These several PAPERS Was sent to the PARLIAMENT The twentieth day of the fifth month, 1659. Being above seven thousand of the Names of the HAND-MAIDS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE LORD, And such as feels the oppression of Tithes, in the names of many more of the said HANDMAIDS and DAUGHTERS of the LORD, who witness against the oppression of Tithes and other things as followeth. LONDON, Printed for Mary Westwood, and are to be sold at the Black-spread Eagle at the West end of Pauls, 1659. TO THE READER. FRIENDS, IT may seem strange to some that women should appear in so public a manner, in a matter of so great concernment as this of Tithes, and that we also should bring in our testimony even as our brethren against that Anti-christian law and oppression of Tithes, by which many of the Servants of the Lord have suffered in filthy holes and dungeons until death; But let such know, that this is the work of the Lord at this day, even by weak means to bring to pass his mighty work in the earth, that all flesh may be silent, and the Lord alone may be exalted in them who can truly say, Now I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and the life that I now live is by the faith of the Son of God, which faith overcometh the world, through which faith the Saints and faithful of old subdued Kingdoms, wrought righteousness, claimed the promises; Tis true, we have need of patience, that after we have done the will of God we may inherit it, but he that shall come will come and will not tarry; Behold our God is appearing for us, and they that be in the light may see him, choosing the foolish things of the World to confounded the wise, weak things to confounded the Mighty, vile things, and things that are despised hath God chosen, ye and things which are not, to bring to nought things which are; Surely the Lord is risen, he is risen indeed and hath appeared unto many, he is also ascended and is taking to himself his great power, he is owning and will own his spouse, his Church which hath long lain desolate and afflicted. But now arise and shine O daughter of Sion, shake thyself from thy dust, put on thy beautiful garments, for thy Maker is thy husband, the holy One of Israel, and he will pled thy cause, and the Mountains of the Lord shall be exalted on the tops of all Mountains; and as he is risen in us, and become our first fruits unto God, so is he also risen for us even to cast out all our enemies, to bring down every high thing within us and without, that exalteth its self against him, and he shall ride on conquering, and to conquer till he hath subdued all our enemies, that God alone may rule and rain, and herein lies our strength, even in the power of our God, in it we can stand still and behold the Salvation that he will bring to pass even for us, and here shall we be hide, while all calamities that shall surely come upon the enemies of the truth be overpast. And while we rest under the shadow of his wing we are safe, rejoicing in his will, and in every thing giving thanks, knowing it is his will in Christ Jesus concerning us; and in this let us testify our Saint-ship to the World; even by our obedience to his will in all things, by living in his fear and to his praise all our dayes; and herein she desires to be found, who is called, Mary Forster. To the Parliament of England, who are set in place to do justice, to take off oppression, and to stop the oppressors. WE whose hands are hereunder written do testify and declare against the oppression of Tithes, and against the injustice of them, which hath come up since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostasy, and set up by the commands and laws of men, the author of which was the Pope; and such as were got up since the dayes of the Apostles, both out of the power of God and Christ; for the Priesthood which was made by the Law of God had a command according to the Law of God to take Tithes, and is disannulled and changed, and God never gave forth a command, after he disannulled the first, that Tithes should be taken again; these Tithes have been set up by the Papists since the Apostles, who witnessed the command of God disannulled, Heb. 7. and all the Scriptures proves Tithes to the Jews, but not to the Christians, and the law-books proves tithes set up by the Pope( since the dayes of the Apostles, and not by the Christians in the Apostles times) and he was the first author of them, and so by a persecuting usuped authority were they set up since the Apostles, whereby many have been prisoned till death for not paying of them, and many have had most of their goods spoiled by Priests and impropriators that have brought up in Sessions and courts for conscience sake, because they cannot pay Tithes, as knowing the command of God is disannulled, that gave tithe, and the Law is changed by which the priest-hood was made, and the Priesthood also that took them, and since that time hath the laws of men, and the commands of men been set up, by the Apostates, Papists, from the Apostles, by their law spoiled mens goods that cannot observe the Law and command that gives. Tithes, of them that have taken triple Tithes, and triple; therefore these things are laid before you, that you may consider by what power you act, whether by the power that set up tithes; if so, then we can but look for oppression, prisoning till death, persecution, spoiling of mens goods, haling up and down before Courts, and still an increase of persecution; But this we say, if you, or whosoever do come into the power of God, you will say, with us, that this commandment of men set up by them the Apostates that be in the form of godliness and denys the power that gives Tithes, it must be disannulled. The false Christians hath set up a Law and a commandment to take Tithes of their own since the true Christians and dayes of the Apostles did witness and say the command of God was disannulled that gave Tithes, so must the commands of men be held up that gives Tithes, & the commands of God disobeyed which first gave them to the Jews, and the true Christians witness the end of, and must not the commands of men be disannulled that takes, Tithes as well as the command of God? Heb. 7. so who be in the Covenant of God, the Covenant of life witness the end of the command of God to the Jews that gave Tithes, and so the commands of men must be disannulled that take tithes, and not to be obeied by them that live in the Covenant of God? Now if you act in the same power that hath held up tithes since the Apostles days, which hath taken away many of our friends lives, that hath been Prisoned till death, in nasty holes and corners, for bearing their Testimony against that unjust oppression of tithes, and the unjust power that held them up, and Priests and impropriators, and the Law and command, and the Author of it not to be of God nor of Christ, seeing Christ disanul'd the commandment of God that give tithes, and this command hath been set up by the superstitious Papist, who was the first author of them; Therefore what havoc, what spoiling of Goods, and peoples estates taken away by the Priests impropriators, worse then ever the plundering Cavilliers? and what prisoning, what haling into Courts and Sessions people all about the Nation there is, and chiefly about these Tithes? and how many of their lives have been a testimony against it, and ended their lives in nasty holes and dungeons, for their Testimony against Tithes? therefore for us to be clear of your blood, and not to be guilty of innocent blood, we lay these things upon you, that if any be prisoned to death, as very many have been in these Nations, by Priests and impropriators, that we shall be clear in the fight of God and have forewarned you, and let their blood be upon you, who are in the place to do Justice, and to take off oppression which you may do while you have time, if you live in the power of God; and let not the Nation be ruined, and people prisoned to death, and the blood of the innocent be drunken, as abundance of it hath been within these few years, which lies upon the heads of some; Therefore keep it clear from off your own heads, we warn you which to you is the word of the Lord God; there are many in the Prison at this day in nasty Goals, bearing their testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ( that disannulled the command that gave Tithes) against the commands of men set up in opposition to him since the dayes of the Apostles, who witnesses the command of God disannulled that gave Tithes. So here are our hands and Testimony to you now, not that we are weary of suffering and of Imprisonment, nor cry to you for help, but because the blood of our brethren hath been spilled, and also many thousands have had their goods spoyled and taken away, and many of them imprisoned to death, whose blood lies upon the heads of their persecutors, but it is that you may keep yourselves from blood, and stop the oppressors that causeth it, and so keep the Nation from the plagues and judgments of God, and yourselves also, that you be not rooted out and cast by, by the power of the Lord God, for not doing Justice, and not relieving the oppressed, as many have been before you, and suffering his Lamb and babes and servant, their blood to be shed for bearing their Testemony, and suffering their goods to be spoyled, so as you are in the power of God, you will throw down the power of the Papists in these Nations, that set up tithes, and then through that power that throws them down will you come over the tyrannical oppressing power of the Papist, to live in the power of God, which the Apostles were in before the Papist came up, and the laws and commandement that upholds them. That all forced maintenance of the Priests be taken away, for while such a thing is set up, it will spoil many idle men that will not thrash nor plant, nor dig, nor make Vineyards, and will not Plow nor Sow, that they may Reap, neither will they preach the Gospel that they may live, and these are never like to plant Vineyards, but such as are fat and lazy they will run for forced maintenance to you, and these spoil a Nation, and keeps it from being a free Nation, and a free Ministry, and keeps the people from being a free people, and these are the filthy beasts that would have the mouth of the Lord stopped, and teaches for filthy lucre, and admires mens persons because of advantage. And such there were in the dayes of the Apostles before these tithes came up, by the Law and commandement of men among the Papists, since the command and Law of God was denied, therefore after you have taken away tithes and forced maintenance, which is set up, and is not like the Apostles, but like such as teach for filthy lucre, you inquire what you shall do then,( well) let every one plant that they may reap, and let every one sow spiritual things that they may reap carnal, and let them preach the Gospel, that they may live of it, and that is our hearts desire, and the spoiling of our goods, and our brethren that hath been Prisond to death for not paying tithes, is our Testimony to all the world, that it is not for covetousness sake that they suffer, but for conscience, and for truth and Righteousness, and that shall be answered to the witness of God in every one of your consciences, yea, and to the witness of God in all our oppressors,( whether it be Priest or Impropriator, or Lawyer, that hath bought tithes) who for conscience sake we cannot pay them, but say his Commandement must be disannulled, that gives them tithes, as well as the command of God which is disannulled by Christ; and this we suffer with our lives and estates. We who are of the Seed of the Woman, which bruiseth the Serpents head, to which the Promise is, Christ Jesus in the Male and in the Female, which is the Everlasting Priest, not after the Order of Aaron, which took Tithes, nor of the Tribe of Levi, but of the Tribe of Judah, and who is a Priest for ever, made by the Oath of God, after the Order of Melchizedech, and remains a Priest continually; And therefore can we set our hearts and hands against Aarons Order, which is disannulled, and the Law changed, and do bear our Testimony, that Christ Jesus the Everlasting Priest is come. MAargret Fell, signior Margret Eell, junior Bridget Fell Isabel Fell Sarah Fell Mary Fell Susanna Fell Rachel Fell Mary Askey easter Be●son Jane Jakes Mabel Warner Elizabeth Walker Jenet Jeats Agnus Sponder Mary Pepen Elin Towenson Anne Colinson Anne Bateman Dorothy Maskew Margret denizen Agnus Bank Anne Dogson Margret denizen Eliz. kitchen Anne Wilson Elin Newbie Eliz. Newbie Agnus Newbie Elin Newbie Jane Chester Elin Muckelt Margret Idle Isabel Stephenson Margan Shepherd Anne Rawes Jane Lancaster Isabil Grave Eliz. Sewart Margret Thomson Anne Brigs Agnus Thomson Isabel Wilson Margret clerk Jane Halehead Janet Bateman Dorothy Bateman Mary Bateman Dorothy Bateman Agnus Brown Mabel Wi●son Isabel Garnet Rebecca Storey Jane Thomson Agnus Wilson Isabel Berk Elizabeth Newbie Dorothy ducat Elizabeth Simpson Mabel Moor Eliz. Moor Margret Moor Elin rig Elizabeth Heline Mabel Came Dorothy Lorimer Margret Wharton Isabel Storey Eliz. Lonsdal Eliz. rig Margret Thompson Eling Came Eliz. rig Margret Thompson Eling Came Anne Thompson Agnus skill Eliz. Hireson Eliz. Maskel Anne Came Anne Heline Eliz. Wharbrah Dorothy Middleton Eliz. Wison Christobel Suttoris Agnus Atkinson Eliz. Maning Eliz. Bambrigge Esabel Harling Eliz. Thompson Margret Moon Isabel Backhouse Margret Smith Mary Wilson Margret Sale Barbrey Thompson, ●l. Barbry Thompson, yo. Mary Park Jane Johnson Isabel Dogson Jane Wison Agnus Moor Agnus Hutton Eling Warriner Agnus Howsman Jenet hind Mabel Mansergh Dorothy Fowe Eling Howsman Eling Howsman Mabel Thompson Alice Thompson Isabel Thompson Eliz. Cartmel Bridget Gregge Francis Preston Bridget Came Sarah Came Margret Store Mary Dodin Elizabel rig Eliz. saddler Eliz. Sewert Eliz. Backhouse Agnus Wharton Alice Green Isabel Adlington Em. Smith Margret Smith Agnus Holey Margret cock Agnus Cock Eliz. Show Eliz. Bateman Margret Phleming Elin Sands Mary Colinson Anne Vaugh Dorothy Vaugh Jane Dawson Eliz. Dawson Eliz. Edrington Eliz. Edrington Dorothy Wilkinson Dorothy Storey Agnus Storey Margret Beck Agnus Whitehead Sarah Benson Mary Benson Dorothy Benson Margret Benson Eliz. Benson Katherine Benson. Women, Friends that have given their Testimony against the oppression of Tithes into the North part of LANCASHIRE. MArgret Fell Bridget Fell Sarah Fell Alice Corber Mary Corber Susanna Ormandy Jane Wildman Isabel Wilson Eliz. Asburner Rosemond Benson Margret Clayton Annas Fell Alice Chambers Eliz. Milner Frances Hale Dorothy Chambers Izabel Yeates Eliz. Kirkby Jane Kirkby Eliz. Walker Dorothy Hutton Jane holm Eliz. Park Alice Fell Frances Sharp Margret Myers and Harrison Eliz. Stubbs and Dixon Jane Milner and Jackes Eliz. bows Margret Kirkby Eliz. Kirkby Eliz. Myers Margret Fell and Ocandy Alice Ceuper Barba Ormondy Jenet Fisher Alice Curmen Alice Goad Izabell Birket Mary Fell Eliz. Saltas Alice Milner Eliz. Milner Margret Cleaton Margret Lancaster Elizabeth Adison Jane Symetson and Rig Margret Rig Annas Braythwaite Dorothy Braythwaite Margret Braythwait Mary Benson Dorothy Benson Jane Benson Elizabeth Benson Dorothy Brugthwait Dorothy Saterthwait Dorothy Braithwait Dorothy Saterthwait Elin Atkinson Elizabeth Wilson Jane Walker Jane Walker Annas Penington Annas Walker Elizabeth Beck Margret Walker Barbary Benson Dorothy Braithwait Agnes Rig and Ayray Grace Crackenthrop Grace Whitehead Agnes Whinfield Mary Ayray Jenet Whitehead Elizabeth Whitehead Jenet Adkinson Margret Bownes Grace Barwick Elizabeth Barwick Ellinor Cloudsdall Elizabeth Gibson and Ayray Kathrine Wilson Frances Lawson Izabell Fallowfield Frances Sleavenson Marge. Fallowfield Cisely Slevenson Mary Sobinson Frances Gilson Jane Briham Frances Hebson Mary holm Jane Winter Margeret Wharton Elizabeth Holm Jenet Smith Margeret Smith Sarah Smith Izabell holm Annas Smith Anas Teusdall Margeret Smith Annas Wilson Mabell Bland Mary Bland Mabell Robinson Barby Robinson Jenet Denkin Izabell Robinson Elizabeth Hebson Elizabeth Wilson Elizabeth Morland Margeret Bland Elizabeth Morland Margeret Bland Elizabeth Bland Elizabeth Robinson Annas Robinson Jane holm Annas Licock Jzabell Hoglethrop Annas Holm Elizabeth Coupland Elizabeth Winter Eliz. Crackenthrop Elizabeth bide Margeret Simpson Eliz. bud Margret Sympson Francis Sympson Mary hind Izabel Holm Anne Thompson Margret Weaver Anne Stubbs Mary Brief Jennet Jenkinson Jane Dickinson ellen Feeler Dorothy banns Margret Shearson Eliz. Walker Anne Holm Anne Waling Ellen Cunning Eliz. Bond Eliz. Harthwait Eliz. banns Katherine land Margret Wilson Jennet Robbinson Jane Thomson Anne Cornbut Margret Bond Margret Hind Agnus Moor Margret Lucas Anne Willan Jane Hadan Agnus Wethman Agnus Worsley Ellen Clarkson Margret Turner Isabel Turner Isabel Kilner Isabel Oulson Margret Haden Jane Huberthorn Eliz. Robbinson Ellen won easter leper Margret leper Ellen Holm Sarah Barkhouse Mary Beakon Eliz. Thompson Eliz. Thoming Eliz burrow Margret Besbrown Mary Besbrown ellen Towming Mary Cocking Jane Corley Math. Croft Eliz. Hardwin Jane Dorthwait Eliz. sloth Jane Wilder Agnus Markdal Eliz. Fell Mary Fleming Margret Robbinson Jane Wilson Dorothy Pearson Eliz. Pearson Isabel Stuckled Jennet Dickison Alice Barrow ellen Park Alice Raskel Mary Toweson Agnus Dibson Kath. clown Eliz. Dobson Agnus Graton Eliz. Tomson Ellen Thornow Eliz. Thornol Eliz. Bradshaw Ellen Bark Anne Arnan Emery Johnson Margret Bradshaw Margret Puling Jane More Anne Park Mary Rood Alice Carter Agnes Thomson ellen Sander Emery Carter Alice Archer Margret Carter Agnus Carter Anne Gaunt Margret Sonten Jane Salthouse Alice Singleton Agnus Bradshaw Ellen Park Agnus Riskel Mary Thompson Agnus D●bson Margret Dawreg Agnus Malor Eliz. Thompson Ellen Thomer Eliz. Thorner Eliz. Bradshaw Ellen Park Alice Arman Emery Jackson Margret Bradshaw Margret Puling Jane Moor Anne Park Mary Rood Alice Carter Anna Thompson Ellen Sander Emery Cater Margret Thorner Ellen Cater Jennet Carter Agnus Cater Anne Gaunt Margret Sonton Ellen Butler Jane Salthouse Alice Singleton Agnus Breadshaw Eliz. Tayliar Ellen Hatton Grace Foister Alice key Alice Smallshaw sicily Croper sicily Ascroft Isabel Tayliar Ellen Charles Dorothy Wilding Eliz. Tarlton Edith. Webster Anne Pike. Margery Swift Kath. Tatlock Anne Rymmer Dorothy Letherbarrow Alice Aspinwall Ellen White jennet Watson Isabel Ambrose Alice Ambrose Isabel Moon ellen Tomlinson Ellen Brewer Margret Thompson Eliz. Thompson Mary Thompson Eliz. Butler Ellen Parkenson Bridget Parkinson Jennet Kirby Marg. Eckles Anne Smith Ellen Tompson J. Ashton T. Chadock H. Sefton E. Sefton E. lion R. Wetherby L. Hey R. Hey E. Bispem R. Letherbarow H. Letherbarow J. Bispham J. lion R. lion H. Martland R. Webster A. Hadock G. pie J. Underwood J. Dick R Johnson J. Smalshaw W. Longley J. pie P. Westhead A. Wetherby P. Leadbeter W. Bower R. Longley T. Fearnes G. Barrow G. Atherton O. Atherton T. rose T. Atherton H. Foster J. Martland R. Cubham R. Hunter Mary Sutton Anne Keniby ellen