Neptune's raging fury, OR, The Gallant sea-mens' Sufferings. Being a Relation of their Perils and Dangers, and of the extraordinary hazards they undergo in their Noble Adventures. Together with their undaunted valour, and rare constancy, in all their extremities. And the manner of their rejoicing on Shore at their return home. To the Tune of, When the Stormy winds do blow. By J.P. YOu Gentle men of England That lives at home at ease, Full little do you think upon The dangers of the Seas; Give ear unto the mariners, And they will plainly show, The cares and the fears, When the stormy winds do blow. All you that will be seamen, Must bear a valiant heart, For when you come upon the Seas You must not think to start; Nor once to be faint hearted In hail, Rain nor Snow; Nor to shriek, nor to shrink, When the stormy winds do blow, The bitter storms and Tempests Poor seamen must endure, Both day & night, with many a fright We seldom rest secure: Our sleep it is disturbed, With visions strange to know, And with dreams on the streams, When the stormy winds do blow. In Claps of roaring thunder, Which darkness doth enforce, We often find our ships to stray Beyond our wonted course, Which causeth great distractions, And sinks our hearts full low; 'tis in vain to complain When the stormy winds do blow. Sometimes in Neptune's bosom, Our ships is tossed with waves; And every man expecting The Sea to be their Graves. Then up aloft she mounteth, And down again so low: 'tis with Waves, O with Waves! When the stormy winds do blow. Then down we fall to prayers, With all our might and thought When refuge all doth fail us, 'tis that must bear us out: To God we call for succour, For he it is we know That must aid us, and save us When stormy winds do blow. The Second Part, to the same Tune. THe Lawyer and the Usurer, That sits in Gowns of Firr, In Closets warm, can take no harm, Abroad they need not stir, When winter fierce with cold doth pierce And beats with hail and Snow, We are sure to endure, When the stormy winds do blow. We bring home costly merchandise And jewels of great price, To serve our English gallantry, With many a rare device, To please the Noble Gentry Our pains we freely show, For we toil, and we moil, When the stormy winds do blow. We sometimes sail to th' Indies, to fetch home Spices rare: Sometimes again, to France & Spain For wines beyond compare, Whilst Gallants are carousing In Taverns on a row; Then we sweep o'er the deep, When the stormy winds do blow. When Tempests are blown over And greatest fears are past; In weather fair, and temperate air We straight lie down to rest; But when the Billows tumble, And waves do furious grow: Then we rouse, up we rouse, When the stormy winds do blow. If Enemies oppose us, When England is at Wars With any foreign Nations We fear not wounds and Scars: Our roaring Guns shall teach them Our valour for to know, Whilst they reel, in the keel, When the stormy winds do blow. We are no Cowardly shrinkers, But Englishmen true bred We'll play our parts, like valiant hearts And never fly for dread: We'll ply our business nimbly When e'er we come or go, With our mates, to the straits, When the stormy winds do blow. Then Courage all brave mariners, And never be dismayed, Whilst we have bold Adventurers We ne'er shall want a trade: Our Merchants will employ us, To fetch them wealth I know: Then to be bold, work for Gold, When the stormy winds do blow, When we return in safety, With wages for our pains: The Tapster and the vintner Will help to share our gains: we'll call for liquour roundly, And pay before we go; Then we'll roar, on the shore, When the stormy winds do blow. FINIS. London, Printed by T. Mabb, for Ric. Burton, at the Horse-shoe in Smithfield