THE enmity BETWEEN THE TWO SEEDS: Wherein is discovered, the subtlety and envy of the Serpents seed: who rules in the man of sin, that is born after the flesh, and persecutes him that is born after the Spirit; which spiritual birth is here witnessed( by the operation of the power of God through much travail) of the immortal seed, which was promised and is come to bruise the Serpents head, and discover him in all his wil●ss where he appears. Here is also witnessed( through suffering the loss of all things) the immediate Call to the Ministry by the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Scripture. With a Testimony of truth to all those that desire to know the way to God, and a discovery of the deceit, with a testimony against it, both in Rulers, Priests, and People, that do profess God and Christ in words, and in their works denies Him. Written from the light which the world hates, which they dwelled in who gave forth the Scripture, by one whom the world reproachfully calls a Quaker, not known to the world, but by the name of JOHN WHITHEAD. Here is also a Declaration of the ground and manner of my imprisonment, and of the imprisonment of Marmaduke Storr: who is my companion in Bonds for the Truths sake. With a Discovery of their proceedings against us at the two last general Sessions holden for the County of Northampton. Here is also, a Relation of the proceedings against Thomas Cocket of Dingley, at the last General Sessions which was holden for the aforesaid County, the 13. day of the 4. Month. 1655. Printed at London, 1655. THE enmity BETWEEN THE TWO SEEDS. I Am the light of the world, saith Christ, he that followeth me shall not abide in darkness, John 8.12. Luke 9.23. 2 Tim. 3.12. but shall have the light of life: and if any man will come after him, let him deny himself, take up his across daily and follow him; for he that in him will live godlily, must suffer persecution from the world, because the world knoweth him not; John 16.3. John 15.18, 19.17.14. neither do they know those that are regenerate, and born again of his Spirit, and therefore the world hateth them, and persecuteth them, because they are not of the world: as I am a witness against them who am not of the world, but am hated, falsely accused, and persecuted by the world: as my Lord and Master, Mat. 27.1, 2. Acts 7.52. and all the Children of God ever was, by those that made a profession of God in words, but lived in the love of the world: as they do who have persecuted me, and yet in words do make a profession of God and Christ; but are open enemies to him where he is made manifest in Power to testify against their hypocrisy and deceit: as they have made it appear in falsely accusing, and making many grievous complaints against me which they cannot prove, as in their saying that I rail against the Ministers of Christ, Acts 25.7. and the Ordinances of Christ, and against Magistrates: and they have sent me to prison( because I refused to take the oath of Abjuration, for Conscience sake in obedience to Christ Jesus who saith, Swear not at all) under the name of a wanderer, and a disperser of dangerous principles, and a breaker of the public peace: who, as they say, am a seducer, and could not make it appear that I was sent to preach the Gospel; for if I could, they say, I should not have been sent to prison: but that is no new thing, but the same that ever was; for truth to suffer under the name of delusion, Acts 24.5. and those that walk in it, as deluders, and heretics, and disturbers of the worlds peace, and to me their reproaches, Heb. 11.26. and false accusations are great riches: & in them do I rejoice. Yet nevertheless, that no lye nor false accusation may rest upon the truth, to turn aside the innocent, & cause those that be ignorant to stumble at it, and that those that falsely accuse, persecute, and seek to destroy the truth from off the earth, by their cruelty, in oppressing and in prisoning the bodies of the Saints, in whom the Spirit of truth guides: I shall declare what I was in the world, with my leading through the world, to the end of it, and what I do witness to it, with my usage in it, for witnessing against it that its deeds are evil. In the dayes of my youth, Pro. 23, 24, 25. I lived without the fear of God, though he was a reprover of me from my Childhood: yet notwithstanding I harkened not to his reproof, but lived in pride and pleasures, sporting and playing, and vain idle communications, as all do in that state, who mind not the Counsel of God: yet was I outwardly restrained by the education of my parents who feared God, from grosser evils, as swearing, Acts 56.4, 5. lying, cursing and the like: which many children are suffered to run into, whose parents live without the fear of God, and by my parents was I instructed in the strictest profession of Religion, that then was called by them Puritanism: yet notwithstanding I lived without any true sense, of my fallen and lost estate, until I was about 15 yeares of age, about which time I had a day of visitation: Ephe. 2.4. and God who is rich in mercy and delighteth not in the death of a sinner, caused light to shine out of darkness: 2. Cor. 4.6. & discovered to me my condition, not by man nor outward means, but by the word which is power and life which then stirred in me, Rom. 10.8. from which word light did spring up in me: and did let me see the iniquiry in which I lived, and that my heart was full of corruption, and filthiness, and lust to all manner of evil, and unrighteousness, Isa. 59.2, 12. Eph. 2.3. though I was outwardly restraiend from acting gross evils: thus I became sensible of my wretchedness and separation from God; and desires by the power of the living word, was begotten in me towards God, which wrought me, in some measure, into his fear: Heb. 4.12 and those things that I had formerly delighted in, that was evil, begun to be embittered to me, and the fear of God caused me to depart from them; Pro. 8.13. whereby my conversation became blameless as to the world, but of the true knowledge where to wait upon God for redemption from the evil that lodged in my heart, and separated me from him, I was ignorant, but was instructed by my parents, to the use of means, as hearing sermons, reading the scriptures, and the like which I much frequented, and so grew in knowledge beyond many my equals, Gal. 1.14. and as it grew, a secret pride grew, and my sin still remained in my heart, & the wrath of God abode upon me, under the sense of which I groaned, but found no way to escape it; for though I had outward knowledge of God, and Christ, & the promises; yet my will, and affections, and lusts, was not crucified: Col: 3.5, 6. upon which the wrath of God abode, and in this state I continued until I was about 18 yeares of age( about which time I went into the Army) and I had often secret breathings, & longings after God, but followed men zealously, whom the world called godly Ministers: who did speak much of faith in Christ, and of Gods free grace, & of free justification, which things I did apprehended in my understanding, and did believe as the worlds professors do that the grace of God was free and that Christ died for my sins; and rose again for my justification; and that justification was free by his blood. And here I got some ease, my outward conversation being blameless amongst men: but this faith was outward, & the living faith & living hope, which removes mountains, Mat. 21.22. putifies the heart and is an anchor to the soul) I stood not in: Heb. 6.9. 1 Joh. 3.20. Mic. 2.10. Ezek. 34.5. Luk. 17.20. for the root of evil still did remain: and my heart was unclean and condemned me; so there was in me many doubts, and questionings of my state, and no true rest I found to my soul, but cossed from mountain to hil, whilst I sought it without, in observations, as hearing sermons, reading the scriptures, and the like: and in this unsettled state I continued, until I was about 19 yeares of age; and then the Lord appeared in love to my soul, that lay in the pit crying unto him, Joh. 16.8. Luk. 17.21. and did more enlighten my understanding, and by his Spirit convinced me of righteousness: and he let me see that the kingdom of God was not in outward observations: but that it was within, and was righteousness, Isa. 54.13. Isa. 55.4. Joh. 14.6. peace, and joy, and that all the children of the Lord was taught of the Lord Christ, and that He was the way to the Father, and that he was given of God, to led his people into the Kingdom of God: And then by the power of God, the desires after righteousness was enlivened in me, and I was brought to wait in the fear of God, Psa. 62.5, 6 on the Lord alone from whom my soul did find some refreshment, and his secrets was with me: and by his Spirit he shewed me, barrenness, dryness hypocrisy, and confusion, in the most eminent teachers of the world, 2 Tim. 3.5. & in all the formal Professors that then I was acquainted with, and the light of God that discovered their emptiness lead me from following them; and my understanding begun more