A newyears Gift FOR THE PARLIAMENT AND army: showing, What the KINGLY Power is; And that the CAUSE of those They call DIGGERS Is the life and marrow of that Cause the Parliament hath Declared for, and the Army Fought for; The perfecting of which Work, will prove England to be the first of Nations, or the tenth part of the city Babylon, that falls off from the Beast first, and that sets the Crown upon Christ's head, to govern the World in Righteousness: By Jerrard Winstanley a lover of England's freedom and Peace. Die Pride and envy; Flesh, take the poors' advice. Covetousness be gone: Come, Truth and Love arise. Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of doors: Cast out hypocrisy and Lust, which follows whores: Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end; Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend. London, Printed for Giles Calvert, 1650. A New years Gift SENT TO THE PARLIAMENT AND army. GEntlemen of the Parliament and army; you and the Common people have assisted each other, to cast out the Head of oppression which was Kingly power, seated in one man's hand, and that work is now done, and till that work was done you called upon the people to assist you to deliver this distressed bleeding dying nation out of bondage; And the people came and failed you not, counting neither purse nor blood too dear to part with to effect this work. The Parliament after this have made an Act to cast out Kingly power, and to make England a free commonwealth. These Acts the People are much rejoiced with, as being words forerunning their freedom, and they wait for their accomplishment that their joy may be full; for as words without action are a cheat, and kills the comfort of a righteous spirit, so words performed in action does comfort and nourish the life thereof. Now Sirs, wheresoever we spy out Kingly power, no man I hope shall be troubled to declare it, nor afraid to cast it out, having both Act of Parliament, the soldier's Oath, and the common people's consent on his side; for Kingly power is like a great spread tree, if you land the head or top-bow, and let the other Branches and root stand, it will grow again and recover fresher strength. If any ask me, What Kingly power is? I Answer, there is a twofold Kingly power. The one is, The Kingly power of righteousness, and this is the power of almighty God, ruling the whole creation in peace, and keeping it together. And this is the power of universal love, leading people into all truth, teaching every one to do as he would be done unto. Now once more striving with flesh and blood, shaking down every thing that cannot stand, and bringing every one into the unity of himself, the one Spirit of love and righteousness, and so will work a through restauration. But this Kingly power is above all, and will tread all covetousness, pride, envy, and self-love, and all other enemies whatsoever, under his feet, and take the kingdom and government of the Creation out of the hand of self-seeking and self-honouring Flesh, and rule the alone King of Righteousness in the earth; and this indeed is Christ himself, who will cast out the curse; But this is not that Kingly power intended by that Act of Parliament to be cast out, but pretended to be set up, though this Kingly power be much fought against both by Parliament, army, clergy, and people; but when they are made to see him, than they shall mourn, because they have persecuted him. But the other Kingly power, is the power of untighteousness, which indeed is the Devil; And O that there were such a heart in Parliament and Army, as to perform your own Act; then People would never complain of you for breach of Covenant, for your Covetousness, Pride, and too much Self-seeking that is in you. And you on the other-side would never have cause to complain of the people's murmurings against you. Truly this jarring that is between you and the People is, The Kingly Power; yea that very Kingly power which you have made an Act to cast out; therefore see it be fulfilled on your part; for the Kingly power of Righteousness expects it, or else he will cast you out for Hypocrites and unsavoury Salt; for he looks upon all your Actions, and truly, there is abundance of Rust about your Actings, which makes them that they do not shine bright This Kingly power, is covetousness in his branches, or the power of self-love, ruling in one or in many men over others, and enslaving those who in the Creation are their equals; nay, who are in the strictness of equity rather their Masters: And this Kingly power is usually set in the Chair of Government, under the name of Prerogative, when he rules in one, over other: And under the name of State privilege of Parliament, when he rules in many over others: and this Kingly power, is always raised up, and established by the Sword, and therefore he is called the Murderer, or the great red Dragon, which fights against Michael, for he enslaves the weakness of the People under him, denying an equal freedom in the Earth to every one, which the Law of Righteousness gave every man in his creation. This I say is Kingly power under darkness, and as he rules in men, so he makes men jar one against another, and is the cause of all Wars and Complainings; he is known by his outward actions, and his action at this very day fills all places; for this power of darkness rules, and would rule, and is that only Enemy that fights against Creation and National Freedom: And this Kingly power is he, which you have made an Act of Parliament to cast out. And now you Rulers of England, play the men, and be valiant for the Truth, which is Christ: for assure yourselves God will not be mocked, nor the Devil will not be mocked; for First you say and profess you own the Scriptures of Prophets and Apostles, and God looks that you should perform that Word in action: Secondly you have Declared against the Devil, and if you do not now go through with your work, but slack your hand by hypocritical self-love, and so suffer this dark Kingly power to rise higher and Rule, you shall find, he will maul both you, and yours to purpose. The life of this dark Kingly power, which you have made an Act of Parliament and Oath to cast out, if you search it to the bottom, you shall see it lies within the iron chest of cursed Covetousness, who gives the Earth to some part of mankind, and denies it to another part of mankind: and that part that hath the Earth, hath no right frow the Law of creation to take it to himself, and shut out others; but he took it away violently by Theft and Murder in Conquest: As when our Norman William came into England and conquered, he turned the English out, and gave the Land unto his Norman soldiers every man his parcel to enclose, and hence rose up Propriety; for this is the fruit of War from the beginning, for it removes Propriety out of a weaker into a stronger hand, but still upholds the curse of Bondage; and hereby the Kingly power which you have made an Act, and Sworn to cast out, does remove himself from one chair to another; and so long as the Sword rules over brethren, (mind what I say) so long the Kingly power of darkness Rules, and so large as yet is his Kingdom; which spreads from Sea to Sea, and fills the Earth; but Christ is rising who will take the Dominion and Kingdom out of his hand, and his power of Righteousness shall rise and spread from East to West, from North to South, and fill the Earth with himself, and cast the other cursed power out, when covetousness sheaths his Sword, and ceases to rage in the field; he first makes sharp Laws of Bondage. That those that are conquered, and that by him are appointed not to enjoy the Earth, but are turned out, shall be Servants, Slaves, and Vassals to the conquerors party: so those Laws that upholds Whips, Prisons, Gallows is but the same power of the Sword that raged, and that was drunk with Blood in the field. King Charles, it is true, was the Head of this Kingly power in England, and he Reigned as he was a Successor of the last Norman conqueror: and whosoever you be, that hath Propriety of Land, hath your Titles and Evidences made to you in his or his Ancestors Name, and from his and their Will and Kingly power; I am sure, he was not our Creator, and therefore parceled out the Earth to some, and denied it to others, therefore he must needs stand as a conqueror, and was the Head of this Kingly power, that burdens and oppresses the People, and that is the cause of all our Wars and Divisions; for if this Kingly power of Covetousness, which is the unrighteous Divider, did not yet Rule: both Parliament, Army, and rich People, would cheerfully give consent that those we call Poor should Dig and freely Plant the Waste and Common Land for a livelihood, seeing there is Land enough, and more by half then is made use of, and not be suffered to perish for want. And yet O ye Rulers of England, you make a blazing profession, That you know, and that you own God, Christ, and the Scriptures: but did Christ ever declare such hardness of heart? did not he bid the rich man go and sell all that he hath and give to the Poor? and does not the Scripture say, If thou makest a Covenant, keep it, though it be to thy loss: But truly it will not be to your loss, to let your fellow Creatures, your equals in the Creation, nay those that have been faithful in your Cause, and so your Friends; I say it will not be to your loss to let them quietly improve the Waste and Common Land, that they may live in peace, freed from the heavy burdens of Poverty; for hereby our own Land will be increased with all sorts of Commodities, and the People will be knit together in love, to keep out a foreign Enemy that endeavours, and that will endeavour as yet, to come like an Army of cursed rats and Mice to destroy our inheritance; so that if this Freedom be quietly granted to us, you grant it but to yourselves, to Englishmen, to your own flesh and blood: and you do but give us our own neither, which Covetousness, in the Kingly power hath, and yet does hold from us; for the Earth in the first Creation of it, was freely given to whole mankind, without respect of Persons; therefore you Lords of manors, and you Rulers of England, if you own God, Christ and Scripture, now make Restitution, and deliver us quiet possession of our Land, which the Kingly power as yet holds from us. While this Kingly power reigned in one man called Charles, all sorts of people complained of oppression, both gentry and Common people, because their lands, enclosures, and Copieholds were entangled, and because their Trades were destroyed by monopolising Patentees, and your troubles were that you could not live free from oppression in the earth: Thereupon you that were the gentry, when you were assembled in Parliament, you called upon the poor Common-People to come and help you, and cast out oppression; and you that complained are helped and freed, and that top-bow is lopped off the tree of tyranny, and Kingly power in that one particular is cast out; but alas oppression is a great tree still, and keeps off the son of freedom from the poor Commons still, he hath many branches and great roots which must be grubed up, before every one can sing zions songs in peace. As we spy out kingly power we must declare it, and cast it out, or else we shall deny the Parliament of England and their Acts, and so prove Traitors to the Land, by denying obedience thereunto. Now there are Three Branches more of kingly power greater than the former that oppresses this Land wonderfully; and these are the power of the Tithing Priests over the Tenths of our labours; and the power of Lords of manors, holding the free use of the Commons, and wast Land from the poor, and the intolerable oppression either of bad Laws, or of bad Judges corrupting good Laws; these are branches of the Norman conquest and Kingly power still, and wants a Reformation. For as for the first, William the conqueror promised, That if the clergy would preach him up, so that the people might be bewitched, so as to receive him to be God's Anointed over them, he would give them the Tenths of the Lands increase