children's Bread: OR, A BRIEF FORM of Christian Doctrine, necessary for the instruction of such as are ignorant; and for the edification of such as have attained some measure of knowledge. By Tho: Wolfall Minister of the Gospel, and Pastor of Stanerton in NORTHUMBERLAND. GEN. 18.19. I know Abraham, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord. JOU. 22.6. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not departed from it. JOV 20.15. A child left to himself, bringeth his Mother to shame. Meum est docere, vestrum est auscultare, Dei est perere, Cyril. London, Printed by G. M. for john Bellamy, at the Sign of the three golden Lions in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange. children's BREAD. CHAP. I. Of God, and of the Covenant of works. Question. HOw may a man find out the way to true happiness? A Out of the sacred Scriptures, the old and new Testament, which are the rule of faith, and manners, and able to make us wise to salvation, 2 Tim. 3.15. Eccles. 12.10. Gal. 6.16. Rom. 10.14. Psal. 12.6. Q How doth the Scripture hold forth this unto us? A. By teaching us the knowledge of God and his Covenant Q What doth the Scripture hold forth concerning God? A. First, that God is a Spirit, having his eternal being from himself, and is to be worshipped in spirit, and truth. Secondly, That God is one in his Essence, and distinguished into three Persons; the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost, Deut. 6.4. 1 Cor. 8.4. Matth. 28.19. 1. job. 5.7. Q What else? A. First, the property of the Father, is to beget the Son; the property of the Son, is to be begotten of the Father; the property of the holy Ghost, is to proceed from the Father and the Son. Secondly, that these three are equal in power, wisdom, immensity, eternity, and all other Attributes, Exod. 34.6. Rom. 16.27. job. 35.7. Q What doth the Scripture declare concerning the Covenant? A. That man's way to true happiness, before and since the fall, hath been by a way of Covenanting. Q What was the first Covenant? A. It was a Covenant of works, contained in the ten Commandments, which were written in man's heart, binding him to perfect, and perpetual obedience. Q What was man's condition under the first Covenant? A. First, He was holy created after God's Image, in wisdom, righteousness, and true holiness, Gen. 1.26. Col. 3.10. Eph. 4.24. Secondly, He was happy, in that he had communion with God, a quiet conscience, dominion over the Creatures, and all the contents of Paradise, Gen. 1.29. and 2.15, 16, 17. Psal. 8.6. Q. Why then was there necessity of another Covenant? A. Because man being enticed by the Devil, did wilfully, and wantonly break the first Covenant, and thereby brought on himself, and on his posterity the blot and guilt of sin, Lev 5.2, 3. Rom. 3.9. 1 Cor. 15.17. Q What harm cometh by the blot of sin? A. Loss of man's original beauty, in his aversion from God, and proneness to all sin, in thought, word, and deed, Matth. 15.11. Revel. 22.11. Isa. 1.15. jer. 2.13. Q. What by the guilt of sin? A. We stand bound over to all kinds of punishment. First, temporal, the curse on the creatures, on man's body, state, and posterity, Rom. 8.20. Deut. 28.15. Rom. 6.21. Secondly, spiritual, as blindness of mind, horror of conscience, a reprobate sense, and strong delusions, Luke 19.41, 42. Mat. 27.3. Rom. 1.28. 1 Thes. 2.10, 11. Thirdly, Eternal, the absence of God, the fire of Hell, the company of Devils, and damned persons, and blackness of darkness for ever, Matth. 25.41. Mark 13.40. jude. 13. CHAP. II. Of the new Covenant, and of the Mediator of it. Qu. DOth the new Covenant help us in this woeful case? A. Very much; for it is a Covenant of grace and reconciliation, made between God and lost man, through the mediation of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 5.18. Isa. 28.16. Luk. 22.20. Q. How is jesus Christ our Mediator? A. By taking our nature, and by undertaking our reconciliation, Heb. 2.14. 