returning to the Father, the Father meeting him in the way, fell about his Neck with much Love; it is said, he kissed, or embraced him, that is, so received him at his return, such was the Salutation and Visitation, and Bowels of the Fathers Love; so at the last he was brought home within the Fathers House, and as it is said, he put his rob upon him, that is, the Wedding Garment, which all must know, put on upon them after their Return; then he saith, This is my Son; when he had clothed him like his Son: This is m So● 〈…〉 ●… eration & Alienation from God, and 〈…〉 ●o behold Iniquity; return unto him who doth often smite you for it, to that end he would awaken you out of your sleep of apostasy, that you may arise from the Dead, that Christ may give you Life, who came to Save and give Life to all Mankind, and was the New Covenant that God gave unto the Gentiles, and for to be Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, and for a Light and a Leader. So the Nations of those that are saved must walk in the Light of the Lord, and of the Lamb; and unto him that is the Light all must know their Minds turned and retired, for the true Messenger and Message was, to turn People from Darkness to Light, yea, to the Light of Jesus which was in them, and from the Power of satan to the Power of God; and this is the Message which we have heard from the Beginning, that God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all: and if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light, then have we fellowship with God and one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all Sin. And He that is born of God sinneth not, neither indeed can he, because he is born of that Word in which no Sin ever dwelled. And, In the Beginning was the Word; that makes a separation from Sin; now are you made clean by the Word; O Father sanctify them by thy Truth, for thy Word is Truth. The Word of Creation, that created all things in the Beginning without Sin, the Word of the Second Creation, Behold I create all things New, New Heavens and New Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness. And this is the New Creation, the Heavenly Generation, the Generations of the Heavens wherein God Created them: these know the first day's Work, the Light separated from the Darkness in them: these also know the Six days Work, wherein God Created the New Heavens and the New Earth, and resteth in the Seventh; which is the only Sabbath of all the Saints and sanctified Ones; yea, a Sabbath of Rest, a glorious Rest hath the Lord prepared for all the Righteous, for all the Saints and sanctified Ones, for all the true Travellers Zion-wards, this is the Cry of all the Sanctified Ones, O show us the Place where thou causest thy Flock to lie down and rest at Noon. So they are as restless as the Dove that could find no Rest for the Sole of her Foot till she returned into the ARK unto Noah. So all must return into the Ark of God's Covenant, into his Name and his Power, which is the strong Tower, a safe Defence and hiding Place, a Habitatation and sure Refuge that never fails, a Foundation that standeth sure and safe throughout all Storms, and blessed are they that build thereon, they stan● sure as Mount Zion, that cannot be removed, and blessed are such, for the● will endure to the End, and the same that endureth to the End, the same shall be saved, and the End is the Salvation of God; He was in the Beginning, an● laid for a Foundation for many Generations; the Foundation ston, which a true and faithful Builders builded upon him, and no other Foundation can an● man lay but the Foundation of God, which standeth sure throughout Ages an● Generations: this was the Foundation on which all the Prophets and Apostle were built; on which the Church of God was firmly fixed, the chief and ele● Corn● 〈…〉 ●orld was a chief Cor● 〈…〉 World was, before Ahraham was, he saith, I am: but the wise Master-Builders of the World in all Ages, the Master-Builders of this World rejected this Corner-Stone, as he said, Behold I lay in Zion for a ston of stumbling, and a Rock of Offence. They were offended in him, they could not receive him, because he came not in their way & Expectation, but to reprove them: so they hated the Reproof of Instruction, which would have brought them into the way of Life Everlasting. Such was the blindness which then happened unto them, they could not see the messiah, nor his coming unto them, although they heard of him by the hearing of the Ear, and the Prophets prophesying of him, and of his coming being manifested, and to come into the World; they had heard of all this, and yet when he came they were Enemies unto him, and would not receive him, he was in the World, and the World knew him not, they did not receive him, he came unto his Own, and his Own received him not, such was their blindness that happened unto the Jews who were his own, this was their saying, Are we also blind, because you say you see, therefore your Sins remain; he had a sharp R●proof to them, Except ye believe that I am he, you shall die in your Sins: and, Whether I go ye cannot come. And he told his disciples of his Departure and leaving of them, and their Hearts being sorrowful with these Sayings, he saith, I will not leave you Comfortless, but I must go to the Father. He must ascend where he was before. Again, I must