woodcut of rope-dancers At Mr. Barnes' Booth, between the Crown-Tavern and the Hospital-Gate, in the Rounds over-against the Cross Daggers in West-smithfield, where you will see the English Flag hang out on the top of the Booth, during the time of Bartholomew-Fair, is to be seen the Famous Rope-Dancers in Europe, being Four Companies joined in One, viz. the English, High-German, French and Morocco. By these incomparable Companies (all joined in one Booth) will be presented that Variety of Agility of Body, as Dancing, Tumbling, Vaulting and Walking the Slack Rope, the like was never seen since the Age of Man. 1. You will see the Morocco Woman and her Company, who Vaults upon the High Rope to admiration. 2. You will see the French Company, who perform things too tedious here to relate. 3. You will see the two Famous High-German Children, who are the Wonder of the World of their Sex, performing such things the like was never seen before. 4. You will see the English Company, Mr. Appleby and Mr. Barnes, who are the two Only Famous Men in the whole World, for Tumbling and Rope-dancing; where Mr. Barnes dances with a Child standing on his Shoulders, and two at his Feet, with Rolls, Baskets, Boots, Dutch-Scates, etc. and dances a Jig upon the Rope with such Variety of Steps, that few or no Dancing-Masters in England exceed him on the Ground, keeping exact time to the Music. He likewise walks the Slack-Rope, no bigger than a Penny-Cord, and swings himself several Yards distance, standing upright, with the Pole in his hand. Also you will see such Tumbling performed by the English Company, as throwing through Hoops, over Halberds, over 16 men's Heads, over an Horse with a Man on his back, and two Boys standing upright on his Shoulders. In short, there is no Agility of Body, as Walking, Vaulting or Tumbling, but what is performed in this Booth. You will likewise be Entertained with Good Music, and the Merry Conceits of Pickle-Herring and his Son Punch.