THE WATERING OF the OLIVE PLANT IN CHRIST'S GARDEN. OR A SHORT CATECHISM For the first Entrance of our Chelmesford Children: Enlarged by A threefold Appendix By JOHN FISK Pastor of the Church of Christ at Chelmesford in New-England. Thy Children shall be like Olive-plants round about thy Table. Psal▪ 128. 3. Those that be planted in the House of the Lord shall flourish in the Courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old Age &c: Psal. 92. 13, 14. Printed by Samuel Green at CAMBRIDG in New-England. 1657. To the Church & Congregation at Chelmsford, Grace & Peace, through Jesus Christ. BEloved, What is here presented to Public view is yours: for looking to the poor-Penman, as Relating to you: to the external moving Cause, as arising firstly & freely from you, to the End & use as centring in you, to the reason of the Publishing thereof, as resting with you, and the care & costs, as to that end expended by you: It must not otherwise be determined but YOURS. Which being so, you have saved me the labour, of prefacing on behalf, either of this so necessary & fruitful an exercise of Catechising, or of this present draught: or of publishing it. The present encumbrances of our new-begining you know to have declined me till of late, from the former, and mine own inabilities much more from the latter, as being rather desirous to have made use of some others labours that way, or at leastwise to have acted mine own feeble apprehensions in a more private manner amongst ourselves. But God hath moved your minds, first to see, and seeing to cause, as it must be as it is. I shall add only a word or two touching use; 1. The Scripture quotations in the margin, are so severed by those distinct marks as it is not hard to discern to which answer they pertain 2. They are orderly set down (for the general) as they relate to the several sentences or part●s in the answers. 3. Where more than one, are mentioned to the same purpose, it is not without special cause, and may serve for help of memory, when we may have occasion to branch out such a subject, into its particulars. 4. profitably you may reduce Promises to their proper heads in the Lord's Prayer, and Duties or failings to their proper places in the Decalogue. As for the annexing of these with the Doctrine of the Sacraments, by way of Appendix, It is because the same will more suit with such capacities as are already entered, than such as are but in their entrance. I say no more but this, If now you & yours, (as is hoped) shall gain any Spiritual fruit by these poor weak Travels of mine, I have my desire: and no small encouragement, in the midst of many wilderness-discouragements. To His Blessing therefore I commit both you & yours, who is the God of all Blessing: and Rest Yours in the Lord John Fiske. Chelmesford this 25 of 1. more: 1657. THE OLIVE-PLANT WATERED. An Introduction. Q. WHO made thee, or gave a Job 33. 4. Psal. 100 3. Isay 45. 11. Acts 17. 28. thee thy Bein●? Answ. GOD, the giver of Being's. Quest. What is GOD? b Nehe▪ 9 6. Jer: 45. 12. & 27. 5. Pro: 16. 4. 1 Cor: 8. 6. Exod: 20. 11 Answ. The Maker, Preserver and Governor of all things. Q. Are there not more Gods then one? A. No, there is but One GOD in c 1 Cor: 8. 4, 6 Mat: 28. 19 1 John 5. 7 three Persons; the Father, Son, and Holy-Ghost. Quest. Wherefore did He make, and doth He Preserve thee? Answ. To d Psal: 119. 37 Psal. 100▪ 2, 3. Josh. ●4. 16, 18, Isay 1. 2. Serve Him. Q. How oughtest thou to serve him? Answ. As e Isay 8. 20. Deut: 10. 12. 13. He hath appointed in his Law. Quest. Which is his Law? Answ. It is briefly (f) contained in Deut: 4. 13. ● Mat: 22. 40 the Ten Commandments. Quest. Which are they? Mat. 10. 17, ●8. Mark 10. ●9. A. God spoke all these words &c: as in Exod. 20. Q. Canst thou keep this Law? James▪ ●. 2. John 7. 19 A. No, (g) for in many things we offend all. Quest. What belongeth to the breach thereof? Answ. The h Pro: 3. 33. G●l. 3 10. Rom: 3. 8▪ 9 Curse of God, and eternal damnation. Q What is then required to be known of thee that wouldst be saved? A. 1. My ● Rev: 3. 17. Mat: 9 12. misery by nature. Eph 4. 18. Lam: 3. 39 2▪ The means of my k Acts 2. 36. 37. Joh. 17. 3 Rev: 3. 18. 19 Redemption, or Recovery. Psal. 49. 8. Gal. 4. 4, 5 Hosea 13. 14. 1 Pet: 1. 18. 3▪ My l Luke▪ 1. 74 1 Tit: 2. 12. 1 Thes. 2. 12. Duty and thankfulness required thereupon. PART 1. Q. ARt thou then miserable by Nature? Answ. Yes, in a m Rev: 3. 17 Rom: 3. 16 most miserable condition. Q. How, or in what respects? A In respect of n Rom: 323. Rom: 5. 12. Sin, and punishment. Quest. How in respect of Sin? Answ. In that I am by o 2 Cor: 5. 14▪ Eph. 2. 1, 5 Judas 12. nature dead in Sin. Q. How many sorts of sin are there? A. Two, p Psal. 51. 4, 5. Tit: 1. 15, 16▪ Original, & Actual. Quest. What is Original Sin? Answ. The q Ephes. 4. 22▪ Psal. 14. 1. Rom. 5. 10-19. corruption of my Nature, accompanying the guilt of our first Parent's transgression. Quest. In what part is thy Nature corrupted? Answ. In r Psal. 14. 3. Titus 1. 15 1 Thes. 5. 23 every part. Quest. Doth it then reign? Answ. Yes, s Rom: 6. 12 & 6. 14. by Nature. Q. What is then thy life by Nature? A. A t Gen: 6. 5. Rom: 1. 29 Psal: 40. 12. multiplying of Actual sin. Q. What is actual Sin? A. The u Gen: 6. 12 Col: 3. 7. corruption of my Life. Quest. How many sorts of actual sin are there? w Mat: 15. 19 & 5. 28, 32, 34 Psal: 10. 4, 7 A. Three, namely evil Thoughts. Words. Deeds. Quest. How art thou miserable in regard of punishment? A. In that I am x Rom: 1. 32. Rom: 3. 19 Rom: 6. 23. John 3 36. worthy of Death Q. What Death? A. Not only y Rom: 6. 23. & 5. 12 & 7▪ 10. Mark 3. 22. Judas ● temporal, but eternal Q. Is it enough to know this? A. No; a Rev: 3, 18 Acts 2. 37. I must be humbled under it. 2 Chron. 36. 12. Dan. 5. 12. Quest. How far must thy humiliation reach? A. 1. To b Dan: 4. 27. Psal. 51. 17. break me off from my Sin. 2. To c Mat: 16: 24 Mat: 13. 46 drive me out of myself. 3. To [d] make me see my need of a Saviour. Acts 9 6. Mat: 9 12. PART 2. Q. HOw must thou come to be saved? A. Only e Acts 4. 12 Rom: 8. 2, 3. by Jesus Christ Quest. Who is Jesus Christ? Answ. The f John 3. 16. 2 John 3▪ John 1▪ 2. Mat: 1. 23. 1 Tim: 3. 16 Eternal Son of God who is both God & man, in one Person Q. Why was Christ Man? A. That g Heb: 2. 9 Phil. 2. 8. He might die for me. Q. Why was Christ God? A. That h Acts 20. 28 Heb: 9, 14. by his Death, he might deliver me from death. Q. Is He an alsufficient Saviour? A. Yes; i Mat: 9, 28. Heb: 7 21. Acts 3. 22, Heb▪ 5. 5, 6 Psal 2. 6. Ephe. 5. 23. He is an Alsufficient Mediator, Prophet, Priest, King and Head to his Church. Q. How hath he wrought for thee a perfect Salvation? A. By his k Rom: 5. 19 Gal. 3. 13. Obedience & sufferings he hath satisfied Divine justice, Phil. 2. 8. Rō: 3. 25▪ 26. Heb: 9 12, 15 and purchased for us Reconciliation & Eternal Life. Quest How by his sufferings? Ans. In l Gal. 3. 13 Rom: 5. 9 2 Cor: 5. 21. bearing the whole curse due to me for my sin. Quest. How by his Obedience? Answ. In m Heb: 10. 7. 8. 10. Rom: 4. 6. Mat: 5. 17. Esay 9 6. doing the whole will of God for me. Q. Is it enough to know this? A. No, n John 5. 24. Acts 16. 31. John 10. 38. 2 Chron: 14. 11. but I must believe in Christ also. Q. What meanest thou, when thou sayest, I must believe in Christ? A. That o John 6 35 John 3. 15. 2 Chron: 14. 11. & 13. 18 I must Rest upon him alone for life and salvation. Q. Doth not faith admit of degrees? A. Yes, p Rom: 4. 19, 20. Mat. 14 31 15. 28. Luke 17. 2. there is a weak, and a strong saith. 2 Thes 1. 3. Mat: 17. 20. Quest. Can a weak Faith save? Yes; q Zach: 7. 50 Eph▪ 2▪ 8. Rom. 4. 20. 15. 13. Col: 2, 2. But a strong faith brings assurance, and comfort with it. Q. What are the fruits of saving Faith? A. The two chief fruits are r Rom: 3. 1. Gal: 2. 16▪ Acts 15. 9 & 26. 18. 1. justification. 2. Sanctification Q. What is it to be Justified? A. To s Rom: 4. 5. 7 be pardoned our Sins; and accepted of God, as Righteous, in 2 Cor 5. 19, 20. Rom. 5. 18 his Christ unto Life. Q. What is it to be Sanctified? A. To s Heb 9 13. Heb: 1. 3. John 5. 21. 1 John 1. 9 Col: 3. 10, Rom: 6. 4. be purged from our sins and quickened by the Grace of Christ, unto Newness of life. Quest How is Faith wrought? A. Outwardly t Rom: 10. 17 John 17. 20. Gal. 5. 22. 1 Cor: 12. 3. by God's Word: inwardly by his Spirit. Q. How is Faith (& Grace) strengthened and increased? A. By the right use of the u Acts 2. 42 Psal: 119. 93. Luke 17. 5 Rom: 4. 11. 1 Cor: 11. 17 Mat 28▪ 19, 20 Word Prayer, Sacraments, and Fellowship. Quest. How by the Word? A. By w ● pet: 2. 1, 3 Gal: 3. 2. Rev: 1. 3. ●sal: 1. 2 Mal: 3. 16. the due hearing of the Word (preached) Reading, Meditation and Conference. Quest. What is Prayer? A. A x 1 Sam. 1. 15 ●s●●: 25. 1 joh 16 23. 24 R●: ●. 26, ●● 1 Thes: 5. 17, 18 1 John 5. 14 pouring out of the Soul before God, (or a lifting up of the Soul unto God) in the name of Christ, by the help of his Spirit, in way of Petition, or Thanksgiving. Q. Is not Confession also a part of Prayer? A. Not our y Psal: 13 ●. 1 ● Ps●●. 65. 1● 2 1 King. 8. 33. 35. ●●a 51 3 4. 5 & for 13 14. Confessions only but our Vows also, are to be made to God in Prayer, and either of them are merely adjoined to Petition, or Thanksgiving. Psal: 116. 2, 11, 14 Q. What Rule of direction have we for Prayer? Answ. The same which Christ z Mat: 6. 9 Luke 11. 12. taught us, saying, Our Father which art in Heaven &c: Q. What is a Sacrament? A. A visible a Acts 2. 36, 37 Rom: 4. 11 Gen: 17. 11. 1 Cor: 10 2. 4. Mat: 26 26, 28 Sign and Seal of the Covenant, or promise of Grace. Quest. What is this Covenant? A. The Covenant b Gen: 17 1, 7 & 9 Exo. 6, 7 Hosea 2. 13 Heb: 8. 10 Mat: 26. 28 & 28. 19, 20 Col: 3, 9 which God hath stricken with his faithful people and their seed; that they be his People and He their God. Quest. How comes this Covenant to be made good to us? A. Only by Christ, c Heb: 7. 22 & 9 15 1 Tim: 2. 5 2 Cor: 1. 20. who is the Mediator thereof. Q. How many Sacraments are there appointed us, whereby Christ and his benefits are signified & sealed to us? A. Two only now under the Gospel, namely d Acts 2. 41, 42. Mat: 28. 19 1 Cor: 11. 23. 1 Cor: 12. 13 Baptism, and the Supper of the Lord. Q. Why do we Baptism Infants, seeing the Sacraments do serve to confirm and increase Grace? Answ. Because e Acts 2. 39 2 Cor: 7. 14. the Children of Confederate Believers are under the promise of Grace, and within the Covenant Quest. Why do we admit only grown persons to the Lords Supper? Answ. Because it signifies our f John 6. 55 1 Cor: 11. 28 29, 31. growth in Christ, and it is required in the Receiver, that there be an ability of discerning and judging how it is with himself that way. Quest. What is that fellowship you spoke of? A. That g Acts 2. 42 47. 1 Cor: 10 16, 17. 1 John 1. 3, 7 1 Cor: 12. 13 27. Phil. 1. 5. holy Communion, which the Members of true visible Churches, are by the Bond of the Covenant, to exercise jointly with God in Christ, and mutually one with another, according to the Rule of the Gospel. Q. What is that Bond of the Covenant you named? A. That h Mat: 16. 16, 17. 2 Cor: 9 13. Heb: 10. 22. 25. Heb: 3. 1, 6. & 4. 14, 16. 2 Cor: 8. 5 Psal 133. 1. Neh: 10. 28 Hosea 2 23 Eph. 4. 16. holy profession which they make, (according to the tenor of this Covenant) of their giving up themselves and their seed to the Lord first, and then to his People; to be his, and theirs in him for the promoting of his Honour & worship, & their mutual edification Quest. Wherein lieth the holy Communion they be jointly to exercise towards God in Christ? Answ. In i Heb: 10. 22 25. Psal. 73. 28 & 27. 4 Psa: 84. 2 & c: John 1. 12 Col: 2. 19 drawing near unto, and enjoying of him through Faith, in his own ways & Ordinances. Quest. Wherein lieth the Communion they profess to exercise mutually among themselves? A. In their k 1 Cor: 12. 7 & 22. 1 Pet: 4. 10 Rom: 1. 11. 12, 13. Colos. 2. 19 mutual participation of the benefit of the gifts and graces of each other. Q. These being the outward means of our spiritual growth, Tell me now what is required to the due use of them? A. The l 2 Cor: 3. 18 1 Cor: 12. 3 Rom: 8. 26 Mat: 18. 20 & 28. 20. presence and help of God's Spirit. Q. How may we know when our faith is true? A. 1 If it be m Rom: 1. 16 17. wrought & increased (as hath been been showed) namely, in God's ways. 2. If it be in a heart truly humbled. 