CAIN'S GENERATION DISCOVERED. IN ANSWER TO An epistle directed to the Reader, in a BOOK TITLED, A Short and Full vindication of that sweet and comfortable Ordinance, OF Singing of PSALMS. Put forth by one Jonathan Clapham, who calls himself M. A. and Minister of CHRIST in Wramplingham in Norfolk; Wherein he is found in envy, in Cain's way, in his false accusations and fierce despising and envious railing against the innocent, which is answered by me whose name in the flesh is George Whitehead, who am one of them who are called QUAKERS, who are despised and hated of that Generation of Priests who go in Cain's way and Balaam's way: And we having answered before six of his chief Arguments for singing Psalms, which are answered in that Book called, David's Enemies discovered, which this Priest CLAPHAM durst not answer nor reply to; therefore he makes excuse to the Reader, that we left out some of his Arguments, for the which cause I am moved further to answer to some of his Arguments concerning singing, that all that have eyes to see, may see his folly laid open, & his torment increased: Also several Queries to them that profess the Scriptures to be their rule to walk by, and some to them that profess the Scripture to be their Rule, and the Saints Rule to try the SPIRITS by. London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle near the West end of Paul's. 1655. cain's GENERATION DISCOVERED, etc. IOnathan Clapham, thou having given forth a Book, which thou hast Titled, A short and full Vindication of that sweet and comfortable Ordinance of singing of Psalms, Together with some profitable Rules to direct weak Christians how to sing to edification: Thou sayest wherein thou desires the Reader to take notice that this short Vindication of singing of Psalms, was not intended by thee for the Press, but was transcribed for the private satisfaction of thy neighbour Capt. I. L. which thou sayest, thy relation to him, engaged thee to endeavour: to this I answer. Answer. That the Reader may see thy deceit and folly manifested; that he may take notice of thy deceit, how thou would have hidden it in corners, and not suffered it to be published, lest then it should have been known, and thy shame discovered, showing thyself to be out of the truth, which seeks no corners, although thou calls them profitable Rules, yet they were but transcribed for the private satisfaction of Capt. I. L. here let the Reader see how thou art a respector of persons, and out of the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, which doth not respect persons, but here thou art found to be one of them which jude speaks of, who has men's persons in admiration because of advantage: jude 16. Priest. And thou sayest thy papers were given to some of those persons commonly called quakers, and part of them were printed without thy knowledge or consent, the other part left out, and an Answer framed thereto by two of them, viz. Chr. Atkinson, & George Whitchead, which thou sayest thou thinks no rational man could have taken for an Answer to thy Arguments, if we had not so called it in our papers. Answer. Let the Reader take notice that these six Arguments wherein thou art going about to prove singing of David's conditions a custom, and an Ordinance of Christ, and a common duty to all men: as also, thou hast declared the same over in these Arguments, which thou sayest are left out; the which six Arguments are plainly answered in our Book, which is tituled David's Enemies discovered: and the rest which thou sayest are left out, with them comprehended, where the Reader may see thy lies, and wresting of Scripture laid open; and there he may see that in this thy paper thou hast given no satisfaction to the scrupulous Reader, as thou sayest; and if the Reader scruple at it, by thinking he cannot be satisfied: but he may see thee to be a Backbiter, and a fierce despiser, who hast given forth such an Epistle to him; and to satisfy the scrupulous Reader, now declares thy thinking, who art found in thy wickedness, in thy rage, and vain Imaginations against the righteous, who are called by thee (and thy generation,) QUAKERS, who are witnesses of David, and the Saints conditions; who quaked and trembled: and therefore we deny all such Backbiters as thou art, who makes a Trade of their conditions, and a custom of singing his conditions, which now (they that witness them) are become a proverb, and a byword, to thee and thy generation, and the Song of Drunkards as David was. Priest. And thou tells the Reader, it is not thy desire to have any contest with this generation of men, & calls us such as the Apostle speaks of, in 2 Thess. 3.2 calls us absurd, and unerasonable meat, such as are not worthy to have place among men, being more like bruits than men; & saith the word the Apostle there useth, signifies men of no settled abode, Vagabond persons, absurd fellows, compact of mere incongruities, and leaves it to the Readers discerning, and requests the Christian Readers Prayers to be delivered out of the hands of such absurd and unreasonable men. Answer. The Christian Reader may see thy deceit here laid open, and thy envy and rage, how it appears here, who art going in cain's way, and in cain's nature art found, who art afraid to meddle with us, or to bring thy deeds to the Light, lest it should reprove them, and therefore art found in the works of Darkness, in thy Backbiting and false Accusations, esteeming us Vagabonds, because we are sent to declare against the deceit which thou and thy generation lives in, which if the Apostle Paul were here now, who had no certain dwelling place, who did declare against such proud men & contentious men as thou art, thou would call him a vagabond who now art founnd wresting his words to thy own destruction, who speaks no such word as absurd fellows; hats one of thy great sweling words which Peter cried against who called them natural bruit-beasts, who went in Balaams' way, and cain's way, in covetousness and envy, as thou dost, 2 Pet. 2, 3.12, 18, & jude 10, 11. and there thou art found to be the vagabond who art out of the doctrine of Christ, and a transgressor of the command of God; in envy, as Cain, who was a vagabond, Gen. 4.14. and Cain was an unreasonable man, who was envious; and such the Apostle bade the Thessalonians pray that he might be delivered out of the hands of; and Paul who had no certain dwelling place was counted the offscouring of all things, and a fool not worthy to have place among men, and not worthy to live, and these who charge Paul was the Vagabonds as thou art now, who art found in envy against us who are partakers of Paul's sufferings, & thou bidding the Reader pray that thou may be delivered out of our hands: here thou would accuse use to be persecutors: here I charge thee to be a false accuser and a slanderer, for violent hands on any man we deny to lay; but it is thy generation that upholds such as thou art, who are persecutors, who hail out of your Synagogues, and do imprison, and hail before Magistrates, and to before Judgement seats, which the Saints never practised who were done so with, Mat. 10. ●8. john 16.2. so the Reader may see here plainly what to pray for, and thy malice and envy against the innocent, who are redeemed out of cain's way, and baalam's way, which now thou art in. Priest. And whereas thou sayest thou judges it not wisdom to meddle with such irrational men from whom a man can expect no reasons but rail; no answers but accusations, and that one had as good deal with those mad men of Bedlam. Answer. Here the Reader may see how thou hast vomited thy venom, and who it is that are railers and false accusers, and fierce despisers, and thou now who art found a railer and a raging wave, which jude speaks off, who art foaming out thy own shame, calls us railers, because we declare against thee and thy generation, who are found in their steps, the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles cried against, who seek for your gain from your quarter, and are hirelings, which Isajah, and jeremiah, and Micah cried against, who were no railers nor mad men of Bedlam: and you that are called of men Masters, stands praying in the Synagogues, and have the chiefest places in the assemblies, & the greetings in markets, are found in their steps which Christ cried woe against, Mat. 23. and such as go in cain's way to envy, and in Balaams' way to covetousness, as thou dost, such did Peter and jude cry woe against, and the Apostle Paul, who was counted a mad man and a deceiver, did declare against covetous men, and proud men, and false accusers, and incontinent and fierce despisers, such as thou art, 2 Tim. 3. and these were no deluders, nor mad men of Bedlam, though they were accounted deceivers and mad men, by that Generation which thou art now found in, filling up the measure of their iniquity, who reviled and persecuted the Saints Priest. And thou sayest the first time when we came to that Town, thou came to oppose us, judging it thy duty, but when thou sound us, such absurd & unreasonable men thou sayest, thou presently turned thy back upon us. Answer. Being at the meeting, and