Prosopopoeia Britannica: Britan's Genius, OR, Good-ANGEL, personated; Reasoning and advising, touching the Games now playing, and the Adventures now at Hazard in these Islands; and presaging, also, some future things, not unlikely to come to pass. Discovered, by TERRAE-FILIUS (a well-known Lover of the Publike-Peace) when the begetting of Nationall-Quarrell was first feared. Expressed in two Lections, or Readins. For every thing, which is below the Sun, There is a Time; For some things, more than One: And, if this be well timed, the Game is done. To all men, GOD, in Mercy, Once doth come: Calls twice, or thrice; yean, many times, on some: And they who slight his Grace, must feel his doom, Since, then, for once abusing Love, some fall; Let it be, seriously, well-weighed, of all, What may betid those, who, still, slight it shall. LONDON, Printed by Robert Austin. 1648. To the meek ingenuous Reader. THough much contempt is cast on Poesy, The Meek, and men of Ingenuity, Still, entertain her with respective ears, When, on her proper Errand, she appears. For, Sacredthings, and Things most pertinent To Man's well being, by that Instrument, Have been conveyed, even in every Nation, (Yea, and almost, in every Generation) Some Poets have proved Prophets, to foretell, Things Future, many years ere they befell: And sure, the Latins, to imply the same, To Poets, and to Prophets, gave one Name. To You, therefore, this Poem will not seem Unuseful, or unworthy of esteem; Nor shall, to you, the matter be in vain, Nor want that End, whereto it may pertain; But, stir up those Affections, and that Care Which may awake you, timely, to prepare Against the sad, and Evil day, wherein The Scorners must have payment for their sin, For, This, will pass by Them, as doth a Blast, Whereof, but few take heed, till it be past, And, leaves Effects behind it, which may show What Blast it was, and whence that wind did blow. To you, therefore, the Author recommends These muse, as to them, among his Friends, Who, shall possess the Earth, when those who flour, At wholesome Counsel, shall be rooted out. He to your Doom Appeals: And if but Three, Who, zealous of the Public safety be; Or, but two Wisemen; Or, but One, who loves The Peace of GOD, these Raptures well approves; He, shall be honoured, by such Approbations, More, then by all the Fools of these three Nations. To the scornfully Censorious. WHat have we here? says pride-puft-ignorance More Poetry? yes fool; more, too, perchance Then thou wilt like; and, more, for thee to jeer, Till foaming at thy mouth, thy Brains appear Through witless Choler, when thy soul shall dread, What, thou with scornful disrespect, hast read. But, (says a second) this, eight months ago Appeared in Manuscript: well, grant it so; What is inferred? The Author, do not blame, That, until now, you have not, seen the same; For, Truth gets Licence hardly; and, the Press Was, then, at your disposure, not at his. Who. (says a third) is he, that, in this wise, Our Genius personates? A fourth, replies, The matter, and the Phrase, their Author show: SIRS, if ye guess right, much good do it you. If you, be therewith pleased, so, is he; If not, he, therewith troubled will not be: For, he regards not, so much, how to please, As, how to cure the general disease. That, is his chiefest aim: to that intent, Himself, and fortunes, he hath freely spent, As well as time and words; which, when he dies, Will gain him, what your malice, yet, denies. If, you, hereby, shall reap no benefit, The main obstruction, will be want of wit; Or, in the wanting, rather, of his grace; Whose love, you slighted, when it offered was. Read, if ye list; But, who composed the same, Inquire not; for, (although to show his Name He never was afraid) it suits not now, With his design, that he should tell it you; Nor, can it be material, so you heed, And prudently consider what ye read: For, whom, or whatsoever, he may appear, That, will be true, which he expresseth here. PROSOPOPOEIA BRITANNICA. The Contents of the first Lection THe POET poetizeth, here, Great Britan's GENIUS to appear; Expostulating (first of all) Some Slips, and Faults in general. And, tells what of that GAME, he spoke, In which, the public, lies at Stake. Next, shows, how He doth move the King, Himself into his Orb to bring; What, will, assuredly, succeed, Unless, he shall return with speed; How, and by whom, and likewise, why He hath been hindered to comply; And, that, the Men, and Hopes, which he Depends on, will his ruin be. Then, are declared, some debates Of Prelates temporal estates; What ought to be believed, by Him, As touching their old Claims, and Them; How much, a Prince obliged stands, To keep up, such like Deodands; Pleads, in what case, a State, or King, May sell a Dedicated-Thing; And, makes you, by plain reason, see How false the claims of Tyrants be. Then, having taken some Blocks away, Which stop the King's repentance may; Provokes thereto; and (though the root Seems bitter) warrants pleasant fruit. When, in his might, the Dogstar reigned, here, And, when our City, and our Armies, were Made jealous of each other, by their wiles, Who, sought to nourish Discord in these Hes; Filled full of Thoughts, and sad, and sleepless lying Upon my Couch, there, silently, surveying With contemplations eyes, the sick estate Of these three Kingdoms, and, their likely Fate; My rambling Fancy (which was newly come, From whence I know not) brought into the room, A reverend Person, who, upon him wore, A Sea-green mantle, which was wrought all o'er With silver wavings (well resembling those Which curl the Ocean, when a strong gale blows) And, had a Verge, or bordering embossed Of Rock-work, like the cliffs, that guard our cost. Raised with white Saphires, looking o'er a strand, Bestrowed with orient Pearls, and golden sand. In his left hand, he seemed to bring with him A threefold, but a broken Diadem, Each third whereof contained counterfeits, Of many differing shaped Coronets, (Which had adorned it) most part of which Seemed also, broken, or defaced much; And, not improperly, an emblem were Of something, which this Empery may fear. With an heroic look, a Princely pace, And awful presence, entered he the place: But, so, that look, and pace, and presence, had A shadowing drawn over them, which made Appearance, of a heart displeased, and sorry; Yet, gave it, rather, excellence and glory To his demeanour, than diminishment, Of what, beseemed a Person excellent. Not heeding me; nor seeming much to care Who, then, was present, or, who was not there, A turn or two, he walked; raised to the skies, (As one admiring) his majestic eyes; And, with hands elevated, and displayed, Thus, like a much displeased Friend, he said, SEE, SEE! how MISCHIEF, like the Lernaean Snake, Renewesher heads, and still new life doth take! The fire of WAR within our fields did flame, A while ago, and, GOD'S hand quenched the same. The match and powder, were together laid In our chief City; and, he, also stayed Those probable effects, which would have shaken These Lands, if the project, then, had took. As soon as that was past, another Train Was closely laid, to blow up all again; And, make these Nations, like the clod-borne brood Of Cadmus, broachers of each others blood. Is there no end of madness? but, by fits, Must they, who should be wisest, lose their wits? And, still be forging new Designs and Gins, To plague themselves, and others, for their sins? Will not, the blind, self-seeking parties, leave, Snares for themselves, with their own hands to wove? Will not the Serpent cease to bruise their heels, Whom he pursues, though broken heads he feels? Nor will the harmless Doves, become so wise To know the Birds of prey, through their disguise, Till they are all beguiled with fair shows, And, quite devoured, by Buzzard, Kites and Crows? Shall wholesome counsel, always, be withstood? And, will you reinvolve yourselves in blood, What ever your best friends endeavour can, And, as it were, in spite of GOD and man? O GOD! what dulness hath possessed these Nations? When shall the Spirit of Infatuations, Be dispossessed, ye Britan's? when shall peace Unite your hearts? when shall dissension cease, And, we behold again within my Coast, Those blessings, which they wilfully have lost, Who, slighted counsel, when it was in season; And, yet, resolve not, to be ruled by Reason? How long! oh LORD! how long shall they neglect The Teachers of a better intellect, And, in those courses frowardly persist, Whereby, they must arrive at had I witted! How long! shall that contagious Cloud of lies Which through the streets, almost each morning flies On paper wings, with slanders, poison some? To others, instruments of death, become? Corrupt weak judgements? Interupt the choice, Of good things? drown the Pacifying-voice Which, to their great advantage, they might hear, Unless deaf Adderlike, they stopped their care? Or, listened to those falsehoods, which delude The Wisest, and enrage the multitude? How long! shall men persever to delight In cursed words, and actions of despite? In studying reciprocal disgraces? In flinging dirt, into each others faces? And, as it were, in striving, who best may The Devil's part, upon each other play. How long! will you in an unhappy course, Run from one bad extreme, into a worse? How long! will you pretend, protest, and vow, To be reformed, yet, nothing better grow? How long! will you condemn what others do, Yet, tread their paths, yea go beyond them, too, And think it shall enough yourselves commend, To publish, wherein others do offend? Or punish them, whose crimes but venial be, When Capitall-Transgressors may go free? How long! will you observe the scorners Fate, Yet, never mend, before it be too late? How long! shall GOD forbear? how long! for you Befool the wise, yet fools no wiser grow? How long! shall he keep off a Foreign power, While you, at home, each other do devour, And seek, by every new Deliverance, Your own Designs, and profits to advance? As if the public Mercics, which GOD sends, Were all vouchsafed for your private ends? How long! will you lie underneath the stroke, Yet, his displeasure every day provoke? Or being frighted from what was misdone, Commit the same fault, when the fear is gone? How long! shall prudence preach a safer way, Yet, you renew your dangers, day by day? And, though you, still are told what will succeed, Still, careless be, of taking, timely, heed? How long! will you good principles withstand, And fortisfie with pebble stones and sand? Or paper works, and stubble-structures frame, When, round about you, all is in a flame? And, at the givers of good counsel, jeer, That others, may be fooled as you are? How long! will ye, whilst your blind-Harpers play Divisions, Jigs, and fancies, dance the Hay, And, break each others heads, and shins, and faces, At Blindman-buff, (aswell to your disgraces As to your loss and smart) whilst most about you, Both for your madness, and your follies, flout you? And whilst thereby your adversaries gain That, which they could not otherways obtain? How long! will you permit, Ambition, Pride, Self-Love or Avarice to be your guide? And persevere to trust, and to commit Your being, unto some who have nor wit, Nor grace, nor modesty? as if ye had Forsworn good counsel, and a Covenant made With your Oppressors, to resign all power To them, who seek to pray on what is your? And, still to prostitute your free Elections To strengthen private ends, and nourish Factions? How long will they, on whom your Trust is placed Put off, what should be first, until the last? How long with they irresolute appear Whereto they should undoubtedly adhere; And, thereby, keep, from knitting fast together, Divided parts, till there be strength in neither To reunite? Or, till all tear asunder, Like Clouds dispersed, by their own inbred Thunder? How long shall Knave be Trump? and all the Cards Be packed, to give unmerited rewards? Or, deal forth undeservedly, to those Who are best friends, the portion of your Foes? And, O! how long shall such men play your Game, Who have betrayed, who will betray the same, And, still promote (though better be professed) A Private, or, a Foreign Interest? Hear, O ye Islands! hearken, and believe Your Genius, who, doth see your ways, and grieve. If you shall act, much longer, as ye do, Your City, Army, Priest, and People too; Your King, your chosen Commons, and your Peers, Your Independents, and your Presbyters, The worst disposed, and the best affected; The faithful, and the man of fraud detected; The Friend, the Foe, the Fool, and he that's wise; The Rich, and he who at his threshold lies; English, Scot, Welsh, and Kerne, shall all together So jumbled be, so juggle with each other, So stagger from their Principles, and Friends, Through foolish hopes, false fears, or private ends; The most shall be deceived, and, undone, To make a winning-Game for Lookers-on. For, these have eyes upon you; and expect, From your increasing Discords, an effect To their advantage: These, rejoice to see How senseless of your own true peace, you be; How frowardly you act to your own cost, And, play for them, that Game which they had lost. With serious, if sleight things I may compare, Ye, Britan's are now playing (as it were) A Game at Cards: For, there are many faces, Among you, like Kings, Queens, Knaves, Ten & Aceses, Beside the Vulgar pack; and much strange dealing, Strange shuffling, and strange cutting, (worth revealing) Is viewed, whereby the public hath had wrong, (And many private persons) overlong. Some, by the Players; others by the Foxes, Who have obtained the keeping of your Boxes; Some, by their want of skill; and some by betting Upon both sides; by violence, or cheating, Are like to share at last, what you to lose; Then, laugh to scorn, your Folly in the close; Because, you good advantages did sleight, And, played your Game no better, when ye might. How have ye lost, what lately you had got? When all men saw, you had the better lot? Of Hearts and Diamonds, you, a while ago, As fair Games had, as any hand could show: But, some bystanders, who, your cards can view, Are much afraid, that now ye have but few. Of Spades and Clubs, yet (if well played) ye have Enough at least, whereby your stakes to save. Ye had, but of one Queen, a diffidence; And, she was played away, a good while since: The Knaves are shared so by either side, That, little odds betwixt you is espied; And, they, who yet seem Newters, (out of play) At last, may serve to count upon, some way. One King, alone, you have; and what to do With him, a friend of yours could tell you too, But that he is no Player, and he hath spoke, Already, more, than many have well took. Yet this, I'll say; you cannot make your Game, By all the Kings, or Court-Cards, you could name, As by well-playing him. As you dispose Of him, so, you are like to win, or lose: So, ye shall either gain or miss, your ends; So, you shall multiply your Foes or Friends: GOD, give you grace to take the safest way; Which, (if vain hopes delude not) yet, ye may. And, GOD, direct him, and incline him too, So prudently to suffer, and to doc, That, he pursue no more sinister ends: For, at this present, upon him depends The Fortune of his House: And, therewithal Shall many other, either stand, or fall, Whose Fates are yet, by very few discerned To be in his well-doing much concerned: Yea, thereupon, dependeth greater things, Then are the Rise, and the Falls of Kings. My Spirit, therefore, groans within my breast, And, is with violent desires oppressed, That, he, and they, who seem yet stupefied Might wake out of their Dream, to provide, Against those many mischiefs, which, of late, Have menaced the ruin of this State: And, seeing, by a near relation, I Am more obliged than any Stander-by, To seek your welfare, and prevent your woe, I'll give such hints of what you ought to do, As are permitted; O! take therefore heed, Of what, ye now shall either hear, or read: For, without Riddles, I will plainly tell, What courses ye may follow, and do well. First, let your erring, and deluded King, Himself, his Crowns, and Sceptres humbly bring, And, lay them at his feet, to whom, alone, Belongs the supreme Glory of each Throne. For, GOD, will not be mocked: (though for a space He winks at many, who neglect his Grace) But, will on every one, avengement take Who, in his wickedness, doth progress make. Let him acknowledge that Supremacy, And falling down, before that Majesty, Which is offended, ask to be forgiven For his offence against both earth and heaven. And, that he may obtain it, let him weigh What Common Fame unto his charge doth lay; What just occasion he hath given, why Things are suspected, which he may deny; And, what his heart may justly smite him for; Till, all his errors he doth so abhor, That GOD may pardon them; and men may see, His Grace is greater, than their sins can be. That this be truly done, let him not spare To make his Failings, truly, what they are, By, seecretly, anatomising them, In every circumstance, 'twixt GOD and him; For, in the world, it hath not yet been known, That any King was cast out of his Throne, Without a crying-sinne; Or, that God shaken A Kingdom; or, a Nation ever strooke; Or humbled any man, for his offence, And re-advanced, without Penitence: Except, when he, in wrath did them restore, To make their sufferings, and their shame the more. Which, that He may prevent; let him delay No longer, from a penitential way: But, make return, before he run so far, As to become a prisoner at the * Insula Vectis. BAR. Or, let him take good heed, when he is there, Lest other men's designs, and his own fear, Or, such vain hopes, as he hath had too long, Occasion him to fall (by steering wrong) On Scylla, or Charybdis: Or, lest, they Who, seek their own advantage, him betray By practice underhand: For, such as these Will but prolong their own, and his Disease, With harm to others; and exasperated Those humours, which will hasten on the Fate, That may be feared. Thus, therefore, let him do, Yea, do it quickly, and sincerely too. Let him, a while, withdraw himself, apart, (Even to the secret closet of his heart) Excluding company; but, chief, them Who, from his Duties, long have hindered him, By wicked counsels; or, by flattery, Caused him to dote upon a Majesty Which is not real; and have thereby, turned His glory into shame, and made him scorned. Let him, shut out all those, who show unto him, Those pictures of himself, which may undo him, And, make him, like Narcissus, on a Babble To dote, till he be fooled into a Fable. For, some, with so much Piety, besaint him; With such feigned Excellencies they bepaint him; Yea, they so impudently magnify him, And, with so much Divinity belly him, As if, to deify him they professed; Or, else, to canonize him, at the least. And, but, that thousands know him; and, know too, How much, men flatter Kings, (and what they do Who Idolise them) some would half believe He were, not only, blameless, but conceive That, seldom such a King, or such a man, Had reigned, or lived, since first the world began; And, that these Kingdoms, have afflicted been, Without his fault; yea, for the people's sin Against his Godhead, only: And, this course Hath made him nothing better; but, much worse; For, Pharoah-like, it him, still more obdures, And, every day, new sins, new plagues procures. Let him, with prudent anger, therefore throw Such cheating Glasses from him; and, those too, Which multiply the faults by others done; And, represent offences, where are none, In hope to make themselves the fairer seem, By casting blurs, on other men's esteem: For these Impostors cheat him, with false shows, That, he to save their Stakes, himself may lose. Let him take heed of their Compliances, Who are declined from those Principles, Whereby, they in mere conscience, and true zeal, Appeared active for the Common-Weal, Against his Interest; and, in show are won A counter course, in their Designs, to run, In aid of his desires, with hope of those Rewards, or Honours, which he shall propose: For, on such giddy Turne-coats, all his cost, Time, promises, and favours, will be lost, Both to himself and them; Because those flashes, Are but a smoke, raised out of Dust, and Ashes, And shaped unto a Cloud; which, being filled With noisome Air, and, thereby, vainly swelled, Up to a show of something, shall, at last, Vanish to nothing, by a sudden Blast. Let him consider, what sad desolations His wilfulness hath brought upon three Nations; Upon himself, and Children; what great fears And sorrows he hath heaped, now, many years, On others too, aswell as upon them, Whose peace, and weal, he ought not to contemn: Let him take notice, with how little sense, Of their Afflictions, and of their expense In Blood and Treasure, he hath passed over Those losses which he never can recover. And let him ponder what may more befall, Unless the power of God, prevent it shall. Let him observe, to what despised things, Below the honour, not alone, of Kings, But, of Inferior Persons, he is brought, By seeking that, which he in vain hath sought; By listening to bad Counsel; and, by still Pursuing those beinnings which were ill. Let him impartially resolve in mind, To what conditions it hath him confined; What heights of Glory it hath cast him from; To what a depth of Troubles, he is come; What meanly-qualified Grooms, of late, He hath been feign, disguised, to personate; What trivial Fellows he is forced to feed, Ride, and converse with: yea, let him take heed, From what sleight Jockeys, and what Scatter-wits, He seeketh aid, and thereby nothing gets, To further his Designs; nor ought, but Lies, Rodomantadoes, and such Vanities. Nay, let him mark it once, and then again, What beggarly Companions he is feign To fawn upon; to humour, bribe, and woe, With promises of wealth, and honour too, To serve his ends, when thereto they can add No more, then from a Porter may be had; Except it, peradventure, be Returns Of ruin on themselves, and, on him scorns. Let him examine, by himself, alone, What he committed hath, or left undone, For which this Change