1 Pet: 5. 5. 3. If it be grounded upon a word Psal. 119. 19 & 42 Mat: 11. 28, 29 of promise, and the free Grace of God in Christ testified therein. 4. If it be accompanied with an Acts 15. 9 2 Cor: 5. 17 Eph. 4. 23▪ 24 universal change. Quest. How may we know, when we do grow in faith & grace? Answ. 1. If there be a n 1 Pet: 2. 2. Luke 17. 5. Phil: 3. 13. Rev: 21. 6 l●vely desire and endeavour after growth 2. If there be a o 2 Cor: 6. 17 2 Pet: 1. 4 1 John 5. 18. careful separating from what hindereth. 3. If there be the p Esay 4. 4. spirit of judgement, and of burning. 4. If there be a q Phil: 2. 21 Mat: 6. 33 seeking mainly of the things of Christ. 5. If there be a r 1 Cor: 11. 17 Phil▪ 3. 13 Psal▪ 92. 13 spiritual striving to do every duty better: and to gain by every Ordinance more. 6. If there be an s Phil. 1. 9▪ 11 Col▪ 1. 10 1 Thes. 4. 1. increasing and abounding more and more in all holy fruitfulness. PART 3. Q. WHerein lieth the Duty, and thankfulness required? Answ. In t ● 'tis: 2. 11, 12 Luk. 1. 74, 75 1 Pet▪ 4. 1, 2 leading a new & holy Life. Q. Who leads this life? A. He who u Tit. 2. 11, 12 1 Thes. 4. 7 Phil: 2. 15 Acts 2●. 16 Rom: 6. 13 strives unfeignedly and constantly, by the grace of Christ, to live, not only in no known S●n, but also in the neglect of no known Duty. Q. What is the Root of a godly L●fe? A. True w 1 Tim: 1. 5 Acts 15: 9 Heb: 11: 6 Gal: 2: 20 Faith which worketh by Love. Q. What is the Rule of a Godly life? Answ. The x 2 Tim: 3. 1● 2 Pet: 1. 19 Ephe: 2. 20 Jam. 2. 8, 12 Word of God, contained in the Old & New Testament, Summarily comprised in the Moral Law, or the Ten Commandments. Q. What are the parts of a Godly life? A. 1 The avoiding of all y Psal: 34. 12, 14 Es●y 1. 16. 17 Eph: 4. 22, 24 evil forbidden. 2 The doing of every duty Commanded. Quest. What if through infirmity, there be a stepping aside from the holy Rule in either of these particulars? A. We are to be careful z ●uke 13. 3 Psal: 32 tot: Psal: 5●. tot: Rev: ●. 5 & 16 Luke 17. 3 out of hand, to recover ourselves by Repentance. Q. What is Repentance? A. The a Act ● 26. 1● 20 & Act. 14 15 Jer: 31. 18, 19 2 Cor: 7. 10, 11 turning of the whole man from Sin, unto God. Q. What are the Ends of a Godly life? A. The b 2 Pet: 1. 5, 10 Mat: 5. 16 Gal: 1. 13. 24 1 Pet: 3. 1 2 Thes: 1. 11 12 1 Cor: 10 31▪ making sure our own Calling and Election: with the spiritual good of others, and chiefly God's Glory. Q. To what end doth the Lord lay afflictions upon the godly in this life? A. For their c Heb: 12. 10 Esay 27. 9 Profit, that they might be partakers of his Holiness. Quest. Are not the Saints then perfect in this life? A. There d Luke 17. 10 Phil: 3 12, 13 14 1 Pet: 5. 10 are none so perfect but they ought to endeavour daily after more & more Settlement Solidity, Stability, and perfection in all Grace and Godliness. AN APPENDIX First TOUCHING PRAYER UPon what grounds call you the Lords Prayer, a Pattern Prayer? A. 1. Because a Mat: 6. 9 Luke▪ 11. 1, 2 it was given to that end. 2. Because it yields Direction touching both the Matter, and the Manner, or Method of Prayer. Q. What things are observable in this Prayer? A. 1. The Prayer itself. 2. The Illustration of it. By 1. A Preface before it, in the words, (Our Father which art in heaven 2. A conclusion afer it, in the word (Amen. Quest. What doth this Order and Method used by our Saviour in this Prayer teach us? Answ. Something required of us, The Preface Both, in the time of Prayer; And also, before, and after Prayer. Quest. What doth the Preface teach us to attend before Prayer? Answ. Two things. 1. The qualification of the person, A child by Adoption, as who hath b Rom: 8. 15. Zach: 12. 10 God his Father. 2. The c Psal: 10. 17. 2 Chron: 12. 14. preparation of the heart unto the Duty. Q. When is the heart duly prepared for Prayer? A. When it comes unto it, with d Gen: 18. 27 Psal: 2. 11. Eccl: 5. 1. James 1. 6 1 Tim: 2. 8 Mat: 5. 24 John 4. 23. due Reverence, Humility, Faith, Love and Charity: and with heavenlynes or spiritualness of mind. Q. What help is here afforded herunto? A. We are here taught to look at God in prayer, as 1. A Father, in respect of his e Esay 63. 16. Psal: 103. 13 tender Mercy and affection. 2. A heavenly-Father, as who is an f Mat: 6. 32. 1 King▪ 8. 27. R●v: 1. 8. Gen: 17. 1 Heb: 4. 13. 1 Tim: 1. 17. Infinite, Incomprehensible and Eternal Being, the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and only wise God. 3. Our Father, g 2 Cor: 6 16 18. as who is, what He thus is for us. Quest. As touching the time of Praying, what doth the Brevity, & yet pithines of the Prayer itself teach? A. That our prayers be h James 5. 16 Mat: 6. 7, 8 Eccl▪ 5. 1. Fervent and Sincere. Quest. How many parts are there of (this) Prayer? A. Two, 1 Request (to-deliver us Phil: 4. 6. from evil. 2 Thanksgiving, (at-for thine is the Kingdom. Q. What doth the Order & Method of The Order of the Pet: the matter presented in this prayer teach? Answ. Two things. 1 That we are as well i Psal: 50. 15 Luke 17. 13, 18. to be thankful for, as we are to beg good things. 2 That both in our Requests and Thanksgivings, we are to prefer, 1 The things of k John 7. 18. God before our own. 2 Those of l Phil: 2. 20, public before those of private concernment. 3 Spiritual m Mat: 6. 33. blessings before temporal. Quest. How many heads of Petition or Request are there? Answ. Six. Quest. How may this Petitionary part be subdivided? Answ. Into two parts. 1 The Apprecatory: in the 4 first. 2 The Deprecatory: in the 2 last. Q. What may this teach us? A. That the n Phillip 4. 6. Deprecation of evil is as warrantable, and needful in p 〈◊〉 7 8. 13 & of● in the Psalms. its place, as is the Apprecation of good. Q. What division would you make of the Apprecatory part? A. It doth contain Petitions for good things, as they concern, Firstly God. Secondly Man. And these in the first place respecting his spiritual life Secondly his temporal life. The things which belong unto his spiritual condition are considered as respecting, First the Grace of the Kingdom. Secondly the Obedience required of man to the Laws of the Kingdom, or Will of our King himself. Q. What learn we hence in particular concerning the manner of Requesting good ●hings? Answ. 1. That the matter of these four several heads of petition have such a dependence each upon other, as the second is subordinate to the first; the third to the second, and first; and the fourth to the three foregoing petitions orderly. 2. That the former afford matter of argument to enforce the following. 3. That temporal good things are Mat: 26. 39, 42. not to be begged, but conditionally. Quest. What doth that Petition (Hallowed be thy Name) concern? PET: 1. A. The Glory of God's great Name. Q. What are we taught to beg in this petition in general? A. That o Psal. 48. 10. & 115. 1. Ezek 36. 20, 23. Exod: 9 10. Neh 9 10 Psal: 29. 2. Esay 29 23. Ezek: 20. 9, 14. 22, 44 God would so overrule all things in the world as the Glory of his Name may be provided for. Q. What in particular? A. 1. The p 1 Pet: 3, 15 Psal: 50 23. 2 Thes. 1. 10 12. 1 Pet: 2. 9, 12. & 4. 10 11, 14, 16. enabling of us by his Grace, to become every way in our Times, instrumental of his Glory. 2. The q Rom: 15. 8, 9 2 Sam: 7. 25, 26 Psal. 79. 9 Rom: 11. 33, 36. 2 The. 1. 9 fullfilling of the word of his promise to his Church & chosen one's: and of his threaten against the enemies of his Name. Psal. 75. 1. Esa. 63. 12, 14. with 64. 12. Quest. What graces are here to be sought by prayer? Answ. Principally the r Psal. 9 10, 11. Psal. 86. 11, 12. Psal. 69. 9 & 36. knowledge, fear, and love of God's Name. Q. Confession being an adjunct of prayer, what evils do we learn here to be confessed? A. All our s Jer: 48. 17. Psal: 44. 20. Mal. 3. 14. Psal: 40. 10. Jer: 10. 25 Exod: 20. 7 1 Tim: 6. 1 2 Sam: 12. 14. Rom: 2. 24 Rev: 2, 13. Ignorance of God's Name, forgetfulness of it, concealing of it, with the neglect of calling upon that his Name: and in a word all manner of our taking his name in vain. Quest. What more? A. The t 2 King. 19 1, 4. Psal: 119 136, & 158. PET: 2. profaning, abusing, or blaspheming of his Name by others Quest. What doth the second head of Petitions teach us to ask of God in prayer? Answ The communication of u Psal: 63. 1, 2, 3. Rom 14 17. 1 Cor: 1▪ 4, 9 Luke 17 20, 21. 1 Pet: 1. 8. Psal: 4. 6. Exod: 33. 15. Psal: 106. 4, 5 Himself, Spirit & Grace, in the inward efficacy, and outward signal Testimonies of his special Presence & favour Q. What more particularly? A. 1 The w Psal: 69▪ 24 35. Rev: 11. 17, 18. Psal. 68 1, 2. Rom: 6. 6. 1 John 3. 8. Rom: 16. 20 2 Tim: 2. 26. casting down of Satan's kingdom, with all its props, be they persons or things. 2. The x Psal 51. 18. Mat: 6. 33. Esay 62. 7. 2 Thes: 3. 1. Erecting of his own Kingdom in the world, where it is not, and the maintaining & increasing of it where it is: as concerns both Psal. 122. 6. Eph. 6. 18, 19 Psal 51. 12 Esay 9 7 Col: 2. 19 1 Thes 3. 12. the inward grace, and outward administrations thereof. 3. The y Ruth 4. 11 with Ephe 6. 4. Gen: 18: 19 1 Tim: 2. 2 Es●. 49 22, 23 2 Kin. ●6. 1, 2 Psal. 80. 17. Esa. 19 19, 20 Dan: 12. 1. granting and blessing such means as may advantage hereunto: Such as godly family nurture, civil Government, Schools of learning &c: 4. The z Rev: 22. 20 ● Tim: 4▪ ●8 hastening the Kingdom of Glory. Quest. What are the special Graces as concerns the Kingdom of God, that we are here to pray for? Answ. 1. The a Mat: 13. 11. Mat: 11. 23. Ephe: 1. 17, 18, 19 enlightening our understandings to discern the mysteries of the Kingdom. 2. A b 〈◊〉 36. 26. Psal: 2. 12. 〈◊〉: 5. 3. Teachable selfdenying frame of heart to subject to the Government thereof. 3. The use of c Acts ●8: 23, 24. Heb▪ 4. 2 John 4. 2●● Cor: 3. 18. Faith, Hope, and Love, with sincerity, as necessary to the enjoying of spiritual Communion with God, in the ways and administrations thereof. 4. Patience under the cross, which they d M●t: 5. 10 Mat: 16. 24, that receive this Kingdom must expect Q. What matter of confession is here presented unto us? A. The e Rom. 7. 24. & 10. 3. Luke 19 42. Corruption of our nature, and its fruits in the blindness Mat: 〈◊〉. 58 Luke 16 14. 16. & 12. 32 J●mes 4. 6. John 3. 1, 2 of the mind, in infidelity, pride, earthly-mindednes, slavish fear &c: Q. What else may we here lament? Answ. The f Psal: 79. 8. & 80. 12, 13. & 79. 1. 2 Psal. ●. 1, 2, 3. ●am: 5. 8. 18. Psal: 14. 1, 2 Mat: 23, 13. & 15. 6, 13. Col: 2. 20, 23 2 Thes. 2. 4, 7 Esay 63. 5. Mat: 9 36, 38▪ low estate of the Church, the insolency and prevalency of the common enemy, the atheism, impiety, and gross idolatry of the world with all the superstition, and humane inventions & corruptions crept into the Church: & any defect of present means of redress. 1 Tim. 6. 3, 4, 5. Judas 13, 18, 19 Quest. What doth the third head of PET: 3. petitions, in those words (Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven) teach us to sue for in prayer? 1 Chron: ●●. 30. Num: 28. 4. Jo. 15. 4, 5. Heb: 12. 28 Phil. 2. 12, 13 Gal: 2. 20 Col: 1. 9, 11 1 Cor: 15. 58 1 Pet 5. 10. Answ. The [g] daily fresh-supplies of all needful grace, as to the enabling of us to both the doing and enduring Gods will, and the persevering therein, unto all wellpleasing to him Q. What more particularly? A. 1. The h Psal: 143. 8. 10. Psal. 119. 125 & 18. & 18. & 27. Psal: 86. 11. making known his will unto us, both what he would have us to do, and how to do it. 2. The i Psal: 119. 10 11, 15. ●0. with 63 & 67. Hosea 6. 3. John ●. 30. John 7. 17. inclining of our hearts to attend diligently all due means, for the finding out what his will is with us and for the forming of them into the Psal: 119. 36. 100, & 106. Gal: 4. 19 1 Cor: 9 27. obedience thereof. 3 The k 1 King. 13. 19 20, 21. Acts 21, 14. subjecting our wills to his will, now once manifested. Ps. 40. 8 Mat. 7. 21. Joh. 5. 30. & 6. 38. Ro. 12. 1 4 The l Psal: 119. 35 & 27. 11. & 5. 8. & 51. 11 12: Phil. 1. 19 Mat: 28 20 assistance of his Spirit, to carry us an end our endeavours in that respect. 5 The m 2 Cor 19 5 Psal: 119. 39 & 134. Zech: 9 8. taking the let's out of the way, whither such as are within, or such as are without us. 6 The n Psal: 148. 8. Zech: 3. 2 Job 5. 