sitting in silence, a little while after I sat down, three of you Priests came, and thou like a busybody began to oppose me before I spoke a word, and out of the Apostles Doctrine and life thou was found, for the Apostle saith; be swift to hear, and slow to speak, but thy tongue was unruly, not bridled, showing thy religion to be vain; and the beginning of thy discourse was about the heathenish Customs which the world lives in, as bowing, and being called Master, and such like, and for an example thou did instance the egyptians bowing, and confessed they were in Darkness, and Blindness, and yet pleaded for their Customs, and shown me how to bow the Body, as many who were there can witness, and such vain traditions for Doctrine thou wouldst have taught, but thy folly that day, to the understanding of the simple was laid open, and when thy deceit was laid open, thou came and shown me one of our friends books, and read a few words, and left out other words which struck at thy deceit, so I ask thee a question, thou presently got away in thy rage, which thou hast now uttered forth that of the Scripture might be fulfilled where Christ saith, the hireling Heeth because he is an hireling, john 10.13. and here the Reader may see thy oppressing of us, how it could not stand the trial. Priest. And thou sayest, that since that time being reviled in the public assembly, and cursed, thou sayest thou departed with silence, not replying as men use to departed from angry Dogs, and sayest that it is our trade to rail and revile, and calls us bawling creatures. Answer. It is thou that art the reviler, and the cursed speaker, who art here found uttering so many lies, and slanders, and false accusations, but it is that thou might be made manifest and thy folly laid open: so I do charge thee to declare who they were that cursed thee and reviled thee, and what the words were they spoke, wherein they cursed, or else stop thy mouth and never profess thyself to be a Minister of Christ, and be ashamed of these thy false Accusations in comparing us to angry Dogs, in which nature thou thyself art found, who art in cain's way, in envy, and in Balaams' way in thy covetousness, who seeks for thy gain from thy quarter, one of the blind Watchmen, which the Prophet Isajah called greedy dumb dogs that can never have enough, as thou may read Isa. 56.10, 11. so let all that reads this, read thee to be among the dogs and wild Beasts, which the Apostle speaks of. Priest. And thou sayest that it would be but a scandal for thee to deal with us. Answer. Let shame cover thy face thou Backbiter, who dare not come again to the trial face to face, thou being already tried and thy folly laid open, nor darest thou reply to our answers to thy six Arguments, and therefore thou calls them absurd, nonsense, and vain repititions, and foolish impertinences, which thou canst not prove nor make manifest, that any of our Answers are contrary to Scripture: but as the Reader may see in that book Entitled, David's Enemies, etc. how thou art disapproved in thy adding to Scripture, and wresting of Scripture to thy own destruction, and now art found speaking evil of that which thou knowest not, and what satisfaction thou hast given to the scrupulous Reader, let all that have eyes to see judge, who canst not answer our Answers, nor prove any thing contrary to Scripture in them, and yet was not ashamed to put forth thy Arguments, wherein thou hast uttered forth thy folly, who here in this Epistle to the Reader also hast added so many more of thy lies and railing accusations, and whereas thou sayest to the Reader, that it is the will of God to make this discourse public, and that thou shalt pray that his blessing may be with it to make it profitable: here let the Reader see thy confusion, who before said that it was not intended by thee for the Press, and that they were printed without thy knowledge and consent; here the Reader may see that thy purpose and intent was not to consent unto the will of God, and that thou would have covered thy deceit which thou prays for a blessing upon; but we being moved to bring it to the Light, and lay thee and thy deceit open, this causeth thee to rage, and thy torment to increase thy rage and vain imaginations being so uttered forth, which thou hast imagined against the innocent; and there thou art seen to be without the knowledge of God, amongst the heathens that know not God, who rage and imagine vain things against the Lord and his Anointed, Psal. 2. so here the Reader may see what thou hast written from thy study, and how thou