The BITER BITTEN, OR, The Broker well-fitted by the Joiner, and the Joiner's Wife. This Crafty Knave, thought to Enslave, in sending for his Wife; The Gold they keep, and he may Weep, to mend his Wicked Life. To the Tune of, The two English Travellers. This may be Printed, R. P. A Lusty stout joiner he had a fair Wife. A Broker he loved as dear as his life; He sought by all cunning how he might ensnare, And draw into evil this beautiful fair. The Broker he courted this beautiful dame, So hot and so eager he was at the game; He said twenty Guineas on thee I'll bestow, If thou wilt be willing some kindness to show. With modest behaviour his suit she denied, And would in his presence no longer abide; But telling her husband for what he did sue, And likewise the Guineas he proffered her too. The joiner he smiled when hearing this news, And likewise was loath such a booty to lose; He bid her seem willing & take the reward, And tell him at night you will kindness afford. Now by his inventions a snare he had laid, Wherein this rich Broker in short was betrayed, Next proffer of kindness, she ceasing to frown, Ask him for his Guineas he tendered them down. Then home to her chamber she did him invite, To come about eight of the clock in the night; For my unkind husband hath taken his roam, To see his relations and left me at home. The Broker he kissed her and capered for joy, Because she no longer did seem to be coy, He thought ev'ry hour as long as a day, But now you shall hear how they did him betray. The long looked for hour at length he beheld, His heart with abundance of joy than was filled She showed him his lodgding where he was to lie, And solemnly said she would come by and by. While he lay expecting his Amorous Dame, They sent for his Wife, who immediately came; To whom the whole story at length they did tell, And bid her with patience her sorrow expel. His Wife was amazed at what they had told, And being resolved likewise to behold: The depth of this frolic before she did go, They likewise was willing that it should be so. The joiner and his Wife they tarried below, While she to her husband in her stead did go: And when she came almost unto the Bedside, O why didst thou tarry so long he replied. She being not hasty to pull off her clothes, The Broker in kindness immediately rose, With kisses he called her the joy of his life, Supposing it had been the joiners' fair wife. She softly did whisper, it is a great sin, Which your fond allurements are drawing me in; I ne'er in my life did commit such a crime, And therefore I now am unwilling this time. My dear be not fearful but let us enjoy, Our freedom of pleasure, here none can annoy: I'll give thee choice jewels with plenty of Gold, Let me not stand courting my love in the cold. These large protestations I pray Sir forbear, Since you have a Wife that is beauteous and fair: Said he, she was never admired by me. I love thee a thousand times better than she. He knew not he talked to his wife all the while, At length she began for to rant and revile, She teased him and tore him about in his Shirt, Nay kicked him and thumped him and beat him like dirt▪ It was in the dark, and she having a Mask, He thought that the Devil had took him to task: The heat of her fury she never forbears, Until she had tumbled him headlong down stairs. His head knees and Elbows, was broke with the fall, For mercy and pity the Broker did call: But yet such a peal in his ears she did ring, He wished he had never attempted the thing, The joiner and his Wife they parted the fray, But never a word of the Guinneys did say, Nor yet the poor Broker, alas, for his life, For fear of the anger and rage of his wife. The Broker he said, my sweet Wife now forgive This thing, and i'll ne'er do the like while I live: In pity she pardoned her husband his crime, And likewise she bid him beware the next time. Printed for I. Bla●● on London Bridge