leave the World, and go to the Father. So must all leave the World behind them, the Glory, and things of the World; if they mean to ascend to the Father, they must be translated from Death unto Life; they must be changed, and know a dying daily, and a Crucifying, and a Mortifying, and a passing from Death unto Life; first, a baptizing by Water unto Repentance, unto Newness of Life: ●econdly, a baptizing with the Holy Ghost and with Fire: first, you must ●now the baptism of John, who cried in the Wilderness, Prepare the Way of ●he Lord, make his Paths strait. So those that come to Repentance from ●heir dead Works, they come to know their Path made straight, wherein they ●alk't; such come to know their Repentance never to be repented of, these ●ome to know their Mourning, Weeping and Wailing because of him, and ●ver him whom they have pierced, as a Woman mourneth and weepeth for ●er First-born, and the Tribes of the Earth shall mourn, and Lamentation and ●rrow shall beset many; yea, the Proud and the Lofty, a day shall overtake ●m at unawares, yea, when they shall think least of it, then shall Sorrow over●ke them as a Woman in travail, and they shall not escape; if they would 〈◇〉 to the Mountains, they should not hid them; if they cry to the Hills, fall us and cover us from the wrath of him, and of the Lamb that sitteth upon the ●rone; they shall not escape him, nor the Vengeance written, which sh●ll 〈◇〉 upon his Enemies, yea, all sorts of them shall then fall and fail, th●ir Faces ●ll gather Paleness before him when he rideth upon the White Horse, whose ●et are as fine Brass, he will tread the winepress alone, he will tread down his Enemies in his fierce anger, and 〈…〉 Briars and Brambles make War with him? behold he will burn them up with unquenchable Fire; when he hath winnowed and thrashed the Chaff from the Wheat, and separated the Goats from the Sheep, then shall he set the Sheep on his Right Hand, they are on his Right Hand still; The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou on my Right Hand till I make thine Enemies thy Footstools: So the Lord God everlasting hath determined to slay his Enemies, who saith, Bring all these mine Enemies, who will not that I shall reign over them, that I may slay them before me. So the Slain of the Lord shall be many; therefore kiss the Son; least his fierce anger break forth upon you, and ye perish from the right way, least it be said unto you, Behold ye Wonderers and Despisers, and perish: I will work a Work in this your day, in which ye will no ways believe although it be declared unto you. It is indeed the day of your Visitation, a day wherein the Lord is visiting you with his Sound of the everlasting Gospel, sounding in your Ears; and whilst it is called to day, if you will hear his Voice harden not your Hearts against him, who is come to visit and to preach, and sound the Everlasting Gospel again to the Spirits in Prison, and to the disobedient; as in the days of Noah, it is now come to pass again, the flying Angel is flying forth through the midst of Heaven, having the Everlasting Gospel to preach, crying with a loud Voice unto the Inhabitants of the Earth, saying, Fear God, give Glory to his Name, for the hour of his Judgments is come; saying, Worship him who made Heaven and Earth, the Sea and the Fountains of Water. And all the true Worshippers must be gathered unto him out from all the false Worshippers; for our God is a Spirit, and all must worship him in Spirit and in Truth: and such Worshippers is our God seeking to worship him, he is sending out into the Hedges and High-ways, saying, Compel them co come in, that my House may be filled this day with Guess, for the Marriage of the Lamb is come, and all are invited to come to the Feast, to the Wedding Dinner; to the Supper of the Lamb, behold I and my Father will come in and sup with him, and he with me: and, He that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast off. And he saith, Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy Laden, and ye shall find Rest for your Soul. Take my Yoke upon you, for my Yoke is easy, and my Burden is light. Therefore cast off every weight, & every Burden, & every Sin that doth so easily beset you and run with patience the Race that is set before you: and, He that findeth me, findeth Life; therefore seek, and ye shall find; ask, and it shall be given you; knock and it shall be opened unto you: seek the Kingdom of God and the Righteousness thereof, and all things shall be added: seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near. He is near to every one, yea, to show to every one his Thoughts; the Lord of Hosts is his Name: the Word is nigh in the heart and in the Mouth, that every one may hear it and do it; the more surer Word of prophesy, the engrafted Word, which is able to save all that come unto him his Name is called the Word of God. This is the Word of Faith, which was delivered to the Saints; the in-speaking Word, the revealing Word, the un● 〈…〉 to the Unlearned as well ●s to the Learned, and none was found worthy in Heaven nor in Earth to open the Book; for which Cause John wept much: but the lion of the Tribe o● Judah, he prevailed to unloose the Seals thereof, he whose Name is called the Word of God, the Wonderful councillor, the Prince of Peace, he that hath Command over all, he looseth