YOU perceive by His Majesty's Letters Patents for rebuilding the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's, how zealously His Majesty is concerned to have this so pious and charitable work effectually carried on: And to that end how earnestly both by His Royal Grant and Example He recommends it to all Cities, Towns and Parishes, throughout His Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales. In pursuance of this His Majesty's pious intention, and that it may have its desired effect, it will be requisite not only to vindicate the piety of this design, but also the necessity and reasonableness of so general a Contribution towards the accomplishing of it. For besides the Objections against so good a work, proceeding from disaffection to Religion in some, and from a covetous and sordid disposition of mind in others, there are likewise these Two great prejudices against it, which have too far possessed the minds even of better disposed persons. I. That the sumptuousness and magnificence of Churches is not at all suitable to the times of the Gospel, nor according to the simplicity of the primitive Christian-worship. II. That the Church of St. Paul's, belonging only to the City and Diocese of London, aught to be rebuilt solely at their charge, without having recourse to so extraordinary a way of supply and contribution from others who are no way concerned in it. First, It is objected against the work itself, That the sumptuousness and magnificence of Temples, and so much splendour in the outward circumstances of God's worship, is Jewish and ceremonial, and not so suitable to the spiritual nature and design of the Gospel, and the worship thereby required, which consists in the inward purity of our hearts, and the devotion of our minds and spirits: Nor so agreeable to the simplicity of the Primitive Christianity▪ which in things of this nature contained itself within the bounds of necessity and convenience; and therefore whatever is beyond these, may justly be deemed superfluous, and might much better be employed in Alms and works of Charity. For the removal of this prejudice we may please to consider, 1. That the public worship of God is a moral duty, founded in the light of nature, and the common reason of mankind. 2. That the public worship of God, though it doth suppose and require inward and spiritual devotion, yet as public is necessarily external, and as such aught to express, in the best manner we are able, that inward honour and reverence which we pay to the Divine Majesty: And therefore that the circumstances of it should not only be decent, but very solemn and magnificent, the light of nature seems plainly to require, and the Gospel doth no where gainsay. And that resolution of David, that he he would not offer to the Lord his God of that which cost him nothing; and the declaration which he afterwards made concerning the building of the Temple, that the House which is to be built to the Lord must be exceeding magnifical, was not a piece of ceremonial piety, but grounded upon a moral and eternal reason, of equal force in all ages and times, namely that which Solomon his Son gave to King Hiram why he designed so magnificent a Temple, that it might be in some measure suitable to the Greatness and Majesty of that God who was to be worshipped in it: The House (says he) which I build is great, for great is our God above all gods. Christians indeed are not tied to one place of worship, as the Jews were; but they are obliged to honour God as much as they, and to declare their high regard and esteem of so glorious a Majesty, by all outward fitting testimonies of respect and reverence. 3. That the mean estate and circumstances of Gods public worship in the beginnings of Christianity, was not the effect of choice but of necessity, and enforced upon Christians by their poverty and persecution; by reason whereof their worship was not only without splendour and magnificence, but without ordinary decency and the common conveniences of time and place; being usually performed in the night, in Chambers, and Grotts, and secret places; not because they thought this best, but because they could then do no better: As they sufficiently testified so soon as they were free from persecution, when every where with great zeal they raised stately structures for the public worship of God, and spared no cost to that purpose; believing it to be highly for the honour of Christ and his Religion, that men should declare their regard to Almighty God and the solemnity of his worship in this way. And surely they who from the obscurity and meanness of the places of public worship in the Primitive times, would draw a pattern for Churches in succeeding ages, may do well to consider, whether they would be willing that the poverty of the first Christians should be made the measure and standard of men's estates in all ages; because the force of the argument from bare primitive example is the very same in both cases. God is pleased to accept of that in case of necessity which he will disdain where men have the ability and opportunity to serve him after a better manner: While the People of Israel were in a persecuted and unsettled condition, God was content that his Ark should be placed in a Tabernacle; but when he had given them rest on every side, than David, from the natural reason and congruity of the thing, concluded it fit to build a House of rest for the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, and that exceeding magnificent: And God approved of his intention, telling him that he did well that it was in his heart to build such an House to the name of the Lord. 4. To warn us for ever against