yearly; and they did it, and he made good his Promise; and do we not yet see, That if the clergy can get Tithes or Money, they will turn as the Ruling power turns, any way; to Popery, to Protestantism; for a King, against a King, for Monarchy, for State-Government; they cry who bids most wages, they will be on the strongest side, for an Earthly maintenance; yea, and when they are lifted up, they would Rule too, because they are called Spiritual men: It is true indeed, they are spiritual; but it is of the spiritual power of covetousness and Pride; for the spiritual power of Love and Righteousness they know not; for if they knew it, they would not persecute and rail against him as ●hey do. The clergy will serve on any side, like our ancient Laws, that will serve any Master: They will serve the Papists, they will serve the Protestants, they will serve the King, they will serve the States; they are one and the same Tools for Lawyers to work with under any Government. O you Parliament-men of England, cast those whorish Laws out of doors, that are so Common, that pretend love to every one, and is faithful to none; for truly, he that goes to Law, as the Proverb is, shall die a Beggar: so that old Whores, and old Laws, picks men's pockets, and undoes them: If the fault lie in the Laws, and much does, burn all your old Law-Books in Cheapside, & set up a Government upon your own Foundation: do not put new Wine into old Bottles; but as your Government must be new, so let the Laws be new, or else you will run farther into the Mud, where you stick already, as though you were fast in an Irish bog; for you are so far sunk, that he must have good eyes that can see where you are: but yet all are not blind, there are eyes that sees you: but if the fault lies in the Judges of the Law, surely such men deserve no power in a Reforming commonwealth, that burdens all sorts of People. And truly I'll tell you plain, your Two Acts of Parliament are excellent and Righteous: The One to cast out Kingly power; The Other to make England a Free commonwealth: build upon these Two, it is a firm Foundation, and your House will be the glory of the World; and I am confident, the righteous Spirit will love you: do not stick in the bog of covetousness; Let not self-love so be-muddy your brain, that you should lose yourselves in the thicket of bramble bush-words, and set never a strong Oak of some stable Action for the freedom of the poor Oppressed that helped you when you complained of Oppression. Let not Pride blind your eyes, that you should forget you are the Nations Servants, and so prove Solomon's words good in yourselves, That Servants ride on horseback and Coache●, when as Princes, such as Chose you, and set you there, go on foot: and many of them, through their love to the Nation, have so wasted themselves, that now they can hardly get Bread, but with great difficulty. I tell you this is a sore Evil, and this is truth; therefore think upon it, it is a poor man's Advice, and you shall find weight in it, if you Do as well as Say. Then Secondly for Lords of manors, They were William the conqueror's Colonels and Favourites, and he gave a large circuit of Land to every one, called A lordship, that they might have a watchful eye, that if any of the conquered English should begin to Plant themselves upon any Common or waste Land, to live out of sight or out of slavery, that then some Lord of manor or other might see and know of it, and drive them off, as these Lords of manors now a days, endeavours to drive off the Diggers from Digging upon the Commons; but we expect the Rulers of the Land will grant unto us their Friends, the benefit of their own Acts against Kingly power, and not suffer that Norman power to crush the poor Oppressed, who helped them in their straits, nor suffer that Norman power to bud fresher out, & so in time may come to overtop our deer bought Freedom more than ever. Search all your Laws, and I'll adventure my life, for I have little else to lose, That all Lords of manors hold Title to the Commons by no stronger hold than the Kings Will, whose Head is cut off; and the King held Title as he was a Conqueror; now if you cast off the King who was the Head of that power, surely the power of Lords of manors is the same; therefore perform your own Act of Parliament, and cast out that part of the kingly power likewise, that the People may see you understand what you Say and Do, and that you are faithful. For truly the kingly power reigns strongly in the Lords of manors over the Poor; for my own particular, I have in other Writings as well as in this, Declared my Reasons, That the common Land is the poor people's propriety, and I have Digged upon the Commons, and I hope in time to obtain the Freedom, to get Food and Raiment therefrom by righteous labour, which is all I desire; and for so doing, the supposed Lord of that manor hath Arrested me twice; First, in an Action of 20 l. Trespass for ploughing upon the Commons, which I never did▪ and because they would not suffer me to Plead my own Cause, they made shift to pass a Sentence of Execution against some Cows I kept, supposing they had been mine, and took them away; but the right Owner reprieved them, & fetched the cow's back; so greedy are these thieves and Murderers after my life for speaking the truth, and for maintaining the Life and Marrow of the Parliaments Cause in my Actions. And now they have Arrested me again in an Action of 4. l. trespass for digging upon the Commons, which I did, & own the work to be righteous, & no trespass to any: This was the Attorney of Kingstone's Advice, either to get Money on both sides, for they love money as dearly as a poor man's dog do his breakfast in a cold morning (but regard not justice) or else, That I should not remove it to a higher Court, but that the cause might be tried there, and then they know how to please the Lords of manors, that have resolved to spend hundreds of pounds but they will hinder the poor from enjoying the Commons; for they will not suffer me to plead my own Cause, but I must Fee an enemy, or else be condemned and executed without mercy or Justice as I was before, and ●o to put me in Prison till I pay their unrighteous Sentence; for truly attorneys are such neat workmen, that they can turn a Cause which way those that have the biggest purse will have them: and the country knows very well, That Kingston court is so full of the kingly power; that some will rather lose their Rights, then have their causes tried there: one of the Officers of that court, told a friend of mine, That if the Diggers cause was good, he would pick out such a jury as should overthrow him: And upon my former Arrest, they picked out such a jury as Sentenced me to pay 10. l. damages for ploughing upon the commons, which I did not do, neither did any witness prove it before them: So that from Kingston Juries, Lords of manors, and kingly power, Good Lord deliver us. Do these men obey the Parliaments Acts, to throw down kingly power? O no: The same unrighteous doing that was complained of in King Charles days, the same doings is among them still: moneys will buy and sell Justice still: and is our 8 years' Wars come round about to lay us down again in the kennel of injustice as much or more than before? are we no farther learned yet? O ye Rulers of England, when must we turn over a new leaf? will you always hold us in one Lesson? surely you will make Dunces of us; then all the boys in other Lands will laugh at us: come, I pray let us take forth, and go forward in our learning. You blame us who are the Common people as though we would have no government; truly Gentlemen, We desire a righteous government with all our hearts, but the government we have gives freedom and livelihood to the gentry, to hae abundance, and to lock up Treasures of the Earth from the poor, so that rich men may have chests full of Gold and Silver, and houses full of Corn and Goods to look upon; and the poor that works to get it, can hardly live, and if they cannot work like Slaves, than they must starve. And thus the Law gives all the Land to some part of mankind whose Predecessors got it by conquest, and denies it to others, who by the righteous Law of Creation may claim an equal portion; and yet you say this is a righteous government, but surely it is no other but self-ishnes, which is the great Red Dragon, the murderer. England is a Prison; the variety of subtleties in the Laws preserved by the Sword, are bolts, bars, and doors of the prison; the Lawyers are the jailers, and poor men are the prisoners; for let a man fall into the hands of any from the bailiff to the Judge, and he is either undone, or weary of his life. Surely this power the Laws, which is the great idol that people dote upon, is the burden of the Creation, a nursery of Idleness, luxury, and cheating, the only enemy of Christ the King of righteousness; for though it pretend Justice, yet the Judges and Law-Officers, buy and sell Justice for money, and wipes their mouths like Solomon's whore, and says it is my calling, and never are troubled at it. Two things must cast out this idol: First, Let not people send their children to those Nurseries of Covetousness, The inns of Court. Secondly, let not people live in contention, but fulfil Christ's last commandment, Love; and endeavour to practise that full point of the Law and the Prophets, do as you would be done by, and so cast out envy and discontent. Woe to you Lawyers, for your trade is the bane and misery of the world; your power is the only power that hinders Christ from rising; the destruction of your power will be the life of the World; it is full of confusion, it is Babylon, and surely its fall is near, in regard the light of truth is rising, who will consume your power, but save your persons by the words of his mouth, and brightness of his coming. The lawyer's trade is one of the false Prophets, that says, Lo here is Christ, I'll save you in this Court, and lo there is Christ, I'll save you in that Court: but when we have tried all, we are lost, and not saved, for we are either utterly made Beggars by this Saviour, the Law, or else we are nursed up in hardness of heart and cruelty against our fellow creature whom we ought to love and preserve, and not destroy: This Saviour jeers righteousness, and bids every man save himself, and never regard what becomes of another, and so is a plain destroyer of the Creation; Surely that woe pronounced against Lawyers by the Man Christ must be fulfilled, delay is no payment: Therefore you Parliament and Army that have power in your hands, reform the Law; and suffer none to be called to practice Law but reformed ones; nay suffer every man to plead his own cause, and choose his own Lawyer, where he finds the most ingenuous man: well, every man's burden in this Age fills their mouths with words of Lamentation against Law and Lawyers sufficiently; therefore you that have an opportunity to ease the cry of the oppressed, shut not your eyes and ears, but cast out this covetous corruption whereby corrupt Lawyers do oppress the People; it is another Branch of the Kingly power. You Gentlemen of Surrey, and Lords of manors, and you Mr Parson Platt especially, that lay almost a fortnight waiting and tempting the Lord Fairfax to send soldiers to drive off the Diggers; when he granted your Desire, it was but to secure the Shereiff, for he did not give them commission to beat us, which we thank him for; and we thank the soldiers for their moderation, that they would not st●●● poor worms, England's and the creations faithful friend●, though you would have moved them thereunto. My Advice to you Gentlemen is this, Hereafter to lie still and cherish the Diggers, for they love you, and would not have your finger ache if they could help it, and why should you be so bitter against them? O let them live by you, some of them have been soldiers, and some country men that were always friends to the Parliaments cause, by whose hardship and means you enjoy the creatures about you in peace; and will you now destroy part of them that have preserved your lives? O