To the High Court of Parliament of the commonwealth of England, &c. The humble Petition of John Wagstaff, Gent. Inhabitant of the County of Warwick. Showeth: THat whereas Sir Richard Temple baronet, was chosen a Member of this present Parliament, for the County of Warwick, being under the Age of one and twenty years, until the 28 of April next, as appears by the Registers Book of Saint martin's in the Fields, it being contrary to the Instrument of Government; And whereas many of the said County of Warwick did by Petition to the Lord Protector and his Council make known so much, whereupon the said Sir R. Temple was rejected by the said Council, as a person incapable to sit in Parliament, and the Petitioners were promised that a new Writ should issue forth for the choosing another in his place, which being delayed, the said Sir Richard Temple hath contrary to the said qualification, intruded himself into the House, which your Petitioner fears may be prejudicial to him in regard of a trial with Sir Richard Temple by Doctor Denton his guardian, although his Interest is wholly in trust, for the Lord Baltinglass is in right of his Lady, the Trial being for sum 1000 l. per annum, on Monday next in the Upper Bench. Therefore he humbly prays that the said Sir R: T: (according to the said qualification, which all other Countries have carefully followed, as the County of Warwick are desirous to observe;) may not be admitted to sit in the House, but that a new Writ may be issued for the choosing of another in his place. And your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c. John Wagstaff.