THE WONDRUS FLITTINGE OF THE KIRK OF OUR B. LEDY OF LORETO. depiction of the Church of Loreto THE Kirk of Laureto was a caumber of the house of the blessed Virgin near jerusalem in the town of Nazaret, in whilk she was borne and teende up, and greeted by the Angel, and thairin also conceived and nourished her son JESUS whill he was twalle ȝear awed. This caumber, efter the Ascensione of our B. Seviour, was by the Apostles hallowed and made a Kirk in honour of our B. Ledy, and S. Luke framed a pictur to har vary likeness their ȝit to be seine. It was haunted with muccle devotione by the folk of the land whar it stud, als long as they were catholics; Bot when they forseckte the Christian faith, and went efter the error of Mahomet, the Angel's tooket, and set it in Sclavonia by a town nemmed Flumen; Whar net being honoured as it sold, they transported it over sea to a wood in the bounds of Recanati, belanginge to a neble dame called Laureta, frae whem it took it nem of our B. Ledy of Laureto; And thence again, for cause of many theifries, to a hill of twa brothers, in the same bounds; And lastly, for there striving for the gifts and oblations, to the high-roade neir-by, whar it ȝit stands marvelous for mirakels, and above ground without foundatione; Wharat the indwellers of the town of Recanati, wha came aft to sie it, meikle wondering; bigged a great brickwall about it; Ȝit caude ne man tel wherefrae it came first whill in the ȝeir M. CC.XC.VI. the B. V in sleipe reveled it to a helly devote man, and he telled it to diverse of authority in this place, when presently resolving to try the truth of the vizione, decried to find out saxteine parsons of credit, whem they sent altogather, to that end, to the town of Nazaret, garring them to bear with them the mesur of this Kirk, and to met it their with the foundatione whilk was yet to the fore; They found them baith alike, and in a brickwall thereby ingraune, that it head stud their, and head forgaune the place, and than, cuming back again, declared the forseide vizione to be true, and frae that tim fourth, it hes beine surly kend that this Kirk was the caumber of the B. V wharto Christens begun than, and hes ever efter head muccle devotione, for that in it daily she hes dun, and does, many and many mirakel. Anefrier Paul de Silua an Eremit of muccle godliness, wha woned in a cell neir-by this Kirk where daily he went to matin's, said, that for ten yeirs, one the eight of September, tweye hours before day, he saw a light descend frem heaven upon it, whlik he said was the B. V wha their shawed her self one the feast of her birth. In proof of all whilk, twa virtuous men of the said town of Recanati, many times avowed to me, Ruler of Terreman, and Governor of the foresaid Kirk, as followeth: Ane of them, nemmed Paul Renalduci, affirmed that his grandsires grandsire saw when the Angels brought it over sea, setting it in the foresaid wood, and head aft frequented it their; The other, nemmed Francis Prior, sicklik said that his grandsire, being a hunger and twantie yeirs awed, head also meikle haunted it in the same place; and for a mere sur testimony that it head beine their, he reported, that his grandsires grandsire head a house beside it wharin he dwelled, and that in his deyes it was beared by the Angels frae thence to the hill of the tweye brothers, whar they set it, as said is. To the glory of the most pure Virgin. IN LORETO Per Francisco Serafini. M.DC.XXXV. Con licenza de Superiori.