do not do so; be not so besotted with the kingly power; hereafter let not the attorneys or Lawyers neatly council your Money out of your purses, and stir you up to beat and abuse the Diggers, to make all rational men laugh at your folly, and condemn you for your bitterness: If you have yet so much Money, give it not away to destroy men, but give it to some poor or other to be a Stock, and bid them go and Plant the common; this will be your honour, and your comfort; assure yourselves you never must have true comfort tell you be friends with the poor; therefore come, come, love the Diggers, and make restitution of their Land you hold from them, for what would you do if you had not such labouring men to work for you? And you great Officers of the Army and Parliament, love your common soldiers, (I plead for Equity and Reason) and do not force them by long delay of Payment to sell you their deer bought debentures for a thing of nought, and then to go and buy our common Land, and crown Land, and other Land that is the spoil one of another, therewith: Remember you are Servants to the commons of England, and you were Volunteers in the Wars, and the common people have paid you for your pains so largely, that some of us have not left ourselves hardly bread to eat; and therefore if there be a spoil to be gathered of crown Lands, Deans, Bishops, forests Lands and commons, that is to come to the poor commons freely; and you ought to be content with your wages, unless you will deny Christ and the Scriptures; and you ought not to go and buy one of another that which is common to all the Nation; for you ought neither to buy nor sell other men's propriety by the Law of creation; for Christ gives you no such Warrant. As soon as you have freed the Earth from one intanglement of kingly power, will you entangle it more, and worse by another degree of kingly power? I pray consider what you do, and do righteously: We that are the poor commons, that paid our Money, and gave you free Quarter, have as much Right in those crown Lands and Lands of the spoil as you; therefore we give no consent That you should buy and sell our crown Lands and waste Lands, for it is our purchased inheritance from under Oppression, it is our own, even the poor common peoples of England: It was taken from us, and hath been held from us by former conquests, whereof the Norman conquest was the last, which is cast out by yours and our joint Assistance; therefore you cannot in Equity take it from us, nor we cannot in Equity take it from you, for it is our joint purchased inheritance; we paid you your wages to help us to recover it, but not to take it to yourselves, and turn us out, and buy and sell it among yourselves; for this is a cheat of the kingly swordly power which you hold up; and we profess to all the world, in so doing you deny God, Christ and the Scriptures whom ye professed you own: for God, Christ, and Scriptures own no such practice: Likewise we profess to all the Creation, That in so doing, you rob us of our Rights; & you kill us, by denying to give us our livelihood in our own inheritance freely, which is the crown Land and Common Land and waste Lands, Bishops & Deans, which some of you begin to say you are not satisfied in your conscience to let us have; I, well spoke, tender hearted Covetousness; if you do so, you will uphold the kingly power, and so disobey both Acts of Parliament, and break your Oath, and you will live in the breach of those Two commandments, Thou shalt not kill: Thou shalt not steal; by denying us the Earth which is our livelihood, and thereby killing us by a lingering death. Well, the end of all my Speech is to point out the Kingly power, where I spy it out, and you see it remains strongly in the hands of Lords of manors, who have dealt discourteously with some who are sincere in heart, though there have some come among the Diggers that have caused scandal, but we disown their ways. The Lords of manors have sent to beat us, to pull down our houses, spoil our labours; yet we are patient, and never offered any violence to them again, this 40 weeks past, but wait upon God with love till their hearts thereby be softened; and all that we desire is, but to live quietly in the land of our nativity, by our righteous labour, upon the common Land which is our own, but as yet the Lords of the manor so formerly called, will not suffer us, but abuse us. Is not that part of the Kingly power? In that which follows I shall clearly prove it is, for it appears so clear that the understanding of a child does say, It is Tyranny, it is the Kingly power of darkness, therefore we expect that you will grant us the benefit of your Act of Parliament that we may say, Truly England is a commonwealth, and a free people indeed. Sirs, Though your Tithing Priests and others tell you, That we Diggers do deny God, Christ, and the Scripture, to make us odious, and themselves better thought of; yet you will see in time when the King of Righteousness whom we serve does clear our innnocency, That our actions and conversation is the very life of the Scripture, and holds forth the true power of God and Christ. For is not the end of all preaching, praying, and profession wrapped up in this action, (namely, Love your enemies, and do to all men, as you would they should do to you, for this is the very Law and the Prophets. This is the New commandment that Christ left behind him. Now if any seem to say this, and does not do this, but acts contrary, for my part I own not their ways, they are members that uphold the curse. Bare talking of righteousness, and not acting, hath ruled, and yet does rule king of darkness in the creation; and it is the cause of all this immoderate confusion and ignorance that is in men. But the actings of righteousness from the inward power of love, shall rule King of righteousness in the creation now in these later days, and cast the other Serpent and fiery Scorpion out; for this is Christ the restoring power: and as he rises up, so multitude of words without action (which is hypocrisy) is to die, his judgement hastens apace. If any sort of people hold the earth to themselves by the dark Kingly power, and shut out others from that freedom, they deny God, Christ, and Scriptures, and they overthrow all their preaching, praying, and profession; for the Scriptures declare them to be Hypocrites, Scribes and Pharisees, that say, and do not; they have words, and no deeds: Like Parson Platt the Preacher at Horsley in Surrey, a Lord of manor (by marriage) of the place where we dig, who caused a poor old man's house that stood upon the Common, to be pulled down in the evening of a cold day, and turned the old man, and his wife, and daughter to lie in the open field, because he was a Digger: and he, and other Lords of manors, and Gentlemen sent their servants up and down the Town, to bid their Tenants and neighbours, neither to give the Diggers lodging nor victuals, on pain of their displeasure. Though this Parson Platt preach the Scriptures, yet I'll affirm, he denies God, Christ, and Scriptures, and knows nothing of them; for covetousness, pride, and envy hath blinded his eyes. A man knows no more of righteousness than he hath power to act; and surely, this cruelty of preaching Platt is an unrighteous act. If the Diggers were enemies, (oh you Lords of manors) as they are not, you ought to love them: I am sure, they love you; and if you doubt it, put them to the trial; you shall find them more faithful than many of those pickthank slaves, and belly-god servants to whom your ears are open, when they bring tales full of envy to you against us. We are told likewise, That to make us who are called Diggers, odious, and to incense you against us, there came to the general and council of State, divers Justices, and others, and told you, that we Diggers were Cavaliers, and that we waited an opportunity, and gathered together to stand up for the Prince. But all that know us can prove that to be a false report, to the dishonour of those Justices; for we have been friends to the Parliaments cause, and so do continue, and will continue; for this work of digging, to make England a free commonwealth, is the life and marrow of the Parliaments cause. And the two Acts of Parliament, the One, to cast out Kingly power, the Other, to make England a free commonwealth, declares it: and we do obey those Acts, and will obey them, for they hold forth righteousness. But for our rising in arms for the Prince, or any other, let any come and see our strength and work, and they will say, It is a mere envious slander cast upon us, to incense you against us. Besides, You shall see by and by, That our principles are wholly against Kingly power in every one, as well as in one. Likewise we hear, that they told you, that the Diggers do steal and rob from others. This likewise is a slander: we have things stolen from us; but if any can prove that any of us do steal any man's proper goods, as Sheep, Geese, Pigs, as they say, let such be made a spectacle to all the world: For my part, I own no such doing, neither do I know any such thing by any of the Diggers. Likewise they report, that we Diggers hold women to be common, and live in that bestialness: For my part, I declare against it; I own this to be a truth, That the earth ought to be a common Treasury to all; but as for women, Let every man have his own wife, and every woman her own husband; and I know none of the Diggers that act in such an unrationall excess of female community: If any should, I profess to have nothing to do with such people, but leave them to their own Master, who will pay them with torment of mind, and diseases in their bodies. These and suchlike tales, we hear, are brought to you, to incense you against us: but we desire you to mark them that bring them, for we partly know who they be, and we can tell them to their faces, they were Cavaliers, and had hands in the Kentish Rising, and in stirring up that offensive Surrey Petition, which was the occasion of bloodshed in Westminster-yard, and they would rejoice to see the Prince come in with an army to overtop you: for we know, they love you not but from the teeth outwards, for their own ends: And these are the proud Haman's, that would incense you against the mordecays of the Land, even your true-hearted friends, the Diggers. Well, in the midst of our slanders we rejoice in the uprightness of our hearts, and we do commit our cause to him that judgeth righteously. Upon these lying reports, and importunity to the General, it seems the General granted the Lords of manor to have some soldiers to go along with the Sheriff, to pull down the Diggers houses; and so the soldiers did come: but they were very moderate and rational men, and as they were sent to secure the Sheriff, so they did: but there was no cause; for, though the Gentlemen possessed the General, that they feared opposition from the Diggers, yet the soldiers saw they lifted not up a finger in discontent, but fought against those dragons, the Lords of Manors, with the spirit of love and patience: for when the two Lords of Manor sat among the soldiers on horseback and coach, and commanded their fearful tenants to pull down one of the Diggers houses before their faces, and rejoiced with shouting at the fall; yet some of the Diggers stood by, and were very cheerful, and preached the Gospel to those Turkish Bashaws, which are words of life, and in time will prove words of terror, to torment their awakened consciences. And the poor tenants that pulled down the house, durst do no other, because their landlords and Lords looked on, for fear they should be turned out of service, or their livings; as a a poor honest man, because he looked with a cheerful countenance upon the Diggers (though he was afraid to come near, or afraid to speak openly, lest his landlord's setting-dogs should smell the sound of his words, and carry a pickthank tale, which his Lord's ears are much open to) a bailie was sent presently to him, to warn him out of his house. Can the Turkish Bashaws hold their slaves in more bondage than these Gospel-professing