grudging at any extraordinary expense for the honour of Religion, as needless and superfluous; and especially from cloaking our covetousness with a pretence of charity to the poor: we may do well to consider how severely our Saviour reprehends his own Disciples for murmuring at that cost which the devout woman bestowed upon the Temple of his Body in pouring upon it an Ointment of so great price: To what purpose (said they) is this waste? this Ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. But our Saviour sharply reproves this sordid disposition of theirs; and what they called waste, he calls a good work, such as in its proper season is no less pleasing to God than charity to the poor. And to testify his high esteem and acceptance of it, he took particular care to have it recorded in the History of his own Life, that together with his Doctrine and Miracles the memorial of it might be celebrated in all ages to the end of the world: hereby teaching us, that we ought, under the Gospel, to honour God with our substance as well as to relieve the poor, and that magnificent acts of Piety have their place no less in the Christian Religion than the most liberal deeds of Charity. Secondly, It is objected against the general extent of this Contribution, That the Church of St. Paul's belonging only to the City and Diocese of London, aught to be rebuilt solely at their charge, without having recourse to so extraordinary a way of supply from others who are no ways concerned in it. In answer to this Objection be pleased to consider, 1. That the Inhabitants of London were not only exceeding great sufferers by the late dreadful Fire, but have since been at a vast and incredible charge in rebuilding of their own houses and Parish-Churches, their Hospitals, Halls and Royal Exchange, and in several other public works to the great honour and advantage of the City, and to the wonder and astonishment of the world, that in so short a space so great a City should rise so beautiful and glorious out of such vast and dismal ruins. 2. That the City of London and Counties adjoining have done for several years, and still do, towards this work, pay a particular Tax upon all the Coals brought into the Port of London: Besides which it is not doubted but they will be very exemplary in their voluntary contributions thereto. 3. That the City of London hath ever been found very charitable and bountiful, upon all occasions, towards the rebuilding of Churches and Towns in the Country, and the repairing of the fortunes of particular persons, that have been ruined by the like calamity of Fire: For which cause they hope it will not be thought unreasonable in them, for once to crave and expect the assistance of the Country upon so pressing and extraordinary an occasion, when they are utterly unable alone to support the burden and to defray the mighty charge of so great a work. 4. That the rebuilding of this Church is of very public concernment, and the whole Nation in some sort interested in it. Our Kings have used upon extraordinary occasions to resort to it, there to pay their solemn acknowledgements to Almighty God for public blessings and deliverances granted to this Nation: And the Preachers there have always been particularly appointed and chosen from both the Universities of this Realm, and from all parts of the Kingdom. And the glory of the work will also redound to the whole Nation; to which it will not only be a singular ornament, but likewise a standing monument of the public affection and zeal of this Protestant Kingdom to piety and good works. Which last consideration ought to have the greater force with us, because at this time, as much as ever, the Protestant Religion stands upon its reputation, and stands in need of it too. And therefore every one ought, with more than ordinary zeal, to be concerned for the carrying on of this work; not only for the honour of our Nation and the credit of our common Christianity, but also of our Reformed Religion: That there may be no pretence to upbraid us that error and superstition could make men more zealous of good works than the Doctrine of the true Religion; and that our Adversaries of Rome may be convinced, that our Piety is as generous and charitable as theirs, but would not be so arrogant and presumptuous; and that whilst we disclaim the merit, yet we do most steadfastly believe the obligation and necessity of good works. For the satisfaction of all Persons concerning the present state of the Building of the said Church, the following Abstract of it is hereunto annexed. St PAUL'S Church, LONDON. A Brief Account of the Receipts and Disbursements for the Rebuilding the said Church. l. s. d. l. s. d. l. s. d. Remained in Cash in the Chamber of London, the first day of May, 1674. (when the Work was first begun) upon the Coal Duty at 4d. ½. per Cauldron 12038 05 03 12707 01 02 40525 10 3¼ Upon free Gifts, Legacies, etc. 00668 15 11 Brought more into the Chamber aforesaid upon the said Duty of Coals, from the said first day of May, 1674. to the first of May, 1678. 18144 04 01½ 27888 09 1¾ And upon free Gifts, etc. 09674 05 00¼ Out of which hath been paid and disbursed in the said Building from the first day of May, 1674. to the first of May, 1678. including the Carting away of 28000 Loads of Rubbish; breaking up 11133 cubical yards of old Foundation Walls, with Scaffolding, and taking down old Walls, amounting to 4000 l. and upwards 33000 00 00 36000 00 00 Besides there is due upon a reasonable conjecture for Scaffolding and other Materials, Masons work not yet measured, the several Accounts not being yet Audited 03000 00 00 Imprimatur. Dat. xiv. Jun. 1678. H. LONDON.