1 Tim. 2.5. Q How did Christ undertake our Reconciliation? A. By taking upon him the office of a Prophet, Priest, and King. Acts 3.22. Heb. 2.17. Psal. 110.1. Q Why was Christ a Prophet? A. To declare things to come, to reveal the way to life, and to furnish his Church with an able Ministry to the world's end, Rev. 1.1. Luke 4.18, 19 2 Cor. 5.20. Q. What did he as a Priest? A. He bore our names on the breastplate of his Righteousness, offered himself a sacrifice for sin, and now appears before God, making intercession for his saints, Exod. 28.9. Heb 5.9. Rom. 8.34. Q. What flows from hence? A. Redemption, and Justification. Q. What benefit have we by our redemption by Christ? A. The satisfaction of God's justice, the fulfilling of God's Law, freedom from the power of Satan, and an entrance into glory purchased, Mark. 10.45. Isa. 53.5. Mat. 5.17. Rom. 10.4. and 8.12. 1 Cor 15.15. Q What by our justification? A. Remission of sin, and imputation of righteousness, Rom. 8.1. Psal. 32.2, Rom. 4 7. Q Wherein doth Christ's Kingly office consist? A. It consists in the giving of Laws, dispensation of gifts, constant care of us, and protection over us, Eph. 4 8, 10. Mat 6.29, 30, 31. Q What are those laws Christ hath settled in his Church? A The law of faith, teaching that our righteousness comes by faith in Christ, Rom 3 28. Secondly, the law moral, made now a new Commandment unto Evangelicall purposes, john 13.34. 1 john 4.11. Q What else? A. Institution of new ordinances and officers, as changing circumcision into baptism, the Passeover into the Supper, Priests into Pastors and Teachers, and of Altars into Tables. CHAP. III. Of the use of the Law under the Gospel, and the gifts of Christ to his Church. Qu. But the Scripture saith, the law is not made for a righteous man, 1 Tim. 1.9. A. We are bound to obey the moral law established by Christ; but being made righteous by faith in Christ, it doth not condemn, Rom. 8.34. Secondly, It is not given to a righteous man, as the condition of the Covenant, but as an Appendix thereunto, Luke 1.75. Q What are those Evangelicall purposes, for which the Law was established? A. First, It was established to be a Schoolmistress, to bring us to Christ, Gal. 3.17, 18, 20, 21. Secondly, That it might be a rule of life to redeemed persons, Luke 1.71, 74. Rom. 2.13. Q How prove you that the moral Law is not abolished? A. Because Christ expoundeth, urgeth, and confirmeth the Law, Matth. 5.18, 19, 20, 21. Matth. 15.4. Secondly, because faith doth establish it, Rom. 3.31. 1 Cor. 7 19 Gal. 3.17. Thirdly, Because it was given 400 years after the Promise was made, which had been to no end, had the Law been abolished, Gal 3.17, 18, 19, 20. Q Rehearse the ten Commandments. A. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me, etc. Q. How are they divided? A. Into two Tables; the first, contain our duty towards God, in the four first; and our duty towards others, in the six last. Q. What are the special duties required in the first Commandment? Thou shalt have no other gods before me. A. It teacheth, that we ought to know, worship, and obey the only true God. 2. Precept. Thou shalt not make to thyself, etc. Q What teacheth the second? A. That we worship the true God with such means and gestures as he hath prescribed. 3. Precept. Thou shalt not take, etc. Q What teacheth the third? A. That we use the titles, word, and ordinances of God, with reverence and godly fear. Q. What teacheth the fourth? Remember that thou keep, etc. A. That we set apart the Lords Sabbath, as from our ordinary labours, so from all profane sports; as a holy time to be spent in hearing the word, reading the Scriptures, meditation, conference, and prayer. Q. What are the special duties taught in the second Table? 1. Honour thy Father. A. The first teacheth, that we honour persons according to their lawful dignity. 2. Thou shalt not kill. The second, that we preserve the life; The third, the chastity; The fourth, the goods; 3 Thou shalt not commit adultery. The fifth, the good name of our neighbour. 4. Thou shalt not steal. Q What teacheth the sixth? 5. Thou shalt not bear false witness, etc. A. That we be content with our own condition, and hearty desire the prosperity of others. 6. Thou shalt not cover, etc. Q What are the special vices forbidden in these ten Commandments? A. Whatsoever any Commandment affirmeth, the contrary thereunto is a sin, and therefore forbidden. Q Were the jews, unto whom the moral law was given on Mount Sinai, partakers of the same new Covenant that Christians are now partakers of? A. They were; for it was the same Conant for substance, they had the same Christ, the same spirit, and the same faith, john 19.25. Gen. 49.10. Ezek. 36.26. 