THE AMBASSADOR OF PEACE, Being a Strange and Wonderful Relation of a WHITE DOVE Seated on a Rainbow. That Appears to several Persons, in the Parish of Peter's Carlisle; particularly to Mrs. Isabel Fletcher, (Wife to Mr. Fletcher, Apothecary.) To whom it Relates Strange and Wonderful Things, concerning the state of Affairs in this Nation; very positively asserting Universal Peace and Plenty to all Christendom, the ensuing Year 1697. Proving the Subversion of the French King, from several Texts of Scripture; especially from the last Verse of the 31st Psalm. To which is Added, Its Disputes with several Ministers; as also its pious Prayers and Exhortations to all the People that daily far and near flock to see it. The Truth of all which, is Confirmed by the Testimony of Two Letters, the one sent to the Reverend Dr. Simpson, and the other Writ by the Worshipful Justice Patrickson. Tidings of Joy, Peace, and Plenty, etc. THe following Relation, I am going to make, is a Subject of such Marvellous and Supernatural Astonishment, that I dare not pretend to fathom it, by the Line and Plummet of Humane Reason. The Works of God are unsearchable, and past Man's finding out. It is beyond all contradiction, that the Infinite Being has opened the Mouth of Dumb Irrational Creatures, Birds and Beasts, and by them checked the incorrigiblelness of wicked Man; the Example of Balaam's Ass manifests One; and, to go no further, our Modern Speaking Raven (a Miracle yet fresh in our Memories) confirms the other. I must confess, the ensuing Narrative, infinitely creates a much greater Admiration; First, As its Appearance is in the likeness of a Dove, that once Representative (if I may so say) of the Holy Ghost: And Secondly, As it was seated on a Rainbow, That Token of the Covenant between God and Man, That the Waters should no more become a Flood to destroy all Flesh. History informs us of the Delusion of Mabomet's Pigeon, which indeed only whispered him in the Ear; but this Dove, I am now speaking of, talks frequently, holy, Audibly, and Publicly. I cite this, not to persuade any to ascribe Sanctity to this present Prodigy; For why may not the Grand Deluder of Mankind, (that Prince of the Air, whose Power and Policy is great) impose such a pia fraus, that under the likeness of harmless Innocence, he may more securely devour: False Christ's, and false Prophets (saith the Holy Evangelist) shall arise, and shall show Wonders to seduce, if it were possible, even the Elect. Therefore I hearty recommend to my Readers that Excellent Advice of the Apostle, Try the Spirit, whether it be of God or not. And this brings me to my premised Narrative, which (for the avoiding any Mistakes) I set down in the very Words of the Reverend Divine himself. Mr. Knowl's (Minister of St. Peter's Carlisle) Letter to the Reverend Doctor Simpson. Reverend Sir, THe intimate Love and Friendship, contracted from our Infancy, and hitherto continued, by an uninterrupted Correspondence; together with the prying Curiosity (I have ever observed in you) ihto things supernatural, obliged me to send you this Strange Prodigy the manner whereof take as follows; On Friday the 23d. of October last, a little after Sun setting the Wife of John Fletcher and Apothecary in St. Peter's Carlisle, a Woman of good and pious disposition; being set in her Chamber in a Melancholy thinking posture, with her Child in her Arms; felt on a sudden and unusual Warmness about her Head, and, immeniately after discerned the likeness of a White-Dove, as it were upon a Rainbow: whereupon she presently fell down into a Trance: But, at last, recovering herself, she heard these Words uttered by it, in a shrill and powerful Sound, I●abel! be not afraid, for I am a Messenger sent from GOD, to proclaim Glad-tidings to all England: yea, even to all those that sincerely Love our Lord Jesus Christ; And so, bidding her attend in the same place next Evening, it for that time disappeared. The Astonished Woman acquainted her Husband with what had happened: whereupon he with several others attended with her the Hour appointed; to whom the Dove or Spirit appeared, as aforesaid; Exhorting them to Prayer, Piety, and Repentance; as that GOD was angry; that his Vials of Wrath were ready prepared to be poured out on all the Children of Disobedience; that Rome had drunk deep of the Blood of the Martyrs: and therefore must drink deep of the Cup of GOD'S Wrath; That Peace and Plenty should enviorn all Christendom; and that the present disturber of the Welfare thereof, shall in the year Ninety and Seven, be Cut off from among the Children of Men: Moreover it added, that the Kingdon of Christ should shortly be Established throughout the whole World: and that of Satan's totaly Subverted and broken into Confusion. It encouraged them, out of several portions of the Holy Scriptures, to persevere in a Godly-Life to the End, and then they should be Saved; and so, with a Prayer to GOD, for his blessing on them, dismissed them for that time. It daily appears