to be open, Joh. 6.68. in the true knowledge of Jesus Christ: and I see that he alone had the words of eternal life, job. 33.15, and I was weaned to him alone for teaching, and I had many openings in the living truth, and the eternal love of God in Christ Jesus witnessed to my soul by the holy spirit of promise, Eph. 1.13. in which I did exceedingly rejoice:( and in this state I was about 20 yeares of age) but I being ignorant of the daily across of Christ, in it to have waited upon God for the profession of what I did see and was promised to me; Gen. 3.13. the serpent beguiled me under faire pretences, and said unto me, that I was now made partaker of the love of God, and that there was a perfect reconciliation to God brought forth in the blood of Jesus, and whom he loved once he loved to the end: and when the pure light that witnessed for God called for purity and holiness; the serpent laid before me the failings of the Saints, and said, the best of Saints did commit sin, and that I could not be set free from it while I was here on earth, for in the flesh dwelled no good thing; but said he, that is no matter, for all is reconciled in Christ, and none can pluck thee out of his hand; and I lending an ear to him, in these plausible temptations, was drawn from the counsel of Christ, in carelessness, and forgot the loving kindness of God; and then my will got strength, and run forth again into pleasures, and wantonness: Rev. 11.8, 10. so was I carried captive into Egypt where our Lord was crucified and the witness slain. And then that nature that was of the world & loved the pleasures of the world, reioyced and made merry over the witness: yet a seed there did still remain, that did secretly reprove me, for my wicked thoughts, idle words, and vnsavory actions( though the world could not reprove me) and then the mother of harlots, with the wisdom of the serpent, made cures, & told me that that was but the Spirit of bondage that did reprove me and would led me again into bondage, and told me the Saints had liberty to take pleasure and delights in the world, and had the most right to its treasures, and told me that though I did act sin, yet God did not impute it to me, for he sees no sin in Jacob, nor transgression in Israel: & that it was not outward works that could alter the purpose of God, nor separate me from him; for whom he loves once he loved to the end and changed not,( but I had turned from that which he loved and it was in the house of bondage) and the mother of harlots sat decked in me, and said, she should sit a queen for ever, and see no sorrow: Rev. 18.7. and my knowledge I gloried in, and could talk of experiences that I had passed through: but the Prince of the air was head, Eph. 2.2. 2 Pet. 2.19. Rom. 9.20. and my soul was brought in bondage to corruption,( and in this state I lay near two years) and except the Lord had left a seed, I had been as Sodom: which seed sometimes disquieted the earthly spirit, and brought me in some measure into a sense of my condition, and did let me see that I was separate from Christ, & had lost the divine love and virtue, that once I did enjoy & sometimes there was a secret longing in me, to be from whenc I was turned: but the Serpent told me that that could not be done; for of myself I could do nothing, and that the Lords time was not yet come; for when he would have me otherwise, he would make me as he would have me to be, & I could not resist him in the day of his power: and thus he drew me( from hearing the Counsel of Christ, who called for selfe-denial and holiness) to live at ease in the flesh, and put the day of the Lord afar off: in which state I had perished in my gain-sayings, but that the long-suffering, and riches of Gods love to me was unexpressible. Rom 2.4. And as I here lay in the house of bondage, the Lord in his love sent his faithful messenger who is called William Dewsbery( into the place where I resided) in whom God had raised the witness, to declare his powerful word, and when I heard it declared, 1 Cor. 1.18. 1 Cor. 1.18. and the across of Christ preached, the witness of God arose in my conscience, and witnessed to the truth: and my understanding again was opened, by the power of the same Spirit that did first convince me of sin, 1 joh. 5.9. joh. 16.8. Luk. 15.12, 14, 15. and. 12.47. and I saw myself in the prodigal state, above the across of Christ, and that I was the servant that had known my masters will and not done it, and the judgement of God took hold on me: yet a secret hope of mercy was raised up in me upon my return; 1 Pet. 1.3. Luk. 15.18, 59, 20. Jer. 32.40. Pro. 14.16. Hos. 2.19. Mat. 24.21. and in this day of my visitation, I sunk down into the power of the spirit, that convinced me of sin and of judgement, and did resolve in the power of it to teturn unto him, against whom I sinned. And no sooner did I return, but in his love he did receive me, and put his fear in my heart, which caused me again to depart from all maner of evil: and he set up his righteous judgement in my heart, which took hold on the man of sin: and a day of trouble, and great fear, such as was not from the foundation of the world, fell upon the earthly man: Mat. 8.34. and as I here waited, the word of the Lord came unto me and said, if I would bee his disciple I must deny myself and take up his across daily and follow him: and by the power of his word, my will was brought into the across, and I was separated from my former companions, and from the comformities of the world to wait upon God in the way of His Judgements. And as I there waited on him, I did receive many precious promises: and that which lay in captivity, 2 Pet. 1.4. cried unto him for deliverance, Psal. 18.6.7, 8.68.8. and for vengeance upon the oppressor: and the Lord God heard the cry of the oppressed, and in his mighty power appeared, for the deliverance of his own seed, Isa. 61.1.2, 3. and to render vengeance upon the oppressor: and the earth shaked at the presence of the God of Jacob, and Babylon the great came in remembrance before him, Jer. 51.6.7. 8, 9, 10. and the time of the Where that she should be judged: then that which had lain in captivity leaped for joy, Rev. 18.8.10. & 19.1.2, 3. and triumphed in the power of the Lord, who judged the Whore, and plagued the Beast, and powred forth the Vials of his wrath upon the man of sin. Thus the Lord brought forth his own seed out of the house of bondage, with a high hand, Rev. 16. and a stretched out arm, Ezek. 20.33.34, 37. and fury powred out upon the lustful nature that bondaged it. And I do witness, according to the promise of the Lord, that Sion is redeemed with judgement, Isa. 7.27. and her Converts with righteousness; Jer. 31.33. & 32.40. and as he promised me whilst I waited on him in the way of his Judgements, he did writ his Law in my heart, and put his spirit in my inward parts, that I should no more depart from him: Gal. 4.6. and by his spirit he lead me through the Law, in the daily cross to the carnal mind, Rom. 8.4.7. Gal. which is not subject to the Law of God, and there that nature came to be crucified, in which the enmity lodgeth. And in that state the Prophets who see Christs day, ministered comfort to my soul: Pet. 1.10.11, 12. Psal. 78.15.16. Nah. 1.5. Isa. 40.4.5. Mat. 3.11.12. and waters often gushed out in the Wilderness, wherewith I was refreshed and supported in the time of trials, and in the trials the pure grew. About which time I came forth of the Army, and the zeal of the Lord God appeared in the spirit of judgement, and in the spirit of burning, and the Mountains melted at his presence, and became a plain, by his power, whose fan is in his hand, who thoroughly purged the floor, Mat. 2.15. who is the son of God, and was before the world was, but manifest in time, and born of a Virgin, and called out of Egypt, made under the Law, who lead me through the Law: and is the end of it, in whom it is fulfilled. Thus was I lead through the world to the end of it, who am not of it; for no more I live, but Christ liveth in me, Gal. 4.4.6. and the life which I now live, is by faith in the son of God, who is my head, my Lord and King, and ruleth me by his spirit, which is my guide, glory; and eternal praises, holy praises be unto the living powerful God for ever and ever, whose presence is dreadful, whose power makes the earth to tremble, Psal 6.34.9 Jer. 10.10. Isa. Gal. and puts her foundations out of course, who is arisen for Sions deliverance, and to the torment of those that hate her for evermore. Hallelujah. And I having received Christ Jesus, am by him sent to preach the Gospel: and not by man, nor by the will of man; and the Gospel which I declare, I have freely received not from man not by man, neither was It ought it, 2 Cor. 3.6. but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ: who by the working of his power hath made me a Minister of the spirit, not of the Letter, nor of man. And this Call is not contrary to Scripture, but the same that the holy men of God witnessed, Luke 1 Joh. 1.2, 3. who was eye-witnesses