PSALMS, HYMNS, AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. In Two Parts. By Mr. WILLIAM VILANT, The Author of The Gospel-Call in Meeter. Psal. 147.1.— It is good to sing Praises— It is pleasant and— comely. Matth. 26.30.— They sung an Hymn, or Psalm— Eph. 4.19. Speaking to yourselves in Psalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, singing— Colos. 3.16. Teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, singing— EDINBURGH, Printed in the Year 1689. PSALMS, HYMNS, AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. PART I. Psal. 8.1. HOw excellent in all the Earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy Name: Who hast thy glory set above the heavens starry frame. Isa. 6, ●. v. O holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts, the Earth throughout Is of thy Glory full; thus all the Seraphims do shout. v. 2. Each one hath six wings, and with two of these they swiftly fly, With two their face, with two their feet they cover reverently. If these pure Spirits hid themselves, O Lord, how then should I Who dust am, and defiled with sin, abhor myself, and cry, v. 5. woe' me, I am undone, for I'm a man of lips unclean. Thus said Isaiah when he, Lord, had thy glory seen. Purge out my sin, and touch my lips with a live-coal of fire; Since it doth from the Altar come, sinners may it desire. In his Name who the Altar is, the Sacrifice and Priest, Who for transgressors intercedes, Lord, I make this request. That thou would send thy promised Spirit my spirit to inspire; Luk. 3.16. Rom. 5.5. Wash me from filth, burn out my dross, baptise me, Lord, with fire. And by the holy Ghost thy Love abroad diffuse and shed In my cold heart, that with thy Love I may be ravished. O lead me to the Fountain pure Psal. 36.9. of Life the living spring Of thy strong Love cause me to drink abundantly, and sing. joh. 4.14. joh. 7.38. Deut. 32. v. 2.3. That water give, which in the Soul a well of water grows, Springing up to eternal Life, and out in Rivers flows. Thy Doctrine drop as rain, thy Word distil like dew, and as The small rain on the tender Herb, as showers upon the grass. For I desire IEHOVAH'S Name to publish far abroad. O People all do ye ascribe Greatness unto our God. He is the rock, His work's perfect, all his ways judgement be; A God of truth, He's Just and Right, without iniquity. Gen 14.22. I have lift up my hand unto the Lord, the God most hy, Possessor of the Heaven and Earth by Sovereign Property. Gen. 15.1. After these things the Lord his word in vision to Abram. Came, saying▪ Do not fear, Abram, for I JEHOVAH am Thy shield from all thy enemies thee to protect and guard; Fear not for want, I am thy great, exceeding great reward. 〈…〉 1. The Lord said unto Abram, I am God the Almighty, The All-sufficient, before Me walk, and perfect be. ●m. 18 ●5. That the just as the wicked be, let that be far from Thee: Shall not the judge of all the Earth do judgement righteously? ●m. 21 13. In Beersheba Abraham sojourning planted wood, And thereupon the Lord's Name called, the Everlasting GOD. Or thus, In Beersheba Abraham sojourning planted tree, And there called on IEHOVAH'S Name, God of Eternity. exod. ●. 13. And Moses said to God, behold, when I to Israel His children come, and unto them shall this relate and tell: He who's your Father's God hath sent me unto you, and they, Shall say to me, What is His Name, What shall I to them say? And God to Moses said, I AM THAT I AM: and said, thou Shalt say this to the Israelites, I AM sent me to you. And God moreover said unto Moses, this say shalt thou To Israel his children, that The Lord sent me to you. Even JEHOVAH your Father's God, the God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and the God of jacob, still the same. For ever is my Name, and this is and for ever shall Unto all Generations be my Memorial. Exod. 15.2. The Lord's my strength, and song, and he become is my salvation: He is my God, and I'll prepare for him an habitation. He is my father's God, and I'll exalt on high his Fame; jehovah is a man of war, jehovah is his Name. vers. 11 Who's like Thee, Lord among the gods who's like Thee, glorious In holiness, fearful in praise, doing things wondrous. Exod. 20.2. I am JEHOVAH, thy God, which have made thee out to go From Egypt land, and from the house of servants. Thou shalt not Other gods have before my face. Thou shalt not make to thee A graven image, or any likeness of things that be Into the heaven above, or that is in the earth below, Or in the water under earth, thyself thou shalt not bow Down to them, nor serve them, for I the Lord thy God most hy, A jealous God am, visiting Father's iniquity Upon the children to the third and to the fourth degree, To three and fours of these who do hatred bear unto me: And magnifying in effect mercy and bounty free To thousands who Me love and keep My precepts carefully. Exod. 33.18. And Moses said, I Thee beseech Thy glory to me show, And he said, I'll my goodness all make pass by in thy view. And I JEHOVAH his Name will proclaim before thy face, And will be gracious to whom I will extend my grace. And will show mercy on whom I will mercy show. And he Said, Thou canst not my face see, for none shall live and me see. Exod. 34.6. The Lord, the Lord God merciful, and very Gracious, Long suffering, and in His truth and goodness plenteous. For thousands he doth mercy keep, forgives iniquity, Transgression and sin, but clear the guilty will not he. Upon the children visiting father's iniquity, And upon children's children, to the third and fourth degree. Deut. 4.39. Know this day, and bring to thy heart, the Lord he's God alone In Heaven above, on earth beneath, beside him there is none. Deut. 6.4. Hear, Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, thou shalt love The Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, might, all things above. Deut. 10.17. The Lord our God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, most high; A great and mighty God He is, and Terrible is Herald There's no iniquity with Him; 2 Chr. 19.7. He doth not regard Persons, nor taketh He at all a gift, nor a reward. The judgement of the fatherless and widow executes, And stranger loves, and food to him, and raiment distributes. Deut. 28.58. If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this Law That written are in this book, that thou mayest stand in awe; And mayest fear this Name which is Glorious and Fearful, The LORD thy GOD, the Lord will then make thy plagues wonderful. Deut. 33.26, There's none like to jesuruns God who rides in the heaven high In thy help, and upon the Sky in his excellency. Th'Eternal God is thy refuge to which thou may resort, And the arms everlasting are underneath to support. 1 Sam. 2.1, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn's exalted high In JEHOVAH my mouth's enlarg over mine enemy, Because in thy salvation I do rejoice there's none Holy as is JEHOVAH, for besides Thee there's not one. Nor like our God is any rock, let not your talk exceed In pride, and let not arrogance out of your mouth proceed: Because JEHOVAH is a God of knowledge infinite, And by him actions weighed are, strong men's bows broke are quite. And they that stumbled, being weak, with strength are gift about, They who were full, now for their bread themselves have hired out; And they did cease that hungry were, so that the barren bare seven, and she waxed weak who had of children greater store. The Lord do●h kill, and makes alive; brings down to the graves ditch, And bringeth up again. The LORD makes poor, and maketh rich: He bringeth low, and lifteth up; He raiseth when he will The poor out of the dust, and He lifts up from the dunghill The beggar, to set them among the Princes, and to make Them as their own inheritance the throne of glory take: Because the pillars of the earth unto the Lord alone Belong, and He established the world hath them upon, His ●aints feet He will keep, and all the wicked silent shall In darkness be: for man by strength shall not prevail at all. The adversaries of the Lord shall broken be asunder All into pieces; out of heaven He shall upon them thunder. The Lord shall judge th'ends of th'earth, and to his King appointed He shall give strength, and shall exalt the horn of his anointed. Sam. 1.22. His people for His great Names sake the Lord will not forsake. Because it pleased hath the Lord His People you to make. Sam. ●. 29. Also the Strength of Israel will not lie, nor repent: For He is not a man that He should alter his intent. 1 Sam. 16.7. The Lord sees not as man does see; for man looks on the eyes The outward show, the Lord he looks on th' heart, * Psal. 7.9, 1 Sam. 17.45. the reins He tries. David said to the Philistine, Thou comes to me with Sword, With spear, with Shield; but I to thee in the Name of the Lord, The Lord of Hosts come, He who is the God of the armies Of Israel, whom with disdain thou haughtily defies, The Lord he will deliver thee into my hands this day, And I will smite thee, and will take thine head from thee away; And of the Philistean host the carcases this day To Fowls of th'air, to earth's wild beasts I will give for a prey. That all the earth, the people all who in the earth do dwell, May certainly know, that there is a God in Israel. And all this great Assembly shall know clearly, that the Lord Saveth not, nor delivereth with spear, nor yet with sword: Because the Battle is the Lords, who over all commands, And he will you deliver up, and give into our hands. 2 Sam. 7.18. Then went King David in, and sat before the Lord, and he Said, Who am I, O LORD GOD? and what is my house, that me Thou hast brought hitherto? And yet this was a thing but small Into thy sight, O Lord God, but Thou spoken hast withal Of the house of Thy servant for a great while to come on; And is this, O Lord God, of man the law and fashion? And what can David unto Thee say more? for thou dost know O Lord, thy servant perfectly; for thy words sake hast Thou, And after Thine own heart prepared all this great dignity, That to thy servant Thou might make this greatness known be. ver. 26. Wherefore, O Lord God, thou art great; for like Thee there is none, Nor is there any God beside Thee, Thou art God alone. ● Sam. ●●. 2. And let Thy Name be magnified for ever, let them tell, Saying, the Lord of hosts He is God over Israel. He said, the Lord He is my Rock, and He is my Fortress, And He is my Deliverer, to free me from distress. The God of my rock, I will trust Him, staying Him upon: He is my shield, and He's the horn of my Salvation. ● Chro. ●. 10. My high tower, and my refuge to which I for defence Do flee, my Saviour, Thou me savest from violence. And David said, Blessed be Thou JEHOVAH, the most Hylas, God of our Father Israel, for all eternity. Lord, Thine the greatness is, and power, the glory, victory: Eternity, and unto Thee belongs the Majesty▪ For all in heaven and earth is Thine, the kingdom's Thine with all, O Lord, and Thou art as the head exalted above all. Riches and honour come of Thee Thou reigns o'er all in state; In Thine hand's power, and might, and thine hand it's to make great, And to give strength to all. Therefore▪ now, our God, we to Thee, Give thanks, and Thy most glorious Na● praising we glorify. But who am I, what's my people, that we should able be, After this sort so willingly to offer unto Thee? For all's of Thee, and of Thy own we given have to Thee. For we before Thee strangers are, and sojourners are we As all our fathers were: Our days, on earth as shadows glide, And there's no expectation that here we shall abide. O Lord our God, all this store which We have prepared, that we ver. 17. For thy most holy Name a house to thee might edify, Cometh of Thine hand, and is all Thine owen properly. I know also, my God, that Thou the heart dost search and try: And as for me in th'uprightness of my heart willingly ver. 18. I offered all these things; and now with gladness I did see Thy people present here, to Thee to offer willingly, Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, who be Our fathers, this for ever keep in the imaginations Of the reiterated thoughts and lasting cogitations ● Chro. ●. 14. Of the heart of Thy people, and Thy people's hearts to thee Prepare, and their prepared heart● establish steadfastly. O Lord the God of Israel, there is no God like thee, Into the heaven, nor in the earth, who keepest constantly ver. 18. The covenant and bounty free, and mercy keeps in store Unto thy servants, who with all their hearts walk Thee before. But O! will God in very deed on earth dwell and remain With men? Behold, heaven, and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee, who Incomprehensible art, and from Limits free; How much less can this house, which I have builded unto Thee. Nehem. 