hast been studying lies and divinations of thy own brain, and teaches for Doctrine thy own traditions, and thy own Precepts, and art one of them who seeks deep to hid their Counsel from the Lord, who art in cain's way, and afraid as Cain was, who would not have had thy deceit brought to the light but art found in the works of Darkness, and one who hates the Light, and there thy prayers are abomination unto God, who art wicked and in thy deceit and confusion, and prays for a blessing upon it which is cursed, and thy sacrifice is but cain's, who in his steps are found, whose sacrifice God doth not accept; and amongst them which Christ cried woe against, who stood praying in the Synagogues, who were called of men Masters, and with a pretence did make long prayers to be heard of men, as now thou dost, and the same woe is to thee now, who art found in these steps; therefore let the Reader see that I have not railed nor falsely accused thee, nor backbited thee, but plainly unto thee I speak Scripture Language, which the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles did declare against such blind guides and dumb shepherds as thou art, who hast here foamed out thy own shame, so to thee this is truth which respects no man's person, nor hath any man's person in admiration because of advantage, neither come I with any great swelling words unto thee, but in plainness of speech, so therefore take heed that thou call it not cursing nor reviling, lest thou blaspheme against the Truth, and be found a slanderer of them that spoke forth the Scriptures, who in plainness of speech did declare against and cry woe against such as went in cain's way to envy, and in Balaams' way to covetousness; therefore put it not from thee, for from the guilt of these things thou cannot clear thyself: So thou Priest Clapham having said to the Reader, that we would not print the later part of thy vindication, lest (thou says) peradventure our simple cavils being removed, we should have had nothing to have stumbled the weakest Reader; and so (thou sayest) our folly should be made manifest to all. I answer, We having answered the chief of thy matter, wherein so much confusion thou hast uttered and repeated over and over also in the later part of thy Book, nany of the same things which were answered, and had plainly laid open thy singing, which is both without the Spirit, and without understanding; therefore to remove ehy vain excuse, whereby thou wouldst cloak thy deceit to the Reader, I am moved to answer more of thy confusion, which is laid down in the later part of thy book, that the Reader may not at all stumble nor doubt, but plainly see thy shame & folly manifested, so that if the Reader be never so weak, if he be not altogether blind, he may see thee taken in thy own snare and out of thy own mouth judged, and thy torment increased, which are answered as followeth, etc. Io. Clapham, Whereas thou sayest in thy third page, that it is exceeding probable, that the Psalms sung by Christ and the Apostles were David's Psalms; and that they did imitate the Jewish custom in singing; To this I answer, Here thou would make Christ and his apostles like thyself, to live in imitations and customs, which thou hast no Scripture for, but says, that those who were skilled in their customs, wrote that the Jews did so; and there's all thy worship without the knowledge of God, and worships thou knows not what, as the Jews did, john 4. who worshipped at the Temple where singing was once used, which was to cease with its worship, ver. 21 Amos 8.3.10. and here thou would make Christ a liar like thyself, who cometh to declare against imitations and shadows, & thou who lived in them, and said the true worshippers worship in Spirit and Truth, and here thou hast showed thyself and thy worship to be false, without the Spirit and without understanding, to worship thou knows not what, as they did: and thou sayest in Ephes. 