Hodgkinson Hannah Keniby Margret Ashton Mary Johnson Deborah lion Jane Letherbarow Allis Letherbarow Margret lion Eliz. Leadebetter Magret pie Margret Underwood Jane Johnson Mary Haylewood Mary Smiken Elizabeth Gilbertson Mary Leadbetter Mary Underwood Mary lion Anne Bispom Mary Foster Jane dick Jane Fearnes Dorothy Barrow Anne Letherbarow and Atherton Elizabeth Hunter Margeret Atherton ellen Johnson Edith Hilton ellen Smalshaw Margeret kendal Mary kendal Mary tailor Elin Atherton Allis lion Sarah lion R. Watmough J. Kirkes. J. Tarlton W. Bootle H. Haugraice J. Ashton W. Harison J. Fletcher J. Tarlton B. bolt P. Leithwait W. Hatton G. Hindly W. Griffith G. lion R. Litherland katherine Stockley Margret Kerkes Jane Tarlton Mary bolt Alice Hatton Jane Young Margret Plumton Alice meadow Grace Hindly Margret Brindle Margret Stretch Rebecka Griffith Alice Leithwaith Alice hid Izabell Marrow Mary Kenrick Elizabeth Darbishire Elin Hatton Mary Linicar Mary Knowles Alice Ricroft Elizabeth Ricroft and Bootle and lion Elin Wessle Margret Caldwall Mary Souste Alice Southworth Mary Southworth Margret Hallwood Mary Millit Mary Millit katherine crowd on Susana Croudson Sara Cocker and Ashton Mary Marsh Isabell earl Elin earl Alice Lancaster jane Quitquit and Clear katherine Holebrook Sarah Holobrook Jane Benniton Mary Cocker and Mason Margret Seddow Mary Seddow Jane Beniton Margret Marsh and barns Mary Sharrock Margret barns Jane earl Mary Minchall Elizabeth Minchall Margret Minchall Jane Towers katherine tailor Elin Bownes and Holbrook and Helwood Susan Parker Margret earl Allis Peuheth Allis Hold Jane Wilkinson Elizabeth Fothergil and Bowfield Isabel hardly Elizabeth Bowvel Elizabeth Laidman Elizabeth Creighton Isabel Saffe and Wright Annas Crosdale Isabel Holm Elizabeth Crosdale Jane pinner and pinner Babel Gibson Elizabeth faucet Jane Walker Margret pinner Ezab. faucet Annas Thornborough Dorothy Knewstop Annas Thompson Mabel Scafe Eliz. Murthwaite Mary Cleasby Elizabeth Ayray Jane Bouscald Margeret Lamb Mary Scafe Northumberland, and other parts, To the Parliament of England, &c. Jane Watson. Elizabeth Watson. Mary Dawson Elizabeth Whitfield jane Whitfield jane Younger Alice Braidwood Barb. Bee jane Davison Elizabeth Shield and Shield Mary Shield Margret rowel Elizabeth Catsforth Anne Harbottle Mary Spark Anne Shield Mary Farlam jane Williamston Elizabeth Hutchinson Anne Dawson Mary Williamston Elizabeth Neving Margret Moor Alice Brown Anne Coleson Anne Featherstone Margret Bee Mary Charles Mary Boldock Alice burr Susan Whitingstald Dorothy Geurney Frances Field Anne Philip Ursula Spencer Elizabeth Helder Sarah Burst Elizabeth Robberts Sarah burr Susanna Randol Susanna Pareman Anne Charles Mary Charles Cesle Hanken Elizabeth Cook Ellen Dunn Elizabeth Wood Mary North Mary Exton Prudence joice Anne Starton Mary Thompson Mary Charles Mary Godfeer Elizabeth Mennord Anne Stapelton Sara Kingsley Mary Bardwel Anne Finch Grace Chaklee Margret Exton Anne Wennuem joan Fisher Anne Goodyear Jane Jeynes Ione Thoms Elizabeth Thoms Elizabeth Walker Isabel Portor Sara Sismore Alice Underhil Anna Okey Elizabeth Haukins Mary Fisher Meriam Moss Mary Ward Hester Underhil jane Pullar Anne Dobbins Susan Hopcot Alice Iefferis Patience Alcock Comfort Alcock Hannah Ward Barbara Moss Ursulah Ward jane Cart Gayes Band Alice Fox Anne Surman Mary Surman Elizabeth Hopcot Elizabeth White Margret Cook Maxet Robeson joan been Mary Woolman Alice Gregry Mary Maybifield Alice Meral Marget King Alice Elise Elin Sizmore Rebecca Sizmore Anne Rickels, youn. allies King Anne Sanford Hannah Levite Priscilla Trotman Sarah Sturmy Sarah Hayerd Elizabeth joins Elizabeth Maies luke Goldson Mary Whighthead Elizabeth Enger Susan Clippon Elizabeth Chitcherly Grace Burvey Anne Burvey Mary bay Jacobin bay Anne Folkes Alice Offel Elizabeth Burbey Mercy Pedly Anne Wilmott Ellen Harwood Marget Harwood Anne Barber Elizabeth Brett Alice Brett Frances Hagger Anne Askby Mary Hagger Dorothy Thorrowgood Ellen Rumbal Elizabeth Westropp Mary Stompford Mary Asswel Elizabeth Hughes Sara Siser blanche Baggley Priscllia Baggley Anne Hagger Grace Withon blanche Sutton joan Wilton Mallun Harvy joan Preacher Fastie Gibson Annis Dennis Anne Waler Marget Hank Ellen Ihand Elizabeth Porter Elizabeth Suttin joan Smith Sarah patten Elizabeth Hagger Grace Hagger Abarry Nodes CUMBELAND. ANne Fletcher Jane Gibson Elinor Sargin Elizabeth Sargin Jane Couk Jane Sargin Anne Pearson Frances Palmer Jane Hall Anne Palmer Elizabeth Fearron Elizabeth Hall Marget Ashley Anne Dalton Anne Mordin Anne Fearon Jane Huton Dorothy Smith Mary Smith Anne Benson Anne Spensor Jane Palmer Jane Robbinson Anne Keay Jane Pearson Elizabeth Pearson Jane Wilson Mary Palmer Isabel Shepherd Marget Curwen Anne Thumkalt ellen red Elizabeth Wilson ellen Bell Elizabeth Ribton Margret Threlkelt joice Davis Margret Sibsor Mary Bowman Jane Barker Frances Parker Elizabeth Coultert Jane Dixson Jane Whiteside Bridget Stamper Jane Caipe Agnes Nickelson Agnes Stricket Jane Seot Jane Relfe Agnes Williamson Margret Atkinson Mary Fosken Eline● Grainger Mary Grainger Margret Bewly Jane Wilson Mabel Fasken Mabel Scot Elizabeth Banks Agnes Ritson Margret Parker Agnes Scot Mabel Kingston Jane Hodgin Mary Sivitwaire Jane Hasken Jane Hasken Isabell Scot Katheren Ritson Jane Relfe Elizabeth Banks Isabel Peacock Agnes Fisher Mary Fisher Mabel Williamson Jane Pearson Jane Ardall Elizabeth Slamper Elin Plasket Elizabeth Irton Jane Tonter Jane Pingry Jane Scot Mary Scot katherine Fell Isabell Boraskil Dorothy Simpson Madglen Boraskill and Dine Anne Dodgin Jane Bushby Margret Aplbey Elizabeth Weston Margret Scot and Person Jane Hewetson Frances Simpson Isabel Buntin and Carter Isabel Suel Jenet Watson Isabel Fisher Jane Fisher Margret Grig Jenet Johnson Susan Sutherswait Jenet Wilson Mary Faucet Isabel Nelson Margret faucet Elin Head Frances Allinson Jenet Allason Jenet Allason Jenet Allason Elin Liteldale Margret Jackson Agnes Wodell Mary Dawson Margret Walker Margret Mark Jane Welling Agnes Mark Agnes Mark Margret Dawson Margret Dawson Agnes Smith Margret Mark Isabel Mark Frances Gaskath Margret Hodgson Jane Hodgson Isabel Hodgson Mabel Wharton Mary Wharton Elizabeth Banks and Harrison Isabell Toppin Elizabeth Bone Jane Stables Agnes Patinson Mabel Ridgland Agnes Nickelson Agnes Robinson Mary Robinson Jane Henderson Margret Pattinson Jenet Blylock Jenet Gibson Jane tailor Elizabeth tailor katherine Pearson Jenet Godfellow Isabel Godfellow Margret Palmer Agness Summers Ayhs Summers Elizabeth Summers Modland Dixson Elin Winyeat Margret Harrison Mary Sharp Mary Wicklife Agness Frear lucy Bell Elin Simpson Jenet Peel Elin Pearson Jane Dickinson and Richinson Isabel Maison Mary steel Iasabel Fearon Margret Willing Agness Lowrance Agness Allason Margret Williamson Jane Bell Isabel Bell Elizabeth Bell katherine Bell Elizabeth Sumpton Jane Pearson Jenet Heston Elizabeth Normand Elizabeth Rodger Jane Bank and Bank and Bell Margret faucet and Fisher and Westray Susana Bland Elizab Richardson and Black-ston Elizabeth Gibson Elin Litleton Jane Grave Mary Bowman Jane Basker Frances Parker Elizab. Conthwait Jenet Wilson Jenet Fearton Jenet wilson Isabel Robinson katherine Wilson Elizabeth Rutson Elin Bacon Isabel Harris and Harris Isabel Harris Mary Scraghum Isabell Gill Eliner shepherd and Hudson Elizabeth tailor Frances Tarn Elizabeth Dawson Margret Collinson Jane Readbead Agnes Britch Agnes Holm Margret Sle Isabel Sle Agnes Sle Mary Sle Margret Todhunter Mabell Peacock Margret Grenhow Frances Grenhow Elizabeth Bewly Elizabeth Mark Jenet Mark Elizabeth Todhunter Agnes Cook Agnes Sandwick Margret bristol Jane Peacock Mary Mark Elizabeth Mark Isabel Mark Mabel Peacock Agnes Peacock Isabel Peacock Mabel Gardhouse Christian Watson Barbaine Stony Jenet Nikelson Mary Milburn Elizabeth Heath Elizabeth Stevenson Alice Nickelson Dorothy Relfe Jane Prestman Agnes Prestman Jane Slaughter Margret Cook Agnes Greenup Mabel Fisher Elizabeth Patrickson Elizabeth Shippard Mary Patrickson Margret Fell Grace Stalker Mabel Caipe Dorothy Bewly Judeth Relf Margret Walker Jane Stamper Jane Barwiss Margret Richardson Isabel Fell Agnes Scot Jenet Caip Mabel Dixson Jane Prestman Agnes Fell Jenet Caipe Jane Hasken Agnes Hasken Jenet Scot Jenet Dixson Elizabeth Patrickson Elizabeth Dalkon Jane Head and Maison Jane Head Frances window Isabell Head Magret Davis katherine Tolson and Walker Margret Robinson Elizabeth Tolson Jane Willigin Margret Robinson and Robinson Isabell head Elizabeth Feron Margret faucet Margre Sergent Elizabeth Lancaster and Roger Mary Fearon Jenet Walker Jenet Head Elin Head Elin Peile and Head and Dixson katherine Fisher Elizabeth Wilkinson Elin Whodhall Jenet Dixson and Dickinson and Dixson Elizabeth Winpeat and Jackson Margret Fletcher Isabel Tiffin Barbary Dawson Jenet Fletcher Alice Jolstock Agnis Bowman Margret Dickson Eliner Freer Isabel Feron Isabell Rodger Elizabeth Rodger Jane Jackson Isabel Jackson Elizabeth Harrison Elizabeth Bowman Eliner Dixson Jane Dixson Margret Robinson Elizabeth Sturdy Elizabeth Hodgson Jane Reed and Wilson Agnes Harberson Jane Ritson Isabel Saule Eliner Mark Magdelen Potter Mary Martin Margret martin Dorothy Gibson Jane Hodgson Jane Gouldey Agnes Robinson Agnes Nickelson Jane Tompson Jane Atkinson Mary Atkinson Agnes Fisher Judeth Fisher Jenet Geffray Elizabeth Hadgan Jane Fisher Jenet Sherugam Jane Saul Elizabeth Saul Mary Saul Agnes Saul Jane Hewet Mary M●ssenger Mary Laucack Alice Lhamber Mary Ritson Agnes Cowen Mary Wait Dorothy Atkinson Elizabeth Wait Jane Atkinson Jane Spot Mary Atkinson Elizabeth Grave Elin Ritson Jane Osburn Eliza. Osmotherley Frances Osmotherley Jane Laucock Jane Saul Mabel Saul Jenet Wilson Elizabeth wilson Dorothy Scragam Mary Whinon Elizabeth Hodgson Elizabeth Wilson Margret Wilson Mary Wilson Eliz. Baru Mary Keedall Mary Scrugam Elizabeth Wilson Frances Wilson Mary Wilson Margret Thrikbat widow Wilson Wid. Twentyman Margret Wilson Mary Coltart widow Kickerby Mabel Wilson Agnes Him Margret faucet Mary Fearon Dorothy Cook and Beebe Jennet Stubs Mabell Caip Jennet Facet Dorothy Gill Margret Johnson and Wilson Elizabeth Wilson ellen Emerson Margret Fearon Jennet Fearon Jennet Salkeld Jennet Robinson Dorothy Salkelt Dorothy Fisher Katheren Peel Elizabeth Allason Ellen Allason Agnes Liteldal Iennet Marchel Mary Christian Elizabeth Salkeld Margret Morgan Win. Mordan Isah. Young-husband Agnes Thompson Agnes Tempel CHES-SHIRE. To the Parliament of England, &c. To do righteously, and to stop this unrighteous Ministry that makes havoc, spoils mens goods, and imprisons them, and persecutes them till death, for Tithes. ALL Tithes was since the fall that man was driven from God into the Earth, false and true, set up by God and man; Tithes in the War to Melchizedeck, the similitude like the Son of God, to which Abraham paid the Tenths of the spoil; Tithes in the Law set up by the Command of God, for Levi, for Fatherless, for Widows, for Strangers, and preserved and kept in a Store-house, and Christ being come after the Order of Melchizedeck, he maketh an end of all similitudes and likenesses, he ends the War and makes Peace on earth, and redeems out of the fall and transgression, and destroys the Devil the cause of War and strifes, whereby he brings Peace on earth and reconciliation with God, and all things in Heaven and things in earth, destroying the Devil the author of transgression, that went out of truth, so leads into the Unity; he it is, Christ, that ends the Law, and ends the Priesthood which takes away the Tithes, and the Commandment that gives them, which is according to the Law that holds them up, and so redeems man out of the Ninths of the earth, who ends the Priesthood, Law, Commandment and Store-house, for earthly things, that hath the Tenths, whereby people come to know their Election before the World began, and this we witness, driven from God, into the earth, up unto God again, redeemed, out of the earth, up to God again, so we come out of the Ninths and the Tenths which were offered up to God in the time of the Law, so we come to know before the earth was, being in Christ by which all things was made, to reign as Kings upon the earth, and Priests to God; so man driven from God into the earth by transgression, man brought to God out of the earth by Christ the Emanuel: a Virgin shall have a Child, his Name shall be called Emanuel, his Interpretation is known, which is, God with us, who hath known the time with God, who ends the War, and ends the Law and similitudes, and figures, and Priests, and Tithes, and Commands that gives them, and such as are here in Christ are in the substance, and cannot hold up Tithes in the War nor Tithes in the Law, nor the Priest that takes them, nor they that give them, but sees the end of the Law, and the Commandment by which they are upheld, being in Christ the substance, and such holds forth a Testimony against the contrary, that is, the Tithes in the War and in the Law, and such knows the Election before the world began, and are out of the Ninths as well as the Tenths, and are out of the War, and knows the Kingdom that stands in Peace, and lives in the Peace, and knows the Peace on the earth, and good will towards men; So Tithes since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostasy set up by the Pope the Papist, his Law and Command we utterly abhor, deny and detest against, which is a shane & abominable to be mentioned among them that are called Christians, and do see that they that give them, and they that take them are neither agreeable to Law nor Gospel, nor Melchizedeck, for the Law made provision for Levi and for all Strangers, Fatherless & Widows, that there need not be a beggar in Israel; and Melchizedeck took the Tenths of the spoil from Abraham, it is red he once did so, but you do not red that he took the Tenths of all the spoil of all the Wars of all Nations from the Souldiers, and the Gospel and they that preached it, which Christ sent forth in that time, when the Jews Law was standing, and the Store house, and Tithes, and the Commandment; Christ did not sand his Disciples with a bag to the Store-house, to take Tithes out of the Store-house, out of Levies maintenance, and Widows, Strangers and Fatherless, but sent them without a bag, and said, Freely ye have received, freely give; and inquire who is worthy, and what is set before you, that eat; And these that Christ sent forth, when they came back, Christ asked them, Wanted ye any thing? their answer was, they did not; so these planted Vineyards and eat the fruit, these got a Flock and eat the milk, they lived in the Gospel the power of God and preached it, and these brought people out of the Ninths, and ended the Tenths, and ended the Law, and the Commandment, and wrestled with that that caused the War, so trod out the Corn, threshed in hope, ploughed in hope, sowed spiritual things, reaped carnal things, and they that were taught in the Word communicated of those things to him that taught; so the teacher and the taught was in the Union, and they did not run unto the powers of the earth rawly for Tenths; Now Tenths are amongst them that are apostatised from the Apostles, and they have set up laws to give & take Tithes and triple damage for Priests and Impropriators, and come with Troops of spoilers, with bills and staves, not like Preachers of the Gospel: but no Store-house for Widows, for Strangers, for Fatherless, but all Countries and Cities are full of beggars, and streets and allies, and Steeple-house-doors, which is enough to make all them sick that fear the Lord, to see that Christianity should be worse then the Jews Law, and that they are neither agreeable to Law nor Gospel, nor Tithes in the War; So all Tithes we bear witness against, Tithes in the Law, Tithes in the War, and Tithes of apostasy, who witness our Redemption out of the earth, and Election before the World began, and so reigns upon it afore Tithes of the War, and Law and apostasy was, and transgression both, and are redeemed out of it, who are in Covenant with God, and Peace with him. And so we say, that all that Petition you for Tithes are Jewishly minded and Popishly affencted, and are not the true Christians nor Christianly minded, and rather worse then the Jews, for they do not put the Tithes to the same use that the Jews did; and the Priests are all scandalous Ministers, for they scandal their Master Christ, & their Lord, whom they pretend to serve in dishonouring him in seeking to you the Magistrates for their maintenance, as though Christ did not provide for his, and give them maintenance enough, and those Magistrates that were Jews, and since the dayes of the Apostles, the true Christians, there hath been the Popish Magistrates in the beast, false prophets, Antichristians, Dragons, false churches, dayes, since the true Church went into the Wilderness, but she is preparing her self for her Husband, and coming out in her glory, and the man-child is witnessed, the husband, and the shout of a King is amongst us, the Lord God Omnipotent, who will throw down all than is come up since the true Church went into the Wilderness; Therefore we with our names and hands do bear our Testimony against Tithes, the giver of them, the setter of them up, and the taker of them, and would that you and all People should turn to the power of God, in which ye might be in union and take off these things, which doth oppress the Nation, in which power there is no oppression. CHES-SHIRE. ELiz. Yardly Dorothy Yardly Mary Tomasin Jane Tomlisson Mary Pritchard Susanna Maddocks Kathern Mills Jane Andrews Darcas sergeant Hannah Sergeant Eliz. Ducker Juliana Painter Fran. Probbin Margret Parker Eliz. Smith Margret Baddeley Margret Tomlisson Dorothy Tomlisson Eliz. Baddeley Jane Tomlisson Fran. Tomlisson Jane Nicholas Fran. Yardly Dorothy Hare Elin Nicson Eliz. morris Mary Hare Jane Hare Eliz. Croxton Mary Croxton Mary loans Ermine Pricket Jane Lloyd Margret Lloyd Anne Ledsome Kathern Andrews Eliz. Andrews Jane Colley Sarah Court Anne Bettily Tomasine tailor Jane Nicklas Dorothy Llyod Alice Johnson Fran. Walker Anne red Mary Gilbert Eliz. Weaver Dorothy Mear Margret Wooly Mary Tomlisson Anne Johnson Dorothy Naylor Mary Hall Eliz. Lewis Mary Cawly Margret Rowland Mary Swan Margret Coppock Margret Williams Anne Janyou Alice Buckly Mary Vandrey Alice tailor Eliz. Moor Alice Sanders Kathern Shepherd Elinor Rowlison Sarah Mercer Eliz. Pickring Eliz. Swan Kathern Crosby Mary Jackson Jane Hucksly Mary Burtonwood Anne Moreton Eliz. Moreton Eliz. Crosby Hannah Crosby Mary Bradford Elin Crosby Kathern eton Elin Williamson Mary clear Mary Williams Kathern Anderton Eliza. Wyrral Jane Jackson Eliza. Anderton Hannah Marbury Mary Anderton Margret Barker Alice Pasley Eliz. Hutton Jane Dunbabin Elin Anderton Anne Amery Jane show Eliz. Crosby Eliz. gate Margret Sanky Margret Cartwright Alice Jones widow Simcock Margret Garnet Alice Widdens widow Parcival Mary Miller Mary Mountford Kathern Hill Priscilla Hatton Mary Browant Margret Touchet Alice Challiner Eliz. Adlington Mary Brownant Eliz. Brownant Mary Pickring