12. disappointing their wills which are opposite to Gods will. Quest. In what manner is Gods will to be done? Answ. In every part of it, concerning duties of either general or particular calling, doing or suffering what we are called to, according to the heavenly pattern before us. Quest. But the holy Angels & spirits of the just ones in heaven, not being subject to sufferings, Wherein should we imitate 1 Pet: 2. 20. Deut: 5. 33 Ephe: 6. 6 Acts 2. 46 2 Cor: 9 7 Psal: 119. 32. & 60. Phil: 2, 14 Psal: 119▪ 6 1 Chron: 28. 7 Gal: 6▪ 9▪ them? A. In doing or attending Gods will Sincerely, speedily, cheerfully, faithfully, constantly and unweariably. Q. What Graces are we taught here especially to seek? Answ. A right o Psa. 119. 128 & 97 Psa▪ 18 21, 23. Psal: 119. 32. Psal: 51. 12 2 Kin: 22. 19 esteem of God's word & ways: Love and delight in the same, an upright and enlarged heart or free spirit, with the hatred of every evil way, and tenderness of conscience. Quest. What matter of confession, or lamentation is presented under this third head? Our p 2 Cor: 3. ● Pro: 2. 14, 15 Psal: 18 26 Jer: 4. 22 James 3. 15 2 Cor: 1. 12 2 Cor: 10. 5, 6 2 Chron: 36▪ 16. natural impotency, forwardness, and deadness to that is good, the wisdom of the fresh, and carnal reasonings opposing, and the slight account of God's word, ministers, and ways. Q. What other matter of this sort? A. The q Psal: 32. 23 Jer: 17. 9 Pro: 26. 13▪ 16. Jer: 9 10 Psal: 78 57 Mal: 1. 13 Luke▪ 17. 10 1 John 3, 4. guile, sloth, unchearfullnes, unfaithfullnes, and wearisomeness attending us, when we are about any good, with all the imperfection of our obedience, and all such our thoughts, speeches & actions, as suit not to the will of God. Quest. What further matter of complaint this way? Answ. The r 2 Tim: 3. 8. Rom: 10. 21 Titus 1. 16 2 Pet: 2. 2 Acts 19 9 great hatred and opposition in the world, against the Truth, Will, and ways of God. Acts 28. 22 Quest. What are we taught under that Fourth head of Petitions, (Give us PET: 3. this day, our daily bread? Answ. God's s Mat: 7. 11. Mat: 6. 32 Pro: 30. 8. Fatherly care & compassion, to the daily supplying of us, with the outward necessaries and comforts of this life. Q. What be they? A. Such as; t Gen: 28. 20 21 Col: 4. 14 Psal: 104. 14, 15, 16. Deut: 26. 2 3 John 2. Psal: 39 13 Psal: 4. 8. & 147. 14 Acts 12. 5 Heb: 13. 23 Acts 16. 25 Food, Raiment, and Physic: health & strength of body in the right use of them. Outward peace, safety & liberty, with the means thereof: and the removal or prevention of what tends to the prejudice of the same. Q. What more particularly are we taught here to pray for? A. 1. Such creature u Deut. 28. 11 Psal: 37. 17 & 24, 25 Psal▪ 34. 9, 10, 19 & 36. 6 comforts as are needful for the supportation, preservation or restauration of our outward man. 2. Such suitable w Ruth 4. 15 Gen 24. 63 Pro: 19 14. & ●1 10 Psal: 28. 3● Deut: 28, 3. relations, or such suitableness in relations, with such abilities, skill, faithfulness on their parts, as may conduce to our outward comfort. 3. Such wholesome x 1 Kings 10 8, 9 Laws, Government, and order in Civil society Rom: 13. 4. 1 Tim: 2. 2 as conduce to a quiet & peaceable life. 4. The enjoying a y Exo: 20. 15 1 Cor: 3. 22, 23. Rom. 8. 17 Civil, and religious right to our enjoyments. 5 The blessing of our honest labours Psal: 127. 1. Pro: 10. 22 Deut: 28. 1●. travels & endeavours, for the procuring of any of them. Quest. Are there not more particulars of this nature? Answ. Yes, as 1. The z 2 King. 2. 19 & 6. 1, 2 Psal: 16. 5, 6 Acts 17. 26. 1 Cor: 7. 20 Psal: 54. 4 1 Chron: 27. 33. supplying us with meet means, & advantages, in this respect, as a meet place of abode, meet employments, meet assistance &c: 2. The a Deut: 28. 4. Hag: 2. 6 2 Tim: 4. 4 blessing of all such our enjoyments, to our use. Quest. What things are they, which do prejudice our outward life, and the comfort of it. Answ. Sicknesses, b Deu: 28. 20 to 44. ●sal: 91. 10 Hag: 2. 17 2 Tim: 3, 1, 3 Amos 4. 6, 10 2. Chron: 15. 5, 6 Mat: 24. 7 Ezek: 5. 17 and infirmities of the body, outward casualtyes, and losses of the creature, unseasonable weather, strife and division amongst neighbours, the oppression, & unrighteousness of such as we live with, public disturbances in the Common-weal, or any of those judgements of the sword pestilence & famine. Quest. What special graces are we here taught to sue for? Answ. Confidence c Psal: 37. 5, 7 & ver: 34 Gen: 32. 10 in God, as relying upon his Fatherly Providence, a hopeful waiting Gods time and season, and humility, as willing to be beholding to him, for the least of his mercies. Quest. What other? A. Sobriety, and d 1 Pet: 5. 8 Phil: 4. 5, 11 Rom: 12. 15 & 15. 3. moderation in the pursuit & use of these things; contentation with our present portion and a Sympathy with the Saints, in their outward condition. Q. What portion of these outward things are we to esteem the fittest for u●? A. 1. That which the wisdom of our e Mat: 7. 11 heavenly-Father carves out unto us. 2. That which f Pro: 30. 8. 9 exposeth us least to temptation. 3. That which is g Deu: 28. 47 Mat: 6. 33● 1 Pet: 4. 10, 12. nearest suited to the measure of grace communicated: and is most advantageous to our communion with God; and to our spiritual growth. Q. What evils are we taught here to confess? Answ. 1. Carnal h 2 Cor: 1. 9 Psal: 146. 3 & 20. 7 Mark 10. 24 confidence, whether in ourselves, or in any creature. 2. Carking i Heb: 13. 5 Mat: 6. 25, 26 1 Tim: 6. 9 1 Thes: 4. 6 care, and distrust of God's Providence, with the sinful fruits thereof. 3. Discontent, and k Exo: 16. 2, 3 Num: 11. 4, 5 Psa: 78. 28, 29 murmuring at our present condition. 4. Envying l Pro: 3. 31 Psal: 37. 1, 7 at the prosperity of others. 5. All m Pro: 18. 9 & 19 15 2 Thes: 3. 10 John 6. 12 Mat: 24. 38 Pro: 21. 17 & 23. 30 Amos 6. 6 idleness, improvidence intemperancy, and luxury, sinful ambition, and selvishnes, and incompassionatnes. Rom: 13. 13. Jer: 45. 5. Phil. 2. 21. 2 Tim: 3. 2. Mat: 25. 42, 45. Quest. What are we to deprecate, or PET: 5. to pray against under the two following heads of petition? A. All the n Hosea 14. ● evil of sin: Both the guilt & punishment of sin; as respecting the time past, (under the 5. ᵗ head) and the prevailing of remaining corruption, together with the causes, or means conducing to the committing of sin: respecting time to come, (under the sixth & last head of petitions. Quest. What may we conceive, we are taught hence? A. 1. That o Rom: 2. 23 Esay 59 2 Jer: 5. 25 the due care of God's glory, of our communion w●th God, & even of enjoying the comfort of our daily bread; doth inflame in a child of God, a sincere desire of the taking away of sin, as the great thereof. 2. That p Psal: 51. 9 10 & 79. 8, 9 we as well do seek of God, to be kept from sin for the time to come, as to be pardoned our sin past. 3. That q Psal: 32. 3, 4, 5 with 2 Sam: 11, & 12 Psal: 39 8 & 41. 4 1 John 1. 9 Psal: 85 2, 8 the neglect of sueing out a pardon, for sin already committed; makes way for us, to be delivered up of God, to the committing of yet more sin. Q. What then more particularly are we taught to pray under the fift head? A. 1. The r Psal: 130. 3, 4 & 32. 1, 2 Rom: 4. 6 Psal: 51. 1, 2 Psal: 25. 7 not-imputing to us, our sins: but contrariwise the imputing & applying the Righteousness of Christ to us to our justification. 2. The s Psal: 51. 7, 12 & 14 Psal: 25. 7 Joel 2. 14 Ro●: 8, 15 Col: 2 2 Ephe: 1. 7 not leaving us under darkness, & doubt in this respect; but the clearing up unto our souls, his acceptance of us in his Christ through the freeness, & riches of his grace. 3. The t Psal: 103. 8, 12. & 69. 16, 17 & 38. 1 Heb: 12▪ 6 not deserting of us in time of affliction, or of his frowning dispensations: but the so appearing Psal: 13. 1 Es●y 63. 9 Cant: 3. 10 Elay 38. 17 Hos. 14. 4, 7 unto us in the same, (as in all the ordinances of his Grace:) as we may perceive his Fatherly-love to us therein 4. The not u Dan: 9 19 1 Kings 8. 49 50 1 Joh: 2. 1 Psal: 40. 11, 12 with 16, 17 Ephe: 1: 7, 14 with 4: 30 deferring, but hastening the full execution of that gracious sentence of absolution pronounced in our justification. Quest. Why is this added (as we forgive them that trespass against us? Answ. To show that w Mat: 5: 7 Mat: 6: 14 Mat: 5: 44, 45 Mat: 18: 21 to 35 Ephe: 4: 31 such (as in whom this holy disposition is found) may with the more confidence urge, & expect, the obtaining forgiveness at God's hands. Quest. How far forth should we forgive others? Answ. 1. So far forth as x Mat: 18. 2● 22 with Mark 2. 7 the offence is an injury to us. 2. So far forth as y Mat: 18: 15, 21 Luke 17: 3, 4 1 Cor: 10: 31 1 Cor: 8: 9, 13 1 Cor: 6: 1, 4 1 Tim. 2: 2 the glory of God's Name, their own spiritual good, and the due preservation of our own right, in a way of righteousness & charity, may be regularly provided for. Quest. What graces are we taught then to beg for, under this head of petition? A. Repentance z 1 Kings 8 46: 48 and humiliation for sin, springing from the true Rom:: 5: 1: knowledge of ourselves, & sin; & of Christ, and him crucified: and peace, flowing from the application of remission. Q. What other? A. The a Rom: 8: 15 Zech: 12: 12 Rom: 14: 17 Psal: 18. 25 spirit of Adoption, joy in the Holy ghost, with mercifulness and readiness to forgive others. Quest. What are the special sins to be lamented? Answ. Impenitency b Rom: 2: 5 〈…〉 e: 4: 19 〈◊〉: 32: 2 hardness of heart, benummednes of conscience, with Guile in the matter of confession and Repentance. Quest. What evils else? Answ. Carnal Job 12: 6 Deut: 29. 19 Lam: 3: 18 1 Tim: 2. 8 Rom: 12. 17, 19 security, doubting of God's mercy, implacablenes, or backwardness to forgive, & forget injuries: Hatred & desire of Revenge. Quest. What are we taught particularly to deprecate under the sixth head, in PET: 6. these words (lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil? Answ 1. God's d Rom: 1: 24 2 Sam: 24: 1 2 Chron: 15: 2 Psal: 27: 9 Hosea 5: 6 anger, in the sad effects thereof, in his leaving or forsaking of us. 2. The e Mich: 7: 18 19 power or strength of our own corruptions, and what ever Rom: 13. 14 Psal: 19 13. Psal: 63. 1 Esay 6. 5 Psal: 120. 5. Mat: 26. 41 tends to the feeding, or exciting of the same. Psal. 39 1, 2. Jam: 1. 14, 15. 3. The f 2 Pet: 2. 9, 10. 1 Tim: 6. 9 prevailing provocations and flatteries (or threats) of the world. 4. The g Rom. 16. 20 Ephe: 6. 11, 12, 18. suggestions & temptations of the Devil, and the prevailing of the same. 5. Unsanctified h Pro: 13 9 1 Cor: 10. 13 Dan: 8. 10. 18 Psal: 69. 22 afflictions, of what kind so ever, yea & unsanctified prosperity too. 6. Spiritual i 2 Cor: 2. 8, 11. Judas 24. Luke 8. 13 defection, or apostasy from the truth of God in our judgements, or from the way of God in our practice, as the effect of any of these. Quest. What Graces are we taught particularly to beg? Answ. The k Psal: 80. 18 Psal: 119. 36 37, 88 Psal: 68 28 2 Tim: 4. 18. 1 Pet: 5. 10 Eph. 6. 11, 18 quickening Grace of God's Spirit, all strengthening and supporting grace: with all the several pieces of the spiritual Armour. Quest. What more? Answ. His blessing l Esa 27. 9 Psal: 133. 3 Gal: 6. 1. 1 Cor: 5. 5 Col: 4, 12. of all good means for the mortifying of corruption repressing of temptation, strengthening of Faith, and the helping forward our recovery, when fallen: and our standing, and perseverance, when recovered. Quest. What else is here seek? Answer. The m 1 Joh: 5. 4. 1 Cor: 15. 57 Rev: 2. 7, 17, 26. Rev: 3. 5, 12, 21. Rom: 8. 37. f●nal conquest and victory, over all our spiritual enemies through the grace of Christ. Quest. What ●●●lis are we taught here to lament? A●●w. 1. What ever sin may provoke God, to give us over to be tempted. 2. What ever miscarriages may encourage the Adversary, and so lay us open to his Te●pta●●ons 3 Such evilly, as may occasion the Lord to withdraw himself, in time of temptation. Q. What may be some of the specials that may provoke the Lord, to suffer us to be tempted? A Carnal n Luke 21. 34 36. Mat: 26. 33. 35 2 Thes. 2. 11, 12. Gal. 5. 13. 2 Tim: 3. 2. & 5. Luk. 22 55, 56 2 Tim: 4. 10. with Mat: 13 20, 21 security, Self confidence, unprofitableness under Ordinances, the abuse of our christian liberty, sinful self love, Formality in God's Worship, and a careless rushing upon a temptation, with the favouring any one sin in ourselves. Q. What are they by which the Adversary is encouraged? A. As the o 2 Pet: 2. 13 with 19 dallying with any sin gives him boldness; or the suffering of James 1. 