and Ministers of the word: and did declare the things that they had heard and seen, and was taught by the Revelation of Jesus Christ: and they by him was sent from City to City, and from Village to Village, to preach the Gospel, and they knew his voice, and was by his spirit shewed where the Lord had much people, Luk. 10.1. &c. Joh. 10.4. Acts and directed whither they should go, and not by man, nor by the Scripture: as Thomas Pentlow called Justice, and Thomas Andrew, whom the world calls a Minister, who persecuted me, would have had me to have proved that I was sent to preach the Gospel in Northamptonshire, by the Scripture. And here they show forth their blindness and unreasonableness; for Northamptonshire is not mentioned in Scripture, neither doth the Scripture call me by name, and say, go into such a place: neither did the Scripture call the true Apostles and Ministers of Christ, by their names, and say, Go to such a City or place: but the Lord Jesus, of whom the Scripture testifieth, he called them by name, and sent them forth, and they knew his voice: Mark. 3.14. &c: and the same Christ hath called me, and his voice I know, whom the Father hath revealed in me by the working of his mighty power: John 10.4. and by his spirit was I commended to leave my near and dear relations, and outward employments, Isa. 48.16. to preach Christ Jesus the light of the world to them that dwell in the earth, Act. 26.18. which the darkness covers, and to turn their mindes from darkness to the true light, John. 1.9. that lighteneth every one that cometh into the world, and from the power of Satan to God: and by the spirit of the Lord Jesus am I directed whither I shall go, as the true Ministers of Christ ever was: and a dispensation of the Gospel is committed to me, not by the will of man but by the will of God, and woe unto me, if I preach it not; 1 Cor. 9.16.17. but the love of Christ Jesus constrains me it to declare, and spread abroad in the world, that they may believe and be saved; and this Call is not contrary to Scripture, but the same that all the Ministers of Christ had as the Scripture testifieth. But I know that I shall be as one that speaketh Parables, and not be believed by the sons of the bond woman, that are born after the flesh, Gal. 4.23.29. who persecutes those that are born after the Spirit: for they are a wicked and adulterors Generation, and seeks after a sign, saying( to those that are sent by the spirit to preach Christ crucified, Mat. 16.4. and risen again the light of the world) If you be sent as the Apostles was, and have the same spirit that they had, show us a sign or a miracle, that we may see it and believe: but I say unto you that seek after a sign, that all that had the same spirit, and by it did witness the truth, did not work miracles; neither was there any sign ever given, but the sign of the Prophet jonas, to your forefathers the unbelieving jews and pharisees, who sought for a sign, and persecuted Christ: neither shall you, who are in unbelief, and seek after a sign, have any given but the sign of the Prophet jonas: Mat. 16.4. for you are an adulterous generation, as the Jews was, who sought for a sign, 1 Cor. 1.23. Joh. 8.12.24. to whom the preaching of Christ Iesus the light of the world, that lighteth every one that cometh into the world, is a stumbling block. But I testify unto you, that except ye believe in the light, John 3.19. and walk in the light, you shall die in your sins, and the light that convinceth you of sin, will witness God to be just in your condemnation. And I to him shall be a sweet savour, 2 Cor. 2.15.16. both in them that are saved, and in them that perish, who am not sent to feed the wise of the world with knowledge, nor those that stumble at the light with a sign, 1 Cor. 1.18.23, 24. but to preach Iesus Christ the light of the world, who was crucified, and is risen again, and the daily cross. And this is to them that perish foolishness; but to those that are saved, the power of God, and the wisdom of God, and by them shall I be known and witnessed that be Children of light in their measure. And now to clear my Conscience in the presence of the Lord God, that the mindes of the simplo may be informed, and that those that are in unbelief, and persecuted the truth, may be left without excuse: I shall declare what I do bear testimony of, Rev. 2.7. and what I witness against: he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear, and let him that is spiritual judge. 1 Cor. 2.15. I do witness that Christ Jesus is the light of the world, Joh. and doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world, and he testifieth against the world, that their deeds be evil, and that is his light which makes manifest in the Consciences of you men and women, Joh. 7.7. Eph. 3.13. the lusts of your heart: and lets you see that you should not live in covetousness, pride, enry, anger, swearing, lying, cursed speaking, drunkenness, lust, and uncleanness pleasures and wantonness, dissembling, backbiting and hypocrisy: and the same light that witnesses against these things, and discovers them to be evil, is the condemnation of all the world that hates the light; and all you that do these things that be evil, you hate the light. You that be covetous and proud, you hate the light; joh. 3.20. you that be angry and malicious, you hate the light, and all you that be swearers, liars, and cursed speakers, you hate the light; and all you that be drunkards, lustful ones, lovers of pleasures and passe-times, you hate the light, and you that be dissemblers and Hypocrites, you hate the light, and love darkness rather, because your deeds are evil: and there is your condemnation, joh. 3.19. that light is come into the world, and convinces you of sin: and you love sin rather then to walk in the light: and in your own Consciences and knowledge, the light will witness that your condemnation is just, and you shall be forced to aclowledge, that God is righteous, Rev. 22.12. when he rewards you according to your works: therefore repent and turn to the Lord while you have time. And all you that do turn to the Lord, and love the light that Christ hath lighted you with, joh. which discovers to you the evil of your hearts, and calls for purity and holiness, and amendment of life, and in it walk: it will led you out of darkness and your evil deeds, up to God the Father of lights and you walking in the light, as God is in the light, will have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ you will witness, 1 joh. cleansing you from all sin, which none can witness, whose mindes are from the light, walking in darkness and the love of the world( though they may make a profession of Christ, and talk of justification through faith in his blood) with that mind that lusts to do evil, Rom. 8.7. which is enmity to God and to Christ. Therefore all you that love your souls, love the light and walk in it; for every one of you have a measure which discovers in your own Consciences, joh. 1.9. Eph. 5.13. joh. 15.3. the works of darkness: though some object and say, have unbelievers the light of Christ,( I answer) yea, and it shines in darkness, and they hate it, and love darkness, rather because their deeds be evil: and the Counsel of Christ, from whence the light comes to such is. whilst you have light walk, joh. 12.35.36. least darkness come; and, Believe in the light, that you may be Children of light. And I do witness, that the free grace of God which bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men, and it teacheth us to deny all ungodliness, Tit. 2.11.12. and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, & godlily, in this present evil world, so by the free grace of God are we saved, as the Saints ever was. Eph. Isa. 64.6. Which grace taught them, and doth teach us, to deny all self-works, and self-righteousness, which is filthy rags: and all you are found in the self-works, that lives in ungodliness, dissimulation, and hypocrisy, professing God in words, but in works denies him, Tit. 1.16. and turns the free grace of God into wantonness, and stands in your own wills, which brings destruction upon yourselves: Iude 4. and God is just, who delights not in the death of a sinner, 2 Pet. but rather that he might turn and come to life, which life is in Christ, who lighteth every one that cometh into the world, with a measure which is sufficient to led out of darkness all that love it, Ezek. 33.11 John and is the condemnation of all that hate it, and turn the grace of God into wantonness. But some Object and say, If all have a measure of light that leads to life those that love it, and condemns those that hate it; is not this to hold salvation by works in mans loving or haring the light? and, whether hath man free will to love or to hate the light? joh. 4.10.19 Eph. I answer, No: man is not saved by his own works, neither hath he free will for to love the light of himself, but God hath first so loved man that in his free grace he hath given him a measure of light, and by his grace is the love to the light begotten, and mans own works and his own will denied, in which the enmity and desires to do evil, lodgeth: and all his works are wrought in God, in the cross to mans will, which cross is the power of God to salvation: and this grace of God which brings salvation, in which the love to the light is begotten, both appeared to all men: Tit. 2.11.12. Mat. 23.37. judas 4. Eph. 2.8. John 5.40. 