to the Woman, and speaks very Comfortable Say to her: And, as it was once repeating of the Thirty First Psalms, it said, Now comes the Minister, let him tell thee what the meaning of this Psalm is; which suitably did agree with my coming into the House. But I, not answering its expectation, it began to Expound the whole Psalm in general; particularly applying the 24th. verse to the English Nation; the Words are these, Be ye of good Courage, & He shall strengthen your hearts, all ye that hope in the Lord. After this it began largely to expostulate with the Woman, and to enjoin her several Duties, Whereupon, I desired her to consider, That it was not a Good & True Spirit; that she should refuse to Pray at his Command: For that, under such Holy Representations, it might seduce her and others from the Word of God and his Grace: That we had Moses and the Prophets whom we should and must hear: That God had not set Spirits be●ore us to be our Instructers; but that the Soul was in greatest Danger when the Devil, under the Pretext of Innocency, appears to us: these Arguments and a great many more I urged to her; admonishing her and others, both in private and public to give no Credence to it: but to arm themselves with unfeigned Prayers, and firm Faith in Christ Jesus against the Devil and all his Adherents. But the Dove like Spirit opposed my Say, telling them, That it was not a damned Spirit, but a Messenger sent from God. It is so commonly seen, that it is knower to every Body in the Neighbourhood; and appears frequently in the day time: and when Three, Four, or more are present it never fails to speak with a clear and audible Voice. On Sunday the 25th, of October last, as the Woman was going into the Cellar, she bid the Boy go with her, for she was afraid; the Spirit answered, O ye of little Faith! why are ye so fearful? It shows itself also in the Neighbour's Houses, exhorting to Repentance▪ At a certain time, being present, with some others. I conjured it, by the Holy Trinity, to re●l me what it was, and wherefore it came. It presently replied, in the same manner as a fore, A Messenger, from God, sent for the Conversion of Sinners. And so, for that time vanished. Here is such a numerous Concourse of People that the Town cannot contain them, and if we should countenance them, I am apt to think, they would set it up as an Idol or Oracle; for as much as several repair hither to ask Council in doubtful Mat●ers. I would desire your Opinion, whithet you think it may be the effect of a Good Angel? Or whether it may be a Phantom or Delusion of Satan, permitted as a Trial of our Faith, because we hear not Moses and the Prophets: I w●ll say no more, only desire your answer by the next and in the mean time subscribe myself, Your obsequious Servant, Edw. Knowls. Although this single Testimony, under the hands of such Reverend Persons, is sufficient to evince the truth of this wonderful Apparition; yet to remove all Scruples we have hereunto adjoined another Letter, sent by a Worshipful Justice of Peace to Mr. S●●ly, near the Royal Exchange, his intimate Friend and Correspondent. Sir, I cannot omit this Opportunity of Acquainting you with a wonderful Apparition, that is here amongst us, to the exceeding Amazement of Thousands of People, viz. A White Dove, seated on a Rainbow, that daily appears to Mrs Fletcher, an Eminent Appothecary's Wife. It talks with her very much out of the Scriptures; applying especially these Places, The Seed of the Woman shall bruise the Serpents Head. The Blood of Jesus, etc. It has openly declared, That unless they speedily Repent, God would bring great Calamities upon them; For that now the Axe is laid to the Root of the Tree: It foretells the total Subversion of the Ottoman Empire in a very small space of time; and a signal Victory over the French in 97. and that Peace and Tranquillity will thereupon ensue. It also speaks of the Affairs between France and the Duke of Savoy. It delivers its Answers after a mysterious and ambiguous manner, as did the Oracles of old. The common People take it to be an Angel sent from God, but a Bishop and other of the Clergy hold it for a Devil. As for me I shall forbear to pass my Judgement, till it appear what manner of a Spirit it is. Yours, HEN. PATRICKSON. POSTSCRIPT. YOu shall not fail of having exact notice of all ensuing Material, Passages relating to this wonderful Prodigy, for it is so far from any likelihood of Ceasing, that it daily appears, every day more visible than other freely answering all Questions whatsoever. Several Atheists flock thither, and are fully convinced of the Power of an Almighty Being: And several eminens Persons have employed their utmost Skill and Learning to find ou● whether it might proceed from some Natural Cause, or not? but all in v●●● So that all in general conclude, that it is no less than the Finger of God. Edinburgh, reprinted by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Andersen, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1696.