C R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon or coat of arms ACT Anent Presentation of MINISTERS. At Edinburgh, 18. June, 1661. FOrasmuch as the Kings most excellent Majesty, considering how it is for the right and orderly administration of God's Worship, and the exercises of Religion, and for keeping of His good Subjects within their duties they own to God, to His Majesty, to their native Country and fellow Subjects, especially at this time, after so many confusions and distractions, both among Churchmen and others; That more than ordinary care be had in presenting of Ministers to all such Kirks as are, or shall be vacand within this Kingdom; hath given particular Commission under His great Seal, as to all Presentations, to all Personages, Vicarages and other Benefices, and Kirks at His Majesty's presentation. And a● to all other Benefices and Kirks, whereof the presentation belongs to any other Patron or Patrons whatsoever, His Majesty, with advice and consent of His estates of Parliament, statutes and ordains, That all Patrons or Persons whatsoever, who hath, or pretends any right to the Presentatio●s, to any Patronages, Vicarages or other Benefices of cure, Kirks, or modified Stipends, be careful in all time coming, that Presentations to these Benefices, Kirks or Stipends, be granted by the● to such persons only, as shall give sufficient evidence of their Piety, Loyalty, Literature and peaceable Disposition; And shall, in presence of the Patron or his Attorney, and of the Sheriff of the Shir●, Stewart of the Stewartrie, or heretable Bailie or Commissar of the bounds, if it be in the Country ●nd of the Magistrates of the Burroughs within the Burgh, before the granting and their accepting the Presentation, take and subscribe the Oath of Allegiance, the said Sheriff, Stewart, Baily, Commissar and Magistrates having first taken the Oath themselves. And it is hereby declared, That if any person who hath not so taken the Oath of Allegiance, shall be presented by any Patron, not only shall the Presentation be void and null of itself, but the right of the Patronage, as to that vacancy, shall belong to the King's Majesty, and the Patrons be repute dis-affected to His Majesty's Government, and contemners of His Royal Authority. And ordains their presents to be printed and published at the Mercat Crosses, that none pretend ignorance. A. Primrose, Cls. Reg. The OATH of ALLEGIANCE. for testification of my faithful obedience to my most Gracious and re-doubted Sovereign, CHARLES King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. Affirm, testify, and declare by ●his my solemn Oath, That I acknowledge my said Sovereign only Supreme Governor of this Kingdom, over all persons, and in all causes; and that no Foreign Prince, Power, State or Person, Civil or Ecclesiastic, hath any Jurisdiction, Power or Superiority over the same; and therefore I do utterly renounce and forsake all Foreign Power, Jurisdictions and Authorities, and shall at my utmost power, defend, assist and maintain His MAJESTY'S Jurisdiction foresaid, against all deadly, and shall never decline His MAJESTY'S Power and Jurisdiction, as I shall answer to GOD. Edinburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1661.