5. and Col. 3. where thou says he commands singing of Psalms, doth clearly point us at David's Psalms: I answer, there thou adds to Scripture, and speaks that which thou canst not prove, therefore for shame stop thy mouth, for the Apostle never bade them go forth, to sing other men's conditions as thou dost, and here thou would make the Apostle like thyself, who makes Rhymes and customs of other men's conditions: but he bids them let the word of Christ dwell in them richly, and be filled with the Spirit, and therein they worshipped, and not in the oldness of the Letter, as thou and thy generation do, and this that Paul wrote unto the Ephesians and Collossians, was not to thee nor thy generation generation as thou sayest, you are commanded to sing Psalms; here thou liest, for thou never had a command for it, but acts it in thy own imaginations, and imagines that Christ and his Apostles did imitate as thou dost, and here thou hast no command from God, nor from any of the Apostles nor the Saints which Paul wrote unto; but teaches divinations of thy own brain, and not from the mouth of the Lord, as the false Prophets did, who said, thus saith the Lord, when he never spoke to them, and there thou art seen and tried to be sensual, having not the Spirit, and the word of Christ doth not dwell in thy heart as it did in the Saints, who did not imagine imitation of others, neither did ever the Apostle bid proud men and covetous men sing, as thou art, but doth declare against all such, and saith, no such hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ, as thou may read Ephes. 5.5. And therefore how canst thou sing with the Spirit, who art ' without the Spirit, who art found in their steps who had not the Spirit, such as jude speaks of, who go in the way of Cain to envy, and run greedily after the error of Balaam, for gifts and rewards, as thou may read, jude 11.13.19. And whereas in thy arguments to prove the lawfulness of singing in a mixed congregation, thou art going about to justify the wicked and profane persons singing, and asks why it should not be lawful for them to join with you in singing: I answer, with the wicked and profane thou art joined, who art going about to justify them in thy carnal imaginations, and there amongst the wicked thou art found, in whose mouth praises are not comely, saith David: therefore for the wickeds singing and praying, thou art pleading, whose prayers are abomination unto God: and thou askest if God hath not enjoined it by the very dictate of nature: I answer, here thou art going about to make God like thyself, and his teachings natural like thine, who art found in their steps, who knew nothing but what they knew naturally; and in these things corrupted themselves, as thou dost, jude 10, 11. and there thy singing is without God, and without his teaching, and thou sayest that singing is a duty common to all men, but thou sayest that the Sacraments hold forth visible communion, and thou brings that Scripture, 1 Cor. 10.16. & 17. I answer, there is no such word there is visible communion, or Sacrament: O let shame cover thy face! and never profess the Scripture to be thy rule, and thyself to be a Minister, of CHRIST, who art found so adding to SCRIPTURE, and acting those things which thou hast no SCRIPTURE for, and art found adding, so many LIES to it, as telling people that SINGING is a common duty to all MEN, and of a SACRAMENT, which thou hast no Scripture for, and so out of the SAINTS worship, and the SAINS COMMUNION thou art, and without the SPIRIT and without the BODY of Christ wherein their COMMUNION was, and do not discern the Lords Body, where the communion is in that which is invisible, & therefore thou art in the visible Communion which is after the flesh, which is not the Saints Communion, 2 Cor. 5.16. and there thy worship's visible, & thy singing is visible, and thy rule is visible, and thy word is visible, and thy Baptism is visible, and therein thy Ordinances, Customs, and Traditions; thou art found among wicked, and out of the Apostles life and Doctrine thou art, who said, why as though living in the world are ye subject to Ordinances, and bade them neither touch, nor taste, nor handle, which all are to perish with the using after the Commandments and Doctrine of men: Col. 2.14.21, 22. and thou sayest, why should any fear that mixture of wicked men in singing, who are bound to sing God's praises as well as to pray, though they sin in both? Here Priest Clapham, out of thy own mouth thou art judged to cause the people to err, who hast confessed that the wicked both sin in singing and praying, and yet art preaching for it; here thou hast made it manifest, that thou art one of them who eat up the sin of the people, and art striving to justify them in their sins, and art proved to be a transgressor of the Law, and a teacher of others so to do: And whereas thou sayest that Moses and the Children of Israel joined together in singing, and that with many of them God was not well pleased: I answer, neither is he well pleased with thee and thy generation, who are found in their steps with whom God was not well pleased, 1 Cor. 10.5, 6. who art found in Lust and Idolatrousness, which they were found in, you that are covetous are they that lust, and are Idolaters, Ephes. 