EDINBURGH, The 19 day of July, 1665. FOrsameikle, as the Provest, Bailies, and Council of this Burgh, taking to their Consideration the Proclamation emitted by His Majesty's Privy Council of this Kingdom, Prohibiting and Discharging all Trade and Commerce betwixt this Kingdom, and the Merchants and Inhabitants of the City of London, Suburbs, and Places thereabouts, and all other Towns, Villages, and Places of the Kingdom of England, which are Infected or suspected to be infected with the Sickness, or Plague of Pestilence, by sending or bringing of Goods or Commodities by Packs, or any other manner of Carriage by Sea or Land, until the first day of November next to come; and ay and while the Restraint and Prohibition be taken off: And that such Persons who are Abroad, do not offer to bring home any Goods or Commodities until they acquaint the Magistrates of the Places where they intent to come, from what place they came; and abide their Trial for the space of forty days, and thereafter, till they have the allowance as freemen. And that all such Persons who shall come from England to this Kingdom, or bring Goods or Commodities, by Packs or other Carriage by Land, shall stay upon the Borders till they acquaint the Magistrates from whence they came, and bring sufficient Passes and Testimonials with them, that the Places are free of all suspicion of the Plague: With certification, that if any Person contraveen, they shall be punished with the loss of their Lives, Goods, Packs and Commodities brought by them, either by Sea or Land, without mercy. Therefore, I Command and Charge, in our Sovereign Lords Name, and in Name and behalf of the Lord Provest, Bailies, and Council of this Burgh, that all the Inhabitants within the same give due and exact Obedience to the said Proclamation in all points, and to receive no Person coming from England within their Houses, without Warrant of the Magistrates of this Burgh, under the pain of Death, but favour. EDINBURGH, Printed by a Society of Stationers, 1665.