2 Pet. 3.9. Jam. 1.13. and would gather you into the love of the light, as Christ would have gathered Jerusalem, but they would not, and no more will you be gathered now, who stand in your wills, but you reject the Counsel of God, and sleights the day of your risitation, and turns the grace of God into wantonness. So here I witness, that it is by grace that man loves the light, and is saved: and by his own will he hates the light, and is destroyed: for God willeth not that any should perish, neither tempteth he any man to do evil, nor to hate the light: therefore put your mouth in the dust, and let the truth judge you, that stand in your own wills, which is enmity to God, and lives at ease in the flesh: in pride, pleasures, and secret lusts, sporting yourselves in the day-time, 2 Pet. 2.13. and yet would charge the fault upon God, and make him the author of these things, when as he by his spirit, hath often reproved you in your own Consciences for the evil of your doings, which reproof you have rejected, 2 Cor. 4.4. the God of this world having blinded your eyes, because you did not abide in the love of the truth, Rom. Eph. 4.19. Heb. 10.29. Rom. 9.22. Eccles. 8.11 Rom. but had pleasure in unrighteousness, which hath hardened your hearts, that you are become past feeling, and in the reprobate sense, commits iniquity with greediness, and lives without the fear of God, doing despite unto his spirit of grace, because he endures with long patience and forbearance, your wicked works( which fits you for destruction) and doth not speedily execute his Judgements upon you, and therefore you harden your neck. But knowest thou not, O man, that the goodness of God leadeth to repentance: and that his spirit shall not always strive with man: Gen. 6.3. Psal. 15.6. but he will render tribulation and anguish, wrath and vengeance, upon the Children of disobedience, who join to the Serpents seed, which is accursed and reprobate from God: and in that day of his power you cannot resist, nor escape the day of his wrath, which shall burn as an own, Mal. 4.1. if you follow the Serpent, who leads you into just and filthiness, none can save you from the wrath of almighty God: but you shall perish in your Abomination, which you have sown to the flesh, Gal. 6.7.8. of which you shall reap corruption, and be punished with everlasting perdition from God who is pure, and from his holy Angels: therefore prise your time, and take heed to the light, that secretly reproves you for sin, 2 Thess. 1.9. and it will bring you to repentance, and into the fear of God: but disobeying of it is your condemnation, remember you are warned in your life-time, all you that live without the fear of God, at ease in the flesh, who commit sin because grace abounds. And I do witness, that the spirit of truth, which convinceth the world of sin, is sufficient to led and guide into all truth, and doth convince also of unbelief, and of righteousness, joh. 16.8.9. and 10. and of judgement: and here let the truth judge you, that say that the light which convinces the world of sin, doth not convince them also of unbelief; or that say, that the spirit of Christ, doth not convince an unbeliever of sin, or that say, that light which convinceth an unbeliever of sin, is not sufficient to led into all truth, without the teachings of men; for Christ saith, that the spirit of truth shall convince the world of sin; and they be the world who believe not on him, and it convinceth them of unbelief, joh. 16.13. and will led into all truth those that are guided by it: and he that denies him to be come, who convinceth the world of sin; is a deceiver, 2 joh. 1.7. and an Antichrist: therefore all people, take heed to that which convinceth you of sin, and calls you to repent and amend your lives, and lets you see secret lust, and corruption, and hypocrisy, and hardness of heart, and unbelief, and reproves you for it; for that is the spirit of truth, and you walking in it, it will not let you satisfy the lusts of the flesh: but it will bring a cross to your wills and lusts, so will you witness the flesh crucified with the affections and lusts, Gal. as the Saints did and doth, who rejoiced in the cross of Christ, and walked and do walk in the spirit, that leads in the straight gate of self-denial: and in the straight gate of self-denial you must walk, Mat. and the daily cross of Christ you most take up, to your wills and lusts, or you can not be the Disciples of Christ, nor enter into the Kingdom of God, for the broad way leads to destruction, and faith Christ Jesus( who is the way to the Father, joh. the truth and the life and the light of the world:) If any one will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me, and he shall not abide in darkness, but shall have eternal life. And I do witness that the gift of God is free, Rom. and is eternal life, which life is Iesus Christ, who tasted death for every man: and I do witness that faith in his blood justifieth, which faith is the gift of God, Heb. 2.9. given to all those that wait on him in the light; and the same faith that justifies, purifies the heart, Rom. 3.22.24. and 25. and the blood of Iesus cleanseth them that be in the faith from all sin: and this faith which purifies and works by love into the obedience of Iesus Christ, is not a dead talk, and barren profession, which the world lives in: but it is living, and is a Mystery held in a pure Conscience, 1 Joh. 1.7. 1 Tim. 3.9. Col. 1 Joh 5.4. Rom. 6.6. Eph. 2.16. Col. 1.20. Eph. 4.22.23. and 24. 1 Joh. 3.9. 2 Cor. 13.5. and it stands in Iesus Christ, & Christ in him that hath it, the hope of glory: & this faith is the victory, whereby the Saints overcome the world, and put off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the putting on of the body of Christ: and here the old man is put off with his deeds, and the enmity slain by the blood of his cross, and the new man created after God in righteousness and true holiness, which is the Image of God that was in the beginning which is perfect and sins not, neither can he, because he is born of God, and his seed remains in him. You that red this, prove yourselves, whether you be in the faith or no, and profess no more then you do possess. For I do stand a witness against all you that make a profession of God, and of Christ, and talks of faith in him, and of redemption by his blood, and free justification, and yet say, that not any can be made free from sin, whilst they are in this life: and do yourselves live in sin, and in the love and comformities of the world; for you are they that say and do not, Mat. 23.3. and 〈…〉 to Christ, and makes him a cloak for your sins, and 〈◇〉 his blood an unholy thing, Heb. 10.29. and redemption you cannot witness by it, who do walk in darkness: and your faith is dead and vain, Jam. 2.26. Mat. 25.24 judas 1.16. who are yet in your sins, and believes that you must live in them whilst you are in the body, and here you are found in the stoathful Servants condition, that mutmurs and complains, and walks after your ungodly lusts: and say that you have not power to subdue them, Luk. 21.34. and then sits down at ease, to eat and drink with the drunken, and so are over come with the cares of this life, and denies to take up the cross, which the Apostle preached the power of God to salvation, 1 Cor. 1.18. Eph. 5.13. and look for a power to come and destroy sin, when you go out of the body; and you never to have your lusts and desires to it crucified in the cross: Heb. 6.6. and with the light of Christ you are seen, to be they that put him to open shane, with your works of darkness, and vain imaginings, that none can be saved from sin whilst they are in the body, Heb. 7.25. ( when as the Scripture saith, that he is able to save to the uttermost, Rom. 6.18.22. all those that come to God by him, and the Saints that did and doth follow him, was, and is made free from sin, and become Servants of righteousness, and have their fruit unto holiness, Luk. 12.45 and the end is everlasting life:) and in this state, some of you that make a profession of Christ are found, Jam. 5.9. putting the day of the Lord far off, and you I warn to awake and sin not; for the judge, stands before the door, Mat. 13.43. and the wages of sin is death. He that hath an ear to hear let him hear. And I do witness, that not any Minister of Christ is made by the will of man, Gal. Act. Act. 8.20. nor fitted for his Ministry by human learning, nor sharpness of wit, nor by any natural gift: but by the gift of the spirit of Iesus Christ, which gift cannot be bought nor sold for money, nor limited to times and persons, but is free: and constrains him that