portrait of Thomas, Earl of Strafford The Discontented CONFERENCE BETWIXT The two great ASSOCIATES, THOMAS Late Earl of STRAFFORD, AND WILLIAM Archbishop of Canterbury. portrait of William, Archbishop of Canterbury Straff. GOD save your Grace: How do you do? Cant. My Lord, I thank you, well as you. Straff. I have not seen your Grace of late So full of mirth, may't auspicate Some good event, and such as we May by it find our liberty; The Proverb him unwise doth hold, Who loves his setters, though of gold. Cant. Last night (my Lord) some nobler dream Than did to sanguine, choler, phlegm, Or unto melancholy owe its birth, did on my fancy grow: Me thought I was in Oxford, where Lord chancellors name and power I bear; What shouts Saint John's there to me gave, My gladded cares yet ringing have; I heard their labouring joys, and throng Of praises both in prose and song. And as, methought, from thence I came To Lambeth, I still heard the same So loud, that echo from Whitehall Returned them to my Lambeth's wall. Straff. In such a dream, O who would keep A noise to break your grace's sleep! And though dreams err, yet may this be To you a happy prophecy, And such a one as may prove true, And fair unto myself, as you, For so by one compact of wit, Our Counsels were together knit So close, so even they did go To work the commonweal its woe, We cannot well ourselves define What plot was yours, or which was mine, They were each others Inmates, twins That vied which most should number sins; Both slept, both waked at once, and whether They lost or won, both played together. Cant. My Lord, you rage. Straf. You cannot call Truth a disease, or rage at all: Truth neither can, nor will deceive you. Cant. Farewell my Lord, for I must leave you. Straf. Yet stay a while, and give to me Once more your Benedicitee; I must confess I did begin To chide, but now forget my spleen. Cant. It doth increase my joy, and sure The joy may well your praise procure: How think you? Would this kingdom flout, To hear we two were falling out? Come, be yourself; relate at length What armed Recusants, what new strength May come from Ireland, to relieve Our dying faction. Straf. Never grieve. My settled soul; I do not know That root on which one hope might grow; But in conclusion there must be A rope for you, an axe for me. Cant. Was this your well grounded guess Of our increasing happiness? Ends thus your boasting, that you could Get money, men, or what you would, To curb the insolency of those That were, or would become our foes? False Straffords Earl. Straf. Stop there, your Grace His tongue doth trot too round a pace; Look, look abroad, can you now see No Patent, no Monopolee; Are all your projects, all your fine Devices sick as Medium wine? Can now no more Laud's, lawless might, The Parson from the Pulpit fright, The Subject from the kingdom? What Could ruin do which you did not? Cant. There's something yet undone, 'tis true, But shortly to be done to you: Each Guard you have (for 'tis the will Of Fate to have you guarded still) Shall serve the Minister of your doom, Your Executioner, not your groom: Your head that Mastered so much art, Ere long shall from your shoulders part; Your blood your scarlet must new die, Your spurs fall off, your Ermines fly, And of so great, so feared a Name, Scarce left a man that loves your Fame. Straf. So, so, (my Lord) my heart is glad I own that grief your Grace can mad; Your Head, no doubt, is grown the lighter Since disinvested of the mitre; It was too proud a weight, and known To nurse bad thoughts, 'tis better gone. The shepherds on their Sheephooks laugh, And do upbraid your Crosier staff; No more, your now deaf chaplains hark What hour shall speak you patriarch. Cant. Farewell, farewell, your Time calls on, Speak thoughts more sanctified, or none; 'Tis you must lead the way, and I Shall follow after by and by. Straf. My life's short knarled thread doth stand, Expecting Fates impartial hand: Heaven hath my thoughts, (my Lord) yet stay, Shall we ne'er meet again? Cant. We may. There's room enough in heaven for two Have more transgressed than I or you: But I what place and time forbear To name, 'tis GOD knows when and where. FINIS. Printed in the year, of our Prelates fear, 1641.