14 with Gal. 3. 24. James 4. 7, 8. 2 Sam 11. 1, 2 1 Tim: 5. 12. 13. Eccl. 2. 1. with 1 King: 11. 1 4. Psal. 39 1 2. any unmortified lust: So in special, the neglect of God's Ordinances, idleness & ne●ligence in our callings, the delighting in carnal mirth, and pleasures, vain company, needless solitarynes, and slavish fear & cowardice; with many such like. Eccls 4. 12. 1 Pet: 5. 8, 9 Quest. What specials are there, causing God's withdrawment of his Grace in time of Temptation? Answ. The p James 1. 6. 7. Job 22. 21 Pro: 13. 4, with 1 Sam: 13. 8, 9 Pro: 3. 11 Ephe: 4. 27 Esay 30. 1, 2. wavering of our Faith, strangeness towards God, spiritual sloth & carelessness, impatiency of spirit, a growing soon weary of affliction, a giving way unto the Temptation, the use of indirect means in any case, and the like. Quest. What reasons have you why The Doxology. you do take these words, [For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, for ever,] to point out the thanksgiving and so a direction for the special matter and manner of that part of prayer? Answ. 1. Because, being a part of prayer, must have some place, in this so perfect a Pattern. 2. Because, in other platforms indicted by the Spirit of God, we find q Psal: 54 56 57 59 & 61 (sometimes) to close the same. 3. Because, the [●] r Phil: 4. 6 Col: 4 2 express Rule requires the joining thanksgiving with petition. 4. Because, this very form of words s Rev▪ ●. 1 ●, 17 Rev: 12. 10 & 19 1 Judas 24, 25 & in special 1 Chron: 29. 12, 13 is mentioned in other Scriptures, by way of Thanksgiving. Quest What direction have we here touching such good things in particular, as it behoveth us to mention & record, in our thanksgivings? Answ. To attend the t 1 Thes. 5. 17 18. matter of Psal: 71, 14, 16. Esa. 26. 13 1 Chron: 16. 4. the several heads of Petition, and so to look at the same good things, as we are to beg; as the same we are to be thankful for. As the causal conjunction [For] seems to point out. Q. Wherein lieth the force of that expression [For]? A. It seemeth to denote this reason why we should depend upon God in prayer, for all and every, the several good things before specified: Namely because, that of God doth appear in each of them (enjoyed) as which ought to be, by the enjoyer, acknowledged to his own praise. Quest. Where have you any instances of any part of the matter; under the first head of petitions, acknowledged by way of thankfulness? A. In Psal. 145. 5, to 21. & 115. 1. PET. 1. Quest. Where find you instances of the matter, under the second head, to this purpose? Answ. In Psal. 146. verse 1. with 7, PET: 2. to 10. Psal: 14●. 1, 2, 3. Psal: 135. & 136 Psal. 97. & 98. & 99 Q. Where observe you any part of the matter of the third, mentioned to God's praise? A. In Psal. 147. 18, 20. Psal 132. PET: 3. 15. 1 Thes: 1, 2. 2 Thes: 1. 3. Psal 66. 8, 9 2 Cor: 9 13. Q. Where in holy Scripture do you read, of any instances of this nature, relating to the fourth head? A. In Psal: 147. 7. & 12, 13, 14. PET: 4. Psal: 68 19 Psal: 34. 3. Deut: 8 10, 18 Q. Where are there instances of like sort, pertaining to the fift head? PET: 5. A. In Psal: 103. 3, 8, 12 &c: & 85. 2, 3 Q. Where can you direct me to any instance, to the same effect, belonging to the sixth & last head of petitions? Answ. In Psal: 34. 19, 20. Psal: 33. 18 PET: 6. 20. Psal: 30 11. 2 Tim: 4. 17, 18. Quest. Is it not sufficient unto true thankfulness, barely to mention before God such of these good things, as we profess ourselves thankful for? A. No, for the formal cause, and life of our thanksgivings seemeth (by our Saviour's direction ●ere) to lie rather in the feeling and affectionate acknowledgement of that, of the Eternal Kingdom, and Power and Glory, of God; which is exercised about, and declared in and by, any the said good things, and the granting & continuing of them. Q. What may we be then directed to, in those words. (Thine is the Kingdom A. If not always explicitly, yet implicitly at least, to affect our hearts thankfully, with those Divine Attributes which shine in such a thing. The Psal: 92 2▪ ibid. 4. Supreme influence of Divine Providence in ordering aught concerning it, Psal: 94. ●. and the freeness of God's Grace in conferring it. Q. Is there ought else, wherewith we should affect our hearts herein? Answ. The fullness of the Lords Psal: 95. 3. 7 right, and Sovereignty over us, now interested in such a good thing, or possessed Psal: 115, 1, 2 3. of it. The subjection of all such Psal: 114. 3, 8 instruments to him, as would have withstood it, and dependence of aught Psal: 148. tot what ever concurred instrumentally to Psal: 93. tot: the effecting of it, upon Him: And Lastly, but not leastly, the Kingly Mediatorship of Christ, in the conveyance of this grace of the Covenant unto us. Quest. What are we taught in those words, (and the Power?) Answ The hearty-acknowledgment of such a good thing, as we would express our thankfulness for: 1. As an effect of that Power in Rev: 19 6. Psal: 111. 6 & 145. 3, 4 Gen: 17. 1. God, which is Infinite & unsearchable, or of that God, which is Omnipotent or Alsufficient. 2. As it is, not only wrought, but Psal: 79: 8● Psal: 59 16 Ephe: 1. 10 applied also & continued to us, by the said Power of God. 3. As whereby also the means, or Psal: 145. 11. 1 Pet: 1. 5 Psal: 66. 3. 7. second causes conducing aught thereunto are & were enabled, to reach their ends, and impediments removed. 4. As when by we enjoy the blessing Ephe: 3. 20. of it, and are thereupon the more Psal: 68 34, 37. fitted and enabled, to the service of our God. Quest. What learn you from those words [And the Glory?] Answ. That what ever Divine perfection, Ephe: 2. 12. Psal: 145. 5, 10, 11. 2 Thes. 1. 9 ●sal: 111. 3 Rom: 9 22, 23. Psal: 96. 8. Psal: 105. 1, 3 such a thing doth speak the glory of, be taken notice of by us, & be acknowledged in such wise; as both our hearts be lifted, in the exalting the whole Glory of God's great & Glorious Name: and others be provoked also to set forth, and to be affected with, the Glory of God. Q. What gather we from those words [For ever & ever?] A. As an acknowledgement of God as the same JEHOVAH, from everlasting M●l▪ 3. 6. Heb: 13. 8. Rev: 1. 8. 1 Chron: 29 14, 16. to everlasting, and that we yet own ourselves, and all we are & have unto Him: So an avowing, or engaging ourselves, and what we have Gen: 28. 20. 21. unto him through his grace for the future. Quest. What is the force of that The Conclusion. Conclusive particle [Amen.] A▪ It is an expression, whereby we both profess that we do & will (through Grace look after our prayers: And Psal: 85. 8. 1 Cor: 14. 16 2 Cor: 1. 20. 1 ●et: 4. 1●. Rev: 3. 14. do testify as the fervent desire, so the thankful persuasion of our hearts, of Gods hearing, & accepting our prayers, in and through Him, who is of all his promises (whereof this prayer is a Summary Storehouse) the AMEN. APPENDIX Appendix 2. Second TOUCHING the NATURE Of the two Sacraments And use of the two Sacraments of the GOSPEL. WHat necessity is there of opening First in General. the Doctrine and use of the two Sacraments of the Gospel? Answ. 1. To remove Ignorance. 2. To prevent Superstition. 3. To redress much unpreparation touching them. Quest. Wherein do the two Sacraments of the Gospel; Baptism, and the Lords Supper, and those two of the Law Circumcision & the Passeover aglet? Answ. In a 1 Cor: 10. 1 2, 4. Rom. 4. 11. 1 Cor: 5. 7. Substance of signification: the same Christ, Righteousness Grace, Life, sealed up in both. Quest. Wherein do they differ? A. As in other respects, so in their b Gen: 17. 11 with Mat: 3. 11. Mat: 26. 19 with ver: 26, 27 Mat: 28. 19 20. Heb: 2. 2. with 10. 28, 29. Elements of resemblance Duration and manner of signification, and Operation: Those of the Gospel being more Clear, powerful, extensive, and for continuance. Quest. Wherein do Baptism, and the Supper agree? A. As in some other respects, so in c Rom: 4. 11 1 Cor: 1. 30 Rom: 6. 3, 6 with 1 Cor: 10. 16. Representing, exhibiting & sealing the same grace of the Covenant, the same Christ, the same benefits by Christ Q. Wherein do they differ? A. 1. In their d Acts 2. 41. 42. Order, Baptism preceds, the Supper follows. 2. In their e Ephe: 4. 5. with 1 Cor: 11. 26. T●me, Baptism once, the Supper oft administered. 3. In their f Mat: 3. 11. with 1 Cor: 11 23. 25. Elements, water belongs to Baptism, bread & wine to the Supper. 4. In their g Acts 2, 38, 39 with 1 Cor: 11, 28, 29, 31 Subject, Baptism includes even Infants, the Supper belongs to grown persons, in whom is some settlement of judgement, & scundnes of affection. 5. In their h Gal: 3. 27. with Rev: 3, 20. Use, Baptism doth point out a Being in Christ, and in the Covenant: The Supper, a continuance and growth therein. Quest. What considerations doth the outward matter of the Elements offer to us? Answ. These two especially. 1. The Senciblenes of them, pointing out the Wisdom & Love of Christ, in applying himself to divers senses at once; the more familiarly to convey the Savour of himself to us. 2. The i 1 Cor: 2. 5. & 14. Simplicity of them, as which be more generally, and easily attainable, and more safe & entire from carnal sensuality & pomp. Quest. What is the formal excellency of these Ordinances, or wherein doth it consist? A. In the due k Mat: 3. 11 Rom: 6. 3. 4 1 Cor: 11. 24 appropriation, of the outward Elements & signs to, and their union with the grace signified Q. What is the general end, and use of these two Seals? Answ. The Sealing or ratifying the whole Covenant: The promisory part on God's part to us ward: the restipulatory or repromisory part thereof on our parts to God-ward. In sum, That He will be our l Gen: 17. 1, 10. God, and we will be (through the Grace of the Covenant) his people. Q. What is the subordinate end? A. The m Gen: 17. 13 1 Cor: 10. 16, 17. profession of our faith and charity. Q. Wherein doth the Lord assure us thereby, that he will be our God? A. In exhibiting his n Rom: 8. 32 2 Cor: 1. 20. Christ unto us, with all his benefits, in all their fullness: and in all the dimensions, measures, & treasures, of breeding, or nourishing grace. Q. We having thus looked into the Constitution of these Sacraments, Let us see what pertayns to the due Celebration of them in general? A. A o Heb: 5. 4 Ephe: 3, 2, 4. 1 Tim: 3. 2 Esay 52. 11. Hag: 2. 12. Psal: 50. 21. Exod: 12 4● Mat: 3. 11. 1 Cor: 11. 24 28. Minister, & people duly qualified, and the Sacramental acts duly attended, according to Christ's institution. Q. Whose place doth the Minister sustain in these acts? Answ. The place of Christ's p 2 Cor: 5. 20 1 Cor. 4. 1. Ambassador, and the Steward of the Mysteries of God. Quest. What be those Sacramental acts, and what is their use? Answ. Washing q Mat: 3. 5 Mat: 26. 26, 27. or sprinkling breaking, pouring forth, distributing, taking, eating, drinking, &c: which serve to set forth the application and reception of the Grace represented under the Elements. Quest. Why use you Baptism, in In particular the first place? A. Not only q Mat: 21. 25 Exod: 12. 48 Col: 2. 11, 12 because it was Of Baptism. first ordained (as was also Circumcision, to which it answers in substance of resemblance) But because in order of nature, our planting or engraffing into Christ, and our begetting, breeding & Rom: 11, 17. Psal: 1. 3. Psal: 87. 5, 6 bringing forth of the womb of the Church, do precede our nourishment and growth therein. Q. What is the Parents duty, in respect of the Infant to be Baptised? A. To r Mat: 23. 28 Mat: 19 13. Psal: 51. 4. 2 Sam: 12. 16 23. present it to the Lord in this Ordinance of his in due season, in the face of the public Assembly: And in the due consideration of the woeful pollution of nature, conveyed by them unto it, to commiserate it in Exod: 20. 6. Gen: 17 7. their souls, mourn & sign for it, and to revive their faith in the Covenant, as touching their seed. Quest. Is this all? Answ. Further, they are to s Mat: 3. 11. 1 Cor: 7. 17. Ephes: 2. 11, 12. Ephe: 6. 4. join with the Church in humble confession of its original guilt, Supplication for the inward & spiritual washing, and for such a means of strengthening their faith, as touching God's goodwill towards it: and so to give it up unto the Lord, and to his people in him, devoting it to his service, & engaging the bringing it up to him, and for him. Q. What is the Church's duty? A. As each one for his part, to call to mind, the grace of t 1 Pet: 3. 