1.4. Hearing these words, I sat down, wept, and mourned day by day, And fasted, and before the God of Heaven I did pray: ●ers. 5. And said, I Thee beseech, O Lord God of the heaven high, The great God, and the terrible, who keeps most faithfully The covenant, and as in store Mercy does still reserve For them who love Him, and who His commandments observe. ●ehem. 15. Stand up and bless the Lord your God for all eternity; And blessed be Thy glorious Name, which is exalted high Above all blessing and all praise. vers. 6. Thou, Thou art Lord alone, Thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heav'● with all their host each one; The earth and all that's there, the sea and all that therein be, And thou preserves all, and the host of heaven adoreth thee. Neh. 13 22.31. Concerning this also, my GOD, remember me for good, And spare me after Thy mercy's greatness and multitude. job. 5.8.9, I would seek God, and lay on God my cause and business Who does things great unsearchable, marvellous, numberless; 10. Who rain on earth gives, waters sends on fields: to set on high 11. The low; that unto safety they who mourn may lifted be. 12. He these devices disappoints which crafty men devise, So that their hands cannot at all perform their enterprise. In their own craftiness the wise He doth take; and that Counsel which froward men take, is headlong precipitat. They meet with darkness in the day, at noon grop as at night: But saves the poor from sword and mouth, and hand of men of might. So that unto the poor who are exhausted there is hope, And then her foul blasphemous mouth iniquity doth stop. Behold, blessed is the man whom God correcteth with his rod: Despise not then the chastening of the Almighty God: Because He maketh sore, and He binds up; He makes the wound, And then His healing hands do make the wounded whole and sound. job. 9.2. But how should man be just with God? If He with him contend, One of a thousand he cannot Him answer, or defend, He's wise in heart, mighty in strength: Who hath himself hardened Against this Wise and Mighty God, and yet hath prospered? Who doth remove the mountains hy and yet they do not know: Who them into His anger doth ov'rturn and overthrow. Who shakes earth from her place, and then its pillars trembling fall. Commands the Sun, and it doth not rise; and stars up doth seal. Who spreadeth out the heavens alone, on the Seas waves doth tread. Who Arcturus, Orion, and the Pleyades hath made, And makes the chambers of the south. And great things worketh He Past finding out, yea wondrous things, which without number be. Behold, He doth by me go, and I Him do not see: He also passeth on, but He is not perceived by me. Behold if He shall take away, Who can turn Him away? And who is he who unto Him, What dost Thou, will say? job 12.13. With God strength, wisdom, counsel and understanding remain. Behold, He breaketh down, and it cannot be built again: He shutteth up a man, and then there can no opening be. Behold, the waters He withholds, and they are turned dry: And sends them out, and they ov'rturn the earth; Strength with Him is And Wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are His. He leadeth counsellors away spoiled, and He doth make The judge's fools. The bond of Kings unties, and lose doth shake, And with a girdle girds their loins, He Princes as a prey Leadeth, He overthrows the strong. He doth remove away The speech of those who trusty are, that they have nought to say, And He the understanding of the aged takes away. On Princes pours contempt, weakeneth the strength of men of might. Clears deep things out of darkness, brings the shade of death to light. He doth increase the nations, and them destroys again: The nations He extends, and doth them straiten and restrain. The heart of the chief people of the earth, He takes away, And makes them in a wilderness wander where there's no way. They in the dark grope without light, He causeth them to dot, Stagger and wander like a man whom drink doth quite besot. job 11.7. Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou th'Almighty to Perfection find? It is as high as heaven, what canst thou do? Deeper than hell, what canst thou know? It's boundless measures be Infinitely longer than Earth, and broader than the Sea. Who knoweth not in all these, that job 12.9. the Lords hand wrought hath this? In whose hand each living things soul, and all mankind's breath is. job 15.14. What is man, that he should be clean and pure? and what is he That born is of a woman, that he righteous should be? Behold, He puts not trust into His Saints, Angels of light; Yea, even the very heavens are not pure and clean in his sight. How much more than abominable and filthy, may we think, Is man, who doth iniquity like unto water drink. job 25.2. Fear and Dominion are with Him, in His high places He Makes peace. Of His vast armies troops can any number be? And upon whom doth not arise His clear and shining light? How then can man be justified with God before His sight? How can he that's of woman born be clean and without blot? Behold, even to the Moon, and it shines not, yea, stars are not Pure in His sight, How much less man that is a worm: and be That is the son of man, who is a worm, clean can he be? job 26.6. Hell's naked, and destruction hath in's sight no covering. He stretched the north o'er th'empty place, and hangs earth on nothing▪ He bindeth up the waters, which seeks every way a vent In His thick cloud, and yet the cloud under them is not rend. He holds back and contains the face and aspect of his throne, And His cloud as a sable vail extendeth it upon. With limits He the waters did compass and comprehend. Until the light of day with night's darkness come to an end. heavens pillars tremble, and at His reproof astonished be. And with His power He divides the waters of the sea, And by His understanding He the proud strikes, wounds and breaks▪ And by His spirit the heavens adorns, garnisheth, comely makes; His hand the crooked Serpent formed, Behold, these are not all His ways, but only parts thereof, But O! How very small A portion of Him is heard as to the thing in hand? But O! the thunder of His power who can it understand? job. 28.23. God Knows the way of Wisdom, and He knows its place; for He Looks to earth's ends, and all below the whole heaven He doth see. To make the weight even for the winds, and by a measure He Weigheth the waters, when He for the rain made a decree; And for the thunder's lightning made a way, than He did see I●, and it numbered, it prepared, yea, it search out did Herald And unto man He said, Behold, the Lords fear in the heart That's wisdom, and understanding from evil to departed. job. 33.12. I'll answer thee, that God doth man in greatness far surmount. Why strives thou 'gainst Him? for of His things He gives no account. job 36.26. Behold, God He is great, and Him we know not perfectly, Nor can the number of His years searched out ever be. Ps. 5.4. For Thou art not a God that doth in wickedness delight etc. See also Psal. 18, 1.2, 30, 31, 46. ps. 22.3. But thou art holy etc. ps. 24.8, 10. ps. 27.1. ps. 29.3. etc. ps. 33.4, 5. etc. ps. 36.5. etc. ps. 37.28. ps. 42.2.11. ps. 43.2.4. ps. 46.1. &c, ps. 47.7, 8. ps. 48.1, 9, 10 14, ps. 50.1. etc. ps. 51.6.14. ps. 57.2.10. ps 58, 11. ps. 59, 10, 16, 17. ps. 62.1, 2, 6, 11, 12. ps. 63, 2, 3. ps. 65.2.5. etc. ps. 66.3, 5. etc. ps. 68.4, 5, 6. psa. 68.19, 20.33. etc. psa. 69.16, 33. ps. 70.5. ps. 71.5, 6, 19 ps. 72.18, 19, ps. 73.1.26. ps. 74▪ 12. etc. ps. 75.6, 7, 8. ps, 76.1, 2, 3, 4. etc. ps. 77.14. etc. ps. 78.12. etc. 28, 43. etc. ps. 80.1, 4. ps. 81.10. ps. 82.1. ps 83.18. ps. 84.1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 12. ps. 85.4.10, 11, 12, 13. ps. 86, 5, 8, 10.13. ps. 89.1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 etc. 13, 14, 17, 18. ps. 90.1, 2, 3, 4, 11. ps. 91, 1, 2. ps. 92.1, 2. ps. 92.8, 15. ps. 93.1, 4. ps. 94.1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 21. ps. 95.3. etc. ps. 96.4, 5, 6. ps. 97.2.9. ps. 99.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. ps. 100.2. ps. 103.12, 27. ps. 103.3. etc. 8.17, 19 ps. 104.1. etc. ps. 105.1. etc. ps. 106.1. and 107.1. etc. ps. 108.4. ps. 109.1. ps. 111.3. etc. ps. 13.5. etc. ps. 114.7, 8, ps. 115.3, 10. ps. 116.5 ps. 117.2. ps. ●18. 1●— 14, 16, 27, 28, 29, ps. 119.57, 114, 137, 142, 151, 156. ps. 121.2. etc. ps. 124.8. ps. 125.2. ps. 130.4, 7, 8. ps. 113.5. ps. 135.5. etc. 13, 2●. ps. 136.1, etc. ps. 138.6, 8. ps. 139.1. etc. ps. 140, 7, 12. ps. 142.5. ps. 143.10. ps. 144.1, 2. ps. 144.10. ps. 145.1. etc. Psal. 146.5. Happy is he who hath the GOD of jacob for his aid; Whose hope is in the Lord his God; who heaven, earth, sea hath made, And all that is in them, who keeps truth to eternity: Who executeth judgement for these who oppressed be, Who to the hungry giveth food; the Lord looseth and frees These who are bound; and openeth the blind men's closed eyes: The Lord lifts up the bowed down, the Lord loves tenderly The righteous, the Lord doth keep the stranger watchfully; The widows and the fatherless He doth support and stay: But He turns up-side down, and quite subverts the wickeds way. The Lord doth reign for evermore, thy God, O Zion, He Reigns to all generations. Praise to the Lord give ye. See Psal. 147.2, etc. psa. 148.5, 6, 13, 14 Ps. 149.2, 4. Prov. 2.6. Because the Lord doth wisdom give: Out of His mouth doth come Knowledge and understanding He layeth up sound wisdom For righteous ones; a buckler to them that walk uprightly: He judgements paths keeps, and preserves His Saint's way constantly. Prov. 3.19. The Lord by wisdom founded earth; by understanding He Prepared and established the heavens steadfastly, By His knowledge are broken up the depths, which are profound; And the more thin and subtle clouds distil dew on the ground. Prov. 10.3. The Lord will not suffer the soul of him that's righteous To famish: but casts out the wealth of the perfidious. ●ob 34.21. God's eyes are on the ways of man, his go all sees Herald Prov. 15.3. ver. 11. The Lord's eyes are in every place the ill and good to see. Hell and destruction are before the Lord: How much more than Before Him are the hearts and thoughts of the children of men? Prov. ●6. 4. The Lord made all things for Himself, His glory to display: Yea, even the wicked impious man for the evil day, Many devices are into Prov. 19.21. man's heart, nevertheless The counsel of JEHOVAH, that shall stand with steadfastness. Prov. 21.1. As rivulets of waters, so in the Lord's hand the heart Of each King is: To all that He will, He shall it convert. Every way of a man is right and strait in his own eyes: But JEHOVAH ponders the hearts, * Prov. 16.2. Prov, 21.80. And He the Spirits weighs. No wisdom, nor understanding, nor counsel can there be Against JEHOVAH. The horse is prepared carefully Ps. 33.17. Against the day of battle, yet to none he shall afford Deliverance by his great strength: but safety of the Lord, Prov. 23.10. Enter thou not into the fields of those who orphans be, For their Redeemer strong is; He shall plead their cause with thee. Prov. 30, 2. Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not The understanding of a man, nor wisdom have I got By learning, nor the knowledge of the holy do I know. Who hath ascended up to heaven? who hath descended low? Who hath together gathered into his fists the wind? Who the unstable water did within a garment bind? Who hath all the ends of the earth established so well? What is his Name, and what is His Son's name, if thou canst tell? Each word of God is pure, He is a shield to every one Of them who do with confidence trust and rest Him upon. Add thou not to his perfect words, lest He do thee confound, By his reproof, and so thou be a hateful liar found. Eccl. 5.1. Thy foot keep when thou goes unto God's house, and to receive In hearing be more ready than fools sacrifice to give: For that in this they evil do, they think not seriously; Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thy heart hasty be To utter aught before God, for God is in heaven high, And thou on earth: Therefore let thy words few and sparing be. Eccles. 