ANNO XVII. Caroli Regis. ¶ An Act for the better Raising and Levying of Mariners, Sailors, and others, for the present guarding of the Seas, and necessary defence of this Realm, and other His Majesty's Dominions. WHereas the late Act, entitled, An Act for the better raising and levying of Mariners, Sailors, and others, for the present guarding of the Seas, and necessary defence of the Realm, and other His Majesty's Dominions, is found by experience to be ineffectual for the supply of the present expedition now intended for the defence of all His Majesty's Realms and Dominions, by reason of sundry restrictions and doubtful limitations in the said Act: And forasmuch as it highly importeth the safety of all His Majesties said Dominions, that several Fleets of Ships be with all possible speed set forth to the Seas, and all manner of diligence he used therein, for the raising of Mariners, Sailors, and others, to that purpose, Be it therefore enacted by the authority of this present Parliament, That the Lord Admiral that now is, shall and may, at any time or times between the first day of February 1641. and the first of November 1642. by himself, his Vice-admiral, Commissioner, or Commissioners, or other Officer or Officers, or any of them, Levie, and Impress such, and so many Mariners, Sailors, Watermens, Surgeons, Gunners, and Ship-Carpenters, as shall be requisite and necessary for this present expedition or for any such further defence of the Realm, or any other of His Majesty's Dominions; Which said Mariners, Sailors, and other such persons so to be Levied and Impressed, as aforesaid, and every of them, shall have paid and delivered unto him upon such his Impressing, by the person that shall so Impress him, for Conduct money, for every mile from the place where he shall be so Impressed, to the Ship or place to which he shall be appointed to make his repair, the sum of one penny, and the like sum of one penny for every mile from the place of his discharge unto the place of his abode, and shall be allowed for his Service the best Wages and entertainment which have or hath been allowed by His Majesty, to any such person or persons respectively, at any time within three years fall past. And if any Manner, Sailer, Watermens, Chirurgeon, Gunner, or Ship-Carpenter, shall wilfully refuse to be Impressed, in, or for the said Service, or shall voluntarily hid and absent himself at the time of such Press, to avoid the said Service, That then every such person so offending shall suffer Imprisonment by the space of three months without ●ail or Mainprize. Provided always that this Act shall not extend to the pressing of any Master of any Ship or Bark, that hath the charge of any Ship or Bark, or unto any Masters-Mate, or Ship-Carpenter of any Ship or Bark that is in employment at the time of the said press. Provided always, and be it enacted, That no Money, or other reward, shall be taken, or any corrupt practice used by any the persons authorized by this Act, in or for the Pressing, Cha●ging, Sparing, or Discharging of any person or persons to be Impressed by force of this Act, under pain of forfeiture of twenty pounds by the person so offending, for every such offence; the one half to His Majesty, His Her●s and Successors, the other half to him that will sue for the same, to be recovered by Action of debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information in any of His Majesty's Courts of Records, or before the justices of Assize, Oyer and Terminer, Goaldelivery, or the justices of the Peace of the County, City, or Town-Corporate where such offence shall be committed, at their general quarter Sessions, wherein no Wager of Law, Essoign, Protection, or Injunction shall be admitted or allowed. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that one other Act entitled, An Act for the better raising and levying of Mariners, Sailors, and others, for the present guarding of the Seas, and necessary defence of the Realm, and other His Majesty's Dominions, made in this present Parliament, and now in force, and every Article, Clause, and Provision therein contained, be from the first day of February in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty one Repealed and made utterly void and of none effect. (* ⁎ *)