ACADEMIA OXONIENSIS SAPIENTIAEâ–ª ET FELICITATIS. blazon of Oxford University December 3. 1678. WHEREAS I have received notice, that (according to Orders given) there will be within this University and City of OXON. strict Guards kept and observed by his Majesty's Forces that are now in this Place, as the same are kept and observed in most other Places at this time: As well for the satisfaction, quiet and safety of His Majesty's Subjects as to prevent any Dangers: These are therefore to give warning to all Persons, as well of the University and City of OXON as others herein concerned, That such care will be taken and Watches duly observed and executed, as also to Will and Require that no Person or Persons appear abroad at night, especially after the Tattoo, except upon very extraordinary occasions, and that rarely. And if any Person shall (on what occasion soever) be taken or apprehended by the said Guards, That none presume to give any uncivil answer or affront to the Guard or Officers, but that they behave themselves orderly and respectfully under pain of being severely punished according to the offence, as often as any breach of the peace, or other misdemeanour shall so deserve and require it. JOHN NICHOLAS, Vicecan. Oxon.