befalls him; And not dream That, these afflictions have pursued him For other men's transgressions, altogether. And let him seriously consider, whether There can be hearty penitence, or no, For wrongs, without some satisfaction too. Let him examine, if a sacrifice Of words, and protestations, may suffice For bloodsheds, and those many robberies, Which on his Person, and his Party lies: Or, whether he; and his Prerogatives Were ever worth so many thousand lives, As they have cost: or, whether, when to make His last account, he cometh, GOD will take So trivial an answer, as to say; His will, and pleasure, they would not obey: But rebels were, who did that power resist, Which he doth claim, of doing what he list As his Vicegerent, and, as he was taught By those, whom he, to be true Prophet's thought. Let him consider, what best guards a Throne, And, keeps him safest, who doth sit thereon; By whom, King's reign; why they at first were made; And, for whose sakes, authority they had: That, he may not suppose GOD, did provide His Kingdom, only, to advance his pride; Or, to inflict an heavy curse, upon Whole Nations, by enslaving all to one. Let him consider, in what infamies A Tyrant lives, in what ancertainties, Fears, doubts, and dangers: and with what esteem, Content and peace, he wears his Diadem, Who reigns, as knowing, that he had his Crown More, for his people's sake, then for his own: And, let him kick away those Parasites, Whose Counsel to Oppression, him invites; Or, foolishly persuades him, to improve Power, wealth, or pleasure, by the loss of love. And, thereby, makes him labour to enjoy That power, which will at last himself destroy. Let him consider, soberly, if he In honour, or in conscience, bound may be Himself, for those, to hazard, who, pretended His Honour, and his Rights, to have befriended; Whereas, it may, (by many a circumstance) Be made appear, that, at their own advance, They chief aimed; or, to preserve the Lot, Which, they had by his Grace, already got. For, to prevent approaching Beggary, Some strengh'ned him in acts of Tyranny; Some, to disturb the waters, that, in them, They might be thriving Fishers, under him. And very few (what e'er they sergeant) To him, adhered, but, to save, or get. Or, though their love engaged them; yet, none Is bound to more, then can by him be done: Nor is it just, that, he, himself should lose, Because, he wanteth power, to save all those Who stood with him engaged: Nor, would they Desire it, if they loved him, as they say. Let him not trust to those fanatic things, Who, dote upon the Accidents of Kings, And slight their Essence: For, as, hitherto These, by their aid, did but themselves undo Without his benefit; so shall it be Hereaftet, till their error they can see. There is no help in humane policy, Nor any way, but downright honesty To his security; or to redeem Their happiness who have assisted him: For every course, and politic design That, shall be drawn out, by a crooked line, Will but beget new mischiefs, and enforce New projects, whose effects will still be worse; Till spite of power, and fraud, long swords, and daggers, He stand enrolled among the Royall-Beggers; Or, with those Kings, who, from their honour fell, Because, they slighted those, who wished them well. Let, him not fancy, that their seeming love, Who Court, him, yet, will worth regarding prove, Though, daily, more and more they shall repair To kiss his hand; or, fill the empty air With acclamations; or, although they may Upon his birth, or Coronation day, Make Bonfires, ring the Bells, drink healths unto him, And such like trivial, and rude honours do him; For, herein, these, act but a sensual part, Delightful to themselves, without a heart: Some, to express their present discontent, And disaffection to the Parliament: Some, for self-ends; some out of levity; And, many other, they well know not why, Seem zealous of his honour, who would soon, Repent what, they now covet should be done, Were he restored unto them, with that mind Whereto, as yet, he feemes to be inclined; And, they who do this day Hosanna cry, Would say, perhaps, to morrow, Crucify. The common People, rather live by sense, Then reason; and so quickly take offence At present sufferings, that they oft are pleased To cut their own throats, that they may be eased, And, when it shall distaste their Fantasies, Will tread on what they did Idolatrize. If, therefore, he would in their love confide, And gain from them, Affections which will bide; He must, protect them from receiving wrong, In things, which to their Freedoms do belong: Of their proprieties, he must take care; And, that their Persons and their purse he spare, Till he shall need them; and until they see How for his honour, and their good 'twill be. For they will then, be forwarder to give, Then he shall be to ask, or to receive; And, when just cause the same occasion may, Fling, for his sake, both goods, and lives away. Let this be then his aim, and his intent, When God shall join him with his Parliament; With Justice, let him round impale his Throne, And, set before it, like King Solomon, A guard of Lions, that, may keep away Those Apes, Baboons, and Foxes, which assay Thereon to make intrusions; or, devise How to invade him, with such flatteries, As may delude him; and, divert him from Those Duties, which his Dignity become. All his Prerogatives, likewise, let him So mix with equity; so, circled them With pious Charms; and, so confine, and awe His Vassals, by Example, and by Law, That, in all times to come, nor he, nor they Who shall succeed him, find occasions may To dim his glory, or his power to shake; Or, on the Subjects right, a breach to make. So, shall the people their just claims enjoy, So, you, who do each other now destroy, Shall in each others happiness delight, And, raise your Mountain to a glorious height. What, can he more desire, then to excel Among those people, with whom all is well? Whither can he aspire, but to possess On earth, the chiefest earthly happiness? And, what can he have less, than he now gains By seeking more, then to a King pertains? But, lest, what his good Genius would advise, He may, by means of their deceits despise, Who have the Jannes and the Jambres been, By whose enchantments, he continues in obdurateness: Let him, take special care Of those false Priests, and Prophets to beware, Who soothe him up with lies; and, make him dream, That, by endangering his Crown for them He should preserve it; and, that, to provide Large means to feed their gluttony and pride, Is to promote GOD'S glory; let him not Believe those truthless vanities, a jot. Though some good men, have heretofore been fed With Babel's portions, and unforfeited, Preserved their innocence, (with much ado) Yet, now, those dainties, have corrupted so This Generation; that, there's cause to doubt Their Charms. And, therefore, let him shut them out From heart, and ear, (what ever formal show Of Sanctity, they make in outward view) Believing, that their chief intentions here, Are to repair their breaches; or, endear, And sweeten, to the ruin of this Nation, Those Philters, and that cup of Fornication, Whereby, their Scarlet Mistress, giddifies All those, who listen to her Witcheries. Let him, above all others, take good heed Of these deceivers; add this to his Creed Concerning them; even this, that they are not Gods Prophets; that, GOD owns not for his lot, What they so call; and, that, though him they raise Above the Moon, with attributes of praise; It is, but for the service of the Dragon, Their Lust, their great Diana, or their Dagon, That, they so Court him: yea, though they adore The seat he sits on, as divine (or more) And, canonize him (as it were) for one, Who, all his Predecessors had outgone In piety, (because, he stourly stands To keep them with full guts, and idle hands) Let him him not be deceived; nor think so glorious, So honourable, or, so meritorious, What he would do for them, (if he were able) For, Jesabel did feed, at her own table, Eight hundred Prophets; and, appeared, no doubt, In her own way, as bounteously devout, As he would be: yet, did her superstition, With other sins, occasion her perdition: And they were but false prophets, whom she fed, Who, shortly after, likewise perished. Hypocrisy, and superstition, may Be sooner flattered by such as they, Into stupendions-bounties, than you see The best men can, by true devotion be: And, this, the Sacrifices, Altars, Groves, Shrines, Idols, Temples, and that Bounty proves, Which hath been dedicated unto men, To Angels, and to Devils, now and then. Then, let him, nor their Praises prise; nor fear, Against their claims, that covenant to swear, Which is established by his Parliament, Their mischievous encroachments to prevent: For, though they have made captive his esteem: Not only to their callings, but to them; Nor they, nor that (once theirs) now, sold and bought, Are so divine, as they would have them thought. Yea, though these call it sacrilege, in those Who, to discharge the public debts, dispose What was of late, employed, but to feed Bel and the Dragon; and, would scruples breed Within his conscience, making him believe, That GOD, is robbed, if others do receive What, lately they possessed (and have too long Usurped already, to the public wrong.) Let neither King, nor people, be afraid Or what by these Impostors, hath been said, To save their Kitchenstuffe; and, that their back Hereafter, may not their soft raiment lack. Let them not fearful be to sell, or buy Those portions, in their great necessity, Unless they sell, or buy them, with a mind, To pray on others rights; or, are inclined To have them, though they think it may be sin; And whether right, or wrong be done therein: For, such a man himself doth guilty make Of Sacrilege, though but his own he take. A true Disciple, doubtless, may enjoy Things carnal; and whilst them he doth employ As he is bound, none ever grudges him Their use; nor doth him, in their use, condemn: But, when, his own false interest to advance, He shall mis-name it, Christ's Inheritance, Or otherwise shall mis-imploy the same Against Truth's Friends, and honour of GOD's name; He forfeits what he had. Moreover, know, That Christ, whose service they pretend unto, Bequeathed them no such Lordships, as they claim: Nor Salaries, like those, at which they aim: But giving them Commission (whom he sent His work to do) enjoined them content With his allowance; strictly charged them, To trust to none, for wages, but to Him: And, to expect their Labours hire from none, (Or any where) but, where the work is done. But, see, how great a difference now appears Betwixt these Priests, and Christ's Commissioners: So impudently they do now presume The Titles, and the Wages to assume, Which were forbid; so largely, they provide, Not necessaries only, but for pride, For luxury, and for magnificence, Beyond the limits of a modest Prince; So lose are their deportments, and so vain; Such Ruffians and Buffoons they entertain: Of common faults, and of each crying sin, So manifestly guilty, some have been; So peevish are they, so uncharitable; Amid their plenty, so inhospitable; So ignorant, they have been otherwhile, And their Apostleships do so defile; That, to suppose, CHRIST'S Officers were such As they appear, were in effect, as much As to profess, his Kingdom were become Terrestrial, and his Court, indeed, at Rome; And, he who shall receive these, in the name Of CHRIST'S Disciples, will receive but shame. 'Tis pity, that their Bounty, who were Nurses To piety, at first; and, who, their purses So prodigally emptied, to endow The needy Saints, should so perverted grow; And, that, men were so graceless in their use Of Blessings, as to lose them by abuse. Yet, just it was, that they who did suppose GOD'S bounty, not enough; their own, should lose. And, that, gifts which he gave not; and, which may Pervert his purpose, should be taken away; (At least) when their possessors do begin, To turn, what flowed from virtue, into sin. And, how could you employ their vast wealth better, Then, to discharge that, wherein you were debtor By their default, who, sought to have destroyed Your Birthrights, by that wealth which they enjoyed? Since, Offerings made to GOD, (and, which to own, He doth accept) may be on men bestown, In times of need, when mercy, justly cries To be preferred, before a Sacrifice. Thus, did, without reproof, the Jewish Kings Buy, otherwhile, with Dedicated things, Their Kingdom's peace; and, purchased uncontrolled, Their Liberties, with sanctified Gold; So, with their wealth; by whom your wars begun To pay the Soldier, you have justly done. But, that your King more plainly may espy His disobligement, to the Prelacy; (Which comprehends those Boutefeu's, by whom He, and his people, are almost become The ruin of each other) Be it known; These, were, at first, no creatures of his own, Or, of his Predecessors; though, they gained A legal Oath, by them to be maintained, As part of holy Church; and, though a while, They sat among the Peerage of this Isle. But, they were first created, to promote The Kingdom of the BEAST, and, to devote Their services to him, in raising high, In making strong, and large, his Empery; Or, in debasing Kings; and, how, they did Perform that service, you in Stories read. Now, when for bloody tyranny, from hence, That Tyrant was expelled, by Providence, These also, (if they had not been befriended) Had into banishment, their Chief, attended. But, they pretending to a Reformation, (Perhaps, to keep possession in this Nation, For their grand Signior; and, to bring to pass What, now of late almost effected was,) Obtained grace: And, proving to be fit For their ambition, who aspire to get An arbitrary power, they did arise Almost to all their former dignities; And grew so active, and, so wise became In praying of the Kings, and their own game, That, here, (as plainly as in France) we see There's no such Tyrants, as where Prelates be. And, he, perhaps, did mean the selfsame thing, Who used to say, no Bishops, and no King. They were advanced, like Jeroboams Priests, But to preserve usurped Interests Upon the people; and to help increase Those claims, which Tyrants covet to possess, By falsifying Charters and Commissions, From Sacred Writ, to justify oppressions: And Jurisdictions, to that end, they had, To force, when wit they wanted, to persuade. Then, to oblige the more, and, that they might Be like to Jereboams Priests, outright; They, from the poorest, and the basest sort Of people, rose, to highest place in Court. This is their Jus Divinum, whatsoever Their friends, or they, would make themselves appear: Which, by clear demonstration, I make good, And, not by tales of Tubs, and Robinhood. Thus, what they were; and, what they had to do, And, what at best their pride hath brought them to, I have declared; that, your King no more May cheated be by them, as heretofore: Or, think, that Law, or Conscience, him obliges, To keep up their usurped Privileges, But, thereby know, that, if he shall delight In that, which is indeed the Royall-right; He, their vain services, no more, will need, And, joy, that from such Flatterers he is freed. If any shall object, that, he hath taken An Oath on their behalf; that might be spoke Aswell of Kings, perhaps, who took away Old Idol-Priesthoods: For, 'tis likely, they Vowed their protection, when the policy Of Jereboam raised his Hi'rarchy To six the Kingdom. But, no Oaths oblige, Which in unlawful actions would engage: And, his Oath is not broke by him, who took it, When, that, which made it lawful, doth revoke it. If it be said, those things to God were given, Which they possessed. What then? in earth, and heaven, God, is the sole possessor of all things; And, (whatsoever any takes, or brings) Hath neither more nor less; nor doth allow That any place on earth, or portion, now, Of things mere earthly, should be made appear More holy, or more his, than others are; For, man intitling GOD, to men's estates, Is, but a Priest-cheat, which he greatly hates. When, you give more to GOD, than he commands, His Thanks is; Who required it at your hands? Nor doth he those Oblations ever prize, Which from a superstitious ground arise; Nor counts, a charitable deed made void, When gifts abused, better are employed. Oh! let not then his hazards to preserve Their temporal claims, be more than they deserve. Let him not tyre himself to change a boot, Which he may wear with ease, on either foot. Let him not, by his undue care of these Which were the chiefest cause of his disease, Against his own just Interest make him err, By seeking their advancements to prefer Before his own well-being. Let him not Permit their formal wisdom to besot His understanding so, that he shall scorn This Counsel; or, continue to adjourn Compliance with his people in those things Which are the Cement betwixt them and Kings; And, will be so approved, maugre that Which, to deceive him, they both print, and prate. Let him not trust to their enchanting Spells, Nor to the brain of their achitophel's; For, if faint, or false-heartedness in those Who, for the Public, his attempts oppose, Shall not for private, or, by-interest Betray the cause and trust they have professed; GOD, at this present time, will lower bring The tyrannising power of Priest, and King. Nor Kingcraft, Priest-craft, nor the policies Of all, who preach or fight up tyrannies, Shall long prevail, though, to support each other All Europe's Tyrants should unite together: But, GOD, when they suppose to reach the tops Of their designs, will frustrate all their hopes; And, cause them to perceive, that he intends To prosper that, whereto they are no friends. Before that day, from all equivocations, From all close ends, and mental Reservations, Let Charles, begin a resolute retreat; Else (MARK this) when seven years he shall complete Among the Beasts, with Nebuchadnezar, Th'event of his demurrers will appear: And, he, who, yet a Leadstar, might become, Of just Dominion, to all Christendom, Shall miss the best advantage offered, yet, To any, King, who on his Throne did sit. Though clouds rise in the South, and in the North; There is, a Doome-conditionall, gone forth To be reversed, or stand, as he shall, now, His want of prudence, or, his wisdom show, As when the Sun ascends, to run his race, From his eclipsed honour, and disgrace, He, now, may rise; whereas, if he pass by The present offered opportunity, He may perhaps, begin the fatal dance, Which every King must foot, who doth advance Himself above his bound. He, may, now, make Their expectations frustrate, who, yet, take An old prediction, in that sense, which he Would be unwilling, so fulfilled should be. For, through these Islands this Tradition goes, That He, who made the English Damask Rose, Or, else some other, being curious grown, To know the future fortune of his Throne, Received, in hieroglyphick-wise expressed, Their Portraitures, who, when he was at rest, Should in his Kingdom, after him succeed; With words, in Latin Verse, thus Englished: A Man, a Child, a Furious One; A Maid, a Fox, a Lion, None. Vir, Puer, etc. I would not, any much should trust, or fear Such Prophecies; yet, when events appear To answer unto that which was foretold, Wise men should make what use of them they could: Seek how they might extract, even from the Devil's Deceits, an antidote, against his evils; And, so direct their actions, that his Charms And cheating riddles, may not do them harms. Lo, that prediction, is this day fulfilled; Six, as it was fore-typified, have held The Sceptre of that King; and, now there's none, Who either wears the Crown, or fills the Throne; Nor, any thing to furnish-out the same Belonging to that race, except a Name: And, here shall end that Prophecy, unless It further be fulfilled through wilfulness. If he, who owns that name, shall hearken to Their counsel, who will tell him what to do; That name, at last, much like that stump, may be Which was preserved, when the Royall-tree, Once, representing Nabuchadnezzar, Was felled down. And, as he did appear In former Glory, when he had confessed His failings, and the living God professed; So, shall it be with Charles, if he repent; God, will the ruin of his House prevent; Restore him to his Throne, and make his fame To grow the fairer, through his present shame. But, if he shall defer, till 'tis too late, Let him prepare for King Belshazzars fate, And, let all those, who shall to him adhere, Expect, in his sad dooms, to have a share. As Samuel did for Saul, till God did sling That Tyrant off, and chose another King; So, shall I pray for him (with mourning too) Till I perceive what GOD, and he will do. And, therefore, touching him, I will (before I speak to others) utter somewhat more. By no external symptoms, can I find That, he doth yet, begin to change his mind; But, so, in his first march proceedeth on, As if, he wrongs received, but, none had done. And, whereas GOD, for penitence doth call, Doth seem to think, there needeth none at all; But, rather, that his people (if not heaven) Should supplicate, to be of him forgiven, For suffering, such an Innocent as he, So scandalised, and so wronged to be. Yea, and the people (as it is their guise) When some offender at the gallows dies, Whom they themselves brought thither (do begin, To look more on the straight that he is in, Then, on the reason of it. And as when A Township, having seized guilty men, Who had much wronged their servants, stole their goods, Devoured their cattles, sometime shed their bloods, And, threatened their destruction; in a rage They force them to the stocks, or to the cage, Or to the Justice, and, are like to tear The Rogues in pieces, too, ere they come there: But, when they are examined; and when they Must, at their Parish charges them convey Unto the Goal; be bound to prosecute; Take pains, and spend some money in the suit, That Justice may be done (the Land to free From such a plague as those were like to be) Then, if the Rascals whine (as they will do) And make their moan, they fain would let them go. Thus, fares it with