Lords of Manors do their poor tenants? and is not this the Kingly power? O you Rulers of England, I pay see that your own acts be obeyed, and let the oppressed go free. And when the poor enforced slaves had pulled down the house, than their Lords gave them ten shillings to drink, and there they smiled one upon another; being fearful, like a dog that is kept in awe, when his Master gives him a bone, and stands over him with a whip; he will eat, and look up, and twinch his tail; for they durst not laugh out, left their Lords should hear they jeered them openly; for in their hearts they are Diggers. Therefore, you Lords of Manors, if you have none to stand for you but whom you force by threatening, then leave off striving against the spirit, and say you are fallen, and come in and embrace righteousness, that you may find mercy betimes. The next day after this, there came two soldiers and three countrymen to another house which the Diggers had set up, (which the Sheriff the day before had let alone, for, as some say, he was grieved to see what was done,) one of these soldiers was very civil, and walked lovingly with the Diggers round their corn which they had planted, and commended the work, and would do no harm (as divers others were of the same mind) and when he went his way, gave the Diggers 12 d. to drink: but the other soldier was so rude, that he forced those three countrymen to help him to pull down the house, and railed bitterly: the men were unwilling to pull it down; but for fear of their Landlords, and the threatning soldier, they did put their hands to pull it down. And seeing Parson Platt (the Lord of that Manor) will not suffer the Diggers to have a house, (wherein he forgets his Master Christ, that is persecuted in naked, hungry, and houselesse members) yet the Diggers were mighty cheerful, and their spirits resolve to wait upon God, to see what he will do, and they have built them some few little hutches like calf-cribs, and there they lie a-nights, and follow their work adays still with wonderful joy of heart, taking the spoiling of their goods cheerfully, counting it a great happiness to be persecuted for righteousness sake, by the Priests and Professors, that are the successors of Judas, and the bitter-spirited Pharisees that put the man Christ Jesus to death. And they have planted divers Acres of Wheat and Rye, which is come up, and promises a very hopeful crop, committing their cause to God, and wait upon him, saying, O thou King of righteousness, do thine own work. O that you would search and try our ways narrowly, and see whether we deny God, Christ, Scriptures, as the Priests slander us we do; and you shall find, that the Scriptures warrant our action, and God in Christ is the life of our souls, and the support of our spirits in the midst of this our sharp persecution from the hands of unreasonable men, who have not faith in Christ, but uphold the Kingly power, which you have Voted down. Likewise, you shall see, that we live in the performance of that work which is the very life and marrow of the Parliaments Cause, whereby we honour the Parliament and their Cause: as you shall see by this following Declaration, unfolding the foundation whereupon England's Laws are, or the Freedom of a commonwealth ought to be built, which is Equity and Reason. IN the time of the Kings, who came in as Conquerors, and ruled by the power of the Sword, not only the Common land, but the enclosures also were captivated under the will of those Kings, till now of late that our later Kings granted more freedom to the Gentry than they had presently after the Conquest; yet under bondage still: for what are prisons, whips and gallows in the times of peace, but the laws and power of the sword, forcing and compelling obedience, and so enslaving, as if the sword raged in the open field? England was in such a slavery under the Kingly power, that both Gentry and commonalty groaned under bondage; and to ease themselves, they endeavoured to call a Parliament, that by their counsels and decrees they might find some freedom. But Charles the then King perceiving that the Freedom they strove for, would derogate from his Prerogative-tyranny, thereupon he goes into the North, to raise a War against the Parliament, and took WILLIAM the Conqueror's Sword into his hand again, thereby to keep under the former conquered English, and to uphold his Kingly power of self-will and Prerogative, which was the power got by former Conquests; that is, to rule over the lives and estates of all men at his will, and so to make us pure slaves and vassals. Well, This Parliament, that did consist of the chief Lords, Lords of Manors, and Gentry, and they seeing that the King, by raising an Army, did thereby declare his intent to enslave all sorts to him by the sword; and being in distress, and in a low ebb, they call upon the common people to bring in their Plate, Moneys, Taxes, freequarter, Excise, and to adventure their lives with them, and they would endeavour to recover England from that Norman yoke, and make us a free people: and the common people assent hereunto, and call this the Parliaments Cause, and own it, and adventure person and purse to preserve it; and by the joint assistance of Parliament and People, the King was beaten in the field, his head taken off, and his Kingly power voted down; and we the Commons thereby virtually have recovered ourselves from the Norman Conquest, we want nothing but possession of the spoil, which is a free use of the Land for our livelihood. And from hence we the common people, or younger brothers, plead our propriety in the Common land, as truly our own by virtue of this victory over the King; as our elder brothers can plead propriety in their enclosures; and that for three reasons in England's law. First, By a lawful purchase or contract between the Parliament and us; for they were our Landlords and Lords of manors that held the freedom of the Commons from us, while the King was in his power; for they held title thereunto from him, he being the head, and they branches of the Kingly power, that enslaved the people by that ancient conqueror's Sword, that was the ruling power: For they said, Come and help us against the King that enslaves us, that we may be delivered from his Tyranny, and we will make you a free People. Now they cannot make us free, unless they deliver us from the bondage which they themselves held us under; and that is, they held the freedom of the Earth from us: for we in part with them have delivered ourselves from the King: now we claim freedom from that bondage you have, and yet do hold us under, by the bargain and contract between Parliament and us, who (I say) did consist of Lords of Manors, and Landlords, whereof Mr. Drake, who hath arrested me for digging upon the Common, was one at that time: Therefore by the law of Bargain and Sale, we claim of them our freedom, to live comfortably with them in this Land of our Nativity; and this we cannot do, so long as we lie under poverty, and must not be suffered to plant the commons and waste land for our livelihood: for, take away the land from any people, and those people are in a way of continual death and misery; and better not to have had a body, than not to have food and raiment for it. But (I say) they have sold us our freedom in the common, and have been largely paid for it; for by means of our bloods and money, they sit in peace: for if the King had prevailed, they had lost all, and been in slavery to the meanest Cavalier, if the King would. Therefore we the Commons say, Give us our bargain: if you deny us our bargain, you deny God, Christ, and Scriptures; and all your profession then is and hath been hypocrisy. Secondly, The Commons and Crown land is our propriety by equal conquest over the Kingly power: for the Parl did never stir up the people by promises and covenant to assist them to cast out the King, and to establish them in the King's place and prerogative power: No, but all their Declarations were for the safety and peace of the whole Nation. Therefore the common-people being part of the Nation, and especially they that bore the greatest heat of the day in casting out the oppressor: and the Nation cannot be in peace, so long as the poor oppressed are in wants, and the land is entangled and held from them by bondage. But the Victory being obtained over the King, the spoil which is properly the Land, aught in equity to be divided now between the two Parties, that is, Parliament and Common-people. The Parliament, consisting of Lords of Manors, and Gentry, aught to have their enclosure Lands free to them without molestation, as they are freed from the Court of Wards. And the Common-people, consisting of soldiers, and such as paid Taxes and freequarter, aught to have the freedom of all waste and common land, and Crown-land equally among them; the soldiery ought not in equity to have all, nor the other people that paid them to have all; but the spoil ought to be divided between them that stayed at home, and them that went to war; for the Victory is for the whole Nation. And as the Parliament declared, they did all for the Nation, and not for themselves only; so we plead with the army, they did not fight for themselves, but for the freedom of the Nation: and I say, we have bought our Freedom of them likewise by Taxes and freequarter: therefore we claim an equal Freedom with them in this Conquest over the King. Thirdly, We claim an equal portion in the Victory over the King, by virtue of the two Acts of Parliament, the One to make England a Free-Common-wealth; the Other to take away Kingly power. Now the Kingly power (you have heard) is a power that rules by the Sword in covetousness and self, giving the earth to some, and denying it to others: and this Kingly power was not in the hand of the King alone; but Lords, and Lords of Manors, and corrupt Judges, and Lawyers especially, held it up likewise; for he was the head, and they, with the Tything-priests are the branches of that Tyrannical Kingly power; and all the several limbs and members must be cast out, before Kingly power can be pulled up root and branch. Mistake me not, I do not say, Cast out the persons of men: No, I do not desire their fingers to ache: but I say, Cast out their power, whereby they hold the people in bondage, as the King held them in bondage. And I say, it is our own Freedom we claim, both by bargain, and by equality in the Conquest; as well as by the Law of righteous Creation, which gives the Earth to all equally. And the power of Lords of manors lies in this: They deny the Common people the use and free benefit of the Earth, unless they give them leave, and pay them for it, either in Rent, in Fines, in Homages, or Heriots. Surely the Earth was never made by God, that the Younger brother should not live in the Earth, unless he would work for, and pay his Elder brother Rent for the Earth: No; this Slavery came in by Conquest, and it is part of the Kingly power; and England cannot be a Free commonwealth, till this Bondage be taken away. You have taken away the King; you have taken away the House of Lords: Now step two steps further, and take away the power of Lords of manors, and of tithing Priests, and the intolerable oppressions of Judges, by whom Laws are corrupted; and your work will be honourable. Fourthly, if this Freedom be denied the Common people, To enjoy the Common Land; then Parliament, Army and Judges will deny Equity and Reason, whereupon the Laws of a well-governed commonwealth ought to be built: And if this Equity be denied, than there can be no Law, but Club-Law, among the people: and if the Sword must reign, than every Party will be striving to bear the Sword; and then farewell Peace; nay, farewell Religion and Gospel, unless it be made use of to entrap one another, as we plainly see some Priests and others make it a cloak for their Knavery. If I adventure my life, and fruit of my labour, equal with you, and obtain what we strive for: it is both Equity and Reason, that I should equally divide the Spoil with you, and not you to have all, and I none: And if you