the Tongue of the Dumb and of the Stammerer, and causeth them to speak plainly: with us he hath fulfilled his Promise in these last days, who saith, I will pour out my Spirit upon all Flesh, Sons and Daughters, Servants and Handmaids. Unto whom he hath made known his great Power, and the day of God's mighty power is come: And in the day of my power my people shall be a willing people. So the Lord's day is come, the acceptable day, a day of Salvation, a day of Glad-tidings unto the Poor; unto the Poor in Spirit, ye shall receive the Gospel: you that have been seeking from Hill unto Mountain for Rest, and have found none: Now the Seeker must return home to within, to find that there which you have been seeking abroad, you must come home to find it at home within thy own House, and seek and sweep there, for the Kingdom of God is within you: the lost piece of Silver which the Woman had lost, which she sought diligently, and swept her own House, and never left sweeping until she had found that which she lost; and when she had found it, being filled with Joy, she calleth to her Neighbours, saying, rejoice with me, for I have found that which I had lost. She could not contain it in her self no more than the Woman of Samaria could when she had found the Messiah at the Well, she goeth and leaveth her Pitcher, and hasteneth, being filled with good Matter, telling such glad tidings unto them, saying, Come and see a Man that told me all things that ever I did, is not this the Christ. So every one, when they come to see for themselves, it will be their Soul's Satisfaction, when they see his glorious shinings and breakings forth in their inward parts, when they see the rising of the Son of Righteousness with healing under his Wings, and such as have known the wounding for their Sins and Transgressions, they come to know the true Healing; Behold I wound, and I heal; I kill, and I make alive. Such come to know the good Samaritan, who did not leave them in their wounded state, nor passed by as the Priest and the Levite, but he came with the oil, and poured into the wound the Healing oil, the oil of Joy and Gladness, the Balm of Gilead, and with the eye-pleasing he anointeth their Eyes, that they may see more and more him that is invisible, that they may eye his appearance, and behold his glorious shining forth, and such in their Light come to see more Light, and the Candle of God enlightens them more and more, and they cannot hid it under a Bushel, but set it on a Candlestick, to give light to the World, for Wisdom crieth aloud this day, Wisdom she hath uttered her Voice, crying aloud in the Gates of the City, in the Concourse of the People, saying unto the simplo, turn in hither, and to the Foolish, how long will ye hate Instruction, for lo I have stretched out my hand, I would express my Mind unto you. Therefore hear the Voice of Wisdom, that you may learn the Fear of the Lord, which will give you a good Understanding: reprove a wise man, and he 〈◇〉 love thee; reprove a Fool, and he shall hate thee: and, He that hateth Reproof shall die; the wise forseeth the Snare and escapeth, but the Fool is taken therein. The Wilderness shall blossom as a Rose, God's Work shall prosper though Men do it oppose: Such is the virtue that I feel, The Fountain's open, which would the Nations heal. The blessed day is come, the day which many have desired to see, the day which Abraham saw and rejoiced, Abraham saw my day and was glad: Abraham believed God, and the Promise of the Lord concerning him, and Abraham's Faith was imputed to him for Righteousness: so the Righteousness of Faith speaketh on this wise, In blessing I will bless thee, and thy Seed after thee; and in multiplying I will multiply thee and thy Seed, which shall be numberless a● the Sand on the Sea-shore, and as the Stars of Heaven for multitude. Yea, a numberless number is the Lord gathering together in this the day of gathering, he is bringing them to Mount Zion, all the true Jews, who are Jews inwardly, of the Circumcision without hands, Spiritual Jews, who are come to the Spiritual Circumcision, and baptizing into the Spirit of Jesus; these are come to the Spiritual Day, unto the everlasting Sabbath Day, the one Day without Night, which is dawned unto them, and the Morning without Clouds, which is shining forth in them; and John was in the Spirit upon the Lord's Day; and all must be gathered in●o the Spirit on the Lord's Day into the little Isle of Pathmos, where there are things, Visions unutterable unto those that are gathered into the Spirit out of the Flesh: And I heard a Voice, saying, and as the Sound of a Trumpet talking with me, saying, Come up hither, and I will show thee the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, and he shewed me the New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven, prepared as a Bride for her Husband. Therefore hear what the Trumpet o● God saith, Prepare, hasten and come away. The Day is come, and now is known, Where Jacob's Well is overflown: And to the Upright 'tis made known, Unto such as dwell at home. And these Things they do feel, The Waters of Life, which the wounded now does heal; Great is the Sea, whose blessed Bounds are Love, Whose Compassions unto his own doth move: Great is the Love by which we are lead home, To sit again on our Father David's Throne: Great is the