12.1. Thy Maker mind in thy youth's days ere ill days come on thee And years draw near, when thou'lt say, no pleasure in them to me. ver. 13. The end of all the matter hear, Fear God, and carefully Keep His commandments: for this is man his whole duty. For God the judge shall every work, with every secret thing, Whether it good or evil be, to judgement surely bring. Isa. 1.24. Therefore the Lord, the Lord of hosts, Israel's strong one spoke. Ah, I'll m'ease of mine adversars, of my foes vengeance take. Isa. 5.16. But in judgement the Lord of hosts shall be exalted high, And God th'holy in righteousness shall sanctified be. Isa. 6.3 And this to this cried, and said, Holy, holy, holy Lord of hosts, the fullness of all Isa. 8.13. the earth is thy glory. The Lord of hosts himself do ye sanctify, only He Your fear and dread be: He will for a sanctuary be. Isa. 10, 17. The light of israel, for a fire, His holy One shall be For flame: it shall his thorns and briers bur● and eat suddenly. And in that day thou'l● say, O Lord, I will thee praise: though Thou Isa. 12.1. Wast angry with me, thine anger away is turned now, And thou confortedst me. Lo, God is my salvation: I'll trust, not fear; for He who is JAH JEHOVAH alone My strength and Song is, also He is my Salvation. Therefore ye shall water of life and consolation With joy draw from these many wells which spring salvation. And in that day ye shall say, praise JEHOVAH, call upon His name, among the people show His do solemnly, Make mention that His glorious Name exalted is on high. Sing to JEHOVAH; for He hath excellent stately things Effectuated: this in all the earth is known and rings, Inhabitant of Zion, cry aloud, sing shouting high: For great is Israel's holy one into the midst of thee. Isa. 14.27. The Lord of Hosts hath purposed, and who null shall it make? And His hand now is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? Isa. 17.7. Then shall a man look unto his Maker attentively, His eyes to Israel's holy One shall look respectfully. ver. 10. Because thou hast forgot the God of thy salvation And hast not the rock of thy strength minded and thought upon. Isa. 25, 1. O JEHOVAH, Thou art my God I'll thee exalt on high, I'll praise thy Name; for Thou hast do● things wonderful that be: Thy Counsel's faithfulness and truth have been long since of old. For Thou a City made an heap that's in confusion rolled: A ruin of a fenced Town; a palace of foreign Strangers, of a City which shall never be built again. Therefore the mighty people shall, O Lord, Thee glorify; The City of the terrible nations shall fear Thee. For Thou hast been unto the poor a strength and a fortress; A strength unto the needy one in his pinching distress: A refuge from the stormy flood, a shadow from the heat, When dreadful ones blasts as a flood which 'gainst a wall doth beat, Isa. 26.3. Thou wilt him keep in perfect peace, who's mind is stayed on Thee: Because he trusts in Thee, trust in the Lord perpetually, Because in JAH JEHOVAH is strength everlasting, He Is rock of ages, without change, the same eternally. vers. 7. The just's way is uprightnesses: Thou who art most upright, The righteous man's path as into a balance tries by weight. Isa. 18.5. Then shall the Lord of hosts be for a glorious crown to them Who are His people's remnant, for a beauteous diadem. And for a Spirit of judgement to Him who in judgement seat Sits, and for strength to him that turns the Battle to the gate. vers. 29 This also cometh from the Lord of Hosts, his government, Who's wonderful in counsel, and in working excellent. Isa. 29.22. Therefore thus saith the Lord, who hath redeemed Abraham, Concerning Iacob's house, jacob shall not now suffer shame. Neither shall his face now wax pale; but when he doth see His children, who my hands works are, in midst of him to be. My Name they shall then sanctify, and hollow th'holy One Of jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel alone. Isa. 30.15. Because the Lord God sayeth thus, Israel's holy One, In returning and rest shall ye attain Salvation. In quietness and confidence, also your strength shall be; And ye would not, but ye said, no, for we'll on horses flee etc. vers. 18 And therefore will the Lord wait, that gracious He may be Unto you, and therefore will He exalted be, that He May mercy have on you: The Lord takes the best way and time; For He's a God of judgement; blest are all that wait for Him. ver. 29. The Lord is Israel's mighty One, He is a rock to them; Isa. 31.9. His fire's in Zion, His furnace is in jerusalem. Isa. 33.21. The glorious Lord will be to us a place that's broad in space Of rivers streams, where no galley with oars shall go apace, Nor gallant ship shall pass thereby; because the Lord we have Our judge, Our Lawgiver, the Lord's Our King, He will us save. Isa. 37.16. O Lord, who art the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Who on the mercy seat between the cherubims does dwell; Thou art the God, even Thou alone, and there is none but Thee Of all earth's kingdoms, Thou hast made the heaven and earth to be. Isa. 40.22. Who in the hollow of his hand hath measured about The waters? and hath with the span the heaven metted out, And comprehended earth's dust in a measure, and the high Mountains in scales, and little hills did in a balance weigh? Who is he that directed hath the Spirit of the Lord, Or did, as being his counsellor teaching to him afford? Or with whom did He counsel take? and who hath him instructed, And in the paths of judgement hath by teaching Him conducted, And taught Him knowledge, and to Him showed understandings way? Behold, the nations like unto the buckets drop are they, Of them as of the balances small dust account He makes: Lo, as a very little thing, the Islands up He takes. Sufficient is not Lebanon to burn the sacrifice, Nor can the beasts thereof for one burnt-offering suffice. As nothing all the nations before His presence be, And counted are to Him less than nothing, and vanity. To whom then will ye liken God; Or what likeness is there, Or what similitude which ye will unto Him compare? vers. 21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not you been told From the beginning? From the earth's foundations laid of old Have ye not understood? Him who sits on earth's circled Sphere, And earth's inhabitants to Him as grashopppers appear; That as a curtain stretcheth out the heavens in full extent, And them He spreadeth out, like to an habitable tent. That Princes brings to nothing; makes earths judges vanity; Yea, they shall not be planted, yea, they sown shall not be; Yea their stock shall not root on earth, He'll blow on them, and they Shall whither, the whirlwind shall them as stubble take away. To whom then will ye liken Me, or shall I equal be Sayeth the holy One? Lift up your eyes on high, and see Who hath created these things, that in order brings out all Their host by number, them each one by names He doth call, By His might, greatness, for He's strong in power, not one doth fail. Why sayest thou, O jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hidden from the Lord, my judgement passed is O'er from my God? hast thou not known Hast thou not heard this, That th'everlasting God, the Lord, Creator of earth's ends Faints not, nor wearies? His knowledge all searching far transcends. He giveth power to the faint and unto no might he Increaseth strength, even the youths shall faint and shall weary be; And young men, though they seemed strong, yet utterly shall fall. But they who wait upon the Lord, their strength renew they shall: They shall mount up on high with wings as eagles, run they shall, And not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint at all. ●sa. 41. ●. Thou art my servant, I thee chose, and not cast thee away. Fear thou not, for I am with thee: Let nothing thee dismay, For I'm thy God: I'll strengthen thee, I'll help thee in distress, I'll thee uphold with the right hand of my pure righteousness. Behold, all they that were with rage incensed against thee, Shall be confounded and ashamed, they shall as nothing be: They that as men of strife do strive against thee, perish shall; Thou shalt them seek, but they shall not be to be found at all; Even they that did contend with thee; they that against thee fought And warred, shall as nothing be, and as a thing of nought. For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand constantly, Saying unto thee, Fear not, I will be a help to thee Worm jacob, and ye Israelites, fear not: I'll help thee soon, The Lord, and thy Redeemer says, Israel's holy One. Isa. 43.1. Thus saith the Lord who did create thee, jacob, and who gave A form to thee, O Israel, fear not: Because I have Redeemed thee, called thee by thy name, thou mine art properly: When thou does through the waters pass, than I am still with thee; And through the rivers passes, they shall not thee overflow; Nor shalt thou burned be; when as thou through the fire does go; Neither shall the devouring flame take kindling thee upon. Because I am the Lord thy God, Israel's holy One, Thy Saviour: I Egypt gave thy ransom for to be, And I did Ethiopia and Sheba give for thee, vers. 10 I'm He, before Me there was no God form, there shall none Be after Me; I am the Lord, the Saviour alone. vers. 13 Yea, I before the day am He, out of mine hand can none Deliver; I will work, and who shall make obstruction? The Lord, who thy Redeemer is, Israel's holy One, Thus sayeth, for your sakes I have sent unto Babylon. And have brought down their Nobles all, the Chaldeans, whose cry Is in the ships. I am the Lord, thy holy One; and I Am thy Creator, Israel, your King, The Lord thus saith, Who makes into the sea a way, in waters strong a path. Brings Chariot, horse, army and power forth, they together low Shall lie, not rise; they are extinct, they quenched are as tow. vers. 25 I, even I am He that does blot out thy transgressions all For mine own sake, I'll not thy sins unto remembrance call. Isa. 44.6. Thus says the Lord, the Lord of hosts, Israel's King, and His Redeemer, I'm the first, the last, besides Me no God is. Isa. 57.15. Thus saith the high and lofty One that in eternity Dwells, whose Name holy is, I dwell in th'holy place and high; And with him that's of a contrite and of a humble spirit, The spirit of th'humble to revive, and th'heart of the contrite. Isa. 66.1. The heavens mies throne, earth's my footstool, thus hath the Lord expressed: Where is the house ye build to Me? where's the place of my rest? All these mine hand made, they have been; but to him says the Lord, I'll look that's poor of contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. jer. 2.12. O heavens, be ye astonished at this, and horribly Be ye afraid, saith the Lord, most desolate be ye. Because they, even they, who by Name and Right, My people be, Committed have two heinous ills: they have forsaken Me The living waters fountain full, and hewed them out with pain A cistern, broken cisterns which no water can contain. jer. 3.23. From hills and mountains multitude in vain's our expectation: Truly into the Lord our God is Israel's salvation. jer. 5.22. Fear ye not Me, sayeth the Lord? Will ye not trembling stand At my presence, who for the seas bond placed have the sand, By a perpetual decree, that it cannot transgress Although its waves still toss themselves, and each on other press; Yet they cannot a whit prevail, although they swell and roar, And rage, yet can they never pass over the sandy shore? But this vile people have a heart, that's too revolting pron, A heart rebellious; and they revolted, are and gone. Neither say they into their hearts, Let us now fear the Lord Our God, who by free gift the rain do 's liberally afford; The former and the latter rain in his season; and He Reserves to us the weeks, which for harvest appointed be. jer. 9.23. Thus saith the Lord, let not the wise man glory and delight In his wisdom, nor let the strong man glory in his might, Let not the rich man glory in his riches, which will fly: Let him that glories, glory in this, that he knoweth Me, And understands, that I the Lord exerce in earth aright love's kindness, judgement, righteousness; for in these I delight. jer. 10.6. There's none like Thee, LORD, Thou art great, Thy Name is great in might, Who would not fear Thee, for to Thee it appertains by right, O King of nations? since among all the wise men who be In nations and kingdoms all, there is none like to Thee. vers. 10. The Lord He is the God of truth, the Living God is He, And He's an everlasting King, King of eternity. The earth shall tremble at His wrath, and people of each nation, Shall not be able to abide His wrathful indignation. vers. 12 jer. 51.15. He by His power made the earth, by His wisdom alone Established the world, stretched out the heavens by His discretion. A noise of waters is in heaven, if He his voice extend, And from the end of earth He makes the vapours to ascend. He maketh lightnings with the rain, He contraries doth bind To serve Him jointly, and out of His treasures brings the wind. v. 16. jacob his portion's not like them: for He all things did frame, Israel's his heritage's rod; Lord of hosts is his Name, v. 14. O Lord, though our iniquities against us testify, Do thou for Thy Names sake, for our backslidings many be, We sinned against Thee. O israel's hope, from whom's our expectation, And Israel's Saviour in time of troublous tribulation. Why shouldst thou as a stranger be, as a way-faring wight, Into the land who turns aside to tarry for a night? Why as a man astonished shouldst Thou thyself behave, Or like unto a man who is mighty, that cannot save? Yet Thou art in the midst of us, O Lord, and worthless we Have thy name called over us, Leave us not utterly. jer. 16.19. O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day Of trouble, Gentiles from earth's ends shall come to Thee, and say, Surely for their inheritance our father's lies have had, And vanity, and things whereof no profit can be made. jer. 17.13. O Lord the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall Ashamed be, and they who do departed from thee; shall all Be written in the earth, for they forsaken have the Lord The fountain, which for ever doeth living waters afford. Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed of each disease Save me, and I shall saved be because thou art my praise. jer. 23.23. The Lord saith, Am I a God at hand, and not a God afar? Can any hid himself in these places that secret are, That I shall not him, says the Lord, in secret places see? Do I not fill, sayeth the Lord, the heaven and earth fully? jer. 31.3. Yea, with an everlasting love I freely loved thee; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn thee to Me. jer. 31.25. For I the wearied Soul have filled to satiety, And I each soul that's sorrowful replenished fully. jer. 32.17. Ah! Lord God, Lo, Thou made the heaven and earth by Thy great might And stretched out arm, and there's nothing that is hid from Thy sight, Or is hard for Thee. Thou does show thy loving kindness free To thousands, and does recompense father's iniquity Into their children's bosom, who continue after them: The Great, the Mighty God, the Lord of hosts, this is his Name. In counsel great, mighty in work, for thine eyes look upon All the ways of the sons of men, to give to every one According to his ways, and to the fruit of his do, Which in the land of Egypt hast thy wonders set and signs. vers. 27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: Can there be A doubt that there is any thing that is too hard for Me? Lam. 5.19. O Lord, Thou evermore remains; Thy everlasting throne Endures from generation to generation. Ezek. 33, 11. The Lord God sayeth, as I live, I have no pleasure in The wickeds death, but that he turn from his own way of sin, And so may live: Turn ye, turn ye from your ill ways to Me; For wherefore will ye wilfully, O house of Israel, die? Dan. 2.20. The Name of God for ever and for ever blessed be: Because Wisdom and Might are His, times, seasons changeth Herald He Kings removes, and Kings sets up: He wisdom doth bestow Unto the Wise, knowledge to those who understanding know. He deep and secret things reveals: he understandeth well What is into the darkness, and the light doth with Him dwell. vers. 47 Truly your God is God of gods, and He is Lord of kings, And He is a revealer, who discovers secret things. Dan. 4.37. Now I Nabuchadnezzar praise, extol, and honour hy The King of heaven, all whose works are truth and verity: And His waves judgement are; and those that walk in loftiness And pride He's able to abase, to humble and depress, Dan. 9.7. O Lord, unto Thee righteousness belongeth as Thy right, But unto us confusion of faces in Thy sight. vers. 9 Mercies unto the Lord our God, and forgiv'nesses free Belong, though we against Him have rebelled wickedly. ●os. 11 ●. The fierceness of my wrath I'll not execute upon thee, I'll not return for to destroy Ephraim utterly: For I'm God, not man, in the midst of thee, the holy One, I'll not the City enter in to make destruction. ●os. 13 ●. O israel, thou destroyed thyself; but thine help is in Me; I'll be thy King: Where's one that can in all thy towns save thee? ●el. 2. ●. Therefore now also saith the Lord, turn ye even unto Me; With all your heart, with fasting, weep, and mourn ye tenderly. And rend your heart and not your clothes, and to the Lord turn ye, The Lord your God: for gracious, and merciful is He, And unto anger slow, of great kindness, and doth repent Him of the ill. Who knows if He return will, and relent, And leave a blessing Him behind, even a meat-offering, And a drink-off'ring, which we to the Lord our God may bring? Amos ●. 13. For it's He who the mountains forms, and who creates the wind. And who declareth unto man what's the thought of his mind; He who the morning darkness makes, treads on earth's places high, The Lord, the God of hosts his Name is, and shall ever be. ●mos ●8. Seek Him who maketh Pleiades who makes Orion bright, And deaths dark shadow doth convert unto the morning's light. Darkens the day with night: Calls f●●●● Seas waters, and the same Pours out upon the face of earth; JEHOVAH is his Name. The spoilt He against the strong recruites, and strong doth make; So that the spoiled shall come against the fortress it to take. Amos 9.5. The Lord the God of hosts who doth the land touch, and it shall Melt, and all that dwell therein shall mourn, it shall rise up all Wholly, even like unto a flood, and it shall drowned be As by the flood of Egypt; He who builds His stories high, Even the ascending towering Spheres, the orbs celestial. And founded hath his troup on earth, He who doth also call For the abounding waters of the sea, and pours the same Abundantly out on the face of earth, the Lord's his Name. Mic. 7.18. Who is a Godlike Thee, who dost pardon iniquity, And trespass of the remnant of His heritage pass by? His anger and His wrath for ay He doth not retain, Because in mercy He delights, and He will turn again, He will compassion have on us, He our inquities Subdue will; all their sins Thou wilt cast in the depths of Seas. The truth to jacob thou'lt perform, mercy to Abraham, Which to our fathers thou of old hast sworn by thy great Name. ●eb. 6.7. Wherein God willing to show forth the more abundantly Unto the heirs of glory, the immutability Of His counsel, confirmed it by oath most solemnly; That by two things immutable, in which God cannot lie. We might strong consolation have, who taken have our flight For refuge, to take hold upon the hope set in our sight. Nah. ●. 2. The Lord's a jealous God, the Lord revengeth certainly, The Lord revengeth, and He hath fury, the Lord most hy, Will surely vengeance take upon all His adversaries; And He reserveth as in store wrath for his enemies. The Lord's to anger slow, and great in power, the obstinate Will not at all acquit; the Lord His way in glorious state Hath in the whirlwind, and in the storm, and clouds of sky Are his feets dust. He doth rebuke the sea, and makes it dry, And drieth all the rivers up; Bashan hanging its head, And Carmel languish, and the flower of Lebanon doth fade. The mountains quake at Him, and hills melt, th'earth at his divine Presence is burned, yea the world, and all that dwell therein. Before His indignation who can stand? Who is he That can abide the fierceness of His anger? His fury Is poured out like unto fire, and rocks He down doth throw. The Lord is good, a strength in time of trouble; and doth know Who trust in Him: but will by flood ov'running Ninivies Place bring to utter end, darkness shall chase His enemies. Hab. 1.12. From everlasting art Thou not, O JEHOVAH, my God, My holy One? We shall not die: for a judicial rod, O Lord, thou hast ordained them; O God omnipotent, Thou founded and established haste them for chastisement. Thou art of eyes which purer are than to behold and see That which is evil, and cannot look on iniquity. Hab. 3.17. Although the figtree blossom not, nor any fruit shall be Into the Vine, the labour of the Olive fail and lie, And though the fields shall yield no meat, the flock cut off withal Shall from the fold be, and there shall no herd be in the stall: Yet in JEHOVAH I'll rejoice with exultation, I'll joy with leaping, in the God▪ of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and He will make my feet to be Like hinds, and He will make me walk upon my places high. Zeph. 3.5. The just Lord in its midst will not commit iniquity Each morn He judgement brings to light, deficient is not Herald vers. 17. The Lord thy God in midst of thee is mighty, save He will, He will rejoice o'er thee with joy, He'll rest in his love still, With singing he'll joy over thee: and I will gather them Who sad and sorrowful are, for the assembly solemn. Who are of thee, to whom the sad reproach opprobrious Of the solemn assembly was a burden grievous. Zech. ●. 17. How great's his goodness, and how great is his beauty Divine? The youths by corn, the maids shall be made cheerful by new wine. Zech. 12.1. The Lord who stretcheth forth the heavens, and doth firmly lay, The earth's foundation, and forms man's spirit in him, doth say. ●al. ●. ●. Cursed be the cheater in whose flock a male's for offering, And vow's and sacrifices to the Lord a corrupt thing. For says the Lord of hosts, a King Magnificent I am And great among the Nations terrible is my Name. ●al. 3. ●. I'll near to you to judgement come, and a swift witness be 'Gainst sorcerers, against those who commit adultery, Against false swearers, and against those who by fraud oppress The hireling in his wage, and the widow and fatherless. And that aside the stranger turn from his right and his way, And fear not Me with reverence, the Lord of hosts doth say. ●●s. 6. I am the Lord, I do not change, the same immutably; Therefore ye jacobs' sons are not consumed utterly. Mark 10.18. And jesus said to him, Why calls thou me good? There is none Who is essentially good, but one, that's God alone. joh. 4.24. God is a Spirit, and all they His worshippers who be Must worship Him in spirit and truth, Such worshippers seeks Herald Acts 7.2. And Stephen said, O men, brethren, ye fathers also hear, The God of glore t'Abraham our father did appear. Acts 14.15. Ye should turn from these vanities unto the Living God, Who made heaven, earth, the sea, and al● that therein have abode. Acts 17.23. The God unknown, whom ye therefore since ye him do not know Ignorant worship, he it is whom I declare to you. God that the world made, and all things therein, seeing that he Is Lord of heaven and earth, dwells not in those temples, which be With hands made, nor is worshipped with men's hands, as though he Did stand in need of any thing, seeing he gives freely To all, life, and breath, and all things; of one blood he did make Each nation of men, on all earth's face their dwelling take. And hath determined the times which by fore-ordination Appointed were, and the disposed bounds of their habitation: That they might seek the Lord, if they haply might feel, and thus Find him, although he be not far from every one of us: For in him we live, move, and are, as some poets with you Said, for and we are his offspring. Since therefore this is true, That we're God's offspring, we ought not to think the Deity Like gold, silver, stone graved by art, and humane fantasy. Rom. 4.17. Before God, whom he did believe, who gives life to the dead, And calleth these things which be not, as though they being had. Rom. 11.33. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom, and the Knowledge of God how far beyond all search his judgements be, And his ways passed finding out! for who hath known and seen The Lord his mind, or who to him a counsellor hath been? Or who to him first gave, and it shall be restored again? For of, through, to him all: to him glory be ay. Amen. Rom. 16.26. To God, who is the only Wise, for all eternity, Let glory be through jesus Christ, Amen, so let it be. 2 Cor. 1.3. God, even the Father of our Lord Christ jesus, blessed be, The Father of mercies, from whom mercies abundantly And kindly flow, the God of all comfort and consolation, And he who doth us comfort in all our tribulation. Eph. 1.3. Blessed be the God, and Father of our Lord Christ jesus, he Blessed us in all spiritual bless in Christ in things heav'nlie, vers. 17 The God of our Lord jesus Christ, the Father of glory. Eph. 3.15. vers. 20 Of whom he whole family in heaven and earth named be. To him that's able to do all super-abundantlie. Exceedingly above all things, which ask or think do we. According to the power which works in us effectively, Be glory in the Church by Christ jesus, eternally. Eph. 4.6. One God and Father of all, who above all doth excel, And is through all, and in you all, he graciously doth dwell. 1 Tim. 1.17. Unto the King of ages all, Eternal, Immortal, Incorrupt, and Invisible, the Wise God, knowing all, The only Wise God, Honour, and Glory, eternally Through ages all be unto Him, Amen, so let it be. 1 Tim, 6.15. To the blessed, only Potentate, the King of kings most high, And Lord of lords, who only hath true Immortality, Dwelling in light, which cannot be approached, whom none of men Hath seen, or can see, Honour be, and endless Power. Amen. Heb. 2.10. For it became Him, for whom all, and by whom, all things be, In bringing may sons unto glory eternally, To make the Captain, the Author of their salvation, Most perfectly accomplished by sufferings undergone. Heb. 12 ●. Moreover we had fathers of our flesh, who did correct Us, and we gave them reverence, Shall we not be subject Much more unto the Father of Spirits, that we may live? For they truly for some few days to us did chastening give, As it did seem to them; but He for our commodity, For this, that of His holiness we might partakers be. jam. 1.17. Each good gift from above comes down, and each perfect donation From the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, Nor shade of change. Of his own will with the true word did he Beget us, that of his creatures we might some first fruit be. jam. 4.12. There's one Lawgiver, who can save, and destroy utterly: Who art thou, that thou should presume another's judge to be? jam. 5.11. Behold, we count them happy which endure affliction. Ye have heard of the patience of job, and looked upon The Lord's end: that the Lord is of many bowels, and He Pitifully commiserats those in distress that be. 1 Pet. ●. 