deny us this, you take away our Propriety from us, our Moneys and Blood, and give us nothing for it. Therefore, I say, the Common Land is my own Land, equal with my fellow-Commoners; and our true Propriety, by the Law of Creation: it is every ones, but not one single ones: Yea, the Commons are as truly ours by the last excellent two Acts of Parliament, the Foundation of England's new righteous Government aimed at, as the Elder brothers can say the enclosures are theirs: for they adventured their Lives, and covenanted with us to help them to preserve their Freedom: And we adventured our lives, and they covenanted with us, to purchase and to give us our Freedom, that hath been hundreds of years kept from us. Daemona non Armis, sed Morte subegit Jesus. By patient Sufferings, not by Death, Christ did the Devil kill; And by the same, still to this day, his Foes he conquers still. True Religion, and undefiled, is this, To make restitution of the Earth, which hath been taken and held from the Common people, by the power of Conquests formerly, and so set the oppressed free. Do not All strive to enjoy the Land? The Gentry strive for Land, the clergy strive for Land, the Common people strive for Land; and Buying and Selling is an Art, whereby people endeavour to cheat one another of the Land. Now if any can prove, from the Law of Righteousness, that the Land was made peculiar to him and his successively, shutting others out, he shall enjoy it freely, for my part: But I affirm, It was made for all; and true Religion is, To let every one enjoy it. Therefore, you Rulers of England, make restitution of the Lands which the Kingly power holds from us: Set the oppressed free; and come in, and honour Christ, who is the Restoring Power, and you shall find rest. The CURSE and BLESSING that is in mankind. IN the beginning of Time, the Spirit of Universal Love appeared to be the father of all things: The Creation of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, came out of him, and is his clothing Love is the Word. The Creation is the House or Garden, in which this one Spirit hath taken up his seat, and in which he manifests himself: For if ever Love be seen or known, he appears either in the inward feeling within your hearts, loving All with tender love; or else appears towards you, from outward objects, as from other Men, or other creatures. There are two Earths, in which the Spirit of Love declares himself. First, the Living Earth, called mankind: this is the Creation, or the living soul. And when this Spirit of universal Love rules King therein, this Earth is then in peace, and is grown up to the perfection of a man anointed. But when Self or Particular love rules, which is called the sin Covetousness, than this Earth is brought into Bondage, and Sorrow fills all places. This is the dark side of the Cloud, in which there is no true peace. Secondly, in the great Body of Earth in which all creatures subsist, the Spirit of Universal Love appears, to preserve his Creation in peace: for Universal Love unites not only mankind into an oneness, but unites all other creatures into a sweet harmony of willingness to preserve mankind. And this Spirit of Love spread abroad, is the same Spirit of Love that is supreme in Man: and this is the Righteous man. But when Covetousness or Particular love began to work, than not only mankind was divided amongst themselves, but all creatures were divided, and enmity rose up amongst them, setting one against another; and this power is the wicked man: mark him where you see him, which is the Murderer, and must be cast out. Well, In the beginning, universal love appeared to be the father of all things, (though self-love in our experience rules in man first) and as he made mankind to be the Lord of the Earth, so he made the Earth to be a common Treasury of livelihood to whole mankind without respect of persons; and for all other creatures likewise that were to proceed from the Earth. Mankind is the chief creature, and the Spirit of universal Love in his branches, is the Lord of all the Earth; and this Spirit in man unfolds himself in Light and Darkness: his face is called the universal power of Love: his back parts is called the selvish power: or thus, the one is called the Son of Bondage which causes shame, the other is called the Son of Freedom, which brings peace and honour: these Two strive in the womb of the Earth which shall come forth first; and which shall rule; the fleshy man, hath got the start; but the other will prove the stronger, and cast him out with honour. While this Spirit of Lordship in the last day time of mankind, was universal Love and Righteousness leading every single branch of mankind to do to another as he would be done unto; then every thing was in peace, and there was a sweet communion of Love in the creation: and as the Spirit was a common treasury of unity and Peace within, so the Earth was a common treasury of delight for the preservation of their bodies without, so that there was nothing but peace upon the face of the whole Earth. This was man's estate, before the fall or the day time of mankind; for since the time that our Bibles speak of Adam to this day, is about 6000 years; and this time hath been the night time of mankind: and Esay's time was about midnight when in one of his words he cries, Watchman, What of the night? Watchman, What of the night? the seventh thousand year which is now dawning, will be the rising of the Son of universal Love again, and of the dispersing of the night or darkness; for as the night and day Sun and Moon hath their exchanges, so hath these Two powers, called Sons of God in mankind; and in this age wherein we now live, is the expiring of the selvish power, and the rising up of the Blessing which hath been spoke of in all ages, but now appearing like lightning from east to west, casting out the mystery of iniquity, or self power, by the word of his mouth, and by the brightness of his coming, and so bringing peace. So that, as there is the power of Light, which is universal Love, called the Blessing which brings Peace; so there is the power of Darkness, which is particular or self love, and this is called the Curse, for it brings sorrow and while this rules King in the Earth, as it doth at this day visibly through the whole Earth, few are saved, that is, few enter into rest and peace; for this power hath filled all places, with his stinking self seeking Government, and troubles everybody. As there is light and darkness, day and night, clouds and cleverness moving upon the face of the great Earth; and as there is Earth and Waters in the great World which runs round; so mankind is called sometimes Earth, sometimes Waters; and as the Sun in the skies moves upon the great Earth and makes that fruitful which seemed dead, while the Sun is under the dark cloudy winter quarter: Even so the Son of universal Love, who is the Spirit and power of universal Freedom, he moves upon the living waters mankind, and makes him, who all the dark time past was a Chaos of confusion, lying under Types, Shadows, Ceremonies, Forms, customs, Ordinances, and heaps of waste words, under which the Spirit of Truth lay buried, now to enlighten, to worship in Spirit and Truth, and to bring forth fruit of Righteousness in action. In our present experience, The darkness or self love goeth before; and light or universal love follows after; the flesh runs hasty and quick, and loses himself in unrational excessive action; the true Spirit comes slowly after, and takes the Crown. Darkness and Bondage, doth oppress Liberty and Light; and the power of universal Love appears most sweet and full of glory, when the power of self Love or Covetousness hath tortured the Creation (mankind) with bitter Tyranny: for this is the Dragon or Murderer that must be cast out; before the Creation (man) can sing Haelelujah in peace. So than you may see, That the innocency, light, and purity of mankind is this, when the Spirit of universal Love lives in him, and he lives in Love, enjoying the sweet Union and communion of Spirit, each with other. When they enjoy the sweet delight of the unity of one Spirit, and the free content of the fruits and crops of this outward Earth, upon which their bodies stand: this was called The man's innocency, or pleasure in the Garden before his fall, or the day time of mankind; and day is more glorious than night; and greater honour to be a child of the day, then of the night. The fall of mankind, or his darkness is this, When that Son of universal Love, which was the seed, out of which the creation sprung forth, did begin to go behind the cloud of flesh, and to let self-seeking flesh which would needs be a God, stand alone by his imaginary light, as we see, while the Sun is in the skies, a man sees and knows his footsteps, but when the Sun is set under the cloud of the dark night, than he imagines his way, and oft times stumbles and falls: Even so, when universal Love shines in his glory in mankind, he stumbles not, he walks in the light, because the light is in him; but when the light within with draws and lets flesh stand alone, Flesh, that is, The selvish power will not wait in peace, and acknowledge himself in a loss and in darkness, till the Sun rise again: But will fain be a God, and calls his weakness strength; and though there appears nothing but deformity, yet he would have it called beauty; and because his inward power is not suitable to his outward profession, he is tormented: he is a Saint without, but a Devil within: but if thou wouldest have peace, act as thou art, show thyself abroad in action what thou art secretly; but when thou beginst to imagine a content and happiness to thyself, by thy hypocritical self invention, than thou art tormented, or shalt be. And by this imagination, mankind tears himself in pieces; as one of your Colonels of the Army said to me, That the Diggers did work upon George Hill for no other end but to draw acompany of People into Arms; and says our knavery is found out, because it takes not that effect. Truly thou Colonel, I tell thee, Thy knavish imagination is thereby discovered, which hinders the effecting of that Freedom which by Oath and Covenant thou hast Engaged to maintain: for my part, and the rest, we had no such thought; we abhor fighting for Freedom, it is acting of the Curse and lifting him up higher; and do thou uphold it by the Sword, we will not; we will conquer by Love and Patience, or else we count it no Freedom: Freedom gotten by the Sword is an established Bondage to some part or other of the Creation; and this we have Declared publicly enough; therefore thy imagination told thee a lie, and will deceive thee in a greater matter, if Love doth not kill him: Victory that is gotten by the Sword, is a Victory that slaves gets one over another; and hereby men of the basest Spirit (saith Daniel) are set to Rule: but Victory obtained by Love, is a Victory for a King. But by this you may see what a liar imagination is, and how he makes bate, and tears the Creation in pieces; for after that self Love hath subdued others under him, than imagination studies how to keep himself up and keep others down. This is your very inward Principle, O ye present powers of England, you do not study how to advance universal Love; if you did, it would appear in action: but imagination and self-love mightily disquiets your mind, and makes you call up all the powers of darkness to come forth and help to set the Crown upon the head of Self, which is that kingly power you have Oathed and Vowed against, and yet uphold it in your hands. Imagination begets covetousness after pleasure, honour, and riches: covetousness begets Fear, lest others should cross them in their Design; or else begets a Fear of want, and this makes a man to draw the creatures to him by hook or crook, and to please the strongest side, looking what others do, not minding what himself doth. Like some of your great Officers, that told me, That we Diggers took away other men's Propriety from them, by Digging upon the Common; yet they have taken mine and other men's propriety of