the people; they complained Against the King, of wrongs by him sustained, And, of worse like to come. They saw, he drew The Sword upon them, therewith to pursue His Usurpations; and, they were compelled, To arm, and to oppose him in the field; Where, GOD, the victory bestowed on them; And, in their own defence, they conquered him. Then, finding, that this Conquest drew on charge, And, that it further would their cost enlarge To keep what they have got, (lest all the cost And blood already wasted, should be lost, And worse things follow,) they impatient grow, And, are discouraged, and besotted so, That, they begin to pity his estate More than themselves; to scandalise, and hate Even their Deliverers; to underprize GOD'S mercies, their own safety to despise; And, to behave themselves, as if they had An inclination in them to be mad About next Moon in June: Or, had their Doom In spite of their Defenders, to become Perpetual slaves: And, this base Generation, (Foes to themselves, and to their own salvation) Have so confirmed the King's obduracy, By their imprudence, and apostasy, That, he, perhaps, persuades himself, there needs No penitence for any of his deeds Against the public Rights; and that his ends To compass, this vain Rout will yield him friends. Now, therefore, all excuses to prevent, Though I have showed, whereof he should repent; Informed how; and in some part, of what; Yet, here I'll touch a little more of that, That He, and they who think him without blame, May somewhat now consider of the same. Deserves it no repentance, to invade Those privileges which his people had? And those proprieties, which they enjoyed In their estates, unjustly, to make void, Or, from their ancient freedoms, them to thrust? Or, from their due possessions for his lust? Or, maintenance for luxury and pride, By other men's undo, to provide? And, then by Proclamation, to pretend Some necessary, and some public end, Which, could be manifest to no man's view, And, which, was generally known untrue? Was it no sin, by base Monopoles, To raise the price of most commodities? To take away free Trades and occupations; To vex men with perpetual Molestations, By Courts and Officers, devised for nought But, that men into bondage might be brought To his Prerogatives? and by degrees By new exactions, Services, and Fees, Be screwed up, (through demands, appearing small) Till he hath got a seeming-right in all? For, if that be his due, which was received; So, is the rest, if Priests may be believed. Was it no fault, deserving penitence, To take away the means of their defence, From his most faithful Subjects? to engross And, raise the price of powder, to their loss, And their apparent danger? to disarm Their persons, who intended him no harm? To put them under the Command of those Who are their known Oppressors and their Foes? To make them lend what he ne'er meant to pay? To make them buy what he should give away? To make them give, who had no list thereto; To make men sell, what they would not forgo? To act, what may of all their deuce deprive them, And to deny them that, which should relieve them? Deserves it not a sigh, that in his Court Profaneness, and Oppressions, were but sport? That, Judges were compelled to wrest the Laws? Divines the Scriptures, to maintain a Cause Which GOD abhors; that all oppressions should Be there upheld, and sin be uncontrolled? That, Schoolboys not arrived at years of reason, Should suffer death, as culpable of Treason, For childish words; as if Kings grew afraid Through guiltiness, of what young Infants said? Deserves it not bewailing, to repair By fines, unjustly raised, the House of Prayer? To punish, men of merit, with disgraces, dismemberings, Stigmatising of their faces, Imprisonments, exiles, and separations From friends, wives, children, yea, from all relations, For things not capital; or, deemed crimes, By Law; or, blamable in better times? Was nothing done, whereof he might repent, When even the speaking of a Parliament, Was made a crime? when Members were confined, For doing what by duty was enjoined; When all their Privileges were so broke, That, some should violently have been taken, Even from their Sanctuary; which, of old To violate, no Tyrant was so bold: And for which act, alone, this freeborn Nation, Would quite have ruined all his Generation, In former times; if, they had ere obtained So great advantages, as now are gained? Deserves it no repentance, to bestow Those honours, which to virtue he doth owe, On vicious men? Or, such as had no worth But, wealth and arrogance, to set them forth? Or, could be instruments to help undo Their honest neighbours, and the Kingdom too? Is it no wrong, to set such Rascals, over Their well known betters, that they may uncover, And rise, and bow, before them; who, are fit To lackey by their horse, Caroche, or Litter? Or, rather to be baffled, kicked and scorned, Then, with a Coronet to be adorned? Was nothing purposed, fit to be repent, When that Design was first of all invented, Which, to promote, (and, thereby to enforce) He sent, both for Commanders, and for Horse, To Germany? And, was there nothing plotted, When on our Seas that Spanish Navy sloted, Which anchored in the Downs? Is there no tear, Or sign due, for those things which acted were Concerning Rochel; whereof, to this day, The Protestants of France complain, and say, It cannot be, but, that both GOD, and Man Will vengeance bring, for what they suffered then? Is there no need of penitential prayers, For innovating of the Scotch-affaires? For doing, and undoing? For complying, And failing off? For granting, and denying? For all those falsifyings which forwent The first, the second, and this Parliament? For all those injuries, which have been since? For all the acts of fraud, and violence, Committed in these Islands, since this War, By him, and those, which of his party are? For all these, is there no compunction due, Which, he before the world, is bound to show? No cause, can he discover of contrition, For that Idolatry, and Superstition, Which daily multiplied in these Lands By his connivance, or by his commands? And, by the vain hopes, fear, or fraud of those Whose piety consists in mimic shows? And, since there is a Statute, in this Isle Which treasonable makes, to reconcile This people unto Rome; did it appear No fault, to tolerate an Agent here, Or Nuntio from the Pope, to innovate In matters of Religion, and the State? Is there not cause enough he should repent (Though no cause else were found) that, he hath spent So many years before he doth begin That penitence, which brings forgiveness in? That he adventured so many falls, Neglected and withstood so many calls? Made outward shows, of sorrow and remorse, Yet, was no whit the better, if not worse? That, in his heart, he still prepares for War, When all his words for peace, and Treaties are? That, GOD'S long sufferings, and th' indulgencies Of his wronged people, he doth still despise? And, that, although he now is in a chain, His former hopes, and purposes remain? If he repent not, may he not at last, Be made repent it, when the time is past? That, he is so unwise, as to provoke Those men so far, by whom his power is broke, As by apparent signs, to let them see His aims to compass their destruction be? And, how, for that intent still means are tried, All parties, from each other to divide, And from themselves? Moreover, may he not Find reason to repent, what, by the Scot He hath endeavoured to effect his ends? What by the City, Army, and his Friends In either House? yea by the people too, That, he may make all Parties help undo Themselves, and him, whose fall till he repent, No power, shall be so powerful to prevent. For, though they thrived a while, both he, and they Whom he corrupteth, shall descend one way; And, GOD this Kingdom shall in order set, By, men and means, not thought upon, as yet. More might be said; much more, to let him see What causes, of repentance there may be; Which I had rather he himself should find, (And, seriously consider in his mind) Then hear them from another; and, but that The Common-Voice, these faults enumerate, I, had not mentioned them: nor, shall these prove A blemish to him, if all this may move His heart to Penitence: For, then I'll say Enough, to take all guiltiness away; And make him cleaner, than he was that morn, In which it was first said, that he was borne. And, GOD, so bless my hopes, as I intent All this, to bring his troubles to an end; And in this manner do it, that past evils, Nor future sins, nor spite of men, or Devils, May power obtain, to stop him, or to fling him From that estate, whereto, I wish to bring him. The way, by me designed (I confess) To be a path, full of uneasiness To flesh and blood; and, not without much terror, At first to those, who lived in ways of error. It is not so with violets bestrowed, With pinks and roses, as the path way showed By his deluding Prelates; but, I'll say, This, confidently, 'tis the safest way, And easiest I could find, for one who had Such long and obstinate by-wand'rings made; And, I unwilling am, he should begin A course, which he might lose his labour in; As those do, who close up a festering wound With healing salves, whilst filth in them is found. My course may harsh appear, and full of dangers, To them, who to such practices are strangers; Yet, I dare warrantise, (for I can tell) It leads to heaven, although it lies by hell: And that it will at last, be well approved, Of those, who him for his own sake have loved. But, lest, the Maxims, which Court-breeding gives To Kings, and zeal to their Prerogatives, May steel his conscience; and, still, make him dream That, all his Kingdoms, and all things in them, Are his by right: And, that, if it be so, All those endeavourings conducing to The keeping of that Right, may, then be done: And, lest he thence infer, he wrongeth none, On whom, he maketh war, with an intent, Encroachments on his Kingship, to prevent; But, that, they, rather, who have him withstood, Have down upon their own heads, drawn their blood. To take the frothy vanity of that Conceit away; thus, I expostulate: If Kings have such a right; how, was it gained? From whom, was that Prerogative obtained? For, sure, what ever Parasites may please To feign; Kings are not Ab Origines; But had beginnings, like to other men, Who rise, and fall; are borne, and die again; And, came to their preferments, either by GOD's gift, or man's, or else by Victory. 'Twere blasphemy, to say, that God bestowed That power upon them, which to be allowed They now contend: and, they from hell did fetch Their text, or comment, who such doctrine preach. It cannot be, that God, who, is Perfection; Goodness itself; the Essence of Affection; And, Fountain, out of which free mercy goes, Throughout the whole creation, and or'e-flowes: It cannot be, that from among those creatures, (Which are in all things, of the self same natures) He should not only, one or two, advance Above the rest, but by his Ordinance Declare it, likewise, to be right and just, In them (even merely to fulfil their lust) To take from others, when it pleases them, Child, honour, goods, life, liberty and limb; Or, practise cruelties upon them: No, It neither can be, neither is it so: For, in his Word he tells, what Kings should do; There makes description of such Tyrants too, As those, for which their suit his People made, When, in his wrath, a King bestowed he had; Because, they longed for that vain Gallantry, Which they among the Nations, did espy. He, sharply threatens Kings, who tyrannize, Or use their power, in an insulting wise; And says, he gave them their Prerogatives, That, men should under them, lead quiet lives; That Swords they have, to execute the Law; Defend the just; ungodly men to awe; And, so to reign, that no good man might fear The port they carry, or the Sword they bear. Whence then, obtained they that exorbitant Dominion, whereof, now so much they vaunt? Did first the people, give them such a power And set them up, of purpose to devour, Vex, and enslave them? That were to conceive A madness, which no wise men will believe; Nor many fools, their folly so betray, As thus to think; much less, the same to say: And, doubtless hitherto, no Nation had So little reason, as to grow so mad. Did they then raise themselves, unto their height? Where got they power, to conquer such a right? If others helped them, whither did they run, To keep themselves free, when that deed was done? It seemeth likely, they would stay to share, Their portions, where they so victorious were; And did not sure, intent to set up one, By whom, they would themselves be trod upon. Nor, could those valiant men, become so base, To leave behind them, an inslaved-race, By takeing such conditions, as are now, Imposed on many Kingdoms, which you know. Or, if a Nation, might be fooled so much, Who knows, this People's lot, to have been such? What ancient History, or what record Thereof, a testimonial doth afford? If none, how do your British Tyrants claim What they usurp; and that whereat they aim? If, they obtained it by deceiving trust, Which is most true (then, make amends they must) And if spontaneously they do the same, They lose with honour, what they got with blame. If they prescription plead, from times of yore; Time, makes not wrongs, to be the less, but more. By Conquest, will they claim it; know ye, then, The Conquerors are conquered again; And, what time, and the sword away have tore, Time, and the sword, doth righteously restore: And, that, time is no bar to rightful things; Is for the people, true, as well as Kings; But how, their People's freedoms, goods and lives Shall Kings protect, if their Prerogatives, Should be infringed, or lost? there is indeed A just Prerogative, that he may need In some Immergencies, which both by reason, And, by the law of nature is in season, When things which for the Public safety are, Require them; and, when no known laws declare What may be done. In such necessities No Commonwealth, no prudent man, denies An arbitrary Power, to private men; Much less, to Magistrates, and Princes, then. No Nation is so foolish to restrain That just Prerogative, and so make vain Their own security: they will and may Be Judge of those necessities; for they Are most concerned in them; and if he Whom they to guard them choose, deprived shall be Of means to do his duty; they must bear The blame of what ensues: for, he is clear. Thus, I could answer to all other things, Which are objected by usurping Kings, If need required; and bring them light to see, How they by hypocrites, abused be; And, say enough, were he thereto inclined, To make your present King, to change his mind. But, GOD, that only turns the hearts of Kings, And to himself reserves such glorious things, As their conversions; will I hope, in time, Produce that miracle of grace in him: For, if I guess right, he would now be glad To know, where wholesome counsel might be had; And knows what 'tis, to want, in his distress, Such men as dare the truth to him profess, Without regarding carnal hopes, or fear; Or, who displeased, or well pleased are. There are some Prayers left upon record, That, plead yet, strongly for him, to the Lord; And, which, by his forgot Remembrancer, Were offered up, for him, in his first year, When that, which now is truly come to pass, By him foreseen, and justly feared was. It may be at this present time, those Prayers Then sent up, for this King, and his affairs, Begin to take effect; for, who doth know What mercies from the Fount of Grace may slow? Or, what for him, those, offerings might prepare Which made, by Faith, in Fiery Trials were? Oh, if they take effect, and if he find, Such motions (as are wished for) in his mind, To spring up; let a blessed dew from heaven, Descend, that growth unto them, may be given. With true humility, let him begin, To meet them kindly, and to welcome in Those guests, with such respect into his heart, As may there fix them, never to departed. Let not a shame, to be repent of, Or, their derisions, who perhaps will scoff At such a change, deter from persevering; Or, by their threats, beget in him a fearing Of what may follow: for, it glad shall make, And cheer his Soul, when all their hearts will ache. Let him not entertain the least suspect, His Penitence will want a due effect, If it be true; or, that a guard or wall, From being manifest, restrain it shall, When once it works: Nor let his people fear To trust him, when he proves therein sincere: For, hearty Penitence, is of a strain Not like to that, which hypocrites do feign; But, moving, unresistable, and clear, When, and in whomsoe'er, it shall appear. Yea, thereunto, so great a power is given, That, hearts, alone, it breaks not , but heaven, And, maketh way to reconcile again, The greatest sinners, both to GOD and Men. For, whosoe'er is truly penitent, Merely with tongue and eyes, doth not repent, With vows, with protestations, and with tears; Or, with such formal compliments, as theirs Who keep an out-side-fast, or the back With vestments, and with long cloaks, died black; Or, who make faces, or look for a while, So sad, as if it were a mortal sin, to smile: But, wheresoever true penitence you see, Like rising up from death to life will be. It wholly changes, and new moulds, new makes That man, within whose heart, it rooting takes. As well within, it cleanseth as without: And, that the truth of it, ye may not doubt, The sinner from ill habits, it estranges; His words, his thoughts, his company it changes: His works, his ways, his plots, and his designs; Of good intentions, giveth certain signs; He daily grows more fruitful, takes more care, To be indeed reformed, then to appear: Regards not, what of others, he is thought, So, he, unto perfection, may be brought; Fears nothing more, shuns nothing more than sin, And, that abhorred course which he was in. Forgiveth every one, that was his foe; Gives unto all men, that which he doth owe; Shames, neither to bewail, or to confess To GOD or men, his former wickedness; Nor any good advice, will disesteem, How mean soe'er the counsellor shall seem: And, when the King, thus changed shall return, Who, would desire his coming to adjourn? When, thus a true repentance doth inprove him, Who would not then, forgive, and trust, and love him? For, when you find a metamorphosis, In him, so supernatural as this, Nought formerly by him, missaid, misdone Or, misconceived, shall be thought upon To future disadvantage, though the sin, Hath black, or, of a scarlet tincture been. Though, by an overgood conceit of him, Who stood suspected, he restrained them, Who sought to bring his father's death to trial, And, gave offence, by giving a denial To Justice, in that cause, to take her course; And, raised suspicions, too, of somewhat worse: Yea, though he were a sinner, twice as bad As he (by those, who love him least) is made; And, had, beside the blood his Party spilt, More sin upon him, than the double guilt Of King Mannasseh; he, as pure should grow By such repentance, as the Mountain snow. And, when to this repentance he is brought, Who can object? or, how can it be thought, That, in fullfilling of the covenant (As touching him) you shall one title want, Of that Branch, which, expresseth your intent To bring delinquents, to due punishment? For, if you can conceive, what 'tis to bring The lofty heart, and spirit of a King, To stoop so much, as to descend unto What, he that's truly penitent must do; Or, if you could believe what selfe-denialls, What inward torments, and what fiery trials Are undergone, and must be passed through By those, who truly penitential grow, You would confess, that, nor restraint, nor chains, Nor death itself, had in them fears or pains, So terrible, so full of grief and smart, As those, which exercise a contrite heart; And, you would say (when forth this fruit he brings) No sinners; no such Penitents as Kings. Oh what a blessed, what a glorious thing It were Great Britan, to behold thy King Come back thus changed; and with a mind to do, That, which thy Genius hath advised him to! And, that, which his own conscience cannot choose But tell him, it were madness, to refuse! How, would his drooping Subjects, then rejoice, To bid him welcome, both with heart and voice! How, would his friends triumph, how would his foes, Their aims, and wicked expectations lose? How would those hypocrites among you tremble, Who did with him and all the world dissemble! How, would their souls be comforted, who were To him, and to the Common good sincere! And by both sides oppressed, for abiding In their first principles; and, for not siding With this, or, with that faction, to make strong, Themselves and other men, in doing wrong! What hopes thereby would other Nations take, That his example would some changes make In their oppressors? How, would they be struck With terrors, who have Tyranny mistake For Kingship; and, by strained Monarchy Themselves infected with lycanthropy! How, would your noisome Grasshoppers, and Flies, Frogs, Lice, and Caterpillars, which arise From their corruptions (fearing to delay, Their lingering here) hop, fly, and crawl away! How, would the BEAST than rage; the Scarlet Whore, Then, curse and rail; the Devil's howl and roar; As fearing, they their heights were falling from, And, that the Kingdom, which they hate, were come! But, his conversion, would not long adjourn Their miseries, to whom he should return, Unless they take more care, and, more delight To make their conversations more upright, Then heretofore; unless to meet him too, They better shall prepare, than yet they do; Unless they more unite; more wise appear, In resolutions; and then, more adhere To that which is resolved; unless more jealous They grow of Public honour, and more zealous Of Public Faith; more clear in their intent; More diligent, more studious to prevent Supplanting wiles, more sensible of wrong, Sustained by them, who to their side belong, More careful, that their Friends, may firm abide; And, that all others may be satisfied According to just hopes; and plainly see The