hath received it, freely to minister it forth. And I do stand a witness against all those that say they are gifted to Preach the Gospel, & limits themselves to a particular time, people, and place: Jud. 10.11.2. Pet. 2.3.18. and there sells their gift for money, for these are they that goes in Balaams way, and through feigned words and high expressions, makes merchandise of the people. And I do witness against all those that do profess themselves to be Ministers of Christ, joh. 1.9. and denies that he lighteth every one that cometh into the world, or that calls His light, which lighteth every one that cometh into the world, a natural light, and denys the immediate Call to the ministry by the spirit of Christ, and says that they are fitted for the ministry by human learning, Act. 4.11. Mat. 21.42 and called and approved of men( for these are they that are disapproved of God) and causes the people to err by their lies, in denying that Christ lighteth every one that cometh into the world, and in calling His light natural, which light is the very way to God: and these are found building, without the corner-stone, and their building is Bubell, for they run and was never sent of God, and speaks a divination of their own braine-studdy, jer. 23. red the whole Chapter. and not from the mouth of the Lord, and uses their tongue when the Lord never spoken to them, but they steal the word from their neighbour, and such the Lord is and ever was against, and he hath shaken his hand at their dishonest gain, who do for filthy lucre run when the Lord never sent them, Mat. 7.15.16. and therefore shall they nor profit the people at all. And by their fruits they are known, though they come in sheeps clothing, and profess themselves to be Ministers of Christ, yet do witness against them all, that abides not in the doctrine of Christ, but acts those things that the true. Prophets and Christ did witness against( for they are inwardly ravening Wolves) that do seek for their gain from their quarter, 1 joh. 1.9. jer. 5.31. Isa. 56.10.11. Ezek. 34.2.3. Mic. 3.5.11. and bears rule by their means, and clothes themselves with the fleece, and feeds themselves with the fat, and bites with their teeth, and cries peace peace, and prepares war against them that 〈…〉 into their mouths and preaches for hire, and divines for money: and such 〈◇〉 these the 〈…〉 of the Lord witnesses against: as the Scripture testisleth, and I do witness against all those that profess to be Ministers of Christ, Heb. and receives tithes, which stood in the first Covenant, to be paid to the first Preist-hood: which Covenant was found faulty, and that preist-hood changed. And against all that sue people at Law for tithes, Mat. 5.40. or for wages, to whom they do neither minister spiritual things nor temporal; for these things are contrary to the doctrine of Christ, Mat. 12.34 2.33. and the practise of his true Ministers: neither did any of the false Prophets, deceivers, or hirelings, ever sue any at Law for Tithes or wages, that we red of in Scriptures: and here you that act such things, with the light of Christ are seen, to out-strip them all in oppression: O blushy for shane, and let the truth Judge you, Mat., 8. Luk. 11.43.44, 45. and 46. Joh. 10.12.13. who profess to be teachers of others and act such things: Ye generation of Vipers how can you that be evil, speak good things, how can you escape the damnation of Hell! that profess yourselves to be Ministers of Christ, and abides not in his doctrine, but acts those things that he cried woe against: as to stand praying in the Synagogues, and have the chiefest seats in the Affemblies, and the upermost rooms at Feasts, and loves greetings in the Markets, and are called of men Masters( which Christ forbid) and lays heavy burdens upon the people, and preaches for hire, in a particular parish, and so becomes the hireling of men which cares not for the sheep, but through covetousness, makes merchandise of the people: which never any Minister of Christ did. And I do witness against all you that do profess yourselves to be Ministers of Christ, and lives in covetousness, strife, and contention; swearing, drunkenness and faise accus●ing, pleasures and wantonness, lust and uncleanness, pride and headiness, Lording over Gods heritage. 2 Tim. 3. And against all you that have a form of godliness, and denys the power( which leads out of sin) and creeps into particular houses, which you call Churches, & there keeps people ever learning & never able to come to the knowledge of the truth: which makes free those that know it, joh. 8.32. and walk in it; now you that call this railing against the Ministers of Christ, speaks against the Scripture which bears testimony to what is hear declared: and the light of Christ, will condemn you eternally from God, that are found in these practices, that are contrary to Scripture, except you repent. But all those that are Ministers of Christ, I own, Mat. and by their fruits they are known, that have received Christ and are by his spirit sent to preach: and abides in his doctrine, and freely declares what they have freely received, as the spirit gives them utterance: and walks in the spirit, and brings forth the fruit of it, which is love, joy, Peace, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, Patience, Brotherly kindness, and the like: and these who are the true Ministers of Christ are no hireling, nor covetous ones, nor proud, self willed, Gal. 5.22.23. incontinent, heady, unholy ones, nor despisers of t●ose that are good, nor persecutors, nor false accusers, nor truce breakers, nor resisters of the truth, nor deniers of the power of godliness, nor creepers into houses, nor leaders captive of silly women, ever learning them and never bringing them to the knowledge of the truth: but the Ministers of Christ walks in the power of godliness, and goes from city to city, and from village to village, preaching the Kingdom of God, Mat. 10.6. &c. and enters into their houses that be worthy, and brings people to the knowledge of the truth, which leads out of sin all that love it, and these I own and honour, who give no offence in any thing that their ministry be not blamed: but do in all things approve themselves as the Ministers of Christ: in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities and distresses, in stripes and in prisomment, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings: 2 Cor. 6. &c. by pureness, by knowledge, by long suffering, by kindness, by the holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness, on the right hand, and on the left, by honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report, as deceivers and yet true, as unknown and yet well known, as dying and behold we live, as chastened, and not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoysing; as poor, yet making many rich, as having nothing yet possessing all things; & these that thus approve themselves, I own and esteem, and witness: but those are not known, nor approved by the world; but hated and persecured. Isa. 28.15.17. And here I charge you all, to stop your mouths that do falsely accuse me of railing against the Ministers of Christ, and give over making lies your refuge, least you with them be swept away. And I do also own and witness the Ordinances of Christ, as self-denial, and the daily cross, love one to another, to do to all men as we would be done unto, and not to swear at all, and if any smite the one cheek to turn the other, and to feed the hungry, and cloth the naked, and the like. Mat. 16.24 John 15.12 Luk. 6.31. Mat. 5.36.39. & 42. Mar. 16.15 1 Pet. 4.10.11. 1 Cor. 1 Cor. 12.13 Rom. 6.4. Cor. 10.16.17. Act. 4.32. Gal. 4.29.30. 2 Pet. 3.3. Prov. 19.29 Psal. 37.28.29. Rom. 8.14. John 8.35. And also preaching and prophesying, according to the proportion of faith, as every one hath received of the Lord, and praying with the spirit, and singing with the spirit, and with the understanding also,( as the Lord moveth) I own: and baptism by one spirit into one body, which brings down into death with Christ, and into the fellowship of his sufferings, I own and witness: and the Communion of Saints at the Table of the Lord, where they feed on the living bread, and all drinks into one spirit, which makes them of one heart, and of one soul, I own and witness: praises for ever be unto the Lord. But I know, that the sons of Hagar the Egyptain woman, that are born after the flesh, whose portion is to be cast out, and feed on the husks, will scoff at the moving of the spirit of the Lord, and say ha, ha these people will do nothing but what the spirit moves them to; but I say unto you that scoff at the moving of the spirit of the Lord, that you are they which Peter said, should come in the last time: but yet a little while, and the scorners shall be consumed, and you that turn from the spirit of the Lord, and work wickedness, cut off: but they that are guided by the spirit of God, are the Sons of God, and shall inherit the Kingdom, which fades not, and in it abide for ever: and here is a testimony of truth declared against all you who falsely say, I disown or rail against the Ordinances of Christ. But the Inventions and Traditions of men, I do freely testify against: as preaching for hire, Mic. 3.11. Jer. 23.16, 30, 31. and. 32. Mat. 6.5, 23, 24. 