AN ELEGY Upon that Renowned Hero and Cavalier, THE Lord CAPEL, Who (for his Loyalty) was Barbarously Murdered in the Palace-Yard at Westminster, on the _____ day of _____ 16 Preserved by a Loyal Person; And never before Printed. SO have I seen a frolic Bridegroom come, And gild with smiles the gaudy Wedding-room, Joy dancing on his Face, whilst in his Eye The young Bride's Blushes kept true Harmony: Just with that look the Romans Victors all In Triumph rid unto the Capital; But not the Deecijs to their Death, their Eyes Beheld but Fame, Thine blessed Eternity; Most like the Fire-prooft Martyr, that proclaims His Conquest crowned in Pyramids of Flames, In ravishment of Soul; and leaves the Toy Of Life, not with excess of Pain, but Joy. ay, so brave CAPEL fell; the Scaffold bore No look of life, but he Dying wore, Death looked like Death, and all the standers by, As if that he had come, to see them die; Envy herself Great CAPEL's Triumph sung; Earth groaned his Exit; whilst all Heaven rung With a loud Plaudit, ecstasied to see This last Great Act, of his red Tragedy. Treason combined, called Law established; Immediate Death by Tyrants menaced, Could not his Rock-built Constancy abate; But his Just Soul stood still Resolved like Fate. And had the Machine of the whole World broke, The Ruins still had him undaunted took: To view his Life, would but redrowned the Eye Of his and Virtue's Friends; Truth's History Shall write it to the Age unborn, and they Peruse it with that Zeal good Vestals pray; And that sad Page which tells his Death, appears The Winding-sheet of many Sighs and Tears; His Life, Why? 'tis a Theme for Angels meet; But this I'll say, Of all the Heav'n-bound Fleet, Of Crimson Martyrs, through the red Sea gone, Of England's Treason and Rebellion, Except their matchless Royal Admiral, CAPEL came richest home in the Ark Loyal; Where all the Stars shot Volleys, and was given Eternal Welcome to his Haven, Heaven. London: Printed by H. Hills, Jun. for W. Davis, 1683.