1 Cor. 10.4. But secondly; There was a gradual distinction, they saw Christ in the shadow, and but darkly; but we with open face, and in the light; they believed in the Messiah to come, and we, in Christ already come, Heb 13.8. 1 Cor. 3.18. Q. What are those gifts that Christ, as King, bestows upon his Church? A. Some are common as ministerial and miraculous gifts; and some are special, as saving and sanctifying gifts, 1 Cor. 12.4, 5, 6, 7. Rom. 8.9. Q Upon whom are these special gifts bestowed? A. Upon his elect, Rom. 11.5. Tit. 1.1. 1 Pet. 1.2. 1 Thes. 5.9. 2 Thes. 2.13. Q. What is election? A. It is the eternal decree of God, whereby he maketh choice of certain persons, out of the lost race of mankind, to be vessels of honour, to the praise of his glorious grace, Ephes. 1.4, 6. Rom. 8.29, 30. Rom 11.7. Q Are we in Covenant so soon as we are elected? A. No, because the Covenant is in time, and upon conditions; but election is eternal, and absolute; yet it doth infallibly make way for the Covenant, Rom 9.13. jam. 1.17. Ephes. 1.6. Q. Then being elected, we may live as we list? A. No, because election ordaining the end, Salvation; ordains also our making and keeping Covenant with God, Rom. 8.29. CHHAP. iv Of the observation and terms of the Covenant. Qu. What is it to keep Covenant? A. It is to stand to those Articles contained in the Covenant, with faith, and a good conscience, jer. 30.11. 1 Tim. 1.10. Q. What then is it to sin? A. Sin is every breach of God's Covenant, Levit. 26.15. jere. 11.10. Isa. 24. 1 Mal. 2.8, 10. Rom. 1.31. Q Why so? A. Because he that breaks Covenant, sins both against Law, and Gospel. Q. What are those great sins against the Covenant? A. Infidelity, impenitency, hypocrisy, and apostasy, Mark 16.16. Luke 13.23. Rom. 2.4. 1 Tim. 4.1. 2 Tim. 3.1. Rev. 2.4. Mark 3.28, 29. Q. How is infidelity a sin against the Covenant? A. In that it refuseth Christ, and neglecteth and contemneth the means, john 1.11, 13. Mat. 21.33. Q. How is impenitency a sin against the Covenant? A. In that neither the discovery of our misery, nor the tender of mercy, will soften impenitent hearts, Mat. 11.17 Q How is hypocrisy a sin against the Covenant? A. In that men profess Christ in words, and deny him in their deeds, Tit. 1.16. Q How is apostasy a sin against the Covenant? A. Either when we fall partially, and leave our first love, or finally, and never return, Rev. 2.5. 2 Pet 2.20, 21. Q. What are the terms of the Covenant? A. On God's part, his taking the redeemed in Christ to be his people. On man's part, a Christians taking of God by faith in Christ, to be his God, Hos. 2.19. Isa. 54.10. Isa. 61.8. jer. 32.40, 41. john 3.33. Q What flows from hence? A. Our union with Christ, and our communion with his Church. Q What flows from our union with Christ? A. Sanctification, and Adoption, 2 Cor. 5.17. joh. 1.12, 13 Q. What is Sanctification? A. It is a new impression of the Image of God, whereby our natures and purposes are universally changed from the state of nature, to the state of grace, Rom. 12.2. Eph. 4.24. 2 Cor. 4.16. Q. What are the parts of Sanctification? A. Mortification, whereby the power of sin is destroyed, that it rules not over us; and Renovation, whereby we become new creatures, Col 3.3, 5. and 10. Rom. 8.13. Q. By what means are these graces wrought in us? A. By the faithful preaching of the word, the power of the holy Ghost, serious consideration, godly sorrow, and fervent prayer, john 17.17. Acts 10.34. 2 Cor. 3.9. Psal. 119.59. 2 Cor. 7.10. jam. 1.5. Q. What is adoption? A. It is Gods taking of strangers from the womb, to be his children of his free grace, Isa. 43.6. and 56.45. and 61.5, 6. Q. What are the privileges of our adoption? A. A spirit of prayer, whereby we cry Abba, Father; assurance of God's love in perseverance and glorification, Rom 8.16. and 26. Gal. 4.4. Q. What is Prayer? A. It is an act of the spirit of adoption, craving supply of our wants in the name of Christ, & giving thanks for mercies received Q When doth the Spirit teach us to pray right? A. When we pray according to the form prescribed by Christ, Matth 6.9. Q But if we have the Spirit teaching us to pray, what need we a form? A Because the Spirit teacheth by the word, and by the word we try the Spirit, 1 joh 4.1 Q. Into how many parts is the Lords prayer divided? A. Into three: First, a Preface: Secondly, six Petitions: Thirdly, the conclusion. Q Our Father, which art, etc. What doth the preface contain? A. That we pray to God as his Sons, and for others aswell as for ourselves, and with hearts lifted up towards Heaven. Q What doth the first Petition contain? A. Hallowed be thy Name. We crave, that God would honour and advance his glory, worship, and gospel. Q What crave we in the second Petition? A. Thy Kingdom come. That God would destroy the kingdom of Satan, rule in our hearts by his grace, and after bring us to his heavenly kingdom. Q. What crave we in the third Petition? A. Thy will be done in earth, etc. That the promises of the Gospel may be performed, Prophecies fulfilled, the whole will of God as truly done on earth by us, as it is done in Heaven by the blessed Angels. Q. What is craved in the fourth Petition? A. Give us this day. etc. We crave things necessary for this life, contentation with them, and a blessing on them. Q What is craved in the fift Petition? A. Forgive us our trespasses, etc. We pray, that God will not punish, but pardon our sins, as we are willing to pardon others. Q. What ask we in the sixth Petition. A. And lead us not into temptation, etc. We pray that we may not be left of our God, to fall into the snares of sin or Satan, but that we may be sustained and delivered by his grace. Q. What doth the conclusion contain? A. Certain reasons that God will hear us: For thine is the Kingdom, etc. First, we are subjects of his Kingdom: Secondly, he is able to help us from heaven: Thirdly, that to hear us will make for his glory. Q What is contained in the word, Amen? A. Strong desires on our part, that out prayers may be heard. Q What if God doth not hear us, though we pray on this manner unto him? A. We must then examine the cause, humble our souls, continue our supplications, and wait God's time, Lam. 3.40. jam, 4.3. Luke 11.8. Leu. 18.1.2, 5. Q. What is assurance? A. Certain strong and clear testimonies evidencing unto us, that we are the children of God. Q. What are those testimonies? A. Three: First, Sanctification, whereby the blot of sin is purged: Secondly, Justification, whereby the guilt of sin is removed: Thirdly, the testimony of the holy Ghost sealing both these unto us, 1 john 3.7, 8. Rom, 8.13.16. Q What is final perseverance? A. It is a Christians holding of faith and a good conscience to the end of his life, 1 Tim. 1.19. Gen. 5.24. Luk. 1.6. Q What keeps a Christian that be doth not fall away? A. The stability of the Covenant of God, the immortality of the seed of grace, and the infallibility of the power of Christ, Isa. 54.9. jere. 32.40. and 44.5. 1 Pet. 1.23. 1 john 3.9. 1 Pet. 1.5. Q. What is glorification? A. It is a freedom from all sin and misery, and the fruition of perfect and everlasting happiness beyond comparison or comprehension, Eph. 5.27. Psal. 16.11. Q. What are the chief means whereby this happy estate is obtained by us? A. The preaching of the word, and the right administration of the seals, through the power of the holy Ghost, Ro. 1.16, 17. 2 Cor. 5.8. 2 Cor. 4.7. 1 Cor. 11.23, 26. Q Who may preach the Word? A. Such as are sent of God, being qualified with sufficient gifts, and externally called thereunto, Rom. 10.15. Mat. 28.19. Eph. 4. 1●, 17. Heb. 5.4. Q. What benefit have we by the preaching of the word? A. 1. Vocation, whereby we are called from the state of sin, unto the state of grace. 2 Faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. Q What is faith? A. A resting of the soul upon Christ the Midiatour of the new Covenant, for life and salvation, joh. 13.15. Isa. 10.20 26.3. 2 Cor. 3.4. 1 Pet. 5.7. Q Wherein consisteth the excellency of faith? A. In that it conquers Satan, overcomes the world purgeth the heart, comforteth in trouble, and brings us to glory, 1 john 5.8. Acts 15.9. 1 Pet. 5.9. Hab. 2.4. Rom. 1 16, 17. CHAP. V Of the seals of the Covenant. Q. HOw is the new Covenant confirmed unto us? A. By the seals thereof, Baptism, and the Lords Supper. Q. Why are these called seals? A. Because by outward and visible Elements are represented and confirmed invisible graces, Ro. 4.11. 1 Cor. 10.4. Q. What is baptism a seal of? A. It is a seal of our being in Covenant, and of our entrance into the visible Church, Acts 8.38. Col. 2.11, 12 Matth. 