2 Pet. 2.14. a divination of their own brain study, limiting themselves by the hour, and standing praying in the Synagogues, for a pretence making their prayers long, whilst they regard iniquity in their hearts, and are enercised with covetous practices, and acts those things that Christ cried wo against: and singing Davids Psalms in rhyme and metre: As, for proud men, and men of strife and contention to sing these words( turned into a rhyme) Lord my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty, Psa. 131.12. neither do I exercise myself in great matters, nor in things too high for me: surely I have behaved and quieted myself as a child that is weaned of his mother; my soul is even as a weaned child. And for those that live without the fear of God, and never came into any true sense of their sins, but lives in jollity, and wantonness, Psal. 6.6. Psa. 119.120. to sing All my flesh trembles, I am afraid of thy Judgments: I go mourning all the day, and at night I water my couch with my tears. And thus poor ignorant people sings lies to the Lord, whereby he is dishonoured; and these things, and sprinkling of Infants,( which there is no Scripture for) is counted the Ordinances of Christ, by those that know not God: but I witness against them, and against that which the world calls a Sacrament, where a company of carnal people that discern not the Lords body meet at a carnal table, to eat and drink carnal bread and wine, which feeds the carnal man; 1 Cor. 11.29. for these are they that eat and drink damnation to themselves: who some of them live in covetousness, oppression, and hard-heartedness: others in envy, hatred, rashness, self-willedness, and per ecuting the innocent: and others in pleisures, drunkenness, lust, and undleanness: and others, in dissimulation and hypocrisy, 2 Tim. 3.5. having a form of god iness, but denies the power: and Christ never commanded you any such things as you practise and call his Ordinances, neither was they the Saints practise; for they dwelled in the light and life, and possessed the substance; 1 Cor. 10.2, 3, 4, 5.16, 17 Joh. 1.9. therefore cease from your Inventions, and Traditions, and walk in the light of Christ, which reproves you for sin, and calls for holiness and truth in the inward parts: joh. 1.7. in which light is the unity and communion of Saints. And whereas I am accused of railing against and contemning Authority, I do declare in the presence of God, It is false; for my soul is subject to the higher power, Rom. 13.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. for conscience sake: and magistracy I own, which is the Ordinance of God, ordained for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well; and those Magistrares that are guided by the light of Christ, which is equal and just, and act Justice according to the Law of God without respect of persons, I own and honour in my soul, not with flatteries and deceit, as the custom of the world is: but with submission to the Law of God, of which he is a Minister for good to me, who respects no mans person, but punishes the evil doer, and countenanceth him that doth well; But he that is in the place of a Magistrate, and turns from the light of Christ, and casts the Law of God behind his back, Deut. red Isa. 59 and respects the persons of men, and perverts all equity, and causeth Justice to stand a far off, and lets the evil doer go free, and punisheth the innocent that walk in the Law of God( which respects no mans person) and are subject also to every Ordinance of man for the Lords sake: him do I witness against, that acts these things contrary to all equity, without respecting his person; 1 Cor. 13.6. Joh. 14.27. yet no power do I resist, but in that dwells, which suffers all things, hopeth all things, and am subject to the will of God: in whom I have that peace which the world cannot give, nor take from me: praised be the name of the Lord for ever. I. W. ANd for witnessing the truth, which here I am called to declare: as the Lord directed me by his Spirit do I now suffer imprisonment. And that they may be made manifest, whose souls are not subject to the higher Power, nor to the Ordinance of man for Conscience sake; I shall declare the cause, and manner of my imprisonment, and the cause and manner of the imprisonment of Marmaduk Stor●… and their proceedings against us, at the two last General Sessions, holden the 13. day of the fourth month. Vpon the 15. day of the first month in the year 1654. I being at a peaceable meeting of the Lords people in a friends house in Wellinborough in Northamptonshire, as I was exhorting them in the name of the Lord, there came in Richard Denit, and John Hackney Constables in the said Town, and with them Henry Smith and Richard Beacons; and as I was declaring the Truth, Henry Smith did oppose it; and the Constables by force did take me forth of the meeting, and would not show me their Warrant, though it were often desired of them; and that night they carried me before Thomas Pentlow of Wilby, Mat. 10.17.14. who is in Commission to do justice in the County of Northampton: And after he had examined me, he said unto me, that if I would go home and live with my wife, and go towards her the next morning, I should have my liberty. I answered, I do not stand in my own will, but in the Will of God, and can make no such promises, not knowing what the morning will bring forth; and then( though none could lay any thing to my Charge that is the breach of any Law) he did commit me to the Constables till further Order, and on the seventeenth day of the aforesaid month, Luke 23.10. they carried me again before Thomas Pentlow, and John brown of Kettering, who also is in Commission to do justice, and joined with Thomas Pentlow, and Thomas Andrewes, and John Boddington, whom the world calls teachers being there present, did very much stir up the Rulers against me, and by Thomas Andrews, Robert Beeton: Richard barns, and Henry Smith, was I accused to be a wanderer, that had left my wife and calling, and to be a railer, because I declared the truth, and desired Thomas Andrewes,( on the third day of the 10. month, at the steeple house in Wellinborow, after their public worship was ended) to prove his doctrine and practise by Scripture, but he fled away, and would not stand to prove his practise and that which he had spoken. The truth which I had declared I denied not: but to be a wanderer I did deny, and I told them my habitation was in the Lord, and that I was in that calling whereunto he had called me, & that I had also an habitation on the earth, where my wife lived and was not burdensome to any: then Thomas Pentlow asked, how I could make that appear? I answered, that I had a friend at the door, if he might be admitted to come in, without offence, that could witness the truth, of what I had declared; then he was by Thomas Pentlow admitted to come into his house, and being examined he did declare the truth according to what I had said; and then the Rulers being stirred up by those called Teachers, who sought to ensnare him in his words instead of hearing the truth in my behalf, did take offence at him, and did examine what his name was, and where he dwelled, and what his occupation was, and wherefore he came into these parts; to which he answered that his name was Marmaduke Storr, and that his dwelling was at Ringbrough in Holdernes, in the East parts in Yorkshire, and that his occupation was a Farmer of grounds on which he grazed Oxen, and he told them the cause of his coming into this Country was to visit his brother joseph Storr, whom Thomas Pentlow had cast into prison at Northampton, and to supply his wants. And he further said that he was to go into Staffordshire, to take his Farm again of Thomas Brown, Trustee to one called Lady Skevinton, the term of its time being out within eight dayes, which did occasion his coming the sooner into these parts: then Thomas Pentlow, asked him what he had to do in that place, he answered he hearing that I was accused to be a vagabond, and he knowing the contrary did come to testify it, and he alleged that he did not come into his house without his admittance. Then Thomas Pentlow asked him if he would take his oath of what he had declared concerning me; Mat. 5.30. and 37. but in obedience to Christ who saith, Swear not at all, he refused an Oath: then the Ruler being stirred up by Thomas Andrewes, who did accuse us as Papists and jesuits, and dispersers of dangerous principles; and they all perceiving we would not swear, after they had confulted together; for a snare, they tendered to us the Oath of objuration: but we both for Conscience sake refused to swear in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, who saith, Swear not at all, Iam. 4.12. and the Apostle James saith, Above