C R HONI SOIT x MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms HIS majesty's GRACIOUS MESSAGE TO THE HOUSE of COMMONS. CHARLES R. WE have had too ample a manifestation of your Affection and Duty towards Us, the good effect whereof is notorious to the World, to make the least doubt of the continuance and improvement thereof, or in the least degree to dislike what you have done, 〈◊〉 to complain of what you have left undone. We know well the weight of those Affairs which depend upon your Counsels, and the time that must unavoidably be spent in Debates, where there must naturally be difference of Opinion and Judgement, amongst those whose desires of the Puplique Peace and Safety, are the same; And neither We nor You must be over much troubled, if We find Our good Intentions, and the unwearied pains We take to Reduce those good Intentions into real Acts, for the quiet and security of the Nation, misrepresented and misinterpreted, by those who are in truth, afflicted to see the public Distractions, by God's blessing, so near an end; and, by others upon whose weakness, fears and jealousies, the Activity, and cunning of those Ill men, have too great an Influence. How wonderful, and miraculous soever the great harmony of Affections between Us and Our good Subjects is, and that it is so visible and manifest to the World, that there scarce appears the view of any cloud to overshadow or disturb it; yet, We must not think that God Almighty hath wrought the Miracle to that degree, that a Nation, so miserably divided for so many Years, is so soon, and entirely United in their Affections and Endeavours as were to be wished; but that the evil Consciences of many Men continue so awake for Mischief, that they are not willing to take Rest themselves, or to suffer others to take it: And We have all had too sad experience of the unhappy effects of Fears and Jealousies, how groundless and unreasonable soever, not to think it very necessary to apply all timely and proper remedies to those Distempers, and to prevent the Inconveniencies and Mischiefs, which too naturally flow from thence: We well foresaw, that the great violation which the Laws of the Land had for so many years sustained, had filled the hearts of the People, with a terrible Apprehension of Insecurity to themselves, if all they had said and done should be liable to be examined and punished by those Laws, which had been so violated; and that nothing could establish the Security of King and People, but a full Provision, that the returning to the Reverence and Obedience of the Law, (which is good for Us all) should not turn to the ruin of any, who are willing and fit to receive that Protection hereafter from the Law, and to pay that Subjection to it, that is just and necessary, and therefore We made that free Offer of a General Pardon, in such a manner as is expressed in Our Declaration, and how ready and desirous We are to make good the same, appears by Our Proclamation, which We have issued out upon, and according to your Desire. However it is evident, that all We have, or do offer, doth not enough compose the minds of Our People, nor in their Opinions can their Security be provided for, till the Act of Indemnity and Oblivion be passed; and We find great Industry is used by those, (who do not wish that Peace to the kingdom they ought to do) to persuade Our good Subjects, that We have no mind to make good our Promises, which in Truth We desire to perform for Our own sake as well as Theirs: And We do therefore very earnestly recommend it to you, that all possible expedition be used in the passing that most necessary Act, whereby Our good Subjects generally will be satisfied, that their Security is in their own Hands, and depends upon their future Actions, and that they are free for all that is past; and so all the Endeavours of ill Men will be disappointed, which would persuade them not to do well now, because they have heretofore done amiss. And We are the more engaged to this Our Recommendation, because upon the Reflection of your eminent Zeal and Affection for Our Service, and hearty Concurrence with Us in all We have desired from you, men are apt to persuade others (though they do not believe it themselves) that the passing this Act is therefore deferred, because We do not enough press the Dispatch of it; which We do desire from our heart, and are confident you will the sooner do, upon this Our earnest Recommendation. Wednesday, June 20. 1660. ORdered, That his majesty's gracious Message to the House, delivered by Mr. Secretary Morris, the 18. of June instant, and then Read, be forthwith Printed and Published. Will. Jessop Clerk of the Commons House of Parliament. Reprinted at Edinburgh by a Society of Stationers, 1660.