EDINBURGH, 29. Junii, 1650. THE Estates of Parliament now presently convened in this fift Session of this second Triennall Parliament, Taking to their consideration, the great abuses daily committed by the running away of soldiers from their standing Troops or Regiments, wherein they are engaged, which daily occurs, and through want of condign punishment, is become too ordinary; For remedy whereof, The saids Estates of Parliament have ordained, and ordains, That if any soldier shall run away from the present standing Troops or Regiments, whereunto they are engaged, & have undertaken, that they shall be punished with death. And for that effect, The Estates of Parliament gives and grants full Power to every Regiment within themselves respectively, To call a counsel of War for punishing of the said's Runaways accordingly, and because many of the foot soldiers are in use to run away from their Colours, and to take on with others to be horsemen; Therefore the said's Estates of Parl. have discharged, & by their presents, discharges all Shires and Officers to take on any of the standing foot soldiers who are already engaged in any Regiment or Company, with certification, that if any such who were formerly engaged in service shall be found in the Regiments or Troops, the Out-putter, or Taker on of them (without sufficient testimonials from Ministers, Kirk-Sessions, or from the Elders of these places where they live, and abide, that they are freemen) shall be obliged to furnish two men in their places, either to the Troop or Regiment where they shall be found; with power likewise to any of the officers in the Regiments, from which they are runaways to seize upon them, and bring them back to the said's Regiments to be punished as aforesaid, and to make use of their horse and arms (if horsemen) and of their Pikes and Muskets (if footmen) for supply of their own Regiments and Companies, as they shall think fitting; And ordains these presents to be intimate publicly at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and in all the several Shires, and to all the Troops of horse, and Regiments of foot in the Army, and to be printed for that effect. ●…●HONSTON Cler. Regist.