Whereas henry earl of Huntingdon hath paid in ready money to Sir Thomas Smith knight, Treasurer of Virginea, the sum of Forty pounds for his adventures towards the said voyage. It is agreed, that for the same, he the said Earl of Huntingdon his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, shall have rateably according to his adventure, his full part of all such lands, tenements and hereditaments, as shall from time to time be there recovered, planted, and inhabited. And of such Mines and Minerals of Gold, Silver, and other metals or treasure, Pearls, Precious stones, or any kind of wares or merchandises, commodities or profits whatsoever, which shall be obtained or gotten in the said voyage, according to the portion of money by him employed to that use, in as ample manner as any other Adventurer therein shall receive for the like sum. Written this _____ fourth of _____ aprill Anno Domini 1610