¶ Here followeth a little treatise of the beauty of women newly translated out of french in to english. a nude woman plays a stringed instrument while a man dressed as a jester watches her PECCATI· FORMA· FEMINA· EST· ET HORTIS· CONDICIO THe son of the maid whom never none resembled In beauty nor bounty sith the world began For both in hyr were perfaytely assembled name is she Marye daughter to saint Anne guide mine hand so that the gentleman That me desired to reduce this book From french to english/ be content/ and than I take little cure what other there on look. ¶ In french( la beauty de femmes) is yt name The beauty of women/ in our english languag whereof to treat/ I ought well to be blamed considered that I had never the usage womens beauty in body nor visage For to regard/ and there vpon good reason sith I am made( as an unpleasant page.) A cast a way from presence at each season ¶ But what therof shall I leave of to write sith no man having more practise then I will take the pain to set black on the white And yt a thing so dygne of memory Nay trust me plain I shall my selffe apply Of the french book to follow the sentence beauty( as right requireth) to glorify what ever followeth of the consequence ¶ what caused the wourthy troilus of troy To cast his love on Cresyde the sheen why set Parys on fair Helayne his joy what caused Achylles to love Polexene why loved Trystram la belle Koude the queen Or Arthur of bretayne the fair Florence All cam of their beauty and their pleasant eyen what haue I to do as of the consequence. ¶ beauty as for the first require wolde That the womam( how ever stand the case) simple manyer and countenance should hold For otherwise she will avoid the place ¶ womans beauty each person reproveth yf so be that she bayre the countenance More elevate or high than yt behoveth Hyr beauty turneth but all to dysplesance ¶ beauty requireth as for the second parte That woman bayre ever naturally simple regade and not overthwart with playsante and simple casting of the eye ¶ beauty is lost in woman oultrely yf she haue this of very condition As to regard or look dyspyteously For that is the manner of the lion ¶ womans beauty requireth thirdly That steadfastly with out oultrage She keep as discrete continually simple answer ever in her language ¶ womans beauty that should be magnified Lyetly compassed in these three poyntes onely what beauty so ever is to her applied The woman ought to lead hyr life simply ¶ beauty of surety doth that woman follow That hath the brows and raynes of the back And there withall the feet light and hollow yf these three be hollow there is no lack. ¶ beauty in woman is nothing pleasant That glometh with her eyen with frowarde cheer And is of hyr raynes so heavy and peasant And of hyr feet as yf a beest yt were ¶ womans beauty shall ye finde doubtless In three high poyntes that on hyr body gent Ought for to be/& them I shall express Here after/ yf my remembrance assent ¶ beauty saith/ the first point to know The woman should haue the forehead high& fair For when she hath the forehead over low evil hyr beseemeth a frontelet to bayre ¶ womans beauty requireth secondly Of beauty a right who that inquire wolde That woman ought to haue the head high The better therewith hyr hat she doth uphold ¶ beauty in woman plainly doth abound yf she ne fail as for the thyrde parte To haue the breasts high fair and round with fine gorgias well and fair covert ¶ womans beauty as in pre-eminence Requireth these three poyntes principal For to be found vpon hyr corpulence And well on height they ought for to be all ¶ womans beauty expressly for to show As to the regard of hyr countenance Requireth over this to haue three poyntes low which all women ought to haue in remembrance ¶ womans beauty that pourchase will praising woll that the woman set her busy cure To maintain in hyr self a low laughing To laugh over high beseemeth no creature ¶ beauty yet commandeth afterward unto all women this point secondly To haue always a lowly regard Not over much but moderately ¶ That woman hath the bent of beaultyes bow That can regard in health and in disease when she shall niece to make the sound but low To do otherwise yt may no person please ¶ womans beauty will in conclusion Of these low poyntes without desloyaulte That women bear ever a lowly condition For otherwise she loseth her beauty. ¶ beauty demandeth these poyntes to haue sene In women that be fair and feat at all To haue trayteys the brows/ and traytys eyen And little the hands/ traytys slendre and small ¶ beauty hath she that hath the chin dympled The joints of the hands should be in like manner The cheeks also be they bare or wympled Especyally when she smyleth with hyr cheer. ¶ beauty requireth large to haue these three The first is the space going from eye to eye betwixt the shoulders should the second be The thyrde betwixt the raynes ye shall espy. ¶ Perfayt beauty ye may well determine In woman/ so that these three in hyr repair The nails and the lips complexyon sanguine And ruddy the cheeks well vermayled and fair ¶ womans beauty thou dost well expose Or mayst expose without tarrying yf thou retain in thy mind close All that is set before in this writing. ¶ Of beauty yf there be any woman More purely sped than is comprised in this was never woman sith the world began So perfaytly sped of beauty as she is ¶ I haue expressed their pre-eminence As well of their bodies as of their mayntyen But speak what ye will apart or in silence beauty sans bonte ne vault rien. ¶ Beaultyes there be in women strove But of bontyes there is but little speech beauty is them given as thing requisite who will haue bonte let him go seek this not wythstandyng I could a man teach To finde right good of the gendre feminyn And fair also/ but what ever we preach beauty sans bonte ne vault rien. ¶ beauty ennobleth the person doubtless And plainly she is of the more valeure But with beauty is requisite goodness To speak a right who so will set his cure Bonte will not be under coverture where ever she be/ hyr purere is so fine wherefore I set again in this scripture beauty sans bonte ne vault rien. ¶ maid/ wife/ or widow/ dame/ or damosel That haue the ray of beauty comprised in your face Adiouste thereto bonte/ than shall ye do right well For beauty with bonte assembled in a place give demonstrance of an especial grace given to the person/& as I take the cause At size smyleth bonte/ where beauty laugheth at ace As daily yt is sene/ and there a final clause. FINIS ¶ Thus endeth the beauty of women neuly imprinted By richard Fawkes dwelling in duram rent