19. Let sufferers, according to God's will, commit unto God, as a faithful Creator, their souls, while well they do. ●it. 1.2 In the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, Promised before the world began, even from eternity. 1 john 4.16. God love is, and he who doth dwell in love, dwelleth in God, And God in him who dwells in love dwelleth, and makes abode. 1 john 5.7. There's three that bear record in heaven, the Father, and the Son, Who is the Word, the holy Ghost; these blessed Three are One. Rev. 1.4. From Him which is, was, is to come, grace be to you and peace; And from the Spirits seven, which are before his throne of grace: And from jesus, the Saviour, Christ, by anointing made, The faithful witness, and the first begotten from the dead. And the Prince of the kings on earth. To Him that loved us, And washed us from our sins in his own blood most precious; And made us Kings and Priests to God his Father, to Him then Be glory and dominion for evermore. Amen. Rev, 4.8. Each of the four beasts had six wings about them round, and they Were full of eyes, they have no rest by night, nor yet by day; Saying. Holy, holy, holy Lord God omnipotent, Which was, and is, and is to come, the same still permanent. And when these beasts glory, honour, and thanks to him did give That on the throne sat, who for all Eternity doth live, The four and twenty Presbyters did down before him fall That sat upon the throne, who lives to ages, ages all. And cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art, O Lord, Worthy to take glore, honour, power: for thou hast by thy word All things of nothing made, and they are yet continued still, And were at first created for the pleasure of Thy will. Rev. 6.9. And when the Lamb had opened the fifth seal, I did see Under th'altar the souls of them that were slain cruelly For God's word, and testimony which firmly held had they Unto the death, and they did cry with a loud voice, and say, How long, O Lord, holy and true, to judge dost thou forbear, And to avenge our blood on those who earth's indwellers are, And white robes to each one of them were given, and it was said To them, that for a little time they should yet rest paid, Until their fellow-servants, and their brethren that should be Killed as they had been, should be fulfilled perfectly. Rev. 7.9. After I saw, and lo, a great, numberless multitude Of nations, and kindreds all, and people, and tongues stood, Before the throne, and stood before the Lamb, clothed and arrayed. In white robes, and palms in their hands, and with a loud voice cried, Saying, Salvation to our God, which sits the throne upon, And to the Lamb. And th'Angels all stood round about the throne. And Presbyters, and the four beasts, and did fall down before The throne upon their faces, and God humbly did adore. Saying, Amen, Blessing and Glore, Wisdom, Thanks, Honour high, And Power, and Might, be to our God for ay, so let it be. Rev. 10.6. And swore by him that liveth for ages and ages, who Created heaven and things that are there, and earth below And things that therein are, and sea and all things there that swim, And things that creep therein, that there should be no longer time. Rev. 11 15. The seventh Angel sounds, and in heaven great voices were, these words, Saying, The kingdoms of the world are now become our Lords, And his Christ's kingdoms, and He shall reign unto ages all. And th'elder twice twelve, which before God, sat on thrones, did fall Upon their faces, and adored God, in most reverend Manner, saying, We give thee thanks, Lord God omnipotent, Who art, and waste, and art to come; because Thou unto Thee Hast taken thy great power, and hast reigned gloriously. Rev. 14.6. And I another Angel saw in midst of heaven flee Having the Gospel, which endures unto eternity. To preach to all that dwell on earth, and unto nations all, And to each kindred, and each tongue, and people, great and small, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give Him glory, for The hour of His judgement is come: and worship and adore Him, that did make the heaven high, and made the earth below, And made the Sea, and fountains, which in waters out do flow. Rev. 15 ●. And they the song of Moses sing, the servant of the Lord; The Lamb's song also they did sing, saying with one accord, Both great and marvellous thy works, Lord God Almighty, are; Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of Saints, Who would not fear Thee, O Lord God, and glorify thy Name, and it declare, To be most glorious; Because Thou only holy are: For all the Nations shall come, and worship in thy sight; Because Thy righteous judgements are made manifest and bright. ●ev. 16. And I did hear the Angel of the waters, who did say, Thou righteous art, O Lord, who art, and waste, and shalt be ay, Because thou thu judged: for thy Saints and Prophet's blood they shed; And Thou gav'st them blood to drink; for they this deserved had. And I another heard, out of the Altar say, Truly Lord God Almighty, Thy judgements both true and righteous be. ●v. ●. 1. I heard in heaven a great voice of a great company, Saying, Allelujah, O praise unto the Lord give ye. Salvation, Honour, Glory, Power, to the Lord our God: for True and just are His judgements; for He judged the great whore, Which did corrupt the earth with her vile fornication, and Hath the blood of His servants dear avenged at her hand. Again they Allelujah said, Praise to the Lord give ye; And the whore's smoke ascended up unto eternity. And then the Elders twenty four, and the four beasts did fall Down, and did worship God, that sat on the throne, saying all, Amen; Allelujah, O praise to JAH JEHOVAH be. And from the throne there came a voice saying our God praise ye, His servants all, and ye both small and great, who do Him fear. And I a voice, as of a great multitude, than did hear; As many water's voice, and as the voice of strong thunderings, Saying, Allelujah: for the Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us joy, leap, and give Him glore: for the Lamb's marriage-day Is come, and His Wife hath herself prepared in her array. And it was given to her to be arrayed in the dress Of clean white linen fine; for this is the Saints righteousness. jude ver. 24. To Him that's able you to keep from falling, and you set Before His glory, without spot, in joy exceeding great, To God our Saviour, only Wise, be glory, Majesty, Dominion, Power, now and ay. Amen, so let it be. PART II. ●ong 5.6. ●ph. 3. ●8. 19. ●ong ●. 3. Gen. 3. ●5. Gen. 22 ●●. Gen. 48 ●6. ●en, 49 ●. ●ers. 18. CHRIST altogether lovely is. His love's breadth, length, depth, height, Passeth all knowledge. Come, dive in this depth of all delight. Christ's Name is ointment poured out. He is the woman's seed, Who's heel the serpent bruised, but He did bruise the serpent's head. Abraham's blessed seed, in whom all nations blessed be. The Angel who did jacob from all ill redeem and free. Shiloh to whom the gathering of people should be throng. The Lord's salvation, for whom jacob did wait and long. exod. ●. 2. The Angel who out of the bush to Moses did appear Into a flame, most wonderful, of not consuming fire, The bush did burn, yet was not burnt; The fire doth burn, not crush Deut. ●3. 16. The Church, because of His good will who dwelled into the bush. And this is he of whom the Lord to Israel did say, * Exod. ●3. 20. Behold, an Angel I do send before thee, in the way, To keep thee, and to bring thee to the place prepared by Me. Beware of Him, obey His voice, provoke Him not: for He Will not forgive thy trespasses; for in him is my Name. But if thou shalt indeed His voice hear, and obey the same, And do all that I speak; I will be to thine enemies An enemy, th'adversary of thy adversaries. And this is He concerning whom, Moses did prophesy; Deut. 18.15. The Lord thy God, he said, shall raise a Prophet unto thee; From thy brethren, out of the midst of thee, like unto me, To Him shall every one of you harken attentivelie. joshua 5.13. The Captain of IEHOVAH'S host, Behold him, he doth stand With his sword drawn out, and held in His Almighty hand. joshuah prostrate, worships Him, and ready to obey His will, inquires, What doth my Lord unto his servant say? Thy shoe lose from thy foot, because the place where thou dost stand Is holy, said the Lord, and he obeyed that command. job 19.23. job wisheth that his words were writ and printed in a book! graven with an iron pen and lead, for ever in the Rock! That my Redeemer lives, said he, I know and understand, And that He at the latter day upon the earth shall stand. And though after my skin the worms this body do destroy, Yet in my flesh I shall see God, and his presence enjoy: Whom mine eyes shall behold, and whom I for myself shall see, And not another, though my reins consumed within me be. He's David's Seed, Son, Lord, in whom the Kingdom doth endure For ever, this true David did make David's mercies sure. Sam. ●. 5. The Psalmist sweet near death did sing, The Lord with me hath made An everlasting covenant, in all things ordered And sure; this and this only is, all my salvation, All my desire. O how he loved to harp this string upon! Hear some sweet notes of these sweet Psalms, which do concern the King; That by some lines ye may be moved these Psalms throughout to sing. 〈◊〉. 2.6. 〈◊〉 8.4. ●b. 2. Yet notwithstansting I have him to be my King etc. Then say I, what is man that he remembered etc. 〈◊〉. 14.7 O who is he who Israel's salvation will give From out of Zion! when the Lord brings back, and doth relieve His people's sad captivity, jacob shall joyfully Exult, and Israel shall then most glad and cheerful be. ●s. 16. ●. ●s. 22. ●6. Before me still the Lord I set, sigh it is so etc. For dogs have compassed me about, the wicked that did meet In their assembly me enclosed, they pierced my hands and feet, Ps. 40.5. Ps. 45.1. O Lord my God, full many are the wonders etc. My heart boils up a goodly thing, my works etc. Ps. 68.18. Thou hast, O Lord, most glorious, ascended up etc. While you the Song, for Solomon, do sing, think all along. That Solomon's the Shade, but Christ the Substance of the Song. Ps. 72.17. Ps. 89.19. Ps. 110.1. Ps. 118 22. His name for ever shall endure, last like the Sun it shall etc. In vision to thy holy One, thou saidst, etc. The Lord did say unto my Lord, sit thou at my rjght hand, etc. That stone is made head corner stone, which bvilders &c. Behold, in Solomon's Proverbs, Wisdom speaks. Here is One In Wisdom infinite, more wise, and great than Solomon. Prov. 8.22. In the beginning of his way the Lord possessed me, Before his works of old, I was even from eternity Set up, from the beginning, ere earth was, or depths profound, I was brought forth ere fountains were in waters which abound. Before the mountains settled were; before the hills was I Brought forth, ere He had made the e● or fields, or part most hy Of the dust of the World. When He the heavens did prepare. And set acompass on the face of the depth, I was there, When He established the clouds, and fountains of the depth He strengthened, when He to the Sea gave his command to keep, That the waters thereof should not pass beyond His command, When He the earth's foundations appointed firm to stand: Then I was by Him, one brought up with Him, and His delight I daily was, rejoicing still before Him in His sight. And in the habitable part of His earth, I even then Rejoiced still, and My delights were with the sons of men. Now therefore, O ye children, hear and listen unto Me: For blessed are they who do keep my ways observantlie. Instruction hear, and be ye wise, and do it not refuse: Blest is the man that heareth Me, and doth daily use To watch at my gates, waiting doth at my doors posts remain; For who finds Me, finds life, and shall the Lords favour obtain. But he who doth against Me sin, (this doth his madness prove) Wrongs his own soul; every one who hates me, death doth love, This Song of Songs that's Solomons, is set all songs above; Because it sings so much of Christ His loveliness and Love. Christ's Spirit in the Prophets speaks, of Him they prophesy: Isaiah in his vision, did him most clearly see. Isa. 4.2. In that day shall IEHOVAH'S Branch, beauty and glory be, Most beautiful and glorious, in the highest degree, And th'earth's fruit shall be lifted up on high, it shall excel, And comely be, for those who be the 'scap'd of Israel. Isa. 7.14. Therefore the Lord himself shall give to you a wondrous sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and forth a Son shall bring. And shall his Name Immanuel call, O Name most precious, Mat. 1.23. Isa. 9.6 Which says, that God in Christ, God-man is God with and for us. For