GOOD TIDINGS TO THE Sick and Lame: OR, The Sick-Man's Library. Teaching both High and Low, Rich and Poor, next under God, how to prescribe to, or procure ease for the pained, strength for the weak, health for the Sick, and cure for Sores. BEING A true and candid RELATION of the Virtue and uses of four Excellent Medicines, VIZ. ARCANUM VEGETABILIUM, PILULÆ VEGETANTES, BALSAMUM VITÆ, VNGVENTUM REFRIGERANS, Whereunto is added, A few of the many TESTIMONIES and CURES performed by the same, their Names, Diseases, and Places of Abode; being sufficient to confirm the Truth. Published for the good of all Who labour under PAIN and MISERY. By RICH. FLETCHER Professors of Chemical Physic in LONDON. By NATH. MERRY Professors of Chemical Physic in LONDON. LONDON, Printed for the Authors 1674. GOOD TIDINGS TO THE Sick & Lame. COURTEOUS READER, ARCANUM VEGETABILIUM, Is that Phylosophick, Cordial, Purging Vegetable Spirit, which hath got so great Reputation in LONDON and many other parts of this Nation, for the Curing and Rooting out of Diseases incident to the Bodies of Men, Women, and Children, Expelling Noxious Humours, Sweetening the Mass of Blood, Opening Obstructions, by which it hath cured Agues, Fevers, Dropsies, Scurvies, Worms, Madness, Frenzies, Pains of the Head, Common and Inveterate Dulness, Sleepiness, Loss of Sense and Motion, Convulsions, Falling Sickness, Tremble, and Weakness of the Sinews, Stoppage of the Stomach, Imposthumations, Ulcers, Pains or Weakness of the Stomach, Spitting of Blood or Matter, Green Sickness, Stoppage of women's Terms, Rickets, Gouts, Jaundice. In short, I have found it to answer the whole end of of Purging and Cordial Physic; being gentle, safe, and pleasant, yet powerful in operation for the Rooting out of Diseases and Assisting Nature to withstand the same, by Adding Strength to Vital, Animal, and Natural Spirits; Resisting Putrefaction, Expelling Poison, by which it prevents Infectious Diseases, as Measles, Small Pox, Pestilential Fevers, Plagne, etc. 2 PILULÆ VEGETANTES, This Pill hath been largely experienced, and highly commended by many that have taken it, for the speedy Easing of Pains; as the Colic, Stone, Gravel in the Reins or Bladder, Gripe of the Guts, Curing of Fluxes, Easing of the Gout, and other Pains of the Limbs: Also for the speedy easing of Coughs, Curing Consumptions, Stoppages of the Stomach, Shortness of Breath, Staying and Preventing Distillations of Rheums, falling from the Head into the Throat or Windpipe, which causes a Tickling, sometime a Wheesing or Hooping Cough; commonly called a Distillation upon the Lungs: It is effectual for allaying or appeasing Violent Fits, whether Madness, Frenzies, Agues or Fevers, and is a great Provoker of Sweat and Urine. 3 BALSAMUM VITÆ, This Balsam cures Green Wounds, Ulcers, Fistula's, Cankers, Kings-Evil, Gangrenes, to a wonder it dissolves Hard Tumours, Excrescences, Coagulated or Spongeous Flesh into Matter, and cures the same. It easeth old and cold Pains, Bruises, or Strains: Also ●●seth and strengtheneth pained, numbed, lamed, and weak Limbs; and is rare in Cold Gouts. 4 VNGVENTUM REFRIGERANS, This Ointment cures Burns, Scalds, Scabs, Sores, Tetters, Itch, Ringworms, Pimples, Pushes, and easeth External Pains, and Assuageth Swell, Proceeding of Heat, Cures Piles and Hemorrhoids. This is a short and candid Relation of those four foregoing Medicines of which Twenty years experience in practice, hath afforded me many large Trials in this City and many other parts of the World, for many have been and daily are Remarkable Cures performed by the same. And to the end that all others who have the like occasion may receive the same benefit as to Ease and Cure, Carefully heed these following Directions, which is plain to every ordinary capacity; teaching the true use of the same. DIRECTIONS For the Uses of our Spirit, Pills, Balsam, and Ointment. FOr Stoppage of the Stomach, Difficulty of Breathing, Inflammations and Ulcers in the Stomach, Spitting of Blood or Matter, Consumptions, Coughs, Distillations of Rheums, Weakness of the Stomach or Want of Appetite, Colic or Stone in the Reins or Bladder, Stoppage of Urine or Ulcers in the Reins or Bladder, Fluxes of the Belly or Griping of the Guts; take these following Directions, Let the Patient first purge with the Spirit, the Dosse being two, three, or four large Spoonfuls, according to the