21. Mark 16. 16 1 Cor: 15. 29 Gal: 3. 27. Rom: 6. 3. Mat: 28, 19 Baptism, formerly offered to him, to abase himself in the sense of the former breach of his engagement, and Reverently to attend this Ordinance, improving the remembrance of his own Baptism to his own spiritual advantage: So all of them jointly, by humble confession, prayer, and to look up unto God for the Infant (or who other) presented to Baptism. Quest. What is the Ministers duty? Answ. As to understand so to teach 2 Cor: 3. 6. Mat: 28. 27. Exod: 40. 9 Mat: 3. 11. 1 Tim: 4. 4. & 3. 15. the doctrine & use of this Ordinance, and in a grave, holy sort to dispense the same, according to the Institution, with prayer, and . Quest How can Infants be conceived capable of Baptism? A. As well, as of u Col: 2. 11, 12. with 1 Cor. 7. 14. 1 Pet: 3. 21. Deut: 30. 6 Ephe: 2. 5. Circumcision of old. And to be Baptised, or Circumcised, outwardly, or inwardly, no external action of the receiver is necessarily pre-required, he being properly rather a patiented therein: and also there being no word in the new Testament, Gen: 17. 11, 12. which makes void that former appointment of God, of setting the initiating Seal of the Covenant upon such. Quest. To what use serves it? A. To w Gal: 6. 10 1 Cor: 12. 13 John 15: 2 Rom: 4. 11 Gen: 17. 11. Heb: 12. 25 Signify, and seal, its visible relation to Christ his body the Church; and unto Christ himself, the head of his Church, by virtue of the Covenant: and consequently its visible interest, in the Privileges of the Covenant, & its obligation to the termest and conditions of it. Quest. What things are there properly Of the Lords Supper. considerable in the Lord's Supper? Answ. Principally. 1. The outward Elements and actions. 2. The inward distinct grace. 3. The special end of it. Quest. Why are here two distinct Elements, and in Baptism but one? A. Because, this Ordinance tends to x Esay 4. 16 Psal: 104. 15. Judg: 19 19 Rom: 14. 21. set forth the full nourishment of the soul: and this neither bread, nor wine apart would do, the one being the staff of Life, the other the cherisher of the spirits. Quest. What are we to observe, as touching the outward acts of the Supper? A. The acts on the Minister's part and on the receivers. Q. What are the acts on the Minister's part? A. These four. To y Luke 22. 10. 20. 1 Cor: 11. 23 24: Take, To Bless, To Break or pour out, and to deliver forth the Elements in the Name of Christ. Q. What do these actions import? A. The setting of Christ apart for suffering, and death and suffering of Acts 2. 23, 36 1 Cor: 21. 26 John 6. 51 Christ accordingly, and the free communication of the benefits thereof to so many as do receive him. Quest. Whence is it, that from Christ is our spiritual support, and strength in grace, as well as our first being in grace? Answ. From hence, that He is appointed a Heb: 9 15 1 ●●n: 2. 5. 2 Cor: 1. 20 Col: 3. 11 C●●: 2, 10. John 10. 10. & hath undertaken to be the alone Mediator of the Covenant, and so the All in all of the souls-happines. Quest. How is Christ propounded to us in the Supper, as the soul-nourishment? Answ. As the same b 1 Cor: 11. 24 1 Cor: 10: 16 stands in relation to the word of promise, wherein Christ is made the souls own, to feed her Quest. Wherein doth the Sacramental nourishment stand? A. In all c 2 Pet: 1. 3. Psal: 84. 11 & 37. 4 & 92 12, 13, 14. Hos: 14. 5. 8 3 John 2 John 1: 17: & 17. 11 Esay 63. 3, 4. Ephe: 4. 16 Psal: 73. 26 1 Cor: 15. 58. manner of Spiritual supply, to any of the wants of the soul as concerns its health, growth, stability or fruitfulness in grace. Quest. What do those acts of the receiver, in taking, eating & drinking, the Elements set forth? Answ. How Faith-Sacramental d Esay 1. 29. Luke 5. 1● Esay 25. 6, 7, 3. Psal: 118. 24. Esa. 55. 2 apprehends & applies Christ, al-along to the souls spiritual nourishment: For it consenting to the word of God's Tit: 1. 15. Rev: 3. 16. Jer: 2. 13: promise & tender, & submitting in obedience to his command, does lay hold upon & improve Christ, to all needful supplies of Grace, spiritual strength, & life, and gathers out the sweetness and comfort of all. Quest. What is the end & use of the Supper? Answ. 1. To confirm e John 10. 9 & 15. 4. Heb: 9 16. the Promise, concerning nourishment and growth by Christ, to the experience of the believing soul, depending alone upon Christ, and his grace for the same 2. To f Col: 2. 20 2 Cor: 5. 14, 15. ● Cor: 11. 16 engage the soul, both to depend constantly & confidently upon Christ to that end for the future and to improve all back again unto Christ, and his Honour. APPENDIX third TOUCHING OBEDIENCE Appendix 3. of the Decalogue. And the Rule thereof. WE having (in part) discovered what God will do for us: Now let us hear what He requireth of us? Answ. Obedience unto a Psal: 40. 8. Psal: 143. 10. Mat: 7. 21. his Will Revealed. Q. Where is God's Will made known? Answ. In the b Mat: 22. 40. 2 Tim: 3. 16. 17. holy Scriptures, of the Prophets and Apostles, whereby the Moral-Law (which is an Abbreviat of Gods Will) is in the several parts of it fully explained. Quest. What is the Moral-Law? Answ. It is that c Psa: 19 7, 10 Exod. 16. & 17. 1. & 19 2 & 19 9 with Exod: 20. 1-Eccl: 12. 13 1 Cor: 10. 2. 3 & Ex: 31. 18 full, perfect & unchangeable Rule, which the Lord himself gave & uttered, as his last will, unto his people in the wilderness, prescribing the whole duty of thankfulness and obedience; which the Lords redeemed one's in Covenant with Him, be obliged unto. Q. How many things do you observe in it, as you have it expressed in Exod: 20. Answ. Two things. 1. The Preface, verse 1, 2. 2. The Commandements themselves to verse 17. Quest. Whereto serves the Preface? Answ. To acquaint us with a three fold reason enforcing the obedience to this Law, upon the Lord's people. 1. Because, He is d Esay 49. 5. 9 Psal: 45. 11. the Lord, having Sovereign Dominion over all. 2. Because, He is our e 2 Cor: 7. 1 2 Pet: 1. 4 Covenant-God, all the Promises whereof, are so many engagements unto obedience. Quest. What is the third reason? A. Because of the several engaging f Luke 1. 74. Eph 4. 20, 21 Esay 43. 1, 2, 3. Mercies, which we do partake in, by virtue of the Covenant: and as the Head of all, Our Redemption by Christ, figured by that deliverance the Church had out of Egypt. Q. How is the Moral-Law divided? A. Into ten g Exo: 34, 18 Exod: 32. 15 Mat: 22, 26, 27. Commandents or Words, contained under two Tables. The first Table consists of the four first concerning the duty we own immediately to God. The second, of the six last concerning the duty we own immediately to our Neighbour. Q. What is the general duty of the first Table? A. To h Mat: 22, 29. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart &c: Quest. How may the four first Commandments be distinguished? Answ. 1. The two first concern the matter of worship, viz: The first Natural: as which the knowledge of God and of his Nature teacheth. The second, Instituted, as which the knowledge of God's Will teacheth. 2. The two latter, the adjuncts of Worship, viz: The third, the holy manner of Worship. The fourth the holy time of Worship. Quest. Why be some Commandments set down, in the Affirmative, some in the Negative? A. To point out wherein the i Hosea 4. 1▪ 2, 6. & 5. 15. danger of Gods own people, by reason of temptation &c: doth nextly, and most immediately lie. Quest. What is to be observed for the better understanding of these Commandments? Answ. Especially four things. 1. Where any Duty is Commanded the contrary evil is forbidden: and contrariwise. 2. Under one particular mentioned, are contained all of the same kind. 3. Under what ever Duty, or Sin expressed, all both means, occasions, & signs thereof are intended. 4. Under Man, of whom duty is required, the whole Nature of man, and under one Relation, all sorts of relation, are comprehended. Quest. What is the first Commandment? Commandment 1. Answ. Thou shalt HAVE no other k Exod. 20. 3 GOD before ME. Q. What is required in Commandment first? A. That we do l Esay 33. 12. Jer. 10. 10 1 Cor: 8, 6 enjoy, & own the Lord JEHOVAH, and him alone for our GOD. Q. What is required herunto? A. Our Spiritual m Psal: 4. 6. 1 John 1. 3 Rom: 6. 11 Communion with God, both in receiving all Grace from him, and in improving all grace to him, and his Glory. Q. What special Graces are they, the enjoyment & improvement whereof is here required? A. Knowledge, n Job 22. 21. 2 Pet: 3. 18 Faith, Fear of God, Hope, Love, Humility, Patience Joy in God &c: namely in respect of their Being, and Growth. Q. What is required. as wherein to exercise these graces? A. 1. The o Heb: 3. 7. Mic: 6, 9 with Heb: 4. 2 hearing the voice of God. 2. The calling upon his p Rev. 10. 12 14. 1 Tim: 2 22. Act. 2. 21 Dan: 9 2, 3 Est. 9 19 Pro: 16. 33. Gen: 28. 20 Name in prayer, both ordinarily & extraordinarily, with holy fasting or feasting, or in a religious oath, lot, or vow. 3. The submitting to the q 1 Pet: 4. 19 James 1. 23 Will of God revealed, both to do & suffer, according thereunto. Quest. Is aught else required as concerns our Communion with God? Ans. Yes, the r 2 Pet: 2. 11 1 John 1. 3, 5 Psal: 84. 2. & 73. 17. maintaining & improving our Spiritual Communion with Him. Quest. In what manner? Answ. In all s Num: 14. 24. with 1 King 18. 21. Num: 25. 12. 13 Mic: 6. 8 Acts 23. 1. & Heb: 10. 22 Sincerity, Zeal, Humility, good Conscience, Watchfulness & Perseverance. 1 Pet: 5. 8. Eph: 6. 18 Q. By what means is it maintained? A. We are required to that end, to keep in t Heb: 12. 2● with 1 Pet: 4. 10 Psal: 66. 28 2 Pet: 1. 11. Mat. 25. 15 high esteem, carefully to conserve & increase; and as carefully to improve to God's honour in his worship & service, every gift & grace, of his Spirit in us. Q. Who are they that so eye this Commandment, as to do thereafter? Answ. Such as u Psal: 119. 57 Esay 60. 19 2 Cor: 10. 17 take the Lord, to be their only Portion & Glory. Quest. What is here require●, in order to the using such good gifts in the service of God, to his honour? A. The w 2 Chron: 30. 8. Pro: 23. 26. Rom: 13. 10. & Psal: 16. 1 Esay 26. 4 Jer: 14. 8 Pro: 23. 17 Rom: 6. 13 Psal: 116. 9 giving up of, both our hearts unto God, in fastening all our love, trust, hope & fear upon Him: And also our lives, through a care of walking with God whilst we live. Q. What is required to the improving our Communion with God? A. The x John 7. 17 Rev: 3 20 1 John. 3. 27 John 14. 21, 23. ready subjecting our own wills, & endeavours to Gods will and way wholly, and in every respect Q. That which we have spoken to; appertains to the affirm: part of the Commandment: what is therefore forbidden in the Negative? A. All those motions, vices, and corruptions of heart & life: as which be contrary to the virtues, graces, motions, dispositions and duties here required. Quest. Which is the Second Commandment? Commandment 2. Answ. Thou shalt not y Exod: 2●. 4 5 6. MAKE to thyself, any GRAVEN Image &c: Quest. What are we to take notice of, as contained in this Commandment? A. 1. What is therein Commanded. 2. The Reasons in particular enforcing it. Quest. How may we gather what is herein Commanded? Answ. From the contrary herein expressly forbidden, according as in the former. Q. What is in general here forbidden? Answ. The z Jer: 7. 31. Acts 24. 14. Worshipping of God, with such outward Worship, as hath not Him the Author thereof. Q. What is then required here? A. To a Deut: 12. 32 & 4 12. Mat: 28. 20. Worship God, with such outward Worship, as only himself hath appointed, and in his Word revealed. Q. What outward worship, hath the Lord appointed? A. The b 1 Tim: 3. 16 John 5. 39 & Col: 3. 16 Luke 4. 21. Acts 2. & 3. & 7. Pro: 22. 6. with Gal: 6. 6. exercise & use of the holy Scriptures, both in public, and in private; by the instant attendance upon the reading, preaching, or hearing thereof, even in season, and out of season. Quest. What more? Answ. Meditation c Psal: 1. 2. Mat: 26, 30. Col: 3. 16 Mat: 3. 16 Luke 24. 14. 2 Tim: 4. 2 thereupon, singing of Psalms, and holy conference, tending to mutual edification. Quest. What else? A. The d Phil: 4. 6. Acts 3. 2 & Mat: 21. 13 Pro: 3. 6. & 20. 24 Zech: 12 12 14. Josh: 24. 15. Mat: 6. 