5.5. Col. 3.5. with whom God is not well pleased; and to justify the wicked singing, thou sayest that David calls on all Creatures to sing praises unto God, and thou brings Psal. 148. I answer, thou adds to David's words, he doth not bid them sing, but praise, for he in that Scripture bids the fruitful trees, and the flying-fowle praise God, but he never bade such fruitless trees as thou sing, who cumbers the ground, neither did he ever bid the wicked sing, as thou dost, who are out of the Covenant, but the fruitful trees, and the fowls of the Air, and the lilies of the field keep their Covenant wherein they were created: but thou who seeks for thy gain from thy quarter, and livest in pride and covetousness, and takes Tithes, and Gifts, and rewards, and Teaches for filthy Lucre thy own Traditions, who art caring for thy maintenance and liveliehood, thou art not come so far as the Ravens and the Lilies, for they witness against thee, for they take no care, and them thou dost not consider: and there let the Ravens, and the Lilies, and fruitful trees, and every thing which keeps its Covenant, which do praise God, judge thee and condemn thee, to be out of the Covenant and out of the Saints life, among the wicked and fruitless trees, in whose mouths praises are not comely: and whereas thou brings that Scripture, Psal. 1 50. in that Scripture he saith, praise him with the sound of the Trumpet, with Psaltery, and Harp, and Cymbal, and Stringed-Instruments, and Organs, and loud cimbals, and Sounding cimbals, here let all that reads this, see thy nakedness and blindness, and what confusion thou art in, how thou art wandering in thy imaginations thou knows not whither, here thou hast shown thyself to be both without the old Covenant and the new; thou that art going about to uphold Types and Shadows, and singing of David's conditions, and that which he declared to continue among the wicked, to sing in Rhyme and Meeter; and whether hast thou all these Instruments which David speaks of, upon which in that time he praised the Lord, but thou art yet in the death, uncome to the Types which figured forth the life, and the Dead cannot praise God: Oh! for shame give over professing thyself to be a Minister of Christ, who art both out of the Scripture rule, and the life which spoke it forth, pleading for Rhymes, Customs, and Traditions to be set up and practised by vain wanton light, Airy, Filthy, earthly minds, in pretence of the worship of God, but abomination thou and all such worships and worshippers are to the pure living God, and thee we do deny and thy worship, which stands in tradition, and trample upon it to be shut out from God and all his Children, and in these thou calls thy general rules, directing weak Christians how to sing, thou hast uttered forth thy great swelling words, as laudatory, supplicatory, and impricatory, and encharisticall, and such like, here thou art found to be one of them which the Apostle declares against, who art in the great swelling words, 2 Pet. 2.18. therefore all them that are Christians, do deny thee and thy directions, who thyself art found to be out of the Christians life and practices: and in the end of thy Book thou sayest indeed it were an excellent and profitable work, if some able pen would (according to these general rules) give some directions upon every Psalm, to help weak Christians in singing: I answer, Thou Io. Clapham did call thy paper A short and full vindication of singing, so if it were full, what need thou tell of an able pen to give directions unto weak Christians? and what is the end of thy directions? now let all that reads this see the end of thy Arguments, and thy singing, and confusion, which thou hast here uttered, that all that have a desire to know the christians life, may see and witness against that life and these practices which thou art in, and see here how thou hast foamed out thy own shame, and laid open thy folly, so here in plainness (without partiality) from the Spirit of the Living God, I have laid open so much of thy confusion, as may be a shame unto thee, and all blind guides that are in thy steps, and may uncover thy nakedness to all men. Answered by me, who am a witness of the Truth against all blind guides and deceivers who are in their own imitations and inventions, Cain like, and in cain's way, & Balaams' way are now sound: my name according to the flesh is, George Whitehead. CERTAIN QUERIES TO You Teachers of the world, who profess the Scriptures to be your Rule to walk by. Query. 