Elin Preston Anne Sarrat Anne Sharples Mary Griffeth Ellinor Cotgrean Margret Higenson Priscilla Crabb Eliz. Sarrat Eliz. Hall Elin Hall Mary Hall Sarah Boulton Margret Royl Elin Boulton C●sly Cleaton Eliz. Asbrook Margret Milner Eliz. Milner Elin Brown Deborah Bushel Eliz. Bushel Eliz. Pike Fran. Skelton Eliz. Widart joan Edge Eliz. Hattou Eliz. Hale Alice Hignet Eliz. Sarret Eliz. Bushel Ellinor Barker ellen Cook Anne Tomson Anne Millington Mary Bushel Elin Davenport Mary Davenport A●ne Pike Sarah Brown Eliz. Wood joan Wood Margret Norman katherine Hatton Eliz. Moberly Mary Bradford Eliz. Griffeth Mary Suddern Mary Gerrard Elin Moberly Eliz. Kilshaw Margret Miller Martha Williamson Elin Hall Elin Baxter Alice Davenport Eliz. Yayler Eliz. Cowley Alice Pickring Margret Cordal Margret Monk Mary Hill Sarah Hill Eliz. Stringer Ellinor Hatton Mary Pike Eliz. friar Mary Warton Kathern Brierwood Mary Brierwood Mary Key Mary Sanderson Alice Walley Mary Fisher Mary Sharples Elin Jones Margret Dunbabir lettuce Perrin Margret Wood Grace Ellet Margery Sharples Eliz. Perrin Eliz. Briggs Susanna Liversticke Cisly Whitcars Eliz. Beeston joan Hill Eliz. Husall Anne Dicks Jane More Dorothy Booth Margret Candwel Eliz. Mear joan Hampton Eliz. Green Eliz. hazel Dorothy Tumkin Cisley Pearson Kathern Madley Margret Hasul Mary Hamsley Margret mere Mary Endon Margret Moreton Anne Lounds Anne Wardley Margery oaks Isabel Thorncroft Sarah Thorncroft Amy Haywort Mary Smith Lydia Wharmbee Kathern Walker Margery Lownds Alice Smith Hester Hall Alice Lownds Eliz. Bradbury Eliz. Hall Mary Leigh Fran. Armit Elin Steward Hester Brumbly Eliz. Stoniard Eliz. Pass Mary morris Eliz. Chorley Elin Whitakers Margret Chorley Jane Lownds Kathern Hitchinson Elin Antrobus Mary Dawson Isabel Plant Anne Leigh ellen Dawson Mary Graves Grace Brown Mercy Berrington Anne Baker Margret Picker Dorothy Deen Dorothy Steel ellen Picker Mary Strach Mary Bradshaw Eliz. Bradshaw Sarah Bradshaw Margery Hitchin Jane Miller Anne Wooker Margret Baker Margret Baker Hannah Baker Eliz. Evans Anne Frinson Dorothy Alexander Eliza. Battely Amy Buckly Elizabeth moral ellen Bertles and Becket Ketheren Furnisall Elizabeth Wood ellen Hall Margret Barker Katheren Millington and Bramal Elizabeth Bramal Margret Hamson Elizabeth Sudlow ellen Grange Margret eton Margret Gatlist and Sutton Katheren Stockley Mary Green Mary Millington Margret Midlehurst and Berry Kathren Ryther Elizabeth Newby Elnor forest and Loranson Elizabeth Robinson Margret Bretton Elizabeth Pickring Alice Shak-shaff ellen Gloven Margret Barrow Katheren Kerkcum Elizabeth Glover Katheren Foxley Margret Pickring Margret Pickring Margret Dewsberry Elizabeth Gandy Elliner Barker Jane Deakin Elizabeth golden Margery eton and Jamney signior ellen show Margret Yarwood Mary Jamney Mary Strettel Alice burgess Elizabeth burgess Mary Smith and Lamb Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Felor Mary Janney Martha Janney Margret burgess and Harrison Margery Heath Elizabeth burgess Elizab. Worthington Anna Worthington Mary Worthington Martha Worthington Frances Worthington Mary Worthington Sarah Worthington Joan Holm Margret Holm ellen Holm and Holm Elizabeth Janney Hester show Rebecca show Mary show ellen Stretch and Milner Mary Milner Mary Pot Joan Armstrong Elizabeth Peirson Mary Pot sibyl Felor Elizabeth heeled Ellen Alcock Elizabeth Hobson Margret Pownal Sebel Hough Margret heeled Mary Mallory and Shield Constant Shield Alice moss Elizabeth Ashton Mary Bostock Mary Brock Mary Beely and Woyd Alice Millor sibyl Beard and Hall and boar Alice Ridgway Elizabeth Hoyd Margret Harrup Hester Arnefield and Bowler Frances roil Kathren Sheart Elizabeth Hibert Mary Hibert Jane Burdiken Elizabeth Sheply Elizabeth Leech and Simpson Margret Broadhouse sibyl Sikes and Rowbottom Elizabeth Bowdon ellen Carrington Mary Warrington Margret Warrington Mary Hasfort Anne Sibe●t Anne Bower Mary Pownal Kathern Kalshaw ellen hid Anne Oussoncroft Anne Marsland Ellen Hollenshed Eliz. Astel Anne Blemily Jane Chanler Mary Jamon Anne Brown Margret Ridgway Margret belly Ellen belly Ellen Burgess, elder Ellen burgess Margery burgess Kathern Rylance Eliz Falkner Margret Falkner Ellen Arstenstal Anne Cash Mary Cash Mary tailor Mary Worthington Eliz. Kelshal Anne heeled Dorothy Al●en Margret Coppock Kathern Beck Eliz. Morgan Margery own Ursula Hitchcock Sarah own Martha own Rebecca Holm Ellinor Dewsberry Anne Maddock Deborah Maddock Elinor Underwood Margret Underwood Sarah Ghorst Dorothy Hand Eliz. Bristoe Sarah Maddock Isabel Lagh Alice Nicholas Hannah Wa●more Jane Gravener. YORK-SHIRE. We whose names are here underwritten, being truly sensible of the great oppression( by reason of Tithes) in this Common-wealth of England, by the cruel exacting of Priests, Impropriators, Farmers and others, by imprisoning of some of our Brethren till death, others for years; and by making spoil( and waste) of others goods, to the utter undoing of them and their Families( as to the outward) we do here in the presence of the Lord God, and in the sight of men, bear our Testimony against that oppression, by setting our names to this Paper, who desire the same may be tendered to the Parliament of England, that that burden may be removed. BRidget clerk Grace Backler Margret Blythman Margret Tenant Margret Knowles Isabel Fish Jennet Carr Anne Wilson Eliz. Horseman Jane Coa●es Ellen Horseman Isabel Horseman Jennet Calvird Margret Metcalf sicily Metcalf Eliz. Nicolson Isabel Lambert Isabel Thompson Eliz. Thompson Margret Metcalf Jane Richinson Elizabeth Thompson Elizabeth Rowth Jane Metcalf Margret Wethervelt Margret Robbinson Agnes Clough Jennet Larock Mary Brigg Agnes Brigg Mary Brigg Anne Watson Mary Clough Isabel Bothamley Anne Wood Isabel Bothamley Mary Smith Anne Smith Grace Smith Elizabeth Smith Susanna Smith Mary Ambler Elizabeth Husler Agnes Husler Anne weighed Anne weighed Barbara Clough Eliz. Moor Mary tailor Susanna Brookbank Anne Watson Grace Brigg Anne Brigg Ellen Smith Martha Smith Sarah Smith Eliz Rass●n Katherine Scot Susanna Smith Eliz. Rawson sicily Metcalf Mandland Baraclough luke Smith Susanna Warton Mary Lawson Eliz. samson Priscilla Cant Jane Chaytor and moor Mary Jenkinson Anne Jenkinson Mary Hobson Elizabeth Summerson Anne Faucit Jane Ward Mary Brockblauk Elizabeth Robinson Mary Brockblauk Alice Peirson Margret Peirson Anne atkinson Jane Porter Mary Theaker Frances Easterby Sarah marshal Anne Sutton Mary Howson Bridget Bladworth Jane Knowles Agnes Wildman Jane Redman Agnes Wildman Margret Wildman jennet tenant Elizabeth clerk. Ellen tenant Rebeccha addison Isabel Bland Mabel Banks Elizabeth tenant Dorothy Weight Anne Watkinson Jane atkinson katherine Best Mary middleton Eliz. Hogg Jane Hinford katherine Hakes Susanna Robbinson Jane Kettelwol Anne Bramley Elizabeth Nelson Margret Occke●nly Margret Slaughter Mary Taytam Margret Batty Mary Bulcock Agnes horseman Agnes Hully Anne Dryber Ellen Lee Mary Whip Elizabeth Crossdale Anne Temple Mary Smith Elizabeth tailor Jane Oxard Jane Wilkinson Elizabeth Batter Mary Tudd Elizabeth Blanchard Anne Dennison Anne Smith Mary Batter Dorothy tod Elizabeth Lockwood Anne Coockson Jane Cookeson Mary Walker signior Mary Walker junior katherine Lewis Judeth Lewis Margret Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Sythey Masterman Mary Masterman Elizabeth Middleton Jane Woodwart Eliz. Johnson signior Elizabeth Shepherd Elizabeth Craik Elizabeth Tuler Alice Truman Anne Dennison Frances Crosby Isabel Wilkinson Anne Wilkinson Jane Ridmond Elizabeth proctor Anne Proctor Frances Aeston Elizabeth Rowth Margret Mercalf Elizabeth Thompson Isabel Thompson Anne Thomson Mary Lambert Mary heartily Jennet heartily Isabel Studderd Anne brown Mary Smith Margret brown Anne Pollard Ellen Pollard Jennet Sager Elizabeth Bleakly Mary Wilkinson Jane Cleaton Mary Bradshaw Mary Barcroft Alice Barcroft Ellen Pollard Agnes minnis Ellen Sager Elizabeth Higgin Mary mitchel Mary Hargreaves Anne Knowles Susan Heworth Mary Heworth Elizabeth Heworth Susan Heworth Mary Bertwisle Elizabeth Bertwisle Margret Bertwisle katherine Bertwisle katherine do Agnes Robbinson Alice Ratcliff Mary Rosthorn Alice Rosthorn Alice Ashworth Judeth tailor Mary Frith Hannah Langdal Sarah Hutton Sarah Jawet Sarah Jawet Sarah Dobson Sarah Howl Mary Hanson Bridget Green Mary Godely Anne Nubie Anne Wilbie Grace midgley Bridget Green Mary Pellington Sarah Denham Elizabeth Green Jane Leigh Dorothy Verity easter Burkby Alice Crowcher Elizabeth kitchen Anne Horgreaves Martha Boot Ellen Jowel Anne Swift Martha Phillip Sarah Bonds Mary Fowler Isabel Booth Mary Fothergil Elizabeth Sikes Hannah Bartle Grace Marshal Grace Croysdal easter Pollard easter Ramsden Grace Dunster Elizabeth Sikes Susan Thewellis joan Dyson Mary Whitly Sarah Lees Jane Fox Elizabeth Ramsden Mary Ramsden Grace Roydes Mary Whitly Susan Whitly Susan Turner Sarah Turner Anne Wadsworth Mary Wadsworth Easter Wadsworth Elizabeth Geldart katherine Horner Iddith Geldard Mary Rider Sarah Geldart Margret win Mary Robbinson Susanna Tyreman Isabel Fample Barbarah Hildreth Mary Dunning Margret Sample Anne mannings Margret Wood Ursula rhymer Elizabeth Johnson Margret Parving katherine rhymer Margret Pate Rosamond Snowdon Elizabeth Foster Ellen Tyreman Anne Smith Elizabeth Tutin Amey Waid Margery Whitehead Jane Robbinson Elizabeth Bell Margret Heddon Mary Todd katherine rhymer Mary Linsey Ellen Rowland helen Johnson Margret Tomlinson Rachel Garbut Margret Simpson Mary mason Isabel Orton Isabel Ray Susan Wim Margery Braderig Anne marwood Jane Furbank Jane Holm Isabel Story Elizabeth Tiplady Isabel Barher Anne Barher Margret Stonds Anne Graystorck Bettrisse Tenting Alice Nellist Isabel Tompsoe Margret Hodges Margret Stonds Jane Parrit Elizabeth Spark Margeret Ruddock Margret Pursglove Margery Coultheist Isabel Outhwait Elizabeth Thorp Elizabeth Larnest Mary Radcliff Effam Word Elizabeth Hodysoe Margret Hoddysoe Dorothy Hoddysoe Isabel Burdstead Anne White signior Anne White junior easter Chapman Anne Cockeril Jane Cockeril Magdalen Slightholm Isabel Knowles Ellen Smalwood Margery Cockeril Ellen Smalwood Isabel Smalwood Mary Pearson Anne Pearson Anne Greenbank Ellis Green Elizabeth Hart Jane Bimstil Ellen Hay katherine Stockley Jane Rider Susanna Lotherington Jane Faston Jane Rogers Sarah Jones Alice Pickering Dorothy Smalls Dorothy Heslam Isabel Sulon Margery Grange Eliz. Pennet. Eliz. Blenkhorn katherine clerk Dorothy Rooads aim Freayre Margret Leming Dorothy Leming katherine Bowch Eliz. horseman Jennet measm Mary Hardcastle Jane Simpson jennet Graing Mary Grang Mary Bridgwaters Agnes Atkinson easter Bridgwaters Ellen Umpelly Eliz. Grime Isabel Lapington Kathe. Kirkby Eliz. Stevenson Eliz. Sadman Martha Coward Frances Beswick Ellinor Cresby Ellinor Hodgson Elizabeth Star Elizabeth magdson Margret Hodgson katherine Dickson Alice Hopper Eliz. meggison katherine Alleson Elizabeth Thomlinson Ellen Leak Elizabeth Stevenson Frances writ Martha maincleton Anne Caylew Frances Kyther Isabel Arluck Eliz. Wats Jane Hunter Anne Hunter Isabel Barker Eliz. Pelch Anne northern Barbarah Jowsey Margret Chapman Alice Sowly Anne Fardin Eliz. Jackson Mary mlles Eliz. Smith Dorothy god helen Barwick Mary Roundtree Isabel Fardin Elizabeth Jackson Eliz. Baw Isabel Simpson Lucy Prat Alice Kirton Elizabeth Cherry Agnes Cherry Alice Typlady Eliz. Cherry Phillice Thompson Dorothy Thompson I●abel Clarkson Agnes Langstaff katherine Wilson Elizabeth Langstaff Margret Carter Margret Robbinson Mary Robbinson Eliz. Raw Elizabeth Robbison Eliz. Spenclay Agnes allenby Eliz. Hawxwel Isabel clerk Agnes Langsdale Anne Prat Alice Waller Alice Tompson Eliz. Honsdail Grace Smith Alice maw Anne Parkin Anne Dawson Anne tailor Susan mainforth Barbarah Kirk Barbarah Tindal katherine milner Jane Goodman Isabel applyurd clear marston. Hannah Coplaygh Eliz, Goodbarn Isabel Jordan Grace Goobal Eliz. Powel Margret Loft Eliz. Chambers Eliz. Burland Margret Hopwood Anne Ably Mary proctor sicily Knapton Sarah marshal Anne Sutton Mary Sutton Anne Smith Barbara Siddal Jane Selly Frances Storr Margret Storr Dorothy Storr Mary Nicolson Anne Nicolson Jane Yeats Elizabeth Whitehead joan Fearding Francis Thornley Anne Elisar Mary Whitehead Anne Edames Dorothy Crontser Frances Wright Margret Hagget Eliz. Turuer joan Newby Frances kitchen E izabeth Seak Frances Sanderson Eliz. Beck Bridget Emerson Alice Cass Margret Blashel Rebecca Sudaiber Jezabel Huntlay Rachel Garbur Margret milner Margret Teuslay Jane Barker Anne Burn Jennet Lilforth Mary Tuinam Susanna Plumner Mary Barber Jane Elliker Mary Parkinson Mary Smith Eliz. Tomlinson Mary Tom●inson Anne Parkinson Eliz. Brown Mary Tomlinson Margret Morehouse Isabel Parkinson Isabel Carr Bennet Hill Isabel Young Anne Young Anne Squire Mary Rawson Eliz. Weinman Ferah Weinman Eliz. Somerstals Mandlin Frankland Mary Somerstals Mary Rowly Jane Riply Anne Ibbitson Mary Ibbitson Eliz. Ibbitson Anne Dickinson Eliz. Dickinson Eliz. Watson Margret Scot. Susanna Hill Mary Tenant Alice Smith Isabel Grain Anne Fletcheard Martha bran Margret Dickinson Anna E●e●ton Isabel Dickinson Isabel Watlingson Mary Bollard Eliz. Dickinson Agnes morhoas Margret Hill Alice Smith Anne moor Jennet Chambers Isabel Chapman Margret moor ellen moor Margret Flankland Anne Atkinson Eliz, mason Agnes Kidar Mary Baython Eliz. Wilson Ellinor Watson Eliz. Watkinson Ellinor Watson Mary Robbinson Ellen Townson Eliz. Lucas Margret Wildman Jane Dickinson Jane Totum Martha Blahey Eliz. Priestly Mary Downing Alice Shoane Alice Jesoppe Eliz. Couldwel Mary Dickinson Grace mareden Alice Oxley Jane Swift Eliz. water-house Eliz. Creswicke Margret Dickinson Judeth Rothwel Katherine Brookbank Sarah Woodhouse Grace moakeson Anne Charlesworth Mary Catlein Anne Jessop Dorothy Hicke Dionice Couldwel Anne Dison Eliz. Crowder Eliz. Burgess Frances Hinchcliffe Mary morton Martha Priest Martha Couldwel Grace Hurst Margret Mourton Eliz. Trout Eliz. Wordsworth Anne Wilcock Mary Colson Mary Cotsworth Mary tod Margret leper Isabel Jarret Ellen Jarret Alice Beeswick Mary Story Thomason leper Jane Clough Mary Fowle● clear Harlas Jane Pearson Jane Chat Alice Hairst Mary Pilkington Alice mainprice Anne Stringer Anne Hodson Dorothy Gibson Frances Hutch Eliz. Gilburn Katherine Langdak Barbarah Aoklam Betteris Stabler Rebecca Drape Eliz. menson Dirothy Robson Grace Barwick Jane Drape Jane milner Eliz. Botterrel Christian Darfield Betteris Harrison Jane Ask Mary Burn Christian Dickinson Mary tod Eliz. Farthing Margret mankman Eliz. Hodgson Isabel Jaylor Jane Waln Mary Clifford Margret Smith Martha Coats Eliz. Blakey Grace Jackson Katherine Brown Anne Kettlesing Grace Swave Grace Pawson helen Pape Anne Bond Alice Alston Alice Dilworth Ellen gardener Dorothy Hodgkinson Agnes Crossdale Mary Crossdale Jane Waln Susanna Chambers Isabel Knowles Eliz. Bond Alice Hairst Margery Hairst Ellen Walbank Jennet Clough Agnes Rudd Mary Rudd Bridget Driver Eliz. Waddington joan burrow Ellen Cutler Isabel bailie Isabel Waln Jane Killam Margret Killam Anne Willeston Anne Nicolson joan Kil●am Anne Hickson Sarah Nicolson Eliz Harrison Rebecca Hamond Sarah Denham Eliz. Fletcher Alice Richardson Anne Smith Eliz. banns Anne perk Anne Camsal Anne Lambart Mary Vicars Alice Brown joan Lambart Rebecca Spavan Mary Carrington Martha Lambart Trothy Young Mary Worsely Mary Rowbothom Eliz Holms Mary Aldam Jennet Bunting Mary Parkin Bridget Bladworth Dorothy Williams Clarah Burton Eliz. Allisson Jane Spencer Anne Allisson Alice Crabtree Anne Scirlew Anne Cock Sarah Mapplebeck Mary Howson Jane beaumont Mary Lavarack Mary Law Eliz. Iclese Magdalen Dawny Susanna Dawny Mary Clarkson Katherine Clarkson Susanna Arnold Eliz. Parker Eliz. clerk Katherine Knots Anne Boulton Mary Cook Rebecca Cook Katherine Cook Jane Burnly DURHAM. We whose names are underwritten, seeing the unjustness and oppression of Tithes, do in the fear of the Lord bear witness, and give Testimony against them; And those that Receives, and by great and cruel Oppression requires the Payment of them by a Compulsatory Law, or condemns the refusers to Prison for not doing it, And if the Lord suffer such a thing to be still by the hard-hearted Tax-masters, we are by him made willing to give up our Bodies and Estates, for keeping our Consciences clear, rather then yield to the oppression and unreasonableness of some men who makes shipwreck of good Conscience, so they may have their wills of the other; And to this is our hands put. MArgret rain Eliz. Lee Anne Bainbridge Isabel saire elinor Eyon Kathern show Mary Richinson Isabel Rain Katherine Rain Isabel Appelby Mary Hutton Isabel Hutton elinor alenson Mary Chapman elinor Pinckney Anne tippling elinor Rain Mary Morlay Jane Walker Barbary Eyon Jane Bowran Elizabeth Robinson Elizabeth Allinson Dorothy Heslupp Alice Robison Margret Bowran Jane Wrightson Frances Walker Mary Appelby Jane Barret Mary Appelby Anne Wrightson jennet Bowran Mary Walker Alice Selby Anne Tallier Susan Tall●er Mary Hunter Anne Wilkinson Eliz. Row Eliz. Wilkinson Mary makepeace Frances Vicars Jane Whantley Anne Whatfield Jane Snowboll Mary Wilkinson Mary Laborn Anne Richardson Eliz. Whitefield Mary Hopper Jane Barret Margret Hopper Eliz. mere Thomleson Hunter Eliz. mallom Anne Sompson Jane Hopper Canstance Boggan Eliz. Jackson Jane Trotter Alice Ireland Eliz. Hopper Anne Emberson Eliz. Emberson Jane Emberson Margret Emberson Mary Robinson Isabel Henderson Anne Henderson Margret Ramshaw Margret Bradley Margret Ramshaw Eliz. Lidle Mary Stevenson Is bel Thomson Phillis Liddle Elliner Wardel joan Sanders Sarah Horeson Mary Chipses Isabel Ruston Jane Hall Mary Heighington Frances Hornplay Eliz. Hoper Anne Hall Anne Hodshon Allsee Adamson Anne Guard Suesance Harswhitel Gillence Woodmass Mary Richardson Katharine Smith Mildred Spalk Anne Harswhitel Anne Readhead Margret show Ezibel Heighly Margret Walker Ezibel Walker Alice clerk Eliz. clerk Jane Richardson Isabel Beaton Anne Robinson Margret Robinson Mildrel Foster Frances Fall Anne Patisson barbary Burdon Ellen Rutless Eliz. Readhead Isabel Appelby Alice Appelby Anne Richardson Anne Spark Isabel Newby Eliz. Brian Anne Over Mary worly Kathern Smith Mildrel Spark Anne Haswell Anne Readhead Margret show Isabel Highly Margret Walker Isabel Walker Alice clerk Eliz. Brian Jane Richardson Isabel Reighton Anne Robinson Margret Lobinson Mildrel Foster Frances Hall Anne Pattiun barbary Burdon ellen Rutlas Eliz. Readhead Alice Appelby Anne Richardson Anne Spark Isabel Newby Eliz. Brian Grace Pearson Anne Richmond Margret Richmond Ellenor Tompson Anne Bainbridge Barbary Emmerson Jane Nicolson Jane Gatley Sarah Welberry Margret Robinson Katherine Wrightson Johan Hodgshon Katherine Dodsworth Bridget English Constance Loyse●art Anne Robinson Jane Robinson Anne Draper Frances Avery Jane Daveson Anne Robinson Anne Langstass Ellinor Emerson Eliz. Richmont Anne Hodgson. NORTHAMPTON-SHIRE. These are the names of the Women, who are witnesses against the oppression of Tithes, taken at Northampton. MAry Gains Eliz. wills Katherine lad Phi. Haddon Frances Varney Mary