6. use and exercise of Prayer, in our public meetings, Religious & Civil: in our private families daily, & continually, and in our secret retirements oft, and upon all occasions. Q. What other means of worship is there? A. All the e 1 Cor: 4. 17 Psal: 2. 12 Mat▪ 16. 19 Acts 14. 23 with Tit: 1. 5 & 1 Cor: 5. 13 Phil: 1. 1 Mat: 18. 16, 17 Act: 14. ●7 Acts 20. 28 1 Cor: 12. 25 Ordinances of the Gospel, which peculiarly do respect a particular visible Church, both its constitution, and its state being constituted, its Inorganick, and its Organic state: And lastly also such as concern either the whole Church jointly, or the members in particular. Q. Is not the use of Seals and Censures included? A. Yes, the same are f Mat: 28. 18. Acts 2. 44 Mat: 18. 17 2 Cor: 2. 6, 7 amongst other Ordinances, enjoined here. Q. What appears to be here particularly forbidden? A. As all g Deut: 4. 2 Mat: 1●. 9 〈◊〉 8, 9 humane inventions & appointments in God's Worship: So James 4. 2. Luke 19 27. Rev: 3. 9 Gal: 2. 4 Luke 13. 34. Zech: 14. 16 18. ●. Zeph: 3. 11 1 Sam: 4 3 with Jer: 7. 4, 14. Lam: 4. 20 Act. 14. 12, 14 1 Cor: 1. 12 Amos 5. 16 1 King. 22. 43. all profane contempt, or careless neglect, of any part of God's outward Worship, appointed by himself. Q. Is there ought else here forbidden Answ. Yes, the Superstitious abuse or Idolising any of the Instruments, or means appointed of God, in his Worship: and the doing of any honour to any humane device. Quest. What are the Reasons? Answ. They are two. The first is taken from the Justice of i Deut: 23. 8. Exod: 34. 7 Num: 14. 18 Mat: 3. 7 Luke 13. 35. God in avenging the breach of this Commandment, upon the offender, and his posterity. Q. What is the second Reason? A. It is taken from the k Deut: 5. 29. & 12. 25, ●● Psal: 112. 2 Deut: 30. 6 Acts 2. 39 2 Cor: 12. ●4 John 14. 15 Mercy of God extended, in such the fruits of it, as are the visible tokens of his favour & presence, in his Ordinances; to the keepers of this Law, and their Offspring, who are here looked at, as such as Love God; when the breakers are such as hate him. Q. What is the third Commandment? Commandment 3. A. Thou shalt not take the Name Exod: 20. ●. of God in VAIN &c: Quest. How many things are observable in this Commandment? Answ. 1. The Commandment itself. 2. The Reasons of it. Q. What is it to take God's Name in vain? A. In thought, word, or deed to abuse, or profane the Name of God. Q. What is to be understood by the Name of God? A. All what ever relates unto God as his l Acts ●. 15 Exod: 33. 19 Deut: 32, 3 Deut: 1●. 5 2 Chron: 7. 14. Rom: 1. 19, 20. Worship, and the worshippers of Him, his Church, his Word, Ordinances & Works; as well as his Titles, and Attributes. Q. What is then the Scope of this third Commandment? A. To Regulate all the worshippers of God in the right manner of worshipping him, and in the right use of all that is called his Name, and also in the ordering their own conversation aright Q. In what manner ought we to God's Worship. worship God? A. In [m] Spirit and in Truth. John 4. 14. Q. But after what manner, more particularly? Answ. We ought to n Job 23. 12. Psal: 84. 12. Pro: 23. 13 Mat: 13. 44. Pro: 8. 34 1 Pet: 2. 2 Psal: 42. 2, 4 Psal: 122. 1. & 69. 9 2 Chr. 12. 12 1 Cor: 14. 20 apply ourselves to the holy Worship of God, with a holy desire, affection, and preparation, Before; With due Reverence, and Devotion, In; and with a Spiritual savour and use of it, After: Always observing outward Order, and Decency, in & about the same. Ec. 5. 1, 2 Heb: 12. 28. Lev: 19 30. Act. 10. 2. Psal: 18. 1. Cant: 2. 3. Heb: 4. 2. 1 Thes. 2. 13. Quest How should we use the Titles 2. Titles. of God? Answ. In o 1 Pet: 3. 15. Eccles: 5. 2 Gen: 14 19 Jer: 4. 2. serious matters, after a Reverend manner, and to a good end, holding them forth in a holy life. Rom 9 5. 1 Cor: 10. 31. 1 Thes. 1. 12. & 2. 12 Quest. How should we use his Attributes? 3. Attributs Answ. In such a p Psal. 104. 34 ●sal: 139. 17. Rom: 2. 4 Joel 2. 14 Pro: 16. 10 Rom: 4. 20 Gen: 17. 1 Rom: 12. 1 2 Sam: 16. 10 Jer: 1●. 6, 7 holy sort to acquaint ourselves with them, and to think, and speak of them, as to the gaining some spiritual sweetness, savour and fruit thereby. Exo: 15. 11. Psa. 31. 7 Quest. How should we demean ourselves towards God's Church, and those 4. Church in Covenant with Him? A. To q Psal: 16. 3 & 15. 4. Psal 137. 6. Col. 1. 4. 1 Joh: 3. 14 prize, honour, & love such, to entertain & desire fellowship with them, imitate their virtues, help Psal. 122. 6, 9 Pro: 15. 12 & 13. 20. Acts 9 26 & 21. 7 Heb: 6: 12 & 13. 7 Gal. 6. 10. bear their burdens, sympathise with them in their conditions, seek their prayers for us, & long after their good all our days. Pro: 20. 4. Rom, 12. 15. Gal: 6. 2. 2 Thes: 1. 11. 1 Thes: 5. 25. Quest. How are we to Sanctify the Name of God in his Works? 5. Works. Answ. 1. In the beholding the r Psal: 143. 5, 6. Esay 51. 6 Heb: 1. 10. Psal: 105. 2, 3 Rom: 1. 19, 21. 1. of Creation works of Creation, to see that our hearts be drawn nearer to himself the Creator, our Tongues do utter his Praises, and our Lives do speak a Spiritual use made of them. 2. In s Afflicting ● Psal: 32. 4 & 38. 2. Mic: 6. 9 ●am: 3. 39 Deut: 8. 2. Esay 30. 15 Psal: 131. 5 Afflicting Providences, 2. of Provide. to see and acknowledge God's handiwork, to search out his mind, and to be quickened thereby, unto Humiliation Repentance, Dependence upon God, Weanednes from the world, & the like. 3. In the t 1 Tim: 4. 5. Judas ver: 12 Rom: 14. 23. Gen: 32. 10. 1 Cor: 10. 31 Pro: 3. 7. Amos 6. 6 1 Tim: 6. 17 18, 19 Luke 21. 34, 36. plentiful Supply of 2. Smiling. the Creature, to receive it thankfully from God the giver, and to use it in all holy fear, faith, humility, zeal of God's Glory, and care of others good: with watchfulness, sobriety, and the minding our latter end. 1 Pet: 5. 8. Psal: 30. 6. 4. To observe, admire, & magnify 3. of Grace. the works of his Grace, upon whom-soever: Rom: 11. 33. Ephe: 1. 7 2 John 4. 1 Pet: 5. 10 Psal: 66. 16 2 Pet: 1. 8 & 3. 18. & Eph: 4. 1 Colos: 2. 19 to rejoice thereat, to seek the perfecting thereof; and readily to show forth what God hath done for us that way, to the Glory of God, and the edification of others: and to walk worthy of his Grace, depending upon him for daily frest supply. Quest. What are the particular miscarriages, tending to the breach of this Commandment? Answ. They are the several evils, as consist either in the w 1 Chron: 15. 13. Mat: 15. 9 de●ect of any the graces or duties prescribed, or in is in conrariety thereto. Quest. Whereto serves the Reason? Answ. To teach us, x Hosea 4. 1. Jer: 23. 10, 11, 12. Jer: 7 18 Zech: 5. 4 1 Chr: 15. 15 1 King: 13. 4 Acts 5. 5. 2 King: 19 22, 35 1 Cor: 11. 30 that though man fails, yet God never fails, even manifestly to punish the wilful breach of this Commandment. Quest. What is the fourth Commandment? Command: 4. Answ? Remember thou keep y Exod: 20. 8 to 11. Holy the SABBATH day &c: Quest. What things are here to be taken notice of? Answ. 1. The Duties enjoined. 2. The Reasons pressing to them. Quest. What is the general duty? Answ. Solemnly & Religiously to observe, a certain set solemn time, of the Lords own appointment, for the drawing nearer to himself, in all the ways of his holy Worship. Q. What is that set time of Gods own appointment? A. It is the z Mat: 24. 20 Esay 56. 6. Esay 58. 13. Rev: 1. 6. seaventh part of time, or seaventh Day, called the Sabbath, or particularly the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, or the Lordsday. Q. Hath the Lord left us any Scripture-Rule, whereby to find out the time, of the beginning & end of the Sabbath? A. The first seaventh day from the a Gen. 2. 2, 3 Exod: 31. 17 Creation, wherein the Lord rested from all his works, which he Created, is laid before us in this Commandment as a pattern-Sabbath, guiding us as in other respects, so in this of the time, wherein we ought to begin and end out Sabbath. Q. Why observe we the first day of the week, seeing the seaventh or last day was at first observed in the Church? A. The day is by b Psal. 118. 24 John 20. 19, 26. Act. 2. 1. &c: Divine appointment now changed, from the last day of the week to the first, for the Lev: 23. 11, 16. Acts 20. 17. 1 Cor: 16 2. Rev: 1. 10. memorial of the Lord Christ his Resurrection, as upon this Day. Quest. What is the Sabbath-duty in particular? Answ. 1. To Rest this day. 2. To Sanctify the same. Quest. What are we enjoined to Rest from, upon this Day? Answ. Not only from the breach of c Lev: 23. 7. Esay 58. 13 Exod: 16. 28 29. Luke 23. 56. with Mark 16. 1. Exod: 31. 13 & 24. 21. Neh. 13. 16, 20 Jer: 17. 24. Exod: 16. 9 any other Commandment, which is every-dayes-duty: but from occupying ourselves about such things as are lawful upon an other day, attended to. Quest. But is this Rest absolutely enjoined? Answ, No, for what d Mat: 12. 1, 9 2 King: 4. 23 Psal: 81. 3. Neh: 8. 10 Neh: 5. 18. tends to further the Worship of God on the day, or else doth appertain to common honesty, or to the serving some special Divine Providence, imposing a necessity of present labour, for the preservation of life, or the comfort of it: the same may be done on this day. Q. What is it to keep it Holy? A. To pass the time holily, in the holy attendance upon the duties of Gods holy Worship. Quest. What are those duties of worship wherein we are to employ ourselves on this day? Answ. All those e Psal ●● tot & 63: & 27 4. Acts ●. 7 2 Tim. 4. 2 Acts 16. 13. Ezek: 46. 1, 01. which are enjoined in first & second Commandement in that manner of wise as required in the third, and this in public & in private. Quest. Is that which is commonly called Contribution, a public sabbath-days work? A. As (in the f Luk. 21. 1. 2▪ 1 Cor: 16 1, 2. Exod: 23. 15 Psal: 45. 12. Mat: 5. 23. due performance of it,) it is a fruit of faith & holiness an act of love & mercy, a testimony of thankfulness, and a token of a heart enlarged in the sense of God's bounty, on that day tasted of, and rejoiced in: so it is most suitable to the public work of the day. Q. What are the private duties? A. Such as we are to attend before the public or after, either in the family, or a part by ourselves. Q. What be they that be to go before? A. The g Num 2●●▪ 10: Psa● 119 147, 148: Psal: 63. 1. reading God's word, & instructing the family therefrom, prayer, holy meditation of God's word and works &c: Quest. What be they that be to follow? Answ. Meditation h Mal: 2. 2 Luke 2. ●9. Psal: 119. 97. 98. Acts 17. 11 Deut: 6. 6 Heb: 2. 2. Acts 13. 42 Luke 24. 17. Num: 28. 10. Psal. 92. 1, 2. of the word heard, examination of what was taught by the word, recalling it over in the family, taking trial of their profiting who are under our charge, holy conference, prayer, singing of psalms. Q. To whom is this charge concerning the sanctifying of the Sabbath given? Answ. As the charge i Neh: 1●. 15 1 Tim: 2. 2. Jer. 17. 20, 27 Gen: 18. 19 Psal: 101. 8. Josh 24. 13 2 Chron: 34. 33. concerns all, So in an especial sort such as are Superiors, as to keep it themselves, so to care that they who be under them, do so also. Quest. What be the Reasons used here to enforce the care of sanctifying the Sabbath? Answ There be divers reasons insinuated, but three mainly insisted upon 1. The first whereof is taken from the equity of the Command. 2. The second from Gods own example. 3. From the Divine institution of the day, and his blessing it to the sincere observers of it. Quest. What is the duty in general The second Table. which the second Table enjoins? Answ. To love our k Mat: 22: 39 neighbour as our self. Quest. Unto what special heads are the duties of Love or Righteousness which we own unto our neighbour to be referred according to the order of the six following Commandments belonging unto the second Table? Answ. Unto these six heads. The first concerns our Neighbour's Honour & estimation. The second his life & livelihood The third his chastity & purity. The fourth his outward estate and goods. The fift & sixth, as in order to the better performance of our charge respecting the foregoing, enjoins us 1. Truth in our speeches, promises and deal. 2. Contentation, with our own condition. Commandment 5. Q. What is the fift Commandment? A. HONOUR thy Father &c: Exod: 20. 12 Q. What consider you in it? A. The Precept itself, and the Ephes: 6. 2 Promise annexed. Q. What is the Scope of that Precept? Answ. To direct m Eccl: 10. 7 Gen: 2. 10 Ec●l: 4. 9 Psa●: 133. 1: 1 Cor: 14. 