The LASSES of KINGHORN Tune of Clavers and his Highland Men. ALl Gentlemen and Cavaliers that doth delight in sport, Come here and listen to my Song, for it shall be but short: And I'll tell you as brave a Jest, as ever you did hear: The Lasses of Kinghorn Town put our Officers in fear. 2 It fell upon a Wednesday the Month of February, Some of the brave Commanders came to Kinghorn Ferry. Having 〈◊〉 them a Chapman Lad, a ●●●●●er they had Ta'en, The Tide was spent ere they came there, and to the Town the'r● g●re 3. And as they went along the street the Chapman made his Moan. He wrang his hands and said, alas, that ever he was born; For I'm a silly poor Pedlar, from me they ta'en my Pack, Of all my seven years gathering they left me not a plack. 4. But yet with this they're not content. nor will they pass me so, But I must be a Soger, to Flanders I must go. To Flanders I must go? a Soger for to be. But I will die e'er I come there, I'll be so sick at sea. 5. The Women were much moved to hear him make his Moan. And some of them most courteously unto the Captain's gone, Desiring him of Charity tha● he would let him gang ●●●●e answered them disdainfully, he'd rather see him hang. 6. The women were much moved, and took this as a slight, Said be should be relieved in spite of all the●r Might: They gathered right h●st●ly, and forth into a row, With Bleechins Knocks and Harrow Bills I ●ot they were not slow. 7. The Captains they went back again, and out their Swords did draw, The women than they l●ugh at them, of that they stood not awe; But thou on them they thronged so fast unto the ground them dang, And took the Swords cut of their hands, and sound did them bang. 8 The Captains they got up again, and longer durst not bide, For little of their Valour I'm sure was seen that tide: The women they charged furiously, till that they made them ●un With fleeching Knocks and Harrow Bills but neither Sword nor Gun. 9 The Women they charged furiously. ran down the Brae like fire, They made the Captains stand in awe. and yield to their desi●e: The first was Captain Wilson, with a Rung in her hand, She made the Captain stand in awe, and yield to her Command. 10. The next was Major Stenson and her sister also, Give me the Pedlar's Pack again e'er that ye further go She took the Sergeant by the breast, she threw him on his back? Lieutenant Bi●●el hastily took up the Chapman's Pack. 11. But out came Colonel Turnbul, that honest Widow Wife, She asked at her Comerades. what meaned all this strife? They've ta'en a silly poor Pedlar, and will not let him go: She answered them courageously faith it shall not be so. 12. She took a Knock into her hand of Bleeching she is good, She caused the Sergeant stagger in the place where he stood. And in her hand in his Pocket and out the Purse did draw, Gave him a cli●k out o'er the Crown. away ye Rogue away 13 The Sailors they leugh hearty for to behold the sport, To see the Captains run away for shelter to the Boat: But up spoke General Paterson. she spoke with Counsel good, And she desired to sound retreat. for she would have no Blood. 14 For we've got the Pedlar's Pack & Purse and this is all had he, Had it not been for King William's sake, we'd drowned them in the Sea. The Captains than they were right glad, when that this News they heard, Desired the Seamen hoist their Sails and not longer to bide. 15. For we have all been Sogers more than this duzen of years. And all the Battles we were at, we were never in such Fears, O fie on you for Sogers that ever you took pay, The Lasses of Kinghorn Town they made you run away. FINIS.