unto us a child is born, a Son given graciously Is to us, and the Government shall on His shoulder be: His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace, there shall no period Be of His governments increase, and peace on David's throne, And his Kingdom, to order it, and establish it upon justice and judgement, from henceforth even to eternity: The Lord of hosts his Zeal shall this perform most perfectly▪ Isa. 11.1. And out of lesse's stem there shall come forth a tender rod, And from his roots a branch shall grow, on him shall make abode, The spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom in its height, And understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, The spirit of knowledge, and of JEHOVAHS' fear; and shall Make him of understanding quick in reverential Fear of the Lord, and He shall not judge after his eyes sight, Not after hearing of His ears reprove; but judge aright The poor with righteousness, and shall reprove with equity For the meek of the earth; and with his mouths rod smite shall he Th'earth, with his lips breath he shall slay the wicked: Righteousness Shall His loins girdle be, and His reins girdle faithfulness. vers. 10 And in that day of grace there shall, a root of less be, Which as the people's ensign shall stand and stay steadfastly: Unto it shall the Gentiles seek, enquiring earnestly, And his rest shall be glorious, yea, it shall glory be. Isa. 16.5. And in mercy the throne shall be established with steadfastness And He shall fixtly sit on it in truth and faithfulness; In David's tabernacle He judgeth continually, And seeking judgement, righteousness He hasteth speedily. Isa. 28.16. Therefore the Lord God sayeth thus, for a foundation, Behold, in Zion I do lay a Stone, a tried stone, A corner stone, most precious, a sure foundation: That man shall not make haste who doth believe his Name upon. Isa. 32.1. Behold, a King in righteousness shall reign, and Princes high Shall rule in judgement. And a man a hiding place shall be From the wind, and a covert from the tempest, which doth blow: As rivers of waters which in a place that's dry do flow; And as the cooling shadow of a great rock, which doth stand For the faint travellers solace into a weary land. Isa. 42.1. My Servant whom I do uphold, Behold, O wondrous sight! My Elect One, in whom my soul doth constantly delight. I have my spirit put on Him, He to the Gentiles shall judgement bring forth. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor at all Cause his voice to be heard into the street. A bruised reed He shall not break, the smoking flax he shall not quench but feed. He shall bring forth judgement to truth, He shall not fail, nor be Discouraged, until He hath set judgement steadfastly Into the earth; and for his Law the Isles shall duly wait. Thus saith God the Lord, He that the heavens did create, And stretched them out, spreed forth the earth and what comes out of it, To folk on it, who walk therein, who giveth breath and spirit. I JEHOVAH have called Thee in righteousness, and I Will hold thine hand, and will thee keep, and give Thee graciously To be the people's covenant and for the Gentiles light; To open the blind eyes of those who want both light and sight: To bring the prisoners out of the prison grievous, And these who do in darkness fit out of the prisonhouse. I am the LORD, that is my Name, My glory I no wise Will to another give, nor to graven images my praise. Isa. 49.6. It is a light thing that thou should be my servant only, jacobs' tribes to raise, and restore these who preserved be Of israel; for the Gentiles light I also will give thee, That thou unto the end of th'earth may my salvation be. Isa. 50.4. The Lord God freely given hath the learned tongue to me, That I might know, how I might speak a word seasonably To him that's weary, he wak'neth morning by morning; he Wak'neth mine ear to hear, as these hear, who the learned be. The Lord God he hath opened mine ear, and I was not Rebellious, nor turned back, my back to these who smote I gave, and gave my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair, My face I did not hid from shame, and spitting I did bear. Because the Lord God will me help, therefore I shall not be Confounded; therefore I my face like flint set steadfastly, And I know that I shall not be ashamed; for near is he That justifies me, Who is he that will contend with me? Let us together stand: he who is my adversary, Let him come near to me. Behold, the Lord God help will me, Who is he that shall me condemn? Lo, as a garment doth They altogether shall wax old, them eat up shall the moth. Isa. 52.13. Behold, my servant he shall deal prudently, he shall be Exalted and extolled, and he shall be very high. As many 'stonisht were at thee; (His visage so more than Any mans marred was, his form more than the sons of men.) So He shall many nations sprinkle, the kings shall be Silent, shutting their mouths at Him; for they shall come to see That which had not unto them been before told and declared, And shall consider seriously that which they had not heard. Isa. 53.1. Who hath believed our report, the preached, heard word? To whom revealed is the arm of JEHOVAH, the Lord? Because before him as a plant tender grow up shall he, And as a root out of a ground, which parched is and dry. He hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall Him see, There is no aspect specious, that Him desire should we. He is despised, and of men deserted and cast by, A man of sorrows, knowing griefs experimentally, And we hide as it were from Him our faces; He with scorn Despised was, we esteemed Him not. He verily hath born Our griefs, and sorrows carried He hath: Yet Him to be Smitten, stricken, and afflicted of God esteem did we. But He for our transgressions was wounded, bruised was He For our sins; the chastisement of our peace on Him did lie. And with His stripes we healed are. All we like Sheep astray Have gone, we turned every one unto his owen way. And upon Him the Lord hath laid all the iniquity Of all of us. He was oppressed, afflicted much was He, Yet He did not open His mouth: like to a Lamb is He Brought to the slaughter, as a sheep that still and dumb doth lie Before the shearers, so His mouth He oped not at all. He was from prison taken and from judgement; and who shall Declare his generation? Because cut off was He Out of the land of these who live, for the iniquity Of my people He stricken was, and in his death he made With the wicked, and with the rich, His grave, because He had No vi'lence done, nor was there aught of guile or fallacy In his mouth; yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him grievously, And He hath put His soul to grief; when thou his soul to be An offering for sin shalt make, than he his seed shall see, He shall prolong his days, the Lords pleasure shall prosperous be Into His hand. Of the travel of his soul he shall see, And shall well satisfied be; and by His knowledge he Who is my servant righteous shall many justify: For He shall their iniquities bear; therefore I'll decide A portion to him with the great, and He the spoil divide Shall with the strong; because his soul He poured out willingly Unto the death, and such a death: and numbered was He With the transgressors, and He bore the sins of many one, And for these that transgressors were made intercession. Isa. 54.4. Thou shalt thy widowhoods reproach forget, and thy youth's shame; For thy Maker thine husband is, the Lord of hosts his Name, And thy Redeemer, th'holy One of Israel, even He God of the habitable earth throughout shall called be. Isa. 55.2. Ho, every one that thirsts, come ye to the waters, and he That hath no money; come ye, buy and eat, yea come to Me, Without money, and without price, buy wine and milk. Wherefore Spend ye money for that which is no bread? and your labour For that which satisfieth not? Harken diligently To Me, and eat ye that which is good in reality. In fatness let your soul delight itself, incline and give Your ear, and come unto Me, hear, and so your soul shall live. And I will make a covenant with you, which shall endure, An everlasting covenant, even David's mercies sure. Behold, I have Him freely given to the people, that He, A witness, Leader, Commander, may to the people be. Behold, thou shalt a Nation call thou knows not, and to Thee These nations that Thee know not, shall to Thee run cheerfully. Because of JEHOVAH thy GOD, for Him who the holy One of Israel is, for He hath glorified thee. And the Redeemer, saith the Lord, ●sa. 59 ●0. shall come unto Zion, And to these who in jacob turn from their transgression. ●sa. 61. ●. The Spirit of the Lord God is on me, because the Lord Anointed me, unto the meek good tidings to record, These who are broken in their heart to bind up tenderly; He sent me to proclaim unto the captives liberty, And th'opening of the prison to these who are therein bound; The Lord his year acceptable to cry with solemn sound, The day also of the revenge of our God; and each one That mourns to comfort; to appoint to these who mourn and moan In Zion, Zions mourners sad, to give for their relief Beauty for ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning grief, Of praise the joyful garment, for the spirit of heaviness, That they might called be by the Name of trees of righteousness The plant, and the plantation of JEHOVAH, that He Might glory, glorify himself, and glorified be. Isa. 63.9. He in all their affliction afflicted was, and He Who th'Angel of his presence is them saved and set free: He them redeemed in His love and pity, which doth spare, And He in all the days of old them carried, and bare. jer. 23.5. Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I to David will Raise up a Righteous Branch, a King shall reign and prosper still. judgement and justice in the earth He execute shall well: In his days judah shall be saved, Israel safely dwell. And his Name (O sweet Name! which do●● with righteousness us bless.) Wherewith He shall be called, is The Lord our Righteousness. jer. 30.9. But they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their own King, Whom I will raise up unto them, establishing his reign. ●ek. ●. 22. Thus saith the Lord God, I'll also take of the branch most hy Of the high cedar, and I will it set, and then will I From the top of his tender twigs crop off a tender one, And will it plant a mountain high and eminent upon. Even in the mountain of the height of Israel, will I Plant it, and it shall bring forth boughs, and it shall fructify; And shall a goodly cedar be, under it shall dwell all Foul of each wing, and in the shade of its boughs dwell they shall. ●ek. ●4. 23. And I'll one Shepherd set o'er them, my servant David, He Shall feed them, He shall feed them, and He shall their Shepherd be. And I the Lord will be their God, David my servant fit Shall be a Prince among them, I the Lord have spoken it. ●ek. ●. 22. And I will them one nation make in the land, upon Israel's mountains, one King shall be King to them each one: And they shall not be any more two nations, neither shall They parted into kingdoms two be any more at all. ●an. 7. ●. I saw in the night visions, and one, behold, and see Like to the Son of man, came with the clouds of heaven, and He Came to the Ancient of days, they brought him near before Him. And there was given to Him, Dominion, and glore, And a Kingdom, that people all and nations each one, All languages, by right should Him serve: His Dominion Is a Dominion, which lasts for ever and for ay, His Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, nor pass away. The Prince Messiah is revealed clearly to Daniel The man greatly beloved, to him the Angel Gabriel Dan. 9 24. Reveals, the time determined to finish transgression, To make an end of sin, and for iniquities each one, A reconciliation to make, and in to bring An everlasting righteousness, the vision up to sign, And prophesy, and the holy, of holies to anoint. And to the time of cutting off Messiah he doth point. Hos. 3.5. After these desolations, Israel's children shall Return and seek the Lord their God; and they shall seek with all David their King, and they the Lord with reverence shall fear, And fear His goodness; this shall in the latter days appear. Hos. 22. ●. He took his brother by the heel, even in the womb, and by His strength he power had with God, behaved himself princely; And he had o'er the angel power and did prevail, and he Wept, and made supplication unto him earnestly: In Bethel he him found, and there He did speak with us all, Even the Lord God of hosts, the Lord is his memorial. Hos. 13.14. Them from the power of the grave I will by ransom free, And I will them redeem from death: O death, thy plagues I'll be. O grave, I'll thy destruction be from mine eyes hid shall be 1 Cor. 15.55. Repentance, Death, where is thy sting? Grave, where's thy victory? Death's sting is Sin; the Law sins strength, but to God praises be, Who, through our Lord Christ jesus, gives to us the victory. Micah 5.2. And thou Bethlehem Ephratah, although thou little be Among jehudahs' thousands, yet from out of thee, shall He Come forth unto Me, He who shall Ruler in Isra'l be. Whose go forth have been of old, even from eternity. vers. 4. And in IEHOVAH'S strength, and in the glorious Majesty, Of the Name of the Lord his God, stand, feed and rule shall He, And they abide shall: for now great to th'earth's end He shall be. And this Man he shall be the Peace, when our fierce enemy, The proud Assyrian shall come into our land, when he Into our stately Palaces shall tread triumphantly. Hag. 2.6. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, yet once, it's a short while, and I Will shake the heavens, and earth, and sea, and the land that is dry: And all the Nations of the earth shake and remove I will; And the desire of Nations all shall come, and I will fill This house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts: Silver to me Belongs, the gold is mine, thus saith the Lord of hosts most high. The glory of this latter house, shall be more glorious, And greater far, than ever was that of the former house, Sayeth JEHOVAH, who is Lord of hosts; and in this place Sayeth the Lord of hosts, I will most graciously give peace. Zech. 1.12. Then did the Angel of the Lord speak, and this answer gave, O Lord of hosts most high, How long wilt thou not mercy have Upon jerusalem, and on judah's cities each one, 'Gainst which thou hast these seventy years had indignation. The Lord the Angel answered that talked with me, who stood Among the myrtle trees, with words comfortable and good. Zech. 3.1. And he showed to me joshuah, the high Priest, who did stand Before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan at his hand, His right hand standing, to resist him. And the Lord this word Said unto Satan, Lord, rebuke thee, Satan, even the Lord, That chosen hath jerusalem, rebuke thee in his ire: Is not this a branch plucked out of the devouring fire? vers. 8. O joshuah, the high Priest, thou thy fellows also, hear, They who before thee sit, because they men of wonder are, Behold, I'll bring my servant forth the BRANCH. Behold, the stone That I laid before joshuah, seven eyes shall be upon One stone: Lo, I'll its graving grave, the LORD of hosts doth say, And I'll remove th'iniquity of that Land in one day. Zech. 6.12. Thus speaks the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold, the man whose Name The BRANCH is, and He shall grow up out of his place; the same Shall build the temple of the Lord; even He shall edify The Temple of JEHOVAH, and the glory bear shall Herald And shall sit, and rule on His throne, and on His throne shall He Be Priest, and the counsel of peace between them both shall be. Zech. 9.9. O Zions' daughter greatly joy, exult and shout on high, O daughter of jerusalem: Lo, thy King comes to thee. He's just, and hath salvation, a meek and lowly one, Riding upon an ass, a colt the ass' foal upon. Zech. 12.10. On David's house, jerusalems' inhabitants upon, I will pour out the Spirit of grace and supplication; And on Me whom they pierced, they'll look and mourn for Him, as one Mourns, and in bitterness is for an only first born son. Zech. 13.7. Against Him who my Shepherd is, awake, rouse up, O sword, And 'gainst the strong man, He who is my fellow, saith the Lord The Lord of Hosts, the shepherd smite, scattered shall be the sheep; And I'll upon the little ones my hand turn, them to keep. Mal. 3.1. Behold, I will my messenger send, and he shall prepare The way before Me, and the Lord, whom ye still seeking are Shall quickly to his Temple come, even He who is by right Messenger of the covenant, in whom ye do delight Behold, and wonder, He shall come, JEHOVAH this doth say, The Lord of hosts. But who is he who may abide the day Of His coming? And who shall stand when He doth appear? For He is like to fullers soap, like a refiners fire. And He shall sit as one who doth refine and purify Silver, and He shall purify these Levi's sons who be. And them as gold and silver purge, that being purged they Unto the Lord in righteousness an offering offer may. Then judah's and jerusalems' offerings shall pleasant be To the Lord, as in days of old, and in years formerly. Mal. 4.2. And unto you that fear my Name, the Sun of righteousness Shall rise with healing in his wings, and ye shall make progress, And grow up as calves of the stall, ye shall the wicked tread; For they ashes under the soles of your feet shall be made. Mat. 1.21. She shall bring forth a Son, and thou his Name shalt JESUS call; For He his people from their sins save and deliver shall. Mat. 3.16. And lo, the heavens were opened unto Him from above, And He the Spirit of God did see descending like a dove, And lighting upon Him. And lo, a voice from heaven came, Saying, This is my Son beloved, in whom well pleased I am. Mat. 11 25. I thank thee, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, for thou concealed These things from wise and prudent ones, and them to babes revealed. Even so Father, for so was the good pleasure before Thee. All things delivered over are of my Father to Me: None but the Father knows the Son, none but the Son doth know The Father, and he unto whom the Son wills him to show. O all ye weary, labouring one's, and loaden, and oppressed With heavy burdens, come to Me, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke on you, and learn of Me, for I am meek And in heart lowly; and ye shall find rest which ye do seek, Even rest unto your weary souls: for easy and benign My yoke is, and my burden is light, not a grievous thing. Mat. 28.18 And jesus came, and spoke to them, saying, Authority And Power all in heaven and earth is given unto Me. Go therefore, teach all nations, baptise them in the Name Of Father, Son, and holy Ghost: teaching them all these same Things which I have commanded you. And I, behold and see, Am with you still to the World's end. Amen, so let it be. Luke 1.31. Lo, thou shalt in thy womb conceive, and shalt bring forth a son, And thou shalt His Name JESUS call: He shall be a great one, And shall be called by this Name, Son of the highest One, And the Lord God shall give to Him his father David's throne. And He shall over jacobs' house, reign to eternity, And of that Kingdom which belongs to Him, no end shall be. Then Mary to the Angel said, How shall this be, since I Know not a man? And unto her the Angel did reply And said, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee wond'rouslie, And the power of the most High shall thee: Therefore also that holy thing, who is the most holy, Which shall be born of thee, the SON OF GOD, shall called be. V 69. The Lord the God of Israel hath raised up for us A strong horn of Salvation, in his servant David's house. vers. 78 Through the most tender mercies of our God most gracious, Whereby the dayspring from on high hath come to visit us. To them in darkness, in the shade of death who did abide, To give light, and into the way of peace our feet to guide. Luke 2.10. The Angel said to them, Fear not, for I, behold and see, Bring you good tidings, great joy, which shall to all people be. For unto you is born this day, in David his city, A Saviour, who's Christ the lord And this a sign shall be Unto you, Ye shall find the babe swaddled where he doth lie Into a manger. And there was with th'Angel suddenly, A multitude of th'heavenly host, praising God, saying still, Glory to God in th'highest, Peace on earth, to men good will. Luke 2. ●5. Lo there was in jerusalem, a man called Simeon, The same was just, devout, who for the consolation Of Israel did wait, on him the holy Ghost did breath. And by the holy Ghost it was to him revealed, that death He should not see, before that he had seen the Lord his Christ. And he came to the temple by the Spirit, who set that tryst: And when the parents did bring in the child jesus, to do To Him, after the custom of the Law; then he came too. Took Him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Now, O Lord, Thou lets thy servant go in peace, according to thy word. For my eyes thy Salvation have seen, which in thy grace Thou hast made ready, and prepared before all people's face: A light for revelation of Gentiles, to dispel Their darkness, and the glory of thy people Israel. Luke 3.15. And as the people in suspense and expectation Were, and all men into their hearts mused concerning john, Whether he were the Christ or not? john unto all replies, Saying unto them, I indeed with water you baptise. But one who cometh after me, mightier far than I, The latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to untie. He shall with th'holy Ghost and fire baptise, and make you pure; Whose fan is in his hand, and He will throughly purge his floor: And he together gather will into his barn the wheat, And will burn up the chaff with fire unquenchable and great. joh. 1.1 The Word in the beginning was with God, the Word was God, He was the true light. * v. 14. And the Word was made flesh, and abode Amongst us, we his glory saw, glory as of th'only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and verity. ver. 29. john seethe jesus unto him coming, and he did say, Behold, the Lamb of God, who doth take the world's sin away. ver. 41. He first his brother Simon finds, says to him, we have found The Messiah, who is the Christ, if you the Name expound. ver. 49. And answering to jesus words, thus said Nathanael, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel. joh. 3.16. For God hath so loved the world, that He his Son did give, His Son only begotten, that all who in Him believe Should not be lost and perish, but have everlasting life. ver. 29. He that the bride hath (I do mean,) the bride the Lamb his wife) Is the Bridegroom; but the friend of the Bridegroom, who stands by And heareth Him, he doth rejoice with joy exceedingly, Because of the Bridegroom his voice: this my joy is therefore Fulfilled. For I must decrease, but He grow more and more. He, He who cometh from above, He is high above all: He who is of the earth is of the earth terrestrial, And speaketh of the earth; he that comeh from heaven high, Is 'bove all; what He saw and heard, That he doth testify. And none His testimony doth receive: Ah very few! He who receives His witnessing hath sealed, that God is true. For he whom God sent, speaks the words of God; for God the Spirit Gives not in measure unto Him, but in fullness complete. The Father loves the Son, and hath in his hand given all; He that believeth on the Son, hath life perpetual. But He who doth not believe the Son, life shall not see; But God's most dreadful wrath abides upon him constantly. john 5.21. For as the Father doth raise up the dead, and them revive; Even so the Son whom e'er He will, these He doth make to live. For the Father without the Son, judgeth not any one, But hath given by commission all judgement to the Son. john 6.32. jesus said to them, Verily, Verily I avow To you, that Moses did not give that bread from heaven to you. But my Father in a free gift, that bread bestows on you, Which is from heaven above, the bread that real is and true. Because he is the bread of God, which from the heaven hy Descendeth, and unto the world life giveth graciously. ver. 35. I am the bread of life: He that comes to Me, never shall Hunger; and who believes on Me, shall never thirst at all. ver. 51. I am the living bread, which came down from the heaven high; If any eat of this bread, he shall live eternally. And the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give For the life of the world, that by my death the world may live. john 8.12. I am the World's light: he who Me follows upon my call, Shall not in darkness walk, but have the light of life he shall. I am the door; if any by Me enter in, he shall Be saved, and go in and out, and pasture find withal. joh. 10. ●. I am that Shepherd excellent and good, and know my own Most perfectly; also of these who are mine, I am known. As me the Father knows, even so the Father know do I. And for the Sheep I do lay down my life most willingly. ver. 27. My Sheep my voice hear, and I know them, and they follow Me; And I give them eternal life; and to eternity, They shall in no ways perish, nor shall any pluck or reave Them out of my hand; my Father, who them unto me gave, Is mightier than all, and out of my Father's hand none Is able for to pluck them: I and my Father are one. joh. 11. ●5. The resurrection, and the life I am; who doth believe In Me, though he were dead, yet he most certainly shall live. joh. 14. ●. jesus saith unto him, I am, the Way, the Verity, And the Life: No man comes unto the Father but by Me. joh. 15.1. I am the true, the real Vine, and my Father, even He Is th'husbandman. * v. 5. I am the vine, and ye the branches be. He who abides in Me, and I in him, the same doth bring Forth much fruit; for separat from Me, ye can do nothing. joh. 16.15. All things whate'er the Father hath, are mine; therefore to you I said, that He shall take of