These are to give notice to all that occasionally are concerned herein VIZ. Booksellers, Stationers, Printers, Mathematisians', and Drawers Painters and Tillit-painters, Herauld-painters, Printers of Calicooes, Silks and Leather: either with Gilt or in several colours, Card-makers, Damaskers, Pin-makers, and all other persons that use Wooden Prints for what use soever, fine or course, viz. to beautify Books according to the method therein contained: also Tillit-Moulds, Card-moulds, Card-marks, Pin marks and all manner of Packing-marks, According to the fancy of the party requesting the same, these are to let you know, that there is one that is a freeborn Subject, and a Freeman of London and no Alien, by whom you may have your Prints exactly done, according to your own fancy at reasonable prizes, directly according to your own draught, or in case it be to furnish any new invention, or new translation into our mother tongue out of any other language, whereby it is impossible to attain any print to sit the same, by direction in writing from the owner, the draught shall be drawn and the Print exactly done without either troubling the owner to buy stuff or to charge him with plaining sitting and paring the same, whereby the work may be a broad and good salem de before they light into the hands of those; e that would counterfeit the same, which going through many several hands, hath occasioned no small loss unto many ingenious Booksellers and Printers; Also all Stationers or Booksellers that please, may have several forts of paper ready sitted for their sale, either in one two or more colors at reasonable prizes, with all sorts of flight frames for Coper prints, or any sorts of large frames for Limned pieces that are done to life, and also boards to paint standing Effegies to the life at the full height ready proportioned according to the workman's direction. Gentlemen and Artists; Although I am well known unto some particular persons of Booksellers and Printers. Yet still I am unknown unto the greatest number of you which caused me to make myself known unto you for these causes following, viz. For the common good and your benefit, for it is wellknown unto you all that time, age, and death, hath worn away the very chiefest Artists of this kind, of and in this our English Nation; for these causes as well as for mine own benefit. I am bold to present you with these Bills, which if excepted I shall remain your Servant John wilson. The same party will either make or Te●ch others to make any Real Modal of Waterwork; Either for public service or private secreation, viz. Fountains and Rocks with Artificial Coral to run real water in themselves so long as the water will keep sweet, of any form whatsoever, or draw any manner of draught for the same whereby any person may see the effect of his own Intentions before he be at vast chages with any manner of figure work: in what posture soever to move upon interchanges, on Rounds half Rounds quadern Rounds treanguler diamonds and all sorts of squares, these to be moved by Clockwork, Waterwork, wind or hand Ingine, with large Elevations of water perpendickuler upright six or eight foot high in Gardens or else where, with meeting moving Cloudwork to move by Clockwork in a freeze of Wainscot in many several forms: with the several changes of Scenes to the party's fancy either in small Cabinets or in larger forms as in Theatres and large bouths: with the making of the English, Dutch, French and the much admired Italian figures with their making moving and acting it is now about eight years since his Modols was shown in the Cities of London, Westminster, and Burrow of Southwark three years together one after another. These with many other delightful pleasant and profitable ingenious work with his twenty four years study and about fifteen years' practice therein with what his daily experience shall find out so long as God is pleased to give him life is now dedicated unto all that please to take Advantage of precious time and make use of him at reasonable prices. His dwelling place is in Cock and Hart yard by the Queens-head Inn near St. Margerets hill in the Burrow of Southwark. John Wilson joiner 〈…〉