A CATECHISM OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. AT MIDDELBOROUGH, By Richard Schilders, Printer to the States of Zealand. 1610. A CATECHISM OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Sunday First Question. 1. What is thy only comfort in life & death? Answer. THat both in soul & body a 1 Cor. 6.19. , whether I live or die, b Rom. 14.8. I am not mine own, but belong c 1 Cor. 3.28. wholly unto my most faithful Lord & Saviour jesus Christ who by his precious blood most fully satisfying d 1 Pet. 1.18. for my sins, hath delivered e 1 john 3.8. me from all the power of the Devil, and so preserveth f john 6.39. me, that without the will of my heavenly Father, not so much as a hair may fall g Mar 10.30. Luc 21 19 from my head: yea all things must h Rom 8.28. serve for my safety. Wherhfore by his Spirit also he assureth i 1 Cor. 1.22. me of everlasting life, & maketh k Rom. 8 24. me ready, & prepared, that henceforth I may live to him. 2. Quest. How many things are necessary for thee to know, that thou enjoying this comfort, mayst live and die happily? Ans. Three l Luke 24. Tit. 3.3 etc. . The first, what is the m john 9.42 Rom. 3.10. greatness of my sin & misery. The second, how I am delivered n john 17.3 from all sin and misery. The third, what thanks I own o Ephe. 5.10 unto God for this delivery. THE FIRST PART, OF THE MISERY OF MAN. Sunday. 2 3. Question. Whence knowest thou thy misery? Answer. Out of the law of God a Rom. 3.20. . 4. Quest. What doth the law of God require of us? Ans. That doth Christ summarily teach us, Mat. 22. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength b Luke 10.17 . This is the first and the great commandment, and the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hangeth the whole Law and the Prophets. Sunday. 3 5. Quest. Art thou able to keep all these things perfectly? Ans. Not truly c Rom. 5.1. 1 john 1.8. : For by nature I am prove to the hatred of God & of my neighbour d Rom. 8.7. Ephe. 2.3. . 6. Quest. Did God then make man so wicked and perverse? An. Not so e Gen. 1.31. : but rather he made him good and to his own image f Gen. 1.26. , that is, endued with true righteousness & holiness, that he might rightly know God his Creator, and heartily love him, & live with him blessed for ever, and that to laud and magnify him g 2. Cor. 3.18 4.5. Col. 3.10. Ephe. 1.6. . 7. Quest. Whence then ariseth this wickedness of man's nature? Ans. From the fall and disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve h Gen. 5.6. Rom. 6.21. : hence is our nature so corrupt, that we are all conceived and borne in sin i Psal. 51.4. Gen. . 8. Quest. Are we so corrupt, that we are not at all apt to do well, and are prove to all vice? Ans. In deed we are: except we be regenerated by the holy Ghost k john 3.5. Rom. 15. job. 10.4. etc. . Sund. 4 9 Quest. Doth not God than injury to man, who in the Law requireth that of him, which he is not able to perform? Ans. Not l john 3.5. Ephe. 4.24. Colo. 3.10. . For God had made man such a one, as he might perform it: But man, by the impulsion of the Devil m Luke 10.30 , and his own stubborness, bereft himself and all his posterity of those Divine graces. 10. Quest. Doth God leave this stubborness and falling away of man unpunished? Ans. Not: but is angry in most dreadful manner n Rom. 5.12. Heb. 9.27. , as well for the sins wherein we are borne, as also for those which ourselves commit, and in most just judgement punisheth them with present & everlasting punishments, as himself pronounceth: Cursed be he that performeth not all the words of the Law to do them o Deut. 27.24 Gal. 3.10. . 11. Quest. Is not God therefore merciful? Ans. Yea verily, he is merciful p Exod. 34.6. but so, that he is also just q Exod. 20.5. 2. Cor. 6.14. Wherhfore his justice requireth, that the same which is committed against the Divine Majesty of God: should also be recompensed with extreme, that is, everlasting punishments both of body and soul. THE SECOND PART, OF MAN'S DELIVERY. Sunday 5 12. Question. Seeing then by the just judgement of God, we are subject both to temporal, and eternal punishments; is there yet any means or way remaining, whereby we may be delivered from these punishments, and be reconciled to God? Answer. GOD will have his justice a Exod 20 5 satisfied: wherefore it is necessary, that b Rom. 8 3 we satisfy, either by ourselves, or by an other. 13. Question. Are we able to satisfy by ourselves? Ans. Nor a whit. Nay rather we do every day c job 9 2, 3. and 15.15. Mat. 6.12. increase our debt. 14. Quest. Is there any creature able in heaven or in earth, which is only a creature, to satisfy for us? Ans. None. For first, God will not d Heb. 2.14. punish that sin in any other creature, which man hath committed. And further, neither can that which is nothing, but a creature, sustain the wrath of God against sin, and e Psal. 130: ● deliver others from it. 15. Quest. What manner of Mediator then and deliver must we seek for? Ans. Such a one verily, as is very man, & perfectly just, and yet in power above all creatures, that is, who also is very f 2 Cor. 5.14. Heb. 7.16. Esa. 7.25. God. 16. Quest. Wherhfore is it necessary that he be very man, and perfectly just too? Ans. Because the justice of God requireth that the same human nature which hath sinned, do itself likewise make recompense for sin: But he g Rom. 5.12. that is himself a sinner h 1. Pet. 3.18. , can not make recompense for others. 17. Quest. Why must he also be very God? Ans. That he might by the power of his Godhead i 1. Pet. 3.18. Isa. 55.3. sustain in his flesh the burden of God's wrath, and k 1 john 2. Act. 20.28. might recover and restore unto us that righteousness and life which we lost. 18. Quest. And who is that Mediator, which is together both very God, and a very perfect just man? Ans. Even our Lord jesus Christ, l Mat. 1.23. 1 Tim. 3.16. Luke 2.11. who is made to us of God wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and m Rom. 1.2. Heb. 1.1. redemption. 19 Quest. Whence knowest thou this? Ans. Out of the Gospel, which God first made known in m Gen. 3.15. Paradise, and afterwards n Gen 22.18. Rom. 1.2. Heb. 1.1. did spreed it abroad by the patriarchs and Prophets o john 5.46. Heb. 10.7. : shadowed it by sacrifices & other ceremonies of the law: & lastly p Rom 10.4. Heb. 13.8. accomplished it by his only begotten Son. Sunday 7 20. Quest. Is then salvation restored by Christ to all men, who perished in Adam? Ans. Not to all: but to those only, who by a true faith are engrafted into him, q john 1.12. Rom. 11.20. Heb. 10.39. and receive his benefits. 21. Quest. What is faith? Ans. It is not only a knowledge, whereby I surely assent to all things which God hath r Heb. 11.13. Isa 2.19. revealed unto us in his word, but also an assured s Rom. 4.16. jac. 1.8. trust kindled in my t Rom. 1.16. 1 Cor. 1.21. Act● 16.14. heart by the holy v Mat. 16.17 john 3 5. Phil. 1.19. ghost through the Gospel, whereby I make my repose in God, being assuredly resolved, that remission of sins, everlasting righteousness and life x Mat. 9.2. Rom. 5.1. is given not to others only, but to me also, and that freely through the mercy of God, for the y Rom. 5.1. merit of Christ alone. 