all things my brethren Swear, not neither by heaven nor by the earth neither by any other Oath but let your yea he yea, & your nay be nay, least you fall into condemnation. And we being like-minded to the Apostle, lest we should fall into condemnation, refused the oath: but we did in the presence of the Lord God renounce & deny the things renounced & denied in the form of that oath, & all Principles contrary to the Spirit of truth, which gave forth the Scriptures: then they told us, they looked upon us to be persons disaffected to the Commonwealth, and did require us to find sureties, to be of the Good behaviour, and to appear at the next Sessions to be holden for the County of Northampton; but we replied that, of our good affections to the Common-wealth, we have given Testimony in assisting it with our persons and estates in the time of its greatest straits, but to lay in sureties to be of good behaviour we did deny, except they would red to us a Law, that declared any thing that we had done, or that they charged us with to be evil behaviour: they said that they was Judges and didjudge it so to be. We answered that if they were Judges, they ought to judge us according to a law, and desired them to red us a law, by which they judged us to be of evil behaviour, Luke 21 ●2, 13. we knowing in our own consciences, that we had not misbehaved ourselves: but they would red us no law to convince us as transgressors, but made a Mittimus, and sent us to prison the 17 day of the foresaid month, a copy of which is denied us by John Snart Joaler, and in prison we was kept, until the General Sessions which was holden on the 25, day of the 2. month 1655. where there sat Henry Bartlet, John Mansil, and John Thornton who was in Commission to do justice, and when we was called to the bar, they red the M●ttimus, as a Charge against us: but Marmaduke Storre, declared and doth declare, that what they charged us with, is false every word, as concerning him; but only he did refule to swear, and not any man appeared that did or could accuse him of his evil doing or the breach of any Law either by word or action: but they put him jointly in the Mittimus with me, who came on my behalf to witness the truth, though they can accuse him of nothing else but what is here declared; and they accused me of some things they pretended to be spoken, above ten weeks before he came into this Country, but not any witness did there appear, to prove that which they accused me for: neither could they red me any Law, that those things they accused me for, was a transgression of; but those that should have done justice according to equity, instead of so doing did again require us to find Sureties, to be of good behaviour, and to appear at the next assizes; but we did refuse to lay in Sureties, except they would red us a Law, which did declare us to be transgressors, or of evil behaviour: which they refused, and did again commit us to the common goal, where we continued, until the 13. day of the 4. Month at which time we was brought before the general Sessions, where there sat William Butler of Oundle, Mar. 13.9. John Mansil, John Thornton, and one Ward of Hoton, who were in Commission to do Justice, and with us before them was brought Thomas Cocket whose dwelling is at Dingley in Northamptonshire, whom John Mansil, and John Brown cast into prison, the 15. day of the second Month, when he went before them on his servant Edward Fermans behalf to witness that he was no wanderer, but did labour hard with him in his Calling, which is making shoes; and we being called to the Bar, they commanded us to put off our hats, but we stood in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, Iaui. 2.1. &c. and in obedience to the Law of God, which respects no mans person; Then they said, that we affronted the Court, with standing with our hats on. We answered, that neither the Law of God, nor the Law of the Nation did require us to put off our hats; and we told them, that we did not keep them on in contempt, but for Conscience sake. Then Robert Guy, clerk of the peace did affirm, that to stand with our hats on, was a transgression of the Law of the Nation; and William Butler said, it was evil behaviour; We desired them to red us that Law that did declare standing with the hat on, to be evil behaviour, or that did require any such thing as putting off hats; but they refused to red us any Law, and said to us, we tell you that it is a transgression of the Law, and evil behaviour to stand with your hats on: and we do require Sureties for the good behaviour. We answered, we do not refuse to lay in sureties to be of good behaviour; Then William Butler( who is also an Officer in the Army) said, We will not be so much your servants, for you are unworthy fellowes; and, said he, You do put confidence in the Army: but I tell you, the Officers of the Army will be more severe in punishing you, than any have been yet. But we answered, That the Officers of the Army, under whom we had faithfully served in the late wars, ought not to punish us contrary to Law; Then Robert Guy laid unto me, that there was information given, that I had made disturbance in the country: I answered, that the persecuting gene ration did in times past so accure Paul, to be a ring-leader of the Sect, and a mover of sedition throughout the world, who turned the world upside down; Then William Butler said, that Paul were falsely accused; but thou art really such a one. Acts I desired him to prove that I were such a one: then he said that we was unmannerly people, in standing covered before them. I answered, he that respects persons, is in the evil manners, and transgresseth the Law of God, and Marmaduke Storr said that they who sat to judge us, ought not to be our accusers, and we desired, that our accusers might appear face to face, that if we had transgressed the Law, we might suffer according to the Law: but no information was red against any of us; neither did any appear that did or could accuse any of us of evil doings, either by word or action: But those that sate to judge us, told us, that we was idle disorderly persons: we desired them to prove it before the Country; and I said to them, that my Calling was to declare the truth, which should be witnessed in all their Consciences, at the dreadful day of God; and Mar maduke Storre said, that when he was committed, he had the managing of grounds of about seven score pounds a year, on which he grazed cattle, which could not be managed without labour; and he further told them that the occasion of his coming into the Country, was to visit his Brother in prison, and that when he was committed, he was upon his Journey to have taken his farm again of the owner of it, and he proffered to let them see a letter under the hand of him that did let it, to testify the truth of what he said: but they refused to look on it, and told him that he was a wanderer, and an idle person: And Thomal Cocket; in answer to their accusing him to be an idle disorderly and wandring person, said to them, that his outward welling( as some of them did well know) was but twelve miles off, in the same County, and that he did labour hard in his Calling, and he desired that he might have the benefit of the Law, and if any could accuse him, he desired they might there appear to his face, and he was ready to answer the Law, but not any appeared, that could accuse him of evil doing; then they instead of judging our cause in righteousness, did manifest the secrets of their hearts, and commanded us to be silent, and hear the Sentence of the Court, which is as followeth, jailer, put them in the house of correction, and suffer not any people to come at them, and suffer them not to have any meat brought to them, and suffer them not to have either pen, link, or paper brought to them, but keep them strair, and work them hard, but no time they prescribed, how long we should be there continued; but the gaoler according to their Command, took us away, and put us in prison, Rev. 2.10. where we remain numbered among transgressors; and for the truth sake, that innocency may be cleared from the aspersion of the wicked; and that all those that are sober minded, who have an eye to see, may consider and discern, Isa. 53.12. and with the light of Christ, try and judge, whether these men have not proceeded unjustly against us, and through envy and cruelty perverted the Law, and abused their power committed to them, contrary to their own Oaths, Protestations, and former promises of liberty, when they with us was persecuted by the late enemies of the truth, who fell before this present power that now is, which these men profess, that by virtue of that power, these have passed the forementioned sentence, which makes them manifest to be more cruel, then those that fell before them, or then any heathenish. Magistrates we red of in Scripture, or then ever Pharach was against the Israelites, who did not forbid them food, when he commanded them to be holden to hard labour: and their sentence is also contrary to the Doctrine