Light by which we do now see, The Glory of our Father Abraham's Day: And greater Love was never known, T●●● God the Father sendeth to his own. And this is the Work of God, that you believe in him whom the Father hath sent: herein is the Father's Love manifested to the World, he hath sent his only Begotten, his First Born, that he should be believed on, and be made known and revealed, as saith Paul, As it pleased God, who separated me from my Mother's Womb, to reveal his Son in me. And Paul being a true Witness of the true Revelation of Jesus Christ, the true Light which enlighteneth all Men saith on this wise. Who when he was persecuting him, was smitten by him that was the Light, who then opened his Eyes, which were before shut, and caused the seals to fall off; after which he came to see that Light that so far exceeded the shining of the Sun in its brightness; so when the Eyes of the Blind are opened, they will then come to see, as Job saith, With these same Eyes shall I see my Redeemer. With the Eyes of the Understanding, the Eye of the Spirit which comes to see God. Blessed are the Pure in Heart, for they shall see God; and, If the Eye be single, then the whole Body comes to be full of Light: filled with God, who is Light, filled with his Fullness, and such receive Grace for Grace; and such Treasure we have in our Earthen Vessels, by which we come to sing Praise to God on high in the Firmament of his Power, who hath now fulfilled his Promise, who saith, I will teach my Peopls myself, and led them by the Fountains of Water, I will be their shepherd and Leader, I will led them gently on, and bare them that are with Young. So the day of God's Love is come; yea, Shiloh's day is come, yea Shiloh's shining day: and this was the Promise, The sceptre should not depart from Juda, nor a Lawgiver from between his Feet until Shiloh come. And so it was prophesied of him, that he should come in the Spirit and Power of Elijah the Prophet, and she should then turn the Heart of the Father to the Children, and the Hearts of the Children to the Father, and the Disobedient to the Wisdom of the Just: so he is doing such a Work as none ever did before: he saith, If I work the Work that none ever did before, then believe me for the Work's sake. Such are his Works of Wonders that he is now a doing, and they are marvellous in our Eyes: He whom the Grave could not hold, nor the Sepulchre contain, although He was Sealed down, nor the WATCHMEN could not hinder his Resurrection ●nd Ascending to the Father; but he ascended on high, he gave Gifts unto Men, even to the Rebellious, that he might dwell amongst them, He lead Cap●ivity Captive. So that that would hold him Captive, or Cap ivate the Seed ●f God, must go into Captivity, He must become the Top ston of the Build●ng, the Chief in the Corner, he that fitly frames the Building together, the ●ame is the Foundation ston, the little ston, little regarded by many, tram●ed upon by most, who tread the Blood of the Covenant under foot, and ●unt it an Unholy Thing: yea, many there be that set the Master of the ●ouse at nought, and give him wrong Names, but the day is come, the clear ●ight is shining forth, that discovers Truth from errors, and Truth must ●●me forth, and Light must shine over the Nation; yea, the Light of the glo●● of God, and we have seen his Glory, as the Glory of the Onely Begotten ●n of the Father, full of Grace and T●●●● 〈…〉 ●ed Grace for Grace, so blessed are they who have the feeling, tasting, an● handling, and savouring the things that are of God, have Salt in your selve● then are ye the Salt of the Earth; and Salt seasons and Grace tasteth. So tha● which we have tasted of the Spirit of the three of Life, that giveth a living tast● of those things which are good, and a lively discerning of those things which come from God; only such have the Touchstone in them, the trying ston which trieth the Spirits he that trieth all things, and searcheth all things even the deep things of God: This is the Spiritual Man, Christ, the New Man the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, He that judgeth all things, and He himself is judged of none; although the wrong judgement of his Enemies was cast upon him, with the wrong Names that they gave him; for they called the Master of the House Belzeebub, chief of Devils, and many other hard Sayings, as many do now, naming him Bad Spirit, and wrong Spirit, putting Light for Darkness, and Darkness for Light, calling Good, Evil; and Evil, Good: yet behold the day of his shining forth in his Glory and Appearance in his Power, in his great Power, in his great Glory and Majesty, is near, he is near to be revealed from Heaven in such a manner and way, that he will be known by his shining forth, and every eye shall see him to their great astonishment and amazement, then shall the Tribes of the Earth mourn, and weep and wail over him, and because of him whom they have pierced, as a Woman mourneth for her First Born: behold he will come, and he will not tarry; He will tread the winepress, whose Feet are as fine Brass, whoss Eyes are as a flamme of Fire, He will tread down his enemies in his fierce Anger, He that sitteth in Heaven, he will laugh them all to scorn, the Lord will have them in Derision. But whosoever believeth on me( saith Jesus Christ) out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of