22. Quest. What are those things which are necessary for a Christian man to believe? Ans. All things which are z john 20.31 Mat. 28.10. promised us in the Gospel: the sum whereof is briefly comprised in the Creed of the Apostles, or in the Articles of the Catholic and undoubted faith of all Christians. 23. Quest. Which is the Creed? I Believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: which was conceived by the holy Ghost: borne of the virgin Mary: suffered under Pontius Pilate: was crucified, dead and buried: he descended into hell: the third day he rose again from the dead: he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty: from thence shall he come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the holy Ghost: the holy Catholic Church: the communion of Saints: the forgiveness of sins: the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN. Sunday. 8 24. Quest. Into how many parts is this Creed divided? Ans. Into three parts. The first is, of the eternal Father and our Creation. The second, of the Son and our Redemption. The third, of the holy Ghost and our Sanctification. 25. Quest. Seeing there is but one only substance of God, why namest thou these three, The Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost? Ans. Because God hath so * Gen. 1.26. Esa. 1.1. Mat. 3.16. manifested himself in his word, that these three didistinct persons are that one true, everlasting God. OF THE FATHER. Sunday. 9 26. Quest. What believest thou, when thou sayest, I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth? Ans. I believe the everlasting Father of our Lord jesus Christ, who a Gene. 1. & 2 Psal. 33.6. hath made of nothing heaven and earth, with all that are in them, who likewise upholdeth and b Psal 134.3. Mat 10.29. Heb. 1.3 governeth the same by his eternal Counsel & providence; c john 1.12 Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4 5 Ephe. 1. y. to be my God and my Father for Christ's sake: and therefore I do so trust in him, and so rely on him, that I may not doubt, but he will provide all things d Psal. 55.23 Mat. 6.26. necessary both for my soul and body. And further, whatsoever evils he sendeth on me in this troublesome life, he will e Rom 8.28 turn them to my safety, seeing both he is able to do it, as being f Rom. 10.12. God almighty, and willing to do it, as being g Mat. 6, etc. a bountiful father. Sund. 10 27. Quest. What is the providence of God? Ans. The almighty power of God every where present, h Acts 17.25 whereby he doth as it were with his hand uphold and i Heb. 1.3. govern heaven & earth, with all the creatures therein: So that those things which grow in the earth, as likewise rain and drought, fruitfulness and barraines, meat and k jere 5.24 Act. 14.17. drink, l john 9 3. health and sickness, m Prov. 1●. 7.8.11. riches and poverty, in a word, all things come not rashly or by chance, but by his fatherly counsel and william. 28. Quest. What doth this knowledge of the Creation & providence of God profit us? Ans. That in adversity n Rom. 5.3 jac. 1.3. we may be patiented, and o Deut. 8.10 1 Thes. 5. thankful in prosperity, and p Rom 5.4 have hereafter our chiefest hope reposed in God our most faithful father, being sure that there is nothing which may q john 1. 1● withdraw us from his love, for as much as all creatures are so in his power, that without his will they are not r Rom. 8.38 able not only to do any thing, but not so much as once to move. OF THE SON. Sund. 11 29. Quest. Why is the Son of God called jesus, that is, a Saviour? Ans. Because he saveth us from all our a Mat. 1.21 Luke 1.31. sins: Neither aught any safety to be sought for from any other, nor b Acts 4.12 can elsewhere be found. 30. Quest. Do they then believe in the only saviour jesus, who seek for happiness and safety of the Saints, or of themselves, or elsewhere? Answ. No. For although in word they boast themselves of him as their Saviour, yet in deed they deny the only Saviour c 1 Cor. 1.13 Gal. 5.4 jesus. For it must needs be that either jesus is not a perfect Saviour, or that they who embrace him as their Saviour with a true faith, possess all things in him, which d Heb. 12.2 Isa. 9.6.7. are required unto salvation. Sunday. 12 31. Quest. Why is he called Christ, that is anointed? Ans. Because he was ordained of the Father, and anointed of the holy Ghost, the e Psal. 45.8. Heb. 1.9. chief Prophet and f john 1.18. and 15.15. Doctor: who hath g Mat. 11.27. Psal. 110.4. Heb. 7.21.1 opened unto us the secret counsel and all the will of his father concerning our Redemption: And the Highpriest, who with that one only sacrifice of his body, hath h Rom. 8.34. redeemed us, and doth continually make intercession to his father for us. And a i Psal. 2.6. Luke 1.33. king, who ruleth us by his word and spirit, and defendeth and k Mat. 28.18. john 10.28. maintaineth that salvation which he hath purchased for us. Sunday. 13 32. Quest. But why art thou called a Christian? Ans. Because through faith I am a member of l Acts 11.26. 1 Cor. 6.15. jesus Christ, and partaker m 1 joh. 2.27 joel 2.28. of his anointing, that both I may n Mat. 10.33. confess his name, and present myself unto him a lively o Rom. 12.1. Apoc. 4.8. sacrifice of thankfulness, and also may in this life fight against sin and Satan with a free and good conscience, and afterward p 1. Tim. 1.18.19. enjoy an everlasting kingdom with Christ over all creatures. 33. Quest. For what cause is Christ called the only begotten son of God, when we also are the sons of God? Answer. Because Christ alone is the coeternal and natural son of the eternal a john 1.14. Heb. 1.2. father, and we b Rom. 8.5. Ephe. 1.6. are but sons adopted of the father by grace for his sake. Sunday. 14 34. Quest. Wherhfore callest thou him our Lord? Ans. Because he redeeming & ransoming both our body and soul from sins, not with gold nor silver, but with his precious blood, and delivering us from all the power of the Devil, hath set us c 1 Pet. 1.18. 1 Cor. 6.20. free to serve him. 35. Quest. What believest thou, when thou sayst, he was conceived by the holy Ghost, & borne of the Virgin Marie? Ans. That the son of God, who d john 1.1. Col. 1.15. is & continueth true & everlasting e Rom. 9.5. 1 john 5.20. God, f john 1.14. Gala. 4.4. took the very nature of man, of the flesh g Mat. 1.18. Luke 1.35. and blood of the Virgin Marie, by the working of the holy Ghost, h Psal. 132.11 Act. 2.30. etc. Rom. 1.3. that withal he might be the true seed of David, i Phil. 2.7. like unto his brethren in all things, k Heb. 4.15. sin excepted. 36. Quest. What profit takest thou, by Christ's holy conception and nativity? Ans. That he is our l Ha. 2.16.17. Mediator, and doth cover with his innocency and perfect holiness my sins, in which I was conceived, that they may not come in the sight of m Psal. 32.1. 1 Cor. 1.30 Rom. 8.34. God. Sunday. 