The loving Chamber Maid. Or, Vindication of a departed Maidenhead. Being the Art to lie with a Man and yet be a Virgin. To a New Tune Maidens— but Ah what is a maid I pray An infant Female that scarce views the day, For e'er the things we Virgins call aspire To 13 years, they feel a strange desire: Longing for what themselves can scarcely tell, Which strange desire of make their bellies swell And then what 'tis they know too fatal well. SHut the door after me, pull off the Bowl, I'll blow in the Candle the best of you all, And all the World shall ne'er me persuade, But that I'm a maid, Ay a very good maid. I ne'er lay with any unless it were one, And yet I dare venture or look at the Sun, And all the world etc. I had but one small one, what am I the worse I ne'er gave it Suck but I put it to Nurse, And all the world etc. Perhaps 'twas my Master that got it, what then, My Mistress ne'er knew on't nor none of our men, And all the world shall ne'er me persuade, But that I'm a maid Ay a very good maid. For I can pass currant and sell it again, To some Fop o'th' City who ne'er yet was in, And all the world Although my Maidenhead sporting took flight, With heaving and thrusting I bid it good night Yet all the world And if I be clapped too then what of all that, Some Country Clown will be baiting his Cat. And all the world 'tis a known was Marime from ages long tracked, A Chamber Maids simple unless she be cracked. Then all the world. For she is not fitting good counsel to keep, When Light-heels her Mistress with Gallants does sleep, Then all the world Tho I should my Mother's black Legacy pawn, To some doting Broker for rigging of Lawn. Yet all the world For though the did dotard should flutter a while He could not the fashion at Margery spoil. Then all the world Nay though I should deal with a blade of the Town A Squire to Venus should tumble me down. And though he long struggled yet none should persuade But that I'm etc. For she's a mean Strumpet that knows not the tricks, To try with one Maiden-heats dozen of— Then all the world shall ne'er me persuade, But that etc. The famous Matronas of Whetstone will tell That they can a Maidenhead sixty times sell, Then all the world When Cook-maids by Prentices oft are beguiled And packed in the Country when pregnant with child. And after delivery none them persuades But that they are maidens, pass currant for maids. Once having a smatch to trading they fall, Set up with a Maidenhead common to all. And keep open Warehouse, than none shall persuade, etc. there's none above fifteen but if they're put to't, Although they deny you will willingly do't. Therefore no Gallant shall ere me persuade, but that as maids go I'm a very good maid. Printed for Phil, Brooksby at the Golden Ball in West smithfield