28.19. Q. What doth baptism seal unto us? A. That as the partaker is washed with water, so remission of sins, and sanctification is signified and sealed, 1 Pet. 3.21. Eph 4.5. Rom 6.4. Q. To whom doth baptism belong? A. To believers and their seed, Acts 2.38. Mal 2.15. Q. Why so? A. Because believing Parents, that first received the faith, entered into Covenant for themselves, and their posterity. Q What is then required of persons baptised? A. That they do believe in Christ, and repent them of their sins, and bring forth the fruits of righteousness, temperance, and godliness, Mat 3.2. 8. Rom. 6.4. Q. What is the Supper of the Lord? A. It is a seal of our Communion with Christ, and nourishment from him, 1 Cor. 10.16. 1 joh. 1.3. Mat. 26.26 Q What is sealed in the Lord's Supper? A. By those visible elements of bread and wine, the body, and blood of Christ is sealed to be our spiritual meat and drink, 1 Cor. Q What is required before we come to the Lords Supper? A. Examination of ourselves, reformation of our lives, & reconciliation unto others, 1 Cor. 11.28. jam. 4.8. Mat. 5.24. Q Who may come as fit receivers of this seal? A. Such as come with the hand of faith, an humble spirit, in hungry soul, and a thankful heart, 1 Cor. 10.16. Isa. 55.1. Mat. 11.28. Psal. 116.12, 13. Q What if persons come that are not thus qualified? A. They eat and drink some heavy judgement to themselves, and become guilty of the body and blood of Christ. Q. What if ignorant and scandalous persons shall intrude themselves to this banquet? A. They are to be kept back, left they run upon their own ruin, Ezek 22.26. & 44.23. Q. What if they continue still careless and impenitent? A. They are to be admonished; and in case they remain obstinate, they are to be excommunicated, 1 Cor. 5.5, 11. 1 Cor. 4.21. 2 Thes. 3.14. 1 Tim. 1.20. Mat. 18.15, 16, 17. CHAP. VI Of Christian communion, and of the coming of Christ. Q. What is Christian communion? A. It is that fellowship whereby Christians admonish and comfort one another in love, either as members of the Church in general, or as affixed to some particular Congregation. Q. How is the Catholic Church distinguished? A. Into the triumphant company or glorified Saints and glorious Angels in Heaven; and into that militant company of godly and faithful warriors, against sin and Satan here on earth, Heb. 12 23. 2 Tim. 4.7. Heb 12.4. Rev. 12.7. Q. What is the Church in general? A. It is a company of people called out of the world, to the faith and profession of Christian doctrine, Cant. 2.16. joh. 5.4. 1 Cor. 12.12. Col. 1.24. Q. What is a particular Congregation? A. It is a parcel of the Church Catholic, joined in Christian fellowship in the use of God's ordinances, for mutual edification according to Gospel rules, Rev. 1 4. 1 Cor. 8.19. 1 Cor. 1.2. 1 joh. 1.8. 1 Thes. 5.17. Q What are the marks of the true Church? A. The sound preaching of the Word, and the right administration of the Sacraments by lawful Pastors and Teachers, Mat. 28.19, 20. Acts 2.42. Q. What learn we hence? A. That Congregations should be careful to get faithful Pastors. Secondly, That to have a Minister that cannot preach is intolerable, because it takes away a mark of the true Church. Q. What are the privileges of the Church? A. The promise of Christ's special presence amongst them, and his watchful providence over them to the world's end, Mat. 28.20. Psal 125.1. Q. When shall the end of the world come? A. The set time is not revealed, but there are certain sorts of signs of it, Mat 24 36. Q. What are the first sort? A. The universal preaching of the Gospel, bloody persecution, and general apostasy, Mat 24.14 Rev. 2.18. & 11.7, 8. 2 Thes. 2.9. Mat. 24.24. Q. What are the second sort? A. The revealing of Antichrist, the ruin of Babylon, and the new frame of a glorious Church, 2 Thes. 2.8. Rev. 18.2. & 17.16 Rom. 11.25, 26. Rev. 21.2. Q. What are the last signs? A. Carnal security, gross impiety, strange signs in Heaven and earth. Q. What shall be done at the end of the world? A. The dead shall rife, the books of God's knowledge and man's conscience shall be opened, Christ Jesus shall pass a final sentence according as men's works shall be, job 19.25. joh. 5.26. Rev. 20.12. Rev. 22.11. Q. What will follow upon this? A. They that have done well shall be received into everlasting glory, and they that have done evil shall be cast into everlasting torments, Mat. 25.48. FINIS.