1 What warrant or example have you from Scripture to be made Ministers by the will of man at Oxford and Cambridge, and there to learn so many years' Arts and Sciences, and rudiments of the world, and so to have your Commission from man, seeing the Ministers of Christ were not made Ministers by the will of man, neither had they their Commission from man, and the Apostle declares against the rudiments of the world, Gal. 1.1.12. Col. 2.8. Query. 2 What warrant have you from Scripture to go to a people and hire with them such a time, and agree with them for so much wages, and to take tithes, and gifts, and rewards, seeing that Isajah declares against such as seek for their gain from their quarter: and jeremiah and the Lord declares against such as bear rule by their means: and Paul declared his entrance unto the Thessalonians, how he laboured night and day that he might not be chargeable, and that he did use no cloak for covetousness, and to them whom Christ sent out, he said, freely ye have received, freely give, the workman is worthy of his meat; and they that did take oversight of the flock of God, did not do it by constraint nor for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind and Peter and jude declared against such as go in Balaams' way, for gifts & rewards: and the Apostle denies such as takes tithes, and saith, that Priesthood and that law is changed, Isa. 56. jer. 5.30. Mic. 3.11. 1 Thess. 2.5.9. Mat. 10.8. 1 Pet. 5. 2 Pet. 2. & Judas 11. & Heb. 7.2.12. Query. 3 And what warrant have you from Scripture to be called of men Masters and to stand praying in the Synagogues, and to have the chiefest places in the Assemblies, and the greetings in Markets, and with a pretence to make long prayers as the Scribes and Pharises did, seeing that Christ said to his Disciples, be not ye called Masters, and cried woe to the Scribes and Pharises who did so, Mat. 6.5.7. & Mat. 23. Query. 4 And whether the same woe is not to you now that are found in their steps. Query. 5 And what warrant have you from Scripture, to make a Trade of other men's words, and to take a Text, and so to raise your Doctrines, and reasons, and Applications, and Motives, and Arguments, and consequences, seeing the Lord saith, I am against the Prophets that steal my words, every one from his neighbour: and Paul was not a Minister of the Letter, but of the Spirit; and he came not with enticing words which man's wisdom teacheth, but in the power and demonstration of the Spirit, jer. 23.30. 2 Cor. 3.6. & Chap. 10.16. 1 Cor. 2.4. Query. 6 And what warrant have you from Scripture, to give your meanings and interpretations unto the Scriptures, seeing that the Apostle saith, that no Prophecy of old came by the will of man, neither is it of any private interpretation, 2 Pet. 1.20. Query. 7 And what warrant have you from Scripture to read the Epistles to the world, which Paul wrote not to the world, but to the Saints called in Jesus Christ, and to give your meanings, and consequences, and expositions upon them, seeing that Paul said, I charge you by the Lord that this Epistle be read unto all the holy Brethren, Rom. 1.6. 1 Cor. 1.2. 1 Thes. 5.27. Query. 8 And what warrant have you from Scripture to sprinkle Infants and to tell people it is the Baptism, when you have no such example in Scripture, but tells people that believers were baptised, which will not maintain sprinkling Infants, and this baptism Peter calls but a figure, and Paul said he was not sent to baptise, but to preach, and calls baptism dead works, and saith that the baptism is but one; with one Spirit into one body, 1 Pet. 3.21. 1 Cor. 1.17. Heb. 6.1, 2. Ephes. ●. 5. Query. 9 And what warrant have you from Scripture to tell people of a Sacrament, & to tell people that a little bread and wine is the Communion, and so upholds rudiments and Ordinances, seeing there is no such word as Sacrament in Scripture, and cursed is he that adds or deminishes, and Paul saith; the cup of the blessing which we blessed, is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ, and the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ, and Christ said to his Disciples, take, eat, this is my body, and drink, this is my blood, and which of you dare say that a little bread and wine is the body and blood of Christ; and the Apostle saith, blotting out the hand-writing Ordinances that was against us, and why, as though living in the world are ye subject to Ordinances, touch not, taste not, handle not which are all to perish with the using after the COMMANDMENTS and DOCTRINES of men, 1 Cor. 10.16. Mat. 26.26. Col. 2.14.20, 21. Query. 