The A, B, C. OR, A CATECHISM for young Children. Appointed by Act of the Church and Council of SCOTLAND, To be learned in all Families and Lector Schools in the said Kingdom. PROV. 22.6. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not departed from it. Printed by Authority. 1644. Cum Privilegio. A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U X Y Z. a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u w x y z & sh ss ff si fi. A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. A a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r r s s t u v w x y z. & ā en ō un st sh ss ff si fi sl fl () the thou the:,. =?; ab eb ib ob ub ac ec ic oc uc ad ed it odd ud an en in on un ap ep ip op up are ere it or ur royal blazon or coat of arms C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT A Catechism for Young Children. 1 Qu. WHo made man? A. God. 2 Qu. In what estate made he him? A. perfectly holy in body and soul. 3 Qu. How fell he from the good estate? A. By breaking of the Commandment of God. 4 Qu. What punishment followed their upon? A. Death and condemnatione to him and his posterity. 5 Qu. How are we delivered thair frae? A. By God's free mercy in jesus Christ. 6 Qu. What kind of person is jesus Christ? A. He is very God and very Man in one person. 7 Qu. Why call ye him very God? A. Because he is the eternal Son of God, of one and the self same Godhead with the Father and holy Ghost. 8 Qu. Why call ye him very man? A. Because he is like us in all things, sin only except. 9 Qu. Why was he without sin? A. That he might be ane unspotted sacrifice for sin. 10 Qu. What hes he done for ws? A. He died for our sins, and risen for our righteousness. 11 Qu. Are all men that perished in Adam saved be Christ? A. No, but only those that hath true faith in him. 12 Qu. What call ye true Faith? A. It is the true knowledge of jesus Christ, with assurance of salvation in him. 13 Qu. Rehearse the Articles of your Faith. A. I Believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth. 2 And in jesus Christ his only Son our Lord. 3 Who wes conceived of the Holy Ghost: borne of the Virgin Marie: 4 suffered under Pontius Pilate, wes crucified, dead, and buried, he descended into hell: 5 The third day he risen again from death. 6 He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty: 7 from that place fall he come to judge the quick and the dead. 8 I believe in the Holy Ghost. 9 The holy Church universal. 10 The communion of Saints, 11 The forgiveness of sins, 12 The resorrection of the body, and life everlasting. 14 Qu. Be what means doth God's Spirit work this faith in you? A. By the word of God. 15 Qu. What call ye the word of God? A. The holy Scripture of the old and new Testament. 16 Qu. Be what means doth God's Spirit confirm this faith in you? A. By the same word, & by the Sacraments. 17 Qu. What call ye the Sacraments? A. They are visible signs and seals ordained of God for the confirmatione of my faith. 18 Qu. How do they confirm your faith? A. By receiving thame as pledgis, that Christ crucefied (represented and offered in thame) is given to me in particular to be my Saviour. 19 Qu. How many Sacraments is their? A. Two, Baptism, and the Lords Supper. 20 Qu. Why wes ye baptised being ane Infant? A. That thereby I might be engraft in Christ, and enterit in his Church, which is his mystical body. 21 Qu. What profit have ye by Baptism now? A. It seals up the remissione of my sins in Christ's blood; and advances the renovation of my heart in his Spirit: which are my spiritual watching. 22 Qu. What call ye the Lord's Supper? A. It is the Sacrament of my spiritual nourishment on the body and blood of Christ. 23 Qu. How do ye eat his body and drink his blood? A. By beléeving assuredly that his body wes broken and his blood wes shed for me. 24 Qu. What thankfulness own ye to God for giving his Son to shed his blood for you? A. I ought to deny myself, and walk in his Commandments all the days of my life. 25 Qu. Rehearse the Commandments. A. HEarkin and take heed Israel, for I am the Lord thy God who hes brought thee out of the land of Egypt, and out of the house of bondage: 1. Thou salt have none other Gods but me. 2. Thou salted not make to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath, nor in the water under the earth: Thou shall not bow down to thame, nor worship thame, for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, and visiteth the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of thame that hateth me, and sheweth mercy unto thousands of thame that love me, and keep my Commandments. 3. Thou salted not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his Name in vain. 4 Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day: six days shall thou labour, and do all that thou hast to do: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou salt do no manner of work, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man servant, nor thy maid servant, thy cattles, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, & hallowed it. 5. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God hath given thee. 6. Thou salt do no murder. 7. Thou salted not commit adultery. 8. Thou salted not steal. 9 Thou salted not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 10. Thou salted not covet thy neighbour's house, thou salted not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. Lord have mercy upon us, and write all these Laws in our hearts, we beseech thee. 26 Qu. Which is the sum and effect of all these Commandments? A. Thou salted love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind, and strength, and thy neighbour as thyself. 