common-good, their chiefest aim to be. For, sure, the King's repentance will avail But little to their comfort, who shall fail In such like duties; or in meeting him With such affections, as he brings to them. But, when all other sinners grace receive, They shall with Hypocrites, their portion have; And, to their shame and great vexation, then, See those, whom they thought worst, the better men. The British Genius, as, if he had in Some secret Musing, or Devotion been, Here made a pause; and, therefore, here will we Take breath, a little, if you pleased be. The Contents of the second Lection. THe Genius, here, declares to them Who exercise the Power-supreme, How, they, much mischief might prevent: How, they, the people may content: How, keep their Power, and Cause upright, With honour, in their Foes despite; And tenders, that, this may be done, Much to be duly thought upon. Tells, what the people ought to do, To give assistance, thereunto; Persuades, the Nations to agree, Lest by themselves, they ruin'd be; The Factious-parties doth advise, To lay aside their vanities; And, interweaveth, here and there, What, others, may with profit hear. Shows LONDON, where her wealth doth lie; Speaks reason, to the soldiery; Minds, to what sort of Irish, you Some share of mercy, should allow: To Preachers, preacheth ways of peace, To further Truth with Righteousness: Then drawing toward his conclusion, Presageth Order, from confusion: Informeth, from what Pedigree Good Government derived will be; And, when that's told you, ye shall hear What's whispered, in the Authors ear. THE GENIUS, (whom observe I pray, with heed) With raised eyes, did thus, again, proceed: How feign would I find words and exhortations, Which, might not now, be lost upon these Nations? But, cause them to consider, and discern Those things, which their well-being may concern? That, all well meant endeavours for their good, Might not be still neglected, or withstood; And, future ages, wonders, what dire Fate, This Generation did infatuate? My breath, hath hitherto, been chief spent, The Kings approaching ruin to prevent: By screwing thoughts into him which may wake him From slumber; and, for peace, industrious make him. Now, I will also, somewhat, say to them, Who stand, in prime relation, unto him; That, if his heart GOD change not, neither he May them destroy, nor they destructive be Unto themselves. And, what, to that good end, I shall advise, is this: Dear friends, atttend. Let those high Courts, by whom the Pow'r-supreme, Is exercised in the name of him Who now is laid aside; let those adventure No longer, to wheel round, without a Centre: But, six on somewhat, whereon to be steady, Before all catch the Staggers, and grow giddy. Let that be rectified, which now, disturbs Their nat'r all motions, in their several Orbs; Lest if the Nations clash, they thereby crack The wheels of Government, and make them break Against each other, when there will be here, To mend them, no well-skilled State-Ingineere. Reduce your wandering lights; let every star Within your Firmament keep his own sphere; Lest, if above their Circles they aspire, Like Phaeton, they set the world on fire; Or aid those Comets, which, already glare Prodigiously, to breed combustions here, Whose mischievous effects, you may in vain Attempt, perhaps, hereafter, to restrain. Till to the snuff they blaze; or, till they shall To quench their thirstings, all your blood exhale. This mischief to prevent, let every wit, And every Power subordinate, submit To that, which is supreme; even unto that, Which for the present, is predominate, For public safety: And let that abide On Principles, whic neither may divide Or, wound itself; lest on itself, it draw Contempt, from them, who, thereof stood in awe; And, that contempt so weaken them at length, That they, with loss of honour, lose their strength: For, you have felt, (as well as heard it told) What of Divisions, hath been said of old. Your present postures give occasion may To some, of doubting, whom they should obey; How far forth, their obedience must extend; How long they shall uncertainely attend, The hatching of that Government, which must Continue fixed; and, whereto they may trust. Which questionings, and doubtings (though good reason Hath made them in these Islands, now, in season) Enfeeble much your Power; and do beget, (Though seemingly the people do submit) Ill consequences, which will still be worse, Until you settle on some certain course: Especially, if they suspect that power, Intendeth not their benefit, but your. Delay not, therefore, that which they expect: And, till a settlement may take effect, (Or, till they better know, what doth pertain To your new cunb, and also to your rain) With kindness manage them, and condescend To what, may for their satisfaction tend In all just seeming Rights; till they may see, That, by your power, their peace preserved shall be. And then, if your Authority to own, They shall refuse; so make your courage known, That, none may dare blaspheme, or scandalise, Those needful Powers, and lawful Dignities, Which are above their Censures; lest you farther Their Plots, who have no hope, but in disorder; Since, better it becomes, Wisemen to die In Order, then, to live in Mutiny. Mark, those among you, who, whilst they pretend Your Power, and your Proceed, to befriend, Impair them, underhand, by driving on Designs, destructive to what should be done. So many Marks, upon them do appear, Declaring to what Party they adhere, That, well they may be known: And, they to whom These are discovered, find, what will become Of You, and your Affairs, unless, you shall With speed (and wisely) them, in question call. Your greatest Foes, and, they who most may wrong you, Are some, who, daily Counsel take among you. Your Adversaries, as the Prophet said, Are men of your own Houses, who have played The parts of Seeming Friends. Of these, therefore, Take heed, and seek to cast them out of door Before they cast out you; Which, were they stronger, Deferred would not be, one minute longer. When you have purged your Houses (till which day All will be spoke in vain, that I shall say) Take my advice (for it is genuine, And, that, whereto your Genins doth incline) First, to Debate, and, then, to Question, bring The Government, and what concerns the King; Which, being prudently resolved upon, Will save you twenty labours, in that One: And, make, (if you perform, as is professed) An easy passing through all the rest. In your Debates, discover not that spleen Or Virulency, wherein, may be seen, A purpose, nor to give, nor take content; But, so contest, that, when ye shall assent, There may, on you, be seen the fewer scars Of your unhappy and uncivil Wars; And, that it may appear, your strife hath been, Not, that your Will, but, that the Truth may win. Yet, lest, whilst you are forced to contest, You may destroy the noblest Interest By dull Indifferency, or want of zeal; Look to the safety of the Common-weal, As to your chief Alligance: For, a King Who makes a claim although the claimed thing. Be due) yet, if he so exacteth it, As, that, it public danger may beget, Becomes a Traitor to the Royal Trust, In him reposed; and, merits to be thrust Besides the Throne, if, therein, he persist, To prosecute his private Interest. When, ye are certain, what should be preferred, From prosecuting it, be not deterred; Or, from a stout engagement, in that Cause, Whereto, you are obliged by the Laws Of GOD, and Nature: For, a work begun With Courage, is as good, as halfway done. Let not the foolish fears, or superstition Of earebored slaves (the Foot-stools of Ambition) Who Idolise, and deify their Kings, As more than mortal, and unbounded things; Let not these fright: But, well examine you What, to the People; what, to them, is due, That, so, your Friends, who see your prudency, May be preserved from Apostasy. Consider, wisely, how with him, you deal, Who, of these Vessels, was esteemed, erew hile Both Master, and Chief owner; that, nor he Nor you, may ruined, or dishonoured be, By any practice, which may not befit Your Wisdom, or your Justice, to permit. Force not each other into such a Straight, As, that, there may from thence, be no retreat; Or, means left, for th'one Party to prevent The others fall, although he should repent. But, as, indeed, you hitherto have done, Him, as the Public Father look upon. And, though his Parasites, have him enraged By causeless Jealousies, and far engaged Against your Lives, and Freedoms; yet, assay To show him, all the Mercy, that you may. Ulysses did spontaneously assent To be inchained, that, he might prevent The Sirens Charms; and, you, without just blame Have done, (and may, yet do to him) the same Who hath already, been by their enchanting So charmed, that, very little now is wanting Of his, and your destruction. By his own, And others faults, distempered he was grown; And thereby hath endangered, no less His own Safe-being, than the Common-Peace; And, while destructive Courses he shall take, You, are obliged to stop, and pull him back; Though, his Seducers, grow enraged thereby, And, term you Traytons, for your loyalty. Yea, you may still restrain him, and thereto Add more, if need require it should be so; Till GOD, by his especial grace, hath brought him, To shun the Course, which, evil Counsel taught him; Or, left him so, that, wilfully he shall Without your fault, by his own Projects, fall. I will not counsel, that, ought less you do Then Salus Populi, constrains you to; For, though the Sheepish Ront, more think upon Things present, then, on what is past and gone; And, seem to have, already, so forgot Late grievances, as if they thought it not So great a plague, to be enslaved for aye, As present weights to bear, though but one day, Yea, though the most part, of the Common rabble, So sottish, are, and so irrationable, That, out of fear, lest others should enslave them, They would enslave themselves, and those that save them: Yet, must not those, on whom the Land relies, Benumbed grow, with such stupidities: For, 'tis a Symptom, of a Sottish Nation, To grow respectless, of Self-preservation; Or, fear to practise, what agrees with Reason, Because, it hath been falsely called Treason, By Parasites, and Priests; who, that a King Might make them something, made him, any thing, Which he desired to be; and, hence did rise Abominable Court-Idolatries. Yea, hence, it was, that, men first grew afraid To think (until of late) what may be said, And must be resolutely done, before GOD, will, these Isles, to their lost Peace restore. A Realm, that fears to call her Trustee, to Account, for aught misdone, or left to do; Is like those Children, who do fear the shows, Which, they themselves set up to scar the Crows: And, they, who think you have no rightful power To curb his fury, who, might you devour; May think, as well, they should not put a clog, Or hang a chain, upon a shepherd's dog, Although, he daily bites, and kills the sheep, Which he was, only, bred, and ●ed, to keep. In warlike manner, with his Standard reared, The King, against you, in the Field appeared; And, gave you (as it were) a Summons thither, That, he, and you, might plead you Rights together, By way of Combat; which, your Common-Laws Allow of, for the trial of that Cause, Whereof there's doubtful proof; And, wherein, none Knows how, to judge aright, but, GOD, alone. This Trial, both did stand to: By this Trial, The King, was overcome, without denial; And did submit. What, had you then to do? But, what you would yourselves, be done unto, When your Desires, were made a Rule, whereby Another, might, square out his Charity? Men, do not use to hunt a Beast of prey, To take him, and, then, let him go away. They, who have caught a Lion, you would blame If they dismissed him (though he seemed tame) Unchained, and without keepers; since, that Creature Is known, of so untamable a Nature, That, he will ravine, as he did before, If, to himself, you leave him any more. Kings, who without control, the Sceptre sward, As tameless are, as Lions, that have prayed: Which, howsoever, you shall use, or feed them, Will soon grow dangerous, unless you heed them; You, therefore, must not give them leave to seize, On aught, at will; no, not so much as Flo●s, Lest, some Prerogative, they thereon found: But, you must circled them within a Bound; And, Laws, and Counsellors provide, whereby You may their Wills, and Judgements, rectify: And, then, when they by general consents, So furnished, be, they may be Instruments Of Honour, Peace, and Plenty. And, take this From me, who know best, what, most fitting is For this Isle's constitution; That th'increase Of Wealth, and Honour; Settlement of Peace, And Freedom from Oppressions, (whatsoever Some dream) shall never be enjoyed here, In any Government, so perfectly, As, by a regulated Monarchy. Shall I advise you to a Treaty, than? No: 'tis not now, as when the War began. Before the Trial, your trusties, did well To treat for Peace; because, they could not tell What might succeed; and, thought it safer, far, To take some wrong, then seek redress by War. But, now, for them to Treat, were to admit That, GOD, had passed no Trial for them, yet. And, those, who thereto would persuade them, now, I shall not for their wisest Friends allow, If Friends: For, that, not only of their prizes Defeats the Conquerors, but, equalizes Them, likewise, with the Conquered; and, makes void, What, should by right of Conquest, be enjoyed. When he, whose ancient Birthright was quite lost, Hath by expense of labour, time, and cost, A lawful repossession of it sought, And, at the Law, his suit to Trial brought; Obtained a Verdict, Judgement, Execution, And, full possession, without Diminution, What, for a Friend, I pray were such a one? Who should persuade this man, when all were done, To wave his lawful right, so dearly bought, To treat with him, who his undoing sought? And, uncompelled, refer unto debate, What, he should leave, or take, of that Estate? And, what were that man, but, a Groll, at best, Who, re-adventured, thus, his Interest? Nor honester, nor wiser, much, are they Who, now, into a Treaty would betray The Parliament. For, what hath yet been done, If they must Treat, again, for what is won? Why, did they make good meaning men to fight And lose their lives, to win for them, a Right, Which they must get by Treaty? Why, is he A Prisoner, if a King as yet, he be That's capable of Treating? Or, of more Than you shall seem obliged to restore, In mere humanity? Or, by that band, Whereby, as Christians, you obliged stand, Upon his true Repentance? And, upon Security, like fault, shall not be done? But, if no Treaty, be allowed, how then Shall you, and he, be reconciled again? By such a Course, as will be generous; And, for our Genius to advise; Even thus: Like honourable Victors, offer him Terms honourable, if he merit them, By true Repentance (For, it will be more Than can be justly offered him before) Lest, you, at last, may be requited ill, If Power he get, before he change his Will. When, you perceive, that, GOD in him hath wrought That mind, whereto you wish he should be brought, Give him Conditions, freely, such, as may Full well become a King, whom, to obey, Acknowledge, and submit to, 'twil beseem Those Nations, who, a good repute esteem. Give him, that Kingly-Liberty, which will Confine him, from all power of doing ill; And, him enable, too, for every thing, Pertaining to the Office of a King: Which, to declare; and, to consider how It shall secured be, I, leave to you; Whom they concern, and, who know how, to make Your own Conditions, if, good heed you take. But, many are supposed, to be inclined To some new Government, by them designed, In whose erection, and establishment, They could receive a great deal more content Then in well regulating, what they had: And, some of these, it may be are so mad, (And so uncharitable) as, in heart To pray, that GOD would rather, quite, depart Both from this King, and all his Generation, Then, frustrate them, or, their vain Expectation. If, there be any such, far, be you from Their evil mind; Let not their secret come Into your Souls: And, though GOD should permit His wilfulness, a little longer, yet; Pronounce your Judgements, warily, on him, Lest, in his Person, you, yourselves condemn. And, since, 'tis possible, that, from your sin, His Fayling, and your Plagues, might first begin, (As, once did, from the People's, an offence In David, which brought on a pestilence) Consider, 'twil make easy your own Doom, If, toward him, affected you become, As Children ought to be, whose Father hath Attempted their destruction, in his wrath. Yea, careful be, you do not so employ Your power, to cure the Head, that, you destroy Both Head and Body; and, to ease the pains Of Headache, that, you knock not out your Brains. That, Limb, which, may be cured, cut not away: Those Vessels, which with water, cleanse ye may Purge not with Fire; For, GOD, shall give an end By his own Power, to what, you cannot mend; And, neither he, nor you, shall rise to stand, But, by advancing Justice, in the Land. Excuse me, if ('twixt what concerns the King, And these Republikes) with some staggering, I seem to Counsel you; One while persuading, That, you oppose with stoutness, his invading Your Freedoms, and Proprieties; Then, straight Plead (as it were) that, Grace obtain he might; Herein, I say, excuse me: For, it fares With me, as with King David, in his Wars, With Absolom; Against whom, to prevail, He was content; yet, did his death bewail. Loath was he, by a Foc, to be outbraved; Grieved was he, that, a Son might not be saved; And, him, whom he had sent to overthrow him, He did beseech, that, Mercy, he would show him. The same I do for him: Oh, let him have it If he be qualified to receive it: But, if he still persist, as he begun, Then, do, as GOD shall move you; I, have done. Done, as concerning him: But, much I find Concerning, you, and others, yet, behind; Which must be spoken, for the Reformation, And, Welfare, of this present Generation: Or, else, (if otherwise it shall succeed) That, Future-Ages may take better heed. For, know, unless ye speedily begin To change the present Posture, you are in; That, you, who, at this day have Power to give Conditions, to your King; shall, to receive Conditions, very glad, ere long, become: Yea, and to buy them, also, with a sum. That, this may be prevented, break the snare, Wherewith, at this time, you ensnarled are. When, you have any thing to act, which may Increase the Public sufferance, by delay; Consume not precious hours, like those who dally, In their Affairs, with Can We? May we? Shall we? Till they, whom you obliged, are to cherish; Through want of Justice, and Subsistence, perish. Or, else, till they, who, yet, are knit together So fall away, from you, and from each other; That, what you might effect, this present day, Hereafter, you nor can, nor shall, nor may. For, think not, that, the Generality, Can long continue in prosperity, Whilst, you neglect particulars: Or, that You can accomplish, what is aimed at, If you, leave off, to act by rules of Reason, Or, linger out, your works beyond their season. Take, likewise, heed, that, when ye shall propose The way of Peace, lest, there may be of those, Amongst you, who, desire, that course should find, Obstructions, whereunto, you seem inclined: Or, who, for secret ends, occasions give, That, their demands, denial may receive; For, GOD, so hateth double heartedness, That, he will favour no such practices. Then, be as heedful, if you shall exceed Set-bounds, by some inevitable need, Compelling it; that, when the straight is past, Yourselves into a Legal Course, you cast: For, while a Town is burning, that, you see May, then, be done; which, after, may not be. Do, as you would be done to: Give not those Who are your Friends, occasion to be Foes: As you would be Forgiven, those forgive, In whom, a true Repentance you perceive: Not all Offenders; For, sure, no offence Is pardonable without penitence, Since, Mercy deigned to Impenitents Is cruelty, to wronged Innocents'. Reward, as well as punish: For, by that You cherish Virtue; Fortify the State, And, shall gain more, then by the pence you spare, Though, many, of this Thrift, unheedful are. Against all Enemies, make your defence By prudence, joined with Dovelike Innocence, Keep firm to your first principles; For, he That standeth fixed; though weak he seems to be Gets strength; and will by standing still, outgo That man, who always wanders too, and fro. Be constant then; Affect vain hopes no more: Do Justice, and show mercy to the poor. Respect not Persons; but, judge every cause According to right Conscience, and the Laws; Remembering, GOD, all that, to judgement brings, Whether, they sit with Commoners, or Kings. Know, he marks all men's walkings; and, believe Such measure, as ye mere ye shall receive; So, as ye answer, poor men's prayers, now, So, GOD will answer, and so prosper you. Make good, the Gifts and Favours you bestow; As well, in deed, be righteous, as in show: Break not, your promises to any one (Especially, to men, for you undone) And, do not let your lefthand, them deprive, Of that, which, with your right-hand, you did give: Nor them repay with scandals, or neglect Who have deserved, not your least, respect: For, privy to such practices, I am Both, to the grief of many, and your shame. When, any one of those free Commoners, Whom you do represent, traduced appears, Within your Houses, where, he cannot make Reply thereto: (And, whereof he must take No notice, when thereof he shall be told) Let his Traducers sharply be controlled. Or, called upon, to prove what they have said: That, Innocence may not be betrayed, By Impudent Detractors; yea, and do That, wrong, as privileged thereunto. For, what is more Injurious, then disgrace Inflicted, in so eminent a place? In presence of the Kingdom, as it were, And, whereby, ere a man can be ware, He may be wronged, and wounded mortally, And, never know, by whom, or how, or why. Let none aspire, to be a Grandee, thought, Till he his Greatness, worthily hath bought By prudent Honesty; Tried Faithfulness, And such like Grandour; nay, let none possess Repute by these, one minute longer, then, The Publike-Rights, and those of private-men, Are, thereby, not infringed: For, 'tis a wrong To all men, unto whom there doth belong Equality, to bring in such a Cheat Among you, as, a Lesser, and a Great, Or, make Estates, or Titles pass for more Than Ciphers do, within the Counsel-dore. And, doubtless, he unworthily, there, sits Whom, false opinion of his Fellows wits Enslaves in Judgement: and, whose Ignorance Deceived, by a smooth-tongued Arrogance, Them, doth advance, to an undue esteem; And (which the more absurd doth make it seem) Superiority, ascribes unto them For that, in which, at home, their wives outdo them. It is a shame, to hear it should be said, (yet, said it is, and done, as well as said) That, if this man, or that; If He, or He, To make the Motion, can procured be; Or, in the Cause, to speak: Or, but to heed The same with favour, it will surely speed: And, that, if it concerns, or may displease But, any one, that is a Friend to these Great Hogen Mogens; then, the Suitor loses His cost, and labour, what means ere he uses. Yea, though he hath two hundred friends, among Your Members, who, cry shame upon the wrong. Nay, be not angry that I tell you so, For, he that speaks it, speaks what he doth know, It is this Islands Genius (who doth see, What all your works, and inclinations be) Who saith it: And, for him, your Conscience too, Shall witness, true, what he hath said you do. And, I beseech you, to consider, whether This, were the end, of calling you together. The Shiers, and Burroughs, by whom, they were chose For Deputies, did verily suppose, By their great words at home, their clothes, and faces, That, these, much better, would have filled their places; And, not have proved such, of whom, they may (As you abusively of Tailors, say) Aver, that nine of them, makes but One man: For, twice so many, hardly, make way can By one Grandee, sometimes, and not be thrust From executing, faithfully, his trust: And, therefore, you must speedily provide That, this abuse, be fully rectified. I know, there be among you, those, who burn With zeal to justice; and who truly mourn, For those who suffer, (and, that, GOD will keep These safe; and make them sing, when others weep.) I know, with what Compassion, they pass by Their daily Suitors, who upon them cry: And with what yearning bowels, they bewail, That they for due relief, cannot prevail: I know, with what vexations, they are pained, When Public Prayers, cannot be obtained: I know their Love, their Patience, and their care With what great strive, exercised they are: What Diligence they practise, in their Calling, To keep the House, which they are in, from falling, Whilst, many seeming-Labourers among them, By false-work, or by Undermining, wrong them, And, GOD, I know, will them reward at last Though for a while, a bitter cup they taste. But, there are others, slyly shuffled in Among you, who both shame and grief have been To you, and to your friends: Therefore, lest these By sitting near you, bring you that disease Which hath polluted them; And, lest thereby They bring, not only, lasting infamy Upon this Parliament, but likewise break it; And, by that Rupture, an occasion make it Of Ruins (without hope of Reparation) To all, the rights and Freedoms, of this Nation: And, that, if these things happen, you that are Excusable, the better may prepare, Against the Mischiefs, threatened; I am bold To tell you, what misdoings I behold, What dangers I may fear, what scandals grow, By former failings; and, what wise men know Will surely follow: whereof since, 'tis but need, That more be said, therewith, I thus proceed. With grief; I speak it, (and, I speak the same Not to asperse, but to prevent the blame And mischief, that may follow) you, have lost Your power, your honour, and yourselves almost; And (though, undoubtedly, you do perceive it) Proceed, as if you meant not to believe it; Or, were asleep: But, I intent to wake you; Or, speak those words, which will to pieces shake you. Oh hear, hear, hear! and, let not wholesome words Be spent in vain: Nay, let not fire and Swords, Dearth, Pestilence, and Blood, speak, every day, In dreadful Dialects, that rouse they may Your sleepy Spirits; yet, seem, still, unheard, Or passed over, without due regard, Till, you be trod to dirt, in your own Gore; Or, in the Grave, where you can hear no more. For Love, for Shame, for Fear; for some respect, Awake, in time, out of your dull neglect Of Public Safety; and, from dreaming on, In private projects, till you are undone. Hark! how, the Beams of your own Houses cry Against you! hark! hark! how the souls that lie In those Oppressions, which you should redress Roar out, and groan for sorrow, in distress; Hark: how your Consciences (though, you contemn, Their clamours, and in secret smother them) Call out, to tell you, what sad dooms attend Your present being, or your latter end, If you awak not, quickly, to prevent The shames and mischiefs which are Imminent. Now, I perceive you are awake: for, Lo, You angry seem, that I have rubbed you so. But, ere you show your wrath, a little, pause; About you look: see, if there be not cause Of this my seeming boldness. Come, arise, Wipe out the Rheum, and spedom, from your eyes. Walk forth into the Hall at Westminster; Take special notice, what, is talked there. Walk to the City, then, and these you meet At Church, or on the Change, or in the Street, Or at the Tavern, and in all those places, Mark well; and, what is said to your disgraces. Mark, how they slight you, and, how few there are Who, can with patience, either speak or hear A word in your defence: And, having weighed What you shall find, excuse, what I have said. Whence, do their many Imprecations come, And many Cursed Speakings? Flow, they from No cause at all? No question, if they do, Their Curses, and their Imprecations, too, Will fall upon themselves. If, from just cause They do proceed; Look, lest, it vengeance draws. For, GOD, will Judge between you. If, both give Occasion of offence, both shall receive The recompense deserved; and, you, and they, If you repent not, shall be swept away. To Error, therefore, do not Fury add: With him, that seeks to cure you, be not mad: But, in yourselves, examine patiently What is amiss, and, then, what remedy You may apply. And, I will seek to charm The People, that, mean while, they do no harm. Consider, what vast sums have been brought in; How, issued out, and wasted, they have been: How partially, your payments, have been made; How little, this man; how much, that man had; How, you to some, make full, and speedy pay, When others, who, deserve as well as they, Must turn Informers, ere they can be paid; And, peradventure, when, they long have played That hateful part, with loss of time, and cost, Shall add more damages, to what they lost, By losing former Friends, and getting Foes: Which, all their life-time, they shall never lose. Herewith, sometime, let it be thought upon, How many of your Friends, have been undone By Votes, and Orders, made for their relief, Which did but more increase their cost and grief, By making them, from year to year, attend, For, that, which in one week, might have an end; By suffering, your own Warrants, to be slighted: Your own Authority, to be despited; And, to the loss of labour, time, and cost, One Order, by another to be crossed, And, that, to be, by Ordinance made void, Which, by your Gift, they seized, possessed, enjoyed. Yea, and, not without recompense, alone, But, without seeming sense, that wrong was done: As if it were no mattet, so you made A show of recompense, though none they had: Or, as if whatsoever you pleased to do, Must pass for Justice, though it be not so. GOD'S WILL, essential Justice is indeed: But, that yours is so, it is not my creed. When others have transgressed, do not enjoin The guiltless Commonwealth, to pay a Fine, To recompense those Parties, which were grieved; For, that will hardly, Justice be believed. When hungry suitors, ask for fish, or bread, With stones, or scorpions, let them not be fed; Nor make them wait, ere you an answer give, As if each Person, had three lives, to live; Or, had been borne, no other thing to do, But, wait on you, and lose their labour too. Draw not more suitors, to you in one year, Than you are able, in twice six, to hear; Lest, you displease them, whom ye may content, And cause a mischief, which ye might prevent. But take wise Jethroes Counsel, for the ease, Both of yourselves, & those whom you should please. Yea, tyre not out yourselves, and others too, By taking on you more than you can do. Lest, when attendance, much expense and trouble, Hath made the loss, and sufferance more than double, They grow impatient; and you come to taste The fruit of their impatiency at last. Give Order, how to cure those imperfections, Which have been, heretofore, in your Elections, Lest, Members may among you be employed, By whom the Publike-Body, be destroyed. Let not the Father, there beget the son, Though, this in Bodies Natural, be done. Let none among you, be admitted in, By Marriage, or, being near of kin: Or, (to the Kingdames just dissatisfaction) For being of this Sect, or of that Faction; As, if among you, some to purchase, meant Inheritances in the Parliament: And, others aimed by Parties, to endeavour The keeping up Divisions, there, forever. Let it be so no more, if you can Order, That, such an injury proceed no further; But, let the Burroughs, and the Shires be free To make their choice, (as they inclined shall be) According to their customs, till it may Be better done, by some new lawful way: That, when for Trust-breach, any blamed are, Their choosers, in that blame, a part may bear, If they hereafter, for their private ends, For fear, or love, shall choose their Foes, or Friends; Their Landlords, Kinsmen, Lawyers; or, whom ever They shall not think, will faithfully endeavour, To serve his GOD, the People, and the King, With single heart, in every lawful thing. Consider, how in giving a reward, The person, more than merit, you regard. How often that hath been for private ends, Procured; and, with relation unto friends. How Offices, and Places are bestown; How, some have two or three; and others, none, Who, better merit four, if there were any Who could be capable of half so many: And, would ye well observed, that this is done, As if ye feared, as if ye cared for none; Nor, how, the people, who upon you cry For bread, observe your partiality, In giving that to one, who hath no need, Which would a thousand Starvelings, cloth and feed. Refuse no just complaints; that, men may see You sensible of their oppressions be: Yet, to yourselves assume not any cause, Which is determinable by the Laws, In other Courts; unless they prove corrupt; Or, till some difficulty interrupt The course of Justice there: And, so provide, To try in course, what is before you tried, That you undo not, their cause have end, Those, who with Proofs, and Counsel, must attend. The sad Petition, which the poor man brings, Slight not, nor make them but mere pocketings, Till they are quite worn out, or quite forgot, Unless perchance your store supplies you not With tinder for Tobacco; and, so brings To memory again, such trivial things. More mind your promises, of doing right To grieved men, when you thereto have might, And, let them see, that your devoiur you do, As far, as God enables you thereto. Consider, how you Legacies bestow Before you pay those debts, which yet ye own; Even debts, for which the Publike-Faith doth lie At Pawn; and, is dishonoured thereby: Debts, for which, your poor Creditors have lain In prison, till, their Freedoms to obtain, They sold their Freeholds, when they had no more To live on; and, had sold their goods before. Debts, which they lent you in your greatest fear; And borrowed for you, when distressed you were. Yea, Debts, which they who sent, then lent you too Their lives, the public services to do; And, could have lost them, with more joy them they Now live to see, by seeing of this day. How easily, to some do you afford, Belief to their avail, on their bare word! When, in the selfsame case you are not moved, To do the like for others, who have proved What they averred by vouchers; no, not when It hath been proved, by Oaths of honest men. Consider, how, to some you do allow Their deuce with interest, who well enough May respite it; and, yet the same deny To him, who felt extreme necessity By losing part; by lending of the rest; By borrowing more, for you, on interest, Now four years due; and, which before he shall In likelihood, be paid; will eat up all. And, let it be considered, if it may, What 'tis, to take his liberty away, To fine him; to permit that through the land, He, for conspiracy, defamed should stand; And, suffer much more by their impudence Who misinformed you, of his innocence, And all for nought, but, for informing you What, he was told; what, he believed was true; What, he produced his author for, with proof Of Part, and circumstances too enough, To make all probable; yea, more, for what His Covenant, obliged him to relate; And, what his sirst Relator did aver, And will do, still, in each particular. Should I propose, here, as considerable, So many things, to you as I were able, I should as tedious in the same become, As, many times, Committees, are to some. I'll therefore sum up all, in wishing you Of those things which you know, to make reveiw, And see, if these come short, in any thing, Of those, who heretofore misled the King; Or, if their falsehoods, or misinformations, Were greater causes, of his abberrations; Or, more dishonour to his Government; Then, these have been unto this Parliament, Whose Pride, Ambition, Malice, Arrogance, Whose Avarice, Self-love, and Ignorance, Whose Insolence, or Cowardice, of late, Have caused so many to abominate Them, and their courses; and nigh turned all, Even all things, both Divine, and Temporal, Into a Chaos. 'Tis not, as is deemed, (And, as perhaps, it hath to many seemed) 'Tis not the City, which hath lately made Those tumults, and those uproars you have had. 'Tis not the Army, whence your mutinies, New plots, and new divisions, do arise; And, whereby, mischiefs daily do increase To cause a new adjournment of your Peace; The Parl'aments dishonour; separations Between the late united British Nations; And, (if it may be possible) to bring The people of both Kingdoms, and the King, Into a further hatred, of each other. It is not your Dissenting-parties: neither, Those whom ye call Malignants; who were able So weak to make you; so dishonourable; And, in so bad a plight, as you are in, If your own Members, had not faulty been: Nor had your City, or the Army moved, In any course, which might not be approved, If they had felt no influence upon them, From higher Powers, which thereunto had won them, Nor had so many men, right well-affected, (And by whose purse, and power, you were protected) Been drawn into misactings, and mistake, (Which falsely are misconstrued forsakings Of their first love) but, that the policies Of some among you, drew before their eyes Those mists; and practised those juggling sleights, Which kept the safest course, out of their sights. And, what that was, or what that yet, may be, Few, have discovered, by aught I can see; But, were it known, you could not rectify Those things among you, which are now awry, Till you reform yourselves; for, well ye know, Foul springs above, make filthy streams below. But, why should I complain of you so much? Alas! you were at first, begotten such; The Fathers of your being, in this Nation, Were an unsound, corrupted Generation; And, did beget a Representative, As like themselves, as ever, man alive Begot a child: with members, crooked, lame, Blind, deaf, and dumb, into the world you came, And, such, they have continued ever since: Theirs therefore, is the Fault; theirs the offence. You, that are lawful Members, have enough: Been plagued, and troubled with such rotten stuff: And, rather should be pitied and aided, In helping you, to purge them, then upbraibed, With their defects. I therefore, have appeared, That, you, of those obstructions, may be cleared Which interrupt; and, that, whilst there is time, You may regain your honour, lost by them: That, I might likewise, help bring back unto you The people's hearts, and make them firm unto you, By showing them their errors, and, how, they To late lost happiness, may find their way: And, having found it, how they may persever By GOD's assistance, in good ways, for ever. My purpose therefore, in what follows now, Is jointly, to prefer to them and you, Some things considerable, that may lend Assistance unto that, which I intent. If, good effects this takes, your cares, and fears, Are likely to be shortened many years: For, know, GOD, promises, and threats, are all Contingencies, and but conditional: If you continue mad, the plagues will last: If you repent, they quickly will be past: Let envy one contribute thereunto A true endeavour, his own part to do: In what I'm borne for, I will do my best: And, when that's done, GOD, shall perform the rest. The restauration of this Parliament, To their due reputation; to prevent The bondage of the People; and to bring All things to right, betwixt you, and your King, Is that, wherein, I have with good intention, Employed, long time, the best of my invention; Yet, there appears no likelihood to me, Of saving any one, of all the three, From hazard, or from plagues, that linger shall, But, by a reconciling of them all. And, I conceive it will deserve more thank; To play the Artist, than the Mountebank; Who leaves the course, that's natural, and sure; To raise his credit, by a cure. He, that, by way of Chemistry would act, And, her Three Principles, hope to compact Into one Body; ere he compass shall His end, must first, prepare each Mineral Secundum Artem, taking that away, Which hinder their incorporation may; And, adding that, which doth unite their natures: So, he that would this Trinity of creatures Make up again, in one, must do the same, And, now, about that royal work I am; Which, if I keep a rightly tempered fire, Will bring forth that production I desire. With Salt of true sincerity, and reason, Your hearts, and understandings, I would season; With Sulphur of true Magnanimity, Or Courage; with the perfect Mercury Of Christian Prudence, I would temperate, And, so essentially incorporate These, throughout all your Faculties, that none Should hinder that, which I am driving on; And, therefore, have prejected a conclusion Wherein, I'll first begin with an Infusion; Oh, lend me but some water from your eyes, Wherewith to make it; and it shall suffice. Lament, Lament your errors, and begin To see, what great distractions you are in. Of those Precipitations, take more heed, Whereto you now are hasting on with speed; Observe how busily in selfe-destroying, And, raising works, against a free enjoying Of your own Peace you are. Consider on Your purposes; and that which you have done; And mark, if either those things you pursue, Or, yet intent, are like to profit you, Whilst every man, (though better be professed) Aims, but at his own single interest. By most among you, that is least intended, Which he in outward seeming, hath befriended. By making show, of things that should be done, For public profit, you so carry on, Your private interest, that very few The general advantages pursue: Yea, King, Priest, People, Commoner and Peer, So wilfully, to their own claims adhere, That, they will much endanger all together; And, prove like fire, and fuel to each other, If, GOD, prevent not, by a selfe-denying; And, by a more considerate complying. Give heed to those Predictions, which foretold Upon good grounds, what, now, ye do behold To be fullfiled; and, which, behold ye may To be fullfilling on you, every day; And, think not, though you them, or him disdain Who spoke them, that, they were foretold in vain. Mark how all Parties, and all Factions, run Those courses, wherein, others were undone, Whom they impeached, and condemned, too, But some few mouths before, for doing so, Remember, and consider, since this War Did first begin, how many changes are To be observed: How inconsiderable The means, and Persons were, who did enable Your weakened Parties; and oft gave them life When they were stooping, almost, past relief; And, think it possible, there may befall Another change, when you seem sure of all; Because, you neither credit what is told; Nor heedful are, of that which you behold. Remember and consider, what fair hopes (When an assurance, almost, crowned their tops,) Have unto nothing vanished: what brave shows Of Martial fortitude, against your foes; Of zealous faithfulness unto the State, And piety to GOD, have failed of late; And left benighted, an ascending Fame Before 'twas noon, within a Cloud of shame. And think how possible, it may be, yet, To see new storms, before the sun be set: For, that which hath been, you again may see, As long, as in the selfsame round, you be. Remember, and consider, in what fear, You have been in: what things then vowed were; What Holiness, you seemed to pretend; What cause, you then protested to befriend; What Warnings, and what caveats have been given, By judgements, mercies; yea, by men, and heaven: What private, and what public fasting days, What times of giving solemn thanks, and praise, Have celebrated been, without that fruit Which either with Humility, may suit, Or, with true Gratitude: and when you see How full of filthnesse, your best works be, Think, what your worst may prove; and, what event Will follow them, unless you shall repent. When, these things you have thought upon, than mind Whereto, your promises, have you designed, What fearful Imprecations, you have made; What wonderful protections, you have had; What witnesses there are, of what you do; What foreign foes; what foes domestic too, Expect advantage: And, such things, as these When you have thought on, with due seriousness, Think, also, what may thereupon redowd, If, falsehood in your hearts, be likewise found; And, when you have provoked GOD, and men, What plagues, and horrors, will surprise you, then. Remember, and consider, with what lyings, What perjuries, what falsehoods and complyings With wicked men and means, you have assayed To perfect those Designs, which you have laid; How, every Faction, takes delight to jeer At their own shame, and, to relate and hear With merriment, each others wickedness, And, what the scurrile Pamphleteers express, To their reproach, when they should rather mourn, Then impudently laugh themselves to scorn. Believe it, till Authority prescribes A mulct for liars (chiefly lying Scribes) And takes more notice of that slighted sin, Which one prime cause of all your strifes have been, Peace will not settle; for, when one war's done, Another, by a lie, may be begun. Weigh, and consider, of what Tyrannies, Of what profaneness, of what blasphemies, Of how much malice, and of what black crimes, You have been guilty, (even in these sad times) On either side. And, when you well have thought On these things; think likewise, how much you ought To grieve, and to repent, that, GOD might spare Those threatened judgements, which deserved are; For, 'tis mere madness, to expect his grace, Or look for Peace, so long, as in the face Of men, and Angels, you persist in evils, As if you thought, there were nor GOD, nor Devils. Think, and consider, with a serious thought, To what a giddy posture all is brought: In what confusion, your affairs you see, In what amazements, now, the wisest be; In what a fear, the valiant, and the strong, Now are, or will be, ere it shall be long; How manifold, your sub-divisions are; What symptoms of destruction do appear; How impudently still, you palliate The falsehoods of those Members of the State, And, of those Agents, who abuse their trust; How all things, out of order, they do thrust, Through want of Justice; how, they daily sad men's hearts; and how, when they have made them mad, They punish them, because, they could not use Those wits, which their oppressions made them lose. Mark, and consider, with what shamelessness, Your Holy Flatterers, do bepaint and dress Their Patrons in the Prliament, as though It were not possible, they should misdo: How others, make the Army, at the least, S. Michael, and his Angels; how, the rest, So impudently do extol the King, As if he were a Saint, in every thing, And, needed no repentance, for aught done, In former time, or since this War begun: And, while such danbings are, consider you, If penitence be likely to ensue, Or wilfulness; and, therewith mind I pray, Which of the two are Traitors, either they Who, mind a misled King, or parliament, Of those things which destruction may prevent; Or, they, who fawn, and flatter them to hell, By calling evil do, doing well: They, who by Justice would uphold the Throne; Or, they, who praise men for what pulls it down. When these things are considered, then to mend What is amiss, your best endeavours bend. Let all those carnal policies, by which The world your understandings doth bewitch, Be laid aside: Let those Designs, wherein 'Tis evidently seen, that you have been Without success; be quite by you abjured: Yea, since experience often hath assured That, those effects, which you have had thereby, Did still exasperate, and multiply Your fears, and griefs; mind, what experience shows, And, trust no more, such broken reeds as those. To no Dissenting-party be unjust; Nor falsify so much, the Common-trust, As by your private mutual promises, To barter for your own advantages; Or, in your Treaties, at the public cost, To seek yourselves, till you, and all is lost: But, still in your proceed, let pure Truth Preserved be, both in your heart, and mouth; So, GOD, who marketh what you act and say, Will help to guide you, out of your dark way; Advance that Kingdom, whereto you pretend; And, make your greatest enemy, your friend: Yea, make among you, Truth, and Peace prevail Though King and Parliament, your hopes may fail. Eschew Hypocrisy; take heed of Pride, And, of what thing soever may divide The people, th' Army, or the Parliament; And them into those new Divisions rend, Which at this present are of many feared; And, for which, Engines are in secret reared. But, chief at this time, think not in vain, On that State-Principle, Divide, and Reign. For, at this Juncture, thereupon depends Your welfare; and your Adversaries ends. Whatever, therefore, shall be now advised By others, let not this note be despised; Take heed of an Adjournment, till you see The Kingdoms in a better posture be; Lest, when you are divided from each other, You lose the means to meet again together, By some contrivance; and, by somewhat done, Which at this present day you think not on. Though all are much to blame, let all provide Their best expedients, to amend, or hid Those failings in each other, which will spread No further, by their being covered. Forgive, (as much as may be) one another; That love may knit your scattered force together: Lest, on a sudden, some prevailing power, Not yet appearing, all at once devour. Let neither Parliament, nor People spare To keep themselves in arms, as yet they are: For, though the burden, grievous may be thought, Your safety will not be so dearly bought, As your destruction may. Let now, likewise All Powers, all Counsels, and Authorities, Use every prudent way, and means, whereby The people may not fear a Tyranny; Nor feel a present weight, which may appear A greater Burden, than the thing they fear. But, use all cautions, to impose it so, That, such as lay it, may help bear it too; So, shall the people know, 'tis laid on them, For their own safety; and, but for a time. And, that, the threefold Cable be not broke, Which holds your Anchor; let all care be taken, That, City, Shires, and Army, yield and give (As to their bulwark, and Preservative, Next under GOD) unto this parliament Respect, obedience, and each compliment Of duty, which may reenable them, To vindicate their honour, and esteem, From those obliquities, now thereon thrown By others, and some Members of it own: Yea, though some part thereof, hath been to blame, (As all terrestrials are) know; that, their shame And sufferings, will be yours; know, that the fault Is your, that many of their Members halt: Know, that, their Foes, who seek to aggravate Their crimes to you, have done it out of hate To them, and you; and, not with an intent, That, you should less be grieved, or they repent: But, that, you should be mad, and make them room, Into their places back again to come, And double your Oppressions; which, the while With tears they pity, like the Crocodile Yea, know; that, if you in this storm, forsake This Vessel, (though it bruised be, and leak) Your Fortunes, will be therewith shipwrackt found, If that sink, you shall certainly be drowned. For, in this torn, and ancient Vessel, lies That, which must free you from the slaveries You have been in; and, keep you likewise, free From those, in which, you are afraid to be. Herein, are all your stores, for war and peace, Of safety, honour; and, of Trade's increase: And, therefore join with courage; use your powers, Wit, wealth, and, every faculty of yours, To stop the leaks, which it hath lately sprung, To keep it tight, and make it fair and strong. Oh, all you, who have therein fraught, or share, Whether, ye Masters, Captains, Pilots are, Cape-Masters, Soldiers, Sailors, Passengers, Or, (as all some way are) Adventurers; Consider, I beseech you, what a loss There would befall, if some new storm should toss This Vessel on the Rocks: Or, if there should Some Traitors, in her Cabins, or her hold, Lie closely, unsuspected, or unseen, And blow up all her Decks, and Magazeene, By some concealed train; or, spring a Leak About the keel, whilst you unwisely seek, (With quarrelling) for veils, or private shares, Amongst the desperatest Mutineers. The slaves, your prisoners, and among the rest, Your Malcontents, it may be, will suggest That, your Commanders, and your Pilots may Make prizes of you; and, take all away By Abitrary Power: For, there are some Who (hoping, if you jealous would become, It would effect their ends) have whisper, Among their other mischiefe-breeding things, To this effect; that, if you make them strong, They will improve that strength, unto your wrong, And, fail your trust, But, dream not; think not so, Nor, err you, from your duties, though they do. What change in them soever, might be wrought; What e'er they do, yet do you what you ought. Keep to your Principles, though they may range; Sail by the same Card; though the winds do change; And, that you may not fear what will ensue, Look back, a little, and things past review. When, lately, by an Arbitrary might You were oppressed, and in so great a strait, That you perceived no means yourselves to free, From your oppressions; nor ought like to be, Whereby, to scape from thrall you should be able; (Without attempts, than deemed treasonable) Lo then, even at that time; and, when your King A double Chain on you, assayed to bring, And thought, together in one team to yoke, His Oxen, and his Asses; then GOD broke The Royal snare: and, wonderfully wrought. For your deliverance, to pass he brought By what was never called to that intent; By that, which never more to call he meant; Even by a Parliament: to which he gave A power to be, whilst being it would have; With Privileges, which by Pow'r-divine, Were made destructive, to his own design: For, lawful power it got, and just occasion, To arm against a tyrannous invasion; And, your estates, and freedoms were defended By that, which for a mischief, was intended. So, if this parliament degenerate From what it should be, and from what of late, You thought it was; and, shall employ that power Which was from you received; and which is your, To raise themselves, upon a public wrong; GOD, them will break, when they appear most strong; Cause those, whom they depend on, to deceive them; Of all their expectations, quite bereave them; And by some lawful way, which yet appears To no man's eye, preserve you from your fears. For, every tyrannising power shall clash Against each other, and to pieces dash, All those, and their designs, who shall comply With any instruments of Tyranny; That passage may be made, to raise up that Which, is the strength and honour of a State. If yet, your former doubtings be not past, But that th' aspersions, which on them are cast, Whom GOD for your deliverers hath chose, Hath shaken you from your confidence in those; Or if defects, which may be found in them, Do either urge, or tempt you to contemn Such instruments; and in your hearts to say, Can these men save us? Mindful be, I pray, What persons, to your aid, GOD, first did call; By what sleight means, he hath effected all Your conquests. Yea, by what contrary things: His works, he, often to perfection brings. Consider, how this Army was despised And scorned, when it first was modellized: How, likely, were they, whom you first did gather To be your guard, to be your ruin, rather Than to defend you? how, did they protest, And rage, when they against their wills were pressed? With how much weakness was that work begun? And, yet, thereby what wonders hath GOD done? How, hath he added unto your prevailings, By them, though they their errors had, and failings? How, hath he humbled you by their great pride, Whose seeming virtues, you have glorified? That, you may see a power so excellent, Knows how to work with any instrument: That, you may find there are some things despised. Which have deserved, better to be prized; That you may learn, in weak means, not to fear; Nor trust too much, in those that mighty are; That, you may know, if your own ways be straight, You may be safe, though others go not right; And, though you will not know it; they who live By faith, the truth of these things do perceive; And, would in GOD, find out a place to dwell, Though, there were neither heaven, earth, nor hell. Then credit must be kept, their power obeyed, On whom your Trust, and Guandianship is laid; And, from that duty, none can be excused, Though some among them, have that trust abused: For, as he is a man, that hath a soul, Although his body, be with Ulcers fowl, Maimed, blind and deaf; and, may from you thereby, Claim all the duties of your charity: So, though the Body Representative, May wounds, and many blemishes receive; Yet, therein, is the soul of Government: And, therefore, all you whom they represent, Obedience own thereto, in every thing; Excepting an obedience that may bring Those public hazards, which are so apparent, That in themselves, they bring a sealed Warrant Of disobligement: And, in those things too, So must you then proceed, in what ye do, That, your own consciences may truly say, Obedience, only, made you disobey: And, that, the world may see, by your proceed, That GOD, and justice, have approved the deed. Though cracked, your Bulwark be, and faulty grown; This is no time, to sleight, or pull it down: But, to repair it rather, lest you leave Yourselves unguarded, and a blow receive. This is no time to shake the Reputation Of those, who are your only preservation; But, rather, to uphold it, by removing The scandalous; by cherishing, approving, And, strengthening those, among them, by whose wit, And honesty, they have a being yet. Inform them better, who are much abused, (By false opinions, into them infused) And, thereupon your Supreme Court defame; As doing, arbitrarily, the same, Which, was denied lawful in the King: For, they should know, that even the selfsame thing May be both just, and unjust: He, doth take Unlawfully, your goods, a prize to make, To satisfy his lust, or, to destroy Those Freedoms, and those Rights, you should enjoy: They, take a portion, from you, orderly, (And thereto forced by necessity) To save your privileges; and, prevent The loss of all, by that, which they have spent. Their actions, are not bounded, in that Law, Whereby, men out of parliament, should draw The Line of their proceed; But, by that Which is the first foundation of a State: By that Supreme Law, whereby power they had, To make or change the Laws, already made; And, for the Publike-safety, to provide: By that Law, they must act; and, are not tied To any other, when, necessity Shall, for the weal of your Community, The contrary require: For, otherwise, They meet in vain, about those remedies, Which are desired; and, do but time employ To mar the benefit, they would enjoy; And, strengthen Tyrants, in their usurpations Upon the Rights and Freedoms, of the Nations. Let no men therefore say, when they shall vary From former Laws, their Acts are arbitrary, Injuriously; since, your experience sees, That strong necessity, at sometimes frees, Even private persons from adhering to, The Letter of the Law, in what they do, The managing of Public Interests, In th' Agents reputation, much consists. 'Tis Reputation, makes a Kingdom strong, And rich; and keeps it from affronts, and wrong. 'Tis that which maketh Laws: For, neither wit Nor humane Power, are able to forget That Privilege; because, if Power should make them A greater Power, by right of Power, would break them. If Wit, and Reason, would a Law devise, There are so many, seeming to be wise, That they would make such overlong debates, And work so variously, in several pates, That, if to make a Law, some should agree, By others, it would strait repealed be. And, if more Settlement, were not obtained, By Reputation, then, there can be gained By Power, and Wit, or Reason; you, would never Agree; but, fight, or else, debate for ever. Take therefore, of their good repute, a care, On whose repute, your Safeties builded are: For, when that once is lost, it proveth not A Jewel, which may easily be got; Nor, is there any precious stone, yet known That gives a fairer lustre to a Crown. With Reputation, may a single man Do more sometime, then twenty thousands can. A City's uproars, sooner it restrains, Then all their Scarlet Gowns, and Golden Chains: And dares make stand, the people's rage to stay, When Wit, and Wealth, and Titles run away: Yea, calms them sooner; and escapes better too, Then honesty, and innocency do. I know not any thing that can so soon, Bring universal Discords into tune: Nor, know I ought, that's in itself, so vain, And empty, which doth so much power obtain In humane actions; and, there is not now, A Nation, whom it more concerns than you, (Considering, what your present postures are) To keep your Senate's reputation clear. For, should I show your postures in a glass, No Puppet-play, that ere devised was, Came near it; neither did you ever see An Antic, like that show, which there would be: Such fruit less hopes, such fears, such mimic actions, Such turn, wind, siding, such distractions, Were never represented, on the Stage Of any Commonwealth, in any Age. There you should view a thousand contradictions, A thousand fancies, fooleries, and fictions, Repeated, personated, sworn, believed; And, men, accordingly, made glad or grieved; And, acting that in their false joy, and sorrow, Which they must backward act again tomorrow. From Ireland, this man bringeth heavy news; From Scotland, that man little better shows; One tells what Plots, are in the City laid: Another, of the Army, what is said. A third, with an affrighted look, doth bring A tale of some designment, with the King, By Scots, and by Malignants; and, then stands As if he had new purchased Bishops Lands. A fourth is much dismayed by some tales Of rise in the Counties, and in Wales; As if he feared a sudden separation From somewhat, which he holds by Sequestration. A fifth hath heard from Holland, or from France, He knows not what, yet falls into a trance, As if his conscience knew of somewhat done, Which he then wished, had never been begun. Another shows, another way, his folly, And looks as sadly, and as melancholy, As if he were surprised with a dread Of losing some great place, or, of his head. And, at the turning of the wind or tide, Upon some pleasing news on t'other side, Starts up, as they do, when a Piper plays, Who, have been bitten by Tarantula's. You, would not, thus, with every novel noise Be filled with Panic fears, and gannick joys; Or, moved be, with aught, which others did, If you, your own affairs, would better heed. This, would not be, were men employed about Internal things, as on those things without; Nor, would they be so giddily affrighted, With things abroad, if things at home be righted. He, that his way, with soberness doth go, Dreads not the furious marching of a foe. He, who takes care to keep his conscience clear, Shakes not, when evil tidings he doth hear. He, that endeavours warrantable things, Fears not the power of Senators or Kings; Nor, should you ever need to fear a jot What by the Welsh, or Irish, French, or Scot Can be designed or done; or, what the King With all his party, to effect could bring; Nor, what an open, or a secret foe, By power, or by his policy, could do, Either within these Lands, or abroad, If you repose true confidence in GOD; And, give him, but sincere, and contrite hearts To join, with him, in acting of your parts: No, though your slips, and Ignorances' were As many, and as great, as now they are. Let all the several Nations of these Isles, Who, lived in love, and Amity, ere whiles, Unite again, and seek each others peace; That, their increasing strifes, and plauges may cease. Let, our Welch-britans', (who their actions square By those things, which they but suspect, or hear) Recover, so much, of their humane reason, As teaches them, a difference 'twixt Treason, And Laws of Nature; that it may make place, To bring them nearer; to the law of Grace. That, so, they may not, still, believe, and do, Both by implicit Faith, and reason, too: For, when they truly know what doth belong Unto themselves, and, their own right and wrong, They, will the sooner, be informed, then, What duties do belong to other men; And, grow more wise, by this Epitome Of Laws divine, and true morality; Do, as ye would be done to, then, all they Who poor upon their Law books, every day; And, would be thought experienced, in all Law's Cannon, Civil, and Municipal. If this advice they follow, they shall dwell In safety on their hills, and live as well Among their valleys and their Glins, in Wales, As on the fruitful'st Southern Downs, and Dales: Then let them practise it; and not call to them, A wasting desolation, to undo them. Let them not woe, uncivil civil wars, To climb up to their Mountains, Rocks and scars: For, if they find them rich, they'll leave them poor; If needy, they will make them need the more; They bring, the worst, into a worse estate; And crash the Bones, where they can suck no fat. Let your Scotch-britans', so insist upon Their interest, that, nothing may be done, Against their brethren's rights; and, so preserve Their Leagues, that wilfully, they do not swerve From any Branch thereof; and, let them so Observe the Covenant, as men that know The letter of it, or, a circumstance, Is not to be pursued to th'advance, Or any sense or practise, which may lame The essence, and intentions of the same. For, if they make the letter to extend Beyond the true intention, and the end Of what was covenanted; and, so weaken That Interest for which the same was taken; They are deceivers, and worse hypocrites Than were of old, the cunning Gibeonites. Let, therefore, that stout Nation well advise Among themselves, wherein the difference lies Betwixt the Kingdoms; lest, perhaps, it draws A mischief on both Nations, without cause; And, bring on those engagements, which may lose The love, the peace, the honour, and those deuce Which now are claimed; &, make them lose their blood, And Country too, as far as it is good. Let them not think, that their accommodation, The profit, or advantage of one Nation, Preferred should be, in any thing at all, Before these Islands weal, in general. Let them seek nothing, but what justice may Allow