10 And what warrant hare you from Scripture to give people David's Prayers, Praises, Prophecies, Cries, Complaints, Lamentations, Roar, Wastings, quake, and Tremble, to sing in Rhyme and Meeter, and when you read them, hats you keep on, and when you sing them, hats you keep off? And whether is this singing with the Spirit, and with understanding, yea, or nay? Now all you professed Ministers that dare own your selus to be Ministers of Christ and yet upholds these things before propounded to you, answer these by plain Scripture, without your meanings and consequences, and see how you can excuse yourselves in them, or else be ashamed and never profess Scripture to be your rule, and yourselves to be Ministers of Christ. CERTAIN QUERIES TO You that say the SCRIPTURE is your RULE, and the SAINTS RULE to try the SPIRITS by. Query. 1 WHether doth the Spirit of God bring man to know the Scriptures, or the Scriptures bring man to know the Spirit, and if the Scriptures bring man to know the Spirit, than what is it that opens the Scriptures, for to them that are without the Parables Mat. 13. Mark 11. Query. 2 And if the Scriptures be the Saints Rule to try the Spirits, and to know the voices by, then how did Moses know the voice of God before the Scriptures was written. Query. 3 And if the Scriptures be the Saints Rule to try who are deceivers, then how did Isajah know who was deceivers before he spoke those words forth. Query. 4 And if the Scriptures be the Saints Rule to know the voices how did jeremiah know the false Prophets who spoke Scripture Language, who said thus saith the Lord, and yet jeremiah knew that God never spoke to them, but said the Lord is against them, jer. 23.31. Deut. 18.20. Query. 5 And what other men's words did Isajah, and jeremiah, Ezekiel, & Hosea, & Micah, and the rest of the Prophets declare, when they declared against the dumb shepherds and hirelings, and false Prophets, and from whence had they that which they spoke? and from what Scripture did they learn what to speak, it the Scriptures was their Rule to try who was Deceivers by. Query. 6 And what Scripture had Peter and john to follow Christ by, and what Scripture did they know him by, seeing they were unlearned men, Acts 4.13. Query. 7: And if the Scripture be the rule to know God, and to try the Spirits by; then why did not the Scribes and Pharises know Christ, but persecuted him, seeing they had the Scripture and the Prophet's words which prophesied of him, and where he should be born. Query. 8: And if the Scriptures be the Saints rule to know who are deceivers, what Scripture did the Disciples of Christ know Antchrist, by who should come in his name and should deceive many, seeing Christ said unto them, go not forth, and if they might not go forth, where might they know Antichrist? and if you allege that they might be known by their fruits, because the Scripture declares against such as live in pride and covetousness, then by what Scripture will you know their inside that come in Sheep's clothing, and the Ministers of Antichrist that transform themselves into the likeness of the Apostles of Christ, and how then did the Saints know that pride was a sin, and covetousness was a sin, who spoke forth Scripture, and spoke what they knew before they spoke it. Query. 9 And if the Scripture be the Saints rule to try the spirits by, for what cause Christ send them a comforter, which the world could not receive, and he should tell them all things, and all the Children of God are taught of God, and hereby we know him because he hath given us of his Spirit, joh. 16.13. Heb. 3.10. Query: 10 And what Scripture might they try the Spirits by which john wrote unto, seeing he saith, These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you; but the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things: and wherefore did john write unto them, seeing he saith, I have written unto you (not because ye know not the truth) but because ye know the truth and that no liars of the truth, 1 joh. 2.20.26, 27. Now answer these by plain Scripture, you that profess yourselves to be Ministers of Christ, and gifted men, Pastors of Churches, that do profess the Scriptures your rule and the Saints rule to try the spirits by, or else be silent from your teaching, and never profess yourselves to be Ministers of Christ, that you may appear in your own likeness to be natural men and hypocrites, who are forbidden to judge, who cannot discern the things of the Spirit of God, Mat. 7.1.6. 1 Cor. 2.14, 15. GEORGE WHITEHEAD. FINIS.