mine, and unto you it show. ver. 28. I from the Father did come forth, and I have come into The World; again I leave the world, and to the Father go. joh. 17.2. And thou hast given him power of flesh, that He to all Whom thou hast given to Him, should give life perpetual. And this is life eternal, Thee, the only true God, and jesus, the Christ, whom Thou hast se●● to know and understand. Acts 3.13. The God of our Fathers his Son jesus hath glorified; Whom ye delivered up, and Him in Pilat's face denied, When he thought to have let Him go, But ye the holy One, And just one did deny, and ye made your petition, That unto you a murderer might a free gift be made, And killed the Prince of life; whom G● hath raised from the dead, Acts 4.11. This is the stone so set at nought, and undervalved Of you the bvilders, which is now become the corners head. And in none else salvation is: No name else under heaven By which, in which we must be saved, hath among men been given. Acts 5.30. Our father's God raised jesus, whom ye slew, and on a tree Hanged, him God with his right hand exalted hath on high, To be a Prince and Saviour, repentance for to give To Israel, and all their sins to pardon and forgive. Rom. 1.3. Concerning jesus Christ his Son, our Lord, He who was made Of David's seed, as to the flesh; and was determined To be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit Rom. 9.5. Of holiness, by rising from death, which he vanquished quite. Of whom according to the flesh Christ came, who is most high, God over all, for ever blest. Amen, so let it be. 1 Cor. 1.30. Of him are ye in jesus Christ, who is of God to us Made Wisdom, Righteousness, that we may be made righteous; And made Sanctification, us for to purify; And made Redemption, that us He from all ill may free. That so according as it is said in the written word, The man that glorieth, let him glory into the Lord. 2 Cor. 5.19. God in Christ reconciling was to Himself graciously The world, imputing not to them their trespasses, and He Committed hath to us the word of reconciliation: We therefore as Ambassadors for Christ by our vocation, As though God you besought by us, we pray you earnestly In Christ his stead, that ye to God, would reconciled be. For He made Him who knew no sin, sin for us; that so we Who sinners were, the righteousness of God in Him might be. Eph. 1.20. Which He did work in Christ when he him raised from the dead, and Him in the heavenly places did set at his own right hand. Far 'bove all Principality, Power, Might, Dominion, And each name named in this world, and in that which cometh on. And all things whatsoever He subordinat hath made Under his feet; and He hath Him given for to be Head Over all things unto the Church, his body mystical, Which Church the fullness is of Him who filleth all in all. Phil. 2.5. Let this mind, which was also in Christ jesus, in you be, Who being in the form of God, thought it no robbery. To be equal with God; but of no reputation He made himself, and He the form of a servant took on; And He was in the likeness, and the habit of men made, And found in fashion as a man, He hath himself humbled, And He became obedient to death, even to the death Of the cross. Wherefore God also Him high exalted hath, And a Name above every name he hath unto him given; That every knee in jesus name should bow, of things in heaven, And in earth, and under the earth; and every tongue accord To say, to God the Fathers glore, that jesus Christ is Lord. Colos. 1.12. Thanking the Father who did us make meet, that so we might Partake of the Inheritance of the Saints in the light: Who from the power of darkness did us draw and liberate, And to the Kingdom of the Son of His Love us translate: In whom we have redemption, through His blood precious, Even the forgiv'ness of our sins. Who is the glorious Image of God invisible, and the first born by right Of every creature. For all were created by His might; Things in the earth below, and things into the heavens high, Visible and invisible, and whether Thrones they be, Dominions, Principalities, Or Powers whatsoever: As all things by Him, so all things for Him created were. And He is before all things, that have been or do exist: And all things that are in the world, in Him stand and consist, And of the Body, that's to say, the Church, He is the Head: Who the beginning is, He is the first born from the dead; That He in all pre-eminent might be, and pre-excell. For it the Father pleased, that in Him fullness all should dwell. 1 Thes. 1.10. And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Even jesus, who us from the wrath to come delivered. 1 Tim. 2.5. For there's one God, and one between God and men, for to tryst As Mediator most complete, even the man jesus Christ. 1 Tim. 3.15. The ground and pillar of the truth, and without all debate, The mystery of godliness is wonderfully great God manifest was in the flesh, He justified hath been, And cleared in the Spirit, He hath been of Angels seen, Unto the Gentiles preached was, and in the world believed And trusted on, and up unto glory He was received. Titus 2. 1●. Expecting for that blessed hope, th'appearing glorious Of the great GOD our Saviour, Christ jesus; who for us Himself gave, to redeem us from all our iniquity; And purge a choice folk, zealous of good works, His own to be. Heb. 1.1. At sundry times, in divers ways, God who spoke in times passed By Prophets to the fathers, hath in these times which are last Spoke to us by his Son, whom he of all appointed Heir; By whom also He made the World; who is the brightness clear Of his glory, and the express image, character bright Of his person upholding all by the word of his might: When He had by himself purged our sins most perfectly, ●eb. 4. ●4. Sat down upon the right hand of the Majesty on hy. Since than we have a great high Priest, who through the heaven is past, jesus the Son of God, let us hold our profession fast; For we have not such an high Priest, that cannot sympathise, And touched with the feeling be of our infirmities, But he was tempted in all points after the same likeness, Yet without sin; wherefore let us with boldness make address Unto the throne of grace, that so we mercy may receive; And find grace for that help, which in the right time doth relieve. ●eb. 7. ●. By so much as the Lord did swear, and will it not repent, jesus was made a Sur'ty of a better testament. 〈◊〉 24. But He, since He for ay abides, hath an unchangeable Priesthood, that passeth to none else; Wherefore He's also able To save unto the uttermost, for ever perfectly, Those who by Him come unto God; seeing eternally He lives to interceded for them: for such high Priest become Us, who is holy and harmless, Immaculate, and from These who are sinners separate: and is made higher far Than is the heaven in its height, or heaven of heavens are. Heb. 8.6. But now He hath a ministry obtained more excellent; For that He's Mediator of a better Testament: Heb. 12.1. Looking to jesus, the Author and finisher of Faith, Who for the joy before Him set, the cross endured hath, The shame despised, and sat down at the right hand of the Throne Of God; for Him consider, who such contradiction Endured, which against himself for sinners He did find; Lest we fainting into our minds, weary and fall behind. Heb. 13.20. Now He who is the God of peace, who did bring up again, Out from among the dead, the Lord jesus, who had been slain; The Shepherd of the sheep, who is Great and Magnificent, In the blood of the Covenant th'eternal Testament. 1 Pet. 1.18. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed and bought, With things corruptible, as gold and silver, which are nought, From your vain conversation, received by you as good, From your father's tradition, but with the precious blood Of Christ, as of a Lamb, without blemish, and without spot; Who verily was foreordained, when yet the world was not, But was for you in these last times clearly discovered, Who by Him do believe in God, who raised Him from the dead. And then He unto Him did give glory and honour high; To this end, that your faith and hope in God might placed be, 1 Pet. 5.4. When the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall into that day Receive a crown of glory, which shall never fade away. Rev. 2.1. These things saith He, who the seven stars in his right hand doth hold, Who walketh in the midst of the seven candlesticks of gold. 8. He who is first, and who is last, even He who dead hath been, And is alive. * 12. Who hath the sword two edged, sharp and keen. ver. 18. The Son of God, who hath eyes, which most powerfully shine, Like to a flame of fire, and His feet like to brass most fine. Re. 3.1. He who hath the seven spirits of God, and the seven stars. * Rev. 3.7. And He That holy is, and that is true, He that hath David's key, He that doth open, and no man there is that shuts; and when He shutteth, no man openeth, ver. 14. He who is the Amen, Who is the witness, the faithful, the true and trusty one, The beginning, who being gave to God's creation. Rev. 5.5. One of the elders saith to me, weep not: Behold and see, The Lion of jehudahs' tribe, the root of David, He Prevailed hath to open up the book, and to untie And unloose the seven seals thereof. And then behold did I, And lo, in the midst of the throne, and of the four beasts, and In the midst of the Presbyters, a Lamb as slain did stand, Having seven horns, and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God: Which by Commission are sent forth, to all the earth abroad; And He approached, and the book out of His right hand took Who sits upon the throne; and when He taken had the book, The four beasts, and the twenty four Presbyters down did fall Before the Lamb, each had their harps, Vials of gold withal With incense odoriferous replenished, which be The prayers of the Saints; and sing a new song cheerfully, Saying, Thou worthy art to take the book, and make it plain, In opening the seals thereof, because thou hast been slain, And by thy blood thou hast to God redeemed us each one, Out of each kindred, tribe, and tongue, people and nation; And hast made us unto our God, kings and priests; and we shall Reign on the earth. And I he held, and I did hear withal The voice of Angels many one surrounding the throne, and The beasts, and elders: the number of them was, ten thousand Times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying again With a loud great voice, Worthy is the Lamb that hath been slain To receive power, riches, strength, wisdom, honour, glory, And blessing: And each creature which is in the heaven high, And in the earth, and under earth, and such in sea as be, And all that are in them I heard, saying harmoniouslie, Blessing, honour, glory and power, to Him ascribed be, That sitteth on the throne, and to the Lamb eternally. And the four beasts did say, Amen. And th'elder twenty four Fallen down, and Him who ever lives did worship and adore. Rev. 8.3. Another Angel came and stood before the altar, he A golden censer had, to him much incense, yea many Incenses given were, that He should by donation Add these odours unto the prayers of all the Saints, upon The golden altar, which is placed before the throne of grace; And the smoke of the incense, which in the most holy place Came with the prayers of the Saints, ascended up apace Out of the Angel's hand, before the God of grace and peace. Rev. 19.11. I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse came in view; And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true: And He in righteousness doth judge, and makes war, as a flame Of fire his eyes, and on his head crowns many, and a Name He written had, which none (Himself excepted) understood, And He was with a vesture clothed, which dipped was in blood. And His Name's called, The WORD of GOD. And heaven's armies that shine Him followed on white horses, clothed in white clean linen fine. And out of his mouth goeth forth a sharp and piercing sword, That He should smite the Nations with it, that's with his word. And He shall feed and als rule them even with an iron rod; He treads the wine-press of the fierce wrath of Almighty GOD. He hath a Name pre-eminent, that's written in these words On His vesture, and on His thigh, KJNG of KINGS, LORD of LORDS: Rev. 22.13. I'm Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, The first and last, of whom all things are, to whom all things tend. 26. I jesus have mine Angel sent forth unto you, that He Into the churches, might these things witness and testify▪ I am the root of David, and David's kindly offspring, I am the star, the bright clear star, the star of the morning. To th'holy, holy, holy Lord, one God, in Trinity Of Persons, and Three Persons in one God in Unity. Glory unto the Father be, glory be to the Son, Glory be to the holy Ghost: blessed three in essence one. 2 Cor. 13: 24. The Grace of the Lord jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the Communion of the holy Ghost, with you all ever be. FINIS.