To all RULERS, MAGISTRATES, PRIESTS, and PEOPLE, WHO Profess the Scriptures to be their Rule Throughout the Nation of ENGLAND, BUT More Particularly to the Magistrates, Priests, and People of this County of Sussex, who have had any hand in oppressing and persecuting of them whom God hath sent as Strangers amongst them (in tender love and pity to their souls) to turn them to righteousness, through which they may see how far they are from the Practice & Command of the true Christian, mentioned in the Scriptures of Truth. THroughout all Ages and Generations, he that was born after the Flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit; even so it is now, as this last Age ot ours hath fully manifested, which hath brought forth much cruelty and Persecution, which hath been insticted upon many for the answer of a good Conscience; but more especially upon them whom the Lord hath called from their own Country, to bear witness unto his Truth and Righteousness in the earth; for which Testimony alone they have undergone a great sight of affliction from the chief Priests and Rulers, throughout most Counties of this Nation, as hundreds can witness. But now I shall unfold the proceed and deal of the Priests and Rulers of this County of Sussex towards me, who came as a stranger amongst them, not wronging any man of any thing, nor eating any man's bread for nought, but freely declaring the Message of the everlasting Gospel amongst them, according to the Word and Command of God unto me, when he led me from my own Country and Father's house above seven years ago, much contrary to my own Will: In which Testimony the Lord promised to be with me in all my trials and sufferings, though never so many and great, charging me to take no thought beforehand what I should say when I was brought before Rulers and Governors for his Name and Gospel, for he would direct me in that hour, and give me a mouth and wisdom to answer all my Adversaries; whose Promise and Word (I set to my Seal) he hath fully performed and confirmed to this very hour; for he never yet suffered the Devil to draw me before any Rulers, nor to cast me into Prison, but his Presence hath been with me, and his right hand hath upheld me, to the confusion of all my Adversaries; Glory, Honour, and living Praises and Thanksgiving, be unto him for evermore; in whose Name I perfectly trust, and I hope shall unto the end, whereby I have been, and am kept safe from the fear of evil. I shall fully demonstrate unto all sober People who hath but the least measure of Christianity lest in them, how far contrary to the Scriptures of truth the Rulers and Priests of this County, hath dealt with me for obedience to the above said Word and Command of God; in obedience to which, I came amongst them as a stranger, according to the practice of the true Ministers of Christ throughout the Scripture, who vexed and oppressed me contrary to the Word and Command of God, Exod. 22. 21. who said to the Rulers of Israel, Thou (halt neither vex a stranger nor oppress him, for ye were strangers in the Land of Egypt. For their disobedience to which, the wrath of God arose against his people, till there was no remedy, even because they mocked his Messengers, and despised his Words, and misused his Prophets whom he sent unto them in compassion, as he hath done at this day, 2 Chron. 36. 15, 16. And again the Lord warned them not to vex a stranger, saying, If a stranger sojourn in your Land, ye shall not vex him, but the stranger that dwelleth with you, shall be as one born amongst you, and thou shalt love him as thyself, Levir. 19 34. And Moses said, The Lord doth executre Judgement of the Fatherless and Widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. And said, Love ye therefore the stranger, for ye were strangers in the Land of Egypt, Deut. 10. 18, 19 And The Lord preserveth the strangers, and releeveth the fatherless and widow, but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down, Psal. 146. 9 And Christ said to them on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you, from the foundation of the world; for I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye look me in, who answered, when saw we thee an hungry, and fed thee? or naked, and clothed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? or a stranger, and took thee i●? who said, Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my Brethren, you have done it unto me, Mat. 25. 34, 35, 36, 37; 38, 39, 40. But to the wicked he said, Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels; for I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink, I was a Stranger, and ye took me not in; vers. 41, 42, 43. who answered, When saw we thee an hungered, or sick, or naked, or a stranger, or in prison, and did not nunister unto thee? but Christ said, Inasmuch as ye have not done it to the least of these, ye did it not to me; and they shall go into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into everlasting life, vers. 44, 45. Now it they was to go into everlasting fire, who had not clothed, nor fed, nor victed in prison, the least of the brethren of Christ, what shall become of such as Leonard Letchsord of Hurst; and George Vinter of Coveold, metamorphosed Ministers in Sussex, who instead of taking in of his Brethren when they were strangers, and feeding and clothing of them, hath stirred up the Rulers and Magistrates through their lies and false reports, to send such to prison, as they have done against me? for the aforesaid George Vinter did raise a report that Ambrose Rigge did run away from his Wife and Children out of Lincolnshire, and lest them to the Parish, which was as false as the Devil, as was afterwards proved by many Witnesses; yet by this he incensed the Rulers against me, being here a stranger; in which false aspersion Leo: Letchford of Hurst Picrpoint, did join which him, and stirred up Nisel Rivers, Walter Burrell, and Rich: Bridges, to send for me by Warrant the 28. day of the 3. Month called May, in the year 1662. out of my peaceable habitation at Hurst, who forthwith committed me to Prison, which more of my Friends for the exercise of our Consciences towards God, where they kept us prisoners till the Assizes. And then the aforesaid Leo: Letchford appeared against us, and incensed the Judge; insomuch that he sinned all my Friends, for being met together in the worship of God; and then said to the Judge, One word more to aggravate the matter against Ambrose Rigge, for which the Judge reproved him, but yet he knowing that I could not swear at all, and being incensed against me, did cause the Oath of Allegiance to be tendered me in the Court; and because I could not swear at all (in obedience to Christ and the Apostles Words and Commands, Mat, 5. James 5.) Judge Brown did forthwith Judge me to lose all my Lands and Tenements, during my life, and all my Goods and Chattels for ever, and to be out of the King's Protection, and to be imprisoned during the King's pleasure; and afterwards sent for the Gaoler, and gave him a strict charge to keep me close, in which condition I have continued for the most part this seaventeen Months, and my Friends who were fined as above, some of which hath continued Prisoners to this day with me, in much patience, in many hardships, which hath add affliction to our bonds; but in all, the secret hand of God hath upheld us to this day, Glory, Honour, & Praises be unto Him for evermore, whose hard is not shortened to them who trust in his name, but makes them as Mount Zion that cannot be moved. In which long imprisonment Leonard Letchford hath often threatened me with the Gallowsin word and writing; and one time some of my Friends coming to visit me, did ask Leo. Letchford, if he would come to visit me? to which be answered, If I were to be hanged, he would come to see it done. And now of late he hath said, If it come to cutting of Throats, he would cut Thomas Luxford's Throat and mine: By which, all people fearing God may Judge, whether this man be not a Murderer, who would act it himself, when he cannot get others to do it for him. This is the entertainment that Leonard Letchford gives to strangers, and the love that he hath to his Neighbour. But Paul, who was a Minister of Christ, said, Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained Angels unawares, Heb. 13. 2, But instead of entertaining of strangers, Leo. Letchford and George Vintor persecutes them as Vagrants; by which the impartial Reader will clearly see, how far they act contrary to the Scriptures, both of the Old and New Testaments; and they may judge whether they are Ministers of Christ, or of Antichrist. From us who are present Sufferers under the Cruelty of men in the County Goal in Horsham, whose Names are Ambrose Rig, Richard Webb. Ambrofe Galloway, James Matthew.