them; lest she take both that away, On which they seized; and, therewith, all the rest, Which, formerly, was lawfully possessed. For, justice more secures, and more enriches Then policy, although that more bewitches: And, neither wealth, nor honour, can be lost, By honesty; though sometime she be crossed. That Nation have done well, to think upon The bringing of the King back to his Throne; If from right Principles the motion came: But, on them it would bring perpetual shame, If they recalled him, without penitence Of those faults, for which they first drove him thence. For, that they quarrelled with him first, none doubt; And, they were with the last, who pulled him out. That people is too wise; to call him home, Ere he shall truly penitent become; And by some satisfying expiations, Hath perfectly secured both the Nations: For, if he bring the same heart back, they know, He will, as soon as he shall able grow, Avenge himself on them, as upon those, Who were the first, from whom his troubles risen. Let them not give their friends just cause to lay That to their charge, which Foes of them do say, Their brethren's portion, let them not envy, Or, look upon it with an evil eye; Nor, let our English haughtily, despise Their Northern brethren's kind compliances; Or, slight their friendship; or, (puffed up with pride) Their want of superfluities, deride: But, by how much more GOD, hath seemed to bless, Their Climate, with a greater fruitfulness, So much the more, respectively, let them Be careful, that they no way do contemn Their Lot; lest GOD, for that in gratitude, Justly permit some other to incrude On their inheritance; and, make them glad To seek worse habitations, than they had. Yea, let both Nations strive with all their mights, To fortify each other in their Rights; And be assured, that which of them soever Shall first to break their late sworn League endeavour, Shall both be ruined; and, if both make void Their solemn Vows, than both shall be destroyed. Let both remember well, that Covenant, Which they have sworn; and, how much yet they want Of perfecting their Vows to God, and Man; That they may keep them better, if they can. Know; you have entered into leauge together, Not to ensnare, but, to secure each other: And, that your Treaties, were not to get more From one or tother, than they had before, But, that, thereby, they stronger might be made, Against him, who, did all their rights invade. Know, that your Covenant was not contrived, That Christian liberty should be deprived: Or, make that for a Jus divinum go, Which neither was, nor can be proved so. Or, to compel men to renounce, admit; Or, to accord, as those, or these, thought fit; (Or, as the best reformed Churches had it) Ought further than GGDS word authentic made it. It is not possible that any Nation Should make a vow, upon consideration, To pin their Faith upon another's sleeve; Things to profess, which they cannot believe; To practise, what their consciences abhor, And what they find, no lawful warrant for; But, sure their meaning was, men should assay To get the truth's perfection if they may, Till otherwise, they find it; to adhere To those as truths, which truths to them appear; That, from compulsion, all men should be free, Where doubtings are, till they decided be; And, that, their vow enjoined none to do, More, than their power, and place, obliged him too. Let both remember, that, they vowed have The Person of the King, from harm to save; His honour to preserve (and what belongs To him, of right) from violence, and wrongs: But, this remember, too, that, when you made This vow, you likewise, resolutions had, That, therein, his protection should extend. No further, than you thereby might defend The Kingdom's privileges, and maintain Those rights, which to the people appertain: For, else, you shall betray your greatest trust, And, prove but hypocritically just. Remember, you have vowed to endeavour To bring to public trial, whomsoever You shall discover, either to divide The Kingdoms, or, to make the people side In factions; and, that, you have vowed to strive (As you are able) that, they may receive Due punishment: And, mark, if you have been As faithful, as you promised therein. Halt not 'twixt two opinions, as ye do; If Baal be to be served, let it be so. Either, you have a power, or you have none: If none; why act ye, still, as ye have done? Either your King, or you, deserveth blame: If you have traitors been, repent the same; Acknowledge it; submit, implore for grace; And let him take again, his power and place. If he, as much demerit, as you say; Do not your trust, and your own lives betray; But, quit yourselves like men, and do your best To vindicate their cause, who are oppressed. If both be faulty, then, let both amend; Lest, both be quite destroyed in the end. If, you have driven the nail unto the head, There clinch it; let no more be done, or said: For, why should this brave Island be destroyed, That in the mean time, some should be employed Thereby to raise themselves? and, to prepare Well-feathered nests, perhaps, some otherwhere? Those evil Counsellors, which late appeared To be about the King, may now be feared To be among yourselves; and, they of whom The King, was made most fearful to become, Have now complied with him; and, justly may King, People, Scotch, and English, if they weigh What hath been done, shake hands, and well agree; For, they are all, as like, as like can be. Come, come, repent together, and forgive; For there's no other means, in peace to live; And, when you are forgiving, let all share A part of Mercy, who repentant are. Let, our seduced Irish, who, among The rest, are yet involved in the throng. Of murderous Rebels; but have guiltless been Of their inhuman, and loud crying sin, Find some Gate open, whereby they might gain An entrance, your forgiveness to obtain; (Upon repentance, and on evidence, Produced, differencing their offence:) For, some of them assisted, to their might, Their brethren, in their terrified flight, Against destroyers; and in secret stood Betwixt them, and the seekers of their blood. Some of them, then, so far forth as they durst, Relieved them in their hunger, and their thirst; Covered their nakedness; and them conveyed (From those, by whom they should have been betrayed) To Towns, and Ports, wherein they might avoid That rage, whereby they had been else destroyed. If these, withdraw themselves, and back recede From them, whose hands in blood were deeply died, Receive them unto mercy; that, you may By justice, therewith mixed, take away That Kingdom's guilt; and, put a difference Betwixt the smaller, and the great offence, That, they, whom other men did hurry on, Against their wills, to be with them, undone, May find a passage, out of that distress, Which they are in, by others wickedness; And, that repentance, may not be without A comfortable hope of some good fruit, To every sinner, when he shall endeavour A reformation, at what time soever. By this course, you shall make the freer pass, For your own selves, unto the Throne of grace: By this course, you shall greatly weaken those Who, are your wilful unrepentant foes; And, strengthen much their hands, who have been true To GOD, unto their Country, and to you. It may be, too, fullfiled shall be, thereby, That ancient well known Irish Prophecy, By which, unto that Nation, 'twas foretold, That, there would come a time, wherein they should Weep over your English Graves: For some, no doubt, Already, tears of pity have powered out; Even when they saw the cruel butcheries Of guiltless Englishmen, before their eyes? And, now, shall over their Graves, for their offence Shed tears again, through hearty penitence. Let those dissenting Parties, and those Factions Which, long have multiplied your Distractions, Leave of those many names of separations, Of scorn, and disesteem, which in these Nations Do now abound; and wherewith you provoke Each other; and, whereby the peace is broke, And malice nourished: for they prolong Your discords, by a still-renewing wrong. Let, not all those, who termed, of late, have been Malignants, find that name, still set between Themselves, and others, when they have assayed To make amends, and their redemption paid. For, by that Bar, you keep the Breach unclosed 'Twixt them, whose quarrels might else be composed. For such of them, as only were misled In judgement, have not thereby forfeited Their honesty; as all those men have done Who wilfully, and knowingly went on. Nor, half so much as those, who have complied With both sides; or, been false to either side. Yet, trust them not with power, till you have tried Their truth; and, till your Peace is fortified. Let Innocents', defend their reputations, As freely, as Knaves make their accusations. Good turns vouchsafe, to honest men sometime, As willingly, as you do mischieve them: For, to undo a man, you soon give ear; Have tongues to speak, and leisure time to hear, Within an hour's warning; but, before You hear him for his good, a year, and more, Yea, sometimes three, four, five, consumed be, Yet, neither end, nor hope of end, hath he. Let those who for your service, fit are known, Both by abilities, and courage shown; Those, who for you, their lives have hazarded; Contributed, and lent their children's bread; For your sakes, brought themselves, and families From plenty, to extreme necessities, (Through want of that respect, which you should show them, Till you have means to pay them what you own them. Let those, not like old shoes, be hurled by, As if they were not worth your memory, Or fit for nothing; when malignant Jacks, Who laugh, and jeer at you behind your backs, Can fill so many places; and grow rich, Whilst better men, lie starving in a ditch. If spent your Treasure be, then let them share In your Employments, till you abler are To pay them what is due; So, you shall ease them: So, you, with hope of better, shall well please them: So, you, in life, and health, may them sustain, Till you have need of honest men again: For, when their Country wants help, these, are they Who will not fail her, though them fail she may. Take these last words among you, where they fall; And, as occasion, make them useful shall: For, your confusion so confoundeth me, That want of method, may excused be, Where all is well intended; and, where nought Is more, then may be profitably taught, Let those among you, who desire to plead For Christian Liberty, take serious heed They make not passages, which may let in Licentiousness, and Liberty of sin. Let them not seek to rarify Devotion, To nothing, but an incorporal notion; Lest, if no place for shadows, they allow, They never come their substances to know: Lest, if too far away, from Forms they fly, They fall into some fowl deformity; Or, lest, when they think purest light to see, They blinded by an overweening bee. And, you, who think, that by a Law-Divine, There is, one outward form of Discipline, To be observed of all men; and, but one That can be lawful; which, by you alone, Is now in practice: somewhat bear I pray, With such, as cannot yet, approve your way To be infallible; or, give consent To make essential, what's indifferent. When you possess the Wheat, brawl not for Darnell, Fight not for shells, when you enjoy the Kernel. If to the true Foundation they adhere, Against their buildings, be not too severe; For, if the Structures they erect thereon, Be Gold, and Silver, they have wisely done: If Straw, and Stubble, theirs will be the loss; The Fiery-triall, will consume the dross; And, they themselves, (though from perdition free) Will in themselves, enough afflicted be. With love and kindness, seek to bring them in, Who, by misse-teaching, have deluded been: With patience, and long-suffring, wait upon Your Brethren, as on you, your GOD hath done; And, if their errors be but imperfections, And not of malice, let your good affections Be exercised thereby; and, then perchance Your Charity, shall cure their ignorance, And, sooner win them, than your indignation, Severity, or bitter provocation. Compulsion often forms an Hypocrite, But never makes the will, or heart upright: And he, that would not vain conclusions try, The consciences of men to rectify, Must act, by somewhat which is more divine, Then torments, or a Formal Discipline. Speak not in Tempests, when you would reform; GOD, oftener comes in Calmes, then in a Storm. Ill words, corrupt good manners; and, there flows From swagger, brawlings, from your brawlings, blows; And, many times, the wound of your swords, Break not the peace, so much as bitter words. Provide therefore, as wisely as you may To take provoking speeches quite away; Especially among those, who pretend The Cause of GOD, and goodness to befriend: For, they, who cannot their sharp tongues restrain, Profess, and talk of Piety, in vain. Yea, they, who are Truth's Champions with their (tongue, And want true love, have done the greatest wrongs. Let not your Supreme City over-swell That Mediocrity, which heeded well, Would more secure her safety, more enlarge Her honour, and diminish more her charge. Though she be great, let her not seek to awe Those, who, to her, and all the rest give law. Though she be rich, let her not trust unto Her riches; lest at last, they her undo. Though she be strong, let her not boast therein; For, some, by their own strength, have ruined been. Though she be wise, let her not think to fool Her Tutors, and to set them new to school: But, let her motions, be in her own sphere, According as her own occasions are; Let her advance her trade, without wrong To privileges, which to all belong: Endeavour, by continual watchfulness, Both how, she may prevent, and how suppress Sedition, routs, and tumults: for these be The bane of Cities: and I do foresee, (Unless, prevented, by good taking heed) That thence a mischief, may to you proceed, Whereby, you more may suffer, in one hour, Then in an whole year, by a Martial power. Return to your first love, and be not jealous Of those, who mean you well, nor overzealous In prosecuting, or believing, all, Which your pretended Lovers counsel shall. Contribute that proportion of due aid, For, public safety, which on you is laid, According to the Portion of the blessing, Which is thereby; preserved, in your possessing, With prayers, and obedience, them assist, Who stand up for the common Interest, And take good heed, lest those who shall pretend Your benefit, may drive some other end; And, overthrew the common peace, and you, By those proceed, which they now pursue. You have done well, and bravely; lose not then Your thanks, and your deserved praise, again. Your, of the Soldiery; Men of the Sword, Receive you Orders too, and take a word Of good advice: for much it will concern The public weal, that you your duties learn. Neglect not discipline, thereto adhere; And, therein, always rather be severe Then too remiss: for, when an Army shall Into disorder and confusion fall; Destruction to itself, it will become: And, of all enemies, most perilsome To public safety. And, 'tis better far (Whether it be in time of peace, or war) To suffer, by obedience to good order; Then due redress, by mutiny, to further. Remember, that, you were not armed or paid, To do your own work, but for public aid: And, that, you to your Officers are bound, No further, then while faithful they are found To those, who have entrusted them; and, that If they oppress, there's means to regulate What is amiss; and, power that may restrain Their insolences, if you shall complain. Think not yourselves their creatures, as some name you: For such an attribute doth much defame you. There is in them no power of creation, By dignity, by place, or by Relation, Whereby they any creatures can produce, But sons, and daughters, or fleas, worms, and lice; And these, are (properly) but generated, Or, else, by their corruption propagated. Delay not public peace, by private hate; Each others noble actions emulate; Outvie, but them envy not; neither cross Each other, to your countries further loss. Upon your foes, there's honour to be got Sufficient, with your friends then, quarrel not. Seek not, to be avenged, for that offence, Upon the public, which your innocence By private hands hath suffered; measure not Your merit, by the conquests, you have got; But, by that worth, which truly is your own, And, in your heart lies, to the world unknown Judge not of worth, by actions, and events, (Which fame, it may be, falsely represents) But, by those Principles, and real worth Whereby the heart is roused and carried forth To noble undertake: Fame that's won By having gained the lot of leading on Your English Mastiffs, (on whose side befell A victory, whose author none can tell) Is but of small esteem; for, when confusion Hath brought their skirmishes unto conclusion, He, many times, who merited but shame, Of all that victory, shall bear the name; And, then, opinion every day doth add Advantages, till he at last is made So arrogant, that he gins to dream Himself to be, what, some have fancied him; And, so to act, that they whom he deceived; Shall soon find, what of him should be believed. Be none of these, for, you have lately seen, How, such false fires extinguished have been; And, when with glory, to ascend they think, How, quickly, they descend, in smoke, and stink. Fall not from that, which you have well begun; But, persevere, until the work be done. An instrument, you are, but, nor the tongue, Nor eye, to whom, direction doth belong: Therefore assume it not; but keep them free By true obedience, who your keepers be. And, be assured, that, if you shall comply With any, to advance a tyranny Of any kind; or, up to raise, thereby, Licentiousness, instead of Liberty: GOD shall let lose a spirit; which will soon Un-nerve your Powers; make it night at noon; Destroy you with a fillip, all together; Puff you away, like th'atoms of a feather. And you, who (if you arrogate it not Unworthily) are Stewards, for the Lot Of GOD's Anointed; hear a word or two, To mind ye, what ye know ye ought to do. You see, to what confusion all is brought By those men, who themselves have only sought: And, what destruction will succeed thereon, If in divided paths you still go on. You know, what means, and what advantages You have, to keep out, or to fetch in peace: And, I acknowledge, some of you have walked The way of peace, as well as thereof talked: And, trumpetlike, have raised your voices high, To wake these Nations from their Lethargy. Let all do so; and jointly undertake To help repair the Breach they holp to make; And not contend for that which neither was, Nor is, nor ever can be brought to pass. Make not those things infallible to be, In which so many millions disagree: Make not those things Essentials to appear, Which in themselves but circumstantials are: And, bear with them (since they the woe must bide) Who give offences, that you may be tried. Your Temporalities, claim by your Law, To be your due; and labour not to draw Conclusions for yourselves, from inferences, Which make not warrantable your pretences: For, all your claims, by Ceremonial deuce, Or Customs, appertaining to the jews, Avail you nothing; but enfeeble rather, Those Arguments, which from their Rights you gather. You may as well reduce them back again To sacrifices, and to entertain All other services, now obsolete, As, get some things, which you have hope to get; And, whereto you the People would enjoin By humane Law, as due by Law divine: Which, what they are; and how from doubts to clear them, You shall be told, when you are fit to hear them. From bitter words, and sharp invectives cease; Invoke for grace, and then provoke to peace. From all your Pulpits banish all partaking In Factions; and in weak'ning or strong making This or that Party: and, pull not in, all Those things, which into controversy fall, (Or into question) within cognizance Of your own jurisdiction, to advance Your interest: For, all things which can be thought, May, by that rule, within your power be brought: And, by that means, you may recover more Then hath been, here usurped heretofore. Preach Faith, Repentance, Charity, and what May true belief, and good life propagate. Be humble, keep more closely to your charge; And ramble not about so much at large, To fetch in fleeces, out of others flocks, But, be contented with your proper stocks; Lest, as befell of late, and heretofore, Instead of greater gain, your loss be more. I more might add; but, you already know it, Oh therefore, in your practice, also, show it. You, hear, what I have said, ye British Nations, To further the desired reparations Of these distracted Kingdoms; and to bring Your King to you, and you unto your King, If you, and he, the curing will abide; And, for that Blessing, now grow qualified: Or, if not both, that one of you, at least With Peace and safety may again be blest: And live to praise GOD, that you forth are brought From that snare, wherewith wilfulness is caught. I have not here deceived you with fair shows From old Records, whose credit no man knows. From temporary Acts, worm-eaten found; (Of which, none knows the reason, or the ground) I bring not Precedents, that do belong To things in Fact, which whether right or wrong, Were thereby done, there is no certainty. You see, I use no kind of Sophistry; Nor do attempt, conclusions here to draw From cheating quirks, or quiddities of Law: From abstruse Principles, Authorities, Unknown; or, wherein little credit lies: From aught, too Magisteriall for the season; From fraudful, or adulterated reason; But merely, from such grounds, and such positions, As yield results, without all just suspicions. From nature, common practice, and those things, Whose clear light means of apprehension brings To most capacities; and, (which may best Improve them) they, in language are expressed So plainly; that all those throughout the Land, (Even Children) that can read, may understand. And since, men wandering in a wood by night, When they shall through a Glade, behold some light, Take thereby courage, to walk cheerly on, In hope, their fears, and toils, are nearly