Age and Strength of the Patient; that is, for a Child or very Weak Body, two Spoonfuls may be sufficient; but if for a Stronger Body, three or four Spoonfuls; but for a very Strong Body five or six Spoonfuls; for there is no danger in taking a large Dosse, it being a Strengthener as well as a Cleanser; nor in taking too little, if it work not by Stool; being Cordial as well as Purging. Let the Dosse be taken in the Morning fasting: Them that are able, may walk abroad and eat their ordinary Diet as formerly; its operation being safe and easy: The same Night, going to Bed, take one, two, or three of our Pills, according to the Age and Strength, as before directed, in the use of our Spirit. Thus continue taking both Spirit and Pills every other day; always observing to take the Spirit in the Morning, and the Pills the same Night; and by this means you may expect to find speedy ease, and the Cure to hasten to a wonder. Probatum est by many. Now those which are troubled with any of the forenamed Diseases violently, such may take the Pills for three or four Nights, one after another, after their Bodies have been purged with the Spirit; and then leave off taking the Pills for one Night, the next Morning take a large Dosse of the Spirit, and the same Night begin again to take the Pills, as before; so continue taking the Pills more or less Nights together, as you see cause: Always observing, That when you would take the Spirit, the Night before leave off the Pills; for in what Diseases soever the Pills are proper to, they must be taken at Night; always observing to take the Spirit in the Morning: and so after little acquaintance with their operation, you will be able to direct yourselves and others. For Madness, Inflammations of the Brain, Swimmings in the Head, Frenzies and Pains in the Head, Purge every other Morning with a large Dosse of our Spirit, and the same Night take two or three of our Pills, and every Night anoint the Temples and Forehead with our Ointment. For Convulsions, Falling-Sickness, Tremble, Palsies, and Weakness of the Sinews, Let the Sick take a little Dosse of our Spirit every Morning fasting, and every Night anoint the Nape of the Neck and Joints with our Balsam warm. For the Seurvy, that Epidemical Disease. In the Cure of this Disease, our Spirit must be taken in a large Dosse for two or three days, then leave off taking the Spirit for two days; then take one Dosse of our Pills, the Night following; the last day of Purging, endeavour to sweat upon them that Night, and rise not too early the next Morning. When these two intermitting days are past, take the Spirit as before, and the Pills the following Night, as before. Also this Method must be observed all along in the Cure, and you may in a short time find the Subtle Enemy rooted out. Now if there be any break out or pains in the Limbs in this Disease, as often it happens, anoint the parts grieved or pained with our Balsam warm every Night and Morning. For the Gout, Take a large Dosse of our Spirit, every other Morning, and the same Night take two or three of our Pills, and every Night and Morning anoint the parts pained with our Balsam and Ointment mixed together warmed. For the Green Sickness, Dropsies and Worms, Take a small Dosse of our Spirit every Morning fasting. For Agues, Fevers, jaundice Black and Yellow, every other Morning take a large Dosse of our Spirit; the same Night take one or two of our Pills: so continue as long as you see cause. For the Rickets in Children, give them every other Morning a large Spoonful of our Spirit, and every Night anoint their Stomaches and Joints with the Balsam warm. For the French Disease Alamode, take our Spirit every other day in a large Dosse, and the same Night take a large Dose of our Pills, two, three or four, and sweat upon them. If there be any Swell, Scabs, break out, Ulcers, or violent pains in the Limbs, anoint the parts with our Balsam every night. For the Running of the Reins, take our Spirit and Pills, as is before directed in the French Pox. For the Curing of Sores; as Cancers and Cankers, Gangrenes and Ulcers, Fistula's, Kings-evil, or any other old Sores: Dress them twice a day with our Balsam, as you use to do other Wounds or Sores with other Ointments. If there be any deep Wounds, as in Fistula's, make Roles or Tents with Lint or Flax, dip them in the Balsam melted, and tent the Wound every