Great News from Southwark: OR, THE Old Woman's Legacy to her Cat. GIVING An Account of an Old Miserable Woman, who lately Kept a Blind Alehouse, in St. Tooley-Street, near the Burrow of Southwark; who was so wretchedly Covetous, as to deny herself the Common Benefits of Life, as to Meat and ; leaving, at her Death, about Eighteen Hundred Pounds, to her CAT; using to say often, when the CAT Mewed, Peace PUSS, peace; Thou shalt have All, when I am Dead. To the Tune of, The Bleeding Heart, etc. I. In Southwark, there did lately dwell A Rich old Woman, noted well: An Alehousekeeper, by her Trade; She lived alone, and had no Maid. II. For, very Poor she seemed to be, And was maintained by Charity Her Family was very small; A CAT she kept, and that was all. III. No Food herself she would afford, But what came from her Neighbour's Board: But for her CAT, she Meat would buy, And feed her, ay! most daintily. iv She lived so close, and fared so hard, That she herself had well nigh starved: No or Victuals would she buy, But feed her CAT most daintily. V She heaped up her Bags in Store, And pinched her Guts, to lay up more: Tho' she as Lean as Rake, did grow, Her CAT was Plump, as any Do. VI Her Belly-Money up she laid, Until an handsome Sum it made: Her Guttage Money it was found To be nigh Eighteen Hundred Pound. VII. For Death, at length, began to creep, And Rock the Rich Old Crone asleep: Asleep she lay, to Death confined, And left her CAT, and Wealth, behind. VIII. A Day, or Two, did scarcely pass, When by her Neighbours missed she was: Who marvelled greatly, that she stayed, And came not for her Daily Bread. IX. Among the Rest, One went to see, What the Occasion there might be: But when that he came in the House, He found all still, as any Mouse. X. Up Stairs he went, and in the Bed He found the Rich Old Woman dead: And, looking in a Trunk just by, Near Eighteen Hundred Pounds did lie. XI. No sooner he had found the Hoard, But he divulged it all abroad: Then flocked the Neighbours, to behold The Treasured Bags of Coined Gold. XII. Thus did she cheat and baffle such, As thought her Poor: for she was Rich: Her Belly saved it for her CAT, But PUSS must show the WILL for that LONDON, Printed for James Read, 1695.