Green Sarah Todd Anne Hewlit Anne Cook Alice Irons Jane Hunt Rebecca Peak Elish. Hunt Eliz. Hunt Anne Richardson Eliz. Averick Mary hag Mary Green Anne Patteson Katherine Gats Abigal Lauruck Anne Vincet Anne Stanley Ellinor Steunson Mary Nottingham Susanna Nottingham Hannah Nottingham Judeth Nottingham Eliz. Pours Anne Coks Alice Juies Dorkas Robinson Hannah Freeman Mary page., younger Alice Harris Sibbil Gibs Amey Robinson Eliz. Roel Sarah Palmer Eliz. Pug Eliz. Ellington Eliz. Ellington Anne Ellington Rebecca mekernes Anne Whitlick Mary Bely Hannah Day Mary Day Eliz. Day Eliz. Garret Alice Whitelock Alice Bely Sarah Bernes Margret Wills Eliz. Bely Elen Polings Anne Brooks Anne Warren Anne walls Mary Young Eliz. mekernes Mary Kenwrden Hester Wadsworth Eliz. Powel Eliz. mekernes heal Garret Eliz. Norcot Eliz. Abbot Mary Warren Alice Woolston Alice underwood Mary Warren Alice Preston Dorothy Ward Mary Britten Anne Key Anne Innfield Mary Steepens Eling Goedhe Margret Beeb Eliz. Bull joan Goby Anne Roberts Anne ear Anne Nickols Joice molten Anne Preston Eliz. Binion Eliz. wells E●iz. Weight Mary Warren Eliz. Knighton Anne Ibs Eme Durnil Anne Mekernes Anne Pell Deborah Roberts Anne Corby Mary Tarry Frances Houghton Bridget Pell joan Wadsworth These are the names of Friends in Welingburough and thereabouts. County of NOTTINGHAM. The names of Women Friends, who bears Testimony against the oppression of Tithes. ANne Tomlinson Mary Garret Mary Sharp Eliz. Frith Eliz. Wood ellen Cook Anne ashwel Susanna Touny Anne Pattinson Sith Green Alice Clife Eliz. Wood Mary Sharp Mary Flintham Mary Buller Kathern Shareman Anne Green Eliz. Spur Anne anderson Mary Barton Anne Dawson Ursula Green Anne Hazard Anne show Mary Vicars Margret Shackerdal Eliz. Elsam Bridget Hamman joan Bacon Eliz. Barton Alice Ufton Eliz. kitchen Judeth Garland Anne Bark Isabel Cooper Eliz. Hatfield Eliz. Meares Lydia Bark Susanna Hubbard Mary Snoden Mary day Anne poison Eliz. Copla Frances Cooper Eliz. Cooper joan Hyfield Mary Alcock Mary Holmes Ruth Cook Anne alcock Hannah Glassop Sarah Slater Eliz. G●assop Patience Wilkinson Anne Need Emes Burroughs Mary Hand joan Burton Dorothy wild Mary Wightman Rachel slacken joan martin Hannah Lister ellen Cooper Mary Cooper Mary Leadbeater Eliz. Cockram Mary Cockram Anne Fricknal Susanna Reynold Eliz. day Margret Whitworth Mary day Anne Langford Sarah day Sarah Brandrith Eliz. Brandrith Mary Blackeborn Eliz. Brandrith Mary Fields Martha Grace Anne Brandrith Alice Woodhead Anne Crofts Jane Anclife Anne Crofts Elizabeth Rogers Anne Noden LINCOLNSHIRE. We whose names are subscribed, do hereby declare that we are very sensible Tithes are a great oppression set up in the time of Popery; and we desire the removal of them. ANne Leverton A. Frotheringham Eliz. mason Eliz. Woolsey Susanna Holland Jane Preston Eliz. Brinckle Mary Greswel Mary Pheasant Martha Wright Anne Recket Anne Northern sense Northern Sarah moss Eliz. Harrison Ursula Hooton Ursula Burroughs Eliz. Northern Mary Garland Anne Pheasant Eliz. Rogers Anne Freestone Prudens Fisher Sarah Thompson Jane Wilkinson Mary Hudson Jane Lightfoot Ellen Brumby Anne Gaunt Anne Pheasant Mary Northern Eliz. Williamson Eliz. Jackson Ellen Gaunt Anne Sharp Ruth panel Eliz. Harpham Eliz. Fletcher Martha Teff. Eliz. Jarnil Jane Harrison Anne Hird Eliz. Smith Anne Winch Eliz. Smith, junior Mary Smith Susanna Cussons Mary maple Mary Cussons Ellen Smith Katharine makaril Anne Thornton Didolis carry Mary Oliver Anne Beck Alice Sharp Anne Foster easter Hart Mary Foster Anne Cook Eliz. Barnard Anne Spain Katherine Pickaver Hannah Seaton Mary Packins Ellen Foster Anne Hobson Dorcas mell Dorothy Foster Eliz. Gathorn Dorothy Pickaver Thomasin Norton Eliz. Hobson Anne Haldenby Susanna Parrot Mary Scot Grace Scot Anne Garton Alice Beck Margret marston Eliz marshal Eliz. Lee Mary Berrier Anne milner Cassandra Chapman ellen Gilliot Frances Hobson Rachel Beck Mary Chandler Anne Sherman Eliz. Robinson Eliz. Waterfool Eliz. Higham Margret Darlinton Mary Turner Alice Tate Mary Trevis Susanna Yorksey Isabel Drury Anna Brown Sarah Otter Eliz. clerk Mary White Bridget White Mary Rosse Alice windsor Ellenor Gibson Mary Parker Kath. bid Anne bid Eliz. Bainton Eliz, bid Mary Crosby Eliz. Gaskin Anna Whiteworth Susan Smith Anne Parker Eliz West Anne Bagaley Mary Trueblood Eliz. Parker Anne Crosby Susanna Billidge Eliz. Hutchinson Jane Sanders Anne Berrier Mary Thistleton Margret Dounham Hollen marshall Mary Chanler joan Westwood Anne Shoreman Grace Robinson Anne Stoker Bridget Turington Sarah Classon Sarah Kirk Elizabeth Waterfal Anne Waterfal Elizabeth Haigham Ellen Wilson Margret Smith Mary Wilson Frances Seagrave Rebecka Thornton Mary souter Dorothy Rawbuck Eliz. Kirk Elizabeth Davie Anne manby Anne Havey Jane Phillips Elizabeth mathews Anne morris Anne makepeace Eliz. Boot Katheren Swayer Susanna Whitman Margaret Ashley Anne Thornton Jane Hempsted Anne Hempsted Mary Hempsted Dorothy Armstrong Elizabeth Wilkinson Sarah fotherbie Katheren makaril Alice Streaton Anne Stelworth Mary Blackney Mary Lumkin Anne Bellamy Anne Rose Anne Haris Rebecka Day Mary Gibson Anne Fisher Anne Johnson Eliz Wray Anne Thomlinson ESSEX, NORFOLK, SUFFOLK, CAMBRIDG, and huntingdon. To the Parliament of England, &c. Now friends, you being first chosen by the Nation as a Parliament for to do the Nation the right, and to take off the Nations oppressions; are not you to search out the oppression? and are not people to lay their oppressions before you, without petitioning you to do them justice? and is not petitioning often for exalting such that will not do justice without flattering petitions, and then have but thanks, and seldom the thing done? and has not flattering petitions and addresses exalted such as God hath overthrown, that hath not done justice, nor will not do justice to the just, when oppressions and grievances have been laid before them? the cry hath been, It hath not been a petition, it hath not been an address, because it hath not been in the Worlds method and form; therefore the oppressed shall not have justice done to them, which ought according to justice and equity, when the thing is made known unto you in the simplicity and innocency, without flattering petitions and addresses, you ought to do them justice,( for that end are you of the Nation chosen) if the grievance to you be made known, else the grievance will lye upon you; if you do approve your power and not abuse it, you will remove the grievances off you and the Nation, which if you do not, God will overturn you by it; and if you will set up a ministry, and own a ministry, let them be such as will keep the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the second Priesthood, without charge; for here are our Names who are the witnesses of Christ Jesus, that he hath disannulled the Commandment that gave Tithes, and hath ended the Priesthood that took them, and we are witnesses for Christ Jesus against this Popish Anti-Christian Ministry that takes them, who are of the Popes tribe, got up since the Apostles, with their law and commands for Tithes( out of the power of God) which must be ended and disannulled by the power of God, which are not of the tribe of Aaron, nor of the tribe of Christ, for neither Christ nor the Apostles after they had disannulled the commandment of God, never set up a command in the World after that was disannulled, for to give the tenths to a minister; for the first command was only to the Jews that gave Tithes, which Christ the everlasting Priest denied, whom we confess ended, in whom ye live, who is our life; and this is our Testimony given in to you, our faith stands in that power that bringeth down the mountains, and exalteth the valleys, and layeth them down with the valleys which are grown to be mountains; & thus doth God overturn by his power & arm all transgressors. REbecca Havens Mary Tili Joan Johnson Mary Catchpool Mary clerk Mary R●lph Judith Tomblin Dorothy Crisp Anna Cook Elizabeth Crisp Anne humphrey Alice Parnel Elizabeth Garlen Mary Turner Hannah Ham Mary Love Mary Lucas Rebecca Lucas Elizabeth Lucas Lydia Chitrum Lydia red Mary Williams elder Mary Williams Mary Gibson Sarah Lonskin Mary Cook Elizabeth Rolph Sarah Banning Elizabeth Godwood Sarah Reynolds Susan Swan Mary Reeve Elizabeth Overel Hester Potter Margret Bray Elizabeth Sanders Elizabeth Selly Susan Belsher Katheren Lamb Margret Gray Sarah Osburn Sarah Luke Mary Middleton Johannah Lamb Elizabeth Rice Abigael Ludkin Elizabeth Gibson Ellen Midleton Mary Hadly Mary Llyod Mary Ansel Elizabeth Langly Anne Wethered Mary Steddal Margret Ball Sarah Chandler elder Sarah Chandler Elizabeth Green Alice condol Susan Crumplin Grace Reynolds Alice Gorlyn Susan Cockeril Emlin wire Mary Bliant Mary Petfeild Anne Taylcot Mary Danks Mary Grant Sarah Grant Anne Langly joan Desborrow Anne Stamage Mary Renolds Mary Renolds Susan Pateradg Sarah Hatcher Anne keys Hester Haward Hester Haward Eliz. Till Jane Banks Margret Banks Ellen Palmer Mary Wandewel Grace marson Rebecca Hodson Margret Christmas Mary Dagnet Anne Cookwith Bridget Ball Anne clerk Anne clerk Sarah clerk Mary Stampford Mary Stampford Mary Boocher Eliz. Westrop Eliz. mascal Christian Burch Martha Went Eliz. Gilman Tomasin Warner Eliz. Hospit Grace Dersly Judith Shortland Mary Allen Mary Cream Frances Cakebread Elizabeth Simmons Margret Lenlce Mary Rolph Dennis miller ellen Hoy joan Barker Jane Cakebroad Susan Spark Margret Web Cordala Symonds Margret Ludgater Martha Bawrel Martha Harp Anne Green Tasse Hulback Mary michel Susan Halls Eliz. Tober Sarah Burch Unes Lynly Joan Symonds Sarah White Susan Upsheard Faith Walker Margret Randen Eliz. owlet Jane Pledger Eliz. Freeborn Anne Alword Mary Ward Eliz Fuller Ellen Nicklas Martha Pettet Martha Baker Frances Symonds Eliz. Wenfel Elizabeth Harrington Judeth Bretton Mary Harrington Elizabeth Harrington Katherine Harrington Dorothy Gallifants Sarah Scot Anne coat Anne Abrams Eliz. Sparrow Judeth treason Grace Morly Eliz. Reynolds Anne Green Eliz. Heningham Martha Green Hannah isaac Grace Christmas Eliz. Hannick Rebecca Savel Anne Sach Susan Jarvis Eliz. Abrams Alice Collison Martha Sowel Martha Beadle Jane Pryar Kathern isaac Anne Morly Eliz. Morly Joan Barns Eliz. isaac Alice Norden Sarah Norden Margret Coppin Dorothy Martin Mary Hinningham Dorothy King Jane Walker Margret Cant Eliz. Jayd Margret Bassom Tomasin Bassom Eliz. Bassom Eliz. Carter Ruth French Margret Brag Eliz. King Frances moles Mary maning katherine Stow Margret Hat Anne Web Angellica Nicholson Mary Nicholas Joan Amy Alice bowls Mary Carter Mary Emery Grace Hammant matthew Hudson Rose Bridge Rose French Mary Ganner Rose Mole Eliz. Knight Mary Hauchin Mary Bust Mary Colman Eliz. Gunner Rachel Wade Eliz. Phillip Martha Ellis elder Martha Ellis Eliz. Peter Eliz. kine Grace Fluck Grace coat Anne Reynolds Joan Jarvice Margret clerk Mary Crow Eliz. Body Anne bridge Eliz. bridge Mary bridge Judeth Smith Margret bridge Anne Hales Mary Innevere Mary Shepy Jane Fann Ellen Eve Jane Eve Elizabeth Perry Margret Perry Eliz. Elton Frances Piggot Mary Eve Anne Eve Frances Piggot Ellen moral Anne Haddock Mary Jother Ellen gun Sarah gun Ellen Philbrown Mary coat Mary Amie Priscilla Churchman Grace Day Susan Adam Margret Zuson Elizabeth coal Sarah Ambros Margret Lanworth Jane Cakebread Mary Allen Margret Allen Mercy Baker Mary Smith Sarah Ambros Phillip Eve Sarah overall Eliz. Guion Eliz Thirgood Judeth Guyon Mary Harvy Mary Filbrick Elizabeth Guyon and Wright Priscilla Ame Eliz. Sutton. Mary Guyon Jane Potter Dorothy Jepps Elizabeth Eynon Anne Haywood Susan Chitcock Margret Huntsman Sarah Drake Barbara Coster Sarah Guyon Anne Cage Mary Norton Ellen Ambros Anne Adams Margret Hayard Mary Cockerton Mary Barker Martha Tillingham Eliz. matthew Hannah Hallibread Anne Norton Anne Blanchfeild Susan Dynes Martha Danbe Mary Ludgater Margret Gray Susan Cooper Eliz. Ludgater Mary Bowman Martha Smith Martha Pease Susan Sparrow Eliz. Sparrow Mary Winterflood Hannah Saunders Hannah Saunders Sarah Cadney Eliz. Aylet Mary Bourn Judith Quilter Mary Bradey Hannah Lake Margret Child Susan Chapman Anne Islands Jane Bigny Hannah Ostler Eliz. Jolly Alice King Eliz. Larrance Rachel mayes Mary Lawrance Sarah Lawrance Anne Philbeck Mary lines Katheren gardener Margret Ebbs Prudence Tuely Mary Gilman Mary Bennet Anne Whitlock Anne red Margret Allen Mary Hubbert Sarah Formon Alice Die Margret Took Mary Jary Dinah Adams Mary Woodward Alice Cock Eliz. gold Eliz. Barton Ishel Barnard Eliz. Kemp Alice Bradshaw Kathern Bull 〈◇〉 Pice Mary Priest Eliz. Waller Eliz. Priest Eliz. Burton Eliz. Carter Mary Malton Agnus Haselwood Mary Whitworth Katheren fen Martha Maulton Eliz. Good Eliz. Hubbeard Mary Rolph Mary Weeks Anne Bregster Dorothy Ward Frances Clements Elizabeth Paterson Amy Pardin Eliza. Smith Eliz. King Mary Durrant and Bacon Anne Tackster Eliz. Ransum Eliz Huggen Eliz. Miller Anne King Eliz. Brown Susan Brown Frances Chamberlain Anne Horn Anne Swan Katheren Scarling Eliz Cock Susan Smith joan Bullin Susan Gill Martha Breese Bridget Barret Martha Barret Amy Bonnard Eliz. Allen Anne Allen Faith Wolf Mary Couzen Mary moulton Eliz. Gibson Margret Spooner Martha Smith Martha Allen Elizabeth Brody Eliz. Roper Alice Leada Christian Brody Jane Pollard joan Jeffery Sarah Lawrance joan Salman Martha Hawkins Anne Hawkins Jane holly Mary Rettall Ellen Nonne Anne French Hannah Ward Eliz. Hunt and Walton Anne Potter Joan haws Frances Posford Johannah Codlin Sarah haws Katheren tailor Susan Allen Susan Lamb Christian Pettet Mary Jennex Rachel saddler Susan Roberson Katheren Ransom Ellen Spark Mary Peaches Frances Goodwin Frances Bond and Gayford Margret Stebbing Rose Parker Grace Adams Martha Heath Martha Gorbul Alice Colvil Eliz. Bantock Johanna Ridlesdale Eliz. Kettel Anne Brag Margret Prick Grace Farden Eliz. Shipman Anne Crosbee Anne Cable Alice White Fran. Hill Mary borne Priscilla David Margret Goddard Mary barns Mary coat Hester Wood Christian Pettet Sarah Stedman Susan Kerrington Katheren Baker Martha Dikes Mary King Mary Peche Sarah Norton Mary Scot Eliz. Stafford Susan Driver Alice morphew Susan Go●dsmith Anne Weeks Faith Gorbul Anne Trundle Eliz. Bautock Sarah Kettel elder Eliz. Dixon Hannah Wait Susan clerk Abigael Smy Anne Bacon Eliz. Crosbee Eliz bailie Alice Talwin Grace Bourrowgh Anne Wateridg Alice Wily Anne apprentice Barbara gardener Jane Nutial Mary Yardly. Margret Middledich Mary Burlingham Susan Kerrington Sarah Godwood Anne Jay Anne Root Eliz. Pinson Dorothy King Bridget Driver Eliz. Driver Dinah friar Jean Heard Anne Warn Eliz. Turner Mary Turner Christian Bundish Margret Bines Sarah Kettal Anne Ferriar Margery Bullock Grace Farden Hester Farthing Mary Phright Eliz Dunmore Alice Simon Grace burrow Anne Bourrough Thamar Alderidg Susan wily Mary Turpen Mary Bridges Susan Cook Anne Ezbel Mary midledick Katherine saddler Eliz. Edwards Johanna Cook Eliz. Prick Anne Froward Sarah friar Susan Pallen Rose Gates Anne Gough Susan Rolph Frances gardener Ruth Gorbul Alice Pears Mary Gorbul Frances Smith Sarah haws Anne page. Tomasin Bennington Katherine Lame Margret Shenman Eliz. Akis Margret Candler Anne Dux Katherine Sawer Margret Tovel Sarah across Sarah man Mary virtue Eliz. hail Kinborrow Libbies Anne Tattle Eliz. Churchman Eliz. Ross Cisly Leech Frances Ribbons Mary tailor Eliz. Skinner joan Britewel Abigal Camplin Margret coal Margret Posford Eliz. acres ESSEX. Kathern Willis Katharine Seywell Martha Crossier Mary Bernerd Rebecca Sparling Mary marriage Sarah Sparkling Sarah Bott Sarah Bott Sarah Belsham Anne Barker Martha Portway Mary Choppin Anne Pasival Susanna cut dairy Bowtel Eliz. Foster Rebecca Davy Frances Quilter Mary Fordham Mary Foster Eliz. Crow Jane Petchey Rebecca Davy joan Skillingham Eliz. Crow Mary Smith Mary Crosner Ellinor Bugby Hannah Scooling Mary Bayly Mary Evah Mary Byat Sarah Palmer Alice Levite Alice Levite Margret Bret Mary Special Rebecca Emsden Eliz. bat Amy Special Mary Lark Hannah Choppin Priscilla Jarvis Anne tiler Dianah Noake; Katharine Jarvis Anne child Hannah Lark CAMBRIG-SHIRE & ISLE of ELY. Widow matthews Widow Prior Widow coal Widow Norris Widow Presson Widow Ashton Widow Purkinson Widow Snesby Widow Royston Widow Pool Widow Steevens Widow morlin Widow Beeton Widow Cock Widow Canham Widow Bonner Widow Lightfoot Widow Sowrsby Widow Sparrow Widow Hattley Anne Crabb Anne hawks Grace Folbig Eliz. Asplan Rebecca Berry Eliz Nunn Eliz. Kater Mary Place Anne Love Margret Hurt. Martha Dorman Margret pain Sarah Drury Anne Crabb Susan Wilkinson Eliz. Easy Martha Johnson Bridget Peachey Margret Upin Eliz. Ewers Eliz Thorrowgood Emm Rose Anne Watts Bridget Blow Anne Beech Eliz. Blinks Anne Forster, sen. Anne Forster, jun. Mary Salmon, sen. Mary Salmon, jun. Susan Feast Hannah mynit Margret Vipence Sarah Portis Margret Right Mary Vipence Eliz. mace Eliz. mills Mary Grown Alice Winfield Hannah mynit Alice Jeffe Parts of huntingdon Judith Kidson Alice Ellington joan Aubery Anne Ellington Eliz. Ellington Eliz. Goules Sarah Goules Rose Goodcheap joan Hills Mary Jellings Mary Nixon Ellen Ingram Jane Burgis Hester Ingram Mary Ingram Eliz. Parnel Eliz. Patison Eliz. Coxon Anne Wright Eliz. Nursed Anne Wooter Alice Austler Mary Parnel Anne ●ngram Phebe Nicholson Judah Thompson Frances D●ury Thomison Bitterny Anne salmon luke Field Anne Been Judah Letchworth Mary Love Deborah Godfrey Mary Woods Margret Sulman Mary Godfrey Mary Royce joan Yeats Anne Harbour Anne Roberts Anne Morlin Eliz. Peace Thommison Blackley Eliz. Phiphers Grace coal Anne coal Eliz. Berry Anne Norris Eliz. Norris Mary Norris Jane Jobson Mary Bates Alice Ashon Jane Wright Anne Seagar Mary Marshal Martha prior Susan Tynge Jane Smith, elder Jane Smith, young. Anne Ratford Eliz. Pepper Marget Morlin Emm Morlin Amy Wingfield Anne Frizby Clemment Whisson Marget Presson Edith Parkinson Bridget Hilton Ellenor Allen BERK-SHIRE, HAMP-SHIRE, and WILT-SHIRE. To the Parliament of England, &c. For them to do Justice, and to take off the unjust oppression of Tithes that was never commanded of God. THE Priests that sues our Friends up in Courts for Tithes, said, They could not pay the Protector his Tenths, who took the Tenths of the Tenths, except they had their Tenths, and that was their excuse; and therefore they sued us in the Protectors name, & have prisoned our Brethren to death, and driven away almost all their goods they had. The Pope took the Tenths of the Tenths the King took the Tenths of the Tenths, the Protector took the Tenths of the Tenths, which have been overthrown before you, which hath taken the Tenths of the Tenths from the Priests, which wrestled it out of the Popes hands, which the Priests does no work for us of whom they take the Tenths, and keep us in the Ninths; and so they cannot say we are covetous, that do not pay them Tithes that do no work for us, and we never set them at work, nor hires them; Now if you take the Tenths of the Tenths, do ye walk out of the steps of the Pope, King or Protector in that? And therefore we say, all those things must be broken down by the power of the