The Lovesick Maid quickly Revived. Within the prime time of the Spring, Within a Meadow she did sing; And solemnly these words she said, I fear that I shall die a maid: But her Sweet heart in Ambush lay, And heard the words that she did say; As in this Ditty you may hear If that you please but to give ear. Tune is, What shall I do, shall I die for love, etc. Or, the Haymakers. AS I was walking forth of late, within the Meadows gay, It was in the prime time of the spring, in the merry Month of May I heard a Maiden sweetly sing, some Young man pity me, O what shall I do shall I die a Maid and never married be. Full twenty years of age am I, yea almost twenty one, Which makes me cry, what luck have I so long to lie alone: When younger maids they sweetheart's have as daily I do see, what shall I do, shall I die a maid and never married be. My Mantua Gown is of pure Silk made of the neatest fashion, My smock is Cambric, white as Milk as any in the Nation: My petticoats are made so short, young men my Legs may see, O what shall I do, shall I die a Maid and never married be. To Markets and Fairs I do repair as other Maidens do, To see what young man will be there, my person for to Woe; Yet all in vain, I come again, for none doth pity me, Which makes me afraid, I shall die a maid and never married be. I go to Church as Maidens do; and for small Devotion sake, But to see what true-Love I can find, my Husband for to make: I often wish, but have not speak, my blushing hinders me Which makes me afraid I shall die a maid and never married be. What if my Portion be but small, I much of him will make, And If such Fortune to me fall great pains with him i'll take, A constant wife, while I have life, he still shall find of me, For loath I am to die a maid, but fain would married be. This Youngman he in Ambush lay, And heard this Maid what she did say; How she complained most civility, For fear a Maiden she should die. Till at the last blind Cupid he Did wound his heart with her Beauty: therefore to end up all the strife, He wooed and wed her for his wife. I Hearing of this Maiden's moan, as in the Bush I lay, Delighting in her merry tone; I to myself did say, Thy beauty bright dazzles my sight, if thy heart and tongue agree, It shall never be said, thou shalt die a maid, if thou canst fancy me. Then baldly I kept unto this Maid, and took her by the hand, And unto her these words did say Lady at your Command, My Service and my person both, is ready here you see, It ne'er shall be said, thou died a maid, if you can fancy me. Thy Portion be it great or small, for that I do not care, True Love and Fancy passes all nothing with it can compare, Therefore grant me thy love my dear the like I'll do to thee, It ne'er shall be said, thou didst a maid, if thou canst fancy me. Then with a smile this Maid replied, I see I am betrayed, But yet your Suit is not denied, fulfil what you have said: Then of my love you need not 〈◊〉, if constant you will be, Then to your promise have a care, with speed to marry me, So to conclude, away they went, and married was that day, Their Parents giving their consent, did Solemnize the day: Where now they live in sweet content, and lovingly agree, A civil pattern for all maids, that fain would married be. the AUTHOR'S Advice. And so farewel you Maidens all, living in Town or City, I speak to you both great and small, which hears this merry ditty: If twenty years be come and gone, then mark what here is said, Be constant to your first true Love, for fear you die a maid. London, Printed for Phil. Brooksby at the Golden hall in West smithfield.