Living Water, or, a Well of water springing up unto Everlasting Life. Therefore spring up O Well, it is the Well of Jacob that waters the Flock, it is the Fountain and the Rock; He is the Rock of many Ages and Generations past, which Rock was Christ, the Rock which followed Israel, out of which Rock they drank, the Spiritual Rock of which all drink, and become Spiritually-Minded, and to be Spiritually-Minded is Life and Peace, and these know the Rivers of God's Pleasures to flow in them, the Seed of Promise, who know the P●omise of the Lord fulfilled in them: these are the Seed of Abraham after the Spirit, who know the sure Mercies of David renewed unto them, and these are renewed in the Spirit of their Minds by the renewing of the Holy Ghost; these know that Promise fulfilled in them, In blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thee: These feel the Joys of God's Salvation, they feel ●heir Captivity to be returned as the Rivers in the South, and such know a New Song put into their Mouths, who are Redeemed from the Earth and Earthly ●hings, such come to reign as Priests and Kings, such come to know the Moun●ain of the House of the God of Jacob to be established above the tops of the Mountains on the top of the Mountain of this World 〈…〉 ●●d Pastor, and leads them by the Fountains of Waters, and brings them to ●●e pleasant Springs, and causeth their Streams to flow in the desert; he pre●areth a Table for them in the Wilderness, least they should faint in the way; ●or such was the Compassion he had upon the Multitude, he would not sand ●hem away empty, least they should faint in the way. Such is his Compassion at ●his day, the Poor shall not go empty away, the Hungry shall be filled; yea, Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after Righteousness, they shall be filled with Heavenly Bread, with Heavenly Mannah, with Angels Food: yea thus doth he fill the Faithful, whom nothing will satisfy below himself, who hath begotten this Hunger in them; these are begotten Children by the Father of Life into a Living state; these are Living Members of the Living Body of Christ, who have a Living Hope in him, Christ in them their Hope of Glory: these are of one Spirit with him, born of the Spirit, begotten by the Eternal Word of Life; such are not Children of the Flesh, nor of the Bond-Woman, but of the Free-Woman, which is Married, and in Covenant with Christ her Husband: these have one Beloved, as saith the true Spouse, My Beloved is the chiefest of ten thousand: and this is her Cry, show me the place where my Beloved feedeth his Flock, and causeth them to rest at Noon. Such are the true Travellers Zion-wards, that leave all behind them, and press forward until they come to behold him in Zion in perfect Beauty, in the Beauty of his Holiness: and glorious Things are spoken of thee, thou City of God, that Nations may flow unto thee from the Ends of the Earth to behold the glory of thy King, for a greater than Solomon is come, whose Glory and famed, and the building of his House reacheth to the Ends of the Earth, which was the first House, at the sound thereof moved the Queen of the South to come up and see: so now at the building of the second House, whose Glory shall be greater, and exceed all the Glory of the former Building, and of the former House; at which sound and report many shall be moved to come and see it; yea, from the East and the West, the North and the South; then shall they say as the Queen of the South said unto Solomon, when she beholded his Wisdom, I have heard of thee by the hearing of the Ear, but not one half of what mine Eye doth now see was told me; and when she saw the Glory and Wisdom of his House, she was amazed, saying, No Spirit was left within her, admiring the Glory, Wisdom, and Order of it; much more now admirable and wonderful is the wisdom of the Building of the second House far exceeding the Glory of the first; which House ye are, who know the Spiritual Building, who are the Living Stones thereof, every ston being Living and alive unto God, such are laid up in the Building, these are hewn Stones and squared Lively Stones, squared and fitted for the Building, made like unto the Corner ston, like him in all things, as he is, so are they in this present World, Glorified with him; and when he appeareth who is our Life, then shall we appear in Glory with him, and be brought forth in the Likeness of the So● 〈…〉 his Image; and this is that all the true Believers come t● whom I again travail in Birth, 〈…〉 writ unto you Young Men, because ye are strong, & you have overcome the 〈…〉 and the Word of God abideth in you. Which Word is Christ, the Power of God the engrafted Word, which saveth all which are saved by it with a might● Salvation; and he that begun this good Work of this Spiritual Building o● this Spiritual House, he will fitly frame it together, and complete it to the glory of his own Name, to the sounding forth of his famed to the Ends of th● Earth. So then itis by the Foolishness of Preaching that it pleaseth God t● save all them that shall Believe; so by the Foolishness of the across of Chris● which the Apostle preached Foolishness unto the Greeks, but to the wise Jew● a Stumbling Block, and in Sion he was laid a Rock of Offence; so he is at th●… day: But this is the new Commandment that I give unto