A Scotch SONG Sung at Tunbridge, Set to Music by Mr Ackroyd and exactly engraved by Tho: Cross. Wully and Georgy now beath are gean to see their louly Flocks a feeding Jenny and Moggy too followed them for fear they should be now a breeding out of London Town they a● did trip it down to play at new bopeep at Tunbridge Well but how they played or what they Said the De'el his sell can only tell. II. Moggy had bearns Four Five or Six but Jenny was a young beginner Sure to her trading now She will fix the Kirke has made her a young Sinner To London Town they're gean each with a muckle weam. And Georgy now to Scotland he must run. Far him we'll even take him De'el poor Jenny now is quite undone For the Flute.