A COMpendious form of Prayer, for the whole es●●●●●f Christ's Chur●● Necessary to be used of 〈◊〉 estates at time convenient. Newly collected and set fo●●h, in the year of our Lord. 1565 Seen and allowed according to the order appointed in the queens majesties Injunctions IMPRINTED AT LONdon for Henry Sanderson by Richard Serll. dwelling in Flete lane at the sign of the half Egle and the Key. of prayer. For inferiors, and Subjects. Unto us all that are inferiors and subjects that we may willingly & gladly, Love, honore serve, and obey all superior powers, in thee, and for the that we may joyfully receive thy Ghospel, plenteousslye bring forth the fruits thereof. And in all things chiefly apply ourselves, to the maintenance of thy true worship, and setting forth of thy Honour and glory. Amen For the ingnorant. Unto the ingnorant also that their eyes may be opened, that it would please the to show thy countenance unto them. That they may know thee. and thy Church which they condemn as errors? because their eyes are closed up in darkness, that as their zeal is now in simplicity without knowledge, so they may have in stead of it, a godly zeal, grounded on perfect knowledge: so that thy Gospel may fructefy in them also to the glory of thy holy name. Amen ¶ For the malicious persecutors EVen unto the malicious persecutors also, that they may either at the length, receive thy grace so often, and so mercifully proffered unto them, and so acknowledge their malice, and return unto thee, to thy great honour and glory, when thou shalt be praised even by the mouth of thy enemies: Or else if they have utterly given over themselves, unto continual hatred of thee and thy word, and utterly rejected all kind of discipline. That then thou take them away from among us, to thy great honour and glory also: when as thy little flock, being delivered from their tyranny and oppression, shall joyfully sing unto thee, of thy continual goodness and wonderful deliverance. Amen.