money (got by honest labour) in Taxes and freequarter to advance themselves and not allow us that they promised us; for it this beam in their own eyes they cannot see. This Fear begets hypocrisy, subtlety, envy, and hardness of heart, which makes a man to break all promises and engagements, and to seek to save himself in others' ruin, and to suppress and oppress every one that does not say as he says, and do as he does. And this hardness of heart begets pride and security, and this begets luxury and lust of the flesh, and this runs into all excess with greediness, and being in discontent against any that crosses his pleasure, till his heart become fully like the heart of a Beast, as it is apparent in some at this day. And thus by the power of self-love being advanced by the covetous sword against universal love, that power of darkness rises up to perfection in mankind, and so he makes one branch to tear and devour another by divisions, evil surmisings, envious fightings, and killing, and by oppressing the meek in Spirit, by unrighteous Laws, or by his self will managing good Laws unrighteously, as corrupt Judges know how to do it, and think none sees them, whereby part of mankind hath freedom, and another part is cast out and thrown under bondage. And all this falling out or quarrelling among mankind, is about the earth who shall, and who shall not enjoy it, when indeed it is the portion of every one, and ought not to be striven for, nor bought, nor sold, whereby some are hedged in, and others hedged out; for better not to have had a body, then to be debarred the fruit of the Earth to feed and clothe it; and if every one did but quietly enjoy the earth for food and raiment, there would be no wars, prisons, nor gallows, and this action which man calls theft would be no sin, for universal love never made it a sin, but the power of covetousness made that a sin, and made Laws to punish it, though he himself live in that sin in a higher manner, than he hangs or punisheth. Those very men that punish others for theft do theeve and rob, as Judges and Lawyers that take Bribes, or that takes their client's money, and through neglect lose their cause: Parliament and Army lives in Theft, when as they take the Commoners money, and freequarter, and tell them what they do is to make England a free commonwealth, and yet all they do is to make the Gentry free, and leaves the Commoners under bondage still; or else why do you send your soldiers to beat a few naked Spademen off from digging the Commons for a livelihood, why do you not let the oppressed go free? have they not bought it of you by their moneys and blood as well as the gentry, and will not you make good your Contract: Well, he that made the earth for us as well as for you will set us free though you will not: when will the veil of darkness be drawn off your faces? will you not be wise O ye Rulers? Well, this power of darkness is man's fall, or the right time of mankind. But universal love hath declared that he will rise again, and he himself who is the Seed, will bruise that serpent's head, and reconcile mankind to himself again, and restore him to that innocency and Peace which he is fallen from. When this Son arises in more strength, and appears to be the Saviour indeed, he will then make mankind to be all of one heart and one mind, and make the Earth to be a common treasury, though for the present in outward view there is nothing but darkness and confusion upon the face of the earth, mankind. When self love began to arise in the earth, than man began to fall, this is Adam or the power of darkness that stops up the waters and well springs of life, or the clouds that hide the Son of righteousness from man. This Adam or dark power was small at the first, but he is risen to great strength, and the whole Earth is now filled with him, as Isaiah saith, darkness hath covered the Earth, mankind. For let any that hath eyes look either to them above or them below, and they see darkness or the Devil rule, and this curse destroys the Earth. The Creation sits like Rachel sighing, mourning, and groaning under his oppressing power, and will not be comforted because they see no saviour to appear for their deliverance. Indeed there are many saviours in word, but none in deed, and these great false Christ's and false Prophets, does destroy the Creation under the colour of saving it, and the people sees them not, but looks upon them as saviours, calling others false Christ's and false Prophets that speak against them. The first false christ that promises to save the Creation, is covetous Kingly power, resting in the hand of one man, or in the hand of many, but this power saves but part, and holds another part of the creation in bondage, and any government that rules by swordly power doth so throughout all lands; therefore he is a false Christ, and no true saviour. The Preaching clergy or universative power, promises to save the Creation declaratively, but he is a false Christ, he saith and doth not, Pharisee-like, but will force people to maintain him from the Earth by their labours, for his sayings, by the Laws of the Kingly power; he saith, some are elected to salvation, and others are reprobated; he puts some into heaven, thrusts others into hell never to come out, and so he is not a universal Saviour; that is no salvation to the creation, mankind, while any part groans for the true Saviour, when he comes he will wipe away all tears, he comes not to destroy any but to save all. Then the power of the Lawyers, he saith he will save the Creation, and this false Christ proves the greatest devourer and tearer of the creation of any other, for while he carries burdened men from one court to another promising to save them, he at last saves himself and destroys others, and laughs at others' loss, and throws men further from peace than he found them before he meddled with them: Well, From the bailiff to the Judge, these are the creations of this Egyptian Taskmaster, and no burden of cheating like to it, for he promises Justice, but behold nothing but oppression is in his hands. Then next, The Art of buying and selling promises to save the Creation, and bring it into peace, but this is a hypocritical false cheating christ too, for hereby covetous self-love with his flattering tongue cheats honest hearted ones, and casts them under tyranny, and gets the fullness of the Earth into his hands, and lock it up in chests and barns from others, and saith this is righteous, and God gave it him, but thou cheater, thou liest; God the King of righteousness gave it thee not, he bids thee sell all that thou hast and give to the poor, he doth not bid thee lock it up from the poor, therefore thou trading art, thou art no true saviour neither, but a Devil, thou savest part, and destroyest another part, yea and afterwards destroyest that part which at first thou seemedst to save. Now all these saviours are linked together, if one truly fall all must fall, they all promise to save the Creation, but destruction is in their hands and actions, they all seek to set up self and particular power, and so to save but part of the creation, for every one are destroyers of universal love: They that sit in these seats would be called men of public Spirits, but truly you are all selfish, you are afraid to own public spirited men, nay you are ashamed some of you to be seen walking or talking with true public spirited men, called Levellers. But well, yet there is a promise of restoration and salvation to the whole creation, and this must be wrought by a power contrary to darkness, for all those former saviours lie under darkness, nay are branches of the power of darkness itself, and darkness can never kill darkness; but now the true Saviour must be a power quite opposite to darkness: And this is, The power of universal Love, light and righteousness and if ever the creation be wholly saved, this power must be the saviour, for this is the blessing, and he will declare himself the true Saviour indeed, the other is but the curse, this is the true restorer, the true seed with us, as he arises and spreads, he will bruise the serpent's head in every one, and bring peace to all, and wipe away all tears from the creation, and make a through salvation of it through the whole earth, and leave none under bondage. This is the Sun of righteousness when he ariseth, he disperseth darkness, and will make all ashamed that had hands in promoting of the other false saviours power; but I must leave this, and speak a little more of the present condition mankind lies under, and this is darkness or the fall, and in this estate ignorant enslaved flesh would ever run round in it, and never come out, but counts it freedom, but they that know the burden of this estate hunger after freedom. This darkness is twofold, first inward, and that is the power of darkness in his branches, as covetousness, envy, pride, hypocrisy, self-love, this is the curse in man, and this darkness hath and yet doth cover the earth; this power would be as God, and makes one to rule over another, and he is so proud that he will hasten to rule though he kill others for honour, and this is he that stirs up wars and dissension, and thereby he destroys himself Secondly this inward power sets one against another, and so fills the earth with dark actions, and causeth some part of mankind to tread others under foot and puts them into bondage, and they that act this power calls it, The power and Ordinance of God, which is true: It is God indeed, but it is the god of the world, the prince of darkness, not the King of righteousness; it is the power of the Beast who is limited to rule for a time, times, and dividing of time, and England is under that dividing of time, therefore I hope, England shall be the tenth part of the city confusion that shall fall from the Beast first: And this dark power or imaginary covetousness hath raised a platform of oppression in the creation, under which the creation groans, and waits to be delivered; and it is raised thus, First this dark power within makes every one to love himself with others' loss, just like Beasts of the Field; and this made mankind to begin to loath or envy each others' Freedom and peace, and hereby the Union and Communion of Love within is broke and mankind is fallen from it: then this inward covetousness makes mankind to fight one against another for the Earth, and breaks Communion in that, and falls from content therein likewise, and every one seeks to save himself to take the Earth to himself, but none or few seeks the things of Christ, or of universal Love. Nay covetousness is such a god, that where he Rules he would have all the Earth to himself, and he would have all to be his servants, and his heart swells most against community; calling community a thief, that takes other men's Rights and propriety from them, but community will force nothing from any one, but take what is given in love, of that which others have wrought for; but no man yet hath bestowed any labour upon the Commons that lies waste; therefore the Diggers doth take no man's proper goods from them in so doing, but those that by force spoils their labours, takes their proper goods from them, which is the fruit of their own labours. Well, you see how covetousness would have all the Earth to himself, though he let it lie waste: he stirs up Divisions among men, and makes parties fight against parties; and all is but for this, Who shall enjoy the Earth, and live in honour and case and rule over others: and the stronger party always rules over the weaker party. And hence came in Kingly power to rule outwardly, dividing between members of that one body mankind, giving the Earth to that party called Gentry, who are the successors of some late Conquests, and denying the Earth to the poor Commoners who are the Successors of some that were last Conquered. So that by Kingly power the Earth is divided as it is now at this day: but as the Scriptures say, Kings were given for a plague to the people, not a blessing: And I believe the Nations have found this very true to their great sorrow 〈◊〉 