15 37. Quest. What believest thou, when thou sayst, he suffered? Ans. That he, all the time of his life, which he led in the earth, but especially at the end thereof, “ 1 Pet. 2.24 Isa 53.12. sustained the wrath of God, both in body & soul, against the sin of all mankind, that he might by his passion, as the only * john 2 2. Rom. 3.25. propitiatory Sacrifice, deliver our body and soul from everlasting damnation, and purchase unto us the favour of God, righteousness, and everlasting life. 38. Quest. For what cause should he suffer under Pilate, as being his judge? Ans. That he being innocent and a Luc. 23.14 john 19.4. condemned before a civil judge, might b Psal. 69.4 Gal 3: 13 deliver us from the severe judgement of God, which remained for all men. 39 Quest. But is there any thing more in it, that he was fastened to the cross, than if he had suffered any other kind of death? Ans. There is more: For by this I am assured that he took upon himself the curse which did lie on me. For the death of the cross was c Deut. 21. Gal. 3.13. accursed of God. Sund. 16 40. Quest. Why was it necessary for Christ to humble himself unto death? Ans Because the justice and truth of God could by no d Gene. 2.71. other means be satisfied for our sins, but by the very death of the e Heb. 2.9. Phil. 2.18. son of God. 41. Quest. To what end was he buried also? Ans. That thereby he might make manifest, that he was f Act. 13.29. john 19.38. dead in deed. 42. Quest. But since that Christ died for us, why must we also dye? Ans. Our death is not a satisfaction for our sins, but the abolishing of sin, and our passage into g john 5.24. Phil. 1.23 everlasting life. 43 Quest. What other commodity receive we by the sacrifice and death of Christ? Ans. That by the virtue of his death, our old man is crucified, slain, and h Rom. 6.7 buried together with them, that henceforth evil lusts and desires may not i Rom. 6.12. reign in us, but we may k Rom. 12.2. offer ourselves unto him a sacrifice of thanksgiving. 44. Quest. Why is there added, He descended into hell? Ans. That in my greatest pains, & most grievous temptations, I may support myself with this comfort, that my Lord jesus Christ hath delivered * Esa. 53.10 Mat. 27.46. me, by the unspeakable distresses, torments and terrors of his soul, into which he was plunged both before, and then especially, when he hanged on the cross, from the straitss and torments of hell. Sund. 17 45. Quest. What doth the resurrection of Christ profit us? Ans. First, by his Resurrection he vanquished death, that he might “ 1. Cor. 15 16. & 54.55. make us partakers of that righteousness, which he had gotten us by his death. Again we are now also a Rom. 6.4. Col. 3.1. etc. stirred up by his power to a new life. Lastly, the resurrection of our head Christ, is a b 1 Cor. 15. Rom. 8.11. pledge unto us of our glorious resurrection. 46. Quest. How understand you that, He ascended into heaven? Ans. That Christ, his Disciples looking on, was c Act. 1.9. Mar. 16.19. taken up from the earth into heaven, and yet still d Heb. 4.14. Rom. 8.34. Ephe. 4.10. is there for our sakes, and will be, until he come again to judge the quick and dead. 47. Quest. Mat. 28.20 Is not Christ with us then until the end of the world as he hath promised? Ans. Christ is true God, and true man: and so according to his manhood, he is not now on earth: but according to his godhead, his majesty, his grace, and spirit, he is at no time from us. 48. Quest. Are not by this means the two natures in Christ pulled asunder, if his humanity be not wheresoever his divinity is? Ans. Not: for seeing his divinity is incomprehensible, and every where e Act. 1.11. Ma. 24.30. present: it followeth necessarily that f Mat. 28.20 john 16.18. & 17.11. the same is without the bounds of his human nature which he took to him, and yet is nevertheless in it and abideth personally united to it. Sunday. 18 49. Quest. What fruit doth the ascension of Christ into heaven bring us? Ans. First, that he * Heb 7.14. 1 john 2.3. Rom. 8.34. maketh intercession to his Father in heaven for us. Next, that we have our flesh in heaven, that we may be confirmed thereby, as by a sure pledge, that it shall come to pass, that he who is our head, will a john 14.2. Ephe. 2.6. lift up us his members unto him. Thirdly, that he b john 14.16. 2 Cor. 1.22. 1 Cor. 5.5. sendeth us his spirit in steed of a pledge between him and us, by whose forcible working we seek after, not earthly, but heavenly things, where he himself is sitting at the right hand of God c Col 3.1. Phil. 3.20. 50. Quest. Why is it further said, He sitteth at the right hand of God? Ans. Because Christ therefore is ascended into heaven, to d Ephe. 1.20. Col. 1.18. show there that he is the head of the Church, by whom the Father e Mat. 28.18. john 5.22. governeth all things. Sunday. 19 51. Quest. What profit is this glory of our head Christ unto us? Ans. First, that through his holy spirit, he f Ephe. 4.10. poureth upon us his members, heavenly graces. Than, that he shieldeth and g Psal. 2.9. Rom. 8.23. Phil. 3.20. defendeth us by his power against all our enemies. Sunday. 19 52. Quest. What comfort hast thou by the coming again of Christ to judge the quick and the dead? Ans. That in all my miseries and persecutions, h Luk 21.28. Rom. 8.23.24 Phil. 3.20. I look, with my head lifted up, for the very same, who before yielded himself unto the judgement of God for me, & i 2 Thes. 1.6.7 Mat. 25.41. took away all malediction from me, to come judge from heaven, to throw all his and my enemies into everlasting pains, but to k Mat. 25.34. translate me with all his chosen, unto himself, into celestial joys, and everlasting glory. OF THE HOLY GHOST. Sunday. 20 53. Quest. What believest thou concerning the holy ghost? Ans. First, that he is true and coeternal God with the eternal father & the a Gen. 1.2. Isa. 48.16. 1 Cor. 3.16. son: Secondly, that he is also b Mat. 28.19 2 Cor. 1.2. given unto me to c Gal. 3.14. 1 Pet. 1.2. make me through a true faith, partaker of Christ and all his benefits, to d Acts 9.31. comfort me, and to e john 16. 1 Pet. 4.14. abide with me for ever. Sun. 21 54. Quest. What believest thou concerning the holy & catholic Church of Christ? Ans. I believe that the son of f Iho. 10.11. God doth from g Gen. 26.4. the beginning of the world h Rom. 8.29. Ephe. 1.10. to the end, gather, defend and i Isa. 59.21. preserve unto himself by his spirit, and k Act. 2.46. word out of whole mankind, l Mat. 16.18. a company m 1 john 3.21 chosen to everlasting life, & agreeing in true faith: and that I am a lively n 1 joh. 2.19. member of that company, and so shall o 1 Cor. 8 9 Rom. 8.35. remain for ever. 55. Quest. What mean these words, The communion of Saints? Ans. First, that all and every one, who believeth, are in common a john 1.3. Rom. 8.32. 1 Cor. 12.13. partakers of Christ, and all his graces, as being his members. And then, that every one aught readily and b 1 Cor. 13.5. Phil. cheerfully to bestow the gifts and graces which they have received, to the common commodity and safety of all. 56. Quest. What believest thou concerning remission of sins? Ans. That God, for the satisfaction made by c 1 john 2.2. 2 Cor. 5.19. Christ, hath put out all the remembrance d jere. 32.34. Psal. 103.3. Rom. of my sins, and also of that corruption within me, wherewith I must fight all my life time: and doth freely endow me with the righteousness of Christ, that e john. 3.18. I come not at any time into judgement. Sunday. 22 57 Quest. What comfort hast thou, by the resurrection of the flesh? Ans. That not only my soul, after it shall departed out of my body, shall presently be taken f Luke 23.4. Phil. 1.23. up to Christ, but that this my flesh also, being raised up by the power of Christ, shall be again united to my soul, and shall be g 1. Cor. 15. job 19.25. made like to the glorious body of Christ. 