A SONG. ON HIS MAJESTY'S BIRTHDAY. (1) FOrgive, GREAT SIR! if less we pay, Than what is due, to this Great Day; We want Apollo to inspire Strains, fit to grace your BIRTHDAY Quire. Blessed Numbers, and imortal Lays, And Anthems of an endless praise. Are worthy You; and only fit to be To You, GREAT SIR! the proper harmony. (2) DUTY and LOVE is all our Aim, And these, and More your Virtues claim: In all your Crosses who e'er Knew, The least resentment come from you, In Words, or frowns, or any thing, Beneath the GRANDEUR of à KING? In all the turns of Fate, You Act your part, A KING, like DAVID after GOD'S own heart. (3) DUTY, and LOVE is all our Aim, And these, and more your Virtues claym; In highest Dangers void of Fear, Or Pride, when Victories you bear: Piety, and goodness fill your mind; Your Foes, when Vanquished Mercy find: Your Justice may, in Time, O'ertake, and Aw Those Men, your proffered Kindness cannot draw. CHORUS: DUTY, and LOVE is all our Aim, And these, and More your Virtues claym; A mighty power, your Kingdoms to regain; A Golden Age, And Nestor's years to reign. By Mr. D. Carney: And set by Mr. Abel Master of his Majesties private Music. Printed by William Weston Printer & Stationer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1694.