and the way to cast out Kingly power again, is not to cast them out by the Sword, for this doth but set him in more power, and removes him from a weaker to a stronger hand: but the only way to cast him out, is, For the People to leave him to himself, to forsake fighting and all oppression, and to live in love one towards another: This power of Love is, the true Saviour. The party that is called a King, was but the head of an Army, and he and his Army having Conquered, shuts the conquered out of the Earth, and will not suffer them to enjoy it, but as a servant and slave to him; and by this power the creation is divided, and part are call into bondage; so that the best you can say of Kingly power that Rules by the Sword is this, He is a murderer and a thief. And by this power the Earth is thus divided. The several Nations of the Earth where King's rule, are the several situation of such grand thieves and Murderers, that will rule over others by the Sword, upholding a forced Propriety, which is the Curse; and persecuting the community of Love, which is Christ the blessing. And under them they have their chief favourites or nearest soldiers in Office to himself, and to these he allows the greatest portion of the Earth, every one his part, called a Lordship: and next to them the inferior Officers or soldiers, are appointed out lesser parcels of the Earth, called freeholders, paying no slavish Rent or Homage to any: but only acknowledgement, That the King is their General or Head still. And these Lords of manors and Free holders having thus seated themselves in the Earth, by taking other men's proper labours from them by the Sword, are appointed by the Kiug as Watchmen▪ That if any of the conquered slaves seek to Plant the Common waste Earth without their leave, they may be known and beaten off: So that the god from whom they claim Title to the Land as proper to them, shutting out others, was covetousness the Murderer, the swordly power, that great red Dragon, who is called, The god of the World. But the King of righteousness, who is universal Love, who is the Lord God Almighty, bidding every one do as they would be done by; made the Earth for All, without respect of person, and shuts out none from enjoying a peaceable livelihood that hath a body; therefore they that build upon the power of the Sword, upholding covetous Propriety, are enemies to the law of righteousness, which is, Love your enemies, do as you would be done by. But one of your Officers told me, What? (saith he) If we grant to every one to have the Land of England in Common, we do not only destroy Propriety, but we do that which is not practised in any Nation in the world. I Answered, It was true; Propriety came in you see by the Sword, therefore the Curse; for the murderer brought it in, and upholds him by his power, and it makes a division in the Creation, casting many under bondage; therefore it is not the blessing, or the promised seed. And what other Lands do, England is not to take pattern; for England (as well as other Lands) hath lain under the power of that Beast, Kingly propriety: But now England is the first of Nations that is upon the point of Reforming: and if England must be the tenth part of the City Babylon that falls off from the Beast first, and would have that honour, he must cheerfully (and dally no longer) cast out Kingly covetous Propriety, and set the Crown upon Christ's head, who is the universal Love or Free community, and so be the leader of that happy Restoration to all the Nations of the world: And if England refuse, some other Nation may be chosen before him, and England then shall lose his Crown, for if ever the Creation be Restored, this is the way which lies in this Two fold power: First Community of Mankind, which is comprised in the unity of spirit of Love, which is called Christ in you, or the Law written in the heart, leading mankind into all truth, and to be of one heart and one mind. The Second is Community of the Earth, for the quiet livelihood in food and raiment without using force, or restraining one another: These two Communities, or rather one in two branches, is that true Levelling which Christ will work at his more glorious appearance, for Jesus Christ the Saviour of all men, is the greatest, first, and truest Leveller that ever was spoke of in the world. Therefore you Rulers of England, be not ashamed nor afraid of Levellers, hate them not, Christ comes to you riding upon these clouds; look not upon other Lands to be your pattern, all Lands in the world he under darkness, so doth England yet, though the nearest to Light and Freedom of any other; therefore let no other Land take your Crown. You have set Christ upon his throne in England by your Promises, Engagements, oaths, and Two Acts of Parliament, the One to cast out Kingly power; the Other to make England a Free commonwealth: Put all these into sincere Action, and you shall see the work is done, and you with others shall sing Halelujah to him that sits upon the Throne, and to the Lamb for evermore. But if you do not, the Lamb shall show himself a Lion, and tear you in pieces for your most abominable dissembling hypocrisy, and give your Land to a People who better deserves it: I have varied a little, therefore I will return to what I was speaking. I told you, That the Murdering and thieving Sword hath found out a Platform of Tyrannical Government, called Kingly Power. First here is the King, the Head of the murdering power, or great red Dragon. Then there are Lords of manors, who have the greatest circuit of Land, because the next in Power to the Head. Then there are freeholders, that took the particular enclosures which they found in a Land when they Conquered it, and had turned out those that had bestowed labour upon it, by force of the Sword, in the seld, or else by sequestering afterwards: These several parcels of Land are called Free-hold-Land, because the Enjoyers or their Ancestors were soldiers, and helped the King to conquer; and if any of latter years came to buy these Free-holds with Money got by Trading, it doth not alter the Title of the Conquest; for Evidences are made in the King's Name, to remove the Free-holds so bought from one man's hand to another. But now copyhold lands are parcels hedged in, and taken out of the common waste land since the conquest, acknowledging Homage, Fines, and Heriots to the Lord of that manor or circuit in which that enclosure by his leave is made: this Homage still confirms the power of the conquests. The Lords of manors acknowledged Homage to the King in that Court of Wards, which you have taken away to ease yourselves. But the Copy-holders you will have to acknowledge Homage to Lords of manors still; and is not this partiality? O you Rulers, make the poor as free to the Earth as yourselves, and honour righteousness. Now for the drawing in of the People to yield Obedience to this Platform of Kingly tyrannical power, to which People are made subject through fear, The Kingly power sets up a Preaching Clergy to draw the People by insinuating words to conform hereunto, and for their pains Kingly power gives them the Tithes: And when the Kingly power hath any Design to lift up himself higher, than the Clergy is to Preach up that Design, as of late in our Wars the Preachers most commonly in their Sermons meddled with little but State matters: and then if People seem to deny tithes, than the Kingly power by his laws doth force the people to pay them: so that there is a confederacy between the Clergy and the great red Dragon: the Sheep of Christ shall never fare well so long as the wolf or red Dragon pays the Shepherd their wages. Then next after this, the Kingly power sets up a Law and Rule of Government to walk by: and here Justice is pretended, but the full strength of the Law is to uphold the conquering Sword, and to preserve his son Propriety: therefore if any one steal, this Law will hang them, and this they say is of God; and so this Kingly power hath power over the lives and labours of men at his pleasure; for though they say the Law doth punish, yet indeed, that Law is but the strength, life and marrow of the Kingly power, upholding the conquest still, hedging some into the Earth, hedging out others; giving the Earth to some, and denying the Earth to others, which is contrary to the Law of righteousness, who made the Earth at first as free for one as for another. Yea that Kingly power in the laws appointed the conquered poor to work for them that possess the Land, for three pence and four pence a day, and if any refused, they were to be imprisoned; and if any walked a begging and had no dwelling, he was to be whipped; and all was to force the slaves to work for them that had taken their Propriety of their labours from them by the Sword, as the Laws of England are yet extant, and truly most laws are but to enslave the Poor to the Rich, and so they uphold the conquest, and are laws of the great red Dragon. And at this very day poor people are forced to work in some places for 4, 5, and 6 pence a day; in other places for 8, 10, and 12 pence a day, for such small prizes now Corn being dear, that their earnings cannot find them bread for their Family; and yet if they steal for maintenance, the murdering Law will hang them; when as Lawyers, Judges, and Court Officers can take Bribes by whole sale to remove one man's Propriety by that Law into another man's hands: and is not this worse the every then the poor man's that steals for want? Well, this shows, that if this be Law, it is not the Law of righteousness; it is a Murderer, it is the Law of covetousness and self-love; and this Law that frights people and forces people to obey it by Prisons, Whips, and Gallows, is the very kingdom of the Devil, and darkness, which the Creation groans under at this day. And if any poor enslaved man that dares not steal, begins to mourn under that bondage and saith, We that work most have least comfort in the earth, and they that work not at all, enjoy all; contrary to the Scripture which saith, The poor and the meek shall inherit the earth. Presently the tithing Pri●st stop his mouth with a slam and tells him that is meant of the inward satisfaction of mind which the poor shall have, though they enjoy nothing at all, and so poor creatures, it is true, they have some ease thereby, and made to wait with patience, while the Kingly power swims in fullness, and laughs at the others misery; as a poor Cavalier Gentlewoman presented a Paper to the general in my sight, who looked upon the woman with a tender countenance; but a brisk little man and two or three more Colonels pulled back the Paper not suffering the general to receive it, and laughed at the woman who answered them again, I thought said she, you had not sat in the seat of the scornful; this was done in Whitehall upon the 12. of December 1649. Well, all that I shall say to these men that will enjoy the earth in reality, and tell others they must enjoy it in conceit, surely your judgement from the most High sleepeth not; the Law of Retaliation like for like, laughing for laughing may be your portion, for my part I was always against the cavaliers cause; yet their persons are part of the Creation as well as you, and many of them may enter into peace before some of you scoffing Ishmaelites; I am sure you act contrary to the Scripture which bids you Love your enemies, and do as you would be done by, and this Scripture you say you own; why then do you not practise it, and do to the Cavaliers as the Prophet Eliah bid the King of Israel do to his enemies whom he had taken prisoners, Set bread and water (saith he) before them, and send them to their master in peace. Come, make peace with the Cavaliers your enemies, and let the oppressed go free, and let them have a livelihood, and love your enemies, and do to them, as you would have had them done to you if they had conquered you: Well, let them go in peace, and let love wear the Crown. For I tell you, and your Preachers, that Scripture which saith, The poor shall inherit the earth, is really and materially to be fulfiled, for the Earth is to