58. Quest. What comfort takest thou of the article of everlasting life? Ans. That for as much as a 2 Cor 5.2.3 I feel already in my heart the beginning of everlasting life, it b 1 Cor. 2.9. john 17.37. shall at length come to pass, that after this life I shall enjoy full and perfect bliss, wherein I may magnify God forever; which blessedness verily, neither eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, neither hath any man in thought conceived it. Sunday. 23 59 Quest. But when thou believest all these things, what profit redoundeth thence unto thee? Ans. That I am righteous in Christ before God, an an heir of eternal life c Heb. 2.4. Rom. 1.17. john 3.36. . 60. Que. How art thou righteous before God? Ans. Only d Rom. 3.21. etc. Gal 2.16 Ephe. 2.8, 9 by faith in Christ jesus: so that, although my conscience accuse me, that I have grievously trespassed against all the commandments of God, & have not e Rom. 3.9. etc. kept one of them: and further, am as yet f Rom. 7.23 prove to all evil: yet notwithstanding (if I g Rom. 3.42. john 3.18. embrace these benefits of Christ with a true confidence and persuasion of mind, the full and h Tit. 3.5 Ephe. 2.8.9. perfect satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ, without any i john 2.2. merit of mine, of the mere k Rom. 3.24. Deut. 9.6. mercy of God, is l john 2.1. imputed and m Rom. 4.4. 2 Cor. 5.19. given unto me, and that so as if neither I had committed any sin, neither any corruption did stick unto me yea as I myself had perfectly n 1 Cor. 5.21. accomplished that obedience, which Christ accomplished for me. 61. Quest. Why affirmest thou, that thou art made righteous by faith only? Ans. Not for that I please God through the worthiness of mere faith: but because only the satisfaction, righteousness and holiness of Christ is my righteousness before * 1 Cor. 1.33. 1 Cor. 2.2. God: and I cannot take hold of it “ 1 joh. 5.10. or apply it unto myself any other way than by faith. Sunday. 24 62. Quest. Why cannot our good works be righteousness, or some part of righteousness before God? Ans. Because that righteousness which must stand fast before the judgement of God, must be in all points perfect, & a Gal. 3.10. Deut. 27.26. agreeable to the Law of God. Now our works, even the best of them, are imperfect in this life, and b Esa. 64. defiled with sin. 63. Quest. How is it that our good works merit nothing, seeing God promiseth that he will give a reward for them, both in this life, and in the life to come? Ans. That reward is not given of merit, but of c Luke 17.10. grace. 64. Quest. But doth not this doctrine make men careless and profane? Ans. Not: For neither can it be, but they, which are incorporated into Christ through faith, should bring forth the fruits of * Mat. 7.18. john 15.5. thankfulness. OF THE SACRAMENTS. Sunday. 25 65. Quest. Seeing then that only faith maketh us partakers of Christ and his benefits, whence doth it proceed? Ans. From the holy ghost, who a Ephe. 28. and 6.23. Phil. 1.29. kindleth it in our hearts by the preaching of the gospel, and b Mat. 28.19. 2 Pet. 1.22. confirmeth it by the use of the Sacraments. 66. Quest. What are the Sacraments? Ans. They are sacred signs and seals set before our eyes, & ordained of God for this cause, that he may declare & seal by them the promise of his Gospel unto us, to wit, that he giveth freely remission of sins, & c Gen. 17.11. Rom. 4.11. Deut. 30.6. Levi. 6.25. Isa. 6.6. life everlasting not only to all in general, but to every one in particular that believeth, for that only sacrifice of Christ which he accomplished upon the cross. 67. Quest. Do not then both the word and sacraments tend to that end, as to lead our faith unto the sacrifice of Christ finished on the cross, as to the only ground of our salvation? Ans. It is even so. For the holy ghost teacheth us by the gospel, & assureth us by the Sacraments, that the salvation of all of us, standeth in the holy sacrifice of Christ d Rom. 6.3. Gal. 3.27. offered for us upon the cross. 68 Quest. How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in the new Testament? Ans. Two. Baptism, & the Lords Supper. OF BAPTISM. Sunday. 26 69. Quest. How art thou admonished and assured in Baptism, that thou art partaker of the only sacrifice of Christ? Ans. Because Christ a Mat. 28.19. Acts 2.38. commanded the outward washing of water, adjoining this b Mar. 16.16. Mat. 3.11. Rom. 6.3. promise thereunto, that I am no less assuredly washed by his blood and spirit from the uncleanness of my soul, that is, from all my sins, than I am c Mar. 1.14. Luc. 3.3. washed outwardly with water, whereby all the filthiness of the body useth to be purged. 70. Quest. What is it to be washed with the blood and spirit of Christ? Ans. It is to receive of God forgiveness of sins freely for the blood of Christ, which he d Heb. 12.24. 1 Pet. 1.2. Apoc. 1.5. shed for us in his Sacrifice on, the cross. And also to be renewed by the holy Ghost, & through his sanctifying of us, to become members of Christ, that we may more and more die to sin, and e john 1.33. Rom. 6.4. Col. 2.12. live holy and without blame. 71. Quest. Where doth Christ promise' us that he will as certainly wash us with his blood and spirit, as we are washed with the water of baptism? Ans. In the institution of Baptism; the words whereof are these: f Mat. 28.19. Go and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, the son, and the holy Ghost, g Mat. 16.16. He that shall believe & be baptized, shallbe saved: but he that will not believe, shallbe damned. This promise is repeated again, whereas the scripture calleth Baptism, the h Tit. 3.5. washing of the new byth', and i Act. 22.16. forgiveness of sins. Sunday. 27 72. Quest. Is then the outward Baptism of water the washing away of sins? Ans. It is not. For the k Mat. 3.11. 1 Pet. 3.11. blood of Christ alone cleanseth from all l 1 john 1.7. 1 Cor. 6.11. sin. 73. Quest. Why then doth the holy ghost call Baptism the washing of the new birth, and forgiveness of sins? Ans. God speaketh so not without great cause; to wit, not only to teach us, that as the filth of our body is purged by water, so our sins also are m Apoc. 1.5. 1 Cor. 6.11. purged by the blood and spirit of Christ: but much more to assure as by this divine token and pledge, that we are as verily washed from our sins with the inward washing, as we are n Mat. 16.16. Gal. 3.17. washed by the outward and visible water. Quest. Are infants to be baptized also? Ans. What else: For seeing they o Gen. 17.7. belong as well unto the covenant & church of God, as they who are of a full age, & seeing also unto them is promised “ Mat. 19.14 remission of sins by the blood of Christ, and the * Luke 1.14. Psal. 22.11. Act. 2.39. holy ghost the worker of faith, as well as unto those of full growth. They are by baptism to be engrafted into the Church of God, and to be † discerned from the children of infidels, Act. 10.47. in like sort as in the old Testament was done by “ Gen. 17.14 circumcision, in place whereof * Colos. Baptism succeeded in the new Testament. OF THE LORDS SUPPER. Sunday. 28 75. Quest. How art thou in the Lord's Supper admonished and waranted, that thou art partaker of that only sacrifice of Christ offered partaker of that only sacrifice of Christ offered on the Cross, and of all his benefits? Ans. Because Christ hath commanded me and all the faithful, to eat of this bread broken, and to drink of the cup distributed in remembrance of him, with this promise † Mat. 26.27. Mar 14.22. Luke 22.16. 