King William's First Parliament. Sess. 6. IN SCOTLAND. Act Anent the Aliment of poor Prisoners, October the 9th. 1696. OUR Sovereign Lord Considering, that generally the burgh's of this Kingdom haver's of Prisoners, are troubled and overcharged with Prisoners thrust into their Prisons, who have nothing to maintain themselves, but must of necessity either starve or be a burden upon the Burgh; doth therefore, and for Remedy thereof, with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament Statute and Ordain, that where any person is made, or shall be made prisoner for any Civil Debt or Cause, and shall be found or become so poor as that he cannot Aliment himself, then and in that Case it shall be Leasume to the Magistrates of the Burgh, where the prison is, to which the said prisoner is committed; upon the Complaint of the said prisoner, and his making Faith in their presence, that he hath not wherewith to Aliment himself, to intimate the same to the Creditors, one or more at whose instance the said prisoner was committed or is detained, and to require him or them, either to provide and give security for an Aliment to them, not under 3 s. per diem, or else to consent to his Liberation, which if the said Creditors refuse or delay to do, within the space of ten days thereafter, than it shall be Leasume to the said Magistrates, to set the said poor indigent prisoner at Liberty, without hazard of being liable for the Debt and cause of the Imprisonment, or to any other censure whatsoever. Provided always that if any other Creditor, at whose Instance he is made or detained prisoner, give security to Aliment the said Indigent Debtor, he shall still be keeped prisoner as before. As also that prisoners for Criminal Causes be in the same State as formerly. ADVERTISEMENT. ELIXIR Febrifugium Martis, so well approved in curing the Plague Pestilence and Malignant Fevers; Bitings of Vipers, Serpents and Rattle-Snakes: Venerial Pocky Tinges and all Inveterate and deadly Poisons whatsoever, whose Malignant Ferments it Allais and Extinguishes in a moment, as hath been proved in many Extraordinary Cases in Human Bodies: As particularly upon a Man in Stock-market bitten by a Viper, March the 29th 1698. and a Woman in St. Giles' Poisoned by Arsenic the same Year. And by several Experiments made upon Dogs, for the satisfaction of the Curious: In all which it never failed to answer the end proposed. It likewise speedily cures confirmed Rheumatisms, Hectic Fevers, Consumptions, and colics. As a Succedaneum in Cases that require Purging, this Elixir is brought into the Substance of a Powder by Salt of Lemons, a Dose or two of which Cathartick Acid, prevents Acute Fevers, and secures the Patient against the return of those Multifarious Distempers; and in all Cronical Diseases, as Hypocondriack and Scorbutic affects, being taken according to the Printed Directions, they work a perfect Cure, and Establish a Sanative Constitution, Sooner, Cheaper and more Safely, than any other Medicine yet divulged. This Medicine is the Peculiar Secret and Acquisition of Mr. Stringer, Chemist; and is to be Sold at Half a Crown a Bottle (one of which Cures any sort of Poison or Malignant Fever) and the Cathartick Powder, at Twelve Pence the single Box, or half a Crown an Ounce. The Mineral Affairs of this Kingdom Requiring his attendance; he has not opportunity to Practise Physic, therefore has placed these to be Sold at Mr. Byfeilds' Joiner, at the Sign of the Clock in Lothbury behind the Royal-Exchange, at Mr. Joseph Dudleys' at the King's Head in Dorset-Gardens near Fleetstreet, at Mr. Joseph Raven Bookseller in Lincols-Inn, at Mrs. Bradburys a Chandlers-Shop in Villers-street in York-Buildings in the Strand, at Mrs. Harris' Shop in King-street near Westminster-Abby. London, Printed by Fr. Wilkins, near Fleetstreet, 1700.