I _____ Obilge me, my Heirs, and Executors to pay to the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies, or to whom they shall appoint the Sum of _____ As the fourth part of the Sum Subscribed for by me, in the Capital Stock or Fund of the said Company, and that betwixt and the first day of June Next, with the Sum of _____ Money foresaid of Liquidate Expenses in case of Failyie by and attour the said principal Sum with the due, and ordinary Annualrent of the said principal Sum after the said day of Payment. Yearly, Monthly and proportionally during the not payment. And for the more Security I am content and Consents, That their Presents be Registrate in the Books of Council and Session, or in any other Judges Books competent, to have the Strength of a Decreet of any of the Judges thereof Interponed hereto, That Letters and Executorials of Horning and Poinding on a Charge of six Days and all others needful may pass hereupon in Form as Effeirs; And for that Effect constitute _____ My Procurators In Witness whereof I have Subscribed their Presents at _____ the _____ Day of _____ One Thousand, six Hundred, and Ninety Six.