1 Cor. 10.16. adjoined: First, that his body was as certainly broken and offered for me on the Cross, & his blood shed for me, as I behold with my eyes the bread of the Lord broken unto me, and the cup communicated to me: and further, that my soul is no less assuredly fed to everlasting life with his body, which was crucified for us, and his blood, which was shed for us; than I receive & taste by the mouth of my body the bread and wine, the signs of the body and blood of our Lord, received at the hand of the Minister. 76. Quest. What is it to eat the body of Christ crucified, and to drink his blood that was shed? Ans. It is not only to embrace by an assured confidence of mind, the whole passion and death of Christ, and there by to a john obtain forgiveness of sins and everlasting life, but also by the holy ghost, who dwelleth both in Christ and us, so more and more to be b john 6.56. united to his sacred body, that though he be in c Acts 3.21. 1 Cor. 11.26. heaven, and we in earth, yet nevertheless are we flesh of his flesh, and bone of his d Ephe. 5.29. 1 Cor. 6.15. 1 john 3.24. bones; and as all the members of the body are by one soul, so are we also quickened and e john 6.56. Ephe. 4.15. guided by one and the same spirit. 77. Quest. Where hath Christ promised that he will as certainly give his body and blood so to be eaten and drunken, as they eat this bread broken, and drink this cup? Ans. In the institution of his Supper, the words whereof are these: f 1 Cor. 11.23 Mat 26.26. Mar. 14.22. Our Lord jesus Christ in the night that he was betrayed, took bread: and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you: this do you in remembrance of me. Likewise also be took the cup when he had supped, & said, g Exod. 24.8. Heb. 9.20. This cup is the new Testament in my blood: “ Exod. 13.9. this do as often as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye shall eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye show the Lords death till he come. This promise is repeated by Saint Paul when he saith: The cup of thanksgiving, wherewith we give thanks, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? * 1 Cor. 10.16.17. For we that are many, are one bread and one body, because we all are partakers of one bread. Sunday. 29 78. Quest. Are then the bread and wine made the very body and blood of Christ? Ans. Not verily. But as the water of baptism is “ Mat. 26.29 Mar. 14.24. not turned into the blood of Christ, but is only a sign & pledge of those things that are sealed to us in baptism: so neither is the bread of the Lords supper the very body of * 1 Cor. 10 16 etc. and 11.26 Christ: Although according to the manner of Sacraments, & that † Gen. 17.10. Exod. 26.27. Acts 7.8. Levit. 16.10. form of speaking of them which is usual unto the holy Ghost, the bread is called the body of Christ. 79 Quest. Why then doth Christ call bread his body, & the cup his blood, or the new Testament in his blood: and Paul also calleth bread and wine, the communion of the body and blood of Christ? Ans. Christ not without great consideration speaketh so: to wit, not only for to teach us, that as the bread and wine sustain the life of the body, so also his crucified body and bloodshed are in deed the meat and drink of the soul, whereby it is a john nourished to eternal life: but much more, that by this visible sign and pledge he may assure us, that we are as verily partakers of his body and blood, through the working of the holy ghost, as we do b 1 Cor. 13.6. receive by the mouth of our body these holy signs in remembrance of him: and further also, that his suffering and obedience is so certainly ours, as though we ourselves had suffered punishment for our sins, and had satisfied God. Sunday. 30 80. Quest. What difference is there between the supper of the Lord, & the popish Mass? Ans. The Supper of the Lord testifieth to us that we have perfect forgiveness of all our sins for that only sacrifice of Christ, which himself once fully c Heb. 7.27. & 9.12.26. Mat 26.28. Luke 22.19. wrought on the cross: Than also that we by the holy Ghost are graffed into Christ, who now according to his human nature is only in heaven at the right hand of his d 1 Cor. 6.17. & 10.16. Father, and there will be e Heb. 1.3. & 8.1, etc. worshipped of us, But in the Mass it is denied, that the quick and the dead have remission f john 4.21. Col. 3.1. Phil. 3.10. of sins for the only passion of Christ, except also Christ be daily offered of them by their sacrificers. Further also it is taught, that Christ is bodily under the form of bread and wine, and therefore is to be a In canon● Missae: item de consecrat. distinct. 2. worshipped in them. And so the very foundation of the Mass is nothing else than an utter denial of that only sacrifice and passion of Christ jesus, and an accursed idolatry. 81. Quest. Who are to come unto the Table of the Lord? Ans. They only who are truly sorrowful, that they have offended God by their sins; and yet trust that those sins are pardoned them for Christ's sake: and what other infirmity they have, that those are covered by his passion & death, who also desire more and more to go forward in faith and integrity of life. But hypocrites, and they who do not truly repent, do eat and b 1 Cor. 10. 2● and 11.28. drink damnation to themselves. 82. Quest. Are they also to be admitted to this supper, who in confession and life declare themselves to be infidels and ungodly? Ans. No. For by that means the covenant of God is profaned, and the wrath of God is c 1 Cor. 10.21. Isa. 1.11. jerem. 7.21. stirred up against the whole assembly. Wherhfore the Church by the commandment of Christ and his Apostles, using the keys of the kingdom of heaven, aught to drive them from this supper, till they shall repent and change their manners. Sunday. 31 83. Quest. What are the keys of the kingdom of heaven? Ans. Preaching of the Gospel, and Ecclesiastical discipline: by which heaven is opened to the believers: & is “ Mat. 16.19. & 18.18. shut against the unbelievers. 84. Quest, How is the kingdom of heaven opened & shut by the preaching of the gospel? Ans. When by the commandment of Christ it is public declared to all & every one of the faithful, that all their sins are pardoned them of God, for the merit of Christ, so often as they embrace by a lively faith the promise of the Gospel: but contrarily is denounced to all infidels and hypocrites, that so long the wrath of God and everlasting damnation doth lie on them, as they * john Ma●. 16.19. persist in their wickedness: according to which testimony of the Gospel, God will judge them as well in this life, as in the life to come. 85. Quest. How is the kingdom of heaven opened and shut, by Ecclesiastical discipline? Ans. When according to the commandment of Christ, they who in name are christians, but in their doctrine and life, show themselves “ Rom. 1 Cor. 12 28. aliens from Christ, after they having been sometime admonished, will not departed from their errors or wickedness, are made known unto the Church, or to them that are appointed for that matter, & purpose of the Church: and if neither than they obey their admonition, are of the same men by interdiction from the Sacraments shut out from the Congregation of the Church, and by God himself, out of the kingdom of heaven: And again, if they profess and in deed declare amendment of life, are * Mat. 18.15. 1 Cor. 5.3.4. 2 Thes. 3.14. 1 Tim. 5.17. received as members of Christ and his Church. THE THIRD PART, OF MAN'S THANKFULNESS. Sunday. 32 86. Question. When as we are delivered from all our sins and miseries without any merit of ours, by the mercy of God only for Christ's sake: for what cause are we to do good works? Answer. BEcause, after that Christ hath redeemed us with his blood, he reneweth us also by his spirit to the image of himself: that we receiving so great benefits, should show ourselves all our life time a Rom. 6.13. & 12.1.2. 1 Pet. 2.5. Thankful to God, and b Mat. 5.16. 1 Per. 2.12. honour him. Secondly, that every of us may be c 2. Pe●. 1.10. Gal. 5.6. assured of his faith, by his fruit. And lastly, that by our honest and good conversation, we may d 1. Pet. 3.1. 2 Matt. 5.16. Rom. 14.19. win others unto Christ. 87. Quest. Can not they then be saved, which be unthankful, & remain still carelessly in their sins, and are not converted from their wickedness unto God? Ans. By no means. For, as the scripture beareth witness, neither unchaste persons, nor Idolaters, nor adulterers, nor thieves, nor covetous men, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor robbers, shall e 1. Cor. 6.9. Ephe. 5.5. 1 john 3.14. enter into the kingdom of God. Sunday. 33 88 Quest. Of what parts consisteth the conversion of men unto God? Ans. It consisteth of the f Rom. 6.4. Ephe. 4.22. Col. 3.5. 1 Cor. 5.7. mortifying of the old man, and the quickening of the new man. 89. Quest. What is the mortifying of the old man? Ans. To be truly and heartily sorry, that thou hast offended God by thy sins, and daily more and more to hate & g Rom. 8.13. joel. 2▪ 13. eschew them. 90. Quest. What is the quickening of the new man? Ans. True joy in God through h Rom. 5.1. & 14.17 Isa. 57.15. Christ, and an earnest and ready desire to order thy life according to Gods will, and to do a Rom. 6.10. Gal. 2.20. all good works. 91. Quest. What are good works? Ans. Those only which are done by a true b Rom. 14.23 faith, according to c 1 Sam. 15.22 Ephe. 2.10. God's law, and d 1 Cor. 10. 3● are referred only to his glory: and not those which are imagined by us, as seeming to us to be right and good, or which are e Deut. 11.32. Eze. 20.18. Mat. 15.9. delivered and commanded by men. 92. Quest. Which is the Law of God? Ans. God spoke all f Exod. ●0. 1.2.3 Deut. 5.6.7. these words: 1. I am the Lord thy God, Exe 20 which hath brought thee out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, thou shalt have no other gods in my sight. 2. Thou shalt make to thee no graven Image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship them: for I the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, and visit the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and show mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 4. Deu. 5.12. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day, six days shalt thou labour and do all, that thou hast to do, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt do no manner of works, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man servant, and thy maid-servant, thy cattle, and the stranger that is within thy gate. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: Wherhfore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it. 5. Honour thy Father and thy Mother, that thy days may be long in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 6. Thou shalt do no murder. 7. Thou shhalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, nor his wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. Sun. 34 93. Quest. How are the commandments divided? Ans. Into two * Exod. 34.28 Deut. 4.13. & 10.34. tables, whereof the former delivereth in four commandments, how we aught to behave ourselves towards God: The latter delivereth in six commanndements, what duties we ᵃ own unto our neighbour. 94. Quest. What doth God require in the first commandment? Ans. That, as dearly as I tender the salvation of my own soul, so earnestly should I shun and fly all c 1 Cor 6.9.10 & 10.7.14 Idolatry, sorcery, enchantments, d Levi. 19.31. Deut. 18.21. superstition, praying to saints, or any other e Mat. 4.12. Apo. 19.10. creatures: and should rightly f john 17.3. acknowledge the only and true God g jere. 17.5. , trust in him alone, h Heb. 10.36. Col. 1.11. Rom. 5.3.4. Phil. 2.14. submit and subject myself unto him with all i 1 Pet. 5▪ 5.6. humility and patience, k Psa. 104.27. Isa. 45.7. jac. 1.17. look for all good things from him alone, and lastly, with the entire affection of my heart l Deut. 6.5. Mat. 22.37. love, m Deut. 6. Mat 10.28. reverence, and n Mat. 4.20. Deut. 10.20. worship him: so that I am ready to renounce and forsake all creatures rather, then to o Mat. 5.29. commit the lest thing that may be against his william. 95. Quest. What is idolatry? Ans. It is, in place of that one God, or besides that one and true God, who hath manifested himself in his word, to make or imagine, and accounted any other thing, wherein thou reposest thy p 1 Para. 16. Phil. 3.19. Gal. 4.8. Ephe. 2.12. hope and confidence. b Mat. Sunday. 34 96. Quest. What doth the second commandment require? Ans. That we should not a Deut. 4.15. Isa. 40.18. Rom. 1. Acts 17.19. express or represent God by any image, or shape and figure, or b 1 Sam. 15. Deut. 12.30. worship him any otherwise than he hath commanded in his word himself to be worshipped. 97. Quest. May there then at all any images or resemblances of things be made? Ans. God neither aught nor can be represented by any means: and for the creatures, although it be lawful to express them, yet God forbiddeth notwithstanding their images to be made or had, as thereby to worship or c Exod. 23.24 & 34.13.14. Num. 33.52. Deut. 7.5. honour either them, or God by them. Sunday. 35 98. Quest. But may not images be tolerated in Churches, which may serve for books unto the common people? Ans. No. For it is not seemly that we should be wiser than God, who will have his Church to be d 2 Tim. 3.16. 2 Pet. 1.19. taught with the lively preaching of his word, and not with dumb be e jer. 10.8. etc. Hab. 2.18.19. images. Sun. 36 99 Quest. What doth God decree in the third commandment? Ans. That not only by cursing, or f Leu. 24.11. and 19.2. forswearing, but also by g Mat. 5.37. jac. 5.12. rash swearing we should not use his name despitefully or unreverently: neither should by silence or connivance be partakers of those horrible sins in others.: But that we h Isa. 45.4. use the sacred and holy name of God ever with great devotion and reverence: that he may be i 1 Tim. 2.8. worshipped and honoured by us with a true and steadfast k Rom. 2.24. 1 Tim. 6.1. Col. 3.16.17. confession, and l Mat. 10.32. invocation of his name: and lastly in all our words and actions whatsoever. 100 Quest. Is it then so grievous a sin by swearing or banning, to take the name of God in vain, as that God is also angry with them, who, as much as in them lieth, do not forbidden or hinder it? Ans. Surely most m Levit. 5.1. grievous. For neither is there any sin greater, or more offending God, than the despiting of his sacred name. Wherhfore also he n Leu. 24.15. would have this sin to be punished with death. Sunday. 37 101. Quest. May a man swear also religiously and lawfully by the name of God? Ans. He may: when as either the Magistrate exacteth it, or otherwise necessity requireth by this means the faith & truth of any man or thing to be ratified and established: whereby both the glory of God may be advanced, and the safety of others procured. For this kind of swearing is o Deut 6.13. Heb. 6.16. ordained by God's word, and therefore was well p Gen. 21.24. Ios. 5.15.19. 1 Sam. 24.22. used of the Fathers both in the old, and new Testament. 102. Quest. Is it lawful to swear by Saints, or other creatures? Ans. Not: For a lawful oath is an invocation of God, A●●u. 20. & 17.10 & 20.12. Psal. 7.9. Reu. 2.13. whereby we desire, that he, as the only searcher of hearts, bear witness unto the truth, and punish the swearer, if he wittingly q 2 Cor. 1.23. swear falsely. But this honour r Mat. 5.34.35 agreeth to no creature. Sunday. 38 103. Quest. What doth God command in the fourth commandment? Ans. First, that the ministery of the Gospel, and the schools of learning should be s Fit. 1.15. 1 Tim. 3.14. 1 Cor. 9.11. 2 Tim. 1.2. maintained: and that I, especially on the Sabbath, t Psal. 86.26. and 40.9.10. Acts 2.42.46. frequent studiously divine assemblies: v 1 Cor. 14 19 29.31. hear the word of God diligently; use the x 1 Cor. 11.33 Sacraments: y 1 Tim. 1 Cor. 14.16. join my prayers with the common prayers of the assembly: and bestow something according to my ability, z 1 Cor. 26. on the poor. And further, that all my life time I be free from misdeeds and evil actions, yielding unto the Lord, that he may by his holy spirit work in me his work: and so I may * Isa. 66.23. begin in this life that everlasting Sabbath. Sunday. 39 104. Quest. What doth God enjoin us in the sift commandment? Ans. That we yield due honour, love, and faithfulness to our Parents, and so to all, who bear rule over us, and a Ephe. 6.1.2. etc. Col. 3.18. Ephe. 5.2. Rom. 13.1. submit ourselves with such obedience, as is meet, to their faithful commandements, and chastisements: And further also, that by our patience we b Pro. 23.21. 1 Pet. 2.18. bear and suffer their vices & manners, ever thinking with ourselves, that God will c Ephe 6.4.9. Col. 3.19.21. Rom. 13. Mat. 22.27. govern and guide us by their hand. 105. Quest. What doth God exact in the sixth commandment? Ans. That neither in thought, nor in gesture, much less indeed, I reproach or hate, or harm, or d Mat. 5.12. Gen. 9.6. Mat. 26.52. kill my neighbour, either by myself, or by another: but e Ephe. 4.26. Rom. 12.19. Mat. 5.25. cast away all desire of revenge. Furthermore, that I f Rom. 13.14. Col. 2.23. hurt not myself, or cast myself wittingly into any danger. Wherhfore also, that murders might not be committed, he hath g Gen. 9.6. Mat. 26.52. Rom. 13.4. armed the Magistrate with the sword. Sunday. 40 106. Quest. But this commandment seemeth to forbid murder only? Ans. But in forbidding murder, God doth further teach that he hateth the root and cause of murder, to wit, h jae 1.20. Gal. 5.20. anger, i Rom. 1.29. envy, k 1 john 2.9. hatred, and desire of revenge, and doth l 1 john 3. 15● accounted them all for murder. 107. Quest. Is it enough then, that we kill no man in such sort as hath been said? Ans. It is not enough: For when God condemneth anger, envy, hatred, he requireth that we m Mat. 22.39. & 1.12. love our neighbour as ourselves, and that we use n Rom 12.10 humanity, lenity, courtesy, o Ephe. 4.2. Gal. 6.1.2. Mat. 5.5. Rom. 12.18. patience, and p Exod. 23.5. mercy towards him, and q Mat. 5.45. turn away from him, as much as we may, whatsoever may be hurtful unto him. In a word, that we be so affected in mind, as that we r Rom. 12.20 stick not to do good also unto our enemies. Sunday. 41 108. Quest. What is the meaning of the seventh commandment? Ans. That God hath in s Leu. 18.27. execration, all turpitude, and filthiness, and therefore we also must t jud. 22.13. utterly hate and detest it, and contrariwise live temperately, modestly, & v 1 Thes. 4.3. chastely, whether we x Heb. 13.4. 1 Cor. 7.4. live in holy wedlock, or in single life. 109. Quest. Forbiddeth God nothing else in this commandment, but adultery, and such kinds of uncleanness? Ans. Seeing both our body and soul are the temples of the holy ghost, 1 Cor. 3.16. & 6.19. 2 Cor. 6.16. God will have us to possess both in purity and holiness. And therefore deeds, gestures, y Ephe. 5.3. 1 Cor. 6.18. words, thoughts, z Mat. 5.27. filthy lusts, and whatsoever enticeth a man unto these, all that he wholly a Ephe. 5.18. 1 Cor. 15.33. forbiddeth. Sun. 42 110. Quest. What doth God forbidden in the eight commandment? Ans. Not only those b 1 Cor. 6.10. thefts, and c 1 Cor. 5.10. robberies which the Magistrate punisheth: but by the name of theft, he comprehendeth whatsoever evil crafts, fetches and devises, whereby we seek after other men's goods, and endeavour by force, or with some show of right, to d Luc. 3.14. 1 Thes. 4.6. convey them over unto ourselves: of which sort are; false e Pro. 11.1. weights, false elns, uneven f Ezec. 45.9. Deut. 25.13. measures, deceitful merchandise, sergeant coin, g Psal. 15.5. Luc. 6.35. usury, or any other way or means of furthering our estate, which God hath forbidden. To these we may add all h 1 Cor. 6.10. covetousness: and the manifold waist and abusing of God's gifts. Sunday. 43 111. Quest. What are those things, which God here commandeth? Ans. That to my power I help and further the commodities and profit of my neighbour: and that I so deal with him, as I would i Pro. 5.16. desire to be dealt with myself: and that I do my own work painfully, and faithfully, that I k Mat. 7.12. may thereby help others also who are distressed with any need or calamity. 112. Quest. What doth the ninth commandment exact? m Luk. 10.27. ma●. 12.31. Ans. That I bear no false l Pro. 19.5.6. and 21.28. witness against any man, neither m Psal. 13.3. falsify any man's words, neither backbite or n Rom. 1.29. reproach any man, nor o Ma. 7.1. etc. Luke. 6.37. condemn any man rashly or unheard, but avoid and p john 8.44. shun with all carefulness all kind of lies, and deceit, as the q Pro. 12.22. & 13.5. proper works of the devil: except I mean to stir up against me the most grievous wrath of God. And that in judgements and other affairs I follow the truth, and freely and constantly r 1 Cor. 13.6. Ephe 4 25. profess the matter as it in deed is: And moreover defend and s 1 Pet. 5.8. increase, as much as in me lieth, the good name and estimation of others. Sunday. 44 113. Quest. What doth the tenth commandment forbidden? Ans. That our hearts be not at any time moved by the lest desire, or cogitation, against any commandment of God: but that continually and from our heart, we detest all sin, and contrarily, t Rom. 7.7 etc. delight in all righteousness. 