GRANA ANGELICA: OR, The rare and singular Virtues and Uses of those Angelical PILLS, discovered and left to posterity, by Doctor Patrick Anderson, late Physician of Edinburgh. DOCTOR · PATRICK · ANDERSON · portrait of Doctor Anderson AMongst the most eminent Physicians of this age, the late famous Doctor ANDERSON is most deservedly to be esteemed; for he spared no Travel nor Study, that he might be serviceable to the Diseased of his Country; and returning from his Travels, with a mind fully enriched, amongst other things, he brought from Venice this inesteemable Jewel; whose Virtues and Uses are these; For the pains of the Stomach. I. They exceedingly comfort and strengthen the Stomach; they restore the lost appetite, they purge Choler and Melancholy, but chief Phlegm and Waterish Matter: They cleanse the same of all putrid, gross and thick humours; they comfort the entrails, open obstructions, and disperse all the pain of these places. For diseases of the Head. II. They strengthen the Head and all the Senses, but chief that of hearing and sight, whose weakness and pain they remove; they help the giddiness thereof and the Megrim: and as they comfort and purge the Stomach, so they do the like both to Head and Heart, and have this excellent faculty, that being mixed with other Physic, they correct its malignity, and make it unhurtful to the Stomach, and are therefore to be preferred to all other gentle and easy Medicines. For the diseases of the Billy. III. They are wonderfully helpful to all diseases of the Womb, and all other maladies belonging to Women, that proceed from coldness by chance or constitution: for they safely and easily purge and empty the Belly, without pain or gripping, and carry out by their proper passages, all those vicious humours and and other dregs that are stopped on a Women after her delivery: and they much help barrenness that proceedeth from uncleanness of the Womb, and cleanse Women from their Whiteflux, and so fitteth and enableth them for Conception. Also they may be taken by Women with Child, for yielding them ease in their bellies gently, without any hazard of miscarrying at all, one every night before Supper. Against worms. iv They kill and choke all Worms that are bred in the Wombs of Children, bigbellied Women that are bound in the belly, and of men, yea, not any body, that frequently use these Pills, can breed Worms at all. For the bound belly of women with child. V And if in women with child the belly be bound, which often happeneth, you must have a special care, that in the time of her birth, the great Guts, being extended with excrements, do not augment her pains in travail: to avoid which, it is my counsel, that in such cases, you have always ready in your Cabinet some of these Pills, especially seeing neither Glisters nor Suppositers are so convenient, because they trouble and irritate these lower places about the womb, which may cause abortion: then these Pills, yea, even in the time of delivery (as has been observed by many) being taken in a new laid soft roasted egg, have afforded great help, without any danger at all. For the pain 〈◊〉 the head 〈◊〉 vapours ●●om the stomach. VI They do not indeed purge the whole Body, but they gently purge and throw out in the siege, all the Choler that is seated in the Stomach and entrails: therefore they are to be given to them who are tormented with a sore head, by reason of the noisome vapours that continually ascend thereto from the Stomach. And for the same reason they are to begiven to them that are Bleareyed, and to them, who by the growth of Choler are continually thirsty, F●r bleard●● eyes, dryness and paleness. and have their mouth and tongue always dry, and find an heat and loathing, with an overturning in their Stomach. They are moreover to be given to those that are against nature, overmuch pale: and who have need to be delivered of superfluous humours of the body. Stone, Sourvey, Colic, Dropsy For the Green-sickness and Palsy. VII. They hinder likewise the procreation of many diseases, and the corruption of the food: and wonderfully defend the body against surfeits in eating or drinking, which most frequently after sleep beget corrupt and crude humours, and so are a sovereign help for the Gravel, Scurvy, Colic and Dropsy, and Green-sickness, and Palsy, one every day. VIII. If the head, subject to defluxions, keepeth intelligence with a moist and fuming Stomach, and threatneth the joints with a deluge, these Angelic grains will so stop their Streams, that famous Physician hath promised they shall be free from the Gout, and all other diseases of the Joints, Against Catharres and Desluxions in the joints. who shall use these Pills frequently and familiarly: for by them the daily crudities and superfluities of the Meat being taken away, and carried into the sink of the belly, they cannot harm the joints at all, nor procure diseases, which otherwise could not be avoided; whilst the more noble parts, being oppressed therewith, could not but, for their own preservation, send them to be quartered in the base parts of the Body. The way of taking them. IX. You may use of them at your pleasure, whether late or early, or at any hour of the day, before meat, or after meat, or in the time of feeding; but being taken in time of Supper, they defend the head (as we have said) from those vapours and fumes that ascend to it in the night. They are familiarly taken in time of meat, without trouble to the Mind, or harm to the Body, and not any hindrance of your business. The Dose is, Seven, Nine or Eleven, and that three or four times a month, as necessity or the temper of the Body shall require. They give not many stools, neither do they work violently, nor suddenly: Sometimes they open the belly twelve hours after they are taken, sometimes sooner, according to the disposition of the Stomach and Body; and they may be used without any special care of rules in your diet, whether in Summer or Winter, in Frost or in Thaw Weather, without any inconveniency to ensue thereupon. For children and old men. X. They are of so easy and innocent operation, that they may be given to children and decript old men, and that most securely: and to delicate persons who are not much employed in labour, and others that cannot away with other purgatives, may easily swallow down these. They are an enemy to most diseases, and have much friendship to the noblest entrails of the body, and is of so wholesome and general use, and so much both known and approved in this Nation, that none who have once tried the same, and found the good effects thereof, will willingly want the same again, when they stand in need of Physic, which the may have ready for all sudden accidents, which through the neglect of these Grains, if they suffer them to take rooting, will not afterward be removed so easily. But he that desires to live a long life and an healthful, that every day he use one of them at his midday, and evening refreshment, he will soon find the benefit of them. They are exceeding good for the wind in the Stomach. XI. We suppose there be sew or none in this Kingdom, but knows of the use and excellency of Doctor anderson's Angelical Pills, who perhaps, are ignorant of the dangerous abuse and counterfeiting of them by sundry unskilful women, whereby some persons of great worth have been cast in hazard of their Lives, instead of being bettered: and because this is a business of high concernment to every Nation, for prevention of such inconveniences to the people for the future, it is thought very fit to signify, that these upright Pills are now only made by the said Doctors two Daughters at their own dwelling houses, and no where else; and for your more security, call for a printed Paper, and Doctor anderson's own Picture at it: without that Picture, they are none of his Pills. And all the Boxes are sealed with her Name and Arms, K. A. These Pills are to be sold by Mistress Roddis, at the Sign of the Cradle in Kings-street Westminster, and no where else in or about the City of London. Printed in the Year, 1681.