27 Qu. Is any man able to do these things perfectly in this life? A. None at all. 28. Qu. Why so? A. Because no man is perfectly sanctified in this life. 29 Qu. Yet must not we press to a perfectione in fulfilling of God's Commandments? A. Doubtless, for otherway is their is nather faith nor fear of God in us. 30 Qu. What must we do then when we break any of these Commandments? A. We must run to God by repentance and prayer. 31 Qu. What call ye Repentance? A. It is the turning of my heart to God with unfeigned sorrow for offending his Majesty, and a constant resolutione to amend my life. Qu. What call ye prayer? A. It is ane incalling of God in the name of Christ for things belonging to God's glory and our necessity. 33 Qu. Why is it not lawful to pray to creatures, as to Angels and Saints glorified? A. Because God hes commandit us to worship himself alone. 34 Qu. Why must we pray only in Christ's name? A. Because he is our only Mediator and intercessor. ●5 Qu. How then sold we pray? A. According to that pattern of prayer that our Master hes set before us, laying, when ye pray, say: Our Father which art in heaven: 1. Hallowed be thy Name. ● Thy kingdom come. ● Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. ● Give us this day our daily bread. 5 And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive thame that trespass against us. 6 And lead us not into tentatione, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 36 Qu. How are ye assured that God will hear your Prayers? A. By Christ is own word, promising that what ever we ask the Father in his name, it fall be given us. 37 Qu. What is the fruit of all this your religione and of serving God. A. Hereby God is glorified, and I am saved, through jesus Christ my Lord, to whom be everlasting praise and glory. Amen. Prayers and Graces for young Children. Morning Prayer. MY gracious God, I bless thee with m● whole heart for thy fatherly providence watching over me this night. And 〈◊〉 beseech thee to continue thy mercy with me bo●● this day and the whole course of my life; to th● end, and in the end: that being always guided by thy grace, and guarded by thy providence, I may spend this time of my pilgrimage in thy fear, and end it in thy favour, through jesus Christ my blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen. Evening Prayer at going to bed. IT is of thy undeserved mercy (O God) that I have passed this day in safety without some notable inconvenience in those infinite dangers wherein I continually cast myself through my folly. Now I beseech thee (good Lord) let it please thee of thy gracious goodness protect me also this night; and grant me quierest in soul and body, that I may better serve ●hee in both, through jesus Christ my gracious Lord and Saviour. Amen. I will both lay me down in peace and sleep: for thou Lord only makes me dwell in safety. Ps. 4.8. Grace before Meat. Psal. 145.15. THe eyes of all wait on the (O Lord) and thou givest thame their meat in due season: thou openest thy hand and satisfieth the desire of every living thing: (good Lord) bless us and those gifts which we receive of thy large liberality, through jesus Christ our Lord. So be it. Ane other. PArdon our sins (O God) and give us thy blessing with thy benefits, that they may have strength to nourish us, and we may have grace to serve thee our gracious God in jesus Christ. Amen. Grace after Meat. THe God of glory and peace, who he creatid us, redeemed us, and presently hes led us, be blissed for now and ever. So 〈◊〉 it. Ane other. MOst mighty Lord and most merciful ●ther, we yield the hearty thanks for o● bodily sustentation requiring also most entire thy gracious goodness so to feed us with 〈◊〉 food of thy heavenly grace, that we may worthly glorify thy Name in this life, and after partakers of thy everlasting glory, throut jesus Christ our Lord So be it. Ane other. Matth. 4.4. LOrd thou hes said it and we believe it, th● man life's not by bread only but by ever word that proceed is out of thy mouth: Therefore give us (we beseech thee) thy blessing w● thy benefits, that in the strength of thy blessi● this life being entertained we may spend t● thy holy service, till we attain to life everlasting, through jesus Christ our Lord and one● Saviour. Amen. To any of these or the like Graces that fall be sa● after meat, let these or the like prayers be adde● for the Church and for the King, etc. GOd save the Church universal, God co●fort the comfortless. Lord increase o● faith, O Lord, for Christ thy son's sake, by merciful to the common wealth's whair thy Gospel's is truly preached and barbarie grant● to the afflicted members of Christ's body, 〈◊〉 illuminate according to thy good pleasure all nations with the brightness o● thy word. God save our most gracious King Charles, our Queen Marie the hopeful Prince Charles: The Lady Elizabeth, and her Princely Progeny, guide thou their hearts (O God) by thy grace that they may rule thy people aright to the terror of evil doers, and the comfort of all those that fears the and love's thy truth. Amen. A brief of the Commands. HAve thou none other God's bot me. Unto no image bow thy knee. Taken not the name of God in vain. Do not the Sabbath day profane. Honour thy father and mother to. And sie that thou no murder do. From whoredom keep the pure and clean. And steal not though thy state be mean. Sie that thou no false witness bear. And covet not thy neighbour's gear. O Lord our souls to the convert, And write thy laws into our heart. FINIS. blazon or coat of arms HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE