A COLLECTION Of all the STATUTES Now in FORCE, Against the Transportation of wool, &c. With NOTES in the Margin. HON SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE dieu ET MON DROIT LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceased, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1699. Anno XII. CAROLI II. Regis. An Act for Prohibiting the Exportation of wool, Woolfels, Fullers Earth, or any kind of Scouring Earth. FOR the better preventing and avoiding of such losses and inconveniencies as have happened, and daily do and may happen to the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, and to the Kingdom of Ireland, by and through the secret and subtle Exportation and Transportation, and by and through the secret and subtle carrying and conveying away of wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn, made of wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers Earth, and Fulling day, out of, and from the Kingdoms and Dominion aforesaid, and for the better setting on work the poor people and Inhabitants of the Kingdoms and Dominion aforesaid; And to the intent that the full and best use and benefit of the principal native Commodities of the same Kingdoms and Dominion may come, redound, and be unto and amongst the Subjects and Inhabitants of the same, and not unto or amongst the Subjects and Inhabitants of the Realm of Scotland, or of any Foreign Realms or States, as the same now of late in some great Measure hath done, and is further likely to do, if some severer punishment than heretofore be not speedily inflicted upon such offenders as shall be actors or assistance in and to such exportation and transportation, and in and to such carrying and conveying away thereof, as aforesaid; No person after the 14 of January, 1660. shall exportany Sheep or Wool, Woolfels. Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn, Woolflocks, Fullers-earth, or Fulling-clay. Be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty, the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That no person or persons whatsoever, from and after the fourteenth day of January, One thousand six hundred and threescore, shall directly or indirectly export, transport, carry or convey, or cause or procure to be exported, transported, carried or conveyed, out of, or from the Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or out of, or from the Isles of Jersey or Guernsey, with Sarke and Alderney, being under the Government of Guernsey aforesaid, or out of, or from any of them, or out of, or from the Kingdom of Ireland aforesaid, into any parts or places out of the Kingdoms, Isles or Dominion aforesaid, any Sheep or wool whatsoever, of the breed or growth of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland, or Isles, or Dominion aforesaid; Or any Woolfels, Mortlings, or Shorlings, or any Yarn made of wool, or any Woolflocks, or any Fullers-earth, or Fulling-Clay whatsoever; Nor shall directly or indirectly pack or load, Nor carry, load, or board any Sheep, wool, &c. or cause to be packed or loaded upon any Horse, Car or other Carriage, or load or lay on board, or cause to be loaden or laid on board in any Ship or other Vessel, in any Place or Port within the Kingdoms of England or Ireland, or Town of Berwick, or Isles, or Dominion aforesaid, any such Sheep, wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool or Woolflocks, or any Fullers-earth, or Fulling-clay to the intent or purpose to export, transport, carry or convey the same, or to cause the same to be exported, transported carried or conveyed out of the Kingdoms of England, or Ireland, Town of Berwick, Isles or Dominion aforesaid, or with intent or purpose that any other person or persons should so export, transport, carry or convey the same into any parts or places out of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, Town of Berwick, Isles or Dominion aforesaid, into the Kingdom of Scotland or any foreign parts. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no wool, No wool Woolfels, &c. after the 14 of January, 1660. to be carried out of Wales, Ireland, &c. Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, woolflocks, or any Fullers-earth, or Fulling day, shall be from and after the Fourteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred and sixty, exported, transported, carried or conveyed out of the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick, or Kingdom of Ireland or out of any Port or Place of the said Kingdoms respectively, unto the Isles of Jersey or Guernsey, or to Sarke, or Alderney except as in this Act shall hereafter be limited or appointed. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, The Penalties. That all and every the Offender and Offenders, Offence and Offences aforesaid, shall be subject and liable to the respective pains, penalties and forfeitures hereafter following, That is to say, The said Sheep, wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Woolflocks, Fullers-earth, and Fulling-Clay so exported, transported, carried, conveyed, packed or loaden contrary to the true intent of this Act, shall be forfeited, and that every offender and offenders therein shall forfeit Twenty Shillings for every such Sheep, and Three Shillings for every pound weight of such wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Woolflocks, Fullers-earth, or Fulling-clay; And also the Owners of the said Ships or Vessels knowing such Offence, shall forfeit all their interest in the said Ships or Vessels, with all their Apparel and Furniture to them and every of them belonging; And that the Master and Mariners thereof, knowing such Offence, and witting and willingly aiding and assisting thereunto, shall forfeit all their Goods and Chattels, and have imprisonment for the space of Three months without Bail or mainprize; the one moiety of which said penalties and forfeitures shall be to the Kings Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, and the other moiety to him that will sue for the same by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of his Majesties Courts of Record, or before the Justices of Assize, or in the general Quarter Sessions of the Peace: In which svit no essoin, protection or wager of Law shall be allowed. And be it further enacted That if any Merchant, The penalty upon any Merchant that shall transport wool, &c. or other person or persons shall after the said fourteenth day of January transport or cause to be transported any Sheep, wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Woollen-yarn, Woolflocks, Fullers earth or Fulling-clay, contrary to the true intent of this Act, and be thereof lawfully Convicted, That then he shall be disabled to require any Debt or account of any Factor or others, for or concerning any Debt or Estate properly belonging to such Offender: Provided always, Proviso. and it is nevertheless declared, That this Act, or any thing therein Contained, shall not be construed to take away any greater pains or penalties inflicted, or to be inflicted for any the offences aforesaid, by virtue of any former Act of Parliament now in force. And be it also further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Offences against this Act where to be tried. That every offence that shall be done or committed contrary to this Act, shall and may be inquired of, and heard, examined, tried, and determined in the County where such Sheep, wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Woolflocks, Fullers-earth, or Fulling day respectively shall be so packed, loaden, or laid aboard, as aforesaid, contrary to this Act, or else in the County where such Offenders shall happen to be apprehended or arrested for such offence, in such manner and form, and to such effect to all intents and purposes, as if the same offence had been wholly and altogether done and committed at and in such County. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person or persons whatsoever, They to be prosecuted within a year after the offence committed. shall at any time hereafter be impeached for any offence aforesaid, unless such person or persons shall be prosecuted within the space of one year next ensuing such offence committed. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any person or persons to seize, Any person may seize goods loaded contrary to this Act with intent to be transported, and shall have the moiety thereof. take and challenge to his or their own use and behoof, and to the use of the King, his Heirs and Successors, all and all manner such Sheep, wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Woolflocks, Fullers-earth, and Fulling-clay, as he or they shall happen to see, find, know or discover to be laid aboard in any Ship or other Vessel or Boat, or to be brought, carried or laid on shore, at or near the Sea, or any Navigable River or Water, to the intent or purpose to be exported or conveyed out of the Kingdoms of England, or Ireland, Town of Berwick, Isles or Dominion aforesaid, contrary to the true meaning of this Act, or to be packed or loaden upon any Horse, Cart or other Carriage, to the intent or purpose to be conveyed or carried into the Kingdom of Scotland aforesaid, and that such person or persons as shall happen so to seize, take or challenge any such Sheep, wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-earth, or Fulling-clay, as aforesaid, shall have the full moiety thereof to all intents and purposes. Provided always, Proviso, such person shall not be evidence against the offender. That such person or persons as shall make any such seizure or challenge, as aforesaid, to his or their own use, shall not be admitted or allowed to give in Evidence upon his or their Oath or Oaths against any person or persons which shall happen to be indicted, accused or questioned by virtue of this Act, or any thing therein contained. And furthermore be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, Forfeiture of the Ship, if the Owner be an Alien, or not inhabiting in England That all and every Ship, Vessel, Hulk, Barge or Boat, of what kind soever, whereof any Alien born, or whereof any natural born Subjects not inhabiting within the Realm of England, shall be Owner or part Owner, and wherein any Sheep, wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Woolflocks, Fullers earth, or Fulling-clay, shall happen to be shipped, put, or laid aboard contrary to the true meaning of this Act, shall be forfeited to the Kings Majesty, His Heirs and Successors. Provided always, That this Act shall not extend, to any Lamb-Skins ready dressed, and prepared fit and useful for fur or Linings. Provided also, Proviso That this Act shall not in any wise extend to the transporting carrying or conveying away of any such woolfels or Pelts, with such wool upon them, or to any Beds stuffed with Flocks, which shall be carried or employed in any Ship or other Vessel for neccessary use only, of and about the Ordnance or other thing in or concerning such Ship or Vessel, or only for the necessary use of any the persons in such Ship or Vessel passing or being, and which shall not be sold or uttered in any Foreign parts out of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland, England, Ireland, Berwick. or Town of Berwick, Isles or Dominion aforesaid; nor to the exporting, transporting, carrying or conveying of any Wether Sheep, or of the wool growing upon any such Wether Sheep, to be carried alive in any Ship or other Vessel, for and towards the only necessary Food or Diet of or for the Company or Passengers, or other persons therein, and for and towards none other purpose. Provided always, and be it further enacted, Proviso. That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to any such wool to be exported or transported out of, or from the Port of Southampton only, Southampon, Jersey, Guernsey. unto the aforesaid Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, by, or for the only use or behoof of any of the Inhabitants of the said Isles of Jersey or Guernsey, or either of them, or to any such wool to be shipped or loaden aboard in any Ship or other Vessel, by, or for the only use or behoof of any the Inhabitants of the said Isles of Jersey and Guernsey, or either of them, in the Port aforesaid, to be exported and transported into the said Isles of Jersey or Guernsey, or either of them; so as such person or persons that shall so ship or lay aboard such wool into any Ship or other Vessel, do before the shipping or laying aboard such wool, deliver unto the Customer, controller, Surveyor, or Searcher of the Port of Southampton aforesaid( out of which the same wool is to be exported) a writing under the Seal or Seals of the respective Governors of the same Isles of Guernsey or Jersey, unto which the said wool is to be transported, or of his or their Deputy or Deputies respectively, the which writing shall purport and express that the party name in such writing is authorized and appointed to export or cause to be exported out of the Port aforesaid, so much wool, expressing the number of the toes, to the same Isle, to be used or manufactured in one of the same Isles, or in some of the members or parts of the same, and that such party so authorized and appointed to export, or cause to be exported that wool, hath before the making and sealing of that writing, entred into sufficient Bond to his Majesties use for the landing of the said wool in that Isle. And to the intent that the quantity of wool to be exported out of the Port of Southampton aforesaid into the said Isles, or either of them, in any one year, accounting the year to begin from the first day of January next ensuing, and so yearly from the first day of January, may not exceed the quantity here under specified, that is to say, unto the Isle of Jersey, Two thousand toes and no more of unkeamed wool, and unto Guernsey, One thousand toes and no more of unkeamed wool, and unto Alderney, Alderney, Sark. Two hundred toes and no more of unkeamed wool, and unto Sark, One hundred toes of unkeamed wool and no more, every toad not exceeding Thirty two Pounds. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the governor of the said Isle of Jersey, or his Deputy, for whom he will answer, shall not make to any person or persons, any writing or writings such as is above specified, to authorize or appoint such person or persons, as aforesaid, to fetch, export or transport out of the Port of Southampton aforesaid, unto the said Isle of Jersey, in one year, accounting the year from the first day of January, One thousand six hundred and sixty aforesaid, any greater quantity of wool than Two thousand toes in any one year, and the governor of the said Isle of Guernsey, or his Deputy, for whom he will answer, shall not make to any person or persons, any writing or writings, such as is above specified, to authorize and appoint such person or persons, as aforesaid, to fetch, export or transport out of the port above specified, unto the said Isles of Guernsey, with Alderney, and Sark, in any one year, accounting the year from the first day of January, any greater quantity of wool than One thousand toes for Guernsey, Two hundred toes for Alderney, and One hundred toes for Sark, in any one year; and that the Customer of the Port of Southampton aforesaid, shall keep a true account of all the said quantity of wools so by him permitted to be loaden by virtue of this Act, and shall not permit any greater quantity of wools to be loaden than by this Act is prescribed, in any one year, to either of the said Islands respectively, under any pretence whatsoever, upon the penalty of the forfeiture of his place, and the sum of One hundred Pounds in money to him or them that will Sue for the same in any Court of Record, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed. And if any of the Governours aforesaid, or any of their, or either of their Deputy or Deputies of the said Isles, or either of them, shall give, grant, or make any Licence or Licences for Exporting from Southampton aforesaid, into the said Isles respectively, of any greater quantity of such wool than is before by the true meaning of this Act limited and appointed in that behalf; That then the respective governor or Governours of such of the said Isles shall forfeit and pay to the Kings Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, the sum of Twenty pounds of lawful Money of England, for every toad of wool which shall be so licenced to be exported, over and above the rate and proportion of wool in and by this Act, or the true meaning thereof, limited or appointed. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the respective Governours aforesaid, or their respective Deputies, or any of their Clerks, Officers or Servants, for the granting, making or sealing of every such writing of Licence as is aforesaid, and for the entering a Remembrance of the same into some Book, which they shall have and keep for that purpose, may have and take the sum of Twelve pence and no more, upon pain of forfeiting to the party grieved the sum of Five Shillings for every penny which shall be taken over and above the said sum of Twelve Pence in and by this Act allowed to be taken, and so after that proportion; the said penalty or forfeiture for the taking above Twelve Pence as aforesaid, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record at Westminster, or elsewhere, wherein no injunction, protection, privilege, essoin or wager of law shall be admitted or allowed. Anno XIV. CAROLI II. Regis. An Act against the Exporting of Sheep, wool, Woolfels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wooll-flocks, Fullers Earth, Fulling-clay, and Tobacco-pipe-clay. WHereas against the Laws of this Kingdom, great numbers of Sheep, and great quantities of wool, Wool-fels. Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-earth, or Fulling-clay are secretly exported, transported, carried and conveyed out of the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and Kingdom of Ireland, into the Kingdom of Scotland, and into foreign parts to the great decay of the Woollen Manufactures, the ruin of many Families, and the destruction of the Navigation and Commerce of the Kingdoms, Town and Dominion aforesaid, which is like daily to increase if some further remedy be not provided, and further penalties imposed upon the Offenders therein: Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That if any person or persons shall from and after the first day of August, One thousand six hundred sixty and two, Exporting or carrying of Sheep, wool, Wool-fels, Mortling, Shorlings, Yarn, Wool-flocks, Fullers-earth, Fulling-clay, out of England, Wales, or Ireland. directly or indirectly, export, transport, carry or convey, or shall cause to be exported, transported, carried or conveyed out of, or from the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or after the first day of January, One thousand six hundred sixty and two, out of the Kingdom of Ireland, into any parts or places out of the Kingdoms, or Dominion aforesaid, or into the Kingdom of Scotland, any Sheep or wool whatsoever of the breed or growth of the Kingdoms or Dominion aforesaid, or any Wool-fels Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, or any Fullers-earth, or Fulling-clay whatsoever, or shall directly or indirectly pack or load, or cause to be packed or loaden, upon any Horse, Cart or other Carriage, or shall load or lay on board, or cause to be loaden or laid on board, in any Ship or other Vessel, in any place within the Kingdoms of England or Ireland Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed aforesaid, any such Sheep, wool, Wool-fels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wool-flock, Fullers-earth, or Fulling-clay, to the intent or purpose, to export, transport, carry or convey the same, or to cause the same to be exported, transported, carried or conveyed out of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland, the Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed aforesaid, into the Kingdom of Scotland, or into any foreign parts, that then every such offence shall be adjudged Felony, Made Felony. and the offender or offenders being duly convicted, shall suffer and forfeit as in case of Felony. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Aiders and Assisters therein shall be adjudged Felons. That every Owner of any such Ship or other Vessel, and every Owner of every Horse, Cart or Carriage, upon which any Sheep, wool, Wool-fels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-earth or Fulling-clay, shall be so exported, transported, carried or conveyed, as aforesaid, or to any such intent or purpose, as aforesaid, knowing thereof, and being witting and willingly aiding, assisting or consenting thereunto, and also every Master and master of or in such Ship or other Vessel, wherein any such Sheep, wool, Wool-fels, Mortlings, Shorlings Yarn made of wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-earth or fulling-clay, shall be so exported, transported, carried or conveyed, or loaden or laid on Board, as aforesaid, to any such intent or purpose, as aforesaid, knowing thereof, and being witting and willingly aiding, assisting or consenting thereunto, and also every Factor or Servant, or other person whatsoever, and every Customer, controller, Waiter, Searcher, Surveyor, or other Officer, or person whatsoever, knowing thereof, and being witting or willingly aiding, assisting or consenting thereunto, shall be, and shall be adjudged and taken to be a fellow, and every offender or offenders therein being duly convicted, shall suffer and forfeit as in case of Felony. Offences against this Act, where to be examined and tried. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That every offence which shall be done or committed contrary to this Act, shall and may be inquired of, and heard, examined, tried and determined in the County where such Sheep, wool, Wool-fels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-earth or Fulling-clay respectively shall be so packed, laiden or lad on Board, as aforesaid, or else in the County where such offender shall happen to be apprehended or arrested for such offence, in such manner and form, and to such effect, to all intents and purposes as if the same offence had been wholly done and committed in the same County. Provided also, That every Baron, and other Peer of this Realm, which shall be indicted or accused as principal, or accessary in or to any offence made Felony by this Act, shall have his, her or their Trial, by his, her or their Peers Peers. as in case of Felony, at the Common Law. None to be impeached, unless within one Year next after the Offence committed. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no person or persons whatsoever, shall at any time hereafter be impeached for any offence made Felony by this Act, unless such person or persons shall be thereof indicted within the space of one year next ensuing such offence committed. And forasmuch as great quantities of wool, Woollen-Yarn, and Wool-flocks, are close packed and pressed together with screws, and other unlawful Engines, into butts, Pipes, Hogsheads, Chests and other Casks and Vessels, and into Sacks, gabs, and other wrappers made of wool or Linen, and under colour of Bales, Sacks, gabs, Packs and Casks of other Goods, and otherwise, great quantities of the same are daily loaden on Board of Ships or other Vessels, and so are carried, conveyed, exported, and transported out of the Kingdoms, Town of Berwick, and Dominion aforesaid; and also great quantities are daily carried and laid at, or near the Coasts of the Sea or some Navigable Rivers, into Store-houses and Barns, and by night are laid on Board of Shallops, and other Vessels belonging to Aliens, and so carried and exported out of the kinged ms, Town of Berwick, and Dominion aforesaid: screws and unlawful Engines for pressing together of wool, not to be used. Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of August, no person or persons shall press together with any screws, Presses or other Engines, into any Sack, Pack, bag or other Wrapper, or shall put, press, pack or stean any wool whatsoever, or any Yarn made of wool, into any Butt, Pipe, Hogshead, Chest or any other Cask or Vessel, upon any pretence whatsoever, or shall carry or lay, or cause to be carried or laid at or near the Shore or Coasts of the Sea, or of any Navigable River, or into any house or place near adjoining thereunto, any such wool, woolflocks, or Yarn made of wool, with intention to export, transport, carry or convey the same out of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland, Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or Dominion of Wales, into the Kingdom of Scotland, or unto any foreign parts, under the penalty The Penalty. of the loss and forfeiture of all such wool, Wool-flocks and Yarn made of wool, as shall be so packed or pressed, or put or laid into Cask, or carried or laid near to the Sea-Shore, or to any Navigable River as aforesaid, or the value thereof. Fulling day, Tobacco-pipe-clay, not to be exported. And whereas great quantities of Fullers earth or Fulling-clay are daily carried and exported under the colour of Tobacco-pipe-clay: Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no Tobacco-pipe-clay shall from and after the First day of August, One thousand six hundred sixty and two, be exported, transported, carried or conveyed out of, or from the Kingdom of England, Town of Berwick upon Tweed; or after the first day of January, One thousand six hundred sixty and two, out of or from the Kingdom of Ireland, or the Dominion of Wales, into the Kingdom of Scotland, or into any foreign parts, or into any Port or Place out of the Kingdom or Dominion aforesaid, under the penalty The Penalty. of Three shillings for every pound of Tobacco-pipe-clay which shall be exported or transported contrary to this Act. Packs of wool, Wool-fels &c. shall not be carried but in the day time. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of August, One thousand six hundred sixty and two, no Packs, Sacks, gabs or Cask of any wool, Wool-fels Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-earth, Fulling-clay, or Tobacco-pipe-clay, shall be laid or loaded on any Horse, Cart, or other Carriage whatsoever, or shall be carried or conveyed by land to or from any place or places within the Kingdom of England, Town of Berwick, or Dominion aforesaid, nor after the first day of January, One thousand six hundred sixty two, in the Kingdom of Ireland, but in the day time, and at seasonable hours( that is to say,) from and after the first day of March, to the nine and twentieth day of September yearly, between the hours of four of the Clock in the morning, and eight of the Clock in the evening, and from the nine and twentieth day of September, to the first day of March, yearly, between the hours of seven of the Clock in the morning, and five of the Clock in the evening, under the penalty the Penalty. of the loss and forfeiture of all such Goods, or the value thereof; the one moiety of all which Forfeitures mentioned in this Act, to be to the use of the King, his Heirs and Successors and the other moiety to him or them that will sue for the same by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any Court of Record, in which no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be admitted or allowed. Provided nevertheless, That this Act, Proviso concerning The Act. or any thing therein contained, shall not extend, or be construed to extend to Repeal disannul and make voided, any the Penalties, Clauses, or Provisoes mentioned in one Act of this present Session of Parliament, made against the transportation of wool, Wool-fels, Fullers-earth, or any kind of scouring Earth, or to the Prohibiting of the loading on Board any Ship or Vessel, of any Wether-sheep, wool, Wool-flocks or other Goods mentioned in this Act, that by the aforesaid Act is permitted to be loaden on Board of any Ship or Vessel, for the necessary Use and Provision of such Ship or Vessel, as aforesaid; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Proviso for Owners of Ships that have offended, and shall first discover the same. Provided always, That if any Owner of any Ship or Vessel, or any Master or master knowing of such transportation of such Sheep, wool, Wool-fels, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-earth Fulling-clay, or Tobacco-pipe-clay, shall within three months next after the knowledge thereof, or after his return into the Kingdom of England or Ireland or into the said Town of Berwick, or Dominion of Wales aforesaid, give the first information bona fide, before any of the Barons of either of the Courts of the Exchequer in England or Ireland, for the time being, or before the head Officer of any Port where he shall first arrive, upon his or their Oath, of the number and quantity of the Goods mentioned in this Act, so carried, conveyed and transported, and by whom, where and in what Ship or Vessel, and afterwards shall be ready upon reasonable warning by Process to justify and prove the same, That then such Owner and Owners, Master, master and Mariners shall not be punished for Felony by virtue of this Act, but shall nevertheless be subject, to all other Penalties and Forfeitures in this or any other Act contained, for the Offence aforesaid; and all such exportation, transportation, carrying or conveying of any the Goods, Common nuisance. wears or Commodities in this Act mentioned, is hereby declared and adjudged to be a Common and public nuisance. And for the better execution of this Act, Be it further enacted, Who may hear and determine the same Offences. That all Justices of Assize, Justices of Goal-delivery, and Justices of Peace, shall inquire of all the premises in their General Quarter-Sessions, and hear and determine the same; and that all Mayors, Bailiffs, and other Head Officers of Cities, Boroughs and Towns, not having Jurisdiction to try Felony, shall inquire of all and every offence within this Act not made Felony, and hear and determine the same. Anno Primo GULIELMI & MARIAE. An Act for the better Preventing the Exportation of wool, and Encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom. WHereas through the remissness and Negligence of Officers and others in not putting the Laws in execution against the exportation of wool, Preamble Wooll-fells Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wooll-flocks, Fullers-Earth, Fulling-Clay, and Tobacco-Pipe day; And also by reason of the doubtfulness of some Expressions in the Statute made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, divers great quantities of wool and other the things above mentioned, have been Exported out of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, into France, and other parts beyond the Seas, which if not prevented for the future will tend to the utter ruin and Undoing of many Thousands of Their Majesties Subjects, and the great diminution of the Trade of this Kingdom; For Preventing whereof, and for the better Explanation and Execution of the Laws made against the said Exportation; And for preventing Frauds generally Practised to avoid the Penalties therein mentioned, Be it Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, and by the Authority of the same, wool carried to the Sea-Coasts to be Entred. That all and every Owner of wool, or their Agent or Agents, that shall at any time Carry or cause to be Carried any wool to any Port or Place on the Sea-Coasts, with an intention to Convey the same to any other Port or Place on the Sea-Coasts within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or from the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, from whence the same may be Shipped off, or otherwise Transported, Conveyed, or Carried into Foreign Parts, That the said Owner or Owners shall in the first place cause a due Entry to be made of the said wool, at the Port from whence the same shall be so intended to be Conveyed, containing the exact Weight, Marks and Numbers of the same, before he or they presume to Load or Carry away any of the said wool, within Five Miles of any such Port or Place on the Sea-Coasts from whence the same is so to be Conveyed. Penalty And if any wool shall be carrying towards the Sea without being first Entred in manner aforesaid, the wool so found, as also the Horse or Horses, Cart, wagon or other Beasts, or Carriages conveying the same, shall be forfeited and lost: And the Person or Persons Carrying, Driving, Aiding or Abetting the same, shall suffer and forfeit in such manner as by the Laws and Statutes now in force against the Exportation of wool is provided. Provided always, and it is hereby Enacted and Declared, That the foregoing Clause is not intended, Persons carrying wool from Shearing to certify nor shall be Construed to extend to the hindering any Person or Persons, from carrying his or their wool from the place of Shearing the same on Horses, or by Carts and wagons to his or their own dwelling-House or Houses, or Out-houses thereunto belonging, though the same be within Five Miles or less of the Sea, so as such person or persons, within Ten days after the shearing of the said wool, and before he or they remove or otherwise dispose of the same, or any part thereof, from the place where it was first carried after Shearing, do under his or their hands certify to the Officer of the Customs in the next adjacent Port the true Quantity of the said wool,( that is to say) of the number of Fleeces, and where the same is housed, and that such person or persons do not remove or otherwise dispose of the said wool to any other place, without first certifying the Officer of such Port, under his or their hands, of his intention to remove the same, Three Days at least before such removal. And the Officer and Officers in the respective Ports, Register of the Certificates. and the Limits of such Ports, are hereby required to receive and keep such Certificates, and to make a Register of them. But in case any such person or persons shall neglect to make and sand such Certificate to the Officer or Officers of the next adjacent Port, as aforesaid, or shall remove, or otherwise dispose of any of the said wool, before such certificate of his intention so to do, be made and delivered, as aforesaid, such person or persons shall have no benefit by this Proviso, but be liable to the Penalties expressed in the foregoing Clause. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Cocquet and certificate how to be made. That all Cocquets for carrying wool from any Port within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales or from the Port of Berwick upon Tweed, shall be written upon Paper and not Parchment, and Signed by Three of the chief Officers of such respective Port at least; And all Certificates of Landing the same again in any other of the said Ports, or from the Kingdom of Ireland, shall be Signed in like manner; And that all such wool, both at Shipping and Landing, shall be Weighed in the presence of the said Officers, giving such Cocquets and Certificates respectively; And that the exact Weight, Marks, and Numbers of such wool, so Shipped and Landed, shall be likewise particularly expressed in both Cocquet and Certificate. And be it further Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid, Officers Penalty. That all and every such Officer or Officers as shall not observe the Directions in this Act before mentioned on their parts to be performed, shall be deemed, and adjudged as Aiders and Abettors of the said Transportation, and suffer the Penalties contained in the Statutes made in the Twelfth, and Thirteenth and Fourteenth Years of King Charles the Second, against Transportation of wool, and other the things before mentioned. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Ports of Import- and Export. That no wool shall be Shipped from the Kingdom of Ireland, but from these Ports following, ( viz.) Dublin, Waterford, Youghall, Kingsale, Cork, and Drogheda; And that no wool shall be Imported from the Kingdom of Ireland, into any Ports but these following, ( viz.) Liverpoole, Chester, Bristol, Minehead, Barnstaple, Bidiford, and Exeter. And for the better and more effectual Execution of this and other Acts made against Exportation of wool, Commissioners to execute the Act. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Pilkington Lord Mayor of the City of London, Sir Henry Goodrick Baronet, Sir Patience Ward Knight, Sir Matthew Andrews, Knight, Sir Benjamin Newland Knight, Sir John Matthews Kt. Sir Peter Rich Knight, Sir Robert Dashwood, Sir William Portman Knight and Baronet, Sir Henry Ashhurst Baronet, Sir Willam Ashhurst Knight, Sir Richard Newdigate, Sir John Fleet, William harboured, John Summers, John Sandford, Foot Onslow, John Pollexfen, Richard Brett, William Cranmore, Edward montague, Esquires, Samuel Hassel, William Hassel signior, John Parish, John Voyer, John Gibbon, Barnard Carter, Gentlemen, Mr. montague of Horten, Sir Thomas Samuel Baronet, William Dugdale Esq John Astley of Woley Esq Sir William Langham, Sir John poly Knight, Sir Benjamin Aylo ye Baronet, Sir Robert Jefferies Knight, Sir John Lethuellier Kt. Sir Gabriel Roberts Knight, Sir Samuel Dashwood Knight, Sir Thomas Vernon Kt. Nathaniel Tench, William Hussey, Thomas Canham, William Gore, Hugh Strode, Samuel Meverell, John Smith, Thomas Firmin, Arthur Moore, William Crouch, Thomas Heatly, Thomas Sandys, William Jolly, Esquires, Paris Slaughter, Henry Cornish, John Devinck, Richard Scott, David Prole, Thomas Crandall, Philip Bickly, John Paris, Richard Harrison, John Bustfeild, John Haines, Edward Bickly, Nicholas Broking, William Stanford, Benjamin ivy, Daniel ivy, Andrew Jeffery, Thomas Turner, Peter Parr, Henry Newcomb, Joseph Prince, Matthew Ferris, William Spry, John Keese signior, John Monkly junior, William Wrayford, John Youat, Robert Foster, John Lavington, Thomas Potter, Robert Burridge, John Upcott, John Smith, John Mudford, or any Five of them, be authorised for putting this and other the said Laws in execution; who are hereby empowered from time to time, by their Agents or Substitutes, to be deputed under the Hands and Seals of any Five or more of them, to seize all wool, Wooll-fells, and other the things above mentioned, which shall be endeavoured to be Transported contrary to this Act; and also to sue and prosecute all Persons offending against this or any the said Laws; Any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided always, That if any Owner of any Ship or Vessel, Owner of Ships, &c. discovering, their Reward. or any Master or mariner knowing of the Exportation of any Sheeps-Wooll, Wooll-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, wool flocks, Fullers Earth, Fulling-Clay, or Tobacco-Pipe day, contrary to the true meaning of this and the other Acts above mentioned, shall within Three Months, next after the knowledge thereof, or after his return into the Kingdom of England or Ireland, or to the said Town of Berwick, or into the Dominion of Wales aforesaid, give the first Information bona fina, before any of the Barons for the time being of the Court of Exchequer in England, or the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, or before any Three of the Commissioners appointed by this Act, for the more effectual putting in execution this and other Laws made against the Exportation of wool, or before the Head Officer of any Port where he shall first Arrive, upon his or their Oath, of the Number and Quantity of such Sheeps-wooll, Wooll-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wooll-Flocks, Fullers-earth Fulling day, or Tobacco Pipe day, so Carried, Conveyed or Exported, as aforesaid, and by whom, where, and in what Ship or Vessel, and afterwards shall be ready upon reasonable warning, by Process to justify and Prove the same, That then such Owner and Owners, Master, master and Mariners, shall not be liable or subject to any the Penalties or Forfeitures in this or any other Act contained or Enacted, for the Offence aforesaid, but shall and is hereby enabled to recover and receive such Benefit and Advantages as is appointed to be allowed by the precedent Act or Acts. Provided nevertheless, That the Powers given to the said Commissioners shall not hinder any Person or Persons lawfully authorised from seizing wool, Persons authorised may seize, &c. or prosecuting any Person Offending against this or any former Act made against the Transportation of wool, and other the things above mentioned And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Action, Bill, Plaint, svit or Information shall be Commenced or Prosecuted against any Person for what he shall do in pursuance of this Act, Persons Prosecuted may pled the general Issue. such Persons so Sued shall and may file a Common Bail, or enter into a Common Appearance, and pled the general Issue, Not Guilty; And upon Issue joined, may give this Act in Evidence; And if the Plaintiff or Prosecutor shall become Nonsuit, or suffer Discontinuance, or if a Verdict pass against him, or if upon a Demurrer judgement pass against him, the Defendant shall recover triple Costs and Damages for his Molestation. And for the better Execution of the Powers granted by this Act, A Register of wool. Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That a Register be kept at the Custom house, London, of all the wool from time to time Imported from Ireland; And also of what wool shall be sent from one Port to another in this Kingdom; The particular Weights and Numbers, the Ship, Masters name, Owners name, and to whom Consigned; To the end the said Commissioners appointed to put this Act in Exexution, may have an Inspection thereinto, or Copies thereof from time to time This Act to continue for Three Years, Continuance of the Act. and from thence to the end of the next Sessions of Parliament. And for the better Encouragement of the Manufacture, as well as the Growth of wool, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Woollen Manufacture may be exported. That from henceforward it shall and may be lawful to, and for any Person or Persons whatsoever, to buy any Cloth, Stuffs, Stockings or other Manufacture of wool made in the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and the same freely, without any Molestation or Trouble whatsoever, to Export into any parts beyond the Seas, paying the usual Customs. Provided, Saving to the Companies Charters. That nothing contained in this Act, shall be construed to avoid the Charters and Grants made to the Levant Company, to the Eastland Company, to the Russia Company, to the African Company, or to the privileges granted to them, or any of them. Provided also, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to Transport from the Port of Southampton only, wool from Southampton only may be transpored to- Guernsey, &c. for the only use or behoof of the Inhabitants of the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Sarke, and of the Woollen Manufactures there made, One thousand toes of unkembed wool for the iceland of Guernsey, Two thousand toes of unkembed wool for the iceland of Jersey, Two hundred toes of unkembed wool for the iceland of Alderney, and One hundred toes of unkembed wool for the iceland of Sarke, more than by the said Act made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second is Directed and Provided for the same, to be done according to the same Rules, Orders and Directions and under the like Penalties and Forfeitures as in the said Act is Directed, Ordained, Appointed and Inflicted, and on the further Penalty of Twenty pounds for every toad of wool, and Forfeiture of the wool itself( one half thereof to His Majesty, one quarter part thereof to the Informer, and the other quarter part to the Poor of the said Islands) in case any Person shall again Transport, or attempt to transport any of the said wool, from the said Islands, for every Offence therein; And also that every Person so offending, shall from and after the First Offence be incapable of having or enjoying any Grant of any wool from the said Port of Southampton, nor shall ever hereafter have any Warrant given or granted him for that purpose; The said Penalties to be recovered by such Person as shall Sue for the same by any Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection, privilege, Wager of Law, Injunction or Order of Restraint is to be allowed, or any more than one Imparlance. Anno VII & VIII. GULIELMI III. Regis. An Act for the more Effectual Preventing the Exportation of wool, and for the encouraging the Importation thereof from Ireland. WHereas several Laws have been made to prevent the Exportation of wool, Preamble. yet nevertheless, the said Exportation is still continued, whereby daily Mischiefs and Evils do happen, and a Correspondence with France is maintained, to the great prejudice of the Government, and discouragement of the Manufacture of this Kingdom. And whereas in the First year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, there passed an Act, entitled, An Act for the better preventing the Exportation of wool, and encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom, which Act was continued, by an Act made in the Fourth and Fifth years of King William and Queen Mary, entitled, An Act for Reviving, Continuing and Explaining several Laws therein mentioned, which are Expired and near Expiring, and will now soon Expire. And whereas for preventing the said Mischiefs, W. & M. continued; except what is hereby altered, &c. it is necessary the said Act should be continued, Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said Act, and every Clause, Matter and Thing therein contained( except what is hereafter otherwise altered, explained or repealed) shall continue and remain in full force, as if the same were herein and hereby particularly recited and mentioned. And whereas the Statute of the thirteenth and fourteenth of King Charles the Second, So much of the Act 13 & 14 Car. 2. as makes Exporting wool Felony, repealed. made against the Exportation of wool, among other things in the said Act mentioned, doth Enact the same to be deemed Felony; by the severity of which Penalty the prosecution of Offenders hath not been so effectually put in Execution: Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That so much of the said Act which relates to the making the said Offence Felony, be repealed and made voided. And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That for the better encouragement of the Importation of wool from Ireland, Ports of Import and Export. that it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons whatsoever, from the place or places in the said Act limited, to Import into England from Ireland, any quantity or quantities of wool to any the Ports hereafter-mentioned( that is to say) Whitehaven in the County of Cumberland, Leverpoole, Chester, bristol, Bridgwater, Minehead, Barnstaple and Biddiford, and to no other; any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Commissioners of the Customs in- Ireland, shall transmit partculars of all wool exported thence for England. That the Commissioners or Farmers of the Customs in the Kingdom of Ireland for the time being, shall from time to time, and at all times hereafter, once every six months, transmit or cause to be transmitted unto the Commissioners of His Majesties Customs in England, a true account of all such wool as shall be from time to time Exported from any of the places within the said Kingdom of Ireland, from whence the same may be Exported, the quantity and weight thereof, and by whom, and in what Ships exported, and where Consigned, and the Names of the persons signing the Certificates of the Landing the same in England, and the Date of the said Certificates, and where the same was Landed, as also the quantity and weight contained in the said Certificates; in Order that the same may be compared with the Account by the said Act appointed to be kept by the Commissioners of the Customs of this Kingdom. And for preventing the Mischiefs of Razing, Obliterating or Interlining such Certificates, as aforesaid, Certificates on Paper. Be it further Enacted, That all Certificates given for the Landing of wool from Ireland, or from one Port to another in England, shall be written upon Paper and not Parchment, and that the quantities therein expressed shall not be obliterated or Interlined upon any pretence whatsoever. And whereas the several Inhabitants of the several Counties and Shires of this Realm, Clause to prevent carrying wool to Scotland. next adjoining to the Kingdom of Scotland, and to the Sea-Coasts, do reap great profit and advantage by the carrying out of wool, Wooll-fells Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of wool, Wooll-flocks, Fullers-earth, and Souring-clay into the said Kingdom of Scotland, and Exporting of them into France, and other parts beyond the Seas, to the great prejudice and decay of the Woollen Manufacture of this Realm: No wool &c. shall be carried by land near the Borders of Scotland, or within five miles of the Sea, but between Sun and Sun. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of May, in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred ninety six, no wool, or any other of the Commodities aforesaid shall be laid or loaden on any Horse, or other Carriage whatsoever, or shall be carried or conveyed by Land, to or from any place or places within the said Counties next adjoined to the said Kingdom of Scotland, or within five miles of the Sea cost, as aforesaid, but between Sun-rising and Sun-setting, under the Penalty and Forfeiture of the said Commodities, and of the said Horses, and other Cattle and Carriages employed in carrying the same; Penalty. and that no Ship or Vessel shall export or carry the same into any part beyond the Seas, under the Penalty and Forfeiture of the said Commodities, Ship and Vessel, and triple the value thereof, with triple Costs of svit; and the Inhabitants of the respective Hundred, Port or Place exempt, next adjoining to the said Kingdom of Scotland, or to the Sea-Coasts out of, or through which any wool, The Penalty upon the Hundred or Port. or any other of the Commodities aforesaid, shall be so carried or exported, shall forfeit Twenty pounds, if the said wool so carried out or exported, shall be under the value of Ten pounds, but if it shall be of greater value, then triple the value thereof so exported, or carried out of the said Kingdom, as also triple Costs of svit; all which said Penalties, Forfeitures, and Costs of svit, are to be recovered and received by him or them that shall Sue for the same, and to be prosecuted by any Action of Debt, svit, Bill, Plaint or Information, against the Inhabitants of such Hundred, Port or Place exempt, out of, or through which the said wool, or other Commodities shall be exported, in any of his Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster, where no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law shall be allowed, nor any more than one Imparlance. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Execution for the Informer, shall be had on the Hundred, as in case of Robbery, by Stat. 27. Eliz. cap. 13. That the Execution for the Informer, shall and may be had against two or more of the said Inhabitants; and that after Execution had by force of this Act, it shall and may be lawful( upon complaint made by the Party or Parties so charged) to and for the Justices of the Peace of the same County or Place, where any such Execution shall be had, at their General Quarter-Sessions to be held for the said County or Place, to Assess and Tax rateably and proportionably, according to their Discretions, all and every the Towns, Parishes, Villages and Hamlets in the said Hundred, Port or Place exempt, in the same manner and form as any Hundred ought to be charged in case of Robbery committed, for the persons against whom Execution shall be had for the person so Robbed, pursuant to an Act made in the Seven and twentieth Year of Queen Elizabeth, entitled, An Act for the Following of the Hue and Cry; And that the Justices of the Peace of the said County or Place where such Fact shall be committed, shall and are hereby impowred and required at their General Quarter-Sessions, to be held for the said County or Place, to levy the Penalties hereby charged upon the said Inhabitants by an equal Assessment upon the said Inhabitants, and reimburse such person or persons, Inhabitants within the said Hundred, Port or Place exempt, adjacent to the Kingdom of Scotland, or the Sea-Coasts, from whence the said wool, or other the said Commodities shall be transported, in the same manner, as if there had been a judgement at Law against the said Hundred, Port or Place exempt. And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, Aiders or Abetters shall suffer three years Imprisonment. That all persons who shall be aiding, abetting or assisting in carrying or exporting any of the said Commodities out of this Realm, as aforesaid,( being legally convicted thereof) shall suffer Three years Imprisonment, Owners shall answer triple the value to the Inhabitants. without Bail or Mainprize, and the Owner of the said wool, or of any other of the Commodities aforesaid, and all and every person or persons who shall be aiding, abetting or assisting in carrying or exporting of them or any of them out of this Kingdom, shall answer and satisfy triple the value of all such Forfeitures and penalties which such Inhabitants shall be so charged with, triple costs of svit. and liable to, as also triple Costs of svit; which shall and may be recovered by Action of Debt, svit, Bill Plaint or Information in any of his Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster, How recoverable. wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed nor any more than one Imparlance, by, and in the Name of the Clerk of the Peace for the time being, of, or for every such County or Place, without naming the Christian Name, or surname of the said Clerk of the Peace; which triple Value and triple Costs of svit, shall be to the only use and behoof of the said Inhabitants; and that notwithstanding the Death or removal of any such Clerk of the Peace after such Action of Debt, svit, Bill, Plaint or Information, sued, commenced or preferred, the same shall be prosecuted and pursued to judgement and Execution, in such manner and form, to all intents and purposes, as that Clerk of the Peace might have done which first commenced or preferred the said Action of Debt, svit, Bill, Plaint or Information. And for the better and more impartial trials of all such Actions and Informations which shall be commenced or prosecuted by virtue of this Act, Jury shall be of any other County than that wherein the Fact was committed. Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such Actions and Informations shall be tried in any of his Majesties Courts of Record, by a Jury of good and lawful freeholders, to be summoned out of any other Country than that wherein the Fact shall be committed, and to encourage persons to discover the said Crime, The three first Aiders informing indemnified, the first three persons who have been aiding, abetting or assisting in carrying out or exporting of wool, or any other of the Commodities, as aforesaid, that shall inform thereof any justice of the Peace in either of the said several Counties aforesaid, whereby the Punishment and Penalties appointed by this Act, may be inflicted and recovered, the Party or Parties so discovering( not being Owner or Part Owners of the said wool or other Commodities aforesaid) shall not suffer any of the said Penalties or Punishment. except the Owners. Action against Justice of Peace, &c. shall be in the proper County. Provided always, and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Action or svit shall be brought and prosecuted by any person or persons against any Justice of Peace, or other person employed by them or any of them, in the execution of this Act, for any Matter, Cause or Thing by them, or either of them done, committed or executed by virtue or reason of this Act, or any Clause or Article therein contained, That then and in every such Case, the Action shall be levied in the proper County where the Fact was done and committed, and not elsewhere; and the Defendant or Defendants may pled the General Issue, and give the special Matter in Evidence at the trial, That the same was done in pursuance, and by Authority of this Act; And if upon examination it shall so happen to be done, the Jury shall find for the Defendant or Defendants; and in such case, or if the Plaintiff shall be Nonsuit, or discontinue his Action after the Defendant or Defendants hath or have appeared, the Defendant or Defendants shall have and recover their triple Costs, which he or they shall sustain, or be put unto by reason of his or their wrongful Vexation in defence of the said Action or svit; and that every Action, svit, Bill, svit within a year after Fact committed. Plaint or Information, by virtue of this Act, shall be commenced and prosecuted within one year after the Fact committed. Provided always, That if any person who is entitled to the Penalties and Forfeitures by this Act given, Penalty upon persons compounding. shall compound with any Hundred, Port or Place exempt, hereby liable to pay the same, for any lesser Sum than what is hereby given, That it shall at any time hereafter, be lawful for any other person to Sue for and Recover the same in manner and form, as aforesaid, as if no such Composition had been made, and the person so compounding, shall for such his Offence suffer five years Imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize; and this Act to continue in force for three years, Continuance of the Act. and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parliament. And for the better preventing the Exportation of wool, Admiralty shall appoint Cruizers. and Correspondence with France, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lord High Admiral of England or Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the time being, shall from time to time direct and appoint, one Ship of the Fifth Rate, and two Ships of the Sixth Rate, and four Armed Sloops, constantly to cruize from off the North-foreland to the Isle of Wight, with orders for taking and seizing all Ships, Vessels or Boats, which shall export any wool, or carry or bring any prohibited Goods, or any suspected Persons. Anno IX & X. GULIELMI III. Regis. An Act for the Explanation and better Execution of former Acts made against Transportation of wool, Fullers Earth and Scouring day. Preamble. WHereas several Laws have been made to prevent the exportation of wool and Fullers earth out of this Kingdom, yet nevertheless the said Exportation is still notoriously continued, to the great prejudice and discouragement of the Woollen Trade and Manufacture of England: And whereas in the First Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King William and the late Queen Mary, there passed an Act, 1 W. & M. entitled, An Act for the better Preventing the Exportation of wool, and Encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom; which Act was continued by one other Act made in the Fourth and Fifth Years of Their said Majesties Reign, 4 & 5 W. & M. entitled, An Act for Reviving, Continuing and Explaining several Laws therein mentioned, which were Expired and near Expiring; Which said Act was further continued in the Seventh year of His present Majesties Reign, with some Alterations, entitled, An Act for the more effectual preventing the Exportation of wool from Ireland; 7 W. 3. which Act is now near expiring: And whereas for preventing the said mischiefs it is necessary the said last mentioned Act, with some convenient alterations, should be continued, and also that there should be some more effectual Remedies than hath been hitherto provided, Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty, by and with the consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said last mentioned Act, made in the Seventh year of his Majesties Reign, and entitled, An Act for the more effectual preventing the exportation of wool, 7 W. 3. continued. and for encouraging the importation of wool from Ireland, and every clause, matter and thing therein contained, except what is hereby otherwise altered, explained, enlarged or repealed, shall continue and be in full Force, as if the same were herein and hereby particularly recited and mentioned. And whereas under a pretension of carrying Fullers Earth and Scouring day into Ireland, the same is conveyed into Scotland and other Foreign Parts, to the further prejudice of the Woolled Manufacture of this Kingdom, After 24. June, 1698. No Fullers earth or Scouring day shall be exported. Be it further Enacted, That from and after the Four and twentieth day of June, One thousand six hundred ninety eight, no Fullers Earth or Scouring day shall be exported out of this Kingdom, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick, upon Tweed, into Ireland, Scotland, or into any other Foreign Parts, upon any pretence whatsoever but that the Exporters, being legally Convicted, shall be liable to the Forfeitures of One Shilling for every Pound Weight. Penalty. And whereas it is a common practise in Romney Marsh Romney Marsh. and other Places adjacent, for evil disposed persons to sheer their Sheep, and Lodge wool near the Sea-side, and sometimes to bring wool out of the country more remote, and Lodge it, as aforesaid, where by fraud and force, in the night time, the said persons do cause the same to be transported to France, Trade of France increased by our wool. wool lodged within 10 Miles of the Sea, in Kent and Sussex, Owner shall give an account within three days after shearing and the like notice upon removal, to the increase of the Trade of that kingdom, and the destruction of the Trade of England: To prevent these practices for the future, be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Owner and Owners of wool shorn or housed, laid up or lodged within Ten Miles of the Sea-side, within the Counties of Kent and Sussex, shall be obliged to give an exact account in writing, within three days after the shearing thereof, of his, her or their Number of Fleeces, and where lodged or housed, to the next adjoining Port, or Officer of His Majesties Customs; and the like notice before he, she or they shall presume to remove any part or parcel thereof, of the said number of Fleeces and Weight; and the name and abode of the person or persons to whom it is disposed; and the place to which it is intended to be carried; and take a Certificate. and to take a Certificate from the Officer who first entred the same, upon the Penalty of Forfeiting all such wool as shall not be so entred or otherwise disposed of, and the Owner or Owners also to be liable to the further Penalties of Three Shillings for every Pound weight of all such wool, Penalty. as if the same had been actually transported; which said Account the Officers respectively are hereby required to take gratis, and to give such Certificate or Certificates, without delay, to the party or parties demanding the same, and shall therein specify the Name or Names of the Owners and Buyers thereof, and limit it to such times and places to be removed; for which Duty and Service the said Officer or Officers shall take and demand the Sum of Six Pence and no more for each Certificate, 6 d. for every Certificate. upon any account or pretence whatsoever. And whereas it is a common practise in the said Marsh, for divers persons not Resident upon the place, to buy up great quantities of wool, and transport, or cause the same to be transported out of this Kingdom: Persons buying wool within 15 Miles of the Sea in Kent and Sussex, shall give Bond to the King. For preventing such Practices for the future, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no person or persons Residing within Fifteen Miles of the Sea, in the said Counties of Kent and Sussex, shall presume to Buy any wool, before they do enter in to Bond to the Kings Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, with Sureties, that all the wool they buy shall not be sold by them to any person or persons within Fifteen Miles of the Sea; wool carried toward the Sea, not entred, &c. forfeited. and in case any wool be found carrying towards the Sea-side in the Counties aforesaid, unless such wool be first entred, and security given, the same shall be Forfeited, and the person or persons offending therein, and Three shillings per Pound Weight. shall also Forfeit Three Shillings for every Pound weight of all such wool. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Forfeitures upon removing wool. That no wool removed from the place where it was first housed, lodged or laid after Shearing, within Ten Miles, as aforesaid, shall be lodged after the first removing within Fifteen Miles of the Sea, in the Counties aforesaid, upon pain of forfeiting all such wool, if found; but if carried away, then every person or persons who were the Owners of the said wool, to forfeit for every Pound weight the Sum of Three Shillings. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Distance of Miles on Forfeitures. That all and every person or persons that shall lay, or cause to be laid or hide any wool, within Fifteen Miles of the Sea, and not entred, as aforesaid, Persons laying Claim to wool seized shall give Security. all such wool shall be seized and forfeited, That upon any seizure of such wool, every person laying claim to the same, shall give sufficient Security in His Majesties Court of Exchequer( if cast upon trial) to Pay triple Costs, over and above the Penalties and Forfeitures aforesaid. Provided always, and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Persons Sued may pled the general Issue. That if any Action or svit shall be brought and Prosecuted by any person or persons, against any person employed in the execution of this Act, for any matter, clause or thing by them or either of them done, committed or executed by virtue of this Act, or any clause or article therein contained, that then and in every such case, the Defendant or Defendants may pled the General Issue, and give the special Matter in Evidence at the trial, that the same was done in pursuance and by Authority of this Act; And if upon Examination it shall so happen to be done, the Jury shall find for the Defendant or Defendants: And in such case, or if the Plaintiff shall be Nonsuit, or discontinue his Action, the Defendant or Defendants shall have and recover triple Costs, which he or they shall sustain or be put unto, by reason of his or their wrongful Vexation in Defence of the said Action or svit. And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, The forfeitures be 1 Third to His Majesty, and 2 Thirds to the Seizer. That all the Forfeitures and Penalties before in this Act mentioned, shall be distributed in manner and form following, viz. One third part to the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and the other Two thirds to the use of such person or persons as shall Seize or Sue for the same, by Bill, Plaint or Information in any of His Majesties Courts at Westminster, wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the Twelfth year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, 12 Car. 2. cap. 3●. It is Enacted, That no person or persons whatsoever should, at any time thereafter, be Impeached for any Offence against the said Act, unless such persons be Prosecuted within One year next ensuing such Offence committed: And whereas a great many persons who have been guilty of transporting wool, but discovery thereof hath not been made till the expiration of Twelve months after the Offence committed, to the great encouragement of several notorious Offenders; For the prevention whereof, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Transporters of wool may be Sued at any time within 3 years after Offence Committed. That it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, to cause such person or persons as are or shall be guilty of transporting or causing to be transported any wool, Wooll-fells, Fullers Earth or Scouring day, to be Sued and Prosecuted at any time within Three years after the Offence committed, in the same manner as Informations, or other Penal Statutes, have been usually, and may lawfully be Prosecuted. And for the better preventing the carrying of wool into S otland from England, Clause to prevent wool being carried into Scotland. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said Four and twentieth day of June, all and every Owner or Owners of wool Shorn, Laid up or Lodged within Fifteen Miles of the Borders of Scotland shall and are hereby required to give an exact Account of his, registering pursuant to 1 W. & M. cap. 32. her or their Number of Fleeces, and where Lodged or Housed, to such person or persons as shall be Appointed and empowered for that purpose, pursuant to the direction or true meaning of the aforesaid Act of Parliament, made in the First year of His present Majesty and the late Queen; Which person or persons shall give attendance for that purpose, at the several Ports and Market Towns, within the aforesaid distance of Fifteen Miles; And shall and are hereby required to make a true Entry of such wool, in a Book to be kept for that purpose; Penalty upon removing without Licence. and in case any Owner or Owners of such wool, shall neglect or refuse to give such Account to such person or persons, as shall after such notice given remove such wool, or any part of it, without Licence from such person or persons as shall have made such entry, he, she or they so neglecting or refusing, or removing afterwards his, her or their wool, or any part of it, without Licence, as aforesaid, shall forfeit Three Shillings for every Pound Weight of such wool; And all the wool that shall be found within the distance aforesaid, of the Borders of Scotland not Entred, as aforesaid, shall be, and is hereby forfeited, One third Part to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and the other Two third Parts to him or them who shall Sue for the same, in any of His Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster, in which no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, or more than One Imparlance shall be allowed. And whereas by an Act made in the Parliament held in the Seventh and Eighth Years of His present Majesty, entitled, 7 & 8 W. 3. cap. 28 An Act for the more effectual preventing the exportation of wool, and for the encouraging the importation thereof from Ireland, amongst other things it is Enacted, That the Hundred out of which any wool shall be exported, be liable to such Penalties and Forfeitures as is mentioned in the said Act: But the Hundred of Winchelsea in the Cinque Ports, being divided by a Navigable Arm of the Sea, so that the Inhabitants on the one side thereof cannot be privy to, or prevent what is done by those of the other: Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Winchelsea-Hundred. That the said Hundred of Winchelsea shall be deemed and taken, in respect to the said Act, as Two distinct Hundreds( that is to say) the Part of the one side of the said arm of the Sea as one Hundred, and the Part on the other side as one other entire Hundred; and the Penalties which may be Forfeited for suffering such Exportation, shall Affect, Charge and be Levied on that Part only of the said Hundred which lies on the same side of the said Arm of the Sea, out of which such Exportation was made and permitted, any thing in this or any other Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to extend to divide the said Hundred in any other particular but in this only. Anno XIV. CAROLI II. Regis. An Act to restrain the Exportation of Leather and raw Hides out of the Realm of England. WHereas notwithstanding the many good Laws before this time made, and still in force, prohibiting the exportation of Leather out of this Realm; and the Penalty by those Acts imposed, by the cunning and subtlety of some persons, and the neglect of others who ought to take care thereof, there are such quantities of Leather daily exported to Foreign Parts, that the price of Leather is grown to those Excessive Rates, that many Artificers working Leather, cannot Furnish themselves with sufficient store thereof, for the carrying on of their Trades; and the poor sort of people are not able to buy those things made of Leather, which of necessity they must make use of: For redress of which Griefs, Be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, What Skins or Hides tanned, may not be Transported. That from and after the first day of May now next ensuing, no person or persons whatsoever, shall carry or transport, or cause to be carried or transported out of England into Scotland, Ireland, or into any the Isles belonging to this Kingdom, or to any parts beyond the Seas, the Skins or Hides tanned or untanned of any Ox, Steer, Bull, Cow or Calf, otherwise, or in any other manner than is by this present Act directed And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That none of the Skins or Hides aforesaid, which sha l happen to be taken from any of the Beasts aforesaid, within any iceland whatsoever, belonging to the Kingdom of England,( except Ireland) shall be transported out of that iceland, into any other place but into the Kingdom of England, The Penalty. upon pain of forfeiture for every such offence, double the value of the Skins or Hides so to be transported out of the said iceland or any of them, to any other place than into the Kingdom of England; the same forfeiture to be sued for and disposed as hereafter in this Act is directed. And for the better preventing of such mischiefs as are intended to be remedied by this Act, What Leather must be bought only in open Fairs or Markets for selling Leather. Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all read tanned Leather made of the Hides or Skins of any the beasts aforesaid, of what kind or nature soever, shall be bought only in the open and Common Fair or Market used for the putting of Leather to sale, and not in any House, Tanners Yard, Shop, or other place whatsoever, on pain that such person or persons that shall not accordingly do the same, shall for every such offence forfeit the same Leather, The Penalty. or the value thereof, and the contract for the sale thereof shall be voided; and all such Leather shall be preached and sealed by the Searchers and Sealers thereunto appointed, before the same be put to sale, and upon such sale shall be registered, and a true Entry thereof made both by the Buyer and Seller, who are both to be present at such registering thereof, and both their names and places of abode entred into the Book of the said Register, on pain that every such Buyer or Seller that shall not accordingly do the same, shall for every such Offence forfeit the same Leather, or the value thereof, and the forfeiture shall be recovered and employed in such manner as hereafter in this Act is directed. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty for Transportation of any Leather or raw Hides. That if any person or persons shall be found guilty of the Transportation of any Leather, or raw Hides of any the Beasts aforesaid( excepting such Calves Skins and Sheep Skins, dressed without the wool, as by Law may be transported) contrary to the provision of this Act, he shall from thenceforth be disabled to trade or deal in Leather for the future, and shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Five hundred pounds, to be sued for, and disposed as hereafter in this Act is directed. Provided nevertheless, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to the prohibiting the transportation of any Leather made into Boots, Shoes or Slippers, but that the same may be transported; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Who may search and seize Leather or Hides intended to be transported. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the respective Masters and Wardens of the Cordwainers, Sadlers, Girdlers and Curriers of the City of London, and their Deputies, and all Customers, controllers, Farmers of Customs, Supervisors, Searchers, and other Officers belonging to the Customs, and to and for all Justices of the Peace, Mayors, and chief Officers of Corporations within this Realm, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, from time to time, as well by Land as by Water, to search for, and seize any Leather, or raw Hides wrought or unwrought, cut or uncut, packed up or unpacked, intended or purposed to be transported by any person or persons into any parts beyond the Seas, or into Scotland, other than Calves Skins and Sheep Skins, as aforesaid. And whereas divers Tanners do shave, cut and rak their upper-leather Hides all over, Shaving of Leather by Tanners. and the Necks of their backs and butts, to the great impairing thereof, and the extreme prejudice of the Kingdom, Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Tanner, who after the Nine and twentieth day of September, in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred sixty and two, shall commit any such Offence, as aforesaid, shall forfeit all the said Leather, Backs, The Penalty. butts or Calves Skins so shaved, cut or raled, or the value thereof, and it shall be lawful for the Searchers and Sealers of Leather to seize the same. Leaden-Hall, London. And be it further Enacted, That the Market for Leather in Leaden-Hall in London, shall be kept on the Tuesday, as now it is; any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, How the Penalties shall be recovered. That all the penalties and forfeitures, and every sum or sums of money for any offence or offences herein before mentioned, shall be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, to be brought for the same in any Court or Courts at Westminster, or in any Court or Courts of Record in the City, Town, County or Place where the said offence shall be committed, wherein no Wager of Law, Protection or Essoin shall be admitted, neither shall the same be removed out of the said County, City or Town-corporate; the one half of the said Forfeitures to be to the use of the Kings Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and the other half thereof to the use of the Informer or Informers that shall sue for the famed. Provided also, and be it Enacted, Transportation of Leather declared a common nuisance. That all such Exportation, or Transportation of any Hides or Leather, contrary to this Act, is hereby adjudged and declared to be a common and public nuisance. Provided nevertheless, That this Act shall not extend, Leather for necessary use of Ships in Voyages. or be construed to prohibit the carrying or conveying of any such Hides or Leather, which shall be used or employed for the necessary use, or provision of any Ship or Vessel in any Voyage beyond the Seas, and which shall not be sold in any Foreign Parts, so as the number do not exceed six raw Hides, and three Tanned Hides. Provided always nevertheless, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Artificers dealing in cutting of Leather in London, or within three miles thereof. That all and every Artificer dealing in cutting of Leather, or other person or persons whatsoever, which shall hereafter buy any read tanned Leather within the City of London, or three miles thereof, shall before the next Market day within the said place for sale of Leather, give notice thereof to one or more of the Company of Curriers then exercising and using the Art and Mystery of a Currier within the said City of London, and three miles thereof, and within three weeks after such notice shall deliver, or cause to be delivered the said Leather so bought, except such part thereof as shall be used for Soles, without being Curried, Tallowed, or Dressed, unto the said Currier or Curriers to whom such notice was given, to the intent that the same may be Curried, Tallowed, or otherwise Dressed, as is directed and appointed by one Act made in the first year of King James, Chapter twenty second, touching the Duty of Tanners, Curriers, Shoe-Makers and others, upon penalty of the forfeiture of Six shillings eight pence for every Back, Butt, hid or Calves Skin so bought, and not delivered, Leather used in London, or within three miles, to be preached and allowed by the Wardens of the Curriers there. as aforesaid, for the uses, and to be recovered, as aforesaid. And whereas it is Enacted amongst other things, by the said Act made in the first year of King James, That no person or persons shall by any means occupy, or put in any Made-wares within the City of London, or three miles of the same City, any Curried Leather before the same shall be preached and allowed by the Wardens of the Curriers of London for the time being, or such person as they shall thereto assign, and be sealed with a Seal therefore to be prepared, upon pain that every Shoe-maker and other Artificer, Cutter of Leather, offending against that Article, should forfeit for every hid or Skin otherwise Curried or employed, as is aforesaid, The penalty. Six shillings eight pence, and the value of every such hid or Skin: Be it therefore further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Master and Wardens of the Company of Curriers for the time being, or such persons as they shall thereto assign, shall from time to time, and at all seasonable times in the day-time, enter into any Ware-house, Shop, Cellar, or other place within the said City of London, or three miles of the same City, belonging unto any of the said Cordwainers, Sadlers, Girdlers, or other person or persons, being Artificers, dealing in cutting Leather, and in the presence of any two or more of them, to search for, and seize all such Leather intended to be prohibited to be used by the said Clause, Branch or Article, as aforesaid, as also for all wears made of such Leather; Penalties for opposing the Searching. And if any such person or persons, Artificers or Dealers, as aforesaid, shall oppose or refuse to permit the said Master and Wardens of the Company of Curriers, or such persons as they shall thereto assign, to make any such search or seizure, as aforesaid, he or they shall forfeit for every such Offence the sum of Twenty Pounds for the Uses, and to be recovered, as aforesaid; And if any of the said Artificers and Dealers in cutting of Leather, do refuse to be present with the said Searchers, whensoever the same shall be desired by the said Master and Wardens of the Company of Curriers, or such persons thereto assigned by them, as aforesaid, then for every such default the persons so refusing shall forfeit the sum of Ten pounds for the Uses, and to be recovered, as