THE SPEECH Of the Right Honourable Henry paul, Esquire, SPEAKER of the House of Commons: On Monday the Sixteenth of December, 1689. at the Passing of Four BILLS, ENTITLED, I. An Act for a Grant to Their Majesties of an Aid of Two shillings in the Pound for One Year. II. An Act for Declaring the Rights of the Subject, and Settling the Succession of the Crown. III. An Act for Naturalising William Watts, an Infant. IV. An Act for Declaring and Enacting John Rogerson to be a Natural born Subject of this Realm. May it please Your Majesty. YOur Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, taking into Consideration the Great and Necessary Expenses Your Majesty will sustain in the Prosecution of the War, wherein Your Majesty is now Engaged, did at their first Meeting in this present Session, unanimously Agree to Present Your Majesty with a Supply of Two Millions; the greatest part of which they resolved to Charge upon their Lands, as the most speedy and effectual Way of Raising present money for this Occasion. But finding that great Abuses had been committed in Assessing the late Supply of the like Nature, they have endeavoured to Provide against those Abuses in raising of this present Tax; the Consideration whereof hath taken up much of their Time, and produced a Bill of an unusual length, which I now offer to your Majesty's Gracious Acceptance: They have likewise Agreed upon a Bill for Declaring of their Rights and Liberties, which were so notoriously Violated in the late Reign, humbly desiring Your Majesty to give Life to it by the Royal Assent, that so it may remain not only a Security to them from the like Attempts hereafter, but be a lasting Monument to all Posterity, of what they owe to Your Majesty for their Deliverance. EDINBURGH, reprinted by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, MCLXXXIX.