you( unto his disciples) that ye love one another; and as the Father hath loved me, so have I love● you, and so love ye one another with the same Love; abide in my Love, as I abid● in my Fathers Love; and, He that hateth me hateth my Father also; herein 〈◇〉 your Love manifested, if ye love one another; and by this shall all Men know ye ar● my disciples, if ye love one another. These Things I could not conceal, Seeing my God doth the same Reveal; I could not them any longer keep, He hath opened the Fountain of the deep: I could not any longer hold, The little Book he doth unfold, In which little Book I come to red The Redemption of the Holy Seed; Which Seed hath been long oppressed, While the Nations have professed But God is coming to set it free, And to give Jacob's Seed the Victory; For One Jacob's Seed must now arise, Although the Proud do it despise, And hard things against it do device: Yet Jacob's Seed now must Reign, And the Dragon he will chain, And he himself will sit on the Throne, And he will Govern his Church alone: But wo unto them that are in Pride, They Jacob's Seed cannot abide: Therefore of Pride let all beware, For Haman's Pride proved to him a Snare; But Haman's Pride then must fall, The Seed of the Jews must arise over all; Before it Haman's Honour then must fall, For the Seed is come that will knock down all. 〈◇〉 was Pharaoh, and he will be Pharaoh still, And I have felt the Oppression of his Chariot Wheel; But Pharaoh and his Chariot must be overthrown, The Seed of the Jews must Reign conqueror alone. This to the proud oppressors may prove sad News, God will so honour the Seed of the Jews, It must Reign conqueror alone, and sit on the Throne, When Pharaoh and his Chariot Wheels are over thrown. And these things I do so boldly sound, That the Oppressed Seed shall at last wear the Crown. And Jacob's Seed they have oppressed, While Perfection they have professed, And such Oppression, they have oppressed the Poor, While they have sent them from Door to Door, Such Oppression loud doth cry, Against which God will let his Thunder fly; These are the Marks of the Beast, And spots in the Professor's Feast: Of Perfection talk no more, Such as are oppressors of the Poor And while such Reign in their Pride, Surely they run without their Guide, They run without the Morning Star, Which would led them to make War Against all Pride and Oppression, And led them to the Heavenly Possession, That they may see in the Light most clear, And the Bridegroom's Voice come to hear, And know their works wrought by him, Who doth justify the Sons of Men, That the Justifier they may feel, And Leader of them by his Skill; That they may know how they do go To do that or this, he leads them so That they run not without a Guide, And fall into the wickeds Pride: And of this let all beware, And follow Jacob's Morning Star; Which will bring them to Bethlehem, Unto the Stable and Manger then, Where the Angels did Hosannah cry, Peace on Earth, Hallelujah to God on high: This was where the Babe was born, Whom the Proud always did 〈…〉 Now with Dives I must begin, And him up into Remembrance bring, That oppressor of the Poor, Who hath almost entred every Door, Grieved Lazarus he did not know, His Heart was hard, he was even so, No Pity at all he would to him show. And this rich oppressor, this Glu●ton, no more than he doth know ●●zarus, no more doth the same Genera●ion of oppressors know the poor Brethren of Christ now, seeing he saith, These are my Brethren: so was Lazarus, ●o are all indeed, that are in Abraham's bosom, though unknown to the Op●ressours of the World, and to instance the words of Christ, who when the ●on of Man shall come and separate the Goats from the Sheep, and set the Sheep on his Right Hand, and the Goats on his Left; when they are indeed left of ●im, then they are on his Left Hand; and as he saith, Whither I go ye cannot come: then shall he say uno them, When I was hungry ye gave me no Meat, and when I was thirsty ye gave me no Drink, and when I was naked ye clothed me no●, and when I was sick and in Prison ye came not unto me. Then shall they answer ●nd say, Lord, when saw we thee a hungry, or when saw we thee thirsty, or nake●, ●nd sick and in Prison, and came not unto thee. Then shall he answer and say unto them, Ye did it not unto the least of these my Brethren, ye did it not unto me. Surel● I must conclude this poor Lazarus to be one of Christ's Brethren, which the Rich Man did not see. So many have eyes and do not see, because the God of this World hath blinded the Eyes of their Mind while they are in the World. So the World by Wisdom know not God: So the certain Rich Man, after he was in his place of torment, he then looked up, he was then forced by the ex●ream torment, whether he would or no; but he might have looked up in life-time, but then he seeth afar off, despised Lazarus in Abraham's bosom, afar off( as it is said) from him; it is afar off indeed from all the wise Worldlings, there is a Gulf fixed betwixt, a Gulf of Separation, into which many drop, and are drowned in Perdition, because of Unbelief: so this certain Rich Man, when he saw Lazarus in Abraham's bosom, he calleth for him then when it was too late, he also calleth Father Abraham, he would fain have had Abraham to have been his Father when it was too late: Now instance the Jews also, in their