be restored from the bondage of sword propriety, and it is to become a common treasury in reality to whole mankind, for this is the work of the true Saviour to do, who is the true and faithful Leveller even the Spirit and power of universal love, that is now rising to spread himself in the whole creating, who is the blessin, and will spread as far as the curse had spread to take it of, and cast him out, and who will set the creation in peace. This powerful Saviour will not set up his Kingdom nor rule his Creation with sword and fighting, as some think and fear, for he hath declared to you long since, that they that take the sword to save themselves shall perish with the sword. But this shall be the way of his conquest, even as in the days of the Beast, the whole world wondered after him, set him up, and was subject to him, and did persecute universal love, and made War against him and his Saints, and overcame them for a time. Even so the Spirit of love and blessing shall arise and spread in mankind like the Sun from East to West, and by his inward power of love, light, and righteousness, shall let mankind see the abomination of the swordly Kingly power, and shall loathe themselves in dust and ashes, in that they have owned and upheld him so long, and shall fall off from him, loathe him and leave him. And this shall be your misery O you covetous oppressing Tyrants of the Earth, not only you great self? seeking powers of England, but you powers of all the World, The peo-shall all fall off from you, and you shall fall on a sudden like a great tree that is undermined at the root. And you powers of England you cannot say another day but you had warning, this falling of is begun already, divisions shall tear and torture you, till you submit to community; O come in, come in to righteousness that you may find peace. You or some of you hate the name Leveller, and the chiefest of you are afraid and ashamed to own a Leveller, and you laugh and jeer at them; Well, laugh out poor blind souls, the people and common soldiers both lets you alone, but they laugh in their hearts at you, and yet desire that you did know the things that concern your peace. The time is very near that the people generally shall loathe and be ashamed of your Kingly power, in your preaching, in your Laws, in your counsels, as now you are ashamed of the Levellers; I tell you Jesus Christ who is that powerful Spirit of Love is the head Leveller, and as he is lifted up, he will draw all men after him, and leave you naked and bare, and make you ashamed in yourselves, his appearance will be with power; therefore kiss the Son O ye Rulers of the earth, lest his anger fall upon you. The wounds of Conscience within you from him shall be sharper than the wounds made by your sword, he shook heaven and earth when Moses Law was cast out, but he will shake heaven and earth now to purpose much more, and nothing shall stand but what is lovely; be wise, scorn not the council of the poor, lest you be whipped with your own rod. This great Leveller, Christ our King of righteousness in us, shall cause men to beat their swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks, and nations shall learn war no more, and every one shall delight to let each other enjoy the pleasures of the earth, and shall hold each other no more in bondage; then what will become of your power? truly he must be cast out for a murthe●er; and I pity you for the torment your spirit must go through, if you be not fore-armed, as you are abundantly forewarned from all places; but I look upon you as part of the creation who must be restored, and the Spirit may give you wisdom to foresee a danger, as he hath admonished divers of your rank already to leave those high places, and to lie quiet and wait for the breakings forth of the powerful day of the Lord. Farewell, once more. Let Israel go free. A Bill of Account of the most Remarkable Sufferings that the Diggers have met with from the great red dragon's power since April 1. 1649. which was the first day that they began to dig, and to take Possession of the Commons for the Poor on George-Hill in Surrey. 1. THe first time, divers of the Diggers were carried Prisoners into Walton Church, where some of them were struck in the Church by the bitter Professors and rude Multitude; but after some time freed by a Justice. 2. They were fetched by above a hundred rude people, whereof John Taylor was the Leader, who took away their Spades, and some of them they never had again: and carried them first to Prison at Walton, and then to a Justice at Kingston, who presently dismissed them. 3 The Dragonly enemy pulled down a House which the Diggers had built upon George-Hill, and cut their Spades and Howes to pieces. 4 Two Troops of Horse were sent from the General to fetch us before the council of War, to give Account of our Digging. 5 We had another House pulled down, and our Spades cut to pieces. 6 One of the Diggers had his head sore wounded, and a Boy beaten, and his clothes taken from him: divers being by. 7 We had a Cart and Wheels cut in pieces, and a Mare cut over the back with a Bill when we went to fetch a Load of Wood from Stoak-Common, to build a House upon George-Hill. 8 Divers of the Diggers were beaten upon the Hill, by William Star and John Taylor, and by men in womens' apparel, and so sore wounded, that some of them were fetched home in a Cart. 9 We had another House pulled down, and the Wood they carried to Walton in a Cart. 10 They Arrested some of us, and some they cast into Prison; and from others they went about to take away their Goods, but that the Goods proved another man's, which one of the Diggers was Servant to. 11 And indeed at divers times besides we had all our Corn spoiled; for the Enemy was so mad, that they tumbled the Earth up and down, and would suffer no Corn to grow. 12 Another Cart and Wheels was cut to pieces, and some of our tools taken by force from us, which we never had again. 13 Some of the Diggers were beaten by the Gentlemen, the Sheriff looking on, and afterwards Five of them were carried to White-Lion Prison, and kept there about 5 meeks, and then let out. 14 The Sheriff with the Lords of manors and soldiers standing by, caused two or three poor men to pull down another House: and divers things were stolen from them. 15 The next day two soldiers and two or three countrymen sent by Parson Platt, pulled down another House, and turned a poor old man and his wife out of doors to lie in the field in a cold night. And this is the last hitherto; and so you Priests as you were the last that had a hand in our persecution, so it may be that Misery may rest in your hand; for assure yourselves, God in Christ will not be mocked by such Hypocrites that pretend to be his nearest and dearest Servants as you do, and yet will not suffer his hungry, naked, and house-less members to live quiet by you in the Earth, by whose Blood and moneys in these Wars, you are in peace. And now those Diggers that remain, have made little Hutches to lie in like Calf-cribs, and are cheerful; taking the spoiling of their Goods patiently, and rejoicing that they are counted worthy to suffer persecution for righteousness sake: and they follow their work close, and have Planted divers Acres of Wheat and rye, which is come up and promises a very fruitful crop, and Resolves to preserve it by all the diligence they can, and nothing shall make them slack but want of Food, which is not much now, they being all poor People, and having suffered so much in one expense or other since they began; for Poverty is their greatest burden; and if any thing do break them from the Work, it will be that. You Lordly Foes, you will rejoice this news to hear and see; Do so, go on; but we'll rejoice much more the Truth to see▪ For by our hands truth is declared, and nothing is kept back; Our faithfulness much joy doth bring, though victuals we may lack. This trial may our God see good, to try, not us, but you; That your profession of the Truth, may prove either false or true. And these are the Troubles and Persecutions that the Diggers have gone through since they began, besides many particular abuses from rude Spirits, and multitudes of slanders, lies, and bad names, that the mouths of the scoffing Ishmaelites are filled with, and the secret enmity that hath come from close Hypocrites, that go for great Professors. But now Profession, thou art tried to purpose, all shall see, And verbal talk it will appear a Devil for to be: For actions pure, holds forth the life of God and Christ most dear: And false Dissembling now must die, if Scriptures you will hear; You preaching men if Truth you'll own, see Truth be acted to, Or else to Christ you will appear to be his mortal foe. Scribes, Pharisees, and the thief, that Judas was by name, Great preachers were, but for no deeds, the Truth they much did stain: No deeds you'll say! Yes, that they had: its true they had indeed; But what deeds were they you can see? no herb, but stinking weed: For Persecuion ever was the Work that came from them, And deadly foes they ever were, to Christ, and righteous men. And here I end, having put my Arm as far as my strength will go to advance Righteousness: I have Writ, I have Acted, I have Peace: and now I must wait to see the Spirit do his own work in the hearts of others, and whether England shall be the first Land, or some other, wherein Truth shall sit down in triumph. But O England, England, would God thou didst know the things that belong to thy peace before they be hid from thine eyes: The Spirit of Righteousness hath striven with thee, and doth yet strive with thee, and yet there is hope. Come in thou England, submit to Righteousness before the voice go out, my Spirit shall strive no longer with Flesh; and let not covetousness make thee oppress the poor. We have Declared our Reasons for our Digging plentifully enough; and you Rulers of England, will you always be like deaf Adders, & c? We have received many affronts from Lords of manors and their Servants divers times; yet nothing makes us be at a stand, Whether England shall be the first Land that shall fall off from the Beast, and set righteousness upon the Throne, or no, but the late Action of the head of the soldiery, in granting a party of Horse to come and weaken us. Gentlemen of the soldiery, be not offended, for you promised me in Whitehal gallery, that you would not meddle with us, but leave us to the Law of the Land, and the Country Gentlemen to deal with us, and so you did a long time, and we hope in time that love and patience will conquer our furious enemies. Yet we understand which a little troubles us, yet content That the general gave his consent that the soldiers should come to help to beat of the Diggers, and to pull down their Houses; it is true, the soldiers with the Gentlemen our enemies came, and caused others to pull down our houses, but the soldiers did not meddle, none but one, but expressed sorrow to see the Passages. But though they were modest, and expressed tenderness, ●et the Generals grant and the shoulders presence was a great crush to our business; Gentlemen of the Army, we have spoke to you, we have appealed to the Parliament, we have declared our cause with all humility to you all, and we are Englishmen, and your friends that stuck to you in your miseries, and these Lords of manors that oppose us were wavering on both sides, yet you have heard them, and answered their request to beat us off, and yet you would not afford us an Answer. Yet love and patience shall lie down and suffer; Let pride and covetousness stretch themselves upon their beds of ease, and forget the afflictions of Joseph, and persecute us for righteousness sake, yet we will wait to see the issue, the power of righteousness is our God; the globe runs round, the longest sunshine day ends in a dark night; and therefore to thee O thou King of righteousness we do commit our cause; Judge thou between us and them that strive against us, and those that deal treacherously with thee and us, and do thine own work, and help weak flesh in whom the Spirit is willing. FINIS.