Lord, which will overturn Pope and his Tenths of Tenths, and overthrow his Ministers, and the takers of them before you: Come into a Reformed Church, as it was amongst the Apostles, ye must deny the commands of men that gave Tithes, before you come to the Church in God the pillar and ground of truth, that disannuls the Commands of God that gives Tithes: And Christ did provide another maintenance for his Ministers and Disciples then Tithes, and did not sand them to the Storehouse for to take the Tenths, though the Jews Law was standing, & the Priests that took Tenths before Christ was offered up, and while that Law was standing, Priests was standing, and his maintenance the Tenths, and when that Law was changed, the Priesthood was changed, and the commandment disannulled that gave Tenths, and they that came into that that ended the Law, and changed the Priesthood, and disannulled the commandment, came into Christ the everlasting Priesthood and Covenant, of which we are into the Election before the World began, and here underwritten are our names that do testify against the oppression of Tithes, and they that have set them up, and held them up since the dayes of the Apostles, and that Law and Church; for the true Church suffered in the Primitive times by that Priesthood that took Tithes for bearing their Testimony against the Priesthood that took Tithes, that the commandment was disannulled, and that Law was changed by which it was made, and the Priesthood was changed also, and so he was to cease, so that Priesthood was of no force, nor Law that was made, nor commandment that gave them Tithes; And so by that Priesthood that had the form of godliness and not the power, by such the true Church and the Apostles suffered, as we now, by a false Antichristian Priesthood, and a false Law, and a Commandment set up by the false Antichristian apostatised Christians, since the dayes of the Apostles, since the true Church fled into the Wilderness, hath the false Church upon the Beast set them up, by whom the blood of the Martyrs, Prophets and Saints have been drunk, and the witnesses slain; but the true Church is coming out of the Wilderness again, and the Beast and the false prophet cast alive into the lake of fire, and the judgement of the great Whore is come, the false church; The Lamb, the Saints shall have the victory, the Lamb, the Bride is known again, preparing for her husbands coming out of the Wilderness, and the daughters of Abraham are meeting of her, who gives in their Testimony against this oppressive Church, Ministry and maintenance, and their Testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign, and that the everlasting Gospel is to be preached again to all Kindreds, Nations, Tongues and People, and Tithes shall be taken away and denied by them who are come into the power of God; the Gospel is the power of God which ends mens commandments that gives Tithes, as well as the Commandment of God; Tithes were thrown down by the power of God witnessed by the Apostles, though once a Command of God, and since their dayes set up by the commands of men, and must be thrown down again by the power of God which never changeth, and the Christians suffered by the Jewish Priesthood that took Tithes in the dayes of the Apostles; so the Jews inward suffered by the Jews outward since the dayes of the Apostles, in the primitive times hath the true Christians suffered by the false Christians, for not paying them tithes, who have set up tithes not by the Command of God, neither is the Priesthood made by the Law of God that takes Tithes, for that Priesthood which took Tithes was made by the Law, and they were not called Ministers of the Gospel, but was made by him who ended the Law, and the Priesthood by which the Law made, and disannulled the Command that gave them, and this the Apostle witnessed the Ministers of the Gospel, and there was never no Priesthood that took Tithes who was made by the Law of God, but what was in the time of the Law, in the time of the War, which Law Christ ends, and takes away the occasion of the War; this Priesthood which takes Tithes now, made by colleges of men, they are neither made by the Law nor Ministers of the Gospel, but by the inventions of men; So we in the power of the Lord God deny them. ANne Curtis Isabel Goddard Anne Hat Eliz. Wright Anne Sharp joan d'ye Anne Creed Hannah Miles Sarah Lambull Mary Smith Anne Harrison joan Wilsbee ellen Burly Mary Erberry Mary Emerton Mary Fellowes Alice Anger Alice East Anne Weedon Tomsen Chapman Eliz. bide J●n● Hussy A●●●●urnel H●nna● W●bb Marge●y R●●hardson E●iz. ●●●●bridge Margret Whithart Mary matthews Mary Curtis Margret mapelton Rachel cope Amee bail Mary Stanclife Frances Kent Hannah Richbill Margret Richbill Eliz. mideltun Hannah Emertun castle Bishop Anne Bartholm bridget Smith Anne Ball Anne Wigg Martha Hat Anne South Mary Dean Grace marlowe Mary run Sarah Binfield Grace Wix march. Nobes Eliz. Dany Anne true Mary Wyron Jane Cooper Margret Redford Eliz. Rason Mary Scotton Frances N●sh ellen Cook Alice Hoompheryes Eliz. Aldridge Frances Barret Ursula Keand Eliz. web Mary Philpot Jane Philpot joan moth Alice Boarnes Mary Rickman joan Allud Susanna Philpot Eliz. Allud Mary Allud joan Hancocke Eliz. ford Mary Rummey Anne Hodson Eliz. joice Anne Rawlens Grace Beacham Dowance Goodall joan Sawyer joan Rummey Mary Smith Eliz. Steel Alice Pocock Anne Slade Dorothy Marks Anne Spicer Mattha Weston Dorothy Austel Mary Cracy Ellinor Hathens Hannah Goddard Anne Good Anne Dod joan Reat Lucy Cheaker Katherine saddler Sarah Alfield Eliz. Normanton Eliz. Rance Eliz. Gibbs joan Avenel Sarah Osgood Margret Hill Judah Capon Anne Champe Ursula clerk Ruth S●ane Mary oats Mary Ozgood Dorothy Blackberry Susanna Hill Elizabeth Ogborne Emm Rance Margaret Rotten joan Rotten Sarah Harrisson Mary Benham Judah hays Anne Holloway Katherine Stiles Elizabeth Morrell Sarah Austell Margery Rich Elizabeth Hobbs Anne hind Anne Sheerewood Anne Wise Jane Kible Sarah Rusell Elizabeth Jarvis Anne Lundon Ellinor hid Mary Slade Margaret Fulbrook Anne Wix Bridget Carve Jane Duckeat Agnes Slade Elizabeth Keat Elizabeth Smith Elizabeth Belinger Jane Stevens Anne Malam Mary Malam Ruth Hill Anne Hill Sarah Malam Ellinor Higes Mary Tockar Mary Slade Mary Tocker Ellinor Tocker Margaret Befen Jane Cock Elizabeth Befen Elizabeth Coeborne Amy Samson Florence Westel joan Mivol Margery Ellet Elizabeth Lamb Anne Hall Elizabeth Pearson Anne keep Anne Bayly joan Smart Anne Fowler Hellena Menchen Emm far Christian water-house Elizabeth Orchard J●anna Waldren Ursula Hobes Amee samson joan Hedges Mary Gill joan Stilwell Katherine Valler Elizabeth Valler Mary Mills Katherine Jess●p Jane Hunt Tomisin Streeter Anne Hunt Elizabeth Blackm●n Anne Worlidge Frances Worlidge Mary Worlidge, sen. Mary Worlidge, jun. Jane Streeter Margaret Booker Elizabeth Hewet Eliz. Streeter, jun. Sarah Biddle joan Biddle joan Hockley Alice Turner joan Tribe joan Neath Katherine Neave Sarah Kempe joan Wake Charity Nightingale joan Marshall Mary Bayly Mary Tukes Mary burgess Anne daws Anne Aslett Frances Smith Eliz. Simons Anne March joan sly Elizabeth Gates joan Gates Elizabeth red Anne bullock joan Carrell Anne Bazell joan Wake joan Beacham Sarah Murford parnel Cropp Elizabeth earl Elizabeth Carter Grace Senex Anne Rainsted Susanna Curtis Anne P●tter Eliz. Streeter Mary Tongs Barbary Willis Anne Davis Tomisin Blinston joan Buckett joan Buckland Ellinor Hawkins Margery Barger Eliz. Carter, sen. Eliz. Carter, jun. Honner Antram Mary Bodicott Magdalen clerk Mary Mathewes Frances chaplain Elizabeth Penny Edith Tyzard Ursula Tugwell Mary Cannons Elizabeth coal Ursula Hersent Ellinor Embree Susanna Hersent Deborah Dornford Sarah Hersent Susanna Kiblewait Hester burgess Mary Hickman joan Whithead joan Manners Rebecka Manners Dorothy Rutter, jur. Rebecka Ennus Avis Ford Eliz. Chapman Dorothy Rutter, sen. Mary Lun Eliz. stint Johanna Austin Rebecka Reeves Sa●ah Jenings Mary Marsters Alice monday Eliz. green Avis Cheek Anne Whithorne Eliz. Lun Lettis Loes joan Booker joan Buckin Eliz. Jenkins●n Mary Walter Anne Reeves Eliz. Penford barbary Mooren Margery Barf●●t Eliz. Sewett Mary White Anne Weston joan Smart Anne Cleverly Mary Knight, sen. Mary Knight, jun. Anne Flood Anne Coomes Katherine Haines Anne R●w Lettis Paice joan Wigg Anne Wigg Anne Wigg Ma●y place joan Terry joan Appleton Ruth Hayman joan Weight Marg. Stockwell Katherine Tees Fran. Bidlecom Priscila Mosely Winifred Newman Grace Newman Jane Bishop Rebecka H●arn Elizabeth Day Alice Denman J●ne barns Jane Newman Anne White Anne red Elizabeth Stocks Alice Dyer, sen. Margaret Neat Jane humphrey Mary Biller Margaret West Mary Lovegrove Dorothy Bath Jane Gouldney joan Hulbert Sarah Bayly joan Ha●coord Anne Hibberd Mary Duke Susanna Godby Margaret Star Hester Bay●y Ma●gery Langfier Anne Jones Alice Dyer, junior Marje●y Wastfield Margaret Hacman Jane self joan Stevens Mary Stevens Elizabeth Phelpes Sarah paradise Meliar Stevens Anne Am●r, signior Amy Amor Mary Whitbread Alice Bartlet Jane Whittacre Margery cool Marg. Edwards Mary Brice Anne Mereweather Kath. Mereweather Katherine Luffe Sarah Luffe Jane Huddin Anne line Ma●y Chivers Ellinor Moxham joan Moxham joan gain Susan Shell Elizabeth Barloe Elizabeth Andros Ma●y Line Frances Beacher Ellinor Noyes joan Hudden Susan Shell Margaret Fishlake Mary Bartlet Mary Leonard Sarah North Anne Tucker Mary cool Margery cool Margery Shell Millicent Shell Susan Shell, signior Mary withers Susan withers Avice Andros Mary Davye Alice Player Anne Merimouth sicily tailor Elizabeth Briant Anne Tibbols Judith Jones Christian tiler Ellinor Stevens Margery Estmeade Deborah James Elizabeth tiler Melior Rily Elizabeth Wastfield Margery Cawley Jane call Susan call Susanna James joan Hale Frances Smith Margery Noyes joan Baker Susan Cloud Magaret Deck Anne James Elizabeth Bolten Martha Leader Mary Gale joan Keepin● Ellinor Bence Susanna Mercer Anne Bence Jane Jennings Elizabeth henly Anne red Elizabeth red Elizabeth Ethridge Mary Hobbs Mary Hinton Mary red Anne red Mary Bencister Mary Milledge Mary Manners Mary Crockers Anne Harris Elizabeth Hobbs Deborah daniel Hester Matravers Margaret Hand Jane Potter joan Potter Anne Hand Sarah Moody Mary Husday Mary Matravers Elizabeth Matravers Dorcas Lord Ellinor Woodam Eliz. walls, junior Sarah Hathway Elizabeth Bridgman Elizabeth walls Susanna paradise Anne bristol Elizabeth Brown Hester Brown Jeannes Dowse Mary Andros Jane Andros Elizabeth Bond Ursula Allins Jane Beal, signior Anne Matravers Abigal Matravers Mary Matravers joan bushel Hester Hand Bridget Reeve Elizabeth Stanmore Sarah Stanmore Abigal Stanmore Sarah Clement Jane Bollin Susanna Bollin Mary paradise Christian Aust Alice Phelpes Anne Phelpes Elizabeth Phelpes Ma●y Edwards joan ford Elizabeth Husdy Margaret Barret Elizabeth Allins Mary Allins Jane Beale Sarah Beale Sarah Edwards joan Woodman Martha Edwards Elizabeth Holbrook joan Mereweather joan Frand Katherine Ludwell Elizabeth body Susannah Blanford Anne Blanford Katherine Blanford helen Beathop Alice Blanford Marg. Mereweather Jane Benham Sarah Ingram Dorothy Davis Bridget Fidshall Bridget Bayly Anne Hope Jane May joan Hollaway Anne Jacklyne joan Jacklyne Elizabeth Gouldny Margaret Vyner Anne Swanberry Mary Bredmer Jane Eyre Elizabeth Pinchen Sarah Symson Elizabeth Flower Grace Flower Edith Doddim̄eade Annabel Butler Sarah Turner Jane Gibbes Mary Gibbes Susanna Butler Elizabeth Davis Jane Rickets joan White Jane Pinchin Margaret green Anne green Elizabeth wire Susanna Flower joan White; junior joan Symson Sibella Gibbons Elizabeth West Jane Gibbons Elizabeth Flower Jane Flower Ellinor Flower Elizabeth Salway Margery Dobby Elizabeth wire, jun. Sibbella Gibbons, jun. joan Foot Cicella Little Jane pierce Rebecka Little Sibilla Foot joan Foot, junior Jane West Agnes Castle Jane Foot Mary ston Mary ford joan Kelson Mary Newman Elizabeth Batten Anne Batten Edith Awdry Sarah Batten Millicent Castlyn Sarah Parsens Mary White joan Hatchet Elizabeth Bull Silvester Cave Rebecca Phelpes Margaret press Margaret Weekes Joanes withers Perrin self Anne Walton Margaret Rason Anne Butler Frances Greenhill Jane Whatley Kinbury Eyre joan Tucker Susan Hall Ma●y Adlam Jane Hallis joan Adlam Mary Adlam Margaret Gawen Elizabeth Swetland Marg. Gawen, junior Mary Bayly Ellinor widows Margery Willis Jane Wilton Rebecca Bayly Elizabeth web Ursula web Bridget web Alice web Anne web Jane web Cicilla Harris Katherine Trewman Mary Higgins Margaret Barnard Jane Ryly Alice Smith Jane Richman Sarah barns Lucy shepherd Eliz. barns Elizabeth Hood joan Angel Sarah Gale Margery Trewman Margaret Hawkins Sarah Gingell Mary Burch Ma y Baker Eliz. Barret Mary Fry Ellinor Langley Susanna Ady Frances Ferris Mary Ferris Sarah swain Margaret Gale Mary Box Mary Gale Mary Bishop Anne tiler Grace tiler Grace Saltar Susanna Ferris Genavera summers Elizabeth Laufier joan Roggers Margaret Scot Anna Rogers Anna Whood Elizabeth Rogers Mary Amor Mary Smith Jane Few Cicilla Seeven● joan Shelly Margery Shelly Martha Smith Jane Mythers Grace Francis Susanna Harrison Onner Higgins Elizabeth Eyres catherine● tiler Mary Woodward Anne long Mary paradise Dorothy Rawlings Alice Rawlings Mary nichols Anne Guy Mary line Mary Hollis Mary Bradman Margaret Summers joan Sloper Mary swain Susannah Dyer Margery web Jane pierce joan web Anne Mundy Jane B●azer Bridget Hitchcock Lucy Laurence Hannah Williams Abigal Smi●h Ma●y Laurence Margaret Greenaway Martha Laurence Margery clerk Anne Kingsman Sarah Crabb Mary Bunn Alice Kinsman Anne Kinsman joan Hancock Mary Sterry Martha Scealy Elizabeth Mundy Mary Hathaway Jane Barret Lucy lamb joan Sealey Jane Smith Mary Hadnam Rebeccah lamb Anne Mabbet Faith box Mary box Eliz. Smith Kearsey Sparrow Ruth Kington Mary D●eke Katherine Hathway Alice Pallet Mary Gale Sarah Player abigal Barrett joan Smart Mary Huchins Grace Huckins Hester brown Joice Jaques Elizabeth Holbrow joan Packer Katherine Atkins Mary Winckworth Anne Atkins joan Huckins Deborah Hort Elizabeth Pounter joan Hort Mary Punter Mary Edwards Grace Hort Mary Power Mary Shingells Prudence Punter joan beak Margaret Sparrow Margery Miles Sarah Bond Jane Whiteing Anne Sergean● Deborah Steeven Sarah Stammon Margaret Wimblet Margaret gardener J5ne Warman Rose Warman joan Hicks Dorothy Burg Dorothy Woulton Eliz. Sanders joan Wimblet Mary Morse joan Morse, jun. Mary Morse Alice Woodward Anne Oately Anne Waulton Alice Gutterige joan Bath joan Morse, wid. Anne Sanders SUMMERSET-SHIRE We whose Names are here underwritten, being by the Light of Christ entered into the New Covenant, and seeing the Unjustnesse of tithes do witness, and testify against them, and the great Oppression by them; having hereunto subscribed our Names. ELizabeth Addams Margaret lay joan R●dgers Mary long Hanna Guire Anne Coburne Jane Smith Ellinor Dean Anne King Frances Leveret Alice Chessicke joan Day Mary Coggen Agnes Bennet Bazell Wilmunton Mary Wornell Anne Thecher Elizabeth Hodges Sarah King Mary Wilmunton Frances Bishop joan Wilmington Mary star Hester George Sarah Goodson joan Loscome rachel Phillips Hanna Savage Christian Waterman Mary Hurford Sarah martin Alice bear joan Browning Margaret Browning Mary Browning Dorothy Clace joan Hopkins Elizabeth Munden Mary hid Mary hid, junior Dorothy Brook Anne Swetman Dorothy Parsons Tomisin Parsons joan Hart joan Thecher Elizabeth samson Hester Long Elizabeth Mores joan Allen Ellinor Pranket Avis Stage Alice Quantick Elizabeth humphrey Anne Pittard Rose Pittard Christian Lace Maudlen Hart Bridget Bishop Philip Pittard Dorothy Fevor Mary Addams Dorothy Bicknell Frances Addams Frances Lockier Mary windsor joan windsor Winifred windsor Susan Warfield Susan bud Elizabeth Hart joan Hutchens Jane Hutchens Margaret Willet Margaret Jacob Alice Turner Ursula Kelloway Elizabeth Thecher joan Hart Anne Hart joan Olice Elizabeth Swetman Julian Coggen Mary Wilmington Alice Wilmington Sarah star Grace Beaton Dorothy Chivers Grace Pidle Anne Swetman, jun. Frances Estmont Edeth Corpe joan Bull Frances Andrews Susan Leveret Thomaze Bennet Anne Beaton Margaret down Mary Creese Mary long E●●m Roman Mary T●●acher Mary Stev●ns Elizabeth Oldaies lucy Travers Ma●y Langdon, jun. Debora Higdon Sarah Janes Sarah bat Edith bat Agnis Tylor Anna Tylor Mary Tylor Anne Gundry Elizabeth Wa●s joan Wats Hanna Porch Mary Gundry Margaret Gundry Lydia Gundry Agness Hillier Agness Barrat joan Pitman Elizabeth Masters Mary Lyd● joan Bacon Elizabeth Mallet Agnis Jones Agnis D●y Mary Walliss joan Lotsham Anne Nicholas Mary tailor Julian shepherd Elizabeth shepherd joan Metford joan Mabson Abigal Martyn joice Mabson Precilla Gapper Margaret Pille Mary Moore Dorothy Moore Mary Piper Judeth Wottis Ma●y Lambert Anne board Mary board Hanna board Alice Oram joan Pavior Mary Pinkerd joan Cook Ma●y Cook Alice Cook Anne samson Ellinor Pomury Anne Huchens Edeth Huchens Agath Huchens Martha Gibbs joan coal Ellinor Gane Amee Sage Agnis Sage Elizabeth Day Elizabeth Wickham Bridget Nash Mary Samborne Anne Melles Sara green joan Allen Ales Gane Wa borogh Short Garteret Gane Christian Frances joan Frances Charity Hill Elizabeth Veal Anne Hill Anne Chilton Susanna Clement Margaret bolter Sarah bolter Anne Minchen Anne Jones joan Maws●ll Susannah Goslet Susannah poop Elizabeth poop Alice Hiscox Anne Nash abigal Nash Jane Pinker Judeth daniel joan daniel joan pierce Sarah pierce Anne Gottell Susannah pierce joan Small Margery Radford Ellinor Dogget Elizabeth Sturedge Mary Cannons Mary Lusbury joan Douting Sarah Lediat Elinor Biggs Susannah Jones Susannah Landsdon joan Doggett Alice Skidm●re Anne Collins Sarah Sargant Rebecca Scrine Jane Morle Elizabeth Stockman Mary Emsbury Sarah Morley Jane Murford Elizabeth Evins Hanna Collins Alice Collins Mary down Sarah Reede Anne candle Elizabeth Browning Joice Cowling Rebecca Cowling Precilla Rowlings Precilla Allin Alice Bennat Martha Warden Eliz. daniel Anne Brock Mary Hasell Eliz. Ba●son Elizabeth Price Frances Batson Mary Jones Ruth Brock Margaret Baugh Eliz. Milkens Mabell Wastfild Mary Hicks Anne Giller● Jane bail Abigal Selwood Susanna Ba●nes Ellinor daniel rachel Jobbins Alice Withey Kather. Withey Anne Lock, sen. Elizabeth Lock Anne Lock, jun Anne Lambert Anne Lewes Mary Mapson Elice Hall Mary Bryan Ustul Plumly Anne fear Hannah Blemnan Gartery Clothier Anne Preston Sibbil Stroad Mary White Rebeckah Gibbs joan B yan Esbell Stroad Dorothy Scot Dorothy Waters Mary Weeb Anne Rucke Mary Cosens Eliz. Davis Mary Horwood luke rock Eliz. Wethyman Eliz. Stacy Alice Vinson Eliz. Tucker Anne Marshall Anne Wilmote Eliz. Atkins Mary pits Anne Giles Mary Giles Grace Giles joan Giles joan salisbury joan stint Elizabeth Key OXFORD. We whose Names are underwritten, do here set our Hands against the Injustice of tithes, and long Oppression of them, which hath been upheld contrary to Christ Jesus, the everlasting High Priest, who is after the Order of Melchizedeck, and not after the Order of Aaron, &c. JAne Bettris Anne tailor Eliz. White Eliz. Constable Eliz. franklin Anna squire Ellen seal joan Hayward Anne Lankett and