TYBVRN's Courteous Invitation TO TITUS OATS. OH! name it once again; will Titus come? My dearest, hopeful, that long-wished for One, For whom my Triple Arms extended were, (To hug with close Embraces) many a year. Hast! hast! my choicest Darling, whom I love, And thy long-promised kindness let me prove. That Right Thou plead'st for, which indeed's thy due, Though Others I've denied, I'll grant it You: The World shall find I willingly will bear, And dance thy Carcase 'twixt the Earth and Air. In Hemp'n-string I'll lull thee fast asleep, And prevent all the Dangers of the Deep. Oh, how I love thee! 'cause I've heard thou'dst been So well acquainted with all kinds of Sin, And, with a false and strange Religious Guise, Destroyed the Innocent, abused the Wise. What crafty Lessons didst thou teach to men! How to Rebel, and told the time best when; Urged to Exclude a Right and Lawful Heir, Unthrone a King, and swore away a Peer. Thy Zeal through two-inch-Boards was plainly seen, When Satan prompt thee t'swear against the QUEEN: Besides those many guiltless Souls that died A Sacrifice to thy Luciferian Pride. Yet, yet, beloved Titus, my dear Son, (Reputed SAVIOUR, for thy Mercies shown,) There's something still does add to make the Great, Thy Blasphemy, thy Perjury; and yet With Buggery Buggery methinks I am well pleased, Though done by force, for then thy Pocket's eased. By many other Favours Thou hast shown, And well mayst claim my Palace as thine own: Thou'lt find me kinder far than Courtiers; I Will never turn thee out until thou die: And, since Whitehall has left thee, I'll provide That Lodging for Thee, where old Noll was tied. EDINBURGH, reprinted by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Sacred Majesty: Anno DOMâ–ª 1684.