114. Quest. But can they, who are converted unto God, perfectly observe and keep these commandments? Ans. Not: But even the holiest men as long as they live, have only small beginnings of this v Rom. 7.14. obedience: yet so, that they x Rom. 7.22. jac. 2.10. begin with an earnest and unfeigned desire & endeavour to live not according to some only, but according to all the commandments of God. 115. Quest. Why will God then have his Law to be so exactly and severely preached, seeing there is no man in this life, who is able to keep it? Ans. First, that all our life time we more & more a john 1.9. Psal. 22.5. acknowledge the great proneness of our nature to sin, and so much the more greedily b Rom. 7.24. desire remission of sins, & righteousness in Christ: Secondly, that we be c 1 Cor. 9.24. Phil. doing of this always: and always thinking of that, and implore and crave of the Father the grace of his holy spirit, whereby we may daily more and more be renewed to the image and likeness of God, until at length after we are departed out of this life, we may joyfully attain unto that perfection which is proposed unto us. OF PRAYER. Sunday. 45 116. Quest. Wherhfore is Prayer necessary for Christians? Ans. Because it is the chief part of that d Psal. 50.15. thankfulness which God requireth of us. And also because God giveth them only his grace and holy spirit, Rom. 9.26. who with unfeigned groanings, beg them continually of him, and e Mat. 7.7.1. Luk. 11.9.13. Mar. 13.12. yield him thanks for them. 117. Quest. What is required unto that prayer, which shall please God, and be heard of him? Ans. That we ask of the only true God, who hath a joh. 4.22. manifested himself in his word, all things, which he hath commanded to be b Rom. 8.26. 1 john. 5.14. asked of him with a true affection and desire of our heart, and through an inward c joh. 4.23.24 Psal. 145.18. feeling of our need and misery d 2 Par. 20.12 cast ourselves down prostrate in the presence of his divine majesty: and e Psal. 2.11. & 39 Isa. 66.2. build ourselves on this sure foundation, that we, though unworthy, yet for Christ's sake, are certainly f Rom. 10.14. and 8.15.16. jac. 1.6. etc. heard of God, even as he hath g Io. 14.13. Dan. 9.17.18. Mat. 7.8. Psal. 133.1. promised us in his word. 118. Quest. What are those things, which he commandeth us to ask of him? Ans. All h jac. 1.17. Mat. 6.33. things necessary both for soul and body: which our Lord jesus Christ hath comprised in that prayer, which himself hath taught us. 119. Quest. What prayer is that? Ans. OUR i Mat. Luc. 11.2. etc. 3.4. Mat. 7.9. Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come: thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us: And lead us not into temptation: but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, the power, and glory, for ever, and ever. AMEN. Sunday. 46 120. Quest. Why doth Christ teach us to call God our Father? Ans. That presently in the very entrance and beginning of the prayer, he might stir up in us such a reverence and confidence in God, as is meet for the sons of God, which must be the ground and foundation of our prayer: to wit, that God through Christ is made our Father, and will much less deny unto us those things, which we ask of him with a true faith, than our earthly Parents “ Mat. Luke 11.11. deny unto us earthly things. 121. Quest. Why is that added, which art in heaven? Ans. That we * jer. 23.24. Acts 17.24. conceive not basely or terrenely of God's heavenly Majesty: And also that we † Rom. 10.12. look for & expect from his omnipotency, whatsoever things are necessary for our soul and body. mat 6.9. luk. 11.2 Sunday. 47 122. Quest. What is the first petition? Ans. Hallowed be thy name: that is, grant us first to * john 17.3. jer. 9.23.24. Mat. 16.17. jac. 1.5. know thee aright, and to worship, praise, and “ Psal. 119.137.138. Luke 1.46. Psal. 145.8.9. magnify thy almightiness, goodness, justice, mercy, and truth shining in all thy works. And further also, to direct our whole life, thoughts, words, & works to this end, that thy most holy name be not reproached for us, but rather be a Psal. 115.1. and 71.8. Mat 6.10 renowned with honour and praises. Sun. 48 123. Quest. What is the second petition? Ans. Let thy kingdom come, that is, rule us so by thy word and spirit, that we b Mat. 6.33. Psal. 119.5. may humble and submit ourselves more and more unto thee: preserve and increase thy c Psal. 51.20. Church; destroy the works of the devil, and all power that lifteth up itself against thy Majesty: make all those counsels frustrate and void which are d 1 john 3.8. Rom. 16.20. taken against thy word, until at length thou e Apoc. 22. reign fully and perfectly, when thou shalt be all in f 1 Cor. 15.28 all. Sunday 49 124. Quest. What is the third petition? Ans. Thy will he done in earth, as it is in heaven: that is, grant that we and all men renouncing and g Mat. 16.24. Tit. 2.12. forsaking our own will, may readily and without any h Luke 22.42 grudging obey thy will, which is only holy: and that so every of us may faithfully and cheerfully i 1 Cor. 7.24. perform that duty and charge which thou hast committed unto us, even as the blessed Angels do in k Psal. 103.20 heaven. Sunday. 50 125. Quest. What is the fourth petition? Ans. Give us this day our daily bread: mat 6.11 Luk 16.3. that is, give unto us all things which are l Psal. 145.15 Mat. 25. etc. needful for this life, that by them we may acknowledge and confess thee to be the only fountain, from whence all good things a Acts 17.27. flow, and all our care and industry, and even thine own gifts to be unfortunate and b 1 Cor. 53.53 Deut. 8.3. Psa. 27.16.17 noisome unto us, except thou bless them. Wherhfore, grant that turning our trust away from all creatures, we c Psa. 62.11. and 55.23 place and repose it in thee alone. Sunday. 51 126. Quest. What is the fift petition? Ans. Forgive us our trespasses, Luk. 11.4 mat. 6.12. as we forgive them that trespass against us: that is, Even for the blood of Christ, do not d Psal. 51.1. 1 Ihon. 2.1.2. impute unto us most miserable and wretched sinners, all our offences, neither that corruption, which still cleaveth unto us: even as we also feel this testimony of thy grace in our hearts, that we steadfastly purpose unfeignedly from our heart, to e Mat. 6.14.15. pardon and forgive all those, who have offended us. Sunday. 52 127. Quest. What is the sixth petition? Luk. 11.4 Ans. Led us not into temptation, mat. 6.13. but deliver us from evil: that is, because we ourselves are so feeble and weak by nature, that we f john 15.51. Psal. 103.14 cannot stand so much as one moment or instant; and our most deadly enemies, g 1 Pet. 5.1. Ephe 6.12. satan, the h john 15.1. world, and our own i Rom. 7.23. Gal. 5.17. flesh, do instantly oppugn and assault us: uphold thou us, and establish & strengthen us by the might of thy spirit, that we may not in this spiritual combat k Mar. 26.41 Mar. 13.33. yield as vanquished, but may so long stoutly withstand them, until at length we l 1 Thes. 3.13. and 5.23. get the full and perfect victory. 128. Quest. How concludest thou this prayer? Ans. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever, that is, we ask and crave all these things of thee, because, seeing both thou art our King, and art almighty; thou art both willing and able to m Rom. 10.11 2 Pet. 2.9. give them all unto us. And these things we therefore ask, that out of them, not to us, but unto thy holy Name, all glory may n joh. 14.13. Psal. 115.1. jer. 33.8.9. redound. 129. Quest. What meaneth this particle, Amen? Ans. That the thing is sure and out of doubt. For my prayer is much more certainly heard of God, than I feel in my heart, that I unfeignedly o 1 Cor. 1.20. ● Tim. 2.13. desire the same. FINIS.