I R dieu ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE royal blazon surmounted by a crown and flanked by the English lion and Tudor rose on one side and the Scottish unicorn and thistle on the other ACT CONCERNING NOTTARS. At Edinburgh, the Twenty first Day of July, One thousand six hundred eighty eight years. THE Lords of Council and Session do Proh●bite and Discharge Nottars to Subscribe Writs for Persons who cannot writ themselves, unless it either consist in the Nottars knowledge, that he for whom, and at whose Command they Subscribe, is the Person designed in the Writ, or that the same be Attested by these who Subscribe Witnesses to the Nottars Subscription or by other credible Persons, and which the Nottar is to mention when he Subscribes for the Party. And to the end that this Act may be known to all His Majestie's lieges, Ordain the same to be Printed. GOD save the KING. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty: Anno DOM. 1688.