aforesaid. Anno X & XI. GULIELMI III. Regis. An Act to prevent the Exportation of wool out of the Kingdoms of Ireland and England into Foreign parts; And for the Encouragement of the Woollen Manufactures in the Kingdom of England. FOrasmuch as wool and the Woollen Manufactures of Cloth, Serge, Bays, Preamble. Kerseys and other Stuffs made or mixed with wool, are the greatest and most profitable Commodities of this Kingdom, on which the value of Lands, and the Trade of the Nation do chiefly depend: And whereas great Quantities of the like Manufactures have of late been made, and are daily increasing in the Kingdom of Ireland, and in the English Plantations in America, and are exported from thence to Foreign Markets, heretofore supplied from England, which will inevitably sink the Value of Lands, and tend to the ruin of the Trade, and the Woollen Manufactures of this Realm: For the Prevention whereof, and for the Encouragement of the Woollen Manufactures within this Kingdom, Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, and by the Authority of the same, No person after 24 June, 1699. shall Export wool, &c. from Ireland, for Foreign parts. That no person or persons whatsoever, from and after the Four and twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred ninety nine, shall directly or indirectly Export, Transport, Ship off, Carry or Convey, or Cause or Procure to be Exported, Transported, Shipped off, Carried or Conveyed out of, or from the said Kingdom of Ireland, into any Foreign Realm, States or Dominions, or into any parts or places whatsoever, other than the parts within the Kingdom of England, or the Dominion of Wales, any the wool, Wooll-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wooll-flocks, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerseys, Says, Prizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery Stuffs or Woollen Manufactures whatsoever, made up or mixed with wool or Wooll-flocks; Nor carry, load or board any wool, &c. or shall directly or indirectly Load or cause to be Loaden upon any Horse, Cart or other Carriage, or Load or Lay on Board, or cause to be Laden or Laid on Board in any Ship or Vessel, in any place or parts within, or belonging to the said Kingdom of Ireland, any such wool, Wooll-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wooll-flocks, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Bays, Kerseys, Serges, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery or Woollen Manufactures, to the Intent or Purpose to Export, Transport, Ship off, Carry or Convey the same, or cause the same to be Exported, Transported, Shipped off, Carried or Conveyed out of the said Kingdom of Ireland, or out of any Port or Place belonging to the same, or with Intent or Purpose, that any person or persons whatsoever, should so Export, Transport, Ship off, Carry or Convey the same out of the said Kingdom of Ireland, into any Ports or Places( except as aforesaid.) And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Penalty, Forfeiture of the wool, &c. That all and every of the Offender and Offenders, Offence and Offences aforesaid, shall be subject and liable to the respective pains and penalties, and forfeitures hereafter following( that is to say) The said wool, Wooll-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wooll-flocks, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerseys, Says, Prizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, or any other Draperies, Stuffs or any other Manufactures, made of or mixed with wool or Wooll-flocks, so Exported, Transported, Shipped off or Carried, Conveyed or Loaden, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act, shall be forfeited; and 50● l. and that every of the Offender and Offenders therein, shall likewise forfeit the sum of Five hundred pounds for every such Offence; And all and every Ship, Vessel, Ship, &c. Forfeited with all her Tackle Barge, Boat, or other Bottom whatsoever, wherein any of the said Commodities are or shall be Shipped or Laid on Board, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act, shall be forfeited, with all her Tackle, Apparel and Furniture to them and every of them belonging; Masters, Mariners, Porters, &c. assisting, Forfeit 40 l. And the Masters and Mariners thereof, or any Porters, Carriers, wagoners, Boatmen, or other persons whatsoever, knowing such Offence, and witting aiding and assisting therein, shall forfeit forty Pounds; Forfeiture how to be disposed of. of which one moiety shall be to him or them that shall Sue for the same by Bill, Plaint or Information in any of His Majesties Courts of Record in England or Ireland, and the other moiety thereof to the Encouragement of setting up the Linen Manufactures in Ireland, to be disposed of by the Court of Exchequer there for that use only; In which svit no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance shall be allowed. And to prevent evading the Penalties of this Act, Acquittals in Ireland, no Bar to Prosecutions here. by pretension of prosecution or Acquittals in Ireland, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Acquittal nor any Indictment, Information or svit( unless the Offender be thereupon Convicted) in Ireland, for any Offence provided against in this Act, shall be pleaded or allowed in Bar or Delay of any Indictment, Information, svit or Prosecution within the Kingdom of England. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Lawful to Seize and Convey to His Majesties next Warehouse such wool, &c That it shall and may be Lawful to and for any person or persons to seize, take, secure and convey to His Majesties next Ware-house all such wool, Wooll-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wooll-flocks, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerseys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, Stuffs, and other Draperies and Woollen Manufactures, or mixed with wool or Wooll-flocks, as he or they shall happen to see, find, know or discover to be laid on Board in any Ship, Vessel or Boat, or to be brought, carried or laid on Shore, at or near the Sea, or any Navigable River or Water, to the intent or purpose to be Exported or Conveyed out of the said Kingdom of Ireland, contrary to the true meaning of this Act, or to be Laden upon any Horse, Cart or other Carriage, to the intent or purpose to be Exported, Conveyed or Carried into any Foreign parts or places, contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof; And also the Ship, &c. And also that it shall and may be lawful to and for any person and persons to seize, and secure all and every such Ship, Hulk, Vessel, Barge or Boat, of what kind soever, or wheresoever found or discovered, wherein any of the aforesaid Commodities shall happen to be Shipped or put on Board, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act; And that such person or persons that shall happen so to seize, take or secure any of the Commodities aforesaid, or any such Ship, Vessel, Hulk, Barge or Boat, as aforesaid, shall be Indemnified for so doing, to all intents and purposes. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Bond to be given for wool from Ireland. That for every Ship or Vessel, which from and after the said Four and twentieth day of June, shall set out and sail from the said Kingdom of Ireland, in order to export or carry off any of the Commodities aforesaid to this Kingdom, Bond shall be given by two sufficient persons, known Inhabitants of, and Residing in or near the place where the Bond is or shall be given, to the Chief Officers of the Customs, belonging to the said Port or Place in the said Kingdom of Ireland, from whence the said Ship or Vessel shall set Sail, in double the value of any the aforesaid Goods, intended to be Transported, as aforesaid, before the said Ship or Vessel shall be permitted to lad on Board any of the Commodities aforesaid, with condition that if the said Ship or Vessel shall lad or Take on Board, any of the said Goods, in the Kingdom of Ireland, that then and in such case all the said Goods shall be brought by the same Ship or Vessel, to some Port or Ports within the Kingdom of England, or the Dominion of Wales, as aforesaid, and shall there Unlade or Put on Shore the same, and pay the Custom and Duties thereof,( the danger of the Seas only excepted;) And that every Ship or Vessel, which shall lad or Take on Board any of the said Goods, until such Bond be given, shall be Forfeited, to be Recovered and employed in manner as aforesaid. Register to be kept at the Custom-house, London. And for the more effectual Execution of the powers granted by this Act, Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid. That a Register be kept at the Custom-House in London, of all the aforesaid Goods, from time to time, Imported from Ireland, into any of the Ports within this Kingdom, or Dominion of Wales, with the particular Qualities and Quantities thereof, the Master and Owners Names, and to whom Consigned. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Cockets, Warrants and Certificates, how to be written and signed. That all Cockets and Warrants for the Carrying or Transporting of any of the aforesaid Goods, from the Kingdom of Ireland, to any Port or Ports aforesaid, within this Kingdom, shall be written upon Paper and not Parchment, and Signed by Three of the Chief Officers of such respective Port at least, and all Certificates of Landing the same in any the Ports aforesaid, within this Kingdom, or Dominion of Wales, shall be Signed in like manner; Goods to be preached both at Shipping and Landing. The quantities, qualities, &c. to be expressed upon the Cockets, Warrants and Certificates. And that all the goods aforesaid, both at Shipping and Landing, shall be Viewed and Examined by the Surveyor or Searcher, or Land-waiter, Attending the Shipping or Discharge of any the aforesaid Goods; And that the exact Quantities and Qualities, Marks and Numbers of the Goods aforesaid, so Shipped in Ireland, shall be particularly Expressed and endorsed upon the Cocket, by which the said Goods are or were to be Shipped, and likewise upon the Warrant for Landing the same in England, and also upon the Certificate or Certificates, Given or to be Given, for Discharging the Bond or Bonds taken in Ireland, for the same. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, The qualities and quantities of such Goods, and Duplicates of the Bonds, &c. to be transmitted from Ireland to England. That the Commissioners of the Revenue, or Farmers of the Customs, or of the Revenue of the Kingdom of Ireland for the time being, shall from time to time, and at all times hereafter once within every six months, or within Thirty days after the end thereof, Transmit or cause to be Transmitted unto the Commissioners or Farmers of His Majesties Customs in England, of all such Goods as aforesaid, as shall from time to time be Exported from the said Kingdom of Ireland, the Qualities and Quantities thereof, and Duplicates of the Bonds taken for Lading the same, and by whom and in what Ships Exported, and where and to what Port in the Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, Consigned, and the Names of the persons Signing the Certificates, of the Landing the same in England, and the date of the said Certificates, and where the same are or were Laden, and also of the Qualities and Quantities, Marks and Numbers contained in the said Certificates, in order that the same may be compared with the registered Account, appointed by this Act to be kept by the Commissioners or Farmers of the Customs of this Kingdom. And for preventing the mischief of Razing, Obliterating or Interlining such Certificates, Certificates on Paper. as aforesaid, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all such Certificates shall be written upon Paper and not Parchment, and that the Quantities and Qualities, Marks and Numbers therein expressed, shall not be Obliterated or Interlined, upon any pretence whatsoever. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Ports of Export and Import. That all such Goods, as aforesaid, as shall from time to time be Exported from the said Kingdom of Ireland, into the Ports of this Kingdom, or Dominion of Wales, in manner as aforesaid, shall be Shipped off, and Entred at the Ports of Dublin, Waterford, Youghall, Kingsale, Cork and Drogheda, in the said Kingdom of Ireland, and at or from no other Port or Place within the said Kingdom; nor shall the same be Imported into any parts of the Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, other than the Ports of Biddiford, Barnstable, Minhead, Bridgwater, Bristol, Milford Haven, Chester and Leverpool; Any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And to the intent and purpose that this Act may more effectually be put in execution, for preventing the growing mischiefs that daily do or may arise to this Kingdom, from the Exportation of such Goods, as aforesaid, or any of them out of the Kingdom of Ireland, should the same still be suffered to be sent from thence to supply the Foreign Markets, that are or have been supplied from England, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Commissioners offending against this Act Forfeit Office and 500 l. That if any Commissioner or Commissioners, Farmer or Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland, or Officer or Officers employed under them in the Management of the said Revenue there, shall from and after the said Four and twentieth day of June, take, or suffer to be taken any Entry outward, or sign any Cocket, Warrant or Sufferance, for the Shipping and Exporting any such Goods, as aforesaid, into any Kingdom, State or Dominion whatsoever( except as aforesaid) or shall witting or willingly permit, contrive or suffer the same to be done, directly or indirectly, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act, That then, and in every such case, such Commissioner or Commissioners, Farmer or Farmers, Officer or Officers, so offending in the Signing such Cocket, Warrant or Sufferance for the Shipping or Exporting any of the said Goods into any other Kingdom, State or Dominion or Place whatsoever( except as aforesaid) or passing such entry for the same, or any wise conniving thereat, contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, or shall otherwise fail or neglect to perform all other Duties required by this present Act, shall, for every such Offence or neglect, Forfeit his Office, and shall moreover for every such Offence, Forfeit the sum of Five hundred pounds, to be recovered and employed in manner and form as aforesaid. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Where Offences shall be Tried. That every Offence which shall be done or committed, contrary to this Act, shall and may be enquired of, Tried, Heard and Determined in the County where any such Goods, as aforesaid, shall be so Laden or put on Board, as aforesaid, or else in the County, either in England or Ireland, where such Offender shall happen to be Apprehended or Arrested for such Offence, or where any such of the Goods aforesaid, or the said Ship or Ships, Vessels, Hulks, Barks or Boats shall happen to be Seized or Taken or Brought in, and that the said trial shall be in such manner and form, and in such effect to all intents and purposes, as if the same Offence had been wholly done and committed in the same County. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Persons Sued, how to pled. That if any Action, Bill, Plaint, svit or Information shall be Commenced or Prosecuted against any person, for what he shall do in pursuance of this Act, such person so Sued, shall and may File a Common Bail, or enter into a Common appearance and pled the general Issue not Guilty, and upon Issue joined, may give this Act, and the special matter in evidence, and if the Plaintiff or Prosecutor shall become nonsuit, or suffer discontinuance, or if a Verdict pass against him, or if upon Demurrer, judgement pass against him, the Defendant shall recover triple Costs and Damages for the Molestation. And for the further encouragement of the Woollen Manufactures of England, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, How wool, &c. shall be Imported from Ireland, into England. That it shall and may be Lawful, from and after the said Four and twentieth day of June, to Import from the said Ports of Doublin, Waterford, Youghall, Kingsale, Cork and Drogheda, in the Kingdom of Ireland, any wool, Wooll-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wooll-flocks, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerseys, Frizes, Druggets, Shalloons, Stuffs, Cloth-Serges, or any other Drapery made of or mixed with wool, or Wooll-flocks, and Manufactured in the Kingdom of Ireland, into such Ports of this Kingdom or Domion of Wales only, as aforesaid, so as Notice be first given to the Commissioners, or Chief Managers of His Majesties Customs in this Kingdom, or to the Chief Customer or Collector, in the Port to which the same is intended to be Brought, of the Quantity, Quality and Package, together with the Marks and Numbers thereof, with the Name of the Ship and Master or Commander, on which the said Goods are to be Laden, and the Place or Port into which they are intended to be Imported, and so as Bond be first entred into, to the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, with one or more sufficient Sureties; in triple the Value of the Goods so intended to be Imported, That the same shall( the Dangers of the Seas excepted) be Landed accordingly, and so as a Licence be also first taken, under the hands of the Commissioners, or Chief Managers of the Customs for the time being, or Three of them, or from the Chief Customer or Collector where such Bond is given, for the Landing and Importing thereof as aforesaid; which Licence they are hereby authorised and Required to Grant, without any see or Reward, or any other Charge, to the person demanding the same, any Law, Statute, or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And for the more effectual preventing the Transportation of wool, Wooll-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings or Wooll-flocks, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, or any Manufactures of wool or Wooll-flocks, or mixed with the same, into Foreign parts; Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Penalties and Forfeitures of the Bonds, Forfeiture of Bonds not Assignable. which by this Act or any other former Law or Usage are to be given, or have been given in the Kingdom of Ireland, for any wool, or any of the Commodities aforesaid, intended to be Exported from that Kingdom, to be brought into the Ports of this Kingdom, or Dominion of Wales, as aforesaid, shall not, on any Consideration whatsoever, be Granted or Assigned over to any person whatsoever; And that all such Grants and Assignments are and shall be voided to all intents and purposes; Any Law, Usage or Statute to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Admiralty shall appoint Cruizers to seize all Ships exporting wool. And for the better preventing the Exportation of wool out of this Kingdom or Ireland, into Foreign Parts, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lord High Admiral of England, or Commissioners for executing the Office of High Admiral for the time being, shall direct and appoint two Ships of the Fifth Rate, and two Ships of the Sixth Rate, and eight Armed Sloops, constantly to Cruize on the Coasts of England and Ireland, particularly between the North of Ireland and Scotland, with Orders to Take and Seize all Ships, Vessels and Boats which shall export any wool, with intent to carry it into Foreign parts; And that the Lord High Admiral, or Commissioners, as aforesaid, shall sand a List of all such Ships and Sloops, and the Names of the Commanders, together with true Copies of their several Instructions that are or shall be given, to the Commissioners of the Customs in London, within Ten days after such Orders, as aforesaid, are or shall be given. And for the encouragement of the Commanders and Mariners belonging to the Ships and Sloops aforesaid, wool, Ships, &c. Seized, to be Condemned, and Sold by Inch of Candle. Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all wool, Ships, Vessels or Boats that shall be so Seized or Taken, shall be Forfeited, and all such wool shall be Lodged in the Kings Ware-house in such Port where it is or shall be Taken or Seized, or into which it shall be brought, until it shall be Condemned according to Law; and being so Condemned, shall be exposed publicly to Sale, after One and twenty days, public notice being given in Writing at the Custom-house of the said Port, and on the Royal Exchange of London, by Inch of Candle, to the last and best Bidder; How to be Disposed of. And all Ships, Vessels or Boats that shall be so Seized and Condemned, as aforesaid, shall, together with all their Guns, Tackle, Furniture and Apparel, be exposed to Sale in like manner; And that one fourth part of the Produce of the wool, Ships, Vessels and Boats so Sold, as aforesaid, shall be to the Commander, one other Fourth part to the Officers of the Ship or Ships, Sloop or Sloops that took the same, one other Fourth part to the Mariners belonging to such Ship, Vessel or Sloop, to be equally divided and paid amongst the said Mariners by the Collectors of the said Port, or such person or persons as shall be authorised to pay the same, and the other Fourth part thereof to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, after a deduction made out of the last Fourth part of all the Charges of Prosecution and Condemnation. And for preventing of all Composition or Confederacy by any Commander of any Ship, Commander Offending Forfeits all his Pay, Suffers six Months Imprisonment and incapacitated. Vessel or Sloop, with any person whatsoever concerned in such wool or Ship, Vessel or Boat, as aforesaid, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Commander of such Ship or Sloop, neglecting his Duty by this Act Required, or Compounding for any wool, Ship, Vessel or Boat, as aforesaid, or Conniving at the Exportation of any wool, shall Lose and Forfeit all Pay and Wages due to him or them, and suffer Six Months Imprisonment, and be for ever incapable of Serving His Majesty in any Office in the Navy. And for the more effectual encouragement of the Woollen Manufacture of this Kingdom, After 1 Decem. 1699. wool, &c. of the English Plantations not to be laid on Board any Ship on any pretence whatsoever. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the First day of December, in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred ninety nine, no wool, Wooll-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wooll-flocks, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerseys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons or any other Drapery Stuffs or Woollen Manufactures whatsoever, made or mixed with wool or Wooll-flocks, being of the Product or Manufacture of any of the English Plantations in America, shall be loaden or laid on Board in any Ship or Vessel, in any Place or Parts within any of the said English Plantations, upon any pretence whatsoever; As likewise that no such wool, Wooll-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wooll-flocks, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Nor to be Loaden on any Horse, Cart, &c. to be Exported out of the said Plantations to any other place whatsoever. Serge, Bays, Kerseys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth Serges, Shalloons or any other Drapery Stuffs, or Woollen Manufactures whatsoever, made up or mixed with wool or Wooll-flocks, being of the Product or Manufacture of any of the English Plantations in America, as aforesaid, shall be Loaden upon any Horse, Cart or other Carriage, to the intent and purpose to be Exported, Transported, Carried or Conveyed out of the said English Plantations to any other of the said Plantations, or to any other Place whatsoever, upon the same and like Pains, The Penalty. Penalties and Forfeitures, to and upon all and every the Offender and Offenders herein, within all and every of the said English Plantations respectively, as are prescribed and provided by this Act for the like Offences Committed within the Kingdom of Ireland; And all Governors or Commanders in Chief of the said respective Plantations, Governors, &c. of the Plantations to put this Act in Execuon. as also all Officers employed in the Customs, or other Branches of His Majesties Revenue there, are hereby authorised, Charged and Required to take effectual care, That the true intent and meaning of this Act, so far forth as it relates to the said respective Plantations, be duly put in Execution. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Persons Offending against this Act how to be prosecuted. That all and every person and persons, who after the said Four and twentieth day of June, shall be guilty of any Offence or Offences, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this or any other Act of Parliament made for the Preventing the Exportation of wool, shall and may be Prosecuted for any such Offence or Offences by Action, svit or Information in any of His Majesties Courts of Record at Westminster, and thereupon a Capias shall and may Issue the first Process, specifying the Sum of the Penalty Sued for; and such person or persons shall be obliged to give good and sufficient Bail and Security, by Natural Born Subjects or Denizens, to the Officer Serving or Executing such Process against him or them, to Appear in the Court out of which such Capias shall Issue, at the day of the Return of such Writ, to answer such svit or Prosecution, and shall likewise at the time of such Appearance, give sufficient Bail or Security by such persons, as aforesaid, in the said Court, to answer and pay the Forfeitures and Penalties Incurred for such Offence or Offences, in case he, she or they shall be Convict thereof, or to yield his, her or their Bodies to Prison. Provided also, and it is hereby further Enacted, That after the Nine and twentieth day of September, in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred ninety nine, the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Deputy, or Lords Justices for the time being for the Kingdom of Ireland, Ireland. or any of them, are hereby Required to give Direction in Council, that this Act shall be given in Charge by the several Judges of the Kingdom of Ireland, at all the Assizes that shall be held in that Kingdom, to the end that this Act may be strictly put in Execution, according to the true intent and meaning thereof; Which said Judges are hereby empowered and Required, from time to time, to take particular Accounts throughout their respective Circuits, of the due Execution of this Act, and at their Returns to Dublin, at the end of every Circuit, shall Acquaint the said Lord Lieutenant, Lord Deputy, or Lords Justices of that Kingdom for the time being in Council, with all Accounts or Informations, they shall have so Received of any Breach of the said Act, or Negligence or Faults in any of the Officers, to whom the Execution of this Act is Committed, to the end that the said Chief Governors, or any of them, for the time being, may be the better Informed and enabled to Look to and Provide for the strict and punctual observation of this Act, throughout that Kingdom; Of which the said Chief Governors, or any of them, for the time being, shall once every year, lay a particular Account in Writing, under his or their Hands, before the King, His Heirs and Successors in Council. FINIS.