A Description of the CAMP on Black-Heath, which begun on Thursday the 1st of July, 1697. ON Thursday the 1st Day of July 1697, the 7 Regiments of Foot marched to Black-heath in the County of Kent, about 6 Miles from London; in order to be Encamped, and having the Ground set out for the setting up their Tents; and on Thursday and Friday the 1st and 2d Days of July, the 7 Regiments of Foot came all into the Camp, than the Camp was full; which consisteth of 7 Regiments. Lieutenant Colonel Withers Brigadier for this Camp, acteth as chief. The distance of each Regiment as they are Encamped on the Heath is 24 Paces; and between the Regiments they are 36 Paces. The distance of the Foot Companies one from another, is about 4 Paces in the Front, and 12 Tents in File, two Foot between every Tent; in length 823 Paces from thence to the Brigadiers Tent. The Lieutenant's Tents are 15 Paces from the Soldiers. The Captain's Tents are 20 Paces from the Lieutenant's. The Colonels and the Majors are 20 Paces from the Captain's Tents. The Sutler's are 40 Paces in the Rear of all the whole Camp. THE SEVEN REGIMENTS ENCAMPED. schematic of the Blackheath encampment THE WHOLE ARMY DRAWN UP IN BATTALIA. 1. The King's Battalions 8 Companies. Lieutenant Colonel Withers Commander in chief to this Camp. His men is Red lined with Blue. 3. Colonel Titehcomes. His Men Blew lined with Buff. 13 Companies. 5. Colonel Cootes. His Men Red lined with Green. 7 Companies. 7. Colonel Farrington, his Men Red lined with Yellow 13 Companies. 6. Colonel Northcut. His Men Red lined with Green. 13 Companies. 4. Sir Henry Bellasis. His Men Red lined with Buff. 13 Companies. 2. Major General Stewards Fusiliers are Red lined with White. On the Left-Wing. 13 Companies. schematic of the battle lines Exercise of the Musket. ORder your Musket. Poise your Musket. Shoulder your Musket, Lay your right Hand on your Musket. Poise your Musket. Rest your Musket. Handle your Match. Blow your Match. Cock and try your Match. Guard your Pan. Blow your Match. Present and open your Pan. Give Fire. Recover your Arms. Return your Match. Clean your Pan with your Thumb. Handle your Primer. Prime your Pan. Shut your Pan with a full Hand. Blow off your lose Corns. Cast about to Charge. Handle your Charger. Open it with your Teeth. Charge with Powder. Draw forth your Scowrer. Shorten it to an Inch against your Right Breast. Charge with Bullet. Ram down Powder and Ball. Withdraw your Scour. Shorten it to a Handful. Return your Scowrer. Poise your Musket. Shoulder your Musket. Order your Musket. Lay down your Musket. Quit your Musket. Handle your Musket. Order your Musket. Exercise of the Pike. ORder your Pikes. Advance your Pikes. Charge to the Front. To the Right. To the Right. To the Right. To the Right. To the Right about. To the Left about as you were. Charge to the Left. To the Left. To the Left. To the Left. To the Left about. To the Right about as you were. Advance your Pikes. Shoulder your Pikes. Charge to the Front. Shoulder as you were. Charge to the Right. As you were. Charge to the Right about. As you were. Charge to the Left. As you were. To the Left about as you were. Port. Comport. Charge to the Front. Trail, facing to the Right about. Charge as you were. Advance your Pikes. Exercise of the Musq. & Pike together. SHoulder your Muskets. Musqueteers make ready. Advance your Pikes. Charge to the Front. To the Right. To the Right. To the Right. To the Right. To the Right about. To the Left about as you were. To the Left. To the Left. To the Left. To the Left. To the Left about. To the Right about as you were. Recover your Arms, Shoulder your Muskets. Order your Arms. Pikes to your inside Order. Lay down your Arms. Quit your Arms. Face all to the Right about. March clear of your Arms. To the Left about. March to your Arms. Handle your Arms. Order your Arms. Pikes to your outside Order. Poise your Muskets. Advance your Pikes. Shoulder all. March. London, Printed by G. Croom at the Blue-Ball near Bridewell-Bridge.