Dressing, and, lay a Plaster upon the Wound of the said Balsam: Dress all such Sores twice a day: 'twill be convenient, for such Patient, to purge once in three days with a Dose of our Spirit, and the same night to take a Dose of our Pills, for they do wonderfully dispose Wounds to healing. In the cure of other Sores, as Wounds, Stabs, Bruises, apply a Plaster of the same Balsam, and dress them once a day. In all old or cold Swell, Strains, Numb, Lame or Weak Limbs, anoint the apart affected night and morning with our Balsom warm; and every third or fourth morning take a large Dose of our Spirit. For Burns, Scalds, Scabs, Itch, Tetters, Ringworms, Shingles, Inflammations, Hot-swelling, Piles or Hemmorrhoid, anoint the parts affected every night and morning with our Ointment: take a Dose of our Spirit every second or third morning, and at night take a dose of our Pills. Lastly, those that are troubled with any other Diseases than those aforementioned, either Internal or Externial, within the reach of Medicine, of what nature or kind soever, may safely make use of these our Medicines; for they have been found so powerful, safe and effectual, in resisting Putrefaction, easing Pains, strengthening Nature, that being timely taken, many dangerons Diseases may in a short time be cured by using these Medicines, as need shall require, the foresaid Directions is sufficient to inform you: And let me advise all who love their Healths, to take a dose of our Spirti often, to correct the evil effects the precedent, unseasonable weather, and unsound Diet; and 1 or 2 of our Pills the same night. These Medicines being-friendly to Nature, preventing Diseases, rooting out the Scurvy, which secretly lodges in the mass of Blood, in most seeming healthy Persons, from which Root most other Diseases arise, being but Branches of the same, stired up by every little accident Hetrogenious to Nature. This Medicine being rightly adapted for the destroying of Diseases in Semene, by altering Ferments, doth prevent the Plague, Small Pox, Mezles, and many Diseases, and is of that renovating property, that it may well be called, as indeed it is, a rare preserver of health and vigour, consequently prolonger of life also. For the confirmation of which, see the History of Life and Death by Francis Lord Bacon, pag. 25. who complains of the want of such Medicines in the Vulgar Art of Physic in his time. The Art of Physic, saith he, which we now have, looks no farther commonly than the conservation of health and cure of Diseases: As for those things which tend properly to long life, there is but slight mention, and by the way only; notwithstanding we will propound those Medicines which are notable in this kind, I mean, those which are Cordials: For it is consonant to Reason, that those things which being taken in Cures, do defend and fortify the Heart, or more truly the Spirit against Poisons and Diseases, being tranferred with judgement, and choice into Diet, should have a good effect, in sort towards the prolonging of life: And pag. 51. We do considenly affirm (neither let any man reckon us amongst those Heretics, which were called Cathari that often purges and made even Familiar to the body, are more a available to long life, than Exercises and Sweats. Thus far we have digressed. For Seamen that go long voyages, these Medicines are of great use and virtue, and may be a means to save life, when the Doctor's Chest may fail; for in Calenture, Fevers and Fluxes, many Seamen are lost for want of proper Medicines, powerfully to withstand the same. Now for the Cure of these Diseases, let the Sick take a large dose of our Spirit, and when the Spirit hath done working, then take two or three of our Pills, and sweat upon them; and by this Experiment alone, you will find that a Master of a Ship, or any of his Company, may by these four Medicines perform more noble Cures, though ignorant in Physic and Chirurgery, than the knowing Artest with a Chest full of galenical Medicines. And he or she that is furnished with these Medicines, and useth them according to our directions aforesaid, may cure themselves, with great ease, safety, secrecy and cheapness, and that there is goodness and worth in those forenamed Medicines, and that many have been cured by them, who have been past all probable hope of recovery: In confirmation of which take, these few of many Testimonies, the whole being