Day and Time, they would have Abraham to be their Father; they say, We ●re of the Seed of Abraham, Abraham is our Father, we are not in Bondage. To whom Christ saith, If ye are of Abraham, why go ye about to kill me? They are of Abraham's Seed that do the Works of Abraham: Blessed are the Merciful, they ●hall obtain Mercy. And thus saith the Apostle, Entertain Strangers, therein ye ●hall Entertain Angels unawares. Entertain the Visitations of God, let them ●ome by whomsoever they will, keep him not out as a Stranger, for he is a ●tranger in the World, and will always be a Stranger to the Spirit of the World. So 〈…〉 is come, which the World cannot receive, but they tha● do receive him must come out of the World, and love not the World, no the things of the World; For he that loveth the World and the Things of th● World, hath not the Love of the Father in him. And Christ saith, I pray not fo● the World, but for those that thou hast given me out of the World, that tho● wouldst keep them while they are in the World from the Evil of the World; Father keep them in thy Name. His Name is his Power, is his Anointing; his Name is a precious Oin●ment poured forth, therefore the Upright love him, and the wis● Virgins keep unto him, they are kept in his Name, in the Anointing which teacheth all things: this is Truth, the Spirit of Truth and Life, which separates from the World, and from the Spirit of it; and now we know we ar● of God, and the whole World lieth in Wickedness; and by this we know tha● Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, which is come, which hath made a Separation first within, and also without; the Testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit o● prophesy, which he hath given unto us of his Spirit, which is the Leader and Guide of all the Faithful, of all the Children of God, they are lead by the Spirit of God; unto us there is one God, one Lord, one Faith, one baptism, which is of the Holy Ghost: and the Life which we now live is by Faith in the Son o● God; these know their Growth, and Grow up in him that is true, now w● are in him that is true: these grow as Children, from one degree of Grace unto another, from Faith unto Faith, from Strength unto Strength, unto the stature of a strong Man in Christ, and from Glory to Glory they come to be translated unto the Image of Holiness and glorious Life, that was before the World was; such are renewed daily in the Spirit of their Minds by the Renewings of the Holy Ghost; such renew their strength, and they come to mount upwards as on Eagles Wings, they mount above the World, and above the things of it, they come to reign as Kings and Priests unto God; these have a Habitation in the Heavens, and none can pluck them down, because he holdeth them fast by his Right Hand, who is greater than all: and, my Father that gave them me is greater than all, and none is able to pluck them out of my Fathers Hands, and all that the Father hath given me, I have kept them,( saith Christ the true Shepherd) I have not lost one of them, no not one, except the Son of Perdition. So he is the faithful Keeper and Preserver of Men; he preserveth his own in the hour of Temptation, and keepeth them in the Word of his Patience, in the engrafted Word, which is able to save them with a mighty Salvation, he is able to save to the uttermost. Therefore look up, and be ye saved all ye Ends of the Earth, look up while you have a time, and while you have a day, and not delay till 'tis too late, as the Rich Glutton did, and remember and be warned in your Life-time, and repent, I say, Repent, repent, for th● Kingdom of God is at hand, 'tis even at the Door: and the Seed of the Kingdom is already sown in your Hearts, and had not the Lord left us a Seed, we had surely been as Sodom & like to Gomorrah: & this Seed is brought forth in some an hundred fold, and in some more; but where it is not brought forth, it lieth hidden, which is as the Grain of Mustard Seed, the least of all Seeds; so is and Seed of the Kingdom compared, and indeed it is so little regarded by ma●, that is it, that it is so little regarded; but he that believeth in it, and he that ●th Faith as a Grain of Mustardseed, comes to see it grow as the greatest, the ●eatest of Trees, & the fowls of the Air lodge under the Branches thereof, the ●wls of Heaven, the Fowls of Christ, they are that lodge under the Branches the true Vine Christ Jesus: these sit under their own Vine, & under their own ●g-tree, Christ the Fig-tree; these eat of the fruits of the three of Life, which ●ows in the midst of the Paradise of God; these come again unto Paradise, ●d to know the New Heavens and the New Earth again brought forth in ●em; these have passed from Death unto Life, and are come thorough the Gulf ●d into the Good Land that flows with Milk & Honey; such have known their ●eavenly Change whilst they are here, who have made their Calling and Ele●ion sure, who are sealed by the Spirit of Promise unto the Day of Redempti●: these can say, To live is Christ, but to die is Gain; they gain a far exceed●g Crown and weight of Glory, which is laid up for them that truly love the ●ppearance and Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, but they have already re●ived the Earnest of the Everlasting Inheritance, they have the Seal and wit●ess in them, and he that believeth, hath