40 as a Rule, each one of us in that his duty, to be performed to his neighbour, which his Place, Age, or gifts properly call for: as to the end Political-order might by this means be duly observed in humane-Societyes, warranted by God. Quest. Why are the duties due from all sorts of relations, in humanesocieties prescribed under the term of Honour? Answ. Because the duty which one's n 1 Pet: 2. 17 & 3. 7. Pro: 29. 15 Eccl: 4. 13 place, or condition calls for from an other, doth in the due performance of it, and aught in the doing thereof to respect his Honour, whether he be Superior, equal, or inferior. Quest. What is that duty of Honour which we do owe in general to all, whether Superiors, equals, or inferiors? Answ. To tender, & o Rom: 12. 10 1 Pet: 2. 17 1 Sam: 19 4 Mat: 18. 15▪ 16. Pro: 22. ●. to endeavour according to Rule, the upholding that state of worth, excellency, or reputation of our neighbour, with which God hath invested him in any humane society; and not only to preserve it un-impaired, and unblemished but even to promote the same, so far forth as in us lieth. Quest. What is the duty in general, which we are here enjoined to perform to our Superiors? Answ. Both p Lev: 19 3 1 King. 1. 17 24. John 20 15. Mat. 13. 27. Job 32. 4 & 29. 7, 10. Lev: 19 32 1 King: 2. 19 Gen: 43. 23 Rom: 13. 6, 7 1 Pet: 3. 3 1 Sam: 15. 30 with 2 Sam: 20. 1, 2. inwardly to Reverence them in our hearts, and outwardly in due sort to express the same, and that readily upon all occasions, both in word & deed, in such wise as may both testify our esteem of them, as our betters, and our care to deserve well of them; yea and to procure likewise unto them like honourable esteem & respect from others. Q. What on the other side is the duty we as Superiors, do own unto our Inferiors? A. To q Psal: 27. 10 & 103. 13, 14 Es●y 49. 15 Pro: 2. 12. 1 Thes 2. 11 Job 31 18 & 29. 16. Gen 43 29, 30 1 Sam: 3. 6. 2 Cor. 6. 13 R●th 3. 10, 11, & 2. 8 bear and maintain towards them, an inward Parental-affection, and suitably to demean ourselves in speech & action. 1 ●et. 3. 7. 'tis 2. 7. Q. What be the duties the Husband and the wife do mutually owe each to other? A. Conjugal-love, r Ephe: 5. 25 Titus 2 4 Pto: 5. 19 Mal: 2. 14. with Pro: 2. 17. & 31, 11. & 12. 13. & 12. 4. faithfulness, helpfulness,, and also fellowship in family worship. Gen. 2. 18. 1 ●ei. 3. 7. Q. What be the duties which the wife oweth to her husband? Answ. Besides s Eph: 5. 33. 1 Pet: 3. 2, 4, 5, 6. 3 Tim: 2. 12 Eph: 5. 24 the common duties aforesaid, she owes him Reverence, subjection & obedience. Eph. 5. 24 Quest. What be the duties of Honour, the Husband owes to his wife? Answ. Besides t Eph: 5. 23. 1 Pet: 3. 5 1 Cor: 14. 34 35. Eph: 5. 29 Exod: 21. 10 1 Tim: 5. 8. the common duties before mentioned, he as a head should care to govern, direct, protect and cherish her, as a part of himself, and to provide for her, to his best endeavour, according to his place and condition. Quest. What be the duties of Honour that children do owe unto their natural Parents? Answ. u 1 Tim: 5. 4. Gen: 42. 12 Mark 7. 11 Gen: 5. 29 Pro: 23. 24, 25 Ruth 4. 15 Gen: 25. 9 Gen: 48. 12 Col: 3. 20. Thankful-Recompence due-Reverence, and child-like-Obedience. Quest. But be the same duties due to step-fathers' & stepmother's? Answ. Yes, in as much as w Ruth 2. 11 18. & 3. 5. & 2 2. & 3. 1 Luke 2. 51. they occupy the room, and be bound to the same trust, of their natural Parents. Quest. What be the duties of Honour that natural Parents do owe unto their children? A. Carefully x Psal: 127. 4 5. 1 Tim: 5. 8 Judg. 13. 3, 4 Mat: 2. 13, 14 Gen: 21. 7. & 17, 18 to endeavour that they may both live, & live well: and that in order thereunto, they may be Mat: 19 13, 1 Tim: 5. 10. Ephe: 6. 4 Pro: 29. 15 & 22. 6 2 Tim: 1. 5 Pro: 1●. 22. Deut: 6. 7 Job 1 5. 1 Sam: 1. 21 both well educated by good nursery, and nurture, and well provided for. 1 Tim: 3. 4 Gen: 24. 3. 2 Cor: 12. 14. Quest. What is the Honour, required of Servants towards their Masters? Answ. Besides that s 1 Tim: 6. 1 Mal: 1. 6. Eph 6. 5, 7. Col: 3. 22, 23. Mat: 8 9 1 Pet: 2. 18 Tit: 2. 10. Reverence (belonging to all inferiors) due service and subjection, with all faithfulness & thankfulness. Gen: 31. 40. Mat: 25. 29. Q. What is the duty of Masters to their servants? A. As to t Psal: 101. 6. Psal: 15. 4. Pro: 12. 10 Deut. 24. 14, 15. Col: 4. 1 Mat: 8. 5, 6 Exod: 20. 10 Gen: 18. 19 Josh: 24. 25 choose (as near as may be) such as are virtuously and piously educated, or disposed: So to use them christianlike, doing to them that which is equal, and being helpful to them for their good, in matters spiritual & temporal, to their ability. Q. What is the Honour, we do owe unto our Magistrates? A. All under their u Rom: 13. 1. Eccl. 10. 20 Psal: 82. 1, 6 Acts 26. 25 2 Sam 9 6, 9 Acts 24. 10 1 Kin: 1. 23, 24. 1 Sam. 22 14. 2 Sam: 24 3. Est: 2. 21, 22. 1 Pet: 2. ●4. Tit: 3. 1. Authority do own them the Honour of Reverence fidelity, subjection & thankfulness, & prayer for them, & withal such as are concerned in their choice, to nominate and elect such, as be Able men, Fearers of God, men of Truth, and hating covetousness. Rom: 13. 6. 1 Pet: 2. 19 Exod: 18. 21 Mat: 17. 22. 1 Tim: 2. 2. Psal. 21. 24. Quest. What be the duties which Magistrates own to their subjects? Answ. To w 1 Tim: 2. 2 Esay 49. 23 Rom: 13, 3, 4 Psal: 122. 9 Deut: 17. 18, 19 Psal: 102. 12. Deut: 17. 2 improve their Authority, as those that be under them, may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness & honesty. 2 Chron: 19 3, 8, 9 & 31 20. Neh: 13. 10, 28. Job 30. 5, 6. & 20. 13, 14. Esa. 32. 2. Es. 22. 21 Quest. What are the Mutual duties which Ministers & people do owe each to other? Answ. Inward x 1 Tim: 6. 11 & 4. 12. 2 Cor: 12. 15 Gal: 4. 19 2 Joh 1. & 4 1 Thes: 5. 13 Gal: 4. 14, 15 1 Thes: 1. 2. Heb: 13. 18. dear Love and Affection towards each other, and diligent & earnest prayer each for other. Esa: 51 7. with 1 Cor: 13. 4, 5. Col: 1. 3 Quest. What are the special duties of People to their Ministers? A. Finding them to be of God, they are to z 1 John 4. 1 Gal: 4. 14 1 Cor: 4. 1 1 Thes: 5. 13. & 20. 2 Cor 7. 15. Rom: 10. 15. 2 Cor: 5. 20. Acts 17 11 2 Chron: 20 20. 1 Tes: 2 13. Mat: 7. 24 1 Tim: 5. 17 1 Cor: 16. 10 & 18. Rom: 1, 6. 4 Gal. 6. 6 receive, esteem & reverence them, to hear them gladly, to hold fast their good-doctrine, in faith & obedience; and withal to maintain their estate with honourable Provision, their Credit with due commendation, their Liberty with just defence, and their faithfulness with meet encouragement. Q. What is farther required, as due to our Church-Officers? A. As to a Col. 4. 17. Phil: 2. 9 Rom: 16. 2 Heb: 13. 17 stir them up (as need is) to fulfil their Ministry: So to refresh and secure them, and to submit to them in all matters pertaining to their Office, according to God. Q. Whether is it lawful to maintain the Ministry by a certayin set stipend? A. It is not only Lawful, but b Luke 10. 7 Gen: 47. 22 1 Cor: 9▪ 7. 15 1 Tim: 5. 17▪ 18 2 Chron▪ 31. 6, 10. Safe & honourable for a people so to do. Nehe: 13. 10, 12. Rom: 13. 8. Q. What is the duty of the Minister to his people? A. To c Heb: 5. 4. 2 Cor: 3. 5, 6 Acts 21. 14 Rom: 1. 11 2 Tim: 2. 15 1 Tim: 3. 1 7 Acts 20. 28 1 Tim: 4. 12. Tit: 2. 15 Phil: 2 28 John 5 31 Ma●: 5. 13▪ 14 2 Cor▪ 8. 22 Rom: 12. 7 2 Tim: 4. 5. 7 2 Cor: 12. 14 2 Tim: 2. 4. attend the will of God in his being with them, to have them in due esteem, and to keep himself in due estimation with them: being an exemplary light unto them, and using all diligence in all things, for the fulfilling of his ministry, and the faithful discharge of his trust amongst them, as whereof he is to give an account unto his & their Lord, an other day. 1 Tim 1. 12. 1 Cor▪ 4. 4. Heb: 13▪ 17. 2 Cor. 5. 9 Q. What is the Reason here used to enforce these duties? A. It is d ●pe: 6. 2, 3 ●●6. 11. the Promise of a long and blessed life, in a land and place of Jer: 29. 7. desires, given us of God. Quest. What is the sixth Commandment? Commandment 6. Answ. Thou shalt not KILL. Exod: 20. ●● Quest. What is the Scope of this Commandment? Answ. To provide for the safety of Man's life, and to that end, all are here Mat. 5. 21, 26 forewarred, to observe & shun, what ever may tend to the prejudice, of our own, or an others life, both Spiritual & Temporal. Quest. May murder be committed otherwise then in the outward act? Answ. Yes, namely as e Mat: 5. 22.- Mat: 27. 39 also in heart, gesture, and speeches. Quest. What are the evils to be avoided, which in committing of them, would tend to the prejudice of our own, or an others Spiritual life, or would be called Soul-murther? A. Principally, The f Rom: 6. l. Pro: 6. 32 & 8. 36 Rom. 13: 4 Gen: 24. 1, 2 2 Sam: 11. 2. Rom: 2. 4, 5 Heb: 4. 2 Esay 22. 25 & 33. 7. Jer. 23. 14, 27 1 Cor: 8. 9 Mat: 23. 1● leading ourselves, or others, into any Sin: the suffering ourselves or others, to lie in sin; or the hindering the free passage of the means of Grace, in the peace, purity, or power of it. Quest. When may one be said, to be guilty of self-murder, in respect of his own natural life? Answ. Not only when g 2 Sam: 17. 13. 1 King. 2 22. Mat: 4. 6. 7. Eccl: 5. 19 Pro: 19 15, Eccl: 4. 5. & 3. 13. 1 Tim: 5. 23. Mat: 9 12 he shall either contrive his own death, directly or indirectly, or shall carelessly or desperately expose himself unto unnecessary danger: but also when he shall neglect the due means of life, livelihood, or health. Q. When may one be said to be guilty of indirect murder, as touching another? A. When by a h Deut: 22. 8. Exod: 21. 29 Pro: 24. 11, 12. 2 Sam: 11, 16, 17▪ careless omission, or negligent discharge of his trust, his neighbours outward life & the comfort thereof is hazarded. Q. To speak of murder committed directly against our neighbour, What is the murder of the Heart? A. Whatsoever evil is conceived in the i Mat: 5. 22. 1 ●ohn 3. 15 Acts 7. 9 Pro▪ 16. 18 Pro: 14. 21 & 21 13 & 29. 5 ●s●y: 3. 15 Pro: 6: 13 heart against our neighbour's life, whereto are referred unjust anger and hatred, as the fountains, Envy, disdain, contempt, hard-heartedness, feigned friendship, cruelty, and such others of the same nature; with all their outward signs, issuing from any these fountains. Quest. What is that frame of heart towards others, which this Commandment than requires? Answ. A heart inclining k Col: 3. 12 Ephe: 4. 32 Ma●: 11. 29 1 Thes: 4. 11 to kindness, meekness, compassionatnes, & quietness. 1 Cor: 13. 5. Rom: 12. 15. Quest. When may murder be said to be committed by the Tongue? A. When l Pro: 15. 1 & 21. 9 1 Pet: 2. 23 Gal: 4. 29. Pro▪ 24. 9 Psal: 109▪ 17, 18. Pro. 26. 22 & 25. 23 2 Sam: 2. 14 sinful anger, or hatred in the heart, is expressed by the tongue, in Brawling, reviling, scoffing, cursing, tale-bearing, slandering, challenging his neighbour, and such like. Quest. What manner of speech is here then required? Answ. That m 1 Sam: 10: 32. Jer: 38. 7, 8. 2 Thes: 12 4. Pro: 31. 26 which is so uttered to or for another, as tendering his good. Mat: 10. 12. Ruth 2. 4. Gal. 6. 1 Quest. What is the murder, directly committed in act? Answ. The n Gen: 4. 8. 2 Sam: 13. 28 Exod: 22. 10 1 Kin: 21. 19 Exod: 1. 22 Amos 8. 4, 6 Acts 7. 52 impairing, or takeing away the life of ones Neighbour, wittingly, and without a calling. Q. What duties are then required here, as respecting his person and life? A. So far forth, as o 2 Sam: 21. 17. Mat: 5. ● & 42, 4● according to his necessity, and our calling and ability, to preserve, protect, & promote▪ his natural life, with the comfort Heb: 13. 16. Gen: 29. 13▪ Mat: 25. 35. thereof, in the actions of Justice, Humanity & Mercy. Quest. What is the Seaventh Commandment? Commandment 7. Answ. Thou shalt not commit ADULTERY. Exod: 20, 14 Q. What is the main Scope of this Commandment? A. To p 1 Thes: 4. 4 5. 2 Pet▪ 2. 11 prescribe to us a Rule, for the preservation of our own, and our Neighbour's chastity. Q. also, the duties enjoined in order herunto are enforced here, by the contrary evils forbidden; What is that which is here forbidden? A. All q Mat: 15. 19 20. unchastity in the heart, or life; whereby our own or an others chastity in any sort is impaired. Q. Wherein lies the unchastity of the heart? A. In r Gen: 34. 2 Judg: 16 1 Mat: 5. 28 Rom: 1. 24, 25. wanton, filthy, unchaste thoughts, imaginations, desires, or motions, tending to carnal-uncleanes. Q. Whrein lies the the unchastity of the life? A. In s Gen: 38. 