The World turned up-side down OR, Money grown Trouble some. Showing the vanity of young men, who spend their youthful days in rioting and want oneness, which is undoubtely the Highway to want and Beggary, as you may plainly see in these following lines, wherein the Extravagant doth not only lament his misspent time, but also gives advice to others, to prevent tjose miseries which befell him by his profuse spending till too Late he sees his error. Tune of, Packington's Pound. I Am a young blade that had money good store But now by debauchery grown very poor When I had enough to have served my turn Oh then in my pocket my money did burn Then straightway I hunted to find out good fellows, And could not endure to be out of an Alehouse, But by Whoring and Drinking I now am undone, And now I am laughed at, by every one. And when I was drunk I must needs have a whore, By which means I quickly consumed my store; For I met with a Wench with her powderde locks, And she for my love furnish me with the Por: The pains were so great that I could not endure: The Thyrurgion he would be well paid for his cure. So by, whoring and drinking I quite was undone, And now etc. With strong protestations she howed'd to be true, Who was both a Whore and a Pickpocket to, And when she was gone, to the Tavern I went, To drink of the best than it was my intent: But when I my reckoning did come for to pay This whore she had stole all my Money away, So I got the Pox and my money was gone, And now etc. I' th' Alehouse and Tavern I took my delight, And seldme lay from them by day or by night; By which means I now am reduced so low, That I by their doors in danger do go: For now they no tell 'tis justice and reason They should have their money and I lie in Prison, Thus whoring & drinking it has me undone, And now etc. My Comrades with whom I my money had spent, And daily was used with them to frequent, They scoff and do jeer as I by them do go, And look an me as if they did me not know: Which adds to my sorrow, my trouble, and grief, yet cannot by any means find me relief: For 'tis whoring and drinking that has me undone, And now I am laughed at by every one. And since I do find how I now am despised I wish all young men would by me be advised, And if you in youth may be blessed with store, Oh! keep from an Alehouse and mind not a whore: And then you will find how your stock will increase, your lives he a comfort, your conscience at peace; But by whoring and drinking I now am undone, And now etc. The readirst road to destruction I think, Is for poor beedless young men like swine for to drink, for they by this means all their sense do drowned, And do both their souls and their bodies confound: For a man that is brunk has no reason at all, And into all Kind of temptation doth fall; For by whoring & drinking myself I've undone, And now etc. When a Whore doth but light of a man that's in drink his Coin is her own she doth presently think, She sawns on him then, and she plays with his hair And he being drunk is soon caught in a snare: But while she doth give him a kiss or a smile Be sure of his Money she doth him beguile: Thus by whoring & drinking I am quite undone, And now &. Then do not you question what I write to you, For woeful experience doth tell me'tis true, And I that for folly so dearly have paid Thereof would have other men be afraid: I heartily wish that my vain wanton doing Might prove as a means to prevent others ruin. For by whoring & drinking I am quite undone, And now & There's no man doth know but be that hath try When poverty comes how the friendship's denied; And those unto whom you were formerly kind, Greatest strangers will seen you will certainly find. But be wise in pour youth your friends will remain. Who, if you grow poor, will your folly disdain: For by whoring & drinking I am quite undone, And now I and laughed At by every one. Printed for P. Brooksby in West-Smithfield.