gone; I'll from a Cloud, flash out a little gleam Of Lightning; and, disclose a little beam, Whereby on you a glimmering, shall be cast, Of what you may attain to, at the last: For, I will show you, by what Pedigree That Government, to you derived shall be Which will, at last, these British Islands bless With inward Peace, and outward happiness. It was of late, a brief Presage of his, Who, oft, hath truth foretold: And, it is this. When, here, a Scot shall think his Throne to set, Above the Circle of a British King; He shall a dateless Parliament beget, From whence a dreadful Armed brood shall spring. That offspring shall beget a wild confusion; Confusion, shall an Anarchy beget; That Anarchy shall bring forth in conclusion, A Creature, which you have no name for, yet: That Creature, shall conceive a sickly State, Which will an Aristocracy produce: The many headed Beast, not liking that, To raise Democracie, shall rather choose. And, than Democracies production shall A Mooncalf be; which some a Mole do call. A false Conception of imperfect nature, And, of a shapeless, and a brutish feature. All these Descents, shall live, and reign together; So acting for a while, that few shall know Which of them gets the Sov'raigntie; or whether There be among them, a Supreme, or no. When they with jars and janglings have defaced Your triple-building, and themselves nigh worn, Into contempt; they, of one cup shall taste; And, into their first elements return: Five of them, shall subdue the other five; And, than those five, shall by a doubtful strife, Each others death so happily centrive, That, they shall die, to live a better life: And, out of their corruption, rise there shall A true Supreme, acknowledged by all. In which the power of all the five shall be With Unity made visible in three. Prince, People, parliament, with Priests and Peers, Shall be, a while, your emulous Grandees; Make a confused Pentarchy, some years, And, leave off their distinct claims, by degrees: And, then, shall Righteousness ascend the Throne; Then, love, and truth, and peace re-enter shall: Then, faith, and reason, shall agree in one; And, all the Virtues to their counsel call. Then, timely out of all these shall arise, That Kingdom, and that happy Government, Which is the scope of all those Prophecies, That future Truths obscurely represent: But how this will be done, few men shall see; For, wrought in clouds and darkness, it will be, And, ere it comes to pass, in public view, Most of these following signs will first ensue. A King, shall willingly themselves unking; And, thereby grow far greater than before. The Priests, their Priesthood, to contempt shall bring. And Piety shall thereby thrive the more. A Parliament, itself shall overthrow; And thereby, shall a better being gain; The Peers, by setting of themselves below, A more innobling honour shall obtain: The people for a time shall be enslaved; And, that shall make them for the future free. By private loss, the public shall be saved; An Army shall by yielding Victor be: The City's wealth, her poverty shall cause: The Law's corruption, shall reform the Laws: And, Bullocks, of the largest Northern breed, Shall fatted be, where now scarce sheep can feed. You may perhaps, deride what's here recited, As, heretofore you other Truths have slighted. But, part of this Presage you have beheld, Already in obscurity, fulfilled: The rest shall in the time appointed come; And, sooner, than will pleasing be to some. The last nine signs, or symptoms, of the ten, Which must precede it, shall appear to men Of all conditions: But, our Author saith, The first, is but in hope, not yet in Faith; And may be, or not be; for, so, or so, That King shall have his lot, as he shall do. If all his sins, he hearty repent, God, will remit, even all his punishment; And, him, unto his Kingdoms, back restore, With greater honour, than he had before. If he remain impenitent, like Saul, God, from the Throne, shall cast both him, and all His whole Descent; and, leave him not a man To fill it, though he had a Jonathan. If Ahab-like, his mourning hath respects To temporary losses and effects; Like Ahabs, then, it therewithal shall carry, Some benefit, which is but temporary. A real penitence, though somewhat late, The rigour of his doom may much abate; By leaving him a part of what he had, When he a forfeiture of all hath made: Or else, by rooting out those, who in sin With him, have actually partakers been; And, planting in their steads, a Branch of his, Whose Innocency no way questioned is. For, this hath oft, with good success been done] In Age's past; not, in this Isle alone, But, in most other Kingdoms: And, if you Will in GOD's Chronicles, but take a view, Of his proceed; you, in them will see, For what it is, that Princes changed be: Why some lose but a part; why some lose all; Why, for a time; why, some for ever fall: Why, some shall but for three descents remain; And, how they might have had a longer reign: When war, when pestilence, when dearth, will come Upon a land; when GOD will take it from That land again; and, how, they may foreknow, When, he will bring a total overthrow. They, who have learned to contemplate aright Those old records, may gain a true foresight Of many things, whereby to regulate Enormities, both in the Church, and State; Things to themselves pertaining; to their friends, Their Foes, their Policies, their Fates, their ends: And, if this were not so; what, are to you, The stories of the Kingdoms of the jew, Or of their friends, and foes, more useful than Those, which concern the realms of Powhatan? Or, so available, as those relations, Which memorise the deeds of your own nations? But all this is but words; there must be deeds, Ere to perfection any thing proceeds: You must not everlastingly be stating The Question; or, be seven years more debating: For, ere that time, things will too late be done; Which many fear, will come to pass too soon. Expect you, some third persons, should between The King and you, at this time intervene To make atonement? Pray, who should they be? Who, wisheth you so well? who, doth not see, That, all, 'twixt whom, and you, there be relations, Them qualifying for such mediations, May get more, by your woe, then by your weal? Who knows not, how with Friends most Friends now deal? And, who perceives not, that those Mediators Have interests, and, many weighty matters, Pertaining to themselves, which they'll begin On such a fair occasion, to hedge in? And, whereby paradventure they may bring Great disadvantages, upon the King, Or, on the Kingdoms: and perhaps on both, Which to endanger, wisemen would be loath? What then can be effected? or by whom, May your desires, now feiseable become? Since, there is no way open for access, Nor any means admitted for address? The Parliament, conceives itself abused, In that, their offers have been oft refused; And, seems resolved, that they will never more Send Messages in vain, as heretofore: And though the King, were now as penitent, As David and Manasseh, with intent, Unfeignedly to satisfy, and do What ever justice doth oblige him to; What ever, you in reason could require, To answer, at the full your own desire; Or, whatsoever affections mortified, A contrite heart, or conscience rectified, Should urge him to: yet, now, there is no way, Whereby, this, may be manifest, you say. Despair not friends: mind what I said before; True penitence, will find, or make a door: Though, it be treason voted, now to bring Or, carry Message, to or from the King: Although his person be retained in ward; Attended always, with an armed Guard: Although strong walls, have round enclosed him: Though rocks, far stronger, have surrounded them; Yea, though the raging, and the roaring seas, Have also, like a mote, encircled these: Through all these difficulties, I could find Conveyances, if thereto he had mind, To publish his repentance; and prevail, If to perform his part, he should not fail. Yea, find him means, without an obligation To any party, or to any Nation, Or any, but himself; to make his peace, With honour: and his Kingdoms to possess. Now, let him neither heed, nor hearken to What other men do say, or what they do; For, whatsoever they shall act, or prattle, (Will be to him, but, fruitless tittle tattle) But, let him sit down, by himself alone; And, set down (as, he reads, it hath been done By King Manasseh) most unfeigned confessions Of all his known offences, and transgressions; Acknowledge GOD's just dealing in afflicting; His Providence, and mercy, in correcting So like a Father; and, for his attending So long time, for repentance and amending. Let him express a resolute intent, To leave to GOD's dispose, the government Which he hath managed ill; and to resign Himself, and his, to providence divine, With full assurance, of obtaining place, In his free love, and alsufficient grace. This done; let him, subscribe the same, and spread it, Before the LORD; let him with such tears read it, As may declare, it was his act and deed: Then, seal it, with a Heart, which much doth bleed; And, with a Lion rampant, so reversed, That, none may fear, his rage or bloody thirst. Upon which acts, by means of your relation, And, by that spirit of communication, Whereby, most secret actions, are made known, (When to good purposes they may be shown) Even at that point of time, they, who have been His opposites, will feel, some creeping in, First, hopes; then Good opinions; and, at last, That which will blot out all Offences past; And make them kill their fat calf; dance and sing; That they, have found again their long lost King. Oh, that I could behold that happy day Of penitence; and, that behold I may Both Parliament, and People meet therein So truly; that, their unrepentant sin May not, when God hath re-inthroned him, Prolong their woes, or bring new plagues on them. But, who am I, that, either you, or he, Should on my word rely, or take from me Those things which I have said? know, I am that Which is your GENIUS called. If, you ask what A GENIUS is, I will define the same, According to the nature, and the name. So called it is, because, it doth incline With an affection truly Genuine, To draw to good, and to withdraw from ill, Those Persons, both in action and in will, To whom it doth relate; and from disgraces, And spoil, to keep such Persons, and such places. A GENIUS, is an incorporeal creature, Consisting of an intellectual nature; Which at the selfsame time, a being had, With that, for whose well being it was made. And, may be called, that Angel, which designeth, Adviseth, moveth, draweth, and inclineth To happiness; and, naturally restraineth From harm, that creature, whereto it pertaineth: And, this am I to you. Then, have a care, My counsels now, with good respect to hear: For, they, to whom their GENIUS represents, That, which to saftey tends, and harm prevents; If, then, they shall his good advice neglect, And, pass it by, with wilful disrespect; They shall deservedly, be left to those Ill Angels, whose direction, they have chose: And, what will then succeed, they shall perceive When 'tis too late, their evil choice to leave. Then looking bacl, he fixed his eyes on me, And, said; my Secretary thou shalt be To Register, and publish to these Nations, What counsels, warnings, and what exhortations God hath vouchsafed them; that what ere betid, His Grace, or justice may be glorified. This being said, my FANCY risen, and drew A Curtain; wherewith, quite beyond my view, This apparition vanished. And, I took My pen, to put in writing, what was spoke, And publish it to others, that it may Prevent (if possible) your evil day: For, till amendment, or destruction come, The Beasts would preach, should men continue dumb: Yea, what their Genius, now to them doth speak, If they should slight it, stones would silence break, To rouse them from their slumbers; or, to tell Succeeding-Ages, how and why they fell. When all was vanished; and, I left alone, Intending, what was willed to be done, A fear surprised me; and, a shuddering took me, Which with a long continuing trembling struck me; And my weak heart began to be afraid, To do what I resolved; and, thus it said. Observest thou not the madness of this Nation, The rage and fury of this Generation? And, how like Swine, before whom Pearls are thrown, They tread the givers of good counsel down, And, tear them into pieces, by their scorns; Because, they then expected Barley-cornes? For, ten to one, even some in whose defence, These truths are spoke, will want intelligence To understand them so; and foolishly Charge thee, with standring that Authority Which thou dost honour; and, which (as this day Things go) can saved be no other way. Hast thou, nigh forty years been vexed and greoved, By this dull Generation, unreleeved? And having for it, ventured thy life, Undone thy little children, and thy wife, Left them nor house, nor lands, nor , nor bread, Nor ought wherewith they may be comforted, (In that contagious sickness, which this day, Hath driven all thy comforters away) Yea, spent all in their service; and, wilt thou Having obtained words and paper now, Which promise restauration, hazard all Those hopes, by that, which hereby may befall? Hast thou full five years ●oyl'd and tired been To struggle from the mischiefs thou wert in; With much-much difficulty, got at last, Acknowledgements, of what forborn thou hast? And, probability, that thou perchance Mayst get one half, by giving, for advance The other moiety? And, meanest thou To lose it all again, by doing now What this Illusion doth entice thee to? And everlastingly thyself undo? For nothing spoken for the public good, Will to thy benefit be understood, By such as hate thee: And, thou well dost know That thou mayst more be mischieved by one Foe (Who to the public faithfulness pretends) Then benefited by a hundred friends. Take heed of this temptation; thou hast done Thy share this way. Now, let the world alone: Provide for thine own safety and thine ease: As others do, writ those things that may please: And thou shalt then be freed from those disgraces, That thou hast suffered: there will then, be places For thee, as well as others: and thou then Shalt favoured be, as much as other men. Thy peace is made already; not a tongue Doth move against thee; And, thou shalt ere long Of all thy deuce be fully repossessed, If thou wilt let the world do what she list. When thus, my own corruptions from within me, Had spoke, from my good purposes to win me; Another Voice, as coming from behind me, Thus whispered: SON of EARTH, give ear & mind me. Resist thou that suggestion; let it be But as a Serpent on a stone, to thee, Which finds no entrance: For, it is the seed Of that old Serpent, whereof to take heed Thou hast good cause; since, if his head prevail To enter, he will slip in to the tail. And, thou a poor flea-biting to avoid, Mayst with the stings of Vipers be destroyed. Fear not those Bugbears wherewith fools are frighted; Nor prise those toys wherewith such are delighted; Fear not the cruel Tyrants of the times; Nor taste their dainties, lest thou act their crimes. Fear not thy Family shall be unfed; For, he that gave them mouths, will give them bread. He that already hath five years maintained thee, (Since thou hadst nought left likely to maintain thee Five months) and kept thee all that while aflaot In storms, though thou hadst neither Oar nor boat; He can aswell preserve thee now, as then, With nothing: therefore, seek to him again. Think not thyself alone, or without friends; For, thousands favour what thy Muse intends: The well-affected Members of each House, Yea, all among them, who are generous, Will favour thy endeavours; and, be glad, That, in these times, an Englishman they had, Whom neither hopes, nor fears, could make afraid To speak, what he thought pertinently said For public safety; whatsoever he lost: Or, whose design soe'er was thereby crossed. He, that in times past, did secure thee from Thy foes; will do the same in time to come: For, that thou mayst believe he will do so, Already five successions, in a row He hath destroyed; who, causlessely had sought Thy ruin. Some, of them, (who, lately brought A mischief on themselves) now rooted be From dwelling, where they persecuted thee: The sixth is also ripening to be sent To follow them, unless they shall repent. They, whom thou fearest, if thou shalt constant be In good resolves, will be afraid of thee; For, GOD shall put the fear of thee on those Who to thy principles, and ways, are Foes; Or else, at least, they shall still slumber on; And, let thee speak in vain, as they have done. Discourage not thyself, as if thy pain In these endeavours would be quite in vain; For, GOD will make thy weary Pilgrimage Bring some advantage to this present age, Or to the next. To this work thou wert borne; And, when thou to thy Fathers dost return, It shall not grieve thee, that thou hast bestown, More time for public good, then for thine own. Thy Faculties were not conferred on thee For no Employment; nor employed to be In flattering fools: nor, as at first it was, To praise the fading beauties of a face: Or, play with those affections, which infuse The vain expressions, that pollute a Muse; But, to provoke to virtue: to deter From vice, all chaste affections to prefer; GOD'S Judgements to declare; his righteousness To magnify; his mercies to confess: And, whilst thou to this purpose art employed, Fear not to be undone, or be destroyed: For, by undoing, thou shalt be newmade; By thy destruction, safety shall be had: And, if this Generation shall pursue Thy love with hatred; or withhold thy due; It shall be one addition to their doom, To be the scorn of every Age to come. This reconfirmed my Spirit; and I found My heart with fearless courage, to abound. With resolutions, I was fortified; And, throwing all my own affairs aside, Which most concerned me; I, to write begun What I had heard: and, now, the work is done, My Conscience is discharged; my heart is eased; And, therein come what will, I shall be pleased. Terrae Filius. To the Parliaments. IT is not fear, in me; nor it is shame, Which makes me, at this time, conceal my name: But, humble modesty, and consciousness, Of that known frailty, and unworthiness, Wherewith my Person, outwardly is clothed, Oft, makes myself, even of myself so loathed, That (not without good reason) I suspect My purposes, may find the less effect, If, ere you taste the fruit, I let you know, In whose poor Garden, GOD, hath made it grow. For, many times, the best wine pleaseth not, Unless, we like the Drawer, and the Pot. A homebred Simples virtue, few will own; A Doctor seems best skilled, that is unknown: Yea, miracles, by Christ, were seldom done, Where, he reputed was, but joseph's son. How ere it please, or may be understood, I dare aver, my purposes were good; And, that, hereby, you have advantages To do your selves an honour, if you please. Therewith, you profit, likewise, may receive, If, thereunto, but those respects you give, Which are, in equity, to those things due, That will both profit, and much honour you. GOD'S will be done: and, if your will agree With his, then, let your will be done on me. Aliquid ex improviso. THe Author will not, now, this Poem send Unto the King; because it may offend. But, if to give it, he had lawful way, He down would kneel; and, thus would humbly say. Dear Sir, be pleased to peruse this Book, With undistempred heart, and gracious look; And, though some Passages, may harsh appear, Read out with patience, what is written here: For, as with you, and your affairs it stands, My due allegiance, strictly me commands, That, I should plainly deal, and boldly do, What, my well meaning heart did prompt me to And I have hope, you shall receive by me, A wholesome Pill, although it bitter be. I could not flatter, when you were at height: Nor would I to your sufferings, add the weight Of half a grain, (to purchase my own health, Though I were sick) for all your former wealth. So tender am I, and so much afraid, To lay on more, where GOD enough hath laid; Till I may be assured, that you contemn His mercies; and proceed, in spite of him. And, I, had now been pleased, with words more calm, To have expressed my mind; and with soft balm, To have anointed you; but that thereby, Some (who, it may be, have an evil eye) Might find occasion to obstruct that cure, Which, by this course, may speedy be, and sure. Your wisdom finds my meaning, if your heart Hath any sympathising with my art; And, I shall soon perceive it, when I know What countenance you hereupon bestow. If I discover not an operation, According to my honest expectation, I shall desist. But, if respect you give To my intent, in this sharp Corrosive; I shall endeavour, to provide a dos, That may close up your wounds, repair your loss; And, give you good assurance, in the end, That, he who seemed your foe, hath been your friend: Yea dares be so; if you dare be your own, Though, ten times more affliction, pressed you down; And act for you, as far as he is able, His part, of Mouse and Lion, in the Fable; Though both his foes, and yours stood looking on him, And, threatened all the spite that could be done him: For, with a Thief, that Penitent shall be, A Crucifying, undergo would he, Much rather, then enjoy his preservation, With Barrabas, by public acclamation. Quae nocent, docent; BUT, Ex nihilo nihil fit. FINIS. Faults escaped. SOme faults, have been committed by the Printer; Some, have escaped the Author, peradventure: The first, correct yourselves, as you shall find them; The last, pass by, as if you did not mind them, Forgiving, as of him, you are forgiven; So, we shall all be friends, and reckon even. Errata. Pag. 49. lin. 12. read Square out. lin. 32. r. furnished be. p. 52. l. 2. read could receive, l. 8. read them of, p. 53. l. 8. read grieved, p. 54. l. 12. read, they seem. p. 55. l. 9 read all men, p. 57 l. 3. read 'Tis I, (this. l. 27. read yerning p. 59 l. 24. read those, p. 61. l. 6. read 'tis not, p. 67. 5. let every. p. 68 l. 7. projected, p. 80. l. 6. read beget. p. 84. l. 3. of any sense.