too tedious to relate. TESTIMONIES. In the twelfth Month 1672, came to my House one M. Broomhale, which a little before had some of my Spirit, Pills and Balsam, for the use of one Manwaring, a woman of seventy years of Age, and she had been lame many years, her Legs ulcerated, swelled, and afflicted with general pains, and shortness of Breath, insomuch that recovery was not expected; yet for the expense of twenty shillings was cured, to the wonder of her acquaintance: This is well known to the great ones of this Nation: This is part of the Relation brought me by her Friend; she lodged at the time of her curing, at one M. Clarks, Midwife in the old Ambury at Westminster. Henry Churcher in Garden-alley in Bishopsgate-street, troubled with spitting of Blood and Matter, with an Impostume in his Stomach, cured in a few days with these Medicines. Lydia Witcomb of Gloster, cured of the Worms with two doses of the Spirit. The Widow Willians in new Kings-street, Wapping, cured of a violent headache of twelve years, with less than two Boxes of Pills. Henry Nock, Sadler, in Ashford in Kent, cured of the Stone in a few days. Anne Marsh, the Wife of John Marsh of Hendun, five Miles from London, after she had spent many pounds, and finding no ease, began to despair of help; being troubled with violent Scorbutic Pains, shortness of Breath, want of Appetite, was in a short time cured with my Spirit and Pills, for less than twenty shillings charge. Thomas Bromfield Shoemaker near the Turnstile, Holbron, violently afflicted with the Stone, and stopage of Urine, having not made any water but by drops for five weeks, and that with great pain: was perfectly cured in six hours with one dose of Spirit and Pills. Margot edmond's in Jerman-street, near James Market, cured of a violent Canker in her throat, occasioned by the Scurvy. Marry Diet of Barnaby-street, troubled with violent Fits of the Mother, and pains of the Spleen, cured for little charge. A Child of Mat. Broads in Thomas Southwark, was cured of a bloody Urine in two days time, to the amazement of its Parents. A Cornish Navigater given off as past cure, not being able to move hand or foot, was brought to London, and in a few days was able to come to my Chamber: He lodged in New-gravel-Lane, Wapping, near Henry Wyards, who was an eye witness of him, and many others that was wonderfully recovered. Dorothy, the Wife of John Tupper, Bricklayler, in Eagle-street near Pickakilly, cured of a violent stoppage in her Stomach, and Headache. Bernard jenkes near the Pelican in East-Smithfield, cured of a violent pain in his Side and Back, shortness of Breath: his Wife of a Cancerous humour in her Breast. Sarah Barrow of Dirty walton near Tuexbury, cured of a violent Cancerous Tumour, which caused the loss of the use of one Arm. Adam Bennet of Hyneham, twelve Miles from Gloster, troubled with a tedious quartin Ague, Consumption, Cough, shortness of Breath; cured with a quarter glass of our Spirit, and half a Box of Pills. John Relph, Shipwright at the Fale on near the Banks-side, Southwark, cured of a violent Consumptive Cough, after so weak that he could not sit up right in his Bed, and given over as past help: Also a Child of his cured of a violent stoppage in his Stomach and Hecktick Fever. One Every-Tharpe, Waterman on the Bankside, cured of a tedious quartin Ague, when near dearhsdoor: the same man some years after cured of a violent pain in his Side; also others of his Family cured. One Abbet Fisherman on the same Bankside, cured of a violent Fever, stopage of the Stomach, and pains in his Head and Limbs, when past all proble hope of recovery, with many others of the Neighbourhood about Masson stairs, and other parts of the Bankside, cured to a wonder the names and Diseases, of which are too tedious to relate. Marry Carrol, now the Widow Bryon of Chateham in Kent, cured of an old cancerated Breast so dangerous, that it was feared it must have been cut off, is now reduced to its perfect shape as formerly, and hath remained well this six years. Anne Cuny of Poyk, cured of Madness, after she had been many Months in Chains, and remained well seven years. A Servant of Thomas Harris, at the two Tobacco Roles in East-smithfield, cured of Madness in a short time. Thomas Sadler, a lodger at one Godwrads in Kings-street, Giles in the Fields, cured of Madness in a short time. Another lodger of his cured