14 16. Jer: 3. 7 ● Cor: 6. 15 the abuse of things belonging to the body, or of the body itself, to uncleanes. Quest. Wherein doth such the abuses of the body consist? Answ. In the t Pro: 7. 10. Zeph: 1. 9 1 Tim▪ 2. 9, 10 Jer: 5. 7, 8 Ho●ea 7. 5, 6. Zech: 16. 49 using of aught, ordained for bodily refreshing, comfort or ornament; in a way of lightness, wantoness, excess, or intemperancy; whence unclean lusts are occasionally excited, or cherished, in ourselves, or others. Quest. Wherein lies the abuse of the body itself? In the u 1 Cor: 15. 33 Col: 3. 8 Pro: 7. 15. & 14. 7 1 John 2. 16 Mat 5 28 Tit: 2. 3 1 Cor: 6. 18 Heb: 13. 4 Lev: 18. 19 Lev: 1●. 23. Rom: 1. 26▪ 28. wanton, immodest, unchaste actings, of any parts of the body, (tending to uncleanes:) as of the whole body, in any unlawful conjunction. Quest. Wherein lies th●n, that Chastity, we ought to preserve? Answ. In that which is w Col: 3, 5 inward in the heart, consisting in a holy freedom from the motions of unlawful 1 The: 4. 4, 5 concupiscence there: and in that which is outward of the body, when it is not instrumental to the acting those motions in the life. Quest. How may the unchastity of the heart and life be avoided; and the chastity of both be preserved? Answ. In general, x Gen: 39 ● with 20▪ in being in God's fear, in delighting our souls in Psal: 119. 9 Pro: 2. 10, 16 1 Tim: 2. 9 Ephes 5. 3, 4 Pro: 23. 30, 33. 1 Tim: 5. 13. God, in his word, in his ordinances, & ways: In the exercise of modesty, & shamefastness, of temperance, and sobriety, and of diligence & painfulness, in the duties of our general and particular calling. Quest. How may this Chastity be preserved, by persons in a single estate? Answ. Such not having the gift of ●1 Tim: 5. 11 14. 1 Cor: 7. 2 & 9 39 continency, (the former means not availing) are to seek, or accept according unto God, the benefit of Marriage. Q. How by those in married estate? A. By a z Ephe: 5. 28 29. Pro: 5. 1● 1 Pet: 3. 7 1 Cor: 7. 5. 10, 12. 13 Pro: 31. 11. mutual affecting each the other, with a true Conjugal-love: and doing what ought to be done, for the preservation & increase of the said love, studiously avoiding the contrary. Quest. What is the eight Commandment? Commandment 8. Answ. Thou shalt not STEAL. Exod: 20. 15 Q. What is the Scope of this Commandment? A. To prescribe a Rule, for the preventing of any unjust alienation of our own, or an others Goods. Q. To what end may this be? Answ. That each one a Deut. 28. 11 Num: 16. 32 Exod: 22. 7, 8 Mat: 20. 15 Gen: 9 11 Num: 27. 4. wi●h 7. 11 may enjoy peacefully, and without disturbance his own just Rights & proprieties in respect of any these outward good things Quest. What are those evils, which cross the Scope of this Commandment, as it provides for the securing our own right Answ. The b Psal: 78. 30 Pro: 6. 1, 2. Eccl. 10. 18. John 6. 12. Eccl: 6. 1, 2 2 Kings 8. 3. inordinate desires, and lustings of the heart after outward things, Rash speeches, tending to one's own outward detriment; Idleness, unthriftines, nigardlynes, with the neglect of any due means for the preserving or recovering, ones own right. Quest. What? as the same provides for the securing another's right? Answ. Whatsoever c Hab: 2. 9, 10, 11. Pro: 1. 11. & 20. 14. Tit: 2. 10 Pro: 28. 24. Mal: 3. 8. Pro: 10. 2. Mic: 7 3. Pro: 11. 26. Amos 8. 6. P●o: 22. 28. inward motions, or outward actions, or speeches, do naturally tend to the prejudice of the outward right of another, or others: whether any family, Church, or Commonweal jointly, or any particular person, or persons severedly. Q. How many ways may a person be wronged by another in his estate, under a pretence of doing him right? A. So many ways, as d 1 Sam: 18. 17, 25. any the distinct Rules respectively referring to the differing contracts of this life, are any way crossed. Quest. How are these Rules squared? Answ. Though e Gal: 5. 13. Eph: 4. 2. & 5, 2. Rom: 13. 10. differingly, as respecting their differing cases, yet all of them after the Analogy of that general Rule of Love. Q. What is that general Rule of Love? A. To f Mat: 19 19 Mark 12. 21 Phil: 2. 4, 1 Cor: 13. 5, 6. 1 Cor: 10. 33. Love thy Neighbour as thyself, and so to seek his good with thine own. Q. Whence is it that these Rules are oft broken under such a pretence? A. Through the g 1 Thes: 4, 6 Pro: 20. 17. Pro: 26. 24. Jer: 17. 9 manifold wiles framed in the corrupt mind of man, to serve himself by. Q. How many ways may one be wronged of his right, without all colour of right? A. When h Luk. 10, 30 1 Sam: 2. 16. Exod: 22. 1 Tit: 2. 10 Pro: 28. 24 Deut: 19 14 Gen: 26. 14, 15. ●eu: 22. 1, 3 ●●v: 6. 2, 4 2 Thes: 3. 11 Psal: 50: 18 Pro: 29: 24 that which is his, is unjustly taken away, either by force, in an open violent way, as by robbery, or such other like violent practices of mischief: or else in a secret way; as by pilfering, or any encroaching practice or otherwise by fraud, as by cozenage concealment, gaming, or by any other crafty & unwarrantable artifice, either for the procuring, or detaining aught from the right owner. Quest. What is the Root of all this manner of evil? Answ. Covetousness, i 1 Tim: 6. 9, 10. Mat. 6. 34 Pro: 27. 20. & 28. 20, 22. attended with distrustfulness of God's Providence. Quest. What virtues are required to be exercised on the contrary part? Answ. Honest k Eph: 4. 28 Pro: 6. 1, 6, 8. & 21. 20. & 27. 23. John 6. 12. Pro: 6. 3. & 30. 9 frugality, liberality, & equity. 1 Tim: 6. 17. Leu. 6. 2 Quest. What is the ninth Commandment? Commandment 9 Answ. Thou shalt not bear FALSE Exod: 20. 10 WITNESS against thy Neighbour. Q. What is the Scope of this Commandment? A. By prohibiting any kind of l Zeph: 3. 13 false Testimony, tending to our own, or an others hurt, in any the aforesaid respects; to infer a standing Rule, for the observation of Truth & fidelity, in all our witness bearing. Q. When is a man said to give a false Testimony against himself? A. When he shall either m Pro: 13. 17 Rev: 3 17. Psal: 31. 22. Pro: 23. 14. 2 Sam: 1. 16. 2 King: 5. 25▪ Pro: 30. 20 Pro: 27. ● over value, or undervalue himself to himself, in his own heart; or shall express the same to others, by speech or gesture in any way of boasting or debasing, excusing or accusing himself besides Rule. Quest. When may he be said to receive a false Testimony, concerning himself? Answ. When n Acts 12. 22 23. Psal: 7. 3, 4, 5 he shall hearken to such as either flatter him, or falsely do accuse him. Q. But is there any other way, by which this Commandment is broken, by bearing false witness to ourselves? A. Yes assuredly, as o Psal: 14. 1. Job 22. 13. Psal: 50. 21. 2 Pet: 3. 4. Jer: 43. 2. if any one shall give or receive to himself, a false testimony concerning God, his Truth Will or ways; or concerning man alive or dead. Q. What is then required, to bear witness truly touching ourselves? A. 1. To p Rom▪ 12. 3. Tit: 2. 6. 1 Pet: 5. 8▪ judge of ourselves, according to sobriety. 2. To q Pro: 27. 2. John 21. 20, ●4. speak of ourselves according to modesty. 3. To r Mat: 23. 27 ●8 Pro: 27. 6. lead our lives according to sincerity. Q. How may a person (whether a public or private person) be said to bear false witness against an other? A. By s 1 Tim: 5. 4 Mat: 11. 1. Sam: 1. 13. Acts 2. 15. ● Sam: 17. 28 Rom: 14. 4. evil surmises, rash judging, disdain, or unjust contempt, and by false admiration, conceived in the heart, and 1 Chr: 15. 29. Pro: 11. 12. Psal: 22. 7 Judas 16. 1 Cor: 3. 4 Ester 4. 14. Gen: 31. 8▪ 9 uttered in the speech or gesture; or by the neglect of appearing in a good cause, or speaking, or acting for it when called to it. Quest. When, or in what case is this Commandment broken in, or by an orderly-publick-Civil-Assembly? Answ. When any t Psal: 94. 20. 1 Tim: 2. 2. Rom: 13. 4. Dan: 6. 9 1 Kin: 15. 14 2 King: 12. 3 1 King: 12. 28, 30. Political-Law is attempted or made, as reacheth not, but crosseth the great end, namely the conserving, or promoting the public peace, and quiet of the subject, in all godliness & honesty. 2. When in u Exod: 23 6, 9 Ezra 4. 19 1 Kin: 21. 10 Rom: 13. 2 Esther 3. 8 Dan: 5. 1. Psal: 94. 21. Acts 24. 2, 6 Deut: 19 16, 19 Acts 25. 7 Public places of Judicature (notwithstanding wholesome Laws) Judgement is perverted, Records are unfaithfully reported, or preserved, unnecessary suits are managed, false instruments are forged, false witnesses suborned, untrue or uncertain accusations preferred, just uccusations receded from a just sentence rejected, a good cause calumniated, or betrayed, or a rash or false testimony exhibited. Q. When out of places of Judicature? A. When w Judge an unjust Law or sentence shall, or a just shall not be executed Quest. Is there any danger of the beeach of this Commandment, by false-witness bearing publicly, in our Churchassemblyes? Answ. Yes, manifold ways; For x Rev: 2. 9 1 Pet: 5. 3. 1 Cor. 5. 2, 6. Gal. 3. 1. 3, 4 3 ●oh: 9, 10. Act● 5. 3, 8▪ besides what such do, who either falsely assume to themselves, the name of a Church, or do usurp an exorbitant Power over the Lord's heritage: false-witness may be born, either by a Church jointly, or by an Officer, or member in particular. Q. But may not a false witness bearing, be in a more secret way considered? A. Yes, As when by our Elections or Proxies, the more y Psal: 12. 8. 〈◊〉: 27. 20. 〈…〉 e: 6 6, 7. 〈…〉 d: 23. 1. worthy shall be set by, and the unworthy preferred: when infamous & defamatory Libels are secretly spread; or public defamatory rumours raised or augmented. Q. How may a man be said to bear false witness privately against his neighbour A. 1. By either z Pro: 14. 24 Deut: 28. 24 an unworthy and untrue commending, or an unjust condemning of him behind his back, to a single person. 2. By [a] receiving such a false report. Pro: 17. 4. ●al: 15. 3. 3. By b Ephe: 4. 15. Psal: 6. 5. 1 Sam: 19 13 asserting aught either expressly, or by way of equivocation; contrary to the present truth of the thing. John 8. 44. Mat: 26. 61. 4. By c Pro: 25. 14. 2 King: 18. 21. promising aught to be done afterward, which either is not intended at the time, or is out of the power of the promiser. As appears in unfaithful, deceitful, or unadvised promises. Q. What is then required of us here? Answ To d Pro: 31▪ 9 Psal: 15. 2. 3 John▪ 5. with 1 King. 22. 7 judge righteously, to speak truly, and to deal faithfully. Quest. What is the tenth Commandment? Commandment 10. A. Thou shalt not COVET &c: Exod: 20. 17 Quest. What is the Scope of this Commandment? Answ. To e Pro: 4. 23. & 16 32. Psal: 119. 36. James 3. 8. prescribe a Rule, for the right ordering of our hearts, in respect of the very first motions & desires thereof, in all those things which concerns our Neighbour, or ourselves. Quest. What is here forbidden? Answ. As well the f Rom: 3. 23. 2 Cor: 3. 5 Rom: 7. 18 Jer: 4. 1● Jame● 15▪ barrenness, or emptiness of the heart & mind, of any such motions, thoughts, or desires, as tend to our own, or our Neighbours good: as the presence of inordinate Rom: 7. 21 Mat: 15. 19 Rom: 7. 5 Col: 3. 5 Gen: 6: 51 Ph●l: 1. 18 Psal: 131. 2 motions, and evil desires tending to the contrary; and discontent at our present condition attending the same. Quest. What is then here required? Answ. A g Pro: 16. 32 Heb: 13. 5 1 Tim: 6: 8 Mat: 6. 13 2 Cor: 10. 5. Ephe: 5. 9 Phil: 1: 9 well ordered frame of the heart, quietly contenting itself with the present portion or condition measured out by God unto us: timely resisting & suppressing, the motions, and temptations of the Devil, world & flesh; and richly abounding with good motions, thoughts & desires, as in respect as well to our Neighbour, as to ourselves. FINIS. Errata. Some in the body of the page, As, p. 45. l. 2. read and of the Steward. p. 47. l. 20. for iniciating seal read inicial, or iniciation seal. p. 51. l. 16. for gave, read immediately gave & uttered as his will. p. 79. l. 1. r. abuse of the things of the body. Some in the margin As, p. 9 l. 21. r. Luke 7. l. 25. l. Rom: 5. p. 11. l. 12 r. Hos: 1. 9, 10. p. 13. l. 24. r. Psal: 119. 49. p. 23. l. 1 r. Mat: 13. p. 24. l▪ 12: r. Psal: 140. p. 25. l. 18. read Jer: 6. p: 26: l. 3. r: Pet: 4: p. 33. l. 9: r. Pro: 30 p. 40. l. 6. r. Eph: 1. p: 48. l. 12. r Ezek: 4: p: 50. l: 15 r: Gal: 2: p: 52. l: 4. r: Esay 45. p: 55. l: 13. r: 2 Pet 1. p: 69. l: 2. r: Eccl: 10. 2. p: 70. l: 25. r: 11▪ 13. p. 78. l: 11. r: 1 Pet: l: 27. r: Jer: 5.