of Christ, which is to seed our enemies that hunger, and to visit those that are sick, and in prison; but they in stead of so doing, do imprison the innocent, and gives command that none shall visit us, or bring us food. Mat. 5.44. & 25.43. Rom. 12.20 O what will you do, that dare to profess the name of Christ in words, whose practise this is, when he comes to look for fruit: whither will you fly, when Christ shall say, I was in Prison, and you visited me not; and What you have done to the least of these that believe on me, you have done it unto me. red your portion, Mat. 25.40. and 41. Go ye cursed into everlasting fire; and now all people who fear God, and know the liberties of this Nation, consider whether they be not here infringed by these men, who contrary to Law, do imprison men upon their lawful travail, and take them from their Callings and employments, and then falsely accuse them to be idle, and upon that account order them according to the sentence formerly written: he that hath an eye to see, let him see. And now a few words to thee William Butler, who art an Officer in the Army, and boasteth in the arm of flesh, and says, that the Officers of the Army will take a more severe course, in punishing us whom the world in scorn calls Quakers, then heretofore hath been taken. I say unto thee and to the rest of the Officers, whom thou declares openly upon the bench, would severely punish us: take heed how you requited the Lord, evil for good, who for his anointed sake, hath reproved Kings, 1 Cho. 16.20.21, 22. and hath in your eyes appeared the God of Armies, who hath overthrown the Horse & his Rider, and take heed how you oppress his people least the Lord God of Hosts cut you off in his displeasure, as he did the Oppressors, Exod. 15.1. &c. that he destroyed before you. And learn thou of him who is meek, and low in heart, that thou mayst know, that no Officer of the Army ought to punish a peaceable harmless people, that transgress no National Law, but walks in the Law of God, which is without respect of persons; for he that is a soldier, ought to do violence to no man, nor to accuse falsely, as thou didst us in saying that we put confidence in the Army, which is false; for our confidence is in God, who is the Rock of ages. And now a word to all you into whose hands, power, is committed to judge between man and man, who turn your power against God, and persecutes his faithful servants, and are offended at them, for standing with their hats on, before you. Consider what that is in you, that is offended at us, for coming before you with our hats on, seeing neither the Law of God, Luk. 3.14. nor of the Nation requires it; but on the contrary, the Law of God saith, that he that respects persons, commits sin; and we for conscience sake, cannot put off our hats at your Commands, no more than Mordecay could bow to Hamans will, though the King did command it, and though his life, and the life of all the Jews, Jam. 2.9. young and old, throughout the Province of Babylon, was endangered to be destroyed, because he disobeyed the Kings Command: yet he regarded it not, but gave up himself to his people, as you may red, Esth. 3.2. chap. 6. & 13. chap. 4.14. chap. 7.10. & chap. 9.7.5. And he stood in the faith & obedience to the Law of his God, Jer. 17.5.6, 7. as we do now, who cannot disobey the Law of our God, in respecting your persons at your Command, though our Relations, Liberties and Lives, be engaged as you now rule by your wills contrary to Law, and our God is the same God, that destroyed Haman, and delivered Mordecai and his people; and he will seitter you, who trust in the arm of flesh, and in his own time will deliver us, by the arm of his mighty power, in whom we trust who is now arisen and will judge our cause in righteousness, 2 Thes. 1.4.5. &c. and render tribulation to them that trouble us, and to us rest, with all dear Saints of God, who was hated and penecuted of the world, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, in flames of fire, to render vengeance upon all you that know not God, and are disobedient to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, though you make a profession of him in words, while you are filling up the measure of your forefathers iniquity( the Bishops and unjust Rulers) who persecuted the truth as you now do, that upon you may come all the righteous blood, Mat. 23.34.35. of those faithful Martyrs and witnesses of Jesus Christ, that hath been shed in your generation or birth, from the beginning unto this day: and you have gotten their words to trade, and paint yourselves with, as the Jews did, the true Prophets words, and made a faire outward profession, with garnishing the sepulchres of the righteous, as you do now, with crying up the Ordinances of Christ, and the Ministers of Christ, and says, If you had been in the dayes of your forefathers, Luk. 11.47.48, 49, 50, 51. you would not have slain the Martyrs that died in Qu. Maries reign; but we say unto you, they suffered by the same murdering spirit, which you manifest to be in you, who persecute by her laws, and do imprison, and falsely accuse( under the name of wanderers, seducers and disturbers of your peace) the faithful Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom he hath called forth of the world, and made conformable to him in his death, through the sufferings and renewing of the spirit in the Regeneration. And this we declare to you all, that do act these things before mentioned, Tit. 3.5. and yet makes a profession of faith in Christ, that they who did in times past, or that do now believe in Christ Jesus, and are regenerate and born again through faith in him, are no persecutors, neither did they, nor do we who believe in Christ, persecute falsely, accuse or imprison, any that speak in the name of the Lord, and exhort people to repentance; and we do again declare, in the presence of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, and it shall be answered with the light in all Consciences, that you that do imprison, falsely accuse, persecute, and scorn those that declare against sin in your streets, and in your Steeple-houses( under the names before mentioned,) are shut out from amongst all the Saints and Children of God, that believe in the Lord Jesus, and you are found in Cains way, who slay his Brother, and in Ishmaels nature born after the flesh, which birth is the same that crucified Christ, stoned Stephen, and put to death his faithful Ministers and witnesses in all ages, Ga. 4.29. 1 Cor. 4.11. Heb. 11. from the 32. to the end, and the 12.1.2. who some of them had no certain dwelling place, and others wandered about in Sheep skins and Gote skins, and was destitute and afilicted, and counted the off-skowring of all things by the world, who was not worthy of them, who did endure trials of cruel mockings, and was beaten and imprisoned, as we are that suffer by the same seed of evil doers, and they was slain with the sword, and quenched the violence of the fire, and were tortured, not accepting deliverance, but did rather choose to suffer, what man did do unto them, than they would transgress the perfect Law of their God, who had called them out of the world; Jer. 17.10. Mat. 7.2. and these are our Cloud of Witnesses, and their God is our God, and will deliver us, and render to you every one of you according to your doings, and with what measure you meet to us, it shall be measured to you again; and you shall not escape, but shall receive at the Lords hand the Cup of the wrath, and fury of Almighty God, which he will fill unto you: and will get his glory upon you, Ezek. 7.8.9, 10, 11. in his righteous Judgements, except ye repent: therefore speedily return to the Lord, and walk in the light of Christ Jesus, that reproves for sin, least you perish in your gainsayings, and your hearts be hardened, so that no more place of repentance be found: therefore now while you have time prise it. And all dear Brethren and Companions in the Kingdom, Joh. 1.9. and patience of the Lord Jesus, who are his faithful witnesses, lift up your heads, and rejoice in the Lord, who hath counted you worthy to suffer for his names sake, Rev. 1.9. and stand unmovable in the light, life, and power of God, and be bold and of good courage, be of a sound mind, and be obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ, and forget the things that are behind, and press forward in the pure light through the straight gate, in the daily cross to that which is contrary to the light, and tread and trample upon that which would shake your confidences, and be faithful to the end, Heb, that you may receive a full reward( with all the faithful ones, who suffered before you) from the Lord God of Sabbaths, who is a consuming fire to his enemies, but is, ever was, and abides for ever, the Refuge of all that trust in him: Psal. 9.8. &c. glory and praises be given to him for ever and ever. From the righteous seed, whom the world in scorn calls Quakers, whose bodies are in outward bands, in the common Goal in Northampton. FINIS.