a Witness in himself of the Justifi●tion of the Spirit of Christ in them; so they may say truly, the Lord liveth, herefore they live also, they feel that Life that the World know not of, and ●t of that Meat that the World know not of, they are daily fed with heaven Bread: these are Children of the Father of Life, that can say, Our Father, and us this day our daily Bread, these cannot live without it, nor without the ●joyment of the lifting up of the Glory and Light of his Countenance upon ●em: this m●kes my heart more joyful and more glad, more than they that ●ave Corn and Wine, and oil, and full Increase: Dives had as much as all this, ●t it profits nothing if I should have the whole World, and the Favour of all ●erein, what would it avail me, if I should be excluded from my Peace and ●y and Rest with God to all Eternity. O misery happens unto many, yea, ●to many; yea verily, I have a sense upon me, how too many neglect the day 〈◇〉 Gods Visitations to their Souls, which is given them to work in, and are ●ere not twelve hours in a Day, work while it is called to day, work out your ●lvation with Fear and Trembling: for he that doth not work out his Salvati● here, while he is here, will have no Salvation hereafter, although he may ●ok up when it is too late, as he saith, He cannot come hither: there will be no ●ming then, therefore while the Call is, come out of the Market Place, and ●t into the Vineyard, the Vineyard of the Lord of Hosts, and Labour there, at you may have your Penny; but they that come not into the Vineyard, ●ere will be no Reward, nor no Penny for them; for he that cometh at the ●eventh Hour, he receiveth his Reward; but he that stayed after, he ●aid too late; so there are twelve hours in the day, but the last hour is too ●te, when there is but one hour to spend, and the Glass is almost run out, then thou wouldst call over all the other that are past, then it will be too late, as it was with Esau, when his Birthright was gone, all weeping and repen● could not get it again; yea, tho they may cry Lord, Lord, as the foolish V●gins did, saying, Open unto us: He will then answer unto them, I know ye n● ye workers of Iniquity: when the Door is shut, then it will be said, Rememb● thou in thy Life time didst shut the Door of thy Heart against Christ, th● wouldst not let him enter, thou kep'st him out as a Stranger, until his Lock were bedewed as with the due of the Night, altho he often knocketh at 〈◇〉 Door of thy Heart, Behold I stand at the Door and knock; when thou kept him out, thou wouldst have none of him, therefore wh●n 'tis too late he wi● have none of thee; yea, tho thou call, he will not answer; He will laugh 〈◇〉 their Calamities, and when their Distress cometh he'll not regard them. Seein● it go●th so ill with the wicked, Say unto the Wicked, it shall go ill with them say unto the Righteous, it shall go well with them: the Path of the Just is a burning and a shining Light, shining more and more until the Perfect Day and in thy Light do we see Light, even that Light of Life. And they that wal● in the Just Man's Path, they come to profess and inherit Eternal Life; these receive the Light of Life that walk in the narrow Path, and go in at the straight Gate, that so few go in at; and wouldst thou be an Heir of Life, and of th● Everlasting Inheritance, and Purchased Possession with the Saints and Sanctifie● Ones, and rest with God, who inhabits Ete●nity, and dwelleth in the light wo●ld'st thou have thy Heavenly-being with him & with his holy Angels, wher● Hallelujah and Hosanna, and high Praises is sung unto him in the Highest, in th● New Jerusalem, where there is no Night there, nor need of the Sun, or Moon, n● Stars, but the Lord God and the Lamb is the Light thereof: and all that woul● come there, must fear to do Evil, and learn to do well, they must b● scholar in Christ's School, as he faith, Learn of me, I will teach my People myself, the shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. He is their Lord and M●ster, these are Christ's disciples, these know his Doctrine, these know a cea●ing from Sin, and an end put thereunto, and everlasting Righteousness brought in; these come to say, Now there is no more Condemnation to those that are 〈◇〉 Christ Jesus, who walk not after the Flesh, but after the Spirit, such can say, Ble●sed are the dead that die in the Lord, yea, henceforth; so saith the Spirit, Bles● are the dead that die in the Lord, they shall rest from their Labour, and their Wo● follow them: with the innumerable Company of Angers, they do everlasting sing Praises and high Hallelujah in that endless and celestial Glory, and res● Eternity, and World without End, where the Wicked cannot come, nor t● that worketh Abomination, nor maketh a lie. So remember these things, and let the L● lay them to heart, and return into the House of Mourning, which would be better than to 〈◇〉 the House of Mirth or Feasting; which becomes none that makes a high Profession, but 〈◇〉 dread the Living God, and work out thy Salvation with Fear and trembling; for without Work of God be wrought in thee, all thy Profession will be in vain. From one that desires the Prosperity of the Work of the Lord, and desires that all sh● stand upon their Watch Tower, and wait for the Coming of the Lord, who saith, Behold 〈◇〉 quickly, I will not tarry; h●ld fast till I come.