of violent Gripe of the Guts, and shortness of Breath. For farther confirmation of this, inquire of the said God-wards at the Bear Ordinary in Burchin-Lane. A Sister of Sarah Knights in Cow-lane, cured of a Frenzy. Captain Watkins of Mile-end, cured of the Gout in his hands and feet. The Lady Griffin near Leitchfield, by taking of our Spirit and Pills voided Sand, Gravel, and small Stones without pain in a great quantity. John Woolger of Bredhemstone in Sussex, Fisherman, was cured of a Wolf in his head, by waring a Cap made of our Balsam mixed with Cotten, Wool, and quilted between to linen , and by taking inwardly our Spirits and Pills, notwithstanding his head had been twice opened by advice of Eminent Physicians and Chirurgeons, by reason of the length and tediousness of his pain, being of some years' continuance, and past all probable hope of recovery, yet well in a short time, and hath remained well this twelve years. The Wife of Richard Collings of Clare-street, Newmarket, cured of a violent Scorbutic Leprosy, no part being free from pains and botches. Willam jordan at the Maremaid in Carter-lane, cured of a violent Fever, shortness of Breath, and pains in his Limbs. Two blind Children cured to admiration, one at Farneham in Surry, the other at Tamworth in Staffordshire. Alexander Pope, Waterman of Shad. Thames, cured of a violent quartin Ague and Dropsy in a weaks time, when he had tried many Physicians of common note. One Stringer, Journeyman at the Blew-last in Russel-street, cured of violent pains in his Loins. The Wife of John Collet of East-smithfield, violently affected with the Sun, cured. John Brown, Butcher in Ashsord in Kent, who had a violent hard Tumour on his Armpit, the pain of which caused the loss of the use of his Arm, cured in thirty days. Another of the like Disease, cured near Dearham in Norfolk. A Daughter of John edmond's near Bramsgrove, who was so violenly afflicted with Convultion Fits, that sometimes she was drawn neck and heels together backward, and at other times up on a heap side ways, was cured in a short time. Another of the like Disease, cured in Ambersly in Worstershire. Thomas Snell of Gloster, cured of a hard swelling on his face with a quarter glass of Spirit, and a pot of Ointment. Cures performed by John Fenny of Wimslow in Chestire with my Spirit and Pills, one of a violent Canker in her Throat, cured when left off as past cure. Marry Baly of the same place, cured of extreme Stitches and Vomitings. Eliner Potter, cured of pains in her head, and spotted, pimpled face. Another of violent pains in her Jaws and Teeth. Another of a Quinsy, his tongue so swelled, that his Mouth was not able to contain it, and was speechless, cured in 24 hours. Another of the Jaundice, and violent Headache: A Child of his cured of the Chin Cough. These Cures, with many more, he gave me an account of at large in his Letter. A Maid near Coventry, cured of a Gangerine on her face with my Balsam. A Kinswoman of Robert Rotheram of Bestford near Nottingham, had above forty Stones brought away from her without pain in a little time. Many more might be added enough to fill a large Volume, for I could instance a cloud of witnesses more, but let this suffice for brevity's sake: I assure thee my aim is the public good, and that the poor might have cure is my end; If any do misconstrue me to their own hurt; I cannot help that, but for my part, I can hearty and truly say in the presence of him that is the searcher of all hearts, I durst not have published these things to the world, had I not found that God the giver of every good and perfect Gift, had blessed the means afforded thereby, and am fully satisfied, if thou canst but make use of it with a thankful heart, you will find the truth of what I say, for which glory to God only. Arcanum vigetabilum, that Cordial purging Spirit is 4 s. the Glass, 2 s. the half Class. Pilulae vegetantes is 4 s. the Box, 2 s. the half Box. Balfawm Vitae is one 1 s. the Box. Vnguentum Refrigerans is 1 s. the Box. WHereas this Cordial purging Spirit, Pills, Balsom and Ointment was formerly sold in some other places in and about London. These are to give notice, that the said Spirit, Pills, Balsom and Ointment are not to be had or sold in any other place in London, but at the house of William Rayman, at the upper end of Bred-street near Cheapside, between the Angel and Bell. FINIS.