Lanket, jun Hester Mansill Elinor King Hanna Pickering Mary lo Elizabeth lo Anne B●xe Martha Patrick Anne Williard Mary Williard Eliz. Daken Anna Bettris joan Lankett Rebecca Lanket Mary Harris Ellen Huggins joan Attley Anne Ryland Kath. Wheeler Alice Stephens Susan tailor Eliz. Digby Mary Busby Anne Carter Anne Stoe joice butcher Eliz. Watson Mary Busby, jun Eliz. bull Mary Hedges Margery Hedges Eliz. Coutes Anne Marchell Jsabel Stapell Anne Cunington Eilz. Bager Eliz. butler Eliz. Cruch Mary Harden Kath. Hichman Ursula Hall Dyna Leaver joan prior Bridget coals Kath. Tarrent joan Small Anne Cater Christian Martin joan Gilpin Hester Good Margaret Westly Jane Wittney Hester Good Allice read Margaret Hichman Emm Emett Frances Lavell Elizabeth Beast Mary franklin Elizabeth Shadd Alice West Elizabeth Larner Anne Brinckfeild Elizabeth coal Katherine strength Elizabeth Baker Margaret Baliss Dorothy Bennet Margaret Castle Anne Harris Liddia Bayliss Frances Quatterman joan shepherd Josion shepherd Eliz. Sesheons and Sessions Elizabeth Hawkins Eddy Cripes joan sea-coal Anne Adams Hester Harris Anne nut maud Writon Grace Busby Elizabeth Watts Anne barns lettuce Wrighton Jsbell nichols Anne Trepass Ellinor Elsritt D●ans Min Susanna bruise bridget Merry Elizabeth Cheires Anne Upstone Ellinor fletcher Mary Barrett Mary fletcher Ellen fletcher Mary Haughten Anne Haughten Alice horn Alice Coulling BUCKINGHAM. A remnant of the Lords hand-maids in Buckingham-shire: Truly wee cannot, whose hearts are upright to the Lord, but join our testimony with our Bretheren, against the unjust Oppression of tithes; and have with one consent our Hands set, in the Power of God, to stand in the time of trial, witnesses for the Lord against the same. ANne Sherwood Mary Britnall Martha Brown Constance Dearson Hester Nicholas Alice King Jane Saverson Margaret Knight Susan Fa timore Ma●y Chalman Eliz. Goodman Elizabeth Glidwell Alice Hall Mary King Eliz. Balding Susan clerk Mary Busby Eliz. Thornton Eliz. Cuningham Sarah ansel Alice Milling Mary groom Elizabeth Glidwell Susan Mouse Mary steel Jane mark Martha Mably Anne Buttifant Ma●y Breirly Anne Hunt Christian Bedford Margaret Marshall Susan Hollis Hannah Glidwell joan Vaugh Dorothy Robinson Anne Hicks Elizabeth Vessey Martha Ansley Jane Woolrich Jane Dyons Elizabeth tailor Anne Arnot Elinor Dearson Elizabeth King Mary Glidwell Mary Kaindkin Katherine Steevens Rebecca Deverick Anne King Dorothy King Hester Burridge Elizabeth Starling Mary White Elizabeth Swelson Alice Hutton Rebecca Courston Constance Dearson Mary Arnot Ruth Pingham Elizabeth Medien Mary Burkett Anne Parfert Jane Randel Mary Reading Gulielmamaria Springet Martha Giger Mary Pennington Priscilla Hathorn Anne Sweame Jane Pensen Anne Hersent Frances Mead Martha Spot joan daunt Anne Gibbions Elizabeth crag Mary Burket Rebecca spot Anne Higgens Sarah Body Ebizabeth Aldrige Mary Aldrige Martha Spot and Alding Dorothy Morete Elizabeth perk Sary Russel Mary Garret Sarah Russel Bridget Kibble Dorothy Moorer Judith Alderidge Elizabeth B●tton Martha Bluck Katherine Saxton Faith Jusley Mary Swayn Margaret Hathorn Jane Pussy Ruth Harwood Ellen Came Anne cork Emery Streeman Alice Cla ke ellen clerk Jemine Brickwel Mary rowel Susan Wheeler Hary Batas Jsable field Elizabeth Alford Katherine Kingham Sarah Fripe Mary Winck●lls Johanna Cock Johanna Redman Anne Morley Annas Elliat Elizabeth Sanders Elizabeth Rumsey Anne air joan Poufly Hannah Gay Sarah Shrimpton Frances ram Elizabeth Spyar Jane Turner Elizabeth Judensden Anne Steevens Anne Spyer Martha Johens Sarah Fenner joan borrows Phillichriste N●y Dorothy Lucas Judith Goodwin Elizabeth Symcock Elizabeth Hampshire Mary Goodwin Mary Goodwin Eliz. Littleboy Eliz. Stryar Eliz. Stryar Anne Hampshire Eliz. Shempton Eliz. Shempton Mary Knight Eliz. Shrimpton Alice Turner Alice B●lshker Anne Cooper J●ne Rosse Anne Bennet Ruth airs Sarah smith Susan Gallant joan jordan Anne Dorell Dorothy Rosse Winifret Cled●n Sarah Lamborn Dorothy Douden Mary Weaver Katherine White Mary Besson Sarah Cosford Judith Belson Mary Hutchins●n Alice Sliven Anne Baker Mary Crancknel Hannah Skidmore Susan Child Elinor Noy Mary Goodwin Anne Sherwood Anne Harvy Eliz. Kellow Eliz. Austin Margaret Sterton Susan Smith joan page. joan Underwood Mary Cooper joan Cook Sarah Sutton Anne Sutton Alice Brinckler Jane Cook Margaret Cook Susan kendal Elizabeth Border Mary Burdes Alice Wheeler joan Larrith Eliz. Glidewell Susan Newman Eliz. Black Margery Biggs Jane Brown Sarah Lamborn Martha Deacon Hester Weedon Judith Johnson Ellinor hawks Eliz. Davies Sarah Mortiner Jane Jones Mary Dean Eliz. Kingham Anne S●ar Amey Streattin Katherine Venner Sarah bat Elizabeth Grace Susan tombs joice apprentice Mary pierce Mary Lucas Mary Lucas Alice Greeing Susan Bedal Sarah Mortimur Alice Axtel Rachel Puatt joan Davison Mary Hoar joan Ward Ellinor Dearbuck Eliz. Lockfeild Susan Todd Eliz. Pewtruce Sarah Brown Martha Cruch Anne Trayer Martha Treacher joan abbey Elizabeth Science Margaret Aldy Eliz. Winter Susan Witney Mary Witney Hannah Halsy Susan Dover Jayce Gardener Anne Winch Elizabeth Gray Eliz. Hickman Sarah Foar Deborah Wilkins Mary Brewer Jane Craften Mary Baker Elizabeth parrot Mary parrot Mary Prat Anne Nash Susan child Mary Nickson Eliz. Hooper Hannah Norwood Margaret Pews y Sarah gardener Sarah Tench Martha Winter Sarah Bayly Alice young Ellinor Pleasants Sarah Harden Anne Honer Anne Tranmore Anne Ashburn Sarah Nash Susanna Emerton Widow Salter Hannah Hastings Constance wing Mary Dingly Hannah Alcocke Ma●y Steward Mary wagstaff Michell Blabe Anne Weston Anne Hill Mary Hill joan good Mary Smith Anne Smith Mary Lampery Hannah Thorpe Mary Ladbrooke Mary Vivers Margaret Parker Anne Mercer Anne Baylis J●yce A●is Anne kendal Mary Wright Anne green Sarah Butcher Anne coal Eliz. Kecke Hannah Wing Eliz. M●rley Mary West Eliz. Alc●cke Eliz. Smith Eliz. Hawkins Ellinor Shelswell Em tailor Katherine tailor Frances Toard Martha Bloxham Sarah Huck● Eliz. green Mary Masson Deborah green joan Ward, widow Mary Haynes Ursula Ward Sarah Bloxham Sarah Jakeman Philip Lord Ksander Hawten Sarah Hiron Vrsula gun Anne Pargeter Anne gun Mary Tomson Eliz. Ball Penellope Tustian Eliz. Fardon Eliz. Knoles Anne pen Elizabeth pen Mary Howkings Margery Hawtin Anne Hawtin elinor Alcock joan Hiron Eliz. Bradley Al●ce Mathias Eliz. Robbins Dorothy Claredge Christian Tims Sarah Tims Anne Tims Eliz. Tims Isabel cambden Eliz. poynter Mary Gilks widow Alice Huckel Anne Eales Mary Lovedreme Anne persons Eliz. Bennet Ithamer tailor Eliz. Ason luke Peek luke Hall Mary batman Eliz. plumer Eliz. Hudson Anne jonson Dorcas White Mary Berry Alice tailor widow Eliz. Belcher Anne Hastings wid. Susannah Woodfeild Eliz. Butcher Philip Sandige Sarah Tomkins Susannah East Mary Knight Hannah Strength Eliz. Hickman Eliz. buckingham Anne Tustian Sarah brown Sarah Williams Anne Draper Avis Fifeild Mary coats Hannah Edwards Eliz. Grant Bathiah Hazelwood Jane bachelor Mary mansel Martha Goodbee Sarah shepherd joan mansell Grace Claredge Mary Borton Eliz. mason jun. joan Haselwood Alice Fletcher Eliz. mason sen. Anne Stanton Jane Claredge Alice Hitchman Susanah Rush Anne Doyly Jane Gilkeson Margret parker Anne Mercer Anne Coleing Eliz. Gullipher Eliz. Good Anne Smith jun. Eliz. Shelswell Mary crass Sarah Wailes Susannah Wats WARWICKSHIRE Anne Tims Mary Times Alice Emes Mary Times Eliz. Gibbins joan Parker Hannah Rose Rebeckah Rose Hannah Whitehead Dorothy Brary Margery wilcocks Yeedah Ropin Yeedah Simson Eliz. Young Mary Whittring Mary Southum Isabel Edes Margret Tustien Margret Rose Jane Smalewood joan Smalwood Jane Eedes wid. Dorothy Corbit Mary Corbit Bridget wyatt Mary wyatt Alce burrow Eliz. Knib Susannah Knib Mary Nichols Frances Jarvisse wid. joan Abrey Anne tenant Dorothy Fapsen Dorothy Williams Sarah Archer Anne Ward Elner wrench Anne Banner Anne Sabel Mary Veares katherine clerk wid, Anna Mardock Eliz. Astbury Eliz. Estwick sen. Eliz. Estwick jun. Prudence Gamball Sarah Streeter joan berry Eliz. Hanx Ell●n Sanders Alice Nubard Milbrow Davis Sarah Rogers Eliz. Clive Mary written Mary Hands Mary Lord Mary Reading Anne Reading Mary meedes Mary Headen Patience Hankock Anne Moore Elizabeth ears Mary Burton Anne Hands Margery Beesly Alice Knibb Percy Veares Prudence Thomas Anne Duttridge Mary Beesly Eliz. Whitehouse Sarah Whitehouse Sarah Hibel Jane Carter Mary Murthal Alice Hadaway Mary Reading Eliz. Hall Mary Stover Mary Harris Margaret Swinsen and Walker Temperence meek Ellen Jackson Sarah swinson Margret Bickly Margery Bickly Phillip barefoot Mary meek Eliz. red Hannah red Eliz. Hea●y Frances Bridges and Kiff Pearcere bearfoot Mary Ludford Hannah Barfoot joan Weate Ellen Jaxon the elder Mary Allen you. joan Gest Margret Swensen the younger Sarah Harris Mary bailies Dorothy Burton Sarah Renolds Eliz. Edwards Eliz. heath Mary heath Olive Badg●ey Anne Baker Eliz. Hale Sarah Farmer Anne Maxf●eld Eliz. Aldrig Alice Hall Grace Hall Alice Wriit Mary Pease Mary Croxel Mary Sanders Mary Burton Sarah Standly joan Burton Jane Byech Han● Hopkines Mary Food Mary Nims Anne Phillips Elizabeth Batchilor Sarah park Mary Carter Susan Smart Mary wear Alice Toucy Elizabeth Gibbon Anna Hollister Kathrine Phillips Mary Chambers joan weal joan Hol●ister Jane Web Magdalen Bradford Sarah Swead Anne King Elizabe●h Wilkison Anne Long Mary Willis Elinor Lewis joice airs Elizabeth abbot joan howel Martha Swade Anne Joanes joan Hosier Ellinor Allen Anne Sne●gr●ve Anne Davis Mary Hampton Alis Loyd Elizabeth Loyd Anne Warren the eld. Anne Davis the eld. Sarah Smyton Anne Purdy joan Day Margret Reves joice Reves Margret Walker Mary Stemason Hannah Neves An●e soul Margret Bickhead Alice Nurdan Mary Hilly Sarah Smith Mary loath Eliz. Gibbons the el. Anne Long the elder Elizabeth Brown Margret tailor Margret Wilkee Francis Holdstone Elizabeth maynard Sarah Wilkison Susana Freeman joan Northal joan Seager Anne Cooper Mary Fry Mary coal Philice coal joan coal Margret Crome joan Hilsly Sarah coal Anne ames Mary Burgis Eliz. more the eld. Anne Chaffie Jane Batho Mary Belch er Elizabeth Eagles Mary Burleigh Rebeckah Howel K●tehrine Hughes Katherine Hammond Rebeckah Watkins Margret Thomas yo. Elizabeth Williams Mary Goldney Anne Jordan joan Hilley Anne Burden Mary Cook Deborah Dyer Garterit Poil Anne Brinkworth Rachel Jarret Margery Cook Bridget Templeman Elizabeth Parmiter Judeth byfeild Mary byfeild the eld. Mary byfeild the yo. bridget Horseman Anne Gannocliff Mary Leveret Dorcas ball Elizabeth Seward Margret Prince Mary Croker Martha Croker Sarah Croker Margret Pi●kin Mary Prince the eld. Mary North Margret Arnold Mary Evans Elizabeth Woory Katherine Smith Christian Jayne joan Potterfeild Sarah bennet joice Warren Elizabeth Ford Elizabeth milner Sarah bourne Francis price joan Dapwel catherine● clerk Ruth Davis Sarah Davis joan Farm●r Alice Hignil Margret Lovel Martha Jenkins Margret Turner Ellinor Sorrow Jane Bricksworth Eliz. Merrick Judith Batten Rachel Mogridge Alice Hall Margery Wall Sarah mynor Eliz. Harris Judith comely Anne Jellet Mary Roberts Eliz. dowel Anne Daniel Margret Thomas eld. Mary Ford wid. Jennet Williams Mary Lovel Eliz. Hubbert Martha Choik Anne Speed Margret Yeamons Eliz. Oliver Bridget Hollister Eliz. Pyott Deborah Pyat Anne Day Mary Wastfeild Katherine millerd Mary blagdon Eliz. Yeamans Mary Linday Mary huntingdon Mary N●ake Lydia Toney Martha mason Barbara Blagdon Elinor Jones Jane weal Margret tailor Sarah Price Margret Price Katherine Oatley Hester franklin joan dowl Jane Farmer Alice Moore Sarah peak Sarah Prince Jane Lord Bethsua Speed Jane burrow Dorothy Hulet Sarah Grave Sarah Granger Alice Philips Sarah Champnies Alex. Parkins Grace Priver Margery Claxan Anne Mayes Hannah Parker Mary Didicot Judith Weeks Judith Rac Alce Slauter Mary marks Sarah allies Eliz. Faint Margret Griffin Mary Stanford Margret Gallay Eliz. Gottey Eliz. Balromb Hannah Loxtone Mary Copeman Eliz. Driver blanche Phillips Margaret Hall Frances Handiman Margret Nuton Margret Farnal Eliz Child Eliz. Morgan Anne Long eld. Elizabeth park bridget Winfeild Eliz. Cannings Sarah Staturne Anne Warran Britewood Jeffryes Margery warren Jane Warren Jane mabb Eliz. Sanders Anne Ling Katherine Davis Anne Redwood joan Tippet Eliz. Martyn joan Dixon Eliz. neal Sarah Baugh Mary Sanders joan Shepman Mary Wathen Mary bide Margret Phelps I●ith bows Mary Haggat Eliz. Dolphin eld. Grace Bullock Mary perry Anne bateman Anne Wathen Eliz. Morris Deborah Stiles Anne Ford Margret Hunt Sarah White Anne Hall Alice Droyton Anne Iff Eliz. Bowen yo. Eliz. Hunt Eliz. Gibbins yo. gloucester— SHIRE. To the Parliament of England, &c. To do equity, to take off this unequal maintenance of the Teachers, which do take of people whom they do no work for, who swallows down the needy for a thing of nought; and the Judges of their Courts have been like ravening Wolves, prisoning such unequally on the Priests behalf, whom they do no work for, and will not give them maintenance; Therefore if you equally do weigh and consider things to bring the Nation into peace, it must be in equity, for if you do but consider these Priests which are the bringers of the Nations into troubles, setting them one against another( which was not the way of the Ministers of Christ, whose) throats are as open sepulchers, who drinks up iniquity, and who swollowes down all;( mark) the fatherless part, the widows part, and the strangers part, and so are worse then the Jews. HOw do you who are the heads of the Nation expect we should pay your taxes, when you suffer the Priests to take away our goods, that do no work for us, and they come and claim through a pretence tithe from you, of us for their preaching, that to us does not preach, and will not suffer us to try their doctrine, but we must receive all whether bad or good; and if we do question it, six moneths in the house of correction, or five pounds fine: And if the Priest come and pretend 15 l. tithes they will take a hundred pounds; You grant them fifteen pound of us whom they do not work for, and they will take a hundred pounds, & drive away our horses and oxen, and plough gear, and take ten times as much as the value, as they have done, which is upon record, whether this be the way to ruin a Nation, or to preserve it, judge in yourselves, and how in this case we are like to pay taxes; this is not the way to bring the creation into liberty, which would be at liberty, but to keep it in bondage, and it is an unrighteous thing to force people to maintain a Minister that they know in their consciences they are contrary to God; & then again it i● an unrighteous thing that they should not have their liberty to question and try their doctrine without imprisonment, and friends, yet this unrighteous Ministry shall have their liberty, and be collerated by the power of the Nation to spoil the goods, to summon to Courts, to prison to death, to take triple and triple more then themselves demand, and to drive away the goods, Catel● and Oxen of them they work not for; judge in yourselves concerning these things, here are our names against i●● Perses Warner Anne Prigg Susanna friar Rebecca cook Edeth Scarlet Cicilly Turner Hester Doding Mary Cox Alice Barkely Sarah Howel Sarah Bampton Florence Long Mary mills Anne mills Sarah Venn Jane Hathway Eliz. Pouting Susana Champneis bridget Ames. Anne Silcocke Katherine Dorney Susan Venn Hester Ashford Hannah Dorney Eliz. Long Mary Jeffery Hester geoffrey E iz. mousell Edith Bingham Eliz. Dando Mary jefferies Abigal Boushall Anne m●lledge Mary Stinchcome Meriam wear Mary monday Sarah Power Clara Robbins Hester Boy Jane Collings M ry Howborow Jane clerk Mary Howborow jun. Eliz. Parsons Margret Hollester Mary Tovey Anne Champneis Agnes field Bridget tailor Lydia Roberts Lucy wait Susan andrews Eliz tailor Mary Walker Edith D ●ndo Elia. pick Eliz. Noote Jane Lippiatt Agnes Edmonds Silvester Baker jane whiteing bridget Thurston Sarah Champneis Mary Walker Sarah Budding Alice ● Hollester Ellioner Holder Jane Sturges Alice Small Eliz. Smith Mary Smith Margret Pullen Alice baker Jane Champneis Jane White Jane Parker E●iz. Smith Alice wilson Mary Wilson Mary summers Ellioner Thruston Alice Haynes Eliz Haucock Eliz. Edwards Eliz. march Eliz. Field Anne Stone● Jane Smith Jane Smith Katherine Smith Mary Hall Mary Hall Eliz. Budden Rachel Trueman Anne James Anne Joanes Frances coal Eliz. Atwood Edith Tipper Rebecca Scuse Mary marshal Katherine Graves Elioner weston Margery Stambag Anne Warner Anne Williams Anne Thornedel Frances Br●deford Christian Kite Venice Russel Hannah Evans Anne Norris Hester Walker Katherine Eastburg Jane Pirrine Eliz. Green Sarah Russel Mary Durey Alice Butcher Anne Keite Sarah Bramsgrove Mary m●sely Elioner Walker Jane Fowler Jane Wiggen Jane Harwood Christian Reite Anne Pettifer Mary Pettifer Jane Pettifer Sarah Pettifer Sarah meaks Ursula Upton Diana meaks Sarah Woolley Eliz. Tomlinson Bridget Ball Mary Woolley Susannah roche Rachel Cabbel Hester Alesop Alice Sifford Martha Hathway Sarah Long Margret Cabbel Anne Symons Anne Jeffery Martha Jeffery Sarah Abbot Sarah Somers Edith mills Eliz White Marg. Graves Jane Beese Anne Cox Sarah Hollester Anne Hill Anne Deeks Hester Davis Anne Dick●on E iz. Wickham Mary merrick Eliz. Cox Mary Tiler Ruth Ogborn Lidda Thurston Mary Davis Anne Atwood Alice Sellman Maudline Jackson joan Swine Susanna Deverel Sarah Curtis Sarah Meal Priscilla prigg Rebecca Wodham Mary Flower Anne Wickham Elioner Wodham Mary britain Eliz. Wodham Mary Bullock Eliz mowsel Mary Edwards Mary Clement Mary Smith Eliz. Smith Anne Bampton Widow Cad joan Freeman Mary Surman Joice Surman Margery Surman Anne Surman joan Surman Sarah Surman Mary Beale Alice Beale Mary Jones joan Wall joan Simmens Abigal Silly Margret Smith Felice Carter Ruth Currier Anne Rykets Margret Duke Alice merrel Eliz. Hapward Margret Griving Margret Heaps Anne Heaps Anne Rickets Eliz. joys Jane Irey Mary web Comfort michal Ellinor Hatcher Anne Holland Anne Winyeat Anne Wasfield Eliz. Orkey Eliz. Smith Eliz Ready Anne White Mary Long joan moor Anne Edmonds Margret Lambert. LONDON and SOUTHWARK. To the Parliament of England, &c. TO you which should do Justice, we who are of the female kind, whose names are underwritten, do bear our Testimony against Priests and Tithes, who have spoiled our Friends goods, and prisoned many of them to death, and hath many of them in prison, because they cannot put into their mouths that doth no work for us and them, which is an unreasonable thing, and they that be so much crying up Tithes for maintenance for their Ministry, are such as are covetous and great men, whose fruits declares which is manifest that they have not so much love to their Ministers as to maintain them themselves, but would have others to maintain them with Tithes, them that own not their Ministry, and is not of their Church, and this is their end, we see their crying up their Ministry is not to maintain them themselves, but that others should maintain them for them, whom they do no work for, and this is their covetous end; so this is to save themselves, and not so much that they care for their Ministry, if they did, they would maintain them themselves, and would not seek to others to maintain them. 1. Let no man be prisoned for observing the Order of the Church of God and Doctrine of the Apostles, that is, if any thing be revealed to him that sits by, the other is to hold his peace, that all may learn and be comforted, least you be the men that quench the Spirit, and limits the holy One, and despiseth prophecies, comforting and edification. 