A NEW SONG of Mallinger, OR, The Female Dear-Joy tricked of her Maidenhead. To a New Irish Tune. AS I went to Mallinger Fair with my Barrel of Bear, I met with young Peggy, who's Beauty was clear. Ratting a rue Ratting a Rew re rue re-rew re-rew, Rating a Rew re-rew re-rew re-rew, Fa re-rew re-rew re-reen Fa re-rew re rue re-reen, Hay bew Hoi baen, Ratting a rue. Her Eyes they were black, and her Face it was clear; Her Lips was like Correll, and white was her hair. Ratting a rue, etc. Her Voice sounded sweetly as she went along, For she was singing a delicate Song. Ratting a rue, etc. Sweet Peggy said I, your Beauty's so bright, And your Voice is so sweet, makes me wish for delight. Ratting a rue, etc. My Dearest said I, let me kiss your white hand, And all that I have shall be at your Command. Ratting a rue, etc. Dear Peggy said I, to the Tavern let us go, A Bottle of Wine I will on thee bestow. Ratting a rue, etc. I will give thee fine Rigging and toping to wear, And a pair of new gloves at Mallinger Fair. Ratting a rue, etc. The more I did Court her, the more she was shey▪ Till at length I resolved a Trick for to try. Ratting a rue, etc. Then I gave her a Kiss, and well pleased was she, And for to go with me she strait did agree; Ratting a rue, etc. Alas my Dear Peggy why are you so unkind, For we shall be Married when the D— goes blind. Ratting a rue, etc. The sweetest Delight that is under the Sun, Is to lie by the Barrel and see the Tap run. Ratting a rue etc. But when we had Drunken two Bottles of Wine, I found my Dear Mistress both Loving and Kind. Ratting a rue, etc. I tipped her a Wenk, and backward she fell, And twenty weeks after her Belly did swell. Ratting a rue, etc. And twenty weeks after she sat down and cried, It's this I have gotten by strydling so wide. Ratting a Rew. Ratting a Rew re-rew re-rew re-rew, Ratting a Rew re-rew re rue re-rew, Fa re rue re rue re-reen, Fa re rue re rue re reen, Hay bew Hoi baen; Ratting a Rew. FINIS