The pretended Prince of Wales' New Exercise of the SCOTCH Lang Goon. Take Care on your Sell, Sir, noow. JEen your Speun hand to your Lang Goon. Hod him up, Sir. Hod him doown the Speun seed, hod him down noow. Opin your Kittle, Sir. Opin you Kittle wi' the Baw of your Speun Thumb. Haundle your Deuste Box. Caused the Black Sawt int' your Kittle, Sir. Hod up your Lang Goon. Blaw off your Loose Deuste, [au Mukle Blawste, Mon. Hod your Lang Goon doown to your Cogue seed. Haundle your Deuste-Box, Sir. Take his Bonnit in your Teeth. Poo her hinder End awaw Mon. Caused your Black Sawt int' her Wem, Sir. Caused a Cogle intull her Wem. Take the Lunt from your Bonnit. Stop it in her Moo. Grip your Lang word. Lug him out. Hod him up, Sir. Short'ned to a Waw-bitanent your Reeght Pop. Stuck it in her Moo. Would it doown in the Deel's Naume, Mon. Lug out your Lang word, Sir. Short'ned in you Speun hand anent your Reeght Pop. Your Lang word intull its Hoose now. Hod up your Lang Goon, Sir. Band doown your Goose-Crag, and hod him out. Sat him to your Shouder. Lat flee in the Deel's Naume, Mon. Hod up your Lang Goon, and hod him doown to the Cogue seed awe together. Your Speun hand to your Mukle Whuniard, Sir. Lug out your Mukle Whuniard. Stop your Mukle Whuniard intull the Moo of your Lang Goon. Hod up your Lang Goon. Hod him up at me, Sir. Doown wi' your Lang Goon. To the Speun Hand down wi' your Lang Goon. Stell to the Speun hand doown wi' him ageen, Sir. To the Speun Hand, yet Mon, doown wi' you long Goon. Noow at me, doown wi' him ageen. Sat your Fauce where your Aurse stonds, and be domned t'ye. Noow at me, doow wi' him ageen. Noow to the Cogue hand doown wi' your Lang Goon. To John-a-Groats Hoose Mon, doown wi' your Lang Goon. To John-a-Groats Peas-Stauck, doown wi' your Lang Goon. Noow at me, doown wi' him ageen, Sir. Ha' ye forgot Mon what I toud ye? Put your Fauce where your Aurse stonds, and be domned t' ye. Noow at me, hod him up and hold him doown to the Cogue seed awe together Your Speun hand to your Mukle Whuniard, Sir. Lug out your Mukle Whuniard. Your Mukle Whuniard intull his Hoose noow. Take your Lang Goon to your Speun Feut, Sir. Down wi' t' doown to God's coad Grunt Mon. At goe your Lang Goon. Up awe together. To the Speun hand aboot, Sir. Gang your waw in the Deel's Naume t' ye. Noow run awe in snarl ageen Bonee Lodds. FINIS.