2. Let none be prisoned for not paying Clerks wages, for saying Amen, turning the hour-glass, and such like services. 3. Let none have their goods spoiled or be imprisoned, because they would not come to the old Mass-house, which is called the Steeple-house; for we are prisoned and fined for not going to the Steeple-house, & we are prisoned & fined for going to the Steeple-house, and asking the Priest a Question, and yet our goods are strained and spoiled, and we are prisoned because we cannot mend the Steeple-house, and yet will not suffer us to come there; and in some places will hardly let us stay from it without fines, and we are prisoned and our goods strained for not giving the Priests Tithes, who will not answer us a Question, and they hale us out if we come but into the Steeple-house; and there never was in the world such an untoward and unreasonable generation, Edification, Comforting, Learning and prophesying is destroyed in your Church, 1 Cor. 14.13. 4. Let none have their goods taken away for not paying for the Priests bread and wine, their Communion, those they do not eat withal nor hath not for these many years, yet the Church-Wardens, so called, strains the goods of our Friends, to make them pay for their bread and wine, and Communion which they eat and drink. 5. Let the Creation have its liberty; how do you who are the Heads of the Nation expect that we should pay taxes when that the Priests takes our Friends goods, and plunders them whom he doth no work for? and some of our friends who have been for the Parliament ever since the beginning of the late Wars, have suffered more by these plundering Priests, then by the plundering Caveliers, and you have saddened the hearts of them that are your Friends, by setting up Tithes, and tolerating of them, then all that have gone before you, who have pretended to take them away. MAry Elsen Mary Foster Anne samson Anne Robbinson Amey Matthews Mary Lonejoy, sen. Mary Lonejoy, jun. Margret Hutle Alice Richinson Dorothy tailor Mary Bassenden Mary Johnson Frances Transom Eliz. Hutle Mary Wilkinson Grace parley Anne Ostinge Agnes Pool Agatha Netherwood Martha Watson Ursula Garret Mary Westwood Ruth Brown Eliz. peacock Anne Jempel Margret mekins Frances Standis Priscilla Eccleston Authry Carpenter Sarah Yeats Sarah Sager Anne mericke Alice Stodart Sarah Blackborrow Barbarah Jarman joan Crane Ursula Ford Anne Cart Anne Cart Margery Clipsham Susanna Lysoe Ruth Brown, jun. Mary Goodman Sarah G●les Sarah Knowles Eliz. Perkinson Magdalen Person Eliz. Harris Katharine Askew Sarah Ataway Jane Long Isabel Emms easter Baldwin Mary Hall Anne Vose Mary Fox Mary Basely Eliz. Fordham Rebecca Ward Anne Gilman Sarah Ward Margret Holms Eliz. Lock joan Hill Mary Sanders Anne Brampton Margret Jeanaws Margret page. Eliz. Hautilane, sen. Eliz. Hautilane, jun. Cibel Carter Liddia Oades Jane More Eliz. Drew Sarah Knowles Sarah Pool Mary Harris Margret Sharle Rachel Giles Hannah Thorndal Mary Vouse Mary Shoutwell Alice Thompson Margret Orinel Anne Lee Eliz Pool Mary Corford Anne Austin Margery H●pe Mary mackeral Sarah Coppock Rebecca Pool Dorothy Billing Frances Hudson Eliz. Worlidge, sen. Eliz. Worlidge, jun. Eliz. Tibbots Anne Hemes Eliz. Palmer Anne Alice Ellinor Chicket Eliz. Whilwright Jane Laurance Eliz. Matthew Jona Clapton Margret Stevens Grace Roberts Eliz. Robison Beatrix Oziar Alice Evance Margret Freebody Mary Smith Martha Wooden Rose Hamm Ellinor Roman Jane Whitleg Anne Hawood Annis Gaunt Anne Holland Aquila Gifford Ellen Barnet Anne Goodaker Katherine Charles Susanna Laurance Margret Bickney Ely Hutchins Liddia Farmer Mary Jenkes Fran●es Bourn Mary Lourance Ma●gret Kirton Dorothy Bergot easter Ma●son Ma●gret Syrah Mary Neave Margaret Drinckell. Ruth Powel clear Smith Sarah Bates Anne Thomson Sarah Martin Susanna Bond Anne walls Margret Stamper Rebecca Trevise Eliz. Stoddart Jane Nicolson Mary Vaughan Constance Cushman Alice Stoddart Jane Raynor easter Shearwood Katharine Bently Bridget West Frances Loda Eliz. Emmut Mary Ellet Katharine Prestho Anne Applin Anne Coniers Eliz. Proody Eliz. farewell Jane Terkeridge Eliz. Rogers Mary Powel Mary pierce Eliz. Dallon Ursula Walkin Anne Langston joan parr Jane parr Susanna Young Thomason matthew Jane Hall luke Wilkinson Eliz show Mary Deveruck Martha Pickot Eliz Whiteman Jane Botterfield Mary Cox J●deth Fordham Mary Loyd Frances Facley Margret Facley Eliz. Pane Margret Welsby Prudence pink Judeth mullen Elinor Brook Eliz. Brist●w Sarah Wetherly M●rgret Hall Jane Hunter Anne moor Eliz. Wilki●son Alice Lake Jane Dadford Isabel mattain Philip Wescote Eliz. Smith Jane Nicolson Magdalen peirson Annis Gregory Eliz. Ratclief Eliz. Sawon Julian Barret Anne Stanford Rebecca painter Eliz. Oliver Rachel Green Eliz. bailie Abigal Darceg Rachel Alford Mary Draper Anne Cully Susan Jefferies Mary pie joan Mickel Christian Jones Eliz. Hart Margret Cumens Eliz. Upcut Margret Bateman Susannah Bateman Susannah mansel Grace Randolph Sarah Noras Alice Whitpain Eliz. Cox Margret Woodward Phillipy Croutch Mary Wo●dward Eliz. Woodward Ma●tha Woodwa●d Grace Reeve Anne gardener Anne Hart Sarah Plumley Eliz. munden Eliz. Hall Anne ●ngram Eliz. Burg Anne gardener Ma●y Fowler Anne Boucher Jane Pattison Anne F●agdon Margret Shargen Dorothy Champion Mary Holcraft Anne Winch Mary Goodal easter Swift Rebecca Haywood Sarah Hinson Anne Swift Eliz. Fallow Jane Scot Isabel Dickinson Anne Bibby Mary Hackleton Beatrix Berthes Ellen Padley Grace Michel Eliz Green Eliz. Webster Frances Hull Sarah Weight Sarah bide katherine West joan berry Anne tiler Lucretia Speed Judeth Davis Anne Hudson Mary Booth Katherine Catin Mary Beet Rose Hull Eliz. Nicols Susannah Keet Nevel Simmons Sarah Allen Frances Pointer Amy Ketten Eliz. Morsel Susan Kilby Margret Davis Tacy Davis Susannah Harris Bridget Fraily Katherine Maderkel Margret Rogdon joan Stark Alice Lawson Frances meek Deborah Flavel Mary Strut Eliz. Newman Eliz. Sweet joan Wingreen Dorothy Cooper Anne Richardson Margret Bradish Barbarah Pick Rachel Philpot Martha Houghton Eliz. tailor Frances North Alice clerk Alice Boolman Mary Grey Mary Hinkins Barbarah Handy joan Raurha joan Coll Lydia Newman Eliz. Slater Anne Smith joan Mabson Margret Brook Deborah Coachman Anne Waker Barbarah Adle Joanna Lovelesse Wilnint Benson Anne Grassingham Eliz. Davis Ame● Stanton Mary ochre An. James Margret Poulson Katherine Foukes Anne Grascock Margaret Kirton Anne Eyre Eliz. Terrel Eliz. Smither Alice Pickering Ellen Edmonds Elizabeth Good Ellinor Belton Mary Bagnald Isabel Selbe Lydia Saunders Susanna Goodal Eliz. Thorrowgood Katherine marman Jane Lockley Mary marden Anne writ Mary tailor Eliz. Sansom Susanna Fry Sarah Alexander Isabel Lounes Katherine Price Elizabeth Hall Sarah Pickering Mary Laiton Alice Davis Dorothy Stacy Katherine Duplier Isabel Bartlet Mary Kirkman Grace Hall Rachel Steward Mercy waly joan Noble Ellen Colly Eliz. Dorwood joan Lewis Ellen Jones Ellen tailor Eliz. Bouner Eliz. Hurlstone Margret Westcot Anne Sodley Anne Cox Re●ecca Every Mary Carter Sarah millman Alice Harne Eliz ●ilner Mary year Katherine Fisher joan cook Anne Clifford Abigaill warn Faith Warden Mary Lee Thomason Dicker Dorothy white Katherine Blann Kath. Atkins Susan Adkins Alice Nicolas Ellinor Bellamy Eliz. Broughton Anne Coapeland Isabel wats Anne Hart Anne gardener Ellen Burgess Margery Parker Dorothy door Ellen Bigrave Margery Allen and Lam Eliz. ston Susannah Cock Katherine Hutchinson Margret wintrey Phillip Friend Bridget Brand Crysabel trimming Jane Bellamy Mary Hall Margret Davis Katherine marcroft Mary borage Sarah Nut Mary Holford Grace Hudson Eliz. Keeine Doras Erbery Mary priest Olive chair Eliz Parker Christian Bryan Frances Haukins Loveday Killow Judith Linsoe douglas Temple Anne Winchester Katherine Winchester Mary White Mary Boucher Mary mease Idith Beomon Maudlin Carter joan Shink field Rebecca mullens Katherine Baranton Mary Phillips Alice Foun joan Bigs Agnes Dolman Chischan Saunders Mary Saunders Sarah Low Mary Saunders Anne Knolman Priscilla stoite Mary Lenthal Mary Doves Anne Astin Bridget hawine Margret Peterson joan Goffe Sarah Hutchens Sarah Smethet Susanna Wright Eliz. Lane Eliz. Boylo● Martha Perkins Hannah Corlimore Ruth Sevel Mary Smart Dorothy burnt Sarah stint Eliz. Craft Lewis Saule Anne Lowbridge Susanna Robson Eliz. mitton Eliz. pottery Mary cook Alice parsons Sarah Parsons Hannah parsons Anne Lucy Mary Heckers Jane cook Susanna Clemments Sarah watson Eliz. Cowes Charity Robbinson Anne Jeuner joan Trevant Alice Tuckinson Eliz. Damson Rachel Seany Abigal Craft Rebecca Newham Anne Durly Mary Ruberbon Liddia Jesset Ellen Brown Mary chaplain Sarah mane Marg. Kitcher Anne Samson Grace Tanner Eliz. Grove Katherine Cashby Margret beans Sarah Hall Christian Carrier Anne Yarrington Eliz. basil Eliz. coal Mary Border Mary Heirs Sarah Carter Barbarah partridge Rebec. Everet Barba. marshal Eliz. Bedwal Bridget Sly Eliz. Baker Sarah Powel Mary Baptester Eliz. bide Mary Fuller Dorothy Annis easter Gale Susanna Gammon Judeth Everton Eliz. james Alice Watton Sarah mi●et Anne peterson Rose Gobsel joan Boyce joan Woles Margret Nargrave Mary downs Jane Busy Margret web Dorothy price Eliz. Williams Sarah Mayham Christian web Agnes Cock Eliz: Roberts Eliz. pate Susanna Child Eliz. Conway Anne Bennit Eliz. marle easter Edwards Mary Russel Katherine Russel Frances Broakbanck Eliz. Dix Eliz. Lambel Eliz. Newman Eliz. Russel Eliz. Baker Jane Wamesly Jane Watters Mary Roulfe Mary Yease Mary Stanton Magda●ene Fuller Tabitha Dwan Margret Watling Margret Warden Jane Cock Isabel Parlour Deborah medo Hannah downs Hannah Chrisle Ellen heartily Martha Simonds Mary Datteon Eliz. Frelman Sarah Brariar Eliz. derby. Eliz. crowd Liddia Edper Eliz. Oliver Margret Allen Frances seal Aven Dance Jane Holden Margret Butler Mary Patty Mary Gallog Sarah Swen Glare goldsmith Mary Joanes Ellinor Ebells Mary Carver Alice Harrison joan Bennet Alice Heart Margret Green Venus Cabet joan Green Rebecca Glangre Anne Rollnes Eliz. Young Anne mouses Eliz. Bacon Mary web Mary Foster Judeth Smith Eliz. Leanerd Ellen Web joan Holland Sarah Prash Sarah Collia Mary tie Anne Wardal Margret Collins Mary Jalls Eliz. Stickland Jane Fauks Eliz. perkins Eliz. martel Susanna Perkins Mary Foukes Sarah Gyles Hannah Wise Eliz. Watson Alice Thoston Anne hoop Eliz. Larwood Eliz. Luar Eliz. Pukes Susanna morris Abigal Pittin joan Carter Mary Copper Mary Foster Sarah bristol Eliz. Jalafe Katherine Germyn Margret Fouler Mary Bedford Susanna parks Ellen Bartles Eliz. Catter joan Lofmore Bennet Nokes Ursula Harwood Mary bradshaw Mary Pettifer Ruth field Mary Darnel Mary horn Elizabeth Brown Mary brown Lucretia crisp Alice stamp joan Harwood Eliz. stevens Dorothy Kent Mary Roberts Jane Bullock Mary Boreman Deborah Favel Sarah Luke Arebella Wison Abigal Goden Anne bidel matthew bidel Eli. Buck Anne allen Margret uster Mary Crakford Eliz. mills Anne Johnson Sarah godfrey Eliz. Root Lones Powel Judith patching Tabytha Harris Martha Vincent Sarah Harloc Dorothy Tompson Mar●ret Greenway To the PARLIAMENT of ENGLAND. We would have you to red these things, and do justly as it speaks. LEt the Impropriators who bought or rents their Tithes of the colleges, turn them up to the colleges again; or unto whomsoever they bought them of, and demand their money again; and let the colleges be taken away that makes Ministers, and do not let them stand up in the Lords place, nor you neither; for God is able to make and sand forth Ministers into his own vine-yard; and do not take the authority from Christ, unto whom all power in heaven and earth is given; and canno● he make Ministers without scholars or colleges? And doth not John a Minister, say, as many as receive him, to them he gives power; And so whom he sends forth are content with his wages; receive freely, give freely, and that is set before them, that they must eat; they must not go trouble Magistrates, the powers of the earth, which Christ bids go into all nations to preach the power of God, which is the Gospel; but Ministers of men, not by the will of God, whom men sends forth, that makes not vineyards, that ploughs not, nor threshes not, such as they seek to men for Tenths, and keeps people in the ninths, that hath set up tenths by a Law, that sends labourers into the World, such as are made by natural tongues, which be natural men; And those are them that have persecuted us for maintenance, and hales us up to their Courts for their Tenths; which hath made the Gospel burdensome, and have been the stirrers up of Magistrates, who gives them the tenths for persecuting of such whom the Lord sends into his vineyard, and these have made the tumults in the Nations amongst people, about outward things, which is their maintenance, not for preaching the Gospel, but about outward things; do ye think people do not see these things? And you may sell all the Gleab-lands, and abbey Lands, and Monasteries, and Nunneries, and Kings Rents, and his houses, and the bells to pay the Impropriators, who have bought the tithes of Kings, let their rents and parks be sold to pay them again, and let the Earth be restored again to its place, and they that have bought them of colleges, let the Gleab lands be sold to pay them, and so let the Earth be redeemed. DOrothy Gotherson Judith King Emery Beenne joan Nichles Gillian Grimes Eliz. Dofes Rebecca piece joan Clowes joan Hart Emlem Turnbridge Eliz. Lucks Mary Greenland Eliz. Prichares Eliz. Hoper Rebecca Elkinton joan Gilman Jane Clemans Mary stand Mary Rinnington Alice Birckham Anne Spice Mary Hoult Mary bartlet Mary methus Anne Hoult Eliz. Hills Mary Chambers Jane Gore Eliz. Kite Margret Grinstead Martha Deplock Win Reeve Eliz. Everndeme Eliz. Housegoe jun. Eliz. Housegoe Mary Turner Frances martar joan Hart Lidia mormere Mary Cumber Eliz. Philpot Abieazer Boykin Jane Hopper matthew Helly joan mowlen Anne Thrum Anne Picker Mary Gomber Alice Noakes Mary Noakes Mary foreman Eliz. den Mary Hills Anne Howard Eliz. more Alice Spurgen Eliz. Richeson Mary black Eliz. Dingle Avery Kingsfoot Susan Cook Anne Gower Mary Joans P. Harris Ellinor Bredgate Eliz. Fox. Thomazin Hogben Eliz. Toos Alice Goodwin Mary Howson E●iz. Cock Eliz. Pollard Susan Wats Mary Goldherts Alice More Mary Gener Anne foul Mary Catchfo●d Martha Bishop Rebecca parthon Mary Foul Margret Couchman Jane Elmenston Susan Wills Anne Dorly Eliz. Fowle Elinor Olid Mary Campine Alice Newman Sarah Rite Martha Standly Martha Copper Kath. Darley Eliz. Couchman sen. Eliz. Couchman jun. Mary James Margret Holland Eliz. Highway Eliz. Rolan Eliz. becraft Mary Correr Judith Dirrum joan Stamer Mary Day Susan Brooks Anne Godfrey Ellen Fowler Eliz. Coee Anne Barker Mary row Eliz. strand Thamar pike Eliz. Barwell Ruth King Mary King Alice Clapson Cameler pieces Isabel Iferd joan humphrey Dennis Brand Eliz. Reeves Katherine Edwards Alice Waltham Anne Farmer Anne Newman Mary Bly Mary W●ndbanck Judeth Warren Eliz Crow Rebecca Burch Susanna hackna Grace Roberts Mary Apthorp matthew French Jane Astwood Anne Tilly Eliz. Burt Katherine Gallwith Anne Scot Jane Collisor Cisil Gilbart Hannah Allen Ursula Bond Em. Hamman Tomazin West Beatrice Dawson Mary Sanders Jane Albright Eliz. Albright Sarah Coleman Eliz. White Eliz. Smith Anne Smith Mary Lawrance Frances Ireland Eliz. Coleman Mary Shemeld Sarah Baker Annis Ketle Hannah Wilson Eliz. Ketle Alice Lycot Jane tailor Mary Wilson Eliz. Chester Rebecca Elingham Sarah tailor Milbrew Smith Eliz. Rolan Eliz. Highway Margret Holland Eliz. Becraft Mary Coxer Judith Dyrum joan Stamer Mary Day Susan brook Anne Godfrey Anne tailor Eliz. tailor Mary Chandler Katherine miller clear Smith Susannah West Frances Reeve Sarah Gray Anne Osburn Susanna Arnot Anne Burgis Anne Heath Alice Walker Anne Scot Isabell Allen Margret Hamersly Margret Brixton Eliz. Green Ellen johnson Anne Fisher ellen Joanes Jane Sligh ellen mason Margret Hall Anne Titterton Anne Johnson Anne Hall Dorothy Alcock Susannah tailor Margret Eurenal Jane Lownes Anne machine Sarah Clowes Anne Feirnbough Hester Dale Hester Brinly Martha Sleigh Sarah Sleigh Eliz. Stonier Eliz. Ford Margret Woolrich Jane Allen Sarah Rowley Anne Rowley Rachel road Mary Woolrich Sicily Jordan Sarah Jordan joan Jordan Eliz Breeland Margret Babb Eliz. Gent joan Brandly Alice Dale Margret Clowes Jane Waywood Judith Cowley To the Parliament of England who ought to free the Nation from oppression and oppressors. FRiends, a Compelling Worshipper hath a Compelling Ministry; a compelling worship and a compelling maintenance; so this is the false Churches way, got up since the dayes of the Apostles, which is not by the constraining of Love; so we with our hands and names, lives and estates go against it, now in the day in which the Lamb and the Bride his Wife is coming out of the Wilderness. ELiz. ally Eliz Smith Given own Sarah Dren Mary Hacket, young. Eliz. careless Mary Amphlet Katherine Pooly Isab. Amphlet Mary Amplet, young. Susan pierson, young. Lydia clerk Margery Walker Frances Ball Isab. Walker Anne Skiller Edbrough Bearcraft Margret Stevens Alice Dane Mary Hacket Elner price joan price A●erlin Letsom ●ne Walker Katherine Jones joice Jones Anne Griffin Alice parker Sarah Floyd Margret Knight Eliz. Fido Elner Frankomb Frances Walton Mary Townsend Eliz. Dane Ursula Hill Mary Hill Eliz Hanns joan Chandler Mary partridge Susannah coal Bettredge Roberts Elner Brace Mary Bell Sarah Reynolds Anne Holiack Anne Asson Jane Newey Anne Newey Isabel Newey Mary Huniat Eliz. Baylis Hannah Cha●dler Eliz. Booker Mary Tilsly Anne Ardin Jane Heekes Anne Hodges Margret Lacy Mary Croly Jane Carter Anne Bagley Mary Caddick Margret Geffres Mary Bilingham Eliz. Crumpe Alice Lacy Margret Roberts Hester Allen Allnor Smart Mary meek Eliz Kinward Sarah Bryenton Margery Higgens Susannah Dukes Anne Abere Katherine Goseline Eliz. Reed Eliz. phillips Jane Abra joan Neckols Susanna Jones sibyl Savage Susanna pierson Eliz. Wright Anne Skiller, young. Dorothy mar●in Joice Darling joan Stollerd Eliz. Rawson Margery Cullath Mary Bradly Sarah Butter Eliz. parish Margret Harves Mary Hay Mary Hoday Mary Hunt Dorothy Hunt Frances Palmer Sarah Carwright Susannah Guen Bridget Smith Sarah Glifear Margery Cotton Mary Harris Eliz. Lea Mary Woodward Susanna White Deborah King Anne meadwell joice Evens Eliz. pitway Deborah Blick Anne Harris Alice welsh joan Woodward Alice Davis Eliz. Hardman Rebecca welsh Sarah Freasam Eliz. Shartharle Marg. Robins Hannah Ball Mary Woorly Fra. Pitway Margret Taudy Martha Woorly Sarah Walker Barbarah Walker Eliz. Tombos Hannah Radge Jane Walker Eliz. Allifear Mary Hardman Mary Godfree Kath. Allinton Mary Turner joan Rudge Mary Langston Sarah Walker, youn. Kath. Knight Mary Beard joan Hulland Eliz. Walker Kath Hay Mary Izard Eliz. Haines Jane Taudy Anne welsh Rebecca Bennit Alice Be●nit Sarah Bennit Anne Brauthy Eliz. Cemmens Mary Dolbins Hannah Williams Sarah Kators Alice jarkith Anne tailor Anne Fowler Isabel plasterer Mary Roberts Sarah Box Eliz. Baines Cicilla pitway Isabel Dove Eliz. Emes Jane Keatler Mary Treadwel Eliz. Walker Frances Smith Kath. Cartwright Anne Yeeds Anne Godfree Elizabeth Harton Anne Rock Anne Cartwright Frances Guese Anne Whittle Eliz. Bennit Mary Ballard Isabel Banner Mary Banner Anne Sheakle Eliz. shekle Mary Sheakle Eliz. Kinril Jane Harris Alice Riland Mary Riland Anne Baylis Eliz. clerk Mary Pregin Alice Booker Jane Booker Mary Dudsil Mary Hichins Mary Cleavens joice Washborn Eliz. Wheeler Kath Smith Kath Smith Mary judge Priscilla Salsbery Alice Turner Jane Goastly Elinor Hay Alice Harris Mary Walker Alice Woodward Elizabeth Ems Elizabeth Andrews Sarah Phelps Mary Smith Grace Peakock Mary Doom Mary Brooks Mary Bag Mary Box Eliz. Wheeler Jane Goastly Alice Abery Mary Edwards Jane Strain Mary Strain Mary Kirman Mary Trudy Christian Boom Alice maundor Kath. Given joan Given joan Walker Sarah maunder Eliz. Give Elizabeth Willis Eliz. tailor Marian mushin Mary Hind joan Fox Sarah Richarson Homer Richarson Rebecca Richarson easter Harris Mary Pare Anne Tomkins Anne Cook Alice Given Anne Wilkinson joan cross Mary Bomdbery Susan Simmonds Susan Brinckly Mary Carnake Sarah Bortwight Mary Blemint Part of WALES and HEREFORD-Shire. To the PARLIAMENT of England, &c. FRIENDS, YOU have thrown yourselves away out of the affections of the sober people in setting up Tithes, notwithstanding the many Petitions and addresses unto you against them up and down the Nation from the sober people therein, and the well wishes of the choicest of the Nation towards you; Now the contrary part in whose hands you fall, and to whom you join and yield to, will not stand you in stead in the time of your trial; and how should they but fear you, and stand in question of you that have not taken off the Tithes, the oppression? and by which the cause not taken away the Priests and the Parishes be on heaps, and persecuting their hearers, and oppressing of them with triple and triple damage; and therefore the sober people of the Nation would have had you to have taken away Tithes that caused the difference in the Nation, and to bring peace in the Nation, which if you do not, the Lord by his power will remove you as unfit for his use, and break you to pieces, if that you do not dwell in his power that doth break to pieces; and fear the Lord God and dwell in it, the power of God, and his wisdom, that thereby you may know the supreme power over all the world, and transgressors in it, in that line. You have hindered yourselves from the love of the sober people of the Nation, and if you do not take off oppression, how should the Lord stand by you, or the people of the Lord either. Therefore consider these things, and the Lord give you understanding, for all eyes are upon you, good and bad, and wait to look what fruits you bring forth. Therefore it is the Word of the Lord to you, join to no wicked thing set up by the Papists, to no accursed thing, to no abominable thing, for if you do, the Lord will throw you out and overturn you; Therefore join to that which is good, if you do intend to have his blessing. If you query how you should do with Impropriators; Sell all the Gleab Lands, and the Bells, except one in a Town, or two in a city, to give notice of fire, and all the late Kings Parks and his Rents, that had Tenths, and sold the Tithes, to make up these, to give to e Impropriators that have bought Tithes, and the abbeys and the onasteries, which much of the Tithes were given to, if you do intend to satisfy the Nation, and deny yourselves of his Parks, houses and Rents; So let them be sold, and the colleges sold, and all the Tithes that belong to them thrown down, and then if you will have Schools to teach boyes Natural Languages and several Tongues to make Merchants of them, let every one that sends his Son pay him his wages; and if any neighbours be moved to help them, let them ●elp them, that none be compelled by a Law to maintain anothers Ministry, but what is done, let it be in love; So let Christ sand forth his Ministers and Labourers into his Vineyard, and so cumber not ourselves about the Ministry of the Gospel and its maintenance, and let no man be persecuted about Worship, Church, Ministry, Priests maintenance; but if any man hath received freely, let him give freely, so let the Nation be brought to a free Nation, and the people to a free people; for we declare with our hands, and with our lives and estates against the Ministry that takes Tithes, and the setters of them, and the first Author of them up, and the Law that upholds them, which have been set up since the dayes of the Apostles; but keep the peace, and give them what you will give of your own Freely, and do not compel people to maintain a Minister which they know to be false, and to be in error, and a Persecuto● and a Minister of unrighteousness. Trust not in the arm of flesh, for the arm of the Lord which is the power, is able to overturn all, and which will whither all flesh, and the reasonings of flesh, and all who trust in any carnal thing, or strength, or weapons, but onely the power of the Lord God, his strength and hopes will fail him, and the power of the Lord God will go over him, which hath no end; Therefore trust in the power of the Lord God, which comprehends the whole world which hath no end. ELiz. Jenkins, sen. Eliz Jenkins, jun. Ruth Evans Rose tailor Alice Price Mary Phillip Katherine Morgan Gwenllian Jenkins Rebec. Price Mary Price Eliz. Morris Barbary Hoskins Eliz. morgan Ursula Williams Anne Rice Cicil Hanbury, sen. Jane Thomas Margret Hanbury Cicil Hanbury Anne Edward Anne Eliis Margret Thomas Jane Dawson blanche Lewis Ellin●r Barber Dasy Rosser Jennet David Kath. Genowe Anne morgan Jane Curtis Lucy Hix joan Edy Eliz. Holms Isabel Hopkin Eliz. Hix Anne Hubbert Anne Thayer Kath. Cox Hannah Cox Alice Grindal Jane Cox Mary merrick Sarah Hughes joan Hibbs Kath. ford Mary Hughes Mary Bowen Ellen John joan John Eliz. Thomas Margret Williams Eliz. Harry Kath. Thomas joan Hopkin Mary Prichard Mary Collenbeach Kath. David joan Thomas malt Williams Jennet John Eliz. David Gwellen Williams Anne Hamon Eliz. Hamon Margret Hopkin Ruth Granford Jane Daniel Kath. morgan Hannah Riderth Margret Wybern Eliz. morgan joan Jones Margret Baret Mary Barrow Alice S●lman Mary Williams Eliz Griffeth Mary Protherough Eliz. Therburn Sarah Bateman Jennet Jones Rebecca Howel joan Spark Eliz. Relly Jane Watkin Eliz. Thomas Anna Freeman, wid. Mary Jones Mary Roberts Mary Powel, wid. Eliz. Reed, wid. Hannah Grimer Margret matthews joan mars, Ellinor William Mary Preece Mary Sarch Mary Grimer Mary Rogers Kath. William Mary Robert Anne Roberts Mary William sibyl Thomas Eliz. Thomas Eliz. Lewis Mary Evan Anne Beevan Mary Beevan Ursula hodge Eliz. Richards, wid. Margret Gibbon Eliz. Gibbon Eliz. David Mary Ingram Mary England Mary morre Anne Evan Welthian Thomas Eliz. Vaughan joan Gawler Mary Jenkin Mary Robert David Jones Mary Plant Mary Pain Margret Pa● Eliz. cowls Eliz. Cater Margery Ingram Eliz. Cater, jun. Hannah Ashmead Eliz. mind Mary Pain Alice Fareal Mary Freeman Mary Grime Eliz. Grime Margret Alcop Eliz. Ekelee joan Jones Eliz. Barber Eliz. prichard Katherine prichard Mary Carners France: Gawler Ellinor Hodges joice Beaven Mary Rosse elinor Beavan Frances Young Eliz Ekley joice Bibb Eliz. Gwillams ●… sabel Caldwal Margery Powle Bridget Davies Mary Hoult Anne Powel ●… rances Jones ●… linor Gwyn ●… ucia Powel ●… nne Powel ●… nne Baker ●… lice Williams ●ledgde●liz. Smith ●… ladis David ●… anglust Thomas ●… and John ●… liz. Thomas ●… nis Vaughard ●… one Hanard ●… van John ●… liz. Thomas Mary laurence Mary Watkin Jane holding Mary Williams joice Steven Sarah Philips Winiffred Williams own Price Jane Edwards Margret Umphery Dorothy Lewis Dorothy mores Elinor Price Katherine parkers Katherine Guyn Jane Jones Katherine press Margret Jones Katherine Edward Elinor Lloyd Margret Lewis Margret Ewards Katherine Jones Margret James Maud Thomas Given Powel Markred johnes Jonet Oliver Katherine morise Eliz. morise Mary Danis Anne Hughs Jane Cledon Margret Price Margret watson Anne Watson Anne Bage Margret Cleaton Anne Cleaton Anne Jones joan Perkes Mary moor Katherine Oliver Margret Oliver Katherine Price Mary Houd Jane Oliver joan David Eliz. David Mary moore Bridget Watson joan Rees Elinor Jones Sarah Thomas Elinor David joan Mills Anne Meridith Jane Moris Anne Griffith Gwen morgan Gwen Evans Margret moris Margret Rees Katherine Powel Anne David Margret Crowder Jane Crowder Anne Owens Katherine Meredith Elinor Meredith joan Jones To the Parliament of England, &c. YOu who are the Parliament of this Nation, you should have thrown down tithes, which is the cause of so great troubles in the nation at Courts, Assizes & ●… ssions; and many families in the Nations their goods spoiled, and their estates ruined, ●… any prisoned to death by Priests and Impropriators, which abundance of the so●… r people of the Nation hath petitioned you, and sent to you by addresses, to have ●… em taken away; which your voting them, up have voted yourselves out of the sober ●… oples affection of the Nation, among the bruits; and such as be brutish will not ●… nd by them in the day of your trial. 2. If you query, how shall the Impropriators be satisfied, who bought the tithes 〈…〉 the King, have you not his parks and his rents? have you not his houses to sell and ●… ke up their money and give them again? or will you sit down in his houses and take 〈…〉 possession? hath not God thrown out such before you? will you be like them that ●… s and takes possession? will ye slain yourselves? have you not houses of your own sit in? this is a warning to you least you dishonour yourselves and your names. 3. You should have sold all the Gleab-lands, and sold all the Bells, saving one ●… ly in a Town, and colleges and their Lands, and given them to all the poor of ●… e Nation; that there need not have been this lamentable cry for bread and clothes ●… ong the poor in the Nation; and have paid the Impropriators with the overplus. 4. All that would have a Minister, let them maintain him. 5. All that would have meeting houses, let them maintain them; and all that ●… uld have Clerks to turn the hour glass, and say amen, and hang the pulpit●… ath, let them maintain them, and not suffer others to be cast into prison because ●… y would not maintain such, and hold up such, and maintain such things for others 〈◇〉 have not the use of them. 6. And all such as have bread and wine for their communion, not let others 〈…〉 be forced to pay for it, that eats nor drinks not with them, neither hath any co●…munion with them, not suffer them to be compelled to pay for it, which neither ea●… nor drinks, for that is a beggarly communion; but they that will have a co●…munion let them pay for it. 7. Let none be fined and imprisoned for not doffing their hats, and let none b●… persecuted for saying thee, and thou, thee to a particular, and you to many, a●… give over setting up of images, in your steeple houses, and daubing them over wi●… gold, as at Tantlins steeple-house in London; let the money that you bestow 〈…〉 such vain things be given to buy the poor clothes and bread, and that wholesome p●…ces may be provided for them, as Nurseries, that none may be starved or perish 〈…〉 hunger. 8. Let no one be fined or imprisoned, or compelled, or forced to go to the steep●… houses, and that no one should be whipped for vagabonds or rogues which speak t●… word of the Lord, as they have been, which are worth 40. or 60 pounds by the year and that none should strike or fight, or that none be banished about Religion 〈…〉 worship, seeing Christ said love your enemies, and the Apostles said, we wrestle 〈…〉 with flesh and blood; and how have you obeied Christ and fulfilled his will, whe●… there hath been so much whipping and blood-shed, and wrestling with flesh and bloo●… by Church and ministry for maintenance in this Nation; let none go under th●… name of a Minister of Christ that will have any persecuted for speaking to him, or pe●…secute any because they will not give him maintenance, imprisoneth, or hales befo●… magistrates and Courts, let not these go under the name, of threshers, or plowers 〈…〉 hope, such as serves not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies; let all suc●… as these which are called ministers, be looked upon as popish, and not according to th●… Apostles, that for tithes, Easter reckonings, Gleab-lands, mortuaries, ten groats a grav●… 20 or 20 shilling for a sermon over the dead; Church women for money, sprinkle infan●… for money, and are made ministers of men, and by men, just like the Heathen as the●… make their Powoughs, which priests are not made by the Law, these that profess the●…selves to be ministers of the Gospel are not made by the will of God nor by the revel●…on of Jesus Christ, for revelation they deny, & so are made manifest to be the fals Churc●… and not the true Church, which Christ is the head of, in whom he is in the mid●… prophet and King, who doth reveal himself to his Church and people, to all the●… which Christ and God hath not sent into the vineyard, but which are made by t●… will of men, and are sent but from men, these have been traytors to Christs doctri●… and to Christ their King, who saith love your enemies, but these persecute their c●… friends, which are friends to their souls, for their maintenance, and so are out of 〈…〉 Apostles doctrine, which saith, wrestle not with flesh and blood, which never priso●… any for their benefits, nor haled before Magistrates, as this popish tribe hath d●… since the daies of the Apostles; so the Lord give you and all people an unde●stand●… to consider of these things, and what hath been lost since the dayes of the Apostl●… and what now hath been come in again. RAchel Hatcher Eliz. Jackson Alice Life. Mary Life Katherine plate Anne Hatcher Amie Titchbourn Anne Donefeild Sarah Growner Anne Bonick Jane Gray Anne Fielder Elles Lewen Ma●y Burket Ma●gret millit Ruth white Eliz. Hubbard Bridget pits ellen Birkhead Anne Garrat joan Horly Anne horly Mary Becket Sarah Lather Anne Edlin Grace Eldin Ursly Abrock Jane Amey Rose Biddel Eliz. Amey Sarah Everard joan clear sibyl Lisnee Margret morris Eliz. cowls Anne Slado Eliz. Andras Jane Ruming Rachel Carter Dorothy Hollis Catron Person Jane Rance Eliz. Smalepeece Jane Siggings joan Horsley Mary Simons Anne Goage Mary manhood Dorothy Rusel Frances Ribman Frances Chandler Mary cook Eliz. Penfoold Sarah marner Mary west Sarah hail Eliz Blacksun Anne Barnard Jane marnar Mary Barber Mary brian ●… den murnar Eliz. Brocket Mary Sleet Mary Slees Sarah ●rocket Mary Parkar Mary F●mmand ●… dith show ●… nne Voytch Margery Colstock ●… nne Batter ●… gnes sole Mary Jounner Mary fleet Sarah holden Anne Odden Margret Petter Eliz. show joan Eakman Anne Tompson Susan Knowles Anne Femand Anne Killingbanck Margret Knowles Anne Smight Anne choose Mary Sayers Eliz. Willpersors Jane clear Frances matthew joan mills Margret Crattenden Eliz Crattenden Eliz. Elles Mary Dobson Anne Dobson Eliz. Brickstocke Grace reading Judith buckman Mary Allder Margret Wilkinson Margery Wilkinson Ellen Willey Katherine Bowen Jane Kemsull Mary markwick Susan copper Eliz. Adams Anne Heuryote joan Stowan Anne Dapson Mary Danes Sarah Weler Eliz. Burnden Elenar Danes Mary copper Eliz. Ashfoold Eliz. Ludford Mary holden Eliz. Killingbanck Mary Grover Mary Bynnes Anne Steeve Ellinor Tugwel Martha Wilbersofe Anne Linvell joan Luggins Eliz. Michael Dorothy pierce Alice banks Mary French Mary Haines Mary addams Susana Beard Eliz. Cottingham Margret Smith Eliz. wilbore Dinnis Hyland joan Tappen Anne Baylie joan Wenham Eliz. Gallaway Eliz. Hilton Susan Hilton Eliz. gold Grace Percey Anne frank Mary Akehurst Anne Beard Sarah Cottingham Mary Cottingham Sarah Beard Jane Roots Eliz. Averidge Kath. boys Mary Hollman Anne Lee Mary Well Susan May joan Wheeler Kath. Hoy Lucretia Hakins Eliz. Pashing Eliz. Walker Anne Lee Anne Lockfold joan clerk Mary Loyas Margret Palmer joan Patching Eliz. Woods joan Hampshire Martha Silling Dorothy Woodger Jane Dawson Mary Hoggesflesh Rebecca Patching Sarah dean Susan Dean Mary Wheatly joan Hoggsflesh Anne Dawson Anne Jesay Mary Killingberk Lidia Brommell Margret Capenter Mary Hollman Eliz. Scalle Katherine Seaman Eliz. Chelsam Bridget Seaman Rose peter Frances Boughton Susan Burtenshaw joan peter joan Heethe Mary borne Mary Swan Wid. Anne Boy Sarah Wanham Margret Wounch joan Pilfold Eliz. Higscome Susan Slening Sarah bachelor Jane Yates Mary woollard Mary cumber joan Ch●●smore J●●● Wheeler Mary Langhurst Eliz. Blace Eliz. bachelor Anne bachelor Sarah Seman Susan watford Dorothy Stedman Katherine Patten joan clerk joan Stockbale Alice poterten joan ston Eliz. Kneling joan Haman Ione Woodward Eliz. Lee Anne mildred Iude King Eliz. Frotsone Ione Pitson Mary Braborn DORCET-SHIRE. 1. FRIENDS, It is manifest that those called Priests and Teachers of the World, are them that serve not the Lord Jesus, but their own bellies, and the Priests and Teachers of the World seeks ours and not us, it is now made manifest. 2. The Priests and Ministers of the World, are such as loves enemies, and persecutes their friends. 3. And they are not such as wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with flesh and blood; nor such as wrestle with the powers of darkness, and brings the Creatures in the Liberty of the Sons of God. And the Priests cry to You the Magistrates for Tithes, the Popes alms, and this they lie begging with their Petitions, and lie ready at your doors; and we would have you to maintain these begging Priests some other way then by the Popes alms, and not suffer them to go plundering up and down the country; and this is our desire. Now whether the people of God hath not suffered more in your dayes concerning Worship, Church, Priests and Maintenance, Clerks and Tithes, and in Courts, and spoiling their goods, and death, and imprisoned, and whipping( for speaking the truth) as Rogues and Vagabonds, those that be worth three or fourscore pounds a year, and in the Counties where they dwell; and some for not doffing their hats, and for speaking the word thou to one, and you to many( singular and plural) then the Puritans did in the Bishops time? And are not you worse then the Ecclesiastical Courts, who held up ●●eir Tithes, Priests, Steeple-houses, Clerks, Vicars, Curates, their maintenance by a Law? but you have none, and yet profess Liberty Conscience. And Friends, 〈◇〉 long as any of you have any Interest in Tithe, o● any thing else which doth oppress the Nation